Let's learn about Education via these 383 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Education should be free, fun, and accessible for all. That is why you are here! - the convivial resource for techies, educationists, and hackers worldwide.
1. 3 Lessons I Learned while Trading on the 24/7 Crypto Market
I’m a part-time trader. I trade on stock markets, and recently, at the beginning of 2019, I've tried trading on crypto markets.
2. Coding - The Universal Language You Must Learn
Coding is a universal language, a 21st-century survival skill everyone can learn. Today more than ever, coding is a base requirement in numerous careers.
3. WTF is Economic Foundation of Education?
4. Learn How to Learn, Before Learning How to Code
While this anecdote is from my own experience, I firmly believe that most of us been in this situation before. One day, you decide to learn something new. Perhaps you want to learn how to code, so you pick the hottest language of the moment. It's a language that "pays the most", works like magic, and everyone is looking for people that know it.
5. Can Your Child Code?
Over the next fifty years, your child will hear one consistent question throughout their working life, “Can you code?”
6. 10 Machine Learning, Data Science, and Deep Learning Courses for Programmers in 2020
A curated list of courses to learn data science, machine learning, and deep learning fundamentals.
7. Should Online Casinos use a Blockchain-Powered Token?
8. Wedu Profile
We all know the story of how many startups come and go very fast. It's a fast competitive road, and many startups feel chiseled out within months of creation. Yet, startup founder Moshe Reuven Sheradsky has his company Wedu on a different trajectory that’s more promising than the systems we’re used to.
9. How To Remove Duplicates From a JavaScript Object
We can use the Set object to remove the duplicates from an array. The Set object lets you store unique values of any type, whether primitive values or object references. This property can be used to store only the objects that are unique in the array.
10. Why is there a Shortage of Developers in the World?
11. The State of Web3 Education
More people are coming to Web3 to set up shop and work. But, we need better Web3 education to make this easier, and reflect the ideals of the space.
12. 3 Things I Wish I Knew During College Placements
So, how many times do you feel like traveling back in the past and starting 'not from scratch' but at least tiptoeing safely from the mistakes you made.
13. 4 Companies Providing Education in The Metaverse
The metaverse can be a place where students connect with each other and the teacher, and study in an enjoyable way.
14. Future of Technology in Modern Education: Hallway Conversation
15. Top 6 Privacy Coins for a Regulated Crypto Market
Regulatory pressure from governments, local central banks, and specialized law enforcement is pushing cryptocurrencies to adopting privacy-focused capabilities. That’s precisely how TeleCoin found itself building the Trend-Setter platform and why Charlie Lee, the founder of Litecoin, announced confidential transactions for its coin.
16. Building a Website to View Classmates: My Journey with Wix and Velo
To help my classmates stay organized with school during the pandemic, I built a website where my peers can view who share classes with them. This is my journey.
17. Top 7 Trends of Digital Transformation in Higher Education
Higher Education is highly influenced by today's digital transformation and technological advances. The student learning experience can be boosted with the use
18. 6 Lessons Learned From Building Tech Communities Across Sri Lanka
Building tech communities is harder than it looks. This article talks about some of the lessons I've learne by building a 5000 strong community on a tiny island
19. The role of blockchain in classrooms of the future
Blockchain technology is seeping into every aspect of various industries all over the world and there are no plans to leave education untouched.
20. EdTech: How Dutch Secondary Schools Are Transforming With Tech
It's been 2 years since I joined a Dutch EdTech company as Lead Dev and in this article I'll explain how we are transforming communication for Dutch schools.
21. Snackable Business Model Breakdowns - Maven.com
Snackable Business Model Breakdowns of Maven.com Maven is a platform that enables instructors to launch and run their cohort based classes successfully.
22. Learning AI If You Suck at Math — P6 — Math Notation Made Easy!
If you’ve followed parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 of this series you know that you really don’t need a lot of math to get started with AI. You can dive right in with practical tutorials and books on the subject.
23. What’s the Best Smartphone for keeping your Conversations Private?
In the world of today, personal data like our names, phone numbers, Internet history, geodata, and much more is very valuable to the corporations who harvest and sell it. I shouldn’t remind you about Cambridge Analytica, right? But in case you need a refresher, here’s a brief overview of the increasing privacy problem by NewsBTC:
24. 6 Books To Supercharge Your Startup Journey And Entrepreneurial Skills
This time of the year typically involves cocktails at rooftop bars, stunning city views, vacations in quaint European countries, or relaxing on the beach with a book. While the first three may be off limits this year, reading is one pleasure we can still enjoy. Most entrepreneurs we know are voracious readers, so we decided to round up a list of books that will make Summer 2020 more enjoyable and productive. Whether you’re headed to the beach, the mountains or the living room, these six books are bound to offer good ideas and a dose of inspiration.
25. A Conversation with Roberto Ierusalimschy, Creator of Lua
Roberto Ierusalimschy, world-renowned creator of Lua, talks about creating the language and reflects on how it has affected the way he teaches his students.
26. From Media Production Lead to Full Stack Engineer in Six Months
Story and advice from a self-taught full-stack engineer
27. Top 7 Online Certificate Courses for Retail Pros
We all know how essential it is for any professional to keep upgrading their skills to stay on top of their game. I've decided to compile a list of useful online courses (both free and paid) to help you further your career if you are a pricing, brand or category manager in need of mastering the power of technology.
28. ‘Being Naive Is a Feature, Not a Bug’: Abhinov Balagoni, CEO Pax Credit
A Chat with Abhinov Balagoni, Founder and CEO of Pax Credit on how he got started and what the future holds for Pax Credit
29. Why and How We Expanded into the Chinese EdTech Market
This is the nuts and bolts of the early results and returns of our startup's expansion into China's EdTech Industry.
30. How Colleges Can Use Verifiable Credentials to Forge 21st-Century Leadership
From Google career certificates to online academies to LinkedIn badges, 21st-century higher education is striving towards coherence. Prospective Bachelor's students increasingly balk at the debt associated with the degree, yet it remains the most credible way to prove employability. Legions of new certifications and vocational programs clutter the higher education ecosystem, yet lack accreditation.
31. 6 Trading Strategies to Profit From The Turbulence in Crypto-Markets
Are you currently staying far away from the volatility and plummeting prices of the current crypto-market? It’s a natural reaction, especially in such unpredictable times. The media draws the public attention towards the negatives, but experienced investors see a downturn in any market for what it really is: a great opportunity.
32. Top Three Reasons Why You Shouldn't Skip Learning CSS
33. How GenZ Is Hacking Education
School has changed a lot in the last decade. Not only are there computers in every room, many schools have computers for every student. Technology is a crucial part of the learning process, and it’s giving students greater access to the world than they have ever had before. They also have a better understanding of the current economic situation than previous generations, and they are preparing to tackle the difficult road ahead with as much preparation as possible. GenZ is doing education differently, and it’s paying off.
34. In the Crypto Wild West, Information is Power
If you’ve ever been interested in cryptocurrency markets (and since you’re reading this you're probably are), you probably already know that everything that happens there can be described with only one word: chaotic. We're not talking about the developments in the blockchain space, as those seem to be pretty orderly. No, we're talking about the market itself and its violent price fluctuations. Why do you always see countless experts forecasting the future price movements, most of the time outright failing with their predictions, and then making other forecasts like it was nothing?
35. Have You Thanked Technology Today?
The coronavirus has challenged all aspects of our lives. Healthcare notwithstanding, one of the biggest challenges has been in trying to keep as much of our lives as possible running as normal. Technology might already have altered the way we work, rest and play for good – but it’s been even more crucial during a period where people are working from home and avoiding large gatherings in the US and the rest of the world. In this post I’ll look at how tech is rising to the coronavirus challenge to keep the world moving.
36. "I Believe That People Need To Always Be Motivated", Interview with Murilo Roque Paiva da Silva
The 2020 #Noonies are here,and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year.
37. Basic Ways AI Disrupts Our Cybersecurity Practices
Artificial Intelligence, the term which first originated in the 1950s has now emerged as a prominent buzzword all over the world. More than 15% of companies are using AI and it is proving to be one of the most powerful and game-changing technology advancements of all time. From Siri to Sophia, the technology has people noticing it and wondering how this will impact their future.
Presently, Artificial Intelligence is seen everywhere. Major industries like healthcare, education, manufacturing, and banking are investing in AI for their digital transformation. Cybersecurity, being the major concern of the digital world, is still uncertain about the impact AI will have on it. With the fast-growing cyber attacks and attackers, cybercrime is growing to become a massively profitable business which is one of the largest threats to every firm in the world. For this very reason, many companies are implementing Artificial Intelligence techniques which automatically detect threats and fight them without human involvement.
How AI Is Enhancing Cybersecurity Artificial Intelligence is improving cybersecurity by automating complicated methods which detect attacks and react to security breaches. This leads to improvement in monitoring incidents leading to faster detection of threats and its consequent responses. These two aspects are quite essential as they minimize the damages caused. Various Machine Learning algorithms are adapted for this process depending on the data obtained. In the field of cybersecurity, these algorithms can identify exceptions and predict threats with greater speed and accuracy.
38. 3 Free Python Courses For Beginners: 2020 Edition
If you are looking for the best Free Python courses that you can use to expand your Python knowledge, you have come to the right place! If you aren’t sure that you are ready to step into the world of Python, be sure to check out the 6 Things To Know Before You Start Learning Python to make sure that you are starting in the right place.
39. An Intro to Coding for Kids: What Every Parent Should Know
The correct coding platform can foster an environment where your child can explore their curiosity and better understand how technology influences the world.
40. Pluralsight Vs. Udemy Vs. Codecademy Vs. Educative
Hello guys, how are you doing? I am again back with answering one of the familiar doubts among programmers and online tech learners, Pluralsight, or Udemy? Which are the better websites for learning code and leveling up your programming skills?
41. The Future of Education in the 21st Century
We need a new metaphor for the school in the 21st century as the factory metaphor is no longer relevant in this new era of information and automation.
42. Making Self-Learning Less Lonely and More Fun
3 systems to make self-learning easier, Mentors to follow on Twitter and Cool Project Ideas for teaching yourself programming
43. A Different Approach to Teaching Kids and Teens to Code
How do you teach 5th graders about Software Engineering concepts without getting too deep into any particular language? This is a question I’d been asking myself a few weeks in advance of attending a local school’s STEM<em> (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)</em> fair.
44. Celebrating Women in STEM and Encouraging the Next Generation
By increasing girls' access to STEM education and resources, we can work to close the gender gap in STEM and create a more diverse and inclusive workforce.
45. Revolutionizing EdTech: How ChatGPT's AI Advancements Are Shaping the Future of Education
How ChtaGPT is paving the way for the future of Edtech and transforming the educational system
46. 5 Ways Technology is Helping Improve Financial Literacy
With an ever more worrying cost-of-living crisis, here are 5 ways technology is helping improve financial literacy.
