Let's learn about Serverless via these 335 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Feel the magic of the cloud...
1. Developer Experience Supremacy: Here’s What Industry Experts Say About It
The focus on enhancing the developer experience is evolving rapidly post COVID, as businesses embark on the digitization journey. What really does this entail?
2. [Launched] First Open Source Headless CMS Running on AWS Serverless To Cut Hosting Bill by 60%-80%
So why you need another Headless CMS? For a change, with this one, you won't worry about scaling, installing, configuring and managing infrastructure.
3. How To Make Docker Images with Jenkins Pipelines
Jenkins Pipeline is a powerful tool when you are using Jenkins to automate your deployments. Flexible and customized actions split between stages are a good reason to try this feature.
4. AWS Step Function: Adding Retries and Error Notifications To A Lambda Function
A step by step guide on how to use the AWS step function to retry Lambda and send notifications when errors occur in Lambda.
5. 10 Things in Engineering We Don't Spend Enough Time On
In this article, we’ll look at ten underrated activities in engineering for which allocating more time can be beneficial.
6. AWS Lambda: how to share code in a monorepo
A while back, a client asked me “how can I share business logic between services in a Node.js monorepo?”. So here it is!
7. How Bindings in Azure Functions Work
What Bindings are in Azure Functions, How they currently work with in-process Functions, and how they work a little differently for isolated functions.
8. A simple Event-Sourcing Example Using Lambda and DynamoDB [Includes Snapshots]
Recently, I have been helping a client implement an event-sourced system. In the process, I put together a very simple demo app which is available on GitHub here.
9. How To Monitor a Forum for Keywords Using Python and AWS Lambda
While building ScrapingBee I'm always checking different forums everyday to help people about web scraping related questions and engage with the community.
10. Severe Truth About Serverless Security and Ways to Mitigate Major Risks
Going serverless is like outsourcing routine tasks to remote pro teams. You get a shorter time to market, lower cost, and better scalability. You focus on features that make your users happy instead of managing a complex infrastructure. You can be more creative and innovative, as a third-party vendor will save you from all the boring tasks.
11. Serverless monitoring — the good, the bad and the ugly
Not so long ago, a job requirement pushed me into the world of FaaS, and I was thrilled. I had dreams of abstraction — eliminating all that tedious work no developer likes doing. “We are not operations engineers!” I exclaimed proudly. “We should not need to dabble in the dark arts of the Linux Shell.”
12. Getting Started with Cloud Computing: An Overview
In this article, you'll learn about cloud concepts such as what is cloud computing, the advantages of using cloud computing, cloud computing types, and more.
13. Migrating your Node.js REST API to Serverless
I’ve dabbled a fair share in the dark arts of Serverless. Digging into the various pros and cons of not having dedicated servers, or instances you can call your own. Even if they technically are not. They’re just in some undisclosed server farm somewhere floating in the cloud.
14. Setting up a Serverless Contact form in React — using Nodemailer and Express
Having a contact form always works better than just displaying an email address on our website. A contact form gives our visitors an easy way to get in touch with us.
15. Exploring Differences Between Monitoring And Observability
Monitoring vs Observability: in this article, we're explaining what is observability exactly and how does it differ from monitoring.
16. Why the Fuss About Serverless?
To explain this, I’m going to have to recap on some old work with a particular focus on co-evolution.
17. A crash course on Serverless with AWS — Image resize on-the-fly with Lambda and S3
Handling large images has always been a pain in my side since I started writing code. Lately, it has started to have a huge impact on page speed and SEO ranking. If your website has poorly optimized images it won’t score well on Google Lighthouse. If it doesn’t score well, it won’t be on the first page of Google. That sucks.
18. A crash course on Serverless with Node.js
Regardless of your developer background, it’s inevitable you’ve heard the term Serverless in the past year. The word has been buzzing around in my ears for longer than I dare say. For too long have I been putting off looking into it in more detail. Well here goes nothing.
19. How to use Azure Functions Core Tools to create a local.settings.json file and run Functions locally
We use Azure Function Core Tools to create a local.settings.json file and import our Function settings to that file so we can run our Functions locally.
20. An In-Depth Guide to AWS Lambda Error Handling
In this article, we'll be discussing everything you need to know about the basics of AWS Lambda error handling.
21. Amazon Textract: Extract Text from PDF and Image Files [A How To Guide]
Amazon recently released Textract in the Asia Pacific (Sydney), thus i decided to write a javascript OCR demo using Amazon Textract.
22. A Step by Step Guide to Creating a Multi-step Form
Recently I wanted to add a multi-step form to my site. Since my site runs on Hexo, a static page generator, I had some doubts about how to execute this task. I already had a static form on my site, and I didn’t want to spend too much time on the development of features like steps, show/hide logic or validation.
23. Introducing Vortex: A Stateless Tunneling Service
Vortex is a stateless ngrok alternative that you can use at work and at your favorite coffee shop. Instant public URLs to expose your localhost server.
24. Choosing a Computing Method: a Serverless SWOT Analysis
If you ever find yourself deciding for or against serverless the following tries to make the decision easier for you.
25. Error Handling Strategies for Serverless Event-Driven Architecture
Designing the error handling for event driven architecture.
26. When To Go Serverless?
It's hard to decide whether to go serverless or not. This article covers what is serverless in the first place and the pros & cons.
27. Why you Should Stop Using Fat Functions in Your Lambda Code
The debate over whether to use a single-purpose function vs a fat lambda continues to this day. We hope to convince you that Fat Lambda is truly an anti-pattern
28. GitHub Pages is a Great Way to Host a Server
Hosting serverless applications outside of cloud on a home server.
29. Building a Visual Serverless NodeJS API with MongoDB and Lolo
Create a visual Serverless CRUD API with all MongoDB CRUD operations in a few minutes by stealing my work. Keep it maintainable by using several nodes.
30. Failing at Serverless: Serverless is Stateless
Serverless is stateless. Well sometimes thats not quite true. Here is a story of fail.
31. What Is Cloudwatch Embedded Metrics?
I can’t believe not many people are talking about this AWS feature. It’s a game changer!
32. Building a Serverless Data Pipeline to Analyze Meetup data
Building a Serverless Data Pipeline to Analyze Meetup data
33. AWS Lambda Alias: An Essential Guide
Why you should be using AWS Lambda alias for your versioning strategy
34. Introduction to Qoddi.com App Platform
Qoddi is a PaaS app platform made for business, free for developers.
35. How to Use AWS S3 with Python
8 Must-Know Tricks to Use S3 More Effectively in Python: In this article, we’ll look at various ways to leverage the power of S3 in Python.
36. How to Run C# Azure Functions in an Isolated Process
We can run our C# Azure Functions in an isolated process, decoupling the version of .NET that we use in our functions from the runtime version.
37. Connecting Event Bridges Across AWS Accounts: A How-To Guide
Connecting Event Bridges Across AWS Accounts: A How-To Guide
38. A Better Introduction to AWS Lambda
Over 200 services are available through Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS Lambda is the AWS platform's event-driven serverless computing solution.
39. An Introduction to the appfleet Edge Computing Platform
A new edge compute platform goes live. appfleet allows users to deploy containers and applications to multiple global regions
40. How To Use Ballerina in Azure Functions
Ballerina since v1.2.5 has built-in support for Azure Functions. In this way, you can take a Ballerina function and expose it as a serverless function in Azure Functions. Azure Functions take on a unique approach in defining serverless functions with the function trigger and bindings concept. In this way, we can access other cloud services such as storage services (queue, blob, etc.), CosmosDB, Twillio, and timers right from the function itself without any additional connectors or authentication processes. We map our parameters and return types with these bindings, which provides us direct access to the resources.
41. How to Trigger Lambda with SNS Messaging: Going Serverless with AWS
Do you love event-driven programming? Let's take a look at triggering AWS Lambda functions from AWS SNS messages.
42. 'Serverless': Malware Just Found a new Home
Read about 'Serverless' data security and its ugly truth.
43. 3 Evolutions of CMS (Traditional 👉 Headless 👉 Serverless)
In this post, we’ll go through 3 different periods of the CMS evolution. For each period, we’ll explore the most popular solution(s), their stack, and also how the current market trends are looking like for them.
44. How to deploy a Node.js application to AWS Lambda using Serverless
Being a developer is amazing. Writing code, solving problems and thinking of ingenious solutions for complicated algorithms is what we live for. But, the grass is not always so green on this side of the fence. Sooner or later you need to get your hands dirty and deploy the app you worked so hard on. Deployments are not always easy. To be blunt, they can be incredibly hard and time-consuming. That’s what we’ll solve in this tutorial.
