Let's learn about Cloud via these 341 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
It's raining tech stories.
1. 5 Best Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Certification Exam Courses in 2022
In this article, I will share the best online courses to help you pass the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer certification exam.
2. nsh: A More Secure and Convenient Remote Shell than SSH
by Yilun Zhang, CTO of NKN.org
3. 8 Cloud Computing Trends to Watch in 2021
Cloud computing has grown exponentially in the past decade and is not about to stop. As predicted by Forrester’s research, the global public cloud infrastructure will grow 35% in 2021, many thanks to the pandemic. Due to the lingering effects of covid-19 in 2021, the cloud will be the key focus for organizations looking for increased scalability, business continuity, and cost-efficiency.
4. Azure Hack: Use AzCopy on Azure Cloud Shell to Upload Large Files to Storage Accounts
A little backstory, I ran into an interesting problem today I needed to get a 40GB Virtual Machine Image to a storage account in Azure so i could create a Virtual Machine from it.
5. A simple Event-Sourcing Example Using Lambda and DynamoDB [Includes Snapshots]
Recently, I have been helping a client implement an event-sourced system. In the process, I put together a very simple demo app which is available on GitHub here.
6. Cloud Computing Basics: A Quick Guide for Newbies
Regardless of your background having a basic understanding of cloud computing is an invaluable skill.
7. Cloud Security Strategies For Small Businesses
If you work from home and use cloud solutions to archive business documents, who is responsible for Cloud Security
8. Why I Decided to Bring a New Cloud Data Warehouse to Market
So we’ve all heard that “data is the new oil” way too many times. It’s been said so often that I personally feel slightly nauseous every time someone says that (sorry).
9. 6 Cloud Predictions for the Near Future
Looking forward to the new decade, it would be tempting to speculate where the cloud industry could be heading. With tech developments in the cloud shop, by 2022, sectors like AI-Web, IoT, Blockchain, Space Cloud Computing, etc. are assumed to reach new heights.
10. Beginner's Guide to Deploying a Spring Boot App to Azure App Service
If you are building a Java-based spring boot app, but struggling to deploy app to Azure Cloud, this blog post is for you. It will provide a brief introduction of Azure App Service and App service Plans and a step-by-step guide to deploy Java based Spring boot app to Azure App service.
11. 7 Cool Jamstack Hosting Solutions
Wondering where to put your Jamstack site? Here are some fast, affordable places you can host them.
12. Serverless : The Future of Development
Here’s a secret: Serverless is the future of development not because of how great of a technology it is.
Here’s another secret: The previous statement is wrong.
13. Using Workload Identity to Handle Keys in Google Kubernetes Engine
Workload identity is a modern way to provision keys for pods running on Google Kubernetes Engine. It allows individual pods to use a service account with a suitable set of permissions, without manually managing Kubernetes secrets. In this article, we will describe Workload identity, compare it to other approaches, and finally show a real world example on how to configure a Kubernetes cluster with Workload identity enabled.
14. How To Set Custom Metrics for Autoscaling in AWS
In many cases, custom metrics may be useful to make more ad-hoc configuration of autoscaling in AWS. For example, a custom metric can allow an autoscaling group to react more rapidly on spikes or to take into account the health state of hosts for concurrency based metrics. Let's see how to set up a custom metric and autoscaling policy for an autoscaling group with an application load balancer and target group using AWS Console.
15. 6 Free Terraform Tools to Facilitate a Multi-Cloud Infrastructure
Have a multi-cloud infrastructure? These free Terraform tools will help you to reduce costs and make your multi-cloud efficient.
16. Exploring Updates to AlmaLinux's Open Source Project, Cloud Images
AlmaLinux Cloud Images include aarch64 support for AWS AMIs, OpenNebula x86_64 and aarch64, and aarch64 support for Generic (cloud-init) Cloud image/OpenStack.
17. My AWS Cloud Resume Challenge Journey (Part One)
I intend to take my readers on a journey of skills learned, challenges faced, and solutions uncovered along the way as I take on the cloud resume AWS challenge.
18. DevOps + Data: DevOps for Data Management
Fresh Approaches to Effective Data Management.
What if we applied the existing DevOps techniques and patterns to the management ?
19. Build a Free Personal Heroku with Oracle Cloud and Dokku
Installing Dokku on an Oracle Cloud VM as a free Heroku alternative.
20. A Breakdown of Software Development Types for Small Businesses
Want an in-depth knowledge of the top software development services? Hire a custom software development company today!
21. Codify your SaaS Apps: The Answer to the Unmanaged SaaS Jungle
A phenomenon we have encountered often, when helping companies overcome drift, is a common neglect of the entire SaaS toolchain. Learn why this is troubling.
22. 10 Things to Think About When Choosing a Hosting Provider
Ready to start working on your website? Make sure you’ve got a good web host to power it. Read our ten tips to get started.
23. The Occam’s Razor of Newsletter Subscriptions
Subscribe to the HackerNoon newsletter with ease.
24. TeamCode Pylon vs. Docker: Which is the Better Dev Environment?
In addition to avoiding the cumbersome development processes, DCS can also become an online preview test service, improve the efficiency of the whole team.
25. 6 Reasons to Use Amazon Redshift
A quick guide to Amazon Redshift's benefits and use cases. Learn why your team might want to make the SHIFT to Amazon Redshift.
26. 3.6 Million Websites Went Offline Due to a Fire: How Decentralized Cloud Would've Prevented It
Centralized cloud has never been a safe custodian of your private data but we may have finally found the perfect solution - Decentralized Cloud Storage.
27. Securing Engineer Access to Cloud Environments with Zero Trust
Remote working and developer infrastructure in the cloud have both served to change the way developer operations work and have new cybersecurity requirements.
28. What are IT Automation Opportunities Across MSPs?
Discover the opportunities for automation across the MSP business which helps to enhance productivity and efficiency.
29. The Ten Top Cities for Highest Cloud Engineering Salaries
A high salary can make you feel like you’re on cloud nine. For cloud engineers, jobs with these sky-high paychecks are in no short supply. In fact, the number of cloud engineer jobs on Indeed.com increased by over 55% between May 2017 and May 2019. And candidate interest is also skyrocketing: The number of people searching for cloud engineer jobs increased by over 52% in that same time period.
30. Migrating Appium Tests to Sauce Labs
Scale your Appium tests with moving to cloud.
31. The DevOps Tools to Optimize your Workflow
Want to take a laugh at yet another boring list, right? I’ll try to surprise you with a list of unique tools that you probably still don’t know!
32. Kafka Authorization And NiFi Encryption to Amazon S3
Any typical ETL/ELT pipeline cannot be completed without having "kafka" keyword in the discussions.
33. The Role of Knowledge Base in the Digital Transformation Journey
Having a good knowledge base when starting your digital transformation journey is an often overlooked part of any digitisation initiative that can be useful.
34. 7 Simple Lessons I've Learnt Last Year with AWS
35. Live on the Edge of Computing
Data is the lifeblood of any application and any business venture.
36. Top 5 Kubernetes Coding Errors and How to Solve Them
How to solve the top 5 Kubernettes coding errors.
37. 6 Keys to SaaS Security Posture Management
You're not doing everything you can to protect your SaaS environment if you're skipping one of these: 1. Security policy enforcement, 2. Regular configuration..
38. I Will Never Host My Apps on a Server Again
TL;DR As a solo entrepreneur I cannot manage a server myself. PaaS comes in as a life saver. Since I started hosting my apps on Google App Engine I saved time and money, but the best part is: my app is secure and scalable without having to lift a finger.
39. 10 Microsoft Azure Courses for Beginners to Learn Azure Cloud Computing
If you want to learn Microsoft Azure or prepare for AZ-900 or Microsoft Azure fundamentals exam and need the best resources, you have come to the right place.
40. Founder Advice: Choosing the Right Cloud Infrastructure Can Make a Big Difference
Choosing the right cloud provider can make a big difference in how bumpy the road to success will be.
41. 6 Benefits of Cloud Computing in Finance
Understand the different ways cloud computing benefit the financial industry.
42. Why Understanding Infrastructure-as-code is Critical to Scaling Your Technology Infrastructure
Infrastructure as code (IaC) is one of the most important trends in modern IT development. Read about the benefits of IaC and how to implement it.
43. Kubernetes Security For Developers: A Quick Start Guide
One of the basics of running Kubernetes in a production environment is security—how to ensure container images, pods, specific microservices, are protected.
44. From Mobile Phones to Networking: Nokia's Evolution in the Tech Industry
Nokia, once the undisputed king of the mobile phone market, has struggled to maintain its position in recent years.
45. Powering the Future of Digital Project Development Through Data Democratization
Powering the Future of Digital Project Development Through Data Democratization
46. The Megashift Towards Decentralized Edge Computing
Why do we need Edge Computing? Why is the cloud not the solution for everything? Why is Edge Computing adoption taking so long? What's the solution to it?