47. Why are Peer-to-Peer Exchanges Easier to Use?
The wide variety of crypto exchanges on the market today have always been overwhelming. Currently there are 263 exchanges listed on Coinmarketcap, and that’s not even counting the unlisted ones. It’s a highly competitive industry, where the top players can earn profit counted in hundreds of millions of dollars. Nevertheless, new players and new exchanges appear nearly every day. What can they offer seasoned traders? To answer this question, we have to understand what features a trader needs to be able to trade comfortably.
48. Reconceiving Education with the Metaverse
Through their avatars, students in the Metaverse can interact with teachers and communicate with classmates. This can result in an immersive learning experience
49. How Coding Education Prepares Kids for Life – Not Just Careers
It's increasingly important for children to learn how to use technology and understand how it works – for everyday life and better careers.
50. How to Learn Things Fast Without Going Crazy
As people who work in the tech industry, we often need to learn new technologies for our work. But how can you actually learn things fast?
51. Buyer Beware: Avoid the Scams, Honeypots, and Ponzis in Crypto Investing
META: Up to 80% of crypto startups end up being scams. Seeking easy returns and trusting promises is a recipe for disaster, but here’s how to become a savvy crypto investor.
52. Dear Young Entrepreneurs: Skip College, Do This
When I see a stereotypical graduation ceremony photo, I think to myself: "I hope the 6 years and $100,000 of debt was worth it."
53. Reasons to Write Code On Paper
Half and a year ago I rewrote the JavaScript encyclopedia starting from "Advanced working with functions" until the end, and oh boy, the result was amazing. From start I easily wrote the JavaScript class for the Webpack plugin, that was a joy.
54. How Blockchain Could Disrupt the Education Industry
Blockchain is undisputedly an ingenious invention. It’s a technology that began as underpinning for virtual currencies but it is quickly becoming obvious that blockchain is more than just bitcoin.
55. In the Aftermath of the Pandemic, Will Daily Life Be Any Different?
Hint: Not As Much As You Think.
56. Other People's Code Sucks
Watching other people code is the worst, most confusing, and most educational thing you can do.
57. Are cryptocurrency games offering fairer and greater chances of winning?
Be honest… how many hours have you spent trying to conquer a digital castle on your phone, collect that gold skin for your avatar, or get your hero to their max level? We all do it, we all chase that next goal in our games, but what if the odds were never actually in our favor?
58. The 10 Best Google Chrome Extensions to Help You Expand Your Knowledge
Ben Meer shows 10 Google Chrome extensions to help you expand your knowledge.
59. The Empathic Importance of Explaining The Magic Behind Your Code in Laymen's Terms
Have you ever had that conversation with a parent when you try to
face-time, and you’re the one face-timing whilst they’re the one giving
you a close up of their ear, muttering words of confusion and
60. How Will the Metaverse Change Future Education
After the Covid-19 pandemic, education has transformed by changing teaching and learning methods.
61. How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the Test Preparation Landscape
In the ever-evolving landscape of test preparation, a new player has sprouted on the scene – artificial intelligence.
62. How TinyTap is Impacting the Education Industry Through NFTs
TinyTap provides a code-free platform that empowers educators to create and share interactive educational content and to receive a revenue share.
63. Ways To Make Money As A Developer
There are two types of people. Ones are already working as programmers and there are others who just code in their free time. It doesn’t matter which group you fit in, but the thing that most people want is to make some extra money as programmers. So, in this article, I’ll show you a couple of ways to make money as a developer.
64. Why is the Education Industry Opting for Conversational AI?
As we all know that education is very much important in ones life. Conversational AI can help to improve the teacher and student interaction.
65. Students Learn More About Money in Games Than in School
How many young people do you know who saved up their money to buy a game? Here's why people are learning more about money in games than at school.
66. Meet the Writer: Entrepreneur Mathew Georghiou
Mathew Georghiou — CEO, entrepreneur, engineer, inventor, writer.
67. Here's How I Made Life a Little Easier for the Parents of Accelerated Readers
I am always looking for ways to be involved with my children’s education. Reading books is an essential aspect of learning at any age. When I was first introduced to the Accelerated Reader (AR) program a few years ago, I wasn’t keen on its effectiveness. At least, not until recently when my ten-year-old son got hooked on the gamification aspects of the AR program.
68. In Conversation with a Computer Science Major, Kristy Gao
Kristy is a computer science major student who is finding community at University of Waterloo with big dreams of giving back by organzing hackthons.
69. Understanding 4 Levels of Evaluation: A study on Kirkpatrick's Instructional Design Model
Kirkpatrick`s 4 Levels of Evaluation begins measuring the effectiveness of training from Reaction to Learning to Behaviour and finally learning, identifyi the
70. How will blockchain change our homes?
The internet of things, IoT, has been a dream of tech lovers for as long as tech lovers have been around. The idea that you can control your entire home with your voice, or the swipe of your finger, is something straight out of science fiction movies. As we move closer and closer to this becoming a reality, we start to realize that there are some huge hurdles we have to overcome before we can fully implement the internet of things. Blockchain technology will play a huge role in overcoming those hurdles, and as we usher in a new age of smart homes we’ll definitely be thankful for the added security and peace of mind. According to Techcrunch.com, more than a quarter of adults in the US own a smart speaker — never has it been more important for blockchain technology to be seriously considered for a rapidly growing industry.
71. VR Technology and Metaverse Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages
The topic of learning in the Metaverse is gaining momentum. This article discusses how much Metaverse is suitable for online learning and what are disadvantages
72. Metaverse Schooling: Seeking Education in Web 3.0
Metaverse schooling is a revolutionary new way of learning that promises to upend the education system whilst providing students with an immersive and interactive experience that blurs the lines between physical and virtual classrooms.
73. What to do When Reviewing Academic Papers
Academic paper reviews is a necessary civic duty for researchers in all fields, humanities, science, engineering or anything in between.
74. 5 Professions that didn’t Exist before the Blockchain
The gig economy. We love to love it, we love to hate it, and we hate to love it. It’s an economy that provides jobs to those who can’t work otherwise, but it often underpays those who desperately need the work. The gig economy never could have existed in such a capacity without the Internet, and as the Internet becomes ever more accessible, the gig economy grows with it.
75. Education: A Brand And Its Consequences
In the modern-day, intangible assets have assumed greater importance as far as modern companies are concerned. A brand is a powerful differentiator indeed. Branding education, however, has both positive and negative implications.
76. How to Choose the Best Programming Language to Learn First
When I was first learning to code, I wanted to choose the right programming language. But as a beginner, I didn’t know how to evaluate which was the right one. So I turned to the internet. The internet had lots of opinions. After reading through articles with titles like “Why Python is the only language for beginners” and “If you want a job, learn JavaScript”, I had serious analysis paralysis. I just chose a popular one with a cool name: JavaScript.
77. Learning Experience Design: Thinking Beyond Modules and Training Sessions
People learn from their experiences. Learning experience design helps us think beyond modules and training sessions and instead develop experiences.
78. Best Tools For Building Your First MERN Application
Top tools to use when building your next awesome web application using the MERN stack
79. Using Space Invaders to Prove All Games are Educational
Are all games educational? Are games a guilty pleasure or an unparalleled learning experience? Here’s the answer using Space Invaders as an example.
80. Curriculum Designer’s Handbook: Top 5 Curriculum Design Models
Curriculum design focuses on the production of the entire course blueprint, including how to develop a course outline and build the course, as well as how to
81. Hacking the Higher Ed System for a Free Online Education
There's a better way to skip the 4 year traditional college model by educating yourself online for free.
82. Colleges at Risk: Falling Enrollment
A look at why some colleges are going out of business.
83. UNICEF Brazil Announces Collaboration with Upland to Support Web3 Education
UNICEF Brazil has announced a collaboration with Upland to support web3 education programmes and training opportunities for young people in Brazil.
84. What I Learned In My First Year As a Digital Student
Exactly one year ago I have decided to heavily invest in myself starting with education, sport and healthy eating. While calculating the approximate cost of my new life plan I have realized that certain adjustments will have to be made. That’s when I remembered that we live in a world of free digital possibilities. So I made a pact with myself to learn as much as possible with 0 financial investments. Here’s what I got out of it.
85. Smart Contracts: Characteristics, Benefits, and Types
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86. The Markup Needs Your Help Investigating the Ed Tech Industry
The Markup needs your help investigating educational technology companies.
87. As AI Gets Better at Writing, There's Some Trouble on the Horizon
In the realm of AI development, there's perhaps no more important goal than to create systems that can truly master natural language processing (NLP). That's the key to making AI broadly useful, as it will need to interact with humans (who lack the programming skills to speak machine languages). On the path to NLP, it's fair to say that getting an AI to speak human languages is a prerequisite to getting them to understand what people are saying.
88. Coursera is Giving Out $100 Discounts For New Years
Coursera is giving our $100 discounts for New Years.
89. Why the College You Go to Doesn’t Matter
This article is about a thorny issue in tech--compensation. Websites like Blind, Paysa, and levels.fyi have revealed numerous issues with how people in tech are paid, with the gender pay gap being the most well known. Employers are cagey about disclosing their reasons behind deciding how much employees get paid, and they encourage their workers to treat salary as a taboo subject that mustn’t be broached. This behavior helps the employers’ bottom line by keeping wages depressed.
90. Why And Where You Can Learn C Programming For Free
In this post, we will provide the C Programming Course for Free, and you can learn - What you'll learn, the list of Course content, Requirements, Description,
91. Can Video Games Replace Cramming?
Can we learn through video games? Can eLearning games completely replace textbooks? What makes us have fun?
92. The Importance of Unlearning
The world of software is constantly changing at a very fast pace. Yesterday’s axioms might be tomorrow’s anti-patterns.
93. Digital Education: Opportunities and Challenges Coronavirus Exposed
The number of students not attending schools or universities due to the outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19 is growing rapidly. This is why governments around the world have decided to convert education to electronic form. While the Covid-19 pandemic significantly pushed the digitalization of the learning process, it also exposed major stumbling blocks in this way.
94. How Games Will Transform (or Destroy) Business Schools
The value of a college diploma or degree in business has been losing ground for some time now and the Internet is more powerful than the status quo
95. “With Great Power comes Great Responsibility”, reinforces Viet Anh Tran
Everything Crypto - In conversation with Viet Anh Tran elaborating on his journey in the crypto space and diving into the nuances of his product, Islander
96. Data Ownership: How to avoid unwanted or illegal usage of content
Today, data and creative products are one of the most precious elements of anyone’s digital footprint. In a time when more data is generated, extracted, and aggregated, the matters of security and copyright loom large, requiring urgent solutions.
97. How to Hack Home Learning
COVID-19 has caused schools all around the world to close their doors and send millions of students to start learning from home. This sudden change is bound to cause problems, and parents, teachers, and students are feeling the effects of this change. Parents are concerned about how well their children will react to the new learning environment. Nearly 90% of parents of students that are learning from home are worried that their child may start to fall behind academically and more than 8 out of every 10 parents are struggling to keep their child engaged and paying attention.
98. How AI Is Transforming The Field Of Education
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the wonders of the modern world, which isn’t going to cease to amaze the most intelligent of human beings. Like other fields, the field of education is also gaining the maximum amount of benefits out of the promises of the AI-powered technology.