45. Serverless Can Help You To Focus
Time is crucial in startups. We are experiencing a constant race against time. Your market might be time sensitive, and you need to grow fast. Most startups fail because they run out of cash and time. Serverless helps you spend time only on things that matter instead of stuff that seems shiny but isn’t essential.
46. Simple Steps to Avoid the Retry Behavior from AWS Lambda
When a Lambda function invocation crashes due to an uncaught application error, for example, AWS may automatically retry the same request.
47. AWS RDS from a Serverless Perspective
In this article, we'll deep dive into all the basics to help you hit the ground running when it comes to AWS RDS.
48. OpenSearch From a Serverless Perspective
What is OpenSearch in a nutshell? What's the history between Elasticsearch vs OpenSearch? The role of AOS in serverless architectures, setting up & monitoring.
49. Triggering AWS Lambda Events with DynamoDB Integration
Learn everything about AWS Lambda triggers in this guide, including Amazon DynamoDB integration and 3 common ways to trigger AWS Lambda.
50. Answering the Biggest AWS Lambda Questions
Learn all about AWS Lambda, an Amazon serverless computing system that features a custom back-end service and real-time data processing >>
51. How Local Development Is Dying and Why it's For the Better
Serverless infrastructure is changing the way we architect applications and it’s also changing the way we code and work as developers. The development is moving away from our laptop and into the cloud. It’s the start of cloud-native development.
52. 6 Reasons Why You Should Not Connect Express.js And AWS Lambda
Some facts why usage Express.js inside AWS Lambda is pitiful design anti-pattern and how to give it up without pain.
53. How Migrating to Serverless Gave Square Enix, Autodesk, and FINRA Big Business Benefits
Bigger companies are notorious for moving slow, but here's a case for why they should make the switch to serverless ASAP.
54. 2 Methods for Installing Serverless Kubernetes in Alibaba Cloud
Exploring Alibaba Cloud Serverless Kubernetes capabilities. Here are two methods for deploying Serverless Kubernetes in Alibaba Cloud.
55. 6 Use Cases to Drive Down Cost Using AWS Lambda
AWS Lambda is an event-driven computing cloud with many uses. Here are some of the best AWS Lambda use cases >>
56. Sentiment Analysis using AWS Comprehend
Sentiment analysis uses AI to identify the core emotion behind a piece of text. In this article, we will look at how to build a sentiment analyzer using AWS Comprehend.
57. 5 Reasons to Build on the Internet Computer
The Internet Computer is a new computing platform that enables developers to reap the benefits blockchain technology offers without sacrificing performance.
58. How You Can Reduce Costs on AWS Lambda
As a Serverless computing service, Lambda already saves hundreds of thousands of dollars for many companies out there. While traditional server-based infrastructures usually lead to overprovisioning and waste, the Serverless pay-per-use model enables cost-effective cloud spending.
59. Serverless and Blockchain: Check NFT Supply With AWS Lambda
How can serverless technology be used in tandem with blockchains? Find out how we built an AWS Lambda function to monitor NFT supplies.
60. A crash course on Serverless with AWS : Building APIs with Lambda and Aurora Serverless
Ever since AWS made a serverless option of AWS RDS Aurora generally available, I’ve been on the edge of my seat, eagerly anticipating all the various possibilities. It would mean a breakthrough in building serverless architectures. No more managing connection pools with SQL. No more worrying about capping out available connections. This would make it viable to use serverless for database intensive operations.
61. Serverless : The Future of Development
Here’s a secret: Serverless is the future of development not because of how great of a technology it is.
Here’s another secret: The previous statement is wrong.
62. Automate Your Amazon DynamoDB On-Demand Backup For Multiple Tables Using Serverless Lambda
As we know with great power comes great responsibility, on-demand backups are the real saviour if your Dynamo DB got corrupted abruptly. Also, it helps you to meet the compliance requirements for the ages if your client keeps bothering you like your Ex. But I don't have the tenacity to initiate the Backup every day. Hence, I devise a Serverless solution for all the lazy people like me out there to automate the DynamoDB backup. Where, we can explicitly mention the backup intervals, table names and backup retention period. I have achieved this using a conjunction of AWS services like Cloudformation, Lambda and Cloudwatch.
63. HarperDB: Build Your Application Backend in One Place with Custom Functions
Introducing the newest innovation from HarperDB: HarperDB Custom Functions. With the release of HarperDB 3.1 users are able to define their own API endpoints within HarperDB. What does that mean for you? HarperDB grows from a distributed database to a distributed application development platform with integrated persistence - one that can serve as a single solution for all of your backend needs. We’re collapsing the stack!
64. How to Reduce AWS Lambda Costs
There are many ways to reduce AWS Lambda costs. In this article, we'll take you through the AWS Lambda cost optimization strategies that have worked for us.
65. [ANN] Serverless Kubernetes Solution For Cloud-Native Apps by CTO.ai
CTO.ai Launches Serverless Kubernetes Platform for Managing Cloud Native Apps
66. How To Get Page Views From Google Analytics via a Netlify Serverless function
After getting my blog up and running I recently decided to add Google Analytics to it, to understand what content people were most interested in. At first this was amazing as I could see which blog posts were getting the most traction, but after a while it became a bit of a pain to log into
my Google Analytics dashboard when all I wanted was to quickly see the
page view count of a blog post.
67. Introducing NodePort Service in Kubernetes
68. How To Use Prometheus Adapter to Autoscale Custom Metrics Deployments
69. A crash course on Serverless APIs with Express and MongoDB
Serverless has become an amazing tool for various use cases. Data processors, chatbots, APIs, you name it is now developed using serverless architectures.
70. WebSockets & API Gateway
A quick, hands-on demo
71. Five Book Recommendations For Serverless Developers
Five books you must read if you are going serverless including books by Eric Evans, Richard Rodger, Chris Richardson, and more.
72. Serverless at the Edge: A Quick Overview
Edge computing platforms like Cloudflare Workers and Deno Deploy allow us to write serverless middleware and backends that are both very fast and cheap.
73. Using Kubernetes and Containers for Infinite Scaling
A landscape view of how to rightsize Kubernetes workloads, from single containers in a pod to hyperscaled serverless deployments, examining tools and techniques
74. Build a CRUD API using DynamoDB and Serverless - Part 1
Guide on How to do CRUD operations like DynamoDB GetItem, PutItem, DeleteItem and UpdateItem using AWS Serverless and NodeJS.
75. Fast Prototyping With Azure Functions and TDD
I Had an Idea
76. Load Test Your Mobile Application API using Rungutan
Load Testing a Mobile Platform
77. Building a Serverless REST API with Node.js and MongoDB
The Serverless movement has gained a bit of momentum in the past few months. Everybody seems to be talking about it. Some would even call it a revolution! But, let’s not get too excited. Don’t be like me. I get too hyped up about cool stuff like this, and start writing articles. If this is all new to you, here’s a piece I wrote a while back, explaining the core concepts.
78. A crash course on serverless-side rendering with React.js, Next.js and AWS Lambda
Not so long ago I started exploring server-side rendered single-page applications. Yeah, try saying that three times fast. Building products for startups has taught me SEO is a must if you want an online presence. But, you also want the performance SPAs can provide.
79. What does API Gateway Encoding not Enabled mean?
In this quick debugging article, you'll learn what does the error api gateway encoding not enabled mean, and how to handle or debug it.
80. WTF is Commercial Open Source Software?
Open-source evolution
81. AWS Core Services: Major Serverless Tools That You Should Use
When first looking into serverless migration and its architecture, it can feel like you’re staring down an endless shopping aisle of critical serverless tools that all need to be put into your basket straight away. Some services seem to offer the same function, while others can feel wildly different - both, as a result, can instill some doubts as to what is really necessary for your business and serverless application.
82. How to Deploy AWS Lambda with Docker Containers
You can now build your serverless workloads in a Docker container with AWS Lambda. We gave it a try and here's our review (with ETL examples).
83. How to Host a React Web App on AWS S3
In this tutorial, we will go through the steps required to configure an S3 bucket to host a React.js web application
84. What Causes Malformed Lambda Proxy Response and How to Fix it
Malformed Lambda proxy response is a common configuration error in a serverless architecture. Learn what causes this error and how to fix it.
85. "Continuous Learning, Growth & Preparation for New Challenges is the Main Motivator" - Marek Tihkan
Today's interview is with Marek Tihkan, CTO at Dashbird talking all about Dev team leadership and management.