47. Using a Self-serve Data Architecture to Share Data Across Development Teams
This article highlights synergy between the two widely adopted open-source projects, Alluxio and Presto.
48. AlmaLinux Container Images with Full RHEL UBI Compatibility
Cloud and Containers SIG have been hard at work lately on a project surrounding container updates, new images, new registries, and distribution.
49. How to protect us from unknown calls?
You must be getting unknown spam calls every single week. We often see how people get into trouble by responding to these spam calls. Hence, it is important for you to have a clear understanding about what these spam calls are and how to ensure your protection against them. Then you will be able to keep the peace of mind and ensure your own privacy.
50. The Path to Becoming An AWS Certified DevOps Engineer
We are a devops consulting firm specializing in managed cloud services. We manage infrastructure, modernize apps, and migrate you to the cloud.
51. Cases When Concurrency Based Autoscaling May be Useful
Every time facing a task of configuring how the system should scale out and scale in, we decide what metrics and policies will be more effective. I have already described CPU based policies and what challenges they may have. But what if this is not an option, i.e. the service is represented by legacy application, written years ago, not well documented, etc. and we still want to run it in Cloud and autoscale?
52. The People and Tech Behind Data Science
What is a data scientist? The job has been around for hundreds of years, though as you may suspect things have changed significantly, especially over the last century. In the 1740s Bayes’ Theorem posited that when new data was added to an existing belief, the result was a new and improved belief. This is the basis for the scientific method, by which scientists discover better and better explanations for things. When applied to data, the scientific method creates data science, in which data scientists can use the piles of data people are generating to discover new and better predictions about the future.
53. 3 Cloud Migration Lessons We Learned After Migrating Our Systems To The Cloud
Migrating to the cloud is nothing less than a challenge. To curb these challenges, follow these 3 cloud migration lessons before migrating to the cloud.
54. How to Upload to Amazon S3 via AWS CLI and NPM scripts
Static websites are a brilliant way to create performant sites. My website is built using Gatsby and hosted on Amazon S3. I have created a simple script to help you quickly upload your site to S3 by running one simple command in your project terminal.
55. 5 Development Trends You Need to Know in 2020
As a developer, it's important to keep your skills up-to-date. We’re called upon to not only be experts in our day-to-day technologies, but to also stay informed of up-and-coming technologies. This allows us to continue to make the best decisions for our products and teams. Knowing the newest tech and in-demand skills is not only satisfying, but it also keeps us employed.
56. Is a Multi-cloud Setup the Solution to Third-party Provider Outages?
Big provider outages are stressful! In this article, we share our advice on how to best prepare for and handle major third-party outages.
57. Optimizing Your Cloud Costs
Every cloud stakeholder should be armed with documents, tutorials, training, guidance, and tools to effectively handle the cloud environment.
58. iPaaS on the SaaS
iPaaS is the new alternative for conventional integration methods.
59. How technology has changed our lives
Did you ever realize that technology is changing our life gingerly? In the last few years, the world has experienced some surprising inventions and technologies. All of these have made our life faster and easier. We have jotted down some major fields where technologies bring on dramatic changes. Let’s explore how it has changed our lives.
60. The Benefits Cloud ERP Solutions Bring to Modern Enterprise
With over 70% of companies undergoing complete digitization, it might be your company’s chance to reap the benefits of using sales ERP software.
61. What is a POS System and Why is it Important for your Business?
Let's explain the benefits of a POS system using something almost everyone loves: pizza. Reducing the waiting time is one step towards building a happy customer base. Domino's uses an efficient POS system. So all their sales invoices are generated within minutes and you can grab your bite as soon as possible. YAY!
62. 5 Reasons to Build on the Internet Computer
The Internet Computer is a new computing platform that enables developers to reap the benefits blockchain technology offers without sacrificing performance.
63. The Top 8 Registries for Containers
There are many container registry options on the market, serving customers of different types, sizes, and needs. Let's look at our top 8.
64. 7 Benefits of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) for the Accounting Industry
Read about the 7 Benefits of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) for the Accounting Industry & know the advantages of the cloud-hosted desktop.
65. What Makes a Cloud Enterprise Technology Stand Out
This article covers the top eight factors you should consider when choosing a cloud enterprise technology.
66. The API Gateway Security Risk You Didn't Pay Attention to
When you deploy an API to API Gateway, throttling is enabled by default in the stage configurations.
67. Getting Started with Cloud Computing: An Overview
In this article, you'll learn about cloud concepts such as what is cloud computing, the advantages of using cloud computing, cloud computing types, and more.
68. 4 Ways to Scale Your Business With Cloud Computing
69. Check Your Privilege: Designing Cloud Infrastructures According to the Least Privilege Principle
The Sunburst attacks relied on the Cloud model to work successfully. Experts believe that Dark Halo, the group responsible, used priviledges to do it.
70. Kubernetes Day-2 Operations, Part I
Kubernetes is the de-facto standard for container clustering and orchestration. Its adoption is soaring in cloud-native applications.
71. The Clouds are Thickening: An Overview of The SaaS Ecosystem and Big Cloud Providers
The global cloud technology market is entering a new stage in its development and is becoming more mature. What to expect next?
72. What Will be the 3 Biggest Software Development Trends of 2022?
The number of software developers globally is due to almost double by 2030, yet InterSystems research has found that more than 8 out of 10 developers currently feel they work in a pressured environment. Creating a better experience for developers is key for inciting innovation, but the current data environment continues to evolve in ways that challenge the experience at every turn.
73. How To Setup Continuous Integration Pipeline By Using Terraform And GitLab CI
Terraform is a fantastic tool for managing your cloud infrastructure, especially if your assets are hosted on multiple cloud providers.
74. DecentraMind for Web 3.0 or Against It? — Interview with Mikhail Danieli
DecentraMind by Web 3.0 or for it? — interview with Mikhail Danieli, project visionary and ambassador about the future of the platform and the company.
75. Introducing a better way to record custom metrics
Many clients have asked me “how do I record custom metrics from Lambda?”.
76. Top 5 Reasons Why Companies are Moving to the Cloud
Cloud has introduced some new business capabilities through cost-effectiveness or accessibility, as a company you don't want to miss the opportunity.
77. Reducing Kubernetes Costs
Kubernetes has become the de-facto choice for most users and one aspect that any Kubernetes administrator must look into is managing Kubernetes costs.
78. Deploy a LAMP stack as a Helm Chart
Kubernetes deployments are becoming even more complex but Helm is a good solution to bridge this deployment complexity and package Kubernetes applications
79. An Invitation to Hack Microsoft’s Azure Security Lab.
Disclaimer: I am not sponsored by anyway from Microsoft's Azure Team.
80. Run Executable Applications In the Cloud with Team Code
How to quickly set up GitLab-ce in minutes using Tin? Just follow six steps...
81. Cybersecurity Essentials to Protect Remote Workers Online
As the pandemic forces many workers from the office to their home office, the world of work has been changed forever. And while working from home can have many benefits in the long-term for both staff and corporation, it’s not ideal for every business. For example, one major fear at the moment stems from having enough cybersecurity at home.
82. Packing AWS SDK in Deployment Artefact - Does it Help to Your Infrastructure
A version of the AWS SDK is always bundled into the Lambda runtime for your language. So the conventional wisdom says you don’t need to include it in your deployment artefact.
83. How to Solve the Problem of Cold Starts in 'Serverless' Systems
Learn about serverless cold starts. What they are, what influences serverless startup latency, and how to mitigate its impact.
84. Cloud Home Automation Series Part 4 : Connected Light Bulb using AWS, ESP32 & Arduino
[Updated - 1st March, 2020] : Course updated, now you can control your connected light either using Google Assistant or Alexa. Kindly check out the Bonus section at the end of the course.
85. Meet kubectl cost: A Tool For Determining Kubernetes Workloads Cost
Kubectl cost is an open source kubectl plugin designed for those who interact regulary with Kubernetes and need to control the costs of their infrastructure.
86. How To Deploy an Application Using Jenkins, Tomcat Server, and PollSCM
In this guide, we are going to use Docker to configure Jenkins and Tomcat to achieve Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment.
87. AWS Snow Family: An Old Solution to a New Problem
The AWS Snow Family is a group of three products that solved the problem of slow data transfers and edge computing associated with cloud storage.
88. Why Hybrid Deployment Could be the Best Solution for Better DevSecOps
DevSecOps is gaining popularity rapidly because it’s the only well-defined methodology to integrate the entire application development process while addressing security as well.
89. Developing a Cloud-Based App in 2023
Creating a cloud app for a business is easier than ever. Here is the complete guide to build cloud app in 2023.
90. As Cloud Computing Systems Advance, Multi-cloud Provides Faster Digital Services
Enterprises are finding that multi-cloud and hybrid cloud solutions can help them keep up with the pace of innovation in digital services.
91. Production Horror Story: How My Startup (Almost) Went Bankrupt
Just in time for Halloween failures in production are scarier than most movie monsters. Here's a personal scary story of a production fail.