99. Are Students Being Entrapped by Fake Test Answer Sites?
There are fake test answer websites that are being used to entrap students looking for answers during online tests.
100. How to Improve IoT Security in the Classroom
IoT devices are widely used in classrooms, but security can be lax. Here are the best techniques for improving IoT security in classrooms.
101. Benefits of AR in Education: A Brief Introduction for the Uninitiated
How can teachers to ensure high quality of conducted classes and help students understand subjects properly? AR is the answer.
102. Digitizing Learning And Updating Classrooms
How Are we Allowing This?
103. UX For Kids: The Main Principles
To create a quality solution, it is essential to first understand how a child's mind works and how it differs from "adult" logic before designing anything,
104. Netflix Teams up with Edtech Company Stage 32 to Make a Global Statement
The film industry was good about responding to consumers’ desires for better tech, but it has lagged behind when it comes to representation and diverse voices.
105. How To Become a Senior Developer: Thinking one Level Ahead
The skills needed to get a promotion are quite different from those you need to land a job. Promotions require a different approach to your skills, value, and relationships in your organization. How does one strike a careful balance between passion, ambition, and talent that is needed to get your next promotion?
106. Blockchain Primitives and their Advantages for Web 3.0 Development
Learning a new technology can certainly be overwhelming, especially when you’re a developer who already has a lot on your plate. But when it comes to looking out for the future of your career, even the busiest of developers should understand how important it is to stay current with the newest developer trends. Blockchains have, quite simply, revolutionized many spaces thanks to the implementation of dApps. But can blockchains stay at the forefront of revolutionizing technology if it becomes stagnant? Blockchain primitives will have a huge impact on the ever-changing development of distributed ledger technology, and it will all boil down to one thing: protocols.
107. "Once you know the rules, you are free to break them"
Rules were not meant to be broken, but there's always a reason to walk on the wild side. Make sure you know how to decide when it is appropriate to do so.
108. Should Smart Contracts be Non-Turing Complete?
Everyone has their favorite programming language, just as everyone has their favorite shoes or favorite food, but I’m not here to tell you to give up your favorite language (trust me, I would never dream of such a thing). Instead, I want us to take a journey together, a journey will take us through many things. We’ll discuss Turing completeness, evaluate its usefulness in regard to smart contracts, look at alternatives, and hopefully we’ll come to the same conclusion together at the end. Spoiler alert: the conclusion is that giving Solidity a monopoly on smart contracts is a terrible, foolish idea.
109. 6 Steps to Start Your Online Tutoring Business
Gone are those days when tutoring was limited to offering private lessons to nearby students in the local region. Technology has completed changed the way tutoring was done, Covid-19 also had a major impact on the traditional form of tutoring.
110. How These Tech Solutions May Solve Challenges That Online Teaching Facing
During these pandemic times, one of the biggest concerns for teachers is how they will continue to engage students and keep an eye on their progress from afar.
111. An Interview With Mathew J Phillips
Matthew J Phillips is an entrepreneur from South Wales, U.K, and the creator of the Organic Client's program. Matthew has achieved feats such as closing multiple 4-figure clients weekly for his coaching business. He's also helped other coaches, consultants and mentors do the same.
112. Could Taking Many AWS Certifications Work Against You?
I have got 7000 odd Linkedin connections and whenever I open my feed I see people posting a screenshot of certificates.
113. Top 7 Best Live Video Streaming Services for Education & E-Learning in 2022
In this article, we'll explore the best live video streaming services for education to distribute & monetize educational videos with ease!
114. Influencing Special Education with Wearable Intelligence
All the children in the world have the right to be educated. No matter where they come from, what their family background is, it is a must that they should be taught and educated. A child can have different types of mentalities. Even though most of the children are categorized as normal, there is a proportion of the world who are born with special needs. When I say “Children with Special Needs” it does not only belong to the children with physical disabilities. There are other types of disabilities and disorders. Major categories include learning disabilities, communication disorders, and developmental disabilities.
115. Benefits of Implementing a School Management Software And Mobile App
Learn how school management software is shifting the dynamics of the education system by saving time and resources. Click here to know more..
116. 3 Ways Gamification in Social Media Can Increase User Engagement
Social media has become a second life to all of us, predominantly Millennials and Gen Z are entirely dependent on it. How often do you check your phone after up
117. Getting a Mentor: Is it Worth It?
I’ve learned a lot in the last year. In April 2018 I coded a small project called “MentorCruise”. Since then, 130 mentors have registered, 400 mentorships were formed and 2,000 people signed up. Time to look back.
118. The Challenges of Building an EdTech Company in the Post-COVID World
Remote technologies and opportunities were already sweepingly popular before the nasty COVID-19 outbreak. 2020’s global pandemic and the resulting massive lockdown reinforced the industry-wide reach of online education and underlying technologies, boosting the growth of the EdTech industry by an annual 17-25%. The shift of both formal (school and university) and corporate education toward online is now stronger than ever, spawning new tech and business trends and dramatically popularizing the existing market tendencies.
119. How Is Augmented Reality Changing the Way Students Learn in Class?
Learn how AR and VR will transform education as we know it.
120. How to Build Your Own PyTorch Neural Network Layer from Scratch
This is actually an assignment from Jeremy Howard’s fast.ai course, lesson 5. I’ve showcased how easy it is to build a Convolutional Neural Networks from scratch using PyTorch. Today, let’s try to delve down even deeper and see if we could write our own nn.Linear module. Why waste your time writing your own PyTorch module while it’s already been written by the devs over at Facebook?
121. How To Use Rails Console To Test Rails Models, Associations and Validations
Introduction and Definition
122. Are there any DEXs with a good cross-chain mechanism?
Cryptocurrency trading is becoming more complicated day by day. Only a few years ago any centralized platform for trading was good enough for everyone. But now traders want to use decentralized exchanges, which is very reasonable considering the very long list of centralized exchange hacks that have occurred over the past five years. A decentralized exchange is a safer way to trade, not handing over your funds to a third party who may not be responsible enough to keep them safe. You keep your funds to yourself, and you may lose them only through your own volition, not by someone else’s incompetence.
123. From Payless Source to Information Technology
When talking to people who are new to the world of computers (and who are hoping to land a job), I like to share my story of how my career began. I don’t do this for bragging rights or to make them envious of me. Rather it’s so that they may find some inspiration in what I have to say and be able to see that anything is possible once you put your mind to it.
124. 5 Streaming Apps and Resources to Help You Learn
If you've found yourself binging an embarrassing amount of shows and movies on Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime in the past few weeks, you may want to consider dedicating some time to stream learning. Streaming learning programs, classes and webinars can give you some "brain exercise" during a time when we must social distance and inherently increase screen time.
125. The Future of EdTech Funding in India
While the K-12 and higher education segments have witnessed significant growth in recent years, investing in the upskilling and reskilling segment can be a bett
126. Hacking the Future of School
A look at where the direction of the future of school is going.
127. What Makes A Good Open Source Learning Platform
Open edX is can be a very powerful tool that needs some expertise to use. Companies like Raccoon Gang, Opencraft and more can help you tailor a programme.
128. Blockchain's Disruptive Potential in Academia is Massive
How blockchain implementation in academia would have profound downstream effects in society.
129. Gaming as a Socially Acceptable Career
The gaming industry keeps evolving. Now, you can also make a career in gaming and earn a lot of money in this industry. Yes, it is possible.
130. Top 7 Instructional Design Principles in 2022
As an instructional designer, the goal is to ensure learning occurs.
131. Flawed Education: School System Does Not Translate to Education
“Education is not preparation for life, education is life itself.” – John Dewey
132. Interested in Learning a New Language? Try Korean
If you need to learn Korean, work with a Korean tutor online, and you’ll see it works. In fact, online Korean tutoring is probably the most economical option you will find. Taking college classes to learn Korean can cost thousands of dollars, plus, you’ll blend into a crowd of other learners, where you may not have your individual needs addressed in the same way you would with a Korean tutor.
133. AI Will Eliminate Most Human Jobs by 2030
Last year the BBC reported that Robot automation will 'take 800 million jobs by 2030'. Lucky for most of the people reading this post, developer jobs are safe for the time being. But what is the world going to look like when most manual jobs are taken by machines? What type of effect will this have on our economy? What will happen to the middle class? Do we need Universal Basic Income?
134. Taking On Computer Science
ʺDon’t compare yourself with anyone in this world…if you do so, you are insulting yourself. ʺ -Bill Gates
135. Mergers: The Hack Saving Colleges From Destruction
A look at how the future survival of some college institutions will require the need for mergers.
136. How Lifelong Learning is the Future of Education
Imagine enrolling with an educational institution for a course that lasts a lifetime, with a curriculum covering multiple disciplines.
137. Improving the Internet for Those With Disabilities (feat. Artificial Intelligence)
There is no denying that AI and automation have had a significant impact on the way companies run their business — particularly online. Automation tools help brands track everything from inventory levels to sales rep interactions.
138. Best Machine Learning Books You Should Read: 2020 Edition
These books cover the Introductory level to Expert level of knowledge and concepts in ML. These Books have some core factors about ML. Give them a try. Lets Start.
139. It is not YOU, it is Your Code
The root of all your problems lies in only a few bad coding practices.
140. Why an Executive MBA Program Was Right for My Tech Career
When I first started applying to MBA programs a few people suggested I look into Executive MBAs as well, which I thought had a negative connotation to it. A bunch of C-suite execs in suits, which turned out to be completely wrong.
141. How to Start a Public Invention and Humanitarian Engineering Club at Your University
You should start a student Public Invention and Humanitarian Engineering Club at your University! This is how and why.
142. Hacking Business Training With Microlearning
A look at how microlearning is changing the game to ramp up workplace training.
143. Decentralized Learning: Debunking Myths About Education
Blockchain will help revolutionize the education system. The concept of "Ongoing Learning Journeys" will change the way have been seeing learning and education.
144. Here's How I Passed The Oracle Certified Professional Examination
In November 2020, I passed the Oracle Certified Professional Java 11 1Z0-819 exam. For me, it was a long journey of 4 months. Sitting with full concentration..
145. The Four Rs: How to Become a Good Programmer
Some best practices for how people learn pulled from the research literature and ways of applying them to learning new things as a software engineer.
146. A Break Down of Financial Aid for Public Colleges in the US
The Student debt crisis is a pressing issue. As such, this article explores financial aid alternatives to be considered before taking out a student loan.
147. Why Are We Training AI like Dogs Instead of Humans?
The fundamental problem of the modern AI is that it tries to create a sophisticated trained dog. This approach is a dead end and needs to be drastically changed
148. Why We Must (Dare to) Change Higher Education Now
My experience from speaking at a career event for Millennials.
149. How many borders are closed for trades due to fear and insecurity?
The current world is a very interconnected place. Countries trade with other countries, selling them the surplus of goods they produce and buying goods they don’t have in sufficient quantities. International trade encourages countries to specialize in producing only those goods and services which they can produce with the most efficiency at the lowest cost. It also makes it harder for domestic monopolies to thrive, because they face competition from foreign companies. Almost all economists agree that international trading is beneficial for all participants. But still, some countries are restricted from trading for various reasons. In this article we’ll try to understand the restrictions that many countries face, and how they can overcome them, using blockchain solutions.