86. Starting Web Development? Remember These 5 Things
Originally I shared this story to Syndicode blog, and now I'm making a summary with small additions.
87. An easy way to manage Serverless project resources by using AWS Resource Groups
If you work with serverless projects, as you might be aware that a serverless project can end up with hundreds of Lambda functions which definitely increases the complexity of your application, good new is that AWS Resource Groups recently announced its support for more resource types, especially for groups based on an AWS CloudFormation stack.
88. Redefining Serverless: A Change in Approach and Architecture
Serverless is a fantastic way of building applications, but there is a lot more to consider than simply Lambda functions.
89. How to 'Architect' an Easy Way into the Serverless World
A easy way to jump to jump into the serverless world in AWS
90. Creating API with Bash Code in AWS Lambda and API Gateway
Amazon web services (AWS) is a powerful platform for almost every webservice you can imagine. With AWS API Gateway and Lambda you are able to create REST API’s with ease! API gateway is enables you to create the API. Lambda lets you execute code when the API is invoked. This code can be in many programming languages like Python or Node.JS.
91. Is There An Affordable Alternative To Step Functions?
AWS Step Functions is a great service for orchestrating multi-step workflows with complex logic. It’s fast to implement, relatively easy to use and just works. The problem is its price.
92. How to Build Your Own Serverless Pastebin Tool
Read how to design, build, and deploy a serverless Pastebin clone using Cloudflare Worker and KV to upload and share text through links.
93. What Does Serverless Have In Common With Nutella?
There is an interesting discussion going on around how Serverless is more of a spectrum rather than a binary choice.
94. Using Jenkins, Docker and CI/CD for Serverless Applications
Hi, I am developing a freelance project with aws lambda. I used Jenkins and docker for CI/CD. Jenkins runs pipelines on containers. In this Tutorial I will show you how I set my environment.
95. Challenges and Opportunities of Serverless in 2021
Going serverless has many benefits, but it's not without its issues. Learn about the most common serverless challenges & how to overcome them.
96. Packing AWS SDK in Deployment Artefact - Does it Help to Your Infrastructure
A version of the AWS SDK is always bundled into the Lambda runtime for your language. So the conventional wisdom says you don’t need to include it in your deployment artefact.
97. Migrating To Serverless Video Streaming Platforms like AWS Elemental
Serverless technology is spreading across the SaaS industry like wildfire, including the Video Streaming industry. Is it a good idea?
98. AWS SAM + Cloudformation macros, a patch made in heaven
Over the last few weeks I have been working with a very ambitious client – Solve, who is building a new murder mystery game. They are doing some really cool things technically, and are building an entirely serverless stack.
99. A Serverless Perspective on AWS Elastic Load Balancing
Everything you need to know about AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB) and whether or not it would be a good alternative to an API Gateway.
100. An Introduction to Boto3: How to Use any AWS Service with Python
What is boto3 and how to use it? We look at how boto3 works and how it can help us interact with various AWS services.
101. Receiving and Handling Emails with AWS and Amazon SES
If you have B2C applications, you have to deal with support tickets and emails. According to user size, it can be difficult to handle emails with a person or manage same email address with multiple people for support mails.
102. Scale Your Serverless App with Dashbird's New Features
A recap of all Dashbird's enhanced serverless observability and troubleshooting feature releases in 2020.
103. Top 5 Serverless Trends in 2020
Happy Serverless September 2020! We at Coding Sans love working with serverless technology. This is why we decided to publish a report with the latest serverless trends this year. We partnered up with nine other companies who share our love to make it happen.
104. Understanding Event Driven Architecture
Event-driven architecture is a software architecture paradigm promoting the production, detection, consumption of, and reaction to events.
105. How to Install Tekton Pipelines in the Azure Kubernetes Service Cluster
CI\CD with Tekton Pipelines in AKS serverless Virtual Nodes
106. How to Scrape (Almost) Anything With Puppeteer and Node.js
A guide to web scraping with Puppeteer, Node.js, and Autocode with tips and examples
107. WunderBase - Serverless GraphQL Database on Top of SQLite, Firecracker and Prisma
WunderBase is a Serverless Database with a GraphQL API on top of SQLite, Firecracker/Fly machines, and Prisma.
108. How to Run DynamoDB Tables On A Budget
As we all know, the on-demand capacity mode of DynamoDB is great but can be cost-prohibitive in some cases (up to seven times more expensive than the Provisioned Capacity mode).
109. Noonie Nominee Simona Cotin is a Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft
Simona Cotin from the United Kingdom is a 2020 Noonie nominee in the Software Development category. Simona is a developer who has a passion for teaching others. Scroll on through for their take on what’s trending in tech today.
110. Using TypeScript for AWS Lambda [A How-To Guide]
When we are using NodeJS as the runtime for AWS Lambdas, JavaScript is the default language. However, due to the lack of typing check in JavaScript, from time to time, buggy codes are deployed to Lambda inadvertently. Such as a small typo like this:
111. How to add a contact form to a static website
This post was originally published on Codementor.
112. Getting Down and Dirty with Metric-based Alerting for AWS Lambda
Discover how to set up metric-based alarms for AWS Lambda functions. See how to do it in CloudWatch vs Dashbird.
113. Setting up a Debugging Environment for Azure Functions 2.x using VS Code
114. Creating Tables and Querying data with AWS DynamoDB
In this article, we will look at the NoSQL database service offered by AWS called DynamoDB and how to perform basic database operations with it
115. AWS Lightsail: The Why, Hows, and Whats
Lightsail is an easy-to-use alternative to EC2, offering everything you need to build websites and simple web applications.
116. AWS Re:Invent 2021: The Most Important Updates
Find out what were the 22 most important serverless updates from re:Invent 2021. Announcements, updates and more - serverless edition >>
117. Amazon API Gateway Vs. Application Load Balancer
We recently wrote about whether API Gateway can act as a Load Balancer. The answer is yes and, in many cases, they are substitutes for each other. But how should we choose which one to use?
118. Building a Serverless Contact Form with AWS Lambda and AWS SES
What if I told you it can be done with zero dependencies? Hope you’re up for a challenge because that’s exactly what we’ll be doing.
119. Getting Started with AWS Lambda and Node.js
Once upon a time, not so long ago, a word caught my ear. Lambda. That struck a chord, remembering the good old days of playing Half-Life as a kid. Little did I know what AWS Lambda was, and how incredibly awesome it is. If you’re intrigued, stick around. I’ll only take a few minutes out of your already busy day, and you surely won’t mind.
120. Hacker Noon Product Update 2019-2020
Now that we're a few days into 2020, it's time to take a few steps back and reflect on some of our accomplishments from 2019. First of all, I'd like to thank the community and our team for not only surviving 2019, but continuing to build momentum into the new decade. Let's celebrate our accomplishments and keep the delivery train rolling! 🚂🎉
121. Serverless API with Terraform: GO and AWS [Part 2]
In part 2, we'll go over deploying serverless API to AWS Cloud with Terraform.
122. I built a crypto monitoring app with serverless - this is how
Here's a quick development overview of how I built a cryptocurrency monitoring platform to help investors analyze the market.
123. Better Failure Detection in Serverless Apps
Having reliable failure detection in place is a must for any application in production. Here's how to best achieve it for AWS Lambda.
124. WunderGraph's Integration with Fauna
Fauna is a distributed document-relational database delivered as a cloud API.
125. Casing Can Break Netlify Functions: Here's How
It may not be apparent when you're working on it locally, but quirks such as this one on Netlify can throw a wrench into your application deployed in prod.
126. Containers vs. Serverless from a DevOps Standpoint
Two buzzwords walk into a bar… No? Yeah, let’s not go there. If you feel like this, you’re in the right place. Both containers and serverless have been the cool new kid on the block for the last few years, and the popularity simply isn’t dying down.
127. Running Eleventy Serverless On AWS Lambda@Edge
The good news is that you can get Eleventy Serverless to run in AWS Lambdas. Even better, you can get it to run in Lambda@Edge.
128. Serverless Computing Benefits for DevOps: A BTS You Should Not Miss!
Serverless fits perfectly with DevOps and provides the edge over your competitors.
129. Migrate Functions First : A Best Practice For Serverless Enterprise Adoption
This article for is for those of us tasked with refactoring/rewriting an existing application. A significant application. Not only in size, but importance to the organization. The type of apps:
130. Serverless Step Functions: Avoid Leaky Abstractions
I have some exciting news to share with you about the Serverless Step Functions plugin.
131. Introducing a better way to record custom metrics
Many clients have asked me “how do I record custom metrics from Lambda?”.