92. The Inevitable Switch
If you are in for a serious online business grind then switching to a Virtual Private Server (VPS) is inevitable.
[93. How Did Kubernetes Win the
Container Orchestration War?](https://hackernoon.com/how-did-kubernetes-win-the-container-orchestration-war-lp1l3x01)
Kubernetes is now almost synonymous with container orchestration. A CNCF survey found that it is used in production by 78% of respondents. But it wasn't always like this. There used to be several big players in the field and there was talk in the industry of 'container orchestration wars.'
94. 7 Steps to a Winning Cloud Migration Strategy
Cloud computing has revolutionized IT since the 2000’s, and this revolution is far from over. Formerly, organizations would host their data on-premise as that was the only option available, but with the advancement in technology, and fast-changing business demands, cloud-based solutions started turning out to be a more flexible and powerful option for organizations. There is a mass migration underway to adopt cloud infrastructure and avoid the hassles and operational costs of managing infrastructure in-house.
95. How to Reduce AWS Lambda Costs
There are many ways to reduce AWS Lambda costs. In this article, we'll take you through the AWS Lambda cost optimization strategies that have worked for us.
96. Tips To Secure Your AWS Account
It is no news that Cloud Computing technology has come to stay.
97. The Carbon Footprint of Storing Data
We collect things and, as long as we attribute value to these things, we want to preserve them. The digital age has changed the way we keep things. To be completely exact, these are not 'things' anymore. We name them data.
98. How to Leverage the Salesforce Marketing Cloud to Reach New Customers
The well-designed platforms included in Salesforce Marketing Cloud meet the essential values of clients. Here are 6 of those platforms to leverage.
99. An Essential Guide to Polyglot Cloud Native Debugging: Beyond APM and Logging
Cloud native debugging is a tedious process of sifting through logs and analyzing dashboards. Continuous observability enables last mile investigation
100. How Do You Make Cloud Migration Easier?
Engage in intelligent change.
101. The Application of Cloud Computing in the Health Care Industry
Although cloud computing isn’t something new to the healthcare industry, the industry is yet to fully utilize the potential of the cloud.
102. Accessing Private Instances With An, Internet-Facing, Application Load Balancer in AWS
In this piece, I will be showing you how to deploy a simple python Flask application with an AWS application load balancer.
103. A Comprehensive Guide to Security Certification for SaaS
In this article, we will explore what security certification for SaaS is, its importance, and how to get the best out of it by minimizing the risks.
104. Tales From The Blockchain: Our Mainnet Stalled; This is How We Rescued It
Early morning CEST on Monday, October 19, 2020, we detected an issue on Nodle’s main network. It appeared that all our validators were offline and block production had stopped.
105. Essential Aspects of Cloud Compliance for Financial Services
In this post, we will cover five key areas that are very relevant to most financial services businesses—five topics an organization must “get right”.
106. How to Add Business Context to Every Dollar of Your AWS Bill
In this blog post, I will walk you through the process of how we use nOps to add a business context to our AWS bill.
107. SaaS Tools For Small Business: From Project Management to Marketing
Small businesses are in a continuous struggle to manage their workload and summing up their monetary expenses. One of the most affordable and easiest ways is to keep a check on the latest SaaS software which handles all that’s necessary to your business while reducing the manual efforts.
108. Connecting to Schlage's New WiFi Locks Is Not Easy
I like Schlage’s smartlocks, and have used them for years. Built by a company with a long history of making reasonably secure, reliable locks, I’ve used several of their Z-Wave locks over the years, but Z-Wave is…Z-Wave. Proprietary until recently, a PIA to troubleshoot, and while the technology held a lot of promise on paper, in reality it’s been the cause for many a swear word to erupt from my mouth (I realize this is partially due to the controllers I’ve used over the years).
109. How Companies like Netflix Deliver Content Around the World
Have you ever wondered how companies like Netflix or Spotify is able to delivery videos or songs to you at what seems like lightning fast speed !?
110. Book Review: Effortless Cloud Native App Development Using Skaffold
Skaffold is a cloud native open source framework from Google that lets Spring Boot developers build Kubernetes apps easily and deploy effortlessly
111. What the Heck Is Envelope Encryption in Cloud Security?
If you are going deep into cloud security you may have seen the term “Envelope encryption”. Let’s explain the concept and why it is useful.
112. 10+ Best Resources to learn DevOps in Depth [Online Courses]
DevOps is one of the most in-demand skills from employer and there are many job opportunities lying for full stack developers, distinguished engineers and DevOps professionals. If you are an experienced Java programmer or a full-stack web developer, and want to become a DevOps engineer then you have come to the right place.
113. AWS Lambda: how to share code in a monorepo
A while back, a client asked me “how can I share business logic between services in a Node.js monorepo?”. So here it is!
114. Cloud Home Automation Series Part 3 : Create web-client in Node-RED to control ESP32 from Web
[Updated - 14 December, 2020] : Course updated, Now you can run the NodeRED Instance in any AWS Region, which uses secure HTTPS connection using self-signed Certificate (Generated during boot up) & set non-default Password & Username to login to NodeRED Admin Dashboard.]
115. 6 NetSuite Implementation Mistakes to Avoid
NetSuite developer suggests configuration over customization, initially. You can bring customization later once the project manages to mature over time.
116. Worry if The CPU based Policy Does Not Cut It For You
Imagine you are in the process of migration of a legacy system from the data center to the cloud to make the system scalable. If containerization is not an option you will try cloud-native autoscaling. One of the most commonly used metric to perform autoscaling is CPU utilisation. If your application does not scale well based on this metric this is pretty likely because of more serious issues. Let's see why.
117. Cloud-Native Autoscaling in AWS
Imagine the situation, you have a legacy system partially migrated to multiple services and used by the relatively small amount of concurrent users. And one day stakeholders want to create an open API and expose the system to external clients with the load significantly higher than the existing system can handle, and it should be scalable to handle in the future even more.
118. Mastering Docker: How to Attach an AWS EBS Storage Volume to Your Docker Container
In an ideal world, Docker containers should be ephemeral without any reliance on external storage. In the microservice world, this is achievable when services are connecting to external databases, queues, and other services.
119. The Perfect Cloud: AWS, GCP and Azure all-in-one
I decided to take a deeper look at the Render unified cloud solution which presented a Zero DevOps promise that works well for applications of any size
120. Cloud Home Automation Series:Part 3 Create web-client in Node-RED to control ESP32 from Web
Welcome to SIMPLE LEARNING AWS Cloud Home Automation, Zero to Hero Series. In the third part, we are going to create a web-endpoint that will trigger remote execution in ESP32 by securely switching ON/OFF the ESP32 inbuilt led from a website hosted in Node-RED. Before starting, let's do a recap, in Part 1, we have connected the ESP32 MCU with AWS and able to publish Messages to IoT Core and in Part 2 we have uploaded another code which interacts with Things Shadow to control ESP32 inbuilt led using MQTT client. The following series split into four parts (refer below) with very simple and clear instructions to provision a home automation system to control house appliances through the web. Everything has been covered from scratch you won't face any difficulty understanding. In case of any clarification, drop me a note on LinkedIn. Feel free to explore them with ease, skip to the one which is relevant to you.
121. Infrastructure as Code: Almost Everything You Need to Know
Infrastructure as Code is invaluable when it comes to automating infrastructure by defining infrastructure configurations as code.
122. Use Screen Sharing and Canvas Overlays to Enhance Your Amazon IVS Web Broadcast
In our last post, we looked at how to broadcast to an Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) live stream directly from a web browser.
123. Building The Koyeb Serverless Engine: Why We Moved From Kubernetes to Nomad, Firecracker, and Kuma
We built our own serverless engine. Here is our story of moving user workloads from Kubernetes to a custom stack based on Nomad, Firecracker, and Kuma.
124. My Experience With Scaleway: The Pros and Cons
Even though my usage of Scaleway is 100% free, I'm pretty unhappy about the deployment part. I came for the free credits and the scale-to-zero capability.
125. How Cloud Provider Compliance Affects Your Application Compliance
Cloud is evolving fast and already becoming a significant part of the software ecosystems. With this growth, becoming compliant on standards such as ISO, PCI-DSS, HIPPA, builds confidence for you to trust the cloud in terms of security.
126. Kubernetes Autoscaling Was Supposed to Be Easy
Even though one of the selling points of Kubernetes is scaling, the built-in autoscaling support is basic at best.
127. Gradually Shift Traffic With AWS Route 53 Weighted Routing Policy
Gradually Shift Traffic with AWS Route 53 Weighted Routing Policy
128. From a Googler’s Scratchpad: How to Prepare for a Google Job Interview
Cracking interviews at Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Meta - starts from Self Reflection. A structured & iterative approach to do this exercise is beneficial!