150. Explaining The Role of Cryptography During COVID-19 [A DIY Guide]
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a funny title. It starts with how, whereas when you read it you probably wondered why.
151. Leadership Lessons from a Dog in Uncertain Times
“Why does watching a dog be a dog fill one with happiness?” — Jonathan Safran Foer
152. What Qualifies You To Be A Cybersecurity Professional?
Data breaches and ransomware attacks are getting more common. If you want to get in on this industry as a cybersecurity professional, you need qualifications.
153. The Future of Education is OMNIVERSITY: The First VR University
Omniversity is the first university in VR, born from the insatiable desire to access forward-looking education in a playful, immersive, sensorial, holistic manner. The initiative combines education and entertainment into edutainment. Designed as a multiplayer VR game app, students of all ages and nationalities can enroll in experiential learning programs across multiple disciplines.
154. The Syllabus for Hyperledger 's Upcoming Open Source University Course
A recent Hyperledger Lab, created this month has the goal of providing a university master level course on Blockchain Technologies, focused on Hyperledger Fabric.
155. Studying Engineering in the UK: What Courses and Which Universities?
Engineering is a vast and complex subject that students need help with during their academic courses.
156. What Is Project-Based Learning Method for Self-Taught Developers
When you are new to programming, people will always advise you on the best language to start with. Some will say Python, others JavaScript, C, C++, or the common mark-up language, HTML5. This is quite tiresome to some people especially for self-taught programmers, and first-year students in college.
157. "Before School, During School, (and) Couple Times Each Class"
158. Do Marketers Need a Special Web3 Education?
Marketers interested in web3 technologies, such as blockchain and DApps, may benefit from learning and practicing.
159. The Flipped Classroom Model Offers an Alternative to Educators Worried About ChatGPT
Not even a couple of months have passed since the ChatGPT launched, yet teachers all over the world are now terrified of ChatGPT.
160. Why is the Crypto Market back in Green After Almost Two Years of Pullback?
Every market has its cycles. Some of them are short, some are long. Gold, silver, precious metals, the real estate market, stocks, bonds - all of these have experienced their fair share of ups and downs. After a pullback, going back up can be a long process - a market cycle can take years. Gold was at its peak in 2011, after that its price was in decline for five years before it slowly began a new market cycle. Now it’s in a visible uptrend.
161. The Noonification: Vandals of the Stars (9/4/2022)
9/4/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
162. How Remote Work Has Changed Virtual Schooling
Virtual schooling and remote work are both here to stay. People have been working remotely, or at least semi-remotely, from the dawn of the telecommunication.
163. Why is Technology Underused in Learning
Before, I start I want to differentiate between learning and education. Of course, technology has contributed immensely to make education accessible. However, I am here to talk about learning.
164. Connecting on LinkedIn: A Guide to Getting Interviews and Landing Job Offers
Go to LinkedIn. Scroll through jobs. Find postings you may have a good chance of getting hired for. Click on a job posting. Upload resume. Submit. Repeat, over and over.
165. Chrome Extension for Learning English
With this browser extension, you can mark and save the words you don’t understand while using your favorite online sites.
166. Self-Sovereign Identity Based Access Controls or SSIBACs: An Overview
A recent academic paper uses Hyperledger infrastructure to conduct access control processes using decentralized identifiers, verifiable credentials, and conventional access control models.
167. Make Your EdTech Life-Changing by Applying These 5 UX Insights
It's impossible to buid a well-converting edtech product without investing in the LX. Use these 5 insights to make your project life-changing.
168. 5 Places to Learn About Blockchain and Cryptocurrency for Free
Considering that the crypto world is fairly new, education platforms are critical to accelerating the adoption of crypto assets on a global level.
169. 13 Instructional Design Models Explained: A Complete Guide for Beginners
Instructional design models are different strategies used to explain the design and development process for instructions.
170. The Future of Distance Learning [Infographic]
As a result of COVID-19 officially being ruled a pandemic, the eLearning economy is being used in an entirely different way. Now, the students who have faced an educational standstill due to their campuses and schools being closed can continue their educational journey from a virtual standpoint. Interestingly enough, online classes seem to be the only way to keep our students’ brains turning during this pandemic. However, it’s important to understand that eLearning isn’t new - it’s just in its prime, unfortunately to the credit of our detrimental state of human health.
171. 6 First Steps to Break Into Web Development - Learn with SkillUp
Let’s answer the question “How to Become a Web Developer?” once and for all.
172. 4 Features to Look for in Online Education Platforms
Educational platforms to learn how to code SQL, python, JS, etc are numerous and tailored to several different crowds like web developers and data scientists. Unfortunately, not every student and user knows what to look for in a platform and many companies will quickly take your money and provide little in return. Best features can range anywhere from peer feedback and troubleshooting guides to hands-on integrated development environments (IDEs) that match tools you’d use in industry.
173. Arcs Model: Motivation as a Tool in Education
ARCS model applies principles of psychology in education to keep the students engaged.
174. Introducing $YETI Part 1
Overview of Yeti Finance on Avalanche Blockchain. Yeti is a decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol that offers huge earning potential for its users. AVAX NFT $$$
175. Top 5 Reasons Why "Top [X] Posts" Aren't That Bad
Finding myself annoyed by all the "Top X Things to Know About Y" posts, I'm taking some time to list the top 5 things that I find positive about them.
176. Fake Volumes & Wash Trades on Exchanges: What should we Believe?
Nearly 70% of all cryptocurrency volume displayed on CoinMarketCap is fake. At least, that’s according to the research done by Alameda Research. This is a huge problem for anyone trying to determine what cryptocurrencies are popular and define a strategy based on the market data. While the methodology of estimation may vary, the common principle is the same: researchers exclude the shady exchanges that tend to misreport the volume and leave only the more or less reliable ones, such as Binance or Bittrex.
177. Education Technology and Smart Classrooms
Education Technology (Ed Tech) and Smart Classrooms have been changing the traditional method of education, teaching and learning methods. Education technology refers to the integration and application of software, hardware and educational theories for facilitating learning in an interesting manner and enhancing the performances through creation, usage and management of suitable technical resources and processes.
178. Humans Versus Machines: How Our Relationship With Technology Will Pan Out
March 30, 1853. Vincent van Gogh was born. He is one of the most recognizable and influential painters of all time. But, what’s the link with human and machine, self-awareness and self-isolation? Well, something happened last week that made me question the way I think about our relationship with technology. And this started with Van Gogh.
179. Dick & Carey Model: Understanding Instructional System Design
The Dick and Carey model, like the Kemp model, emphasizes the interdependence of design elements.
180. How I Prepared for OCP Java SE 11, 2021
I would like to share with you my experience in obtaining the coveted title of Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11!
181. How to Extract Knowledge from Wikipedia, Data Science Style
As Data Scientists, people tend to think what they do is developing and experimenting with sophisticated and complicated algorithms, and produce state of the art results. This is largely true. It is what a data scientist is mostly proud of and the most innovative and rewarding part. But what people usually don’t see is the sweat they go through to gather, process, and massage the data that leads to the great results. That’s why you can see SQL appears on most of the data scientist position requirements.
182. AI: From ZERO to H...aving A Lot of Questions (Part II)
(If you just landed here, be sure to check Part I)
183. Does AR Have a Place in Education?
As augmented reality technology becomes more advanced, it might find its way into schools. Is this something we want?
184. Skill-Based Education: A Third World Necessity
Distributional effects of globalization have been such that most developing countries are plagued with high rates of unemployment. One-third of the working-age population is deprived of the core skills to get quality jobs.
185. Gendered Curriculums: A Cultural Artifact
Curriculum resides in relationship with the concept of gender in complex and multifaceted ways. It explores the relationship between genders and demands that we look beyond gender as ‘sex-group differences’ to a deeper understanding of this notion as a cultural artefact.
186. The Benefits of Attending College Online
While some will never reach for a higher level of education after high school graduation, there are those who wish they could go to college, yet they don’t think it possible. For one reason or another, they know they could never physically attend classes. The development of attending college online has made it possible for almost anyone to get a college diploma. Here are seven benefits to online schooling.
187. No Human Being Can Beat Google`s AlphaGo, and It’s a Good Thing
(Source: Netflix)
188. All Cryptocurrency Exchanges Fail for the Same Reason
There’s a major contradiction in the cryptocurrency world right now. The invention of Bitcoin was supposed to bring about the new age of finance; one with trustless transactions, frictionless cross-border transactions, and censorship-proof Internet cash.
189. "Focus On The Problem, Not On The Solution", Interview with Alexey Grigorev
Alexey Grigorev from Germany has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.
190. How We Recreate the Idea of Educational Content [Part #2]
The story "How We Recreate the Idea of Educational Content [Part #1]" you can read here.
191. How COVID-19 May Forever Change the Way Professors Teach
Few institutions were prepared for the sudden shift to remote teaching prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the response has been a real mixed bag. We have seen many institutions embrace this new reality, meeting the challenge head-on by training and supporting educators. But we’re also seeing scrambled and knee-jerk attempts at replicating the traditional classroom experience, which will no doubt affect attitudes towards remote learning.
192. The 5 Best Tech Gifts for Kids
It's shopping season! Give your child something that will last a lifetime—a tech gift. Check out our holiday gift guide: Five Tech Favorites for 2022.
193. Machine Learning 101: How And Where To Start For Absolute Beginners
This post covers all you will need for your Journey as a Beginner. All the Resources are provided with links. You just need Time and Your dedication.
194. Coding Is the New Literacy: 5 Reasons Why Kids Should Learn to Code
195. How to Succeed in Your Studies : How To Start [ Part 1]
Why? What? How?
196. Life Without Google I/O, F8 and the Other Places Developers Learn
The most predictable thing about most conferences used to be that, in the days leading up to them, you would be flooded with e-mails about your registration, new speaker additions and party invites.
197. How Steam, Apple, and Google use their Monopoly in the Gaming Industry
We’re surrounded by monopolies. They’re everywhere. Every industry has its own monopolistic corporation. From the food we eat and the tv shows we watch, to the gas we pump into the cars we drive. They might be beneficial, but if a monopoly gets too big, it can slow down the whole industry by dictating its own arbitrary rules, which are almost always made to multiply its own wealth and not to improve the conditions for all participants.
198. Distant Deep Teaching
199. The Future Of EdTech May Very Well Be in Emerging Markets
I believe that edtech will continue to develop and grow in the future. Numbers say so, too.
200. Why Students in Developing Nations Favor Software Over Hardware
Those living in developed nations may not have encountered this issue on the scale that developing nations have to deal with it. For some reason, a large majority of a country’s tech student population chooses to go for software rather than hardware.
201. [Announcement] XinFin Network EdTech Platform Waiting for Accredited by SSG.
After being recognised by the US Education Blockchain Action Network, Blockdegree—an edTech platform powered by XinFin Fintech PTE Ltd—has received in-principle accreditation from SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), a statutory body under Singapore's Ministry of Education.