132. When Dedicated DevOps is Not Available
With the rise of cloud computing and modern distributed systems, we also witnessed the rise of a new practice area: DevOps.
133. How to Save Hundreds of Hours on Lambda Debugging
Lambda debugging can take hours to resolve. Learn these time-saving methods to quickly scan logs and errors in your Lambda functions
134. 5 Common Amazon Kinesis Issues
AWS Kinesis is a professional tool that comes with its share of complications. This article will discuss the most common issues and explain how to fix them.
135. How To Do Data Mapping in Kumologica
Data mapping is a key element in integration. Most of the prominent integration tools provide different capabilities for data mapping. In this article I thought of sharing on how data mapping can be achieved in Kumologica. Kumologica uses JSONata as the base for data mapping. JSONata is a Lightweight query and transformation language for JSON data. It supports complex queries expression which can be achieved with minimal syntax and has a location path semantics of Xpath 3.1.
136. Developers Want to Code. Hence Serverless.
How serverless is fulfilling the original promise of cloud.
137. Serverless Vs Microservices Architecture - A Deep Dive
Companies need to be thinking long-term before even starting a software development project. These needs are solved at the level of architecture: business owners want to assure agility, scalability, and performance.
138. What Does "Serverless" Mean?
In the simplest terms, a serverless system is a way to build an application without having to manage the infrastructure. It reduces administration & maintenance
139. Building The Koyeb Serverless Engine: Why We Moved From Kubernetes to Nomad, Firecracker, and Kuma
We built our own serverless engine. Here is our story of moving user workloads from Kubernetes to a custom stack based on Nomad, Firecracker, and Kuma.
140. Serverless Tekton Pipelines on AWS EKS Fargate
Building an on-demand, server less Continuous Delivery automation solution using Tekton and AWS EKS Fargate
141. The New Object Field to Create Nested & Repeatable Data Structures 🚀
Seamlessly create nested and repeatable data structures with the new Object field.
142. Internal AWS Monitoring is Hard to Grasp
Learm how a serverless monitoring solution can catch problems for you without the painful learning curve connected to serverless failure detection.
143. A Serverless Perspective on HTTP API Gateway
The whole HTTP API Gateway approach is more flexible and, what’s probably most interesting, it’s much cheaper than REST. That alone is perhaps enough to migrate
144. Compare Static Form Providers Side-by-Side
Let’s attempt to coin a term here: "Static Form Provider." You bring your HTML <form>, but don’t worry about the back-end processing that makes it work. There are a lot of these services out there!
145. Cloud Orchestration Vs. Cloud Automation Explained
Nowadays, the public cloud has become the tech solution of choice for many companies, including Amazon, Netflix, and Facebook. Why? The reason is simple - due to flexible nature, public cloud solutions allow businesses to save money on unused resources. Moreover, cloud hosting is a perfect way to save time on managing and maintaining the data centers in which your data is stored since these are the responsibilities of your cloud service provider.
146. Applying principles of chaos engineering to AWS Lambda with latency injection
We can apply latency injection to APIs created with API Gateway and AWS Lambda. Our approach should allow us to configure when to add arbitrary delay (and how much) to our API endpoints to ensure inter-service communications are tuned with proper timeout values.
147. 5 Common Amazon SQS Issues
Ready to fix your SQS queues?🔨 This article aims to help you solve the most common issues as quickly as possible. Let's dive in!
148. The Lambda Function That Creates xlsx Files From JSON Data to Store On S3 Using NodeJS/Typescript
How to write a Lambda function to convert json data to xlsx file and then upload to s3 and return a signed url of that uploaded file on a serverless framework
149. The Tech Stack of a Solo-Developer to build a SaaS With React and AWS
My stack to build a SaaS with Next JS and serverless backend. A full-stack react SaaS boilerplate template to kickstart any project.
150. How Cloud Functions for Machine Learning Can Become True
DeepMux recently announced GPU-powered serverless functions to make your MLOps (DevOps for ML) easier. Let’s talk about Cloud Functions and their use in Machine Learning!
151. Why Serverless is a Great Choice for your Business and Its Growth
As you read this post — possibly on your smartphone — it’s easy to forget how many modern technologies we take for granted.
152. DITL of a Software Engineer: On Working With Serverless Like
Want to know what actually goes on under the platform and behind the screens at Dashbird? We recently sat down for a Q&A with our CTO, Marek Tihkan, on leading and managing an engineering team. Today, we speak to Alex, one of the engineers on the Development team. In this Q&A Alex gives you his insights and some visibility into what his days are like, and shares his perspective as a developer on working with serverless and the learning curves of this new way of computing.
153. You’ve Been Thinking of Serverless All Wrong!
Serverless in enterprise success stories. Why should enterprise move to serverless? What's important to enterprise in serverless.
154. Serverless 101: An Introduction to FAAS (Function-As-A-Service)
Serverless 101, FaaS, Functions as a Service, AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions, Serverless
155. Using AWS API Gateway as a Load Balancer
TL;DR: yes, API Gateway can replace what a Load Balancer would usually provide, with a simpler interface and many more features on top of it. The downside is that it doesn’t come cheap.
156. Resources and Tools by AWS That Can Help You Get Started for Free
In this article, we'll cover some tricks and tips to get started and keep using AWS for free.
157. How I Built a Complete P2P RSS Podcast App in a Single HTML File
How I built a personal paper-like decentralized podcast RSS aggregator.
158. Once Upon a Time There Was Bare-Metal
The story of how Serverless came to be.
159. The Internet Computer Uniquely Enables Web3
The Internet Computer uniquely enables developers to build completely decentralized platforms.
160. Guide: How to Emulate a Raspberry Pi Cluster with Docker Compose
161. How to Create Serverless Functions with OpenFaaS in 17 Steps
OpenFaaS is serverless functions framework that runs on top of Docker and Kubernetes. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to:
162. 5 Reasons Why Open Source Vs. SaaS is A One-Sided Battle
Open Source Vs. SaaS is A One-Sided Battle
163. Access API Running on Localhost From The Internet without Tunneling
Tunnels allow a dev to easily bypass NAT and firewall restrictions... but what is the tradeoff? Anything behind the firewall is now exposed to the internet
164. Storage Options for Serverless on AWS
Serverless computing enables you to run functions without provisioning resources. Most of the top cloud providers offer good serverless options, but this article offers a review of storage options for serverless on AWS. First, you will learn about the core principles of storage and data persistence in serverless computing, and then you'll discover what serverless options are available on AWS for databases, microservices, IoT, and storage synchronization.
165. 6 Common DynamoDB Issues in 2022
It’s expected that developers face many of the same issues when starting their NoSQL journey with DynamoDB. This article might clear things up a bit.
166. Introductory Guide to Debugging Lambda Configuration Errors
The “Lambda configuration error” is as generic as it gets but at the end of the day, it's a pathing issue. Let's go over how to resolve this.
167. How Adopting Serverless is a Competitive Advantage for Your Business
How could serverless help move your business faster and outpace competitors? With serverless, you don't need to worry about anything except your code.
168. There Must Be a Better Way To Build on AWS
So AWS gives startups $100k in free credits. Google and Azure have similar programs for startups. Then why isn’t every startup CTO starting on the Big Cloud?
169. An Introduction to AWS Cognito: The Why, Hows, and Whats
AWS Cognito is an identity management service that lets you sync all your user information in one place in a simple, secure, and scalable way.
170. Securing Serverless Applications with Critical Logging
Serverless security: How important are logs to secure a serverless app? Here's what and how to log based on the industry best practices.
171. Real-Time Data Processing for Analytical Use Cases: Is it Worth it?
How can you reap the benefits of a real-time processing with the least amount of architectural changes and maintenance effort?
172. 'Serverless Smackdown': Who Leads the Squid Game?
To ensure your project’s success, you need to make the right call and choose a serverless provider that fits your product’s size, complexity etc.
173. The Realtime API Family [A Deep Dive]
Looking to 2020 and beyond, the proportion of data produced and consumed in realtime is growing exponentially. IDC predict that by 2025 1/3 of all data produced globally will be realtime.
174. A crash course on Serverless with AWS — Running Node.js 11 on Lambda
Quite an exciting title, isn’t it? I was hyped when I heard AWS was adding support for custom runtimes and layers for AWS Lambda. This means you can now build your own custom artifacts, enabling you to share and manage common code between functions.