129. What is Multi-Cloud Really?
Smaller companies may be more practical users of multi-cloud setups
130. Three Strategies For Designing The Caching In Large Scale Distributed System
Well we all are aware that a cache — pronounced CASH — is hardware or software that is used to store something temporarily in a computing environment and if you want to really know about in detail how it actually works you can go to through its definition here as this article assumes that the reader has fair understanding of the caching as a concept.
131. Top 5 Cloud Migration Strategies You Need to Know
A cloud migration strategy is a plan a company can adopt to move some or all data and systems into the cloud.
132. So Safe You'll Cloud 9
Cloud migration means to move business data, applications, or other critical business services from on-premise data centers or onsite computers to the cl
133. Mastering File Upload: A Guide for Web Developers
How to upload a file to web application using Vely.
134. Migrating To Cloud: How to switch to SaaS Software?
Moving to SaaS software is a huge step to take, and it requires deep analysis and proper process setup. Find out here how to move to SaaS.
135. Faster than Linux
FTL usually refers to "faster than light". A theoretical particle known as a tachyon that powers certain spaceships in the Star Trek universe keeps the plot going for decades through multiple series and and movie franchises.
136. 14 Steps to Debugging a Node.js Application Running in a Docker Container
This blog post shows how you can debug a simple Node.js application running in a Docker container. The tutorial is laid out in a fashion that allows you to use it as a reference while you’re building your own Node.js application and is intended for readers who have prior exposure to JavaScript programming and Docker.
137. Making a Static Website with C#, Blazor, AWS And GitHub Actions
If you follow the Microsoft development community at all, you’ve most likely already heard of the new web development framework called Blazor. If you haven’t heard of it, here’s an overview from the product site:
138. Top 30 Cloud Consulting Companies to Take Notice of in 2020
A key requirement for the majority of enterprises today, cloud computing was conceptualized in the 1960s but didn’t fully unfold for many decades. Only recently the major differentiators of cloud systems, such as cost-efficiency, compliance out of the box, effortless scalability, and advanced data protection, were duly appreciated, first by the trailblazing software providers like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft, and then by the rest of the world.
139. Developers Want to Code. Hence Serverless.
How serverless is fulfilling the original promise of cloud.
140. A Flexible Simulation Framework For Modeling Cyber Attacks
Threat modeling is becoming more and more common for both applicationdevelopment and system analysis. However, most threat modelingapproaches remain to be highly manual. Meaning, you must figure outwhat the system you are analyzing looks like and what types of threatsthat need mitigation. For smaller applications under development this canbe a useful activity, but for larger systems it doesn’t scale.
141. 4 Ways to Use the Cloud During this Crisis Period
Businesses around the world have been forced to scramble a response to the current worldwide pandemic. Boardrooms have become (virtual) war rooms as organizations hunker down and try and devise strategies that will enable them to prosper or, in many cases, simply survive.
142. How to Maximize Cloud ROI with Containerization - Part 2
Learn how to increase your cloud ROI with automated deployment of containers and implementing CI using the right approach when developing your infrastructure.
143. linking kubernetes clusters to vpcs on aws
What is the best way to connect Kubernetes clusters running across multiple AWS VPCS?
144. Is Latency Slowing Down your E2E Tests?
LambdaTest offers to make cloud browser testing 70% faster than traditional cloud test execution platforms. In this post, we understand the optimisations made.
145. 6 Types of Web Hosting to Consider
When it comes to web hosting, you’ll find that there are plenty of options out there. However, each of these has its own pros and cons. Usually, they’re all tailored for the specific needs of the website owner. And while all of them are basically storage space you rent for your website, there are plenty of differences between them; ranging from the required technical knowledge to reliability and server speeds. With that in mind, here are the six basic kinds of web hosting you should consider!
146. A Dev's Guide to Building a Cloud Version of Your Open Source Software [Part 1]
Learn how to build a cloud-managed version of any open-source project with this complete guide.
147. Introduction To AWS Lake Formation
What does it mean for your organization?
Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently announced, among many other important updates, the release of the new service “AWS Lake Formation” at the AWS re:Invent in Las Vegas. This article provides a brief explanation of what the service does. Furthermore, it explains why it can be important for your organization.
148. How Does Cloud Storage Work?
Cloud storage is the technology that allows users and companies to store, maintain and access data on highly available servers via the internet.
149. Cloud Collaboration Tools for Engineering Teams
It's a story about how I set up a development environment in five minutes
150. Overcoming Security Risks in a Cloud-Based World
The increased reliance on cloud-based infrastructure means organizations must adopt a layered approach to cybersecurity to protect their cloud workloads.
151. How We Could Have Listened to Anyone’s Call Recordings
How PingSafe managed to find and report a vulnerability in an automatic all recorder that would have allowed us to listen to anyone's call recordings
152. Revealed: The Most Important DevOps Tools For Newbies
DevOps is practice/tools to run the services and applications on Cloud infrastructure. Scripting,git,Jenkins,Ansible/Puppet/Chef,Docker,GCP,AWS,Azure
153. Create a 1-Click Cost Alert Notification in Amazon AWS: A How-To Guide
Are your AWS costs growing? Learn how to deploy a cost alert in one click.
154. Cloud Management and Hybrid Cloud Model Explained
In this blog, we will explore the relevance of cloud service models.
155. Why DevOps Is Important During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Disruption is the name of the game these days, from current remote work settings due to COVID-19 to even more normal, every-day disruptions (like the process of moving and renovating a home, which I’m currently experiencing first-hand). As a habit-driven developer myself, I have come to the realization that the stable work environment I’ve come to rely on is no more.
156. Why Are Cloud Costs So High?
Why are cloud costs so high? In part, it's because the very companies that offer cloud services are raising their prices. But there are other factors too.
157. An Intro to the 7 Rs of Cloud Migration Strategy
Cloud migration strategies are high-level plans adopted by an organization to move their existing on-premise workloads and data to cloud environments
158. 5 Best Practices for Effective Log Management
What Are Log Files? And how can they be managed in a cloud-native infrastructure?
159. Building Continuous Delivery Pipeline using CDK Pipelines Modern API
In this step-by-step tutorial, we're going to learn about how to build continuous delivery using CDK pipelines using modern API.
160. The Types and Benefits Of Cloud Computing
In this article, we discuss the options available for businesses to make the correct choice in terms of cloud computing to complement a business' needs.
161. Decentralized High-Performance Cloud Computing: An Interview With DeepSquare
At The Metaverse Insider, we had the pleasure of interviewing both Diarmuid Daltún and Florin Dzeladini – the Co-Founders at DeepSquare.
162. The 'Cloud 100' is Pretty Much a List of APIs. Find out why.
Why (nearly) every company in the Forbes' Cloud 100 has a public application programming interface (API).
163. Kubernetes Day-2 Operations – Part II
It is undeniably confusing if you’re unfamiliar with infrastructure technologies and leaning towards DevOps principles will further complicate the situation
164. Architecture Evolution for Interactive Queries
Presto and Alluxio working together enable a unified, robust, high-performance, low-latency, and cost-effective analytics architecture.
165. An Introductory Guide to Cloud Orchestration
The reasoning for why the cloud computing market is making its way to reach a monumental value of $623B by 2023 is simple – it’s the innovation that comes with it.
166. Applying principles of chaos engineering to AWS Lambda with latency injection
We can apply latency injection to APIs created with API Gateway and AWS Lambda. Our approach should allow us to configure when to add arbitrary delay (and how much) to our API endpoints to ensure inter-service communications are tuned with proper timeout values.
167. Twitch Will Ban Users for Off-Platform Activities
Amazon-owned streaming service Twitch has expanded its rules to include off-platform “misconduct” that will result in bans to curb the freedom of speech
168. From a Googler's Scratchpad — How to Shape Your Resume for a Google Job Interview
Google Job Interview tips, Resume writing tips for FAANG
169. How to Create an Azure API Management Instance using Bicep Lang via Azure DevOps
The more I use Bicep, the more I love it. This is what ARM Templates should have been.
170. What Makes Cloud Security Solutions so Relevant
Intuitively, some people believe that “cloud” storage means your data is being held in the air somehow, but this isn’t really the case.
171. The Numbers Are In: Cloud Solutions are Driving and Accelerating Digitalization
What we, as a society, are experiencing today because of this pandemic is profoundly unique to our generation.
172. Cloud Compliance And Regulation Resources
Customers and Cloud Service Provider (CSP) share the responsibility of security and compliance. Thus, the organization would have the freedom to have architect their security and compliance needs, according to the services they utilize from the CSP and the services they intend to achieve. CSP has the responsibility to provide services securely and to provide physical security of the cloud. If, however, a customer opts for Software-as-a-service, then the CSP provides standard compliance. Still, the organization has to check if it meets its regulations and compliance levels to strive to achieve. All Cloud services (such ad different forms of databases) are not created equal. Policies and procedures should be agreed upon between CSP and client for all security requirements and operations responsibility.
