Let's learn about Version Control via these 42 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. How To Delete Files or Folders From Remote Git Repository
GIT is great, it has made collaboration with other developers so easy, I can’t thank GIT enough. But GIT is vast and not every command remains on my mind. I find myself googling over and over again to get that right GIT command that can solve my problem.
2. Basic Git Workflow For Beginner Software Developers
Make it a habit to run git status before doing anything on a repository. I just learned this today and wanted to write it down to make it stick on my mind - or get familiar with it.
3. Top Differences Between Tags and Branches In Git You Must Know
New to version control? Welcome! 👋 Understanding the lingo is very important. This can be overwhelming, but don’t worry, you’ll get there!
4. Share All Your Cool Tricks and Tips for Using Git and GitHub Effectively [Writing Prompt]
If you’re interested in writing about Git as in the process of learning, developing the code and the job interviews, feel free to use these writing prompts.
5. Time to Rewrite your Git History Effectively with git reflog
In this article, you'll learn how to utilize git reflog to re-organize and rewrite your Git commit history effectively and easily.
6. Write Git Commit Messages That Your Colleagues Will Love
Git commit messages are how we communicate to our future selves. In this post, I'll share the three most important rules when creating a commit.
7. Git Basics: Renaming a Local and Remote Branch
Git is a must for most of the developers and especially web developers. But at times we make silly mistakes cause we are human. And when you incorrectly named a branch and moved it to the remote server/repository. Then follow the below-mentioned steps before any other developer/team member gets a chance to hop onto you and show you crap for not adapting to naming conventions correctly -
8. Tips You Need To Know Before Choosing Between GitHub Flow Or Git Flow
Version control has become an important part of the software development process. Version control helps record changes to a project over time so you can recall specific versions later. I will be talking about GitHub.
9. Basic Git Commands
If you’re a Software developer, you cannot live without interacting with Git and it is never too late for anything!
10. How-to Declutter Your Data Science Workspace
Working on a data science project is almost always equivalent to an amazing clutter in the working directory. Data scientists would most likely have the following materials dumped in their project working directory:
11. Using Git Hooks for Automated Secrets Detection
Git hooks are extremely useful in the journey to replace as much of the human factor in the process of secure development as possible.
12. Git Reflog: Your Local Time Machine
Sometimes, we make do some unintentionally merge or rebase which we wish we could recover to the previous stage. But there is no commit for you to get back. That moment, you probably feel like the git log - time machine which you admire become not really helpful. But you should know that "git log" is not the only way to trace the history. There is another kind of git history which been keep tracked in your local and your local only, which is so-call reflog. This reflog stores the whole shebang of you local activities and you can undo almost everything with it.
13. GitHub vs GitLab: Which One Is Better for You in 2022?
GitLab and GitHub are both popular cloud-based Git repositories. We compare the two to see if Microsoft has given GitHub the edge.
14. Step-to-Step eBook to Learn the Git and GitHub Basicsđź’ˇ
This is an open-source introduction to Git and GitHub guide that will help you learn the basics of version control and start using Git for your SysOps, DevOps,
15. An Intro to Git for Beginners
Git is an essential tool for version control, no matter what programming language or framework you use.
16. Understanding the Staging Area in Git
In this article, we will be discussing the staging area in Git and how it is a fundamental part of version control and can be used effectively in git.
17. How to Push an Empty Commit with Git
Have you ever faced the need to push a commit to a Git branch without changing any files in order to re-run your integration process?
18. A Beginner's Guide to GIT: Chapter 1
Hello World!
19. How to Win Git and Influence Repositories: 15 Git Commands Every Engineer Needs
The version control system is the foundation of the basics, without which it is impossible to conduct team product development in our time.
20. How to Version Machine Learning Experiments Instead of Tracking Them
Let's talk about moving from tracking machine learning experiments with dashboards to versioning them with DVC for easier reproducibility.
21. Interplanetary Versioned File System
IPVFS: A light weight version control system for files on the Interplanetary File System.
22. Writing Good Commit Messages: A Practical Guide
To create a useful revision history, teams should first agree on a commit message convention to use, and this also applies to personal projects.