175. How Serverless Empowered Us to Accomplish More with Less
We explore how we use Serverless at Courier, review some Serverless basics, and show how Serverless has empowered our team to accomplish more w
176. Creating Custom 404 Error Pages on Zeit Now v2 Platform
A custom 404 page has become a hallmark of well-polished websites. It allows expressing the creative brand of the site. Sometimes it shows a neat trick and easter eggs.
177. Go Serverless with AWS Lambda, Node.js and Dashbird
Learn how to deploy a Node.js application to AWS Lambda using the Serverless Framework and Dashbird for insights.
178. 8 Cloud Computing Trends to Watch in 2021
Cloud computing has grown exponentially in the past decade and is not about to stop. As predicted by Forrester’s research, the global public cloud infrastructure will grow 35% in 2021, many thanks to the pandemic. Due to the lingering effects of covid-19 in 2021, the cloud will be the key focus for organizations looking for increased scalability, business continuity, and cost-efficiency.
179. Serverless Galore - 3 Open Source Libraries Compared
Serverless technologies are having a major impact on the world of computing. They allow IT teams to dynamically scale computing resources without directly administering computing power and storage.
180. How To Make A Cost Effective API Serverless Infrastructures
AWS API Gateway is a great service but can be quite expensive, and even cost-prohibitive in some cases.
181. What's Stopping Everyone From Going Serverless?
In this article, we'll look at what are the security hazards in serverless and what factors will drive its development in the following years.
182. The Future of Serverless API Development is Now
Today, we are excited to announce the launch of WunderGraph Cloud! Today, we are excited to announce the launch of WunderGraph Cloud!
183. The Internet Computer Provides a Solution to Platform Risk
The Internet Computer is a new computing platform that provides a unique solution to platform risk.
184. An Introduction to Serverless Clouds
Serverless Cloud allows you to build your applications without having to worry about the creation and management of cloud services. It does this by abstracting
185. Build a Serverless Lie Detector that uses AI for Facial Recognition
When the Face API recognizes that one of our spies is being deceitful, we will use Courier to broadcast the identity of the mole to our spy network.
186. The Beginner’s Guide to Serverless Computing
Serverless is a modern computing model that employs Function-as-a-service architecture and manages the backend and scaling automatically with low cost and high concurrency.
187. How To Deploy A Scalable Cloud Storage Using Rook And Ceph Storage [Part 1]
It goes without saying that if you want to orchestrate containers at this point, Kubernetes is what you use to do it. Sure, there may be a few Docker Swarm holdouts still around, but for the most part, K8s has cemented itself as the industry standard for container orchestration solutions. As Kubernetes matures, the tools that embody its landscape begin to mature along with it. One of the areas we have seen some optimization, in particular, is in cloud-native storage solutions.
188. Solving invisible scaling issues with Serverless and MongoDB
Ever since software engineering became a profession, we have been trying to serve users all around the globe. With this comes the issue of scaling and how to solve it. Many times these thoughts of scaling up our software to unimaginable extents are premature and unnecessary.
189. Comparing Different Serverless Monitoring Platforms
Technology touches almost every corner of the world economy. Even when it’s an indirect relation, in many cases tech is an essential, vital part of our societies. It just can’t fail without causing too much distress and losses. Not only financially, but especially to the human aspect.
190. On the Original Definition of PaaS
Why Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) still stands a chance
191. Building Your Infrastructure With Just a Diagram
This hands-on tutorial will teach you how to create infrastructure via the AWS Application Composer Console.
192. Why the AWS Console Isn’t the Best for Serverless Debugging
Debugging and troubleshooting in AWS Console is hard and time-consuming. Here's a few reasons why you should stop digging around in Cloudwatch.
193. How to Generate Dynamic Preview Images for Social Media Sharing
Pretty preview of your page when shared on Facebook, Twitter, Slack etc. A Netlify function and the image CDN ImageEngine for storing and image optimimisation.
194. 3 Tools to Gain More Insights into Your AWS Lambda Functions
Comparison of top observability and debugging tools to help you monitor Python in AWS Lambda.
195. How to Have an Automated Blog Promoter With ChatGPT, Twitter, and AWS
Automated Blog Promotion with ChatGPT: Learn how to promote your blog posts automatically with our AI-powered toolkit. Start promoting your blog posts today!
196. How can a shared Slack channel improve your data quality?
Improve your data quality: how simple process adjustments can increase the team’s engagement and how to leverage the power of automation.
197. How to Solve the Problem of Cold Starts in 'Serverless' Systems
Learn about serverless cold starts. What they are, what influences serverless startup latency, and how to mitigate its impact.
198. AWS Lambda Compared with Other Alternatives to Deploy your Function
Lambda vs GRPC vs Choreography vs HTTP / REST
199. Migration On-Premises Application to Serverless
Note: This article covers everything that I present in Viet Nam Web Summit 2019 (VNWS2019) — the biggest event of Viet Nam IT Community.
Nowadays, “Serverless” keyword becomes very popular. Serverless is changing how developers and companies alike approach delivering business value using the public cloud. You can easily find a dozen of articles regarding this keyword. However, I’m pretty sure that, there are not too many articles show you step-by-step to migrate an On-Premises application to Serverless, but in this article, I will do!
200. Building QR Code Generator in Serverless World using Kumologica
The concepts of social distancing, contactless approach and safety first have now become the new normal in our present COVID induced downturn.
201. AWS Decoupling: The Big Comparison
A comparisons between AWS services - Kinesis, SQS, SNS - that allow you to decouple sending and receiving data (including Python examples).
202. Serverless Architecture: Lambda Triggers and Design Patterns [Part 1]
A while ago, we covered the invocation (trigger) methods supported by Lambda and the integrations available with the AWS catalog.
203. How To Use a FastAPI Abstraction To Query AWS Data Lake
Our guide in creating FastAPI abstraction that allows us to query the AWS Glue metadata catalog - a Data Discovery API for AWS Data Lake.
204. The API Gateway Security Risk You Didn't Pay Attention to
When you deploy an API to API Gateway, throttling is enabled by default in the stage configurations.
205. Building 'The Builder' - The Road from Commit to Production in 13s
How we built "The Builder": the challenges we faced and how to build a modern, reliable, and quick continuous integration and deployment system.
206. How to sample AppSync resolver logs
AppSync has built-in logging integration with CloudWatch Logs (see here for more details on the logging options).
207. How to Build a Question and Answer Chatbot with Amazon Kendra and AWS Fargate
Amazon announced the general availability of Amazon Kendra a few weeks ago, Kendra is a highly accurate and easy to use enterprise search service powered by machine learning.
208. The Implications of Serverless CMS (Podcast Transcript)
Amy Tom talks to Pavel Desjnuk, Co-founder and CTO of Webiny, and Richard Kubina, Full-Stack Developer Extrodinaire at Hacker Noon, about serverless CMS.
209. How to Set Up an SFTP Server with S3
210. Containers vs. Serverless: Which is Better for DevOps?
Managing your own containers versus letting serverless do it for you - when to choose what? Let's go over the pros and cons.
211. A crash course on Serverless with AWS — Triggering Lambda with SNS Messaging
If you’re like me, a sucker for event-driven programming, you’ll want to continue reading. Today we’ll take a look at triggering AWS Lambda functions from AWS SNS messages. I’ve covered a few interesting topics regarding serverless architectures and AWS already, but nothing like this yet. Dig down, and get ready. Let’s go.
212. How Using AWS Lambda with Rust Saved 3x the Cost Compared to Using Python or .NET
When building for large-scale use, using Rust certainly feels worth it both from a cost perspective (factor x3 saved) and from a performance perspective.
213. Introduction to RDS Proxy: Exploring with Benchmarks in Go
A deep dive into the performance characteristics of RDS Proxy vs RDS
214. [Minimizing Startup Costs] We Built our Own Email Marketing App in 4 Weeks
Thanks to Hiten Shah who generously reviewed an early draft of this article.
215. Quick Guide to AWS CDK and Serverless with REST API and Data Lake Analytical Querying
This is a hands-on course on how to deploy a fully Serverless web app using the AWS CDK. You will learn how to:
216. Going From Open API Specification To Development Portal
API Economy is taking off exponentially and its every business need to expose their digital services and assets in a secure way. I'll walkthrough in this article how one can take a API-first , design first approach to take into the account, the needs of API consumers and various steps that lead to creating a Developer Portal using all the tools that we've currently. Please note that these tools have alternatives in the market, but these are what got me to the goal post in the fastest way and case could differ for others.