173. How To Manage Local Kubernetes Testing with KIND Tool
If you've spent days (or even weeks?) trying to spin up a Kubernetes cluster for learning purposes or to test your application, then your worries are over. Spawned from a Kubernetes Special Interest Group, KIND is a tool that provisions a Kubernetes cluster running IN Docker.
174. How Feasible Is Jumpstarting Your Career With AWS Certifications?
Cloud expertise is currently one of the most sought-after tech skills out there, and cloud jobs are some of the highest paying in the industry. But how does one break into this exciting field?
175. Modernize Your Spark Platform with Data Orchestration
In this post, we provide an overview of the Spark + Alluxio stack: the architecture, real-world examples, deployment models, performance and cost benchmarking.
176. A Quick Start Guide to Use ShardingSphere-Proxy in Real Production Scenarios
This post describes how to use ShardingSphere-Proxy and what's its differences with ShardingSphere-JDBC.
177. How To Extend AWS EBS Volumes With No Downtime
This can be applied whenever you need to extend your EBS volume size avoiding to stop the instance and detach the volume.
178. TestProject 2.0 Next-Gen: Test Automation Without Limitations
Hello Folks, I'm back with my article on TestProject but this time with their 2.0 release.
179. How to sample AppSync resolver logs
AppSync has built-in logging integration with CloudWatch Logs (see here for more details on the logging options).
180. Kubernetes' Impact on Development
Kubernetes is the reason containerization has garnered acceptance among enterprises. Whether you like it or not, it has made your life as a developer easy.
181. What is Cloud Scalability? Benefits, When and How to Use
In cloud computing, cloud scalability refers to the ability of increasing or decreasing the IT resources to meet changing needs. Scalability is an element of the cloud and is the main driver of its popularity in the business sector.
182. How To NOT pass the Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam
The best of bad advices about CKA
183. Businesses Have Countless Web Hosting Options: Here's What They Are
In the earliest days of the Internet, pioneering businesses didn't have too many options to get their companies online. At the time (the mid to late 1990s), web hosting options were minimal.
184. Accelerating Write-Intensive Data Workloads on AWS S3
We introduce Replicated Async Write to allow users to complete writes to Alluxio file system and return quickly with high application performance.
185. I built a crypto monitoring app with serverless - this is how
Here's a quick development overview of how I built a cryptocurrency monitoring platform to help investors analyze the market.
186. How CloudCover Helped Genflix Migrate VOD Media Workflow To AWS
187. Purpose-Driven Microservice Design
Creating purpose-driven microservices should always be a goal. Find out how Render Blueprints can offer a reproducible microservices strategy.
188. 4 Best Cloud Deployment models
189. How to Backup Your Microsoft Azure Storage Accounts
Azure Storage Account is one of the foundation services of Azure. Pretty much all other services use it under the cover in a way or another. This service is simple, works great, and has crazy SLA and redundancy capabilities. However, it doesn't provide a point in time restore. Meaning that if you corrupt or delete some data, there's no way to recover it. There are some solutions that you can find over the internet, but unfortunately, none of them is a silver bullet. Let's explore and compare some of them.
190. How Cloud Computing Can Help Healthcare
Learn more about cloud computing architecture and its types, as well as how SaaS platforms can benefit the healthcare system by streamlining IT processes.
191. Join us in Our Efforts to Reduce Cloud Waste by $100 Million in 2021
We aren’t putting enough of a spotlight on the environmental impact of the cloud. Cloud usage and spend are skyrocketing as more companies invest in the critical infrastructure that drives digital transformation and supports integral parts of a business.
192. 6 Types of Web Hosting to Consider
When it comes to web hosting, you’ll find that there are plenty of options out there. However, each of these has its own pros and cons. Usually, they’re all tailored for the specific needs of the website owner. And while all of them are basically storage space you rent for your website, there are plenty of differences between them; ranging from the required technical knowledge to reliability and server speeds. With that in mind, here are the six basic kinds of web hosting you should consider!
193. How To Eliminate Leaky S3 Buckets Without Writing A Line Of Code
194. 4 iPaaS Use Cases for 2023
iPaaS products and providers can help integrate data and applications between the cloud and businesses. Here are some compelling ways to use iPaaS solutions th
195. 5 Benefits Of DaaS & VDI Technology Solutions
Know top five benefits of Desktop as a Service (DaaS) & Virtual Desktop Infrastructure(VDI) technology.
196. A No-Code DIY: Setting Up an IVR Virtual Assistant
Plivo, a cloud communications platform and a popular alternative to Twilio, provides a software tool that lets you easily build IVR menus using PHLO.
197. Comparing Cloudinary CDN and Amazon AWS CDN CloudFront
Cloudinary was way better than AWS CloudFront. They had a secret sauce: dramatic image transformation. Cloudinary somehow compressed a 703 KB image down to 37 K
198. Best Ways to Utilize the Adobe Experience Cloud: A Short Overview
Providing a great customer experience plays a key part in beating off your competition in the industry. Adobe cloud comes with a set of tools that enable companies to provide omnichannel experiences that differentiate their brand and help in driving results. It is a combination of the best solutions that are highly effective when it comes to marketing, advertising, analytics, and commerce. They are fully integrated through a cloud platform that comes with support, service, and open ecosystems and the products are extremely helpful for companies that are looking to improve customer experience. As a business, there are many different ways you get to benefit from Adobe cloud products as they can be utilized in many different ways.
199. The Gaming World is Changing
For decades, Video Games have been entertaining adults and children.
200. Why Infrastructure as a Service Is Ideal For Startups
201. Storage Services Provided By Amazon Web Services
Storage may be a large part of every enterprise architecture.
202. Is Cloud Computing Really More Sustainable?
We've all heard the environmental benefits of cloud computing, but there are some cons as well. Is the cloud really more sustainable?
203. 2 Methods for Installing Serverless Kubernetes in Alibaba Cloud
Exploring Alibaba Cloud Serverless Kubernetes capabilities. Here are two methods for deploying Serverless Kubernetes in Alibaba Cloud.
204. Kubernetes Day-2 Operations – Part III
Kubernetes has revolutionized the way developers run their workloads by abstracting a part of the actual infrastructure
205. Preparing for the AWS Solution Architect — Associate Certification (Released February 2018)
First of all, this post is not about refining the AWS concepts and also it’s not about testing your skills on AWS or anything related to enhancing your learning in Cloud computing.
206. 5 Ways that Microservices can be Deployed Effectively
The perfect place to host a microservice application is largely determined by its size and scaling requirements. So, let’s go over the 5 main ways we can deploy
207. Cloud computing – everything you need to know
Cloud computing – everything you need to know
Firdavs Kasymov
208. Cloud-based Apps are Essential for Remote Work
Times have changed and the global IT domain has now shifted to a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) model wherein employees are encouraged to bring their own devices to the office and stay connected. The biggest enabler in this has been the apps based on the cloud that can be accessed from any location- all you need is internet access.
209. Helping Our Users Mitigate The 2020 Cloudflare Outage - How We Did It
On July 18th, 2020, a configuration error in Cloudflare’s backbone network caused an outage for about 27 minutes affecting businesses worldwide.
210. Cloud-Native DevOps: A Basic Primer
DevOps, the method of automating processes between development and operations, is one of the essential factors of successfully implementing a cloud-native approach.
211. Set Up Your Own Heroku-like Cloud (PAAS) in 10 Minutes: A Quick Start Guide
When building projects one of the annoying parts is setting up stuff like web servers, relational databases, and caching. Here's my solution to all that.
212. AWS SAM + Cloudformation macros, a patch made in heaven
Over the last few weeks I have been working with a very ambitious client – Solve, who is building a new murder mystery game. They are doing some really cool things technically, and are building an entirely serverless stack.
213. ESP32 connecting Public Cloud with Internet of Things (IoT)
Post Digital Era a new buzzword of 2020. This term can easily scare people, happily working in their current role and start wondering Do we need to upskill again 🤔? But the real fact is that a lot is remaining in the digital transformation space, half of the world population haven't seen the transformation yet. Thus I am on my mission to educate and familiarize people in the world of digitization & I strongly believe that IoT (Internet of Things) has a lot of potentialities to solve real-life problems and complexities of the present World. Thus, I am quite passionate about IoT & exploring it to the fullest.
214. Automation is a Great Tool for Your Cloud-Based POS Software
Having automation baked right into your cloud-based POS software is a great way for you to improve business efficiency & grow larger.
215. What is Cloud Computing for SMBs?
As companies continue to evolve in the digital age, they are starting to readily approach the world of cloud computing.
216. 5 Reasons Why Open Source Vs. SaaS is A One-Sided Battle
Open Source Vs. SaaS is A One-Sided Battle
217. How The Cloud Turned IT Outsourcing On Its Head
In my previous article I interviewed Michael to discover just how a decentralized virtual private network might work. This time around, I wanted to learn what the cloud meant for IT professionals like himself: what their work was like before it became an everyday tool, and how they could describe its impact.