202. WTF is Deep Learning? Explanation for Non Tech People [Only Words and Pictures]
Hello, there! In the next few minutes, we'll talk about a subject called Deep Learning. Have you heard about it?
203. The NEAR Balkans Summership: Web3 Internship
NEAR Balkans Hub has established a paid summer internship program with the aim of creating Web3 skills in young developers that is open for applications now
204. What UX Designers Can Learn From Microlearning
Microlearning helps inject knowledge into workflows, what's there to learn here for UX design?
205. Online Schooling Vs Traditional Schooling: Choose Wisely
In this digital age, schooling designs have moved beyond the physical infrastructure.
206. What You Can Learn From a Young Developer's Missteps
Shaun an 18-year adult who just got Internet-connected at his home. Having enthusiasm about the engineering of electronic devices and how the technology works. Exploring the vast Internet universe he quickly discovered the person who develops a program for a computer and machines is a software engineer. Perhaps, the boy didn’t have an idea, software engineering was just a leaf in a tree of technology. Having too few options to study technology he start studying Computer Engineering in his nearby college denying the fact that the field contains a majority of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry where Shaun was always lacking behind at his school days.
207. Five Book Recommendations For Serverless Developers
Five books you must read if you are going serverless including books by Eric Evans, Richard Rodger, Chris Richardson, and more.
208. How Augmented Reality Is Set to Revolutionize Education and Training Forever
Although augmented reality is still emerging as a technology, it can still bring strong cost-effective solutions for schools and enterprises operating on tight
209. This Security Regulation Is Blindsiding the Education Sector
While CMMC deadlines are growing tighter, universities and other educational institutions have only recently discovered that they must comply with them.
210. A Philosophical Perspective on Education in the Age of DAO
Three philosophers of education whose ideas could help shape the way DAOs operate and behave.
211. 3 Types of Successful eLearning Business Models
As people are increasingly looking for convenient and flexible options to learn from the comfort of their homes, eLearning has become a viable path toward acquiring knowledge and education. For subject experts and edupreneurs, the rise in eLearning presents a huge opportunity to establish and grow their businesses. Not just to make money but to create a community of loyal students as well.
212. How Social Networks could Guide your Purchases in the Future
Let’s take a step back into the past, to a time before Facebook, Instagram, and Tinder, back before Yelp and Amazon, going back even before MySpace. If you could travel back to that time and tell people what the world would be like today, would they believe you?
213. 5 Ways to Get Kids Interested in Stem
Studying STEM has become crucial for students who want to be part of an innovative, rapidly growing industry with excellent career prospects.
214. Trained by School, Yet Failing at Life
The modern school system is not the definition of education rather education is one of the subsets that come under the school system. Schools teach facts, inculcate discipline in a manner that stops children from questioning and kills their curiosity. Life, on the other hand, requires thinking, colouring outside the lines. Schools, instead of teaching survival skills, developing interpersonal and communication skills, teaching how to negotiate, teach children to memorize facts.
215. The Need of Education for the Decentralized Internet with Renjit Philip
Hacker Noon's Decentralized Internet interview with Renjit Philip.
216. What does Gambling in a House-less Blockchain Casino look like?
Gambling has certainly changed over the years, as all things do, and if we look back far enough we can see the progression of gambling. But if we look to the future, we just may see that it is coming full circle. Gambling at one point was only against friends and other real people, and the winnings always went to a person, not an organization. Over time, however, gambling houses and casinos started to get into the mix and all of the sudden money was no longer going into the players’ pockets nearly as often.
217. Bitcoin and Ethereum Were Never Meant to be a Medium of Exchange
Bitcoin and Ethereum have been around for many years - in almost ten years Bitcoin came a long way from digital money for geeks and a token for drug dealers to a billion-dollar asset.
218. What Are the Requirements for a Modern Crypto Wallet?
Out of the 18 million of mined Bitcoins, nearly 27% are out of circulation, and most of those are supposedly lost. There are several reasons for this; some of them belong to owners who are gone, some of them belong to Satoshi himself, but the majority of them are lost due to mistakes in money management. That's why the importance of crypto wallets increases every day, as the value of the remaining Bitcoins increases with every lost BTC.
219. Is China Opening Up to Blockchain?
China is planning to unroll a series of blockchain-friendly laws in early 2020 to open themselves up to blockchain use cases. In a recent statement by President Xi Jinping, the country will aim to unroll its own digital coin. China has shown support in the past for projects like NEO, and more recently, TRON. At the same time, the country is very wary about token sales and any project that may cause losses on the personal finance level. China has taken a stance of “blockchain” versus speculative digital coins, and they aim to harness the power of distributed networks to distribute and secure data for various use cases.
220. Three Lessons For Building a Killer Ad Game
Use elite marketing tactics in combination with gaming to sell your product, generate leads, and land new customers. Marketing made simple with gaming.
221. A Novel e-Learning Platform to Learn About Emerging Technologies
Technology has no doubt transformed the way we look at the world around us today. Every industry has had players which have initiated technological advancements and given benchmarks to others. Similarly, in the education world we are working tirelessly in bringing transformation in this industry with innovative and revolutionary advancements.
222. The Potential for AI in Personalized Learning
AI already plays an important role in the development of personalized learning tools, and as time passes, its role is only going to increase.
223. My Journey to Becoming a Better Software Designer and What I Learned Along The Way
In October 2017, I started a two-year doctorate-level engineering program at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) that leads to a Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng). During the program, the trainees focus on systems architecting and designing software for software-intensive systems through courses and projects for real-world clients.
224. How To Learn Coding Basics By Creating Simple Games
You may have been grinding all those algorithms question on various platforms for your next interview, ever wonder when can we actually use them. Well, I got to finally see them in action while creating a board game called 8 Puzzle. It is played on a 3-by-3 grid with 8 square tiles labeled 1 through 8 and a blank square. Your goal is to rearrange the tiles so that they are in order. You can check out my implementation to get a better idea here.
225. Why Should You Go With GoLang [Newbie's Guide]
Go is a programming language that was designed in 2007, and this fact directly puts it into the young budding category. Even it is fairly young, as compared to others, it has a lot to offer. No, don't get confused with its adorable and goofy Gopher mascot. This language is more like a dominant alien trying to rule the universe of development!
226. Top 10 IT Certifications That Get You The Highest-Paying Jobs in 2021
Let’s discuss the Top 10 IT Certifications in 2021 that offer high-paying jobs including ITIL, CISSP, The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Cert, and more
227. How We Recreate the Idea of Educational Content [Part #1]
Physical textbooks are reprinted once a year at best according to the waterfall process. Their content becomes outdated way before it’s published. And if a textbook is not commercially successful, it means financial losses for the company. One of the solutions is to create digital content right from the start, not just digitalize published content. This would allow for updates on the spot and the creation of customized materials that can be then published.
228. Will Coding Bootcamp Guarantee You a Job?
image: Criterion Classified Ads / Media Innovation by Jota Julian Gutierrez
229. Learn the Blockchain Basics With Sovryn: An Outline
Learn the Blockchain Basics With Sovryn is a technological series about blockchain technology, written in plain English with the aim to foster basic knowledge.
230. Blockchain Technology and the Education Sector: What's the Progress?
The blockchain technology has come a long way since the time it was introduced back in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. Today, the latest statistics show that global spending on blockchain solutions is expected to grow from 1.5 billion in 2018 to an estimated 11.7 billion by 2022.
231. Future of Job Sharing Economy: Human Decides. AI Supports. Blockchain Pays.
If you were ever searching for a job during the past two decades, there’s a good chance you’ve used an online job board; a website that lists jobs supplied by employers. Such a “board” could’ve been found on shop windows, in newspapers, and now on the Internet.
232. What Blockchain to use for a DeFi Application?
The whole fintech industry is built around the interactions of various institutions. Fintech products can be as advanced and complex as you want them to be; they can solve essential problems for their customers, but in the end, the focal point is always some bank happily sitting on money. Thus, centralized finances are the banks and their subsidiaries. Many things in fintech are controlled by bureaucrats and most fintech apps function only because they are allowed to.
233. How Looking for The One Perfect Crypto Exchange Made Me Lose Faith in All
About six months ago, I decided it was high time for me to seriously get involved in cryptocurrency trading. I’m not a full-time trader, but I do consider myself a skilled trader on the foreign exchange markets. I’ve done quite well for myself over the years (regardless of my ups and downs), but I wanted a new challenge. A trading experience different than what I’d ever had before. Crypto trading promised me that challenge.
234. As a Blockchain Developer, you Need to Keep Learning to Stay Ahead of the Game
You probably heard it a thousand times before and you’ll hear it a hundred times more – you need to keep learning if you want to stay relevant! This is true for any field, especially in the world of programming languages.
235. Introducing the Library 2.0 Small and Rural Library Conference
We're excited to announce a June Library 2.0 mini-conference that is being co-organized by TechSoup. It is "Small, Rural, and Independent Libraries," which will be held online (and for free) on Wednesday, June 17, from 12 to 3 p.m., U.S. Pacific time. Register for this free event here.
236. Crypto Casinos: Are They Really Changing The Online Gaming Industry?
Blockchains have blown their way into many industries on a powerful hype train, but during this rapid expansion and application of decentralized technology did we ever stop to ask ourselves - is this necessary? Sure, blockchains are a really clever database and have some seriously useful applications (cryptocurrencies, for instance), but have we gone too far by applying them to every field possible? The online casino has come a long way since its debut, such a long way that I’d argue blockchain is a bit late to the party. Is slapping blockchain tech onto online casinos an instance of “we’re doing it because we can” instead of “we’re doing it because we should?”
237. Experience is dead welcome unlearning
the developer philosopher
238. Software Development for Beginners
In this article we are going to explore this huge and passionate world of software development by demystifying what it really is and how can we get started in this field.
239. Top 11 Best User Interface Design Benefits for Online Educational Platforms
It’s no longer news that the methods of sharing knowledge are changing. Well, that’s where online platforms come in. They host many of these educational service providers. They also ensure that students can get access to technologically-advanced education in the comfort of their homes.
240. How I started learning web development, The first step to become a Full-Stack Software Developer
At the ending of last year, I found an amazing opportunity to become a software developer, studying at a global school for remote software developers that It’s call Microverse. To apply to Microverse you need to have some basic coding knowledge in HTML, CSS and a programming language of your preference to solve some coding challenges.
241. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Education
The use of artificial intelligence in the education sector has transformed pedagogy. It customizes and improves the curriculum for students and teachers.
242. How the Best Product Managers Handle “Downtime”
Over the past 7 years in Product, I’ve worked with a lot of Product Managers. Some were great at being unreasonable, many were extreme generalists, and most were great at saying no.
243. The Rise and Advantages of Remote Learning and Education
Online education is no longer regarded as something that should be criticized by your fellow students. Learn more about the rise of online platforms today.