217. How To Integrate Amazon Cognito with Ethereum Blockchain: A Step-by-Step Guide
Building a custom authentication flow using Amazon Cognito and MetaMask
218. How To Create a Custom Webhook URL Using Autocode
TLDR (30s)
219. Creating a Instance Scheduler using AWS CDK
The AWS CDK is a software development framework to define cloud infrastructure as code and provision it through CloudFormation. The CDK integrates fully with AWS services and allows developers to use high-level construct to define cloud infrastructure in code.
220. Serverless Myths Debunked - Top Things You Thought You Knew
Whenever a new technology enters the market, there are often
misconceptions that exist that need debunking in order to fully understand the capabilities, and overcome the restrictions with the emerging tech. Serverless compute is one of those technologies, having entered the cloud space in the past few years and projected to have a CAGR of 26.9%.
221. How to Build a Question and Answer Chatbot with Amazon Kendra and AWS Fargate
Amazon announced the general availability of Amazon Kendra a few weeks ago, Kendra is a highly accurate and easy to use enterprise search service powered by machine learning.
222. Event-driven Functions with Apache Pulsar & Project Flogo
In this post we’ll look at building a highly efficient event processing topology by leveraging Apache Pulsar’s Functions framework and Project Flogo’s event-driven app framework.
223. Importing DynamoDB Data Using Apache Hive on Amazon EMR
This article describes one of the many ways to import data into AWS DynamoDB database. The option explained here uses Amazon EMR and Hive. Using Amazon EMR and Hive you can quickly and efficiently process large amounts of data, such as importing data from Amazon S3 into a DynamoDB table.
224. An Open-Source Firebase Alternative - Introducing Appwrite 0.7
We’re excited to announce the release of Appwrite 0.7, our biggest ever release. The new Appwrite version includes over 100 updates
225. Everything You Need to Know About AWS DynamoDB
AWS DynamoDB changed the database game in Serverless and continues to do so, as its design repeatedly proves its huge value.
226. How to Build Your Own TinyURL
Build and design a low latency URL shortening service for free like TinyURL and Bitly using serverless technology with Cloudflare Worker and KV.
227. Serverless Architecture: Lambda Triggers and Design Patterns [Part 2]
This is part of a series of articles discussing strategies to implement serverless architectural design patterns. We continue to follow this literature review. Although we use AWS serverless services to illustrate concepts, they can be applied in different cloud providers.
228. Serverless Python Google Cloud Platform: Hosting Django on Cloud Run
Learn about the basics of Serverless, Docker and deploying a Django (Python) application to Cloud Run, a serverless offering by Google Cloud Platform
229. Webiny v5 Update: DynamoDB, VPC Support, and Performance Improvements
In the last 6 months, we put 100% of our focus on addressing this feedback and getting Webiny to the next level. Today we present the Webiny v5 release.
230. Auth in a React App with AWS: How Does It Really Work?
For this Tech Stack in 10, I'm diving into some best practices for using authentication in your full stack application with AWS Cognito, DynamoDB, and AppSync.
231. How To Manage Infrastructure With Terraform
What is Terraform?
232. How To Convert HTML to Markdown with a Serverless Function
Outlined below is the setup for a AWS lambda function which combines
fetching the HTML for a URL, stripping it back to just the essential
article content, and then converting it to Markdown. To deploy it you’ll
need an AWS account, and to have the serverless framework installed.
233. Assets Monitor as a Function
In this article, I’ll show you how to create Assets Monitor with Python3.7 + Serverless lambda
234. How Serverless Can Encourage Good Engineering Practices
In this article, we list the seven reasons why and how serverless computing enables useful engineering practices.
235. How to Migrate to Serverless and Make it Work Post-Transition
Migrating to serverless? Learn the steps and what to bear in mind in each stage, from preparation to migration and post-transition.
236. Going Serverless? Here’s 5 Use Cases
Since 2014 when AWS launched AWS Lambda and kickstarted the serverless movement, going serverless has grown exponentially for organizations of all sizes from one-man start-ups to huge listed global enterprises. While there are some challenges to this new architecture, the ways moving to serverless can transform a business often far outweigh these.
237. Introducing Handoff: Serverless Data Pipeline Orchestration Framework
handoff is a serverless data pipeline orchestration framework simplifies the process of deploying ETL/ELT tasks to AWS Fargate.
238. AWS re:Invent: The Five Most Important Serverless Announcements
Top 5 Picks on Serverless Announcements at AWS re:Invent
239. Serverless Functions with C#, Azure and AWS
This article will explain how to build serverless functions on the primary cloud providers services: Azure and AWS.
240. About Kubernetes Authentication
There are 3 steps that Kubernetes uses to enforce security access and permissions are: Authentication, Authorization and Admission. In this article we are going to consider Authentication first.
241. Awesome Hacks To Master AWS Step Functions
The use of serverless computing has become a must nowadays, and some of you may already know a thing or two about Amazon Web Services like Lambda Functions, Step Functions, and other services AWS provides. However, if this is the first time you hear about them – fantastic!
242. Serverless Development: Addressing AWS Lambda-related Python Errors
In this article, you'll get an overview of the need-to-knows for error handling Python in AWS Lambda.
243. Shall I Use ADD or COPY in the Dockerfile - What's the Difference?
Every developer and every team faces confusion about COPY and ADD in the Dockerfile at some point. When I get this question, first I usually give the technical background, which is this:
244. Use Declarative Cloud Functions In Your Serverless Apps To Control Size of Codebase
After more than two years of building serverless applications on Firebase and writing countless Cloud Functions, I realised a lot of it began to repeat.
245. An Introduction to Serverless Cloud Import Systems
Python Cloud Importer was developed as a part of the Cloud AI Operating System (CAIOS) project described at a high level in a separate article. Here, we are going to provide a more detailed account of motivation and internal design of this part of the system. In this paper, a Serverless Python Importer will be covered in detail. However, general principles presented are equally applicable to any programming language. In order to understand why we decided to develop it why Cloud Importer plays such a crucial role in CAIOS, we first need to cover the basics.
246. A Guide to Building Complex Serverless Infrastructures
In this article you'll find out how the AWS Well-Architected Framework came to be, how it evolved and how it should be implemented in 2021.
247. An Introduction to Microservices and Serverless
The concept of a microservice perfectly fits the structure of a serverless function, which easily enables deployment and runtime isolation for different services. On the storage side, services such as DynamoDB also make it easier to have independent databases for each microservice and scale them independently (when required or desirable).
248. Advanced Docker Security with AppArmor - An Overview
So you have your Docker Containers deployed, which in turn are hosting critical applications of your organization? Great! So far, so good!
249. Get a Serverless WebSocket Application Up and Running with Lolo in 5 Minutes
Build a Serverless webSocket application in Lolo by using persistent state. Single click deploy your application and have it up and running in a few minutes.
250. CI/CD Pipeline for NodeJS Lambdas on AWS using Jest, Serverless Framework, Github, and TravisCI
I wanted to start a serverless project, and one of the primary headaches aside from architecting the workflow and deciding which lambda functions need to be created is a simple and yet effective CICD workflow.
251. How To Setup Docker Using Ansible on Ubuntu 18.04 [Part 2]
In the last guide, you learned how to set up, install, and configure Ansible on Ubuntu 18.04. Now, you will use the Ansible to install and set Docker on a remote machine. To begin this guide, you need the following:
252. Serverless Benefits And Challenges: 2020 Edition
While we know the many benefits of going serverless - reduced costs via pay-per-use pricing models, less operational burden/overhead, instant scalability, increased automation - the challenges are often not addressed as comprehensively. The understandable concerns over migrating can stop any architectural decisions and actions being made for fear of getting it wrong and not having the right resources. This article discusses the common concerns around going serverless and our advice to minimise their impact.
253. Building A Flutter Video Sharing App With Firebase Storage, HLS & Client-Side Encoding [Tutorial]
What we’re building
254. 5 Common Step Function Issues
Here you will find the most common issues when working with Step Functions, especially when starting with the service.
255. 4 Tips for AWS Lambda Cost & Speed Optimization
In this article, we're covering 4 tips for AWS Lambda optimization for production. Covering error handling, memory provisioning, performance and more.
256. 4 AWS Lambda Debug Methods To Troubleshoot Function Issues
Experiencing issues with AWS Lambda? Explore these four popular AWS Lambda debug methods to quickly rid yourself of troublesome bugs.
257. Using Lambdas in Production
I have been using Lambda in production for about four years now personally, and three years professionally at Volta. Initially, I shipped Lambdas because it was easier than managing servers. At Volta, we now exclusively use server-less services because they are the smartest option for our workloads if we remember to support them correctly. This is a cheat sheet, a checklist of all the things you might want to remember when shipping something new to ensure it runs successfully.