218. A Case for Using Temporary Stacks when you do Serverless
One of the benefits of serverless is the pay-per-use pricing model you get from the platform. That is, if your code doesn’t run, you don’t pay for them!
219. Kubernetes in the Cloud: Strategies for Effective Multi Cloud Implementations
Kubernetes is a highly popular container orchestration platform. Multi cloud is a strategy that leverages cloud resources from multiple vendors. Multi cloud strategies have become popular because they help prevent vendor lock-in and enable you to leverage a wide variety of cloud resources. However, multi cloud ecosystems are notoriously difficult to configure and maintain.
220. How to Create a Conditional Workflow With Advanced GitHub Actions
How can I create one GitHub workflow which uses different secrets based on a triggered branch? The conditional workflow will solve this problem.
221. Configuring SQL Server for High Availability in the Cloud
Every big Cloud service provider offers you guaranteed SLAs availability about 99.95 %, and this percentage of availability can make you think that cloud is perfect for a SQL Server deployment which requires High Availability. Azure and AWS are the two giants of cloud services, and their geographical distribution of data centers can leverage you to think of cloud for a SQL server development configured with disaster recovery.
222. Heroku From the Perspective of a Cloud Architect
As a freelance cloud architect, I spend my time reviewing and playing with the latest and greatest industry trends. Technologies like Kubernetes, ElasticSearch, and Prometheus fill my home and business infrastructure. After many hours of painful configuration and tweaking, they are now tuned to work exactly the way I want.
223. Helm2 vs Helm3: Part 1
So Helm3 finally has been released. Everybody saying goodbye to Tiller but, that’s not the only change in Helm3. Let’s discuss what else has changed.
224. Serverless Step Functions: Avoid Leaky Abstractions
I have some exciting news to share with you about the Serverless Step Functions plugin.
225. Introduction To Distributed Tracing Pattern
A distributed architecture brings in several challenges when it comes to operability and monitoring. Here, one may be dealing with tens if not hundreds of microservices, each of which may or may not have been built by the same team.
226. 3 Risk-Mitigation Lessons That We Learned The Hard Way This Year
What do in-flight refueling maneuvers and cloud-to-cloud migration have in common?
227. Sizing Your Cloud Resources: 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid
Learn the common pitfalls of moving to the cloud and how you can avoid them to truly benefit from the cloud’s elasticity.
228. Cloud Solutions Propelled Into The Spotlight Courtesy Of Covid-19
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, cloud service solutions have been thrown into the limelight as companies and organisations across the globe grapple with the rapid shift to remote working and learning. With the widespread closure of non-essential organisations and businesses forcing organisations’ leaders to consider new and innovative approaches to shifting their businesses online, the move to cloud computing has become a far greater priority than ever before. The industry statistics demonstrate this: according to new figures from analyst firm Gartner, by the end of 2020 we will have seen the global public cloud services market reach $266.4 billion, up from $227.8 billion in 2019.
229. What Does "Building a Cloud-Native Application" Really Mean?
The inexplicable popularity of the term "cloud-native" is without real meaning.
"Cloud-Native Apps" is an overused (even abused) term in the tech industry.
230. Why Serverless is a Great Choice for your Business and Its Growth
As you read this post — possibly on your smartphone — it’s easy to forget how many modern technologies we take for granted.
231. 9 Dropbox Alternatives for Evidence Management in Law Enforcement
For evidence management and storage, there are multiple alternatives to Dropbox available which can save time and be customized for your specific needs.
232. How to Make Your Lambda Functions Run Faster (and Cheaper)
The AWS Lambda service allows us to easily deploy and run our own code, without worrying too much about the underlying infrastructure (when compared to non-serverless technologies). It essentially scales infinitely (with great power comes great responsibility), and can be connected with a bunch of other services, like API Gateway, S3, AppSync, DynamoDB, etc.
233. Do Modern Technologies Like Serverless Really Offer Better Benefits?
Remember mainframes? Serverless is pretty much that: we own the machine and you rent out time on our big iron. We went full circle on progress!
234. How Nutanix VM Works
In the era of enterprise cloud, modern enterprise datacenter must support
virtualization with high availability and live VM migration. The traditional storage area networks (SAN) or network attached storage (NAS) doesn’t suit. Instead, they are ideal to manage a logical unit number (LUN). A LUN can be a single disk, an entire redundant array of independent disks (RAID), or disk partitions.
235. The Essential Guide to Security and Compliance for the Public Cloud
Using an Infrastructure-as-a-Service provider makes it easier to achieve and maintain compliance, but here are some caveats to consider.
236. How to Implement Cloud APIs: Google Drive API, Dropbox API, and OneDrive API
Practical application of Cloud APIs such as Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive can be tricky. To simplify, we described the integration process step-by-step.
237. How To Use Change Data Capture for Fraud Detection
Still relying on overnight processes to drive your decision making? Maybe it’s time to consider an evaluation of your CDC pattern that uses new technology.
238. Your Friendly Service Mesh for Abstract Network Architecture - Istio
There is a new hype in the DevOps world: Istio and service meshes. But why exactly is everyone suddenly migrating to Istio? In this post, we will examine whether it actually makes sense to use Istio and in which use cases it may help you (as well as when it’s simply an overkill).
239. Cloud-based Vs. Web-based Applications: A Detailed Comparison of Features & Key Aspects
Cloud and web apps seem interchangeable to many. Is it true? Not at all. However, both are similar but not the same. Read this article to know the difference.
240. StackOS: Decentralized Cloud Infrastructure
The CEO of Koinos Group interviews the Chief Architect of StackOS; decentralized cloud infrastructure
241. Alkira Teams Up with Microsoft to Transform the Cloud Networking Journey to Azure
Network Cloud pioneer Alkira® has announced a close collaboration with the Microsoft for Startups program, a select group of emerging businesses.
242. How Adopting Serverless is a Competitive Advantage for Your Business
How could serverless help move your business faster and outpace competitors? With serverless, you don't need to worry about anything except your code.
243. There Are More Risks Associated With SaaS Data Security Than Potential GDPR Fines
The growing reliance on SaaS business calls for an improvement in security. On occasions, data security can be of existential importance to organizations.
244. Shall I Use ADD or COPY in the Dockerfile - What's the Difference?
Every developer and every team faces confusion about COPY and ADD in the Dockerfile at some point. When I get this question, first I usually give the technical background, which is this:
245. How to Autoscale an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service Cluster
In this article we are going to consider the two most common methods for Autoscaling in EKS cluster:
246. How To Sync Terraform Config And .tfstate File For Existing AWS Resources
Terraform is a great (and dominant) infrastructure automation tool. It is multi-cloud, can build all sorts of resources, and in some cases supports API calls to build resources before the native tooling from cloud providers does.
247. Breaking Down What is New in Kubernetes 1.19
The new Kubernetes 1.19 comes with 34 enhancements. Out of these, 10 have progressed to stable, 15 are in the beta stage, and 9 are in the alpha.
248. 12 Strategies to Reduce Amazon S3 Costs
Amazon Simple Storage Service or Amazon S3 is a service designed to house storage for the internet. In this article, we'll talk through all the strategies you can use to reduce Amazon S3 costs.
249. Is Terraform Still Useful?
Terraform is an agentless infrastructure tool used mainly by DevOps for infrastructure management. Find out why you should use Terraform for infrastructure.
250. B2B Tech Startups That Ignore Multi-Cloud Restrict Their Customer Reach Opportunities
The pitfalls of building a B2B solution on only one cloud platform is that the application design becomes rigid and makes it difficult to later extend it to support other cloud providers.
251. How to include SNS and Kinesis in your e2e tests
Being event-driven is a key characteristic of a serverless architecture. Often our Lambda functions would publish events to SNS topics or Kinesis streams instead of calling downstream APIs directly.
252. AWS Cost Optimization 101
The beginning of the year is the perfect time to clean up and optimize. This also applies to your AWS bill. I've composed practical tips on how to cut costs with small effort.
253. 3 Cloud Migration Strategies Explained
Cloud migration strategy has been among the hot topics for most companies all over the world for quite some time. Businesses turn to cloud solutions due to the numerous benefits and easiness of particular strategies available today. Remember that every cloud migration project plan must be carefully tailored to a short-term business objective and long-term goal. Below you can learn about the top three cloud data migration strategies, their pros and cons.
254. Decoding 5G Security: An Overview
5G standards and procedures have security deeply embedded by design. This is a complete departure from earlier generations of telecom networks.
255. Modeling Hierarchical Access With AppSync In 3 Simple Steps
I have been working with a US client to build a first-of-its-kind app for managing medical consents. It falls under HIPAA compliance and it’s paramount that we do not allow unauthorized access to user data.