244. The report on Cryptoeconomics Moscow Meetup #5: zk-cryptography
The 5th Cryptoecon Meetup has finished, and it’s time to make a short summary of everything that was discussed there. So far, it was the most interesting meetup among all that we have conducted. Zk-cryptography was discussed and it featured three guests, each of them with his own topic of progressing complexity. We wish to thank RAHIB and CryptoAcademy for the aid in organization!
245. Crypto Transactions and Payments are still Risky: Here’s What to Do
Sending digital currencies is a novel experience even for frequent users of electronic banking and payment apps. Irreversible transactions, errors, and bugs can lead to immediate loss, so here’s what to do to stay safe in this electronic frontier.
246. What Nobody Tells You about Building a Technical Skill Set: The Struggle
Chances are, if you’re here, you’re excited about tech. You read startup stories on Medium, LinkedIn, or Hacker Noon. The idea of creating a product, launching it, and then raising a Series A is enthralling to read about. You may be an “increasingly technical” analyst or young professional with no technical experience at all. All things aside, you are hungry to learn, develop, and grow your technical skills and you can’t get enough.
247. Programming Principles for Beginners
A lot of us have struggled with algorithms and data structures. When I began with programming at my University, the name of a subject that got my attention and got me motivated to find my life call was the Principles of programming. I started devoting a lot of time to figuring out how to solve professors' assignments. Now those algorithms are easy for me but then they were not, and I couldn’t pass the exam, I had the wrong approach in learning, you can not memorize them, you must practice and figure out what you need to do.
248. How to Build a Multi-label NLP Classifier from Scratch
Attacking Toxic Comments Kaggle Competition Using Fast.ai
249. AI in Human Resources: 5 Trends in 2020 and Beyond
Many new and emerging technologies are adding value to human resources. This explains their high adoption rate. One of these technological marvels is artificial intelligence or AI.
250. How To Start Coding Right Now
What if someones asks you to build a website today, would you think that is possible?
251. A Pleasant Way to Kick Off Your Data Science Education- This is CS50
So You Want to Get Into Data Science
252. #LockdownConf: How to Learn New Skills While Social Distancing
At the #LockdownConf event streamed two weeks ago, Emma Bostian, Dhawal Shah and Angie Jones talked extensively on how to learn new skills while practicing social distancing. The conference which started at 14:00 GMT (UTC), was co-hosted by Quincy Larson and Hashnode co-founder, Syed Fazle Rahman on the freeCodeCamp YouTube channel. It featured 4 panels, each with 3 developers discussing topics covering:
253. Coding Mentor: Why You Should Become One and How to Do It
Hi! My name is Oleg Sklyarov, I work as a team leader of kids mobile development at Skyeng. In my free time, I mentor IT students. It’s been a great experience for me, so I want to share my story and insights I got from it.
254. 5 Things I Wish I Knew When Learning to Code
From dropping out of college at the young age of 20 to co-founding a deep-tech startup, the last 5 years have made for a convoluted and enlightening journey. All this while, coding has been a constant positive in my life.
255. Top 10 New Tokens To Watch In 2020
2020 has been a bad year for the financial markets, be it stocks, forex or properties, made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic. Does it mean that cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects are dead? Not at all! new projects with great potential continue to emerge and for new investors there are still ground floor opportunities that may offer good ROIs once the markets recover from the current financial crisis. Below are 10 new tokens we think are doing reasonably well and will ride through the current crisis in due time. We used a few criterias to select them, such as these projects must have groundbreaking technologies, provide solutions to real world problems, listed on CMC or CoinGecko, showing decent trade volume and respectable ratings by credible crypto info sites. Overall, these tokens have displayed steady performance during this bearish market period.
256. 5 Essential Skills to Foster in Young Entrepreneurs to Cultivate Success
Let’s highlight 5 essential skills required to succeed as a kid entrepreneur.
257. Perseverance is Great, But Don’t Forget to Prepare
It is important to realize that we have the ability to manufacture our own fate when we want to. We can… proceed when things look bad, or we can find plenty of reasons to quit if we don’t want to go forward.
– Eric Haney, Inside Delta Force
258. How Under-Resourced Students Are Gaining Access to Scholarships in India
When it comes to education in India, every statistic is incredible. Over 500 million people in the country are under the age of 25. According to The Times of India, in 2014 India had over 315 million students that has only grown since and by some estimates India has more students than the entire population of the United States.
259. Living in Lockdown: What's the Appropriate Response to the Coronavirus?
It is difficult to think, talk, or write about anything else these days. I am now living in a near lockdown society. Schools, restaurants, and more and more shops are closed. People are advised to stay off the streets and keep their distance.
260. If You Were To Restart Your Blockchain Startup From Scratch In 2020. What Would You Do Differently?
For the last three years, the hype in blockchain space went from its highest ever to the lowest point. There are a lot of niches where blockchain technology found its product market fit, such as exchanges, cross-border payments, grey market financial operations, DeFi (not quite yet, but it works). But there are still tons of areas where it didn’t.
261. Is the Rise of Preschoolers' App Usage a Pandemic Boom or a Paradigm Shift?
In mid-2020, remote jobs, contactless delivery, and social distancing became the new normal. COVID-19 forced even the conservative education industry to change its rules. Children are not the face of this pandemic, but their academic growth, mental health, and social skills were affected, too. This is an overview of how COVID-19 pandemic affected kids' education, what is predicted for the global online education market, and how EdTech apps for children perform now.
262. How to Learn Java Effectively
A fresh overview of the best platforms for learning Java and tips on how to make the process of learning Java from scratch effective and fast.
263. Investing in Knowledge Pays the Best Interest [Part One]
Life is getting very competitive and if you don't adapt, you, your family and kids are in trouble.
264. Colonial Roots in The Modern Education System
The modern western education system came about in the sixteenth century when Christian medieval broke apart and the Americas were discovered. It came about as an institution and formed a European identity. As such it is these values and cultural appropriation that prevails in the modern western education system to date.
265. What Does the Future of Human Resources Look Like for Tech in a Post-COVID-19 Era?
When COVID-19 reared its ugly head back in March, employers realized that they needed to brace for the worst. For many companies, human resources (HR) have been scrambling to put together plans to help their respective company weather the storm, providing mechanisms for
employees to work from home.
266. In the Digital Economy, the HOW is More Important Than the WHY
A clearly articulated purpose is only effective when accompanied with an authentic process.
267. 5 Ways EdTech Startups Are Setting Classroom-Innovation Trends
The way to a better future lies through substantial changes. Technology has changed the way businesses operate many times. It also influences the way people work and starts to affect all areas of our lives, with no exception. Therefore, there’s no surprise that technology has a major influence on education, as well. The U.S., China, and many other countries have already invested more than $16.34 billion in EdTech companies.
268. How Many Americans Don't Have Internet Access?
The COVID-19 crisis highlights the costs of the U.S. digital divide
269. Create an e-Learning App Without Knowing How to Code
Have a passion for teaching. Here is how to teach the world
270. 10 Best Java Books for Beginners and Advanced Developers
If you are a Java programmer and are wondering what to read to improve your knowledge of Java or become a better Java developer, then you have come to the right place.
271. Data Science As A Career: 12 Steps From Beginner to Pro
12 steps for those looking to build a career in Data Science from scratch. Below there is a guide to action and a scattering of links to useful resources.
272. The Future of Education is Digital
According to WeForum.Org, more than 1.2 billion students in 184 countries are affected by school closures due to the pandemic.
273. The Secret to Learning: How to Learn 10 Times Faster
Dan Koe unveils the secret to learning quicker.
274. How I Localized Cards Against Humanity, Gamed Instagram, Made $13,000, & Got Shut Down by University
In 2017 I launched a College and University themed version of the game Cards Against Humanity. College Cards, as I dubbed it, was my first ever ‘official business’, and as a 22 year old recent college grad, I was pretty excited when I sold $13,000 of the game to University of Wisconsin students just 45 days after launch.
275. The Classroom of the Future? A Total Disruption of Education
For a long time, I have believed that we need to disrupt education.
276. Introduction to Code-workshop-kit: a Tool for Remote Code Workshops
I created a tool for people that teach code, called code-workshop-kit. It makes remote workshops interactive and allows for experiences similar to those in a classroom, and better.
277. "RSS is Still the Best Way to Consume Content Online" - Michael Li
4x Noonie Nominee Michael Li is a Product Manager, Machine Learning Practitioner, UI/UX Designer/Preacher, Full-Stack Developer, and blogger over at wayofnumbers.com. Scroll down to find out why he believes writing is like birthing a baby, and why he should know!
278. 8 One-Click Actions that put your Cryptocurrency at Risk
The Internet is undoubtedly fun; it’s full of cat gifs, absurdly random facts, and ingeniously enlightened ideas. But for every good thing, there tends to be its evil counterpart. According to a recent study done by the University of Maryland, hackers attack a computer once every 39 seconds. That’s more than 2,200 times a day. These are automated scripts that are just running, attacking computers at random, all the time.
279. Becoming A Programmer: Starter Pack
How and where to start learning to program. What do programmers do in their work?
280. How To Build JWT's in Go
Go is becoming very popular for backend web development, and JWT's are one of the most popular ways to handle authentication on API requests. In this article, we are going to go over the basics of JWT's and how to implement a secure authentication strategy in Go!
281. How to Design a Powerful LMS Platform: Real Example
They were looking for a custom LMS platform that would be used by teachers, students, and parents.
282. Why Academic Endowments Need Blockchain
Academic institutions are opaque in their practices, blockchain can bring much needed innovation and transparency to academic charitable giving and scholarhsips
283. How to Live Your Dream in a Crisis
These dreams go on when I close my eyes
Every second of the night I live another life
These dreams that sleep when it’s cold outside
Every moment I’m awake the further I’m away
284. A Picture Book Written in C Code
If you’re a programmer, you probably remember your first program as the classic Hello World program that outputs “Hello World!” to your display. The Hello World program is a nice, simple little program- but it’s BORING! Likewise for the numerous code examples for beginners that involve the variables i and j.
285. A Peek into the Future of Higher Education - Can Artificial Intelligence Drive Remote Learning?
Artificial Intelligence is already having a profound effect on the world around us. As cloud-based computing and Big Data analytics bring unprecedented convenience to our daily lives and countless industries, it’s worth taking a moment to consider how machines can help in the field of education in years to come, considering that revenues from the AI software market is projected to reach almost $120 billion by 2025.
286. Do Digital Services Actually Make Document Forgery Easier?
As an ordinary user, should you care about your privacy when transferring data or documents from one place to another? For a long time now, privacy was never a huge concern for anyone. Large companies were harvesting personal data for advertising purposes or to sell it to third parties, but now the times have changed and people have recently started to care about their privacy more and more. Now the trend among tech companies is to give their users the tools to protect their data, documents, and digital lives. We’re seeing encrypted browser connections, private messengers, secure file-sharing services, but are they as secure as they want us to believe?
287. Reasons Why Should Students Give More Emphasis on Derivatives and Integrals
No wonder in saying that all students are not supposed to welcome the subject of Math with open arms. Additionally, when it comes to Calculus, the reasons for a nightmare for many would-be, Derivatives, and Integrals. Let narrow down the question of why students should give more emphasis on Derivatives and Integrals.