258. Build a Wordle-like SMS game with Twilio Serverless in JavaScript
Learn to build Twilio's just-for-fun homage to Wordle builder Josh Wardle. Did your web Wordle for the day? Keep busy until the next official Wordle via text
259. A Case for Using Temporary Stacks when you do Serverless
One of the benefits of serverless is the pay-per-use pricing model you get from the platform. That is, if your code doesn’t run, you don’t pay for them!
260. 3 ways of recycling third-party code for AWS Lambda
In this article, we're discussing AWS Lambda Layers, Lambda Extensions, and Docker image for Lambda. How and when to use which?
261. Docker Centralized Logging with ELK Stack [EXPLAINED]
As your infrastructure grows, it becomes crucial to have robots and a reliable centralized logging system. Log centralization is becoming a key aspect of a variety of IT tasks and provides you with an overview of your entire system.
262. Application Deployment: Recipe for Great Serverless Strategy
This is true for the most part, but Serverless apps also have a certain property that can make their deployment and maintenance time consuming.
263. What Really Propelled The Cloud Revolution: A Developer's Perspective
An overview of the main trends that have pushed the Cloud industry — and the world — forward, in the past decade and a half.
264. Sysdig: What It Is and How to Use It
Sysdig is a universal system visibility tool with support for containers. What makes Sysdig special, is that it hooks itself into the machine's kernel and segregates the information on a per-container basis.
265. Cloud Computing is Replete with Clouded Judgements #BreakTheChain
We are banking online, shopping online, using social networking sites, playing online games, storing photos, audio, and video online and using online file-sharing. And mostly all those services are cloud-based. For example, such famous platforms as Airbnb, PayPal, Zynga, Spotify and Adobe Systems are “cloudy”.
266. Exploring The Container Images Function in AWS Lambda
Have you ever wished you could combine the portability of containers, with the scalability of Lambda functions? Well, now you can!
267. When (and why) to go 'Serverless'
Serverless doesn’t mean operating an application without a server, it means that you can operate the app without having to manage a server.
268. How Your Startup Can Benefit From Serverless Approach
The popularity of hiring vendors for handling application backend has spiked tremendously over the last 5 years. On the one hand, startup owners go serverless to save infrastructure costs and pay for resources as they go
269. Fleet Serverless Node.js Function Introduction
In February this year, we announced Fleet (Formerly Hole), a FaaS platform built on Node.js to be faster than other platforms and to create a more faithful integration with the ecosystem. In this post, I will clarify how all of this works and what we are bringing differently to the Serverless ecosystem, and what it means for startups and companies.
270. Do Modern Technologies Like Serverless Really Offer Better Benefits?
Remember mainframes? Serverless is pretty much that: we own the machine and you rent out time on our big iron. We went full circle on progress!
271. Serverless Playbook For Enterprises
We discuss quite a bit about going serverless for SMEs and startups, however it’s often those with an already huge infrastructure, such as enterprises, that can find the move and change daunting. We see many companies from the likes of Coca-Cola to Netflix managing it but what does it look like in action? In this article, we share some best practices and insights on the serverless designs that can scale massively and represent enterprise models. For a real life example, you can also check out how Shamrock Trading Corp migrated to serverless from a traditional cluster - psst, they’re also giving away their winning strategy for a smooth transition.
272. 10 Ways to Reduce Data Loss and Potential Downtime Of Your Database
In this article, you can find ten actionable methods to protect your mission-critical database.
273. Why Learn Any Other Programming Language When You Can Learn Typescript?
Use TypeScript in all your projects and all use cases without any limitation. You can now do frontend, backend, infrastructure and machine learning in one progr
274. Sizing Your Cloud Resources: 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid
Learn the common pitfalls of moving to the cloud and how you can avoid them to truly benefit from the cloud’s elasticity.
275. How to Build a Serverless Full-stack Application Using Git, Google Drive, and Public CI/CD Runners?
Learn to build a serverless full-stack application with backend workers and database only using git, google drive, and public CI/CD runners.
276. 5 Compelling Reasons to Opt for Serverless containers On Google Cloud Run
Google Cloud Run makes deploying stateless containers a breeze. It has a fully managed serverless version, which gives huge scalability, high availability and cost based on precise usage. Being serverless, there are no servers for us to manage. In addition to these awesome reasons, this post discusses 5 more compelling reasons to use Google Cloud Run with serverless conatiners for your next project and it just became generally available.
277. How to include SNS and Kinesis in your e2e tests
Being event-driven is a key characteristic of a serverless architecture. Often our Lambda functions would publish events to SNS topics or Kinesis streams instead of calling downstream APIs directly.
278. AWS Lambda: Top 14 Use Cases for Your Business
How can you improve serverless architecture with Amazon Web Services? Explore unconventional AWS Lambda use cases.
279. How to Optimize Large Scale Serverless Applications for Operational Excellence
Managing applications at scale often comes up as one of the biggest concerns for businesses; How can it work smoothly? How do we monitor so many resources? How do we maintain best practices with constantly evolving infrastructure? In this article, we run through the best approach for operational excellence looking at serverless monitoring strategy, serverless alerting strategy, and security and compliance best practices.
280. Super Easy Forms Introduction: The Easiest Way to Create a Serverless Web Form
In past years, innovation in cloud services has made it quite convenient to host static websites. Since they don't require servers, these sites are usually faster, more secure, and cheaper to host/maintain than their dynamic counterparts; making them perfect for something like your new landing page.
281. AWS Lambda with Kinesis Trigger: 6 Pitfalls and How to Fix Them
In this article, we discuss the 6 most common pitfalls of AWS Lambda with Kinesis trigger that are usually spotted only in production.
282. Are Your Lambda Functions Doomed To Fail?
AWS Lambda has a cool feature that can be both a blessing and a nightmare for a serverless application, depending on whether it’s properly handled by our code: the retry behavior.
283. How To Build Scalable Serverless Architecture on AWS
A majority of companies prefer to focus their resources on other things rather than on scalability, which causes massive problems in the future, especially once they grow to one million users. The objective of building a robust serverless application is to succeed in making it scalable and powerful at the same time.
284. Building Our E-Commerce Platform with Serverless FaaS
We built our e-commerce platform with AWS Lambda and other serverless technology. Herel's why we chose AWS Lambda and more on Serverless FaaS.
285. The ABC of DevOps Implementation with Containerization and Docker
DevOps is a rage in the IT industry.
286. How to Package and Deploy Lambda Functions as Container Images
Ever wish you could combine the portability of containers, with the scalability of Lambda functions? Well now you can!
287. The Definitive Crash Course on Serverless with AWS: Centralized logging with Kinesis and Lambda
Don’t you just hate it when APIs are failing and you have absolutely no clue why? Now imagine you don’t have access to the VM, cluster or container where your software is running. Want me to continue with this nightmare?
288. Microservices and Service Mesh with Istio, Explained
Application builds when broken down into multiple smaller service components, are known as Microservices. When compared to the traditional Monolithic way, a Microservice Architecture treats each microservice as a standalone entity/module, essentially helping to ease the maintenance of its code and related infrastructure. Each microservice of an application can be written in a different technology stack, and further be deployed, optimized and managed independently.
289. If You Learn to Build Scalable Applications, You Can Change Your Career
What we're up to
290. A Deep Dive into AWS Firecracker
Firecracker is a Virtual Machine Monitor, written in Rust that Amazon Web Services use to power it’s Serverless Compute services — Lambda and Fargate. Firecracker makes use of Linux’s Kernel-based Virtual Machine virtualisation infrastructure to provide its products with MicroVMs.
291. Setting Up AWS CloudWatch Alerts (vs Dashbird Alerts) To Monitor Your Applications
Learn about the best practices for AWS Cloudwatch Alerts and Dashbird Alarms, to not miss out on critical info about your serverless app.
292. Get Better VMs, Containers and Serverless Computing Results By Following These Steps
293. Building Serverless Smart Contract Automation Project
‘Smart contracts’ is a misnomer. Despite its name, smart contracts on Ethereum are not self-executing digital agreements. Smart contract code only run when triggered by an external account. In other words, you need an external process to trigger the smart contract.
294. How To Use Amazon API Gateway to Decouple and Scale Serverless Architectures
One of the benefits of Serverless architectures is the possibility of scaling applications without worrying about load balancers and clusters of servers. While services like AWS Lambda hold their promises on this area, there are usually misconceptions about how they work.