256. How to Build a DevOps Culture Within Engineering Teams
257. Developing, Deploying and Testing Flask Applications on Kubernetes - Part I
In this step by a step blog post, that illustrates how to integrate Python Flask applications with Docker and run them in a Kubernetes cluster, we will cover the following topics:
258. How Goji Investments Enhances Developer Experience via Observability
This post was written by Dean Record, Engineer at Goji Investments.
259. 10 Ways to Future-Proof Your Business With Cloud
During 2020, many traditional standards and realities changed, resulting in widespread changes impacting all operational levels.
260. Scaling Web Applications Is Like Walking a Tight Rope in a Storm
Scaling web applications is a skill. It’s like walking a tight rope, in the midst of a storm. There are multiple factors acting on you,
261. Cloud-Native Yay or Nay: Reasons to Use Cloud-Native Technologies
Cloud-native has been the talk of the town for quite some time now. Some developers think it’s just hyped way too much and will soon diminish from the limelight. Others think cloud-native will revolutionize software development and is here to stay!
262. Advanced Docker Security with AppArmor - An Overview
So you have your Docker Containers deployed, which in turn are hosting critical applications of your organization? Great! So far, so good!
263. How to Version Control the Cloud
This article discusses how AWS Config, Fugue, and CloudYali can be used for cloud version control.
264. Moving to the Cloud Doesn’t Prevent Outages
Are we learning from the past? At what point should others take accountability for their actions? When do we stop the cycle that has failed us and try a new approach?
265. 3 Top Tools for Implementing Kubernetes Observability
Here, in this blog, we’ve discussed three important tools to implement Kubernetes Observability. Let’s take a look!
266. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Infrastructure, Explained
Before talking about AWS infrastructure first we will see What is the cloud? What is AWS? There are many definitions, but the one that is most relevant to is the idea of an on-demand, pay-as-you-go, IT services that are delivered over the internet.
267. Can Blockchain Fix Enterprise Cloud Computing?
As cloud waste increases, businesses are looking for a silver lining.
268. Ditch Web Development, Cloud Development Is What You Need ☁️
The “Learn How to Code” Hype Train
269. Salesforce Marketing Cloud Implementation
Salesforce Marketing Cloud, formerly known as Exact Target, assists digital marketers to deliver the right message to the potential audience at optimal timings.
270. Coronavirus, Cloud Computing and Cybersecurity: A Conversation with Dr. Arun Vishwanath
As Chief Technologist for Avant Research Group in Buffalo, New York, and formerly as a professor at the University of Buffalo, Arun Vishnawath has spent his professional and academic career studying the “people problem” of cybersecurity.
His current research focuses on improving individual, organizational, and national resilience to cyber attacks by focusing on the weakest links in cybersecurity — Internet users.
271. Cloud Application Development: Trends and Technologies
What is the state of cloud app development? How to develop a cloud application? What technologies to apply? Read the article to find your answers.
272. 6 Cloud Migration Benefits for Businesses
Cloud migration benefits the application by opening a new horizon for high-level architecture applications that capture and process data in real-time. A smooth cloud migration experience and hassle-free post-migration efficiency are assured by properly implemented cloud migration strategies.
273. Hosted LMS vs SaaS LMS: How do they Differ?
Are you confused between Hosted & SaaS LMS? On that note, this article delves further into a comparison between two LMS solutions: SaaS LMS versus Hosted LMS.
274. How to Integrate Traditional Cloud Development With Salesforce
Heroku provides the necessary components to integrate cloud services with Salesforce to easily create a burndown chart to track performance.
275. Cloud Manufacturing Paradigm: The Capabilities are Now Becoming Clear
The UK’s Best New Tech company, according to the British Chamber of Commerce, is Fractory, a cloud-based sheet metal fabrication platform based in Manchester, UK.
276. 10 Steps To Digital Transformation While Simultaneously Cutting Costs
Companies Must Transform Or Else (Photo by eelnosiva on Adobe)
277. 7 Ways AI is Transforming DevOps
In this article, we will see how AI is transforming the DevOps universe.
278. Here's How I Moved From AWS To Heroku
In the fall of 2018, I decided it was time to put my application design and development knowledge to use in order to provide a modernized solution for my mother-in-law’s small business.
279. Working Remote? Migrate To The Cloud! NOW!
In recent years, the increase of remote work is one of the leading trends in the last years in the labor-management. But the labor market remained inert for a long time... until COVID-19 burst into our lives. Because of it, during some last months, many companies worldwide were faced with the necessity of moving their staff to remote working.
280. Create a LEDs-powered Cloud! ☁️⚡️✨
At Prynt, we have creativity days, we work on everything we want for few days. I believe this is really important to have some time you can work on something else for your company. A colleague did some art paint in our office, another create slack emoji of everyone in the company, I decided to create this cloud with the help of some colleagues (by the way, we name it Claudie).
281. Why You Need To Use Cloud Tech For Your Startup And What Mistakes To Avoid [Interview]
The cloud has been a hot topic for the last several years. However, it is not always easy to understand how to use this particular tool because of information overload and massive marketing activities performed by vendors.
282. How To Implement Serverless Services and Run Chrome Headless in AWS Lambda
Learn what headless browsers are, what are the use cases, how to implement serverless services and run Chrome headless in AWS Lambda.
283. The Kubernetes Namespaces You Should Never Touch
Kubernetes default namespaces and their importance
284. Decreasing Latency for High Frequency Crypto Arbitrage Trading
Decreasing latency between cloud regions for HFT crypto trading
285. A Guide to Setting up Laravel in Ubuntu
Laravel is a very popular open-source PHP framework aimed at easy development of applications. If you are looking for a new PHP framework, you should give Laravel a try.
286. How to Easily Deploy ML Models to Production
One of the known truths of the Machine Learning(ML) world is that it takes a lot longer to deploy ML models to production than to develop it.¹
287. How to Debug Your Production Process
Learn how Codename One debugs its production servers securely and without service disruption by leveraging Lightruns production debugger
288. Decentralized Databases Reduce Data Latency With Geographically Distributed Data Centers
Latency is caused by offloading processing from an app to an external server. But what if there was a solution to the monolithic common single-cloud geography?
289. 5 Ways DevOps can make IT Infrastructure more Scalable
DevOps, did you even hear about it in the first place? Or is it familiar? Before we go to learning the 5 Ways DevOps can make IT Infrastructure more Scalable, we must explore each term and practices around it first.
290. Will Xbox Cloud Gaming be Successful?
In this Slogging post, our staff and community discuss whether Xbox Cloud Gaming will be successful in the future and whether it will hit the mainstream.
291. Cloud Orchestration Vs. Cloud Automation Explained
Nowadays, the public cloud has become the tech solution of choice for many companies, including Amazon, Netflix, and Facebook. Why? The reason is simple - due to flexible nature, public cloud solutions allow businesses to save money on unused resources. Moreover, cloud hosting is a perfect way to save time on managing and maintaining the data centers in which your data is stored since these are the responsibilities of your cloud service provider.
292. Managing Enterprise Cloud Security vs On-Prem Security
This is an introduction to a descriptive approach to Cloud Security in enterprises. We discuss the security architecture of a Cloud-Based organization.
293. Road to Noovolari: The Journey of a Tech Startup
Our journey from business unit to tech startup focused on building open-source software for multi-cloud environments
294. Fleet Serverless Node.js Function Introduction
In February this year, we announced Fleet (Formerly Hole), a FaaS platform built on Node.js to be faster than other platforms and to create a more faithful integration with the ecosystem. In this post, I will clarify how all of this works and what we are bringing differently to the Serverless ecosystem, and what it means for startups and companies.
295. Best Practices for Apache Ranger Based Authorization for Your Data Platform
Unify data silos on-premise and across cloud environments to provide data locality, accessibility, and elasticity
296. AWS re:Invent 2020: AWS Community Builders Program Top Highlights
As an AWS Community Builder, I truly enjoyed attending AWS' re:Invent 2020 conference this year, diving into cloud technology, devops, databases & innovation.
297. Terraform Configuration Syntax Overview
All you need to know to get started about Terraform Syntax.
298. An Overview of Load Balancing Challenges
Not all traffic can be arbitrarily routed.
299. 5 Best Cloud Games Currently Available on Nintendo Switch
Today, I'm gonna cover something that most people are not excited by: Cloud Gaming on Nintendo Switch.
300. Remote Logging Using Syslog: How to Track Client Device Connections
Nowadays, having a remote syslog feature within the WiFi network system is a must-have for Service Providers. The Tanaza software has the built-in capability of tracking the client device activities on the access points. When enabled, the messages and events stored in the access points can be exported to a remote Syslog server.
301. Serverless Python Google Cloud Platform: Hosting Django on Cloud Run
Learn about the basics of Serverless, Docker and deploying a Django (Python) application to Cloud Run, a serverless offering by Google Cloud Platform
302. How To Successfully Migrate Data From DynamoDB To Bigtable And Spanner
Being informed and relevant aren’t enough to catch a moving target that’s disappearing every 24 hours.