288. Education of a Programmer: Why It Should Not Be Same as Other Professions
"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and
I understand" ~Confucius.
289. Enterprise Blockchain Technologies — A University-level Open-Source Course
Enterprise Blockchain Technologies is a flexible, extensible, open-source university course, part of Hyperledger Labs🎓
290. Jeremy Howard’s fast.ai vs Andrew Ng’s deeplearning.ai - Are They That Different From Each Other?
How Not to ‘Overfit’ Your AI Learning by Taking Both fast.ai and deeplearning.ai courses
291. How to Build an Online Video Education Platform for E-learning Business? From A to Z
Planning to build an online video education platform? Here is all you need to know about creating a video streaming service for education
292. What I Learned From Ten 101 Courses During Lockdown
These are the 10 that have changed my life for the better
293. How To Discover a Coding Mentor
You’re not here to mess around. You want a job that pays you for your technical skills and you’re willing to do whatever it takes to land that job offer. But the journey’s been tough. You’re concerned with if you’re learning the right things. You’re not sure if you’re heading in the right direction. You’ve tried coding something, looked at coding docs, and then realized the docs weren’t that helpful.
294. On Bloom's Taxonomy and Why Agile Training is Not Enough
295. Four Tips For The Newly Minted Remote Student
As the classroom of the future changes, the students also need to adapt. As educational institutes are looking at long Coronavirus closures with millions of kids out of school worldwide, they are scrambling to reimagine how they can educate their students.
296. Learn the Blockchain Basics - Part 7: What is Inside A Bitcoin Block?
A guide to the initial elements of a blockchain explorer and the different parts of a Bitcoin block.
297. What Will be the Major Factor of User Adoption of Blockchain Technology in 2020?
It’s now the year 2020 and crypto isn’t dead yet (far from it), unlike what most critics have predicted. The number of case studies where blockchain technologies found their market fit isn’t that big, sure (yes, that harsh reality is still the same right now), but the industry is doing quite well overall. Over the past few years we’ve cut through the hype, eliminated the “get rich fast” scams, and continued improving our products.
298. Will the World Be Able To Limp Back to Normalcy After The Coronavirus Scare?
This is not a drill. This is not the time to give up. This is not a time for excuses. This is a time for pulling out all the stops. Sounds dramatic, right?
299. Blockchain will Disrupt the Shopping Industry: A 2020 market overview
Times have changed, and businesses either need to change with them or die. Long gone are the days of niche brick-and-mortar stores, and as Millenials and GenZ consumers start to earn more money, the e-commerce market world needs to shift as well. In order to survive, stores became brands, enticing their customers to remain loyal and shop with them even when they could find better deals elsewhere.
300. Building a Software Engineer Career Without Compromising Balance
In this article, Daria Nesvitailo, shares thoughts on balanced growth, professional development methods, and what it means to be an engineering leader.
302. How I Keep Sane While Earning My PhD 🧠
Hello All 👋,
303. How I Got Into Every University That I Applied To (for computer science)
Here is how I managed to wriggle into the top university for computer science. How to write a half-decent personal statement and suceed in life!
304. Best Resources to Learn React Native Development [My Review]
React Native is a framework for building cross-platform mobile apps for iOS and Android. There are lots of materials with which to learn React Native and in this article, I will show the best 10 resources to learn React Native development. For each learning material, I will talk about the entry behavior, time to complete, content, and difficulty level.
305. Unbundling Education: Monetizing the $90 billion E-Learning Industry
People don’t want a university degree. They “hire” universities to achieve an outcome or desire.
306. Educating Through Games with Professor Vanessa Haddad
In this Slogging AMA, we had the pleasure of interviewing Vanessa Haddad, liberal arts professor and video game advocate.
307. How to send Large Volumes of Encrypted and Digitally-Signed Data without Compromising your Identity
Since the invention of the written word, there has been a need for confidential correspondence. Throughout history people have puzzled over the question: how to send a message to the addressee so that it could not be read by anyone else (in other words, how can one ensure data confidentiality)? Cryptography was born in an attempt to answer this question. Its roots go back to the very beginning of civilization - for example, special hieroglyphs for communication between monarchs were used in Ancient Egypt more than 4,000 years ago. Later, encryption techniques were improved and made more complex until at the end of the 20th century, when a revolution occurred; the invention of asymmetric encryption. But where does blockchain technology fit in in this new, rapidly changing reality? Let’s find out together.
308. How to Turn "0 Years of Experience" Into a Job in Tech
If you’re here, you want to land a technical role, but you’re not sure what to do next. Do you get a specific certification? What tools or software do you need to pick up? You want to know you can land an incredible job that pays well, allows you to learn, and stand among fellow techies. Yet, you’re uncertain right now and unsure if your technical skills are at the level companies want. The last thing you want is for a hiring manager to look at your resume and immediately toss it out. Even worse, he might laugh at how bad your technical skills are.
309. How gaming with cryptocurrencies can help in the fight against COVID-19
Tauri is the Director of Casino at Bitcasino.io and co-founder of the Coingaming Group. As an early Bitcoin adopter, he has overseen the growth and development of Bitcasino from being the first licensed Bitcoin casino to an industry leader. In addition to being a crypto enthusiast, he also enjoys the occasional poker game.
310. Women in Blockchain | Celebrate 2019
It’s December 2019, ‘Thanks Giving started the holiday festive season as we head towards Christmas. What a year 2019 has been.
311. The Current Market State of Blockchain-Based Consumer Products
When discussing blockchain technology with people outside of the industry, one question seems to always come up: Why do we need blockchains? This question, when not answered correctly, can turn interested people away from blockchains and often leaving them to think that blockchains don’t really add anything new to the world.
312. The Tech Challenges of Moving K-12 to a Distance Learning Model
The global shift to home isolation has unique implications for public education. The era of slow and steady plans to virtualize education was given a donkey kick by this virus and the quarantine, and here's what I've observed.
313. 5 Lessons from My First 90 Days in Tech
Advice and lessons learned from 3 months working as a product manager in the technology industry.
314. 11 Great Online Learning Platforms to Build New Skills: 2022 Edition
Online learning is a great option to keep you occupied while feeling more productive and purposeful. It helps you polish your skills and add more qualifications to your resume. You just need an excellent online learning platform to find the courses of your choices and develop your skills.
315. Problem-Based Learning: David Merrill's Principles of Instruction
Merrill's First Principles of Instruction are a series of very effective problem-based teaching methodologies. The principles are based on the five core princip
316. 5 Innovations In Tech That Are Transforming Higher Education
Many educational institutions are already using technology in education— whether to make the learning process more accessible and fun or drive cost savings.
317. Top EdTech Trends in 2022 and Beyond: Things You Can’t Miss
EdTech has been quickly growing thanks to the many advances in technology in the last decade. These are the trends that will affect the field for the next year.
318. 5 Unexpected Industries Ripe for 3D Printing Disruption
With an ever-expanding list of potential applications, 3D printing has already started transforming some of the largest industries in the world.
319. Is AI Superseding Teachers in Education?
Artificial intelligence has the potential to significantly influence learning across all subjects while also becoming a crucial subject itself.
320. Soft Skills: Why They Matter and How To Develop Them
Soft skills will help you become the life and the soul of the party and reach your career and professional goals
321. Humanities vs. Technical Sciences: What Courses to Choose at College
Irrespective of the obvious variations in entry cutoffs, job opportunities for graduates with a bachelor in humanities and technical science subjects are relatively similar. Despite that, however, scholars have always had contentions regarding these two disciplines especially when it comes to choosing which to pursue at university. Occasionally, humanities and technical science courses have been used interchangeably. This has fueled further misinterpretation and poor exemplification of what they really are.
322. Robots Sorting Cards: Computer Science for Kids
An offline activity for teaching CS concepts: programs, algorithms, sorting, assumptions, correctness, computational complexity etc. etc. Requires: pen, paper and a deck of cards.
323. Five In-Demand Programming Languages In 2021
For a tech newbie striving to learn programming, it might be a bit complicated to figure out which technology to choose. Let me help you out.
324. Busting Myths About Tech Bootcamps: Challenge What You Think You Know
You've probably got a lot of assumptions about tech bootcamps, if they're worth it, how much they cost, who gets to do them...Ironhack is here to bust myths!
325. Cybersecurity Basics, Tech Education and Market Review
Cybersecurity is the protection against cyberattacks from devices linked to the Internet, such as hardware, computer software and data.
326. Holberton's OS of Education Concept
There's plenty of free content, what education needs is an OS
327. Fall in Love With "The Beginner's Mentality"
What's the best way to learn? Think like a beginner! It’s time to take pride in being a beginner and seeking a plurality of viewpoints.
328. Educating Children About Technology
Educating children about technology isn’t a difficult task, but it will require some effort. Parents and educators can support their children safely
329. Tips To Writing A Successful Cover Letter and Job Application
When used correctly, your cover letter can be a powerful tool that can capture the interest of the employer and can increase your chances of getting hired.
330. Is the Lottery a Waste of Your Money?
Lotteries can be traced back for centuries, and in some of the earliest cases the purpose of the lottery was to raise funds for some sort of community project. Of course, simple math dictates that if the lottery was designed to raise funds, that means that the total amount of the money being given away as a prize had to be less than the total raised. Queen Elizabeth I, for instance, ran a lottery to raise funds for the “reparation of the havens and strength of the Realme, and towards such other publique good workes.”
331. How to Grow as a Developer if You Live in a Small Town [Story Behind the Coder]
By Sergey Zhuk
332. 10 Tips to Grow Your Local YouTube Channel
Check Out What Can Make Your Content to Have a Wider Reach..
333. It’s time for cybersecurity degree programs to get more hands-on
Too often, employers find that recent college grads with cybersecurity and IT degrees lack practical skills. It's time to make the curriculum more hands-on.
334. Learn To Code With No Hassle
I’ve been teaching Java for quite a while now. So I often share advice on how to learn programming faster and better. In talking to my students I can see that one thing distracts them very much: coding anxiety. It is a real trouble. Some people find it hard to focus their attention for more than one hour. Some are excessively stressed out by the job search.
335. Can Government Income Share Agreements Fix Higher Education?
I recently stumbled on an interesting and novel proposal for how governments can better fund mass education, while making access more equitable, and promoting better education outcomes.
336. How much Paper are we Wasting in the Fight with Forgery?
While living in the digital age, we have gradually switch to digital forms of writing instead of relying on the old-fashioned pen and paper. This switch has gone so far that we may even be gradually risking our ability to write: more than three quarters of people (76%) from the British poll say they now type more than they write by hand. No wonder some countries have dropped handwriting lessons in favor of typing lessons. For example, Finland completely removed handwriting from its schools in 2014, and in the US, the requirement to learn cursive has been left out of core standards since 2013.
337. How to Build a Twitter Sentiment Analysis System
Understanding the sentiment of tweets is important for a variety of reasons: business marketing, politics, public behavior analysis, and information gathering are just a few examples. Sentiment analysis of twitter data can help marketers understand the customer response to product launches and marketing campaigns, and it can also help political parties understand the public response to policy changes or announcements.
