Let's learn about Tdd via these 40 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. Test Driven Development (TDD): Killing Bugs Before Day Zero
Here's why you need to know TDD craft.
2. Property-Based Testing: The Diamond Kata, First and Last Line Content
3. How Good Are We At Writing Tests?
This is some thoughts about TDD and how things don't always work out perfectly even with the best-written tests when developing new software on a deadline.
4. How to Use binding.pry to Debug a Rails Application in a Docker Container
Debugging in a docker container isn't that straightforward. At least it is not in the way my team set everything up. I will describe my methods for debugging.
5. I Pushed my Code to the Master Branch Without Tests
Until I stumbled upon TDD, I had never really understood tests. I remember writing a whole project without tests and publishing it. Can you believe it?
6. How To Make A Record of Selenium Test
Selenium is a open-source free and automation testing tool for web applications across all different browsers. It is quite similar as HP QuickTest Pro (QTP, currently UFT). However, Selenium mainly focused on automating web-based applications. So the testing done using Selenium tool is referred as Selenium Testing.
In order to record a test, follow the given steps: Step 1 : Open Mozilla Firefox web browser, go to tools and click on Selenium IDE. There type the link
7. Best Practices to Write Unit Tests the Right Way
In this article we will review some best practices and must-have libraries which will get your unit tests to the next level.
8. Python Cheatsheet: Mock Object Library
Python's simplicity permeates it all, and tests are not an exception. I left behind -temporarily- my JUnit and Mockito days by pytest and unittest.
9. Fast Prototyping With Azure Functions and TDD
I Had an Idea
10. Why I Don't Think TDD Is Essential
Test Driven Development puts emphasis on unit over integration tests. The result can be lower quality featuring bugs that are baked into the product.
11. How to Effectively Apply TDD in Enterprise Application Development
Methodology to enable fast development of robust enterprise applications applying Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Hexagonal Architecture.
12. Building A Test Runner in Jest - A How-To Guide
I use Jest nearly every day when working, and it's a fantastic tool. It lets me ship my code with confidence, knowing that I have produced something which works as intended.
13. The Untold Truth of Test Driven Development
Your Practical Introduction to Test Driven Development
14. How 'displayName' Helps In Testing React Using Styled Components
How to get rid of the weird styled component names in test snapshots
15. Introduction To Property-Based Testing in C#
16. Testing in C#: Property-Based Testing With Input Generators
17. Fully Covering .NET C# Console Application With Unit Tests
Best Practice Cover DotNet (.NET) CSharp (C#) with unit tests with Test Driven Development TDD Dependency Injection DI Inversion of Control IoC Containers
18. Avoiding the Pitfalls of Unit Test High Code Coverage With TDD
High unit test code coverage is often viewed as a key indicator of code quality, but it's important to focus on the quality of the unit tests, not just the cod
19. Wordles, Centaur and Code: Building a Game
The Conquest and Conquer is an analogy for serious software development. I will combine the TDD solution with an automated code generated using Artificial Intel
20. Software Development is Not About Unit Tests
Photo by ShareGrid on Unsplash
21. TDD Conference 2021: Opening Ceremony by Alex Bunardzic
Alex is a software engineering veteran with over 30 years of hands-on professional experience. He is a staunch advocate of Extreme Programming and TDD.
22. Building a Wordle Game Using Test-Driven Development in 25 Minutes
Developing a complete word game is very easy with TDD
23. Building a To-do List App with Python: Data Access Layer with SQLAlchemy
If you ever used an ORM, you already know that it can save a lot of time, especially when starting a project, but as the codebase grows it can become impossible
24. Do Not Refactor Code That is Not Yet Working: Beautiful Code is Working Code
Excessive concern about the beauty of the source code can compromise the outcome of a project.
25. Refactor: You Keep Using That Word…
I stumbled upon a thread recently where the question was posed, “What are some common mistakes when refactoring code?”
26. Test-Driven Development with RSpec in Rails
When we start developing an app we usually do it the old fashion way: we get an idea, we elaborate on it, we make a plan to develop an app then we start coding and in the end, we test if our app is working properly.
27. Why Software Testing is So Important
It isn't about being diligent. It's because we've forgotten what we knew.
28. Testimonial Driven Development
Build your products based on the testimonials you want to get from your customers
29. Test-Driven Development is Fundamentally Wrong
It sounds backwards because it really is
30. Never Make Assumptions: 5 Golden Rules for Web App Development
No matter if you are a startup company or a big enterprise, your app needs to be intuitive and customer-facing to win many hearts. However, designing a user-friendly web app for your business is not so easy. You need to be aware of the complete rules.
31. Creating a Wordle with TDD in Javascript
We keep practicing this amazing Kata and learning. You can follow the steps!
32. Testing Asynchronous JS Code: 2020 Edition
The text you are about to read describes an imaginary dialog between two programmers on their way to discover the orgastic pleasures of a library called asyncFn.
33. Conditional Coin Flips with Rock Paper Scissors
In the recent sweltering world heat wave, I was set a tech test the other day. In it I needed to write a function that would output zero to five depending on its 6 combinations. For this example I’ll say we wanna get the outcome of flipping a coin and playing rock, paper, scissors translated into a number ranging from 0 to 5.
34. A Guide to Code Kata with SRFI-64
I got into the habit of doing about 30 minutes of Code Kata every morning. I practice these Kata following the test-driven development (TDD) approach.
35. Don't Get Bitten by Hidden Bugs: Test Driven Development (TDD) and AAA Testing via xUnit
Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development cycle that focusses on describing the behaviour of your code first using tests
36. How to Build Awesome Integration Tests with Capybara
Tips that would help you build integration tests using RSpec and Capybara.
37. An Introduction to Test-Driven Development
Test-driven development (TDD) is all the rage these days and has been a discussion topic for quite some time. If you are brand new to TDD, this article should serve as a good introduction to what TDD is, why it’s useful, what a typical TDD workflow looks like, and when to use TDD.
38. How to Squeeze Test Driven Development on Legacy Systems
We all love T.D.D. We know its benefits, we have read a thousand tutorials on how to build a system using this technique. But this not feasible for currently legacy systems.
39. Object-Oriented Design: Refactoring a REST Connector
In this story we will try to see how to improve a simple REST connector that places a request on an external service through an HTTP POST call and returns the result back from the remote server.
The full example can be found here.
Following is the source code for our connector (Connector1):
40. Refactoring With Tests in Python: a Practical Example
This post contains a step-by-step example of a refactoring session guided by tests. When dealing with untested or legacy code refactoring is dangerous and tests can help us do it the right way, minimizing the amount of bugs we introduce, and possibly completely avoiding them.
Thank you for checking out the 40 most read stories about Tdd on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.