303. Founder Interviews: Matt Creager of Manifold
Matt is the co-founder & VP of Marketing and Developer Relations at Manifold, the cloud-native marketplace company.
304. Don’t Fear The Cloud When it Comes to Data Integration
Data loading speed, cloud applications, data security fears, and added costs & efforts are some of the reasons why businesses fear data integration.
305. If You Learn to Build Scalable Applications, You Can Change Your Career
What we're up to
306. AWS Re:Invent 2021: The Most Important Updates
Find out what were the 22 most important serverless updates from re:Invent 2021. Announcements, updates and more - serverless edition >>
307. Using KubeMQ Bridges to Communicate Between Edge and Cloud Clusters
Struggling to communicate between your edge sources and the home cloud? Messaging could be the solution.
308. Cool Things You Didn’t Know About Alicloud in 2022
Alibaba Cloud #3 cloud provider in the world. It is available outside of mainland China, in fact, it has data centers in 25 regions and 80 availability zones.
309. Top Cloud Platform Comparison: 2021 Edition
This is a comprehensive research of the top cloud service providers, as well as some second-tier market players.
310. In a Pandemic, Tech Workers Are Also Essential Workers
Governments around the world have instituted lockdowns to try and slow the Covid-19 pandemic, saying that only essential workers should be still going into work. But that just raises the question: who is an essential worker in a pandemic?
311. How Amazon CloudFront Secures Content Delivery
Amazon CloudFront is highly secure, managed service for content delivery by providing useful, and security supporting features. Learn more in the blog.
312. What Does the Future Hold for Cloud Security?
Cloud security is something that every business needs to take seriously. In fact, ignoring cloud security could prove to be a fatal move for many organizations.
313. Cloud Migration: Automated Discovery Tools And Their Benefits
With the advent of new tools, automation and orchestration are having an immense impact on easing the burden of moving to the cloud.
314. Evaluating AWS WAF Security Automations [A Deep Dive]
If you run a web application in the cloud, sooner or later you have to deal with security and protect it from malicious input. AWS WAF Security Automations can be a handy alternative to expensive or more complex security products.
315. Set Up Laravel 6 on Google Cloud Run with Continuous Integration [Step-by-Step Guide]
Laravel has soared in popularity in the last few years. The Laravel community even says that Laravel has made writing PHP enjoyable than a pain. Laravel 6 has some interesting new features. Getting a super scaleable working URL for your application take hours if not days. Setting up something like Kubernetes is a huge task. This is where Google Cloud Run shines, you can get a working HTTPs URL for any of your containerized app in minutes.
316. How To Make The Kubernetes Operator Rock: Basic Principles
This blog post demonstrates how you can use the Operator Lifecycle Manager to deploy a Kubernetes Operator to your cluster. Then, you will use the Operator to spin up an Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK) cluster.
317. An Introduction to Serverless Cloud Import Systems
Python Cloud Importer was developed as a part of the Cloud AI Operating System (CAIOS) project described at a high level in a separate article. Here, we are going to provide a more detailed account of motivation and internal design of this part of the system. In this paper, a Serverless Python Importer will be covered in detail. However, general principles presented are equally applicable to any programming language. In order to understand why we decided to develop it why Cloud Importer plays such a crucial role in CAIOS, we first need to cover the basics.
318. Multi-Cloud Approach: An Excellent Way to Future-Proof Your Business
Cloud technology is no more unknown to any of the individuals in this digital world. This advanced technology is on the horizon, and it has created a huge buzz in every corner of the world these days. According to IDC Predictions of Worldwide Cloud in 2017, around 85% of Enterprise IT businesses have committed to multi-cloud architectures just during 2018, this helped them to drive up the rate and provided huge opportunities to bagged massive growth in their business field.
319. Destination Heroku: Changing My Tech Stack
In the "Moving Away From AWS and Onto Heroku" article, I provided an introduction of the application I wanted to migrate from Amazon's popular AWS solution to Heroku. While AWS is certainly meeting the needs of my customer (my mother-in-law), I am hoping for a solution that allows my limited time to be focused on providing business solutions instead of getting up to speed with DevOps processes.
320. Google Cloud Platform Free Tier Vs Physical And Cloud Servers For Startups
Common Hosting Types
321. Solid Tips on How to Manage and Monitor Chaos via Litmus Custom Resources
Litmus is a Cross-Cloud Chaos Orchestration framework for practising chaos engineering in cloud-native environments. Learn how chaos is orchestrated with Litmus
322. HarperDB is More Than Just a Database: Here's Why
HarperDB is more than just a database, and for certain users or projects, HarperDB is not serving as a database at all. How can this be possible?
323. How To Upload and Display Images Trough IBM Cloud with Rails 6
This is a tutorial about how we can implement IBM Cloud Storage in our Ruby on Rails 6 projects. We can upload images and manage these assets with Rails. In this tutorial we are going to build a simple app. We can upload a kitty photo and vote for that photo (this tutorial only includes the part of creating a new Rails app, configuring it to save our photo on the cloud, and showing it on an image tag; the design and the part for the photo will be included in the app but is not shown in this tutorial).
324. The Complete Beginners Guide to AWS S3
In this tutorial, we'll get to learn how to use the AWS S3. First, learn what is S3, the core parts of S3 that are the Buckets, Access Point, and Objects.
325. Using DAL For Migration From DynamoDB to Spanner and Bigtable
Game changers emerge when you are deep in the trenches laying the foundation.
326. Make Software Great Again: Can Open Source be Ethical and Fair?
Is there a way to go beyond open source, and have ethical, fair software in a cloud-first world? This is what some people in the open source community think.
327. Cloud Security 101
Cloud security involves the procedures and technology that secure cloud computing environments against external and insider cybersecurity threats.
328. 6 Tips To Scale an AppSync Project To 200+ Resolvers That Will Blow Your Mind
I have been working on a large AppSync project for a client these past few months. The initial version of the app was built in just a few weeks, but the client has commissioned additional features and the project has kept growing. At the time of writing, this project has over 200 AppSync resolvers and 600 CloudFormation resources.
329. 4 Future-Proof IT Specialties for IT Workers of Today and Tomorrow
For more than thirty years now, the global IT sector has been growing. Rapid developments in a variety of technology fields have created whole new industries and revolutionized others. For those that became a part of the swelling ranks of IT workers, it's been a time of unprecedented career opportunities.
330. How to Use Azure Functions to Build a QR Code Generator
How to build a fun QR code project and learn about Azure Functions at the same time. Using the latest .NET technologies.
331. How To Reduce Risks And Prepare For The Unknown
To be Always On in uncertain times, mundane must be your new black.
332. Strategies for Combating Cloud Security Risks
There are some proven operational and security practices to significantly reduce the occurrence and impact of security breaches in the cloud.
333. Everything You Wanted to Know about Caching for Serverless Applications
Last week, someone asked me “Is caching still relevant for serverless applications?”
334. 'Serverless Smackdown': Who Leads the Squid Game?
To ensure your project’s success, you need to make the right call and choose a serverless provider that fits your product’s size, complexity etc.
335. Top 10 On-Demand IT Certifications With Highest Pay: 2020 Edition
Information Technology (IT) certification can enrich your IT career and pave the way for a profitable way. As the demand for IT professionals increases, let's look at 10 high-paying certifications. The technology landscape is constantly changing and the demand for information technology certification is also getting higher. Popular areas of IT include networking, cloud computing, project management, and security. Eighty percent of IT professionals say certification is useful for careers and the challenge is to identify areas of interest. Let's take a look at the certifications that are most needed and the salaries that correspond to them.
336. 10 Cool CI/CD Tools For Your Project
Continuous Integration, shortly called ‘CI’ in DevOps is an important process or a set of processes that are defined and carried out as a part of a pipeline called Build Pipeline or CI Pipeline.
337. How to Use BitBucket Pipelines and Xray Test Management to Test Automation of Jira Cloud Workflows
In this post I show how you can use Bitbucket pipelines together with Jira Cloud. Furthermore I introduce Xray Test Management and present how to combine them.
338. How Serverless Can Encourage Good Engineering Practices
In this article, we list the seven reasons why and how serverless computing enables useful engineering practices.
339. Ultimate Guide to Synthetic Monitoring Products
As we look forward to 2021, Synthetic Monitoring continues to be as important as ever in understanding the performance of your app or website. But your synthetic monitoring is only as good as the tool you're using and there are a lot of product choices. Since selecting the best one for you is critical, the choice can be overwhelming. Price, setup ease, accuracy, and more play a part in the best solution.
340. [Minimizing Startup Costs] We Built our Own Email Marketing App in 4 Weeks
Thanks to Hiten Shah who generously reviewed an early draft of this article.
341. How To Use The Flexibility Of Nginx To Make Your Apps More Powerful
Open-source application diversity is both the biggest boon in the Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) movement, and its greatest hindrance to adoption. You don’t always own the application you're consuming, and it often comes with certain opinions and limitations imposed by the software author—either intentionally or otherwise.
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