338. IIT Delhi's New, Free Online AI Course
The Indian Institutes of Technology, or IITs, are 23 premiere higher education universities, with around 16,000 students, as of 2020.
339. Important Things For Java Developers To Learn In 2021
If you are looking to learn Java, you may be wondering where to start. Which technologies should you focus on?
340. 22 Simple Ways to Learn Faster
I know how it feels.
341. Top 10 On-Demand IT Certifications With Highest Pay: 2020 Edition
Information Technology (IT) certification can enrich your IT career and pave the way for a profitable way. As the demand for IT professionals increases, let's look at 10 high-paying certifications. The technology landscape is constantly changing and the demand for information technology certification is also getting higher. Popular areas of IT include networking, cloud computing, project management, and security. Eighty percent of IT professionals say certification is useful for careers and the challenge is to identify areas of interest. Let's take a look at the certifications that are most needed and the salaries that correspond to them.
342. SQL and Database Management Skills Should Be Introduced Into School Curriculums
This article will discuss the wide-ranging benefits of learning SQL, and how we can transform the current curriculum.
343. Beat the Curse of Knowledge by Explaining "Why"
I once watched an intern deftly answer an offhand question faster and more thoroughly than a room full of big shots and tech veterans.
May 2019
345. How to diversify your Investment Portfolio without leaving your cryptocurrency wallet
One of the investment mantras we keep hearing from various financial advisors is: “Don’t keep all your eggs in one bucket” which actually means “Always diversify your investment portfolio”. In crypto, it’s harder to implement this advice, because almost every altcoin follows Bitcoin like a dog on a leash.
346. 6 Places to Start a Career in Data Science in 2022
How to become a data scientist?
Want to become a Data Scientist? Here are the resources.
Resources to Become a Data Scientist
347. Notes from Startup School Week 1 Videos
For people who are busy.
348. 12 Years of Blockchain: Where Are The Applications?
There were a lot of talking about where and how blockchain is suitable. Attempting to stick the blockchain everywhere and to everything is a parody.
349. How To Create a Useful Educational Product for Adults using Motivational Design
The main metric for educational product is it's completition rate. To improve it, one can use the principles of motivational design.
350. Today’s Market Leaders will be the First Block Producers of Future Blockchains
Every blockchain must be decentralized; that's the formula we've been hearing for years now. The prophets of decentralization, such as Vitalik Buterin, tell us that it's the most effective way to do almost anything. But let's think for a minute. Instead of having unknown people motivated only by small incentives, isn’t it better to have some reliable entities that care about their reputation?
351. Read Quotes From the Brilliant Minds of the #Noonies2021 Nominees
“My joy comes from building and inspiring people to become the best version of themselves.”- Lomit Patel
352. The Knowledge of Arc Length & Limit of a Function
353. Rewarding Web3 Community Participation With Dynamic NFTs
How dynamic NFTs can be used as a growth marketing tactic to reward Web3 community participation
354. Don’t Bet on a Single Technology: Blockchain and AI could bring New Outstanding Projects
When you look at some of the world’s largest unicorns you can see a few clear trends. These companies typically entered their respective markets with an idea and a disruptive tech, exciting both investors and consumers alike. Unicorns like Bytedance (the creators of TikTok), SpaceX, Stripe, Airbnb, DoorDash, and more all share the same thread - they used a disruptive technology to do something better than their competitors. All of these companies share another thread, though. They are all working to integrate other disruptive technologies to stay ahead of the competition. What if you skipped the first step and started integrating multiple disruptive technologies from day one?
355. Learn the Blockchain Basics - Part 6: What is a Blockchain Transaction?
An easy explanation with a funny example to get you up to speed with the subcategory of transactions on a blockchain.
356. Fun Ways To Teach Programming Without Giving Boring Lectures
I’ve been a computer programmer for over ten years now. I went from freelancing to running a consulting agency to working for a Silicon Valley startup full time and am now trying to build a product myself. While I do have a formal CS education, I consider myself mostly self-taught. A big part of my professional development comes from me doing competitive programming as a kid. More specifically, from being part of a small computer club in my hometown, run by a passionate university professor — Michael Dolinsky.
357. How Education Can Happen in The Metaverse
Companies are making a push for education within the metaverse, allowing both children and adults to learn in virtual spaces built on the blockchain.
358. How America is About to Change with Engineering Jobs
How America is about to change with engineering jobs. The broken college system and the rise of online courses.
359. Expanding Education: Interview with Ethan Adshade, founder of TEPHE
TEPHE empowers Los Angeles schools to partner with professionals & experts in their community and provide transformational experiences to their students.
360. Ivy League Schools: A Cost-Benefit Analysis
Ivy League colleges are all the top tier colleges that ensure a promising academic career with an abundance of career opportunities at the students’ doorstep as soon as they graduate. They provide a holistic and rigorous experience to their students however if one really breaks it down to its foundation, the purpose of an Ivy League college is the same as a community college or a virtual university; and that is to provide an education to its students.
361. Weird Things About GOLANG [Part 1]
On a first glance when I started working on go, for me it seems very very weird language. I am working on node-js for two and more years and then start working on golang is not so cool for me.
362. A Cryptocurrency Driven Personal Recruiter/Headhunter Program that also Earns You Commissions!
Traditional recruitment processes take anywhere from days, to weeks, to even months to complete, and finding these “top-shelf” candidates is a lengthy process where the company has to spread the word about the recently opened position with the hopes that the right person will get the news and apply. It’s a game where the odds are pretty narrow.
363. 10 Predictions for a Post-COVID World: Contactless retail, New unicorns and Other
The world as we knew it before will never be the same. The pandemic is reshaping everything from how we work and shop to how we exercise and socialize. There was a great post by Emma Rose Bienvenu that got a lot of traffic where Emma shared her 7 predictions for a Post-Coronavirus World and named remote work, automation, and telemedicine as the key trends shaping our new normal.
364. Design Patterns: Prototype Pattern in Modern C++
Prototype Design Pattern is a Creational Design Pattern that helps in the prototyping(creating/copying cheaply) of an object using separate methods or polymorphic classes. You can consider the prototype as a template of an object before the actual object is constructed. In this article of the Creational Design Patterns, we’re going to take a look at why we need a Prototype Design Pattern in C++ i.e. motivation, prototype factory & leveraging prototype design pattern to implement virtual copy constructor.
365. Train Your Own Neural Network
These days, using Machine-Learning and particularly Deep-Learning solutions to solve many technical challenges has become a norm.
That’s mainly thanks to having access to unprecedented volumes of data, hardware advancements, and academic progress.
Many problems are tackled by modeling Neural-Networks, feeding them with tons of data, and consequently they “learn” and turn artificially “smarter”.
While we, humans, are still smarter than our computers - we do suffer from an inferior processing speed of information.
We can’t read a million books over throughout our lifetime.
366. This is what “Got Talent” and “The Voice” would look like if everyone had a chance
We live in exciting times, times when there are more technological opportunities than ever before. But we’re also under more stress; depression and obesity are on the rise, and we’re told that this is the hardest time to get a job since the Great Depression. How is it that we have so much access to technology, yet the system makes it so infuriatingly hard to get employed? Well, an employment system is a work in progress. As Fabio Lo Verde, a sociologist at the University of Palermo speaks for the Financial Times about lagging economies that are affecting young people’s ability to find employment today:
367. The Significance Of Technology In Education Industry
In today’s modern education system, technology is playing a fundamental role in automating tasks, which are rule-based, monotonous, tedious and frustrating. Automation. This word has as of late, increased a ton of consideration from different divisions over the globe.
368. Instructional Design Models Explained (Part 2)
This article highlights the top 7 new instructional design models.
369. How I Got an International “Custom MBA” Degree for $36,337
How I gained more for less than a fifth of the price of a top MBA
370. Data Science As A Career: 12 Steps From Beginner to Pro
12 steps for those looking to build a career in Data Science from scratch. Below there is a guide to action and a scattering of links to useful resources.
371. How To Recruit, Train, and Retain Skilled UX Designers
A “ready” UX designer is a rare encounter in the wild. Designers usually do know how to make things pretty – but when it comes to the product logic and interactions design, few feel at ease. The inevitable solution is to hire people with a relevant background and upgrade them to real UXers: host lectures, give homework, provide practice opportunities.
372. Cost and Feature Analysis for Creating Educational Apps in 2021
A trusted and innovative app development company is enough with experience in offering a distinctive array of services.
373. 5 Reasons why eLearning Might Become the New Normal
With the rise of the cloud and live streaming services for education, the popularity of online education has grown at an astounding rate. It provides learners with multiple benefits, from reducing the costs of education to adapting to their learning habits. The Coronavirus pandemic and social distancing measures have also resulted in the faster adoption of virtual learning.
374. The Rajkumari Ratnavati Girl’s School: An innovative,safe and playful study environment.
This edifice rises from the sand to offer a safe and enjoyable learning environment.🔥
375. Hacking College During COVID-19
In the last few months everything about our lives has either disappeared or gone online. Instead of going out to restaurants we order meals through apps. Instead of going to the grocery store we order groceries through apps. And instead of going into an office or school, many of us are working and going to school online. Online school has some implications for the long term, particularly when it comes to college. College is an important time to network and meet people who will be in your field throughout your lifetime, so what happens to college when everything moves online?
376. What Did You Think of The HackerNoon Blogging Fellowship?
The HackerNoon Blogging Fellowship is a free remote online writing program where you can get mentored by a seasoned Editor
377. 5 Tips for Students to Stay Focused While Studying from Home
Quite often, studying of students at home is quite difficult for them. After all, when they came to the university building to the lecture hall, it was much easier for them to focus on their studies. After all, the whole atmosphere and other students and teachers contribute to this. There is no such atmosphere at home, and students need to find the right ways to focus on their studies. If you have such problems, then here you can find some useful tips. that will help you focus on your studies.
378. Skype VS Zoom for Online Tutoring
The global adoption of online tutoring due to various reasons, including the COVID-19 pandemic, has led to educators embracing video conferencing tools to conduct classes. While there are dozens of choices in the market, the most obvious choice for tutors is either Skype or Zoom.
379. Third World Engineers VIII: Romancing the Visa
Almost everything you need to know to migrate as an engineer.
380. Why do we need to Verify Every Single Bit on each Digital Transfer
Do you care about the security of your messages, emails, and the files that you send online? That’s great if you do, because the Internet is full of dangers and leaks can damage anyone’s reputation. Good examples are Hillary Clinton or the celebrities whose private photos were leaked, both situations showing us that security is nothing to joke about.
381. Why Educational Platforms are a Favorite Target Among Attackers?
Educational Institutes are easy prey for hackers to compromise and covertly launch Cyber Attacks/Malicious Campaigns under the hood, without divulging their real identity.
382. Yasser Jilani is Bringing Coding to Children
Hackernoon talks to Yasser Jilani, the founder of Code With Us, an EdTech startup pioneering in coding education for children and teenagers.
383. Scrap Homework And Build Projects: Our Manifesto For Raising Lifelong Makers
Homework – Not again!
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