295. How to Master AWS Identity and Access Management
From the basic to advanced concepts of AWS own service for identity and access management: users, groups, permissions for resources and much more.
296. AWS Cost Optimization 101
The beginning of the year is the perfect time to clean up and optimize. This also applies to your AWS bill. I've composed practical tips on how to cut costs with small effort.
297. The Complete Beginners Guide to AWS S3
In this tutorial, we'll get to learn how to use the AWS S3. First, learn what is S3, the core parts of S3 that are the Buckets, Access Point, and Objects.
298. Rethinking Programming: From Code to Cloud
Earlier, developers simply wrote their program, built it and ran it. Today, developers need to also think of the various ways of running it whether it be as a binary on a machine (virtual most likely), by packaging it into a container, by making that container a part of a bigger deployment (K8s) or by deploying it into a serverless environment or a service mesh. However, these deployment options are not part of the programming experience for a developer. The developer has to write code in a certain way to work well in a given execution environment, and removing this from the programming problem isn’t good.
299. N/A
please delete this
300. Everything You Wanted to Know about Caching for Serverless Applications
Last week, someone asked me “Is caching still relevant for serverless applications?”
301. Cloud Computing Explained: What is Serverless SQL and Why Should You Care?
Serverless SQL is a distributed computing tool that enables us to process distributed data using SQL language without managing the databases servers themselves.
302. AWS Lambda: How to Set Up Private Storage in an AWS S3 Bucket to Upload Images
We will deploy a serverless infrastructure based on AWS Lambda for uploading images (and any other files) with private storage in an AWS S3-based bucket.
303. Your Serverless Guide is Ready
Learn everything you need to know about Serverless, including case studies, essential concepts, guidelines, and best practices.
304. AWS re:Invent 2020: AWS Community Builders Program Top Highlights
As an AWS Community Builder, I truly enjoyed attending AWS' re:Invent 2020 conference this year, diving into cloud technology, devops, databases & innovation.
305. Are NoSQL databases relevant for data engineering?
In this article, we’ll investigate use cases for which data engineers may need to interact with NoSQL database, as well as the pros and cons.
306. How To Unite AWS KMS with Serverless Application Model (SAM)
The Basics
307. The Great Serverless Cost Debate
What is the actual cost of serverless? Worried about the cost of your Lambdas? Lower your serverless cost without slowing down your business.
308. Grasping Serverless At Scale Is A Lot Easier Than You Think
Best Practices of Serverless at Scale
309. Introduction to IDaaS and its Applications
If you're reading this article, you might be interested to learn how to implement user management for your application, understanding the complete picture of how identity management services work. That's what we'll do in this article. You'll learn what is Identity as a Service (IDaaS), why to use such a service, what is Single Sign-On (SSO), and IDaaS platforms.
310. Knowing These Secrets Will Turn Your Long-Running Workflows Into Something Amazing
311. AWS Lambda: What Kind of Serverless Applications Can I Make? (Podcast Transcript)
Amy Tom talks to Pavel Denisjuk about AWS Lambda and serverless applications. Pavel is the Co-Founder and CTO at Webiny.
312. Open Source Worse Practices: Serverless Inc. as an Example of What Can Go Wrong
What can go wrong when you don’t keep up with your developer community
313. How To Implement Serverless Services and Run Chrome Headless in AWS Lambda
Learn what headless browsers are, what are the use cases, how to implement serverless services and run Chrome headless in AWS Lambda.
314. Introduction to Buildah: A CLI Tool For Building Images
Buildah is a tool for building OCI-compatible images through a lower-level coreutils interface. Similar to Podman, Buildah doesn't depend on a daemon such as Docker or CRI-O, and it doesn't require root privileges. Buildah provides a command-line tool that replicates all the commands found in a Dockerfile. This allows you to issue Buildah commands from a scripting language such as Bash.
315. Adding Code to AWS Lambda, Lambda Layers, and Lambda Extensions Using Docker
With Docker, we have three ways to add code to Lambda that isn’t directly part of our Lambda function. What does this mean?
316. Leetcode Coding Challenge Using Lambda
I am a big fan of leet code so when we decided to have a code challenge in our team I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to build one which should include pretty basic functionalities like:
317. How to Make Your Lambda Functions Run Faster (and Cheaper)
The AWS Lambda service allows us to easily deploy and run our own code, without worrying too much about the underlying infrastructure (when compared to non-serverless technologies). It essentially scales infinitely (with great power comes great responsibility), and can be connected with a bunch of other services, like API Gateway, S3, AppSync, DynamoDB, etc.
318. You Absolutely Need To Read This To Master AWS Lambda [Part 1]
Welcome to the Serverless world. One of the first things you’ll hear about is AWS Lambda - and you’ll continue to keep hearing about it! While architecture can be serverless without Lambdas involved, it’s very often the key component within a serverless application. In the first post of this 3-part AWS Lambda Handbook series, we run through what is AWS Lambda, dialling back to basics with the various terminology, how to create a Lambda function and how to run it.
319. How to use a Gatsby Static Site to Manage Paid Subscriptions
Learn how to extend a Gatsby static-site to manage memberships and paid subscriptions using Netlify, Paddle and Fauna.
320. Production-Ready Serverless Composition and Orchestration
A strong and mature trend in modern cloud software development is to implement components that are:
321. The Secret To Succesully Simulate An Attack With Gremlin To Test Kubernetes
Gremlin is a leading software company focusing on chaos-test in the market. It also has a tool similar to Chaos Monkey which belongs to Netflix, but is more customized to test the system with random loads or scheduled shutdowns. In the article below we will be testing a simple Kubernetes cluster running on EKS with Chaos Test.
322. Building a Conversational AI Chatbot With AWS Lambda Function and Amazon EFS
Amazon announced the general availability of AWS Lambda support for Amazon Elastic File System. Amazon EFS is a fully managed, elastic, shared file system and designed to be consumed by other AWS services.
323. An Introduction to Elasticsearch: Lightning Fast Search Solutions
If you're reading this blog, chances are you really interested in Elasticsearch and the solutions that it provides. This blog will introduce you to Elasticsearch and explain how to get started with implementing a fast search for your app in less than 10 minutes. Of course, we're not going to code up a full-blown production-ready search solution here. But, the below-mentioned concepts will help you get up to speed quickly. So, without further ado, let's start!
324. 5 Easy Steps To Create A React Project With Serverless User Authentication
User authentication is a feature of many modern applications. Serverless programming has given developers leverage to deploy this technology in React.
325. Architecting Serverless Data Integration Hubs on AWS for Enterprise Data Delivery: 2020 Edition
326. Sanity-Checks with Playwright in Fargate container on schedule
There is often the need to check whether your production system is working as expected. Playwright is a great way to test if everything is going to plan.
327. How to Easily Deploy ML Models to Production
One of the known truths of the Machine Learning(ML) world is that it takes a lot longer to deploy ML models to production than to develop it.¹
328. Database Tips: 7 Reasons Why Data Lakes Could Solve Your Problems
Data lakes are an essential component in building any future-proof data platform. In this article, we round up 7 reasons why you need a data lake.
329. Five Important Tips For Working With JWTs
Nowadays, JSON Web Tokens are the most common way of proving identity information to APIs. The concepts behind JWTs are also quite easy to understand, and it takes only a couple of minutes to have the most basic authentication running.
330. How To Deploy Firecracker MicroVMs using Weave FireKube
331. AWS Step Functions: When They Might Come In Handy
As you probably already know, Step Functions is a serverless Workflow Service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). There’s a lot to discuss about this service, and you’ll find plenty of vital information in our AWS Step Functions: The Ultimate Guide as well as in our series of articles that’ll dive deep into various aspects regarding this AWS service.
332. AWS Secrets Manager: How to Manage Credentials in Python
In this tutorial, we're looking at the AWS Secrets Manager as a way of managing credentials in Python scripts, with an example use case.
333. A Deep Look Into The Service Template Compiler Solution In Python
Automatic translation of pure Python code to AWS CloudFormation Stack Template.
334. AWS Lambda For Dummies [Part 2]
In Part 1 of our Complete AWS Lambda Handbook for Beginners, we gave a refresher on the fundamentals of AWS Lambda and what is AWS Lambda. In this post, we’ll look at AWS Lambda pricing, some interesting Lambda facts and examples of great AWS Lambda use cases in your serverless application.
335. How To Make The Kubernetes Operator Rock: Basic Principles
This blog post demonstrates how you can use the Operator Lifecycle Manager to deploy a Kubernetes Operator to your cluster. Then, you will use the Operator to spin up an Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK) cluster.
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