23. How To Use Git Merge: Beginners Guide
Isolating features into different branches is a crucial practice for any serious developer. By separating each feature, bugfix or working experiment you will avoid a lot of problems and keep your development branches clean.
24. How I'm Engineering a Versioned Database Storage Engine for Byte-Addressable NVM
Feel free to contribute on GitHub đź’š
25. Git and Folder (Non)Tracking
The lack of folder tracking in git as a version control system is a pain in collaborative engineering. This post will unpack this.
26. CivicGraph: An Open Source Versioning Data Store for Time Variant Graph Data
I would like to introduce an open source, Apache 2.0 licensed project of mine:Â https://github.com/CivicGraph/CivicGraph
27. 7 Git Practices to Start Using in Your Next Commit
Every software has best practices. Git is not different. It has become the most used versioning system in the last years. Many companies adopted git because of its features. If you wonder why git is so powerful, here are some of the advantages over other versioning systems, like Subversion:
28. A Walk-Through to Github For Beginners
And slowly github became the new facebook for coders where instead of posting pictures and life events people post code for projects and your fellow developers comment, request features and fork the code to suit there needs.Brian Doll, GitHub’s vice president of strategy says “If you look at the top 100 sites, you’ve got a handful of social sites, thirty flavors of Google with national footprints, a lot of media outlets — and GitHub”
29. How to Version Control the Cloud
This article discusses how AWS Config, Fugue, and CloudYali can be used for cloud version control.
30. How to Clean Your Git History
An informal talk about some very useful git commands.
31. Data Testing for Machine Learning Pipelines Using Deepchecks, DagsHub, and GitHub Actions
A complete setup of a ML project using version control (also for data with DVC), experiment tracking, data checks with deepchecks and GitHub Action
32. Learn How To Use Git Submodules on Practice
In this post we learn about concept of Submodules in git by actually troubleshooting a case of embedding multiple git repositories
33. Reset, Revert and Checkout in Git
Git toolbox provides multiple unique tools for fixing up mistakes during your development. Commands such as git reset
, git checkout
, and git revert
allow you to undo erroneous changes in your repository.
34. GIT-version Your AWS CloudFormation Parameters using Stackuchin
Full disclosure: I'm the CTO of https://rungutan.com - the first API Load Testing SaaS platform, 100% Serverless, API driven, finally available for SMBs, the company which has built this open-source software - Stackuchin.
35. How To Manage Multiple Git Configurations
Using the same computer for both work-related and personal projects may cause you to write Git commit messages with your private email on your work projects or vice-versa. That is assuming that you configured Git with the --global flag, which applies the configs to every repo on your OS user account.
36. How to Avoid Git Disasters (Gitstasters) Part 1: Git Reset
Deepen your understanding of git internals and learn what to do when you wish you had the opportunity to go back in time and fix your mistakes,
37. Git Branches
In the current era, most software development companies work in a collaborative environment where several developers contribute to the same source code. While some will be fixing bugs the others would be implementing new and different features. The problem raises, how to maintain different versions of the same code base?
38. How to Build a Website With Non-Coding Teammates using Velo By Wix
CAUTION! Building an app with Velo is easy, but building a business with your friend will have challenges : ) You’ve been warned!
39. The Git Cheat Sheet
Git is one of the most popular Version Control Systems out there, you can think of it as a way to take snapshots (commits in Git nomenclature) of your code in a specific state and time, just in case you mess things up later and want to go back to a stable version of your code. It’s also a great way to collaborate if you combine it with GitHub.
40. How to Get Started with Data Version Control (DVC)
Data Version Control (DVC) is a data-focused version of Git. In fact, it’s almost exactly like Git in terms of features and workflows associated with it.
41. Git Basics
To playing with git you have to do the following things step by step
42. What is Everything-as-Code? Examining the Explosion of "as Code" Buzzwords
If you’re confused when you read about “[some software term] as code” or “everything as code,” all you really need to know is that we’re talking about automation: The thing we use to do tedious tasks for us, or orchestrate tasks when they become too large and complex for manual methods.
Thank you for checking out the 42 most read stories about Version Control on HackerNoon.
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