Let's learn about Javascript Development via these 334 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Why was the JavaScript developer sad? Because he didn’t Node how to Express himself.
1. How to Update Object Key Values Using Javascript
Javascript objects consist of key-value pairs and are one of the most common data structures in Javascript.
2. Getting Started Building a Svelte App with SvelteKit
3. How to Use Type Casting in Typescript
To cast something in TypeScript, we use the 'as' keywords. Here's how type casting works in TypeScript.
4. 32 Awesome JavaScript Snippets (one-liners) You Should Use in 2023
I'd like to share some useful JavaScript stuff I have saved
5. Javascript Development & Security
Javascript is a high level, dynamically typed interpreted, sixth most popular programming language. It interacts with the user DOM to perform various functionalities.
6. 12 Websites That Will Help You Learn Web Development Faster (completely Free)
12 Websites That Will Help You Learn Web Development Faster (completely Free)
7. How to Install Node Versions and Upgrade or Downgrade Them
Learn the best way to install Node and keep it up to date.
8. 4 Reasons Why React JS Has Taken Over the Front End Web Development
React.Js has taken the role of a standard resource in front-end development and here are some of the reasons why the language has done so well recently.
9. 5 Great JavaScript Projects to Code During Quarantine
We’re only three months into the new decade and we’ve already had the threat of WW3, Australia being on fire, and an outbreak of a new Coronavirus. Surprisingly, it’s the latter that has forced many people to isolate themselves at home.
10. A TCP Flow and HTTP Flow Guide: Changing HTTP Messages
Let’s take a closer look under the hood at what the process of changing HTTP messages is.
11. 2 Quick and Easy Ways to Fix 'Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module'
In this quick guide we'll look at how you can solve the very common error, "Uncaught SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module".
12. How to Use .env Environment Variables in Vue
Vue.js also lets us use .env variables, but it works slightly differently. So let's look at how to use .env variables in Vue.
13. JavaScript Essentials (Concepts + Code) Frontend Development For Beginners
JavaScript was is and will always be the first language of choice for developing front-end of any web application. We all know it.
14. The Array Methods Coming to JavaScript in 2022
Javascript is introducing a few new array methods which let us simultaneously copy an array, rather than changing the original. Let's look at how they work.
15. Node.js Tutorial: How to Build a Video Streaming Application in 10 Minutes
hi folks, in this blog we will build a Node.js video streaming application in like 10 minutes.
16. Top 5 React Interview Questions in 2022
ReactJS is the most popular choice, and this lesson on how to answer ReactJS interview questions will help you get the job.
17. The Best Practices for Front-End Development
The Best Practices for Front-End Development
18. Setup Environment Variables for Web Dev projects [A How To Guide]
Setting up Environment Variables is the best practices in web dev world. But it seems troublesome for most people in practices, so few applied it. Well, it actually not that hard and it is necessary in most cases, let me show how you in this article.
19. 5 Free JavaScript Spreadsheet Libraries in 2021
Spreadsheet libraries are in high demand today. Such solutions are convenient as they offer ready-made applications, save the developers' time and the owners' money. They can be used in any business domain to deal with big amounts of data.
20. A Guide on How to Build a Blockchain with Javascript
Although JavaScript is now the most widely used programming language worldwide, it is not usually the first language picked for building a blockchain
21. Preact vs. React: A Quick Comparison
Should you choose React or Preact for software developments? It depends. Learn the difference between the JS libraries here.
22. How to Implement Caching Efficiently in NestJS Using Redis
In this post, we’ll look at using Redis to give cache capabilities to a NestJS project. We’ll discuss Redis, what caching is, and the implementation procedure.
23. The Difference Between a Class and a Prototype in JavaScript
Dive into JavaScript to understand key differentiators between use of a Class and a Prototype - plus the impact each has on Lightning Web Components.
24. The Advantages of Using Node.js: Caching, Scalability, and a Rich Ecosystem
If you’re wondering why Node.js is so popular with developers, here’s a list of advantages of using Node.js
25. Choosing Between SASS vs CSS Modules vs CSS-In-JS
How we chose our styling: SASS vs CSS Modules vs CSS-In-JS
26. Practical tasks for JavaScript interview
Practical tasks like phrase reverse, event loops and using keywords are likely to be used to test you if you are applying to a job that uses Javascript.
27. 3 Practical Tasks for Your Next React Interview
Here are 3 React tasks to check your coding skills, way of thinking, and ability to create good understandable code.
28. The Implications of Javascript being a Single-threaded Language
Learn how Javascript async/await works and what it means by Javascript is a single-threaded language.
29. Add Event Listener to Multiple Elements in Javascript
If you've ever worked in vanilla Javascript, you might be familiar with adding event listeners to elements using the following formula:
30. 10 Fantastic JavaScript Projects for Beginners
Here are 10 Fantastic JavaScript Projects for Beginners.
31. Redis and Node.JS: Learn the Basics
Redis is a powerful piece of technology that lets us store data in memory. Let's look at how to use it with Node.JS
32. Pocket Guide to Javascript Array Some Method
The some array method lets us check if some elements pass certain criteria. Let's look at how it works.
33. JavaScript Loops: for/forEach/for.. in/for.. of Explained
There are quite a few ways in Javascript to loop through an array of items or any other iterable item in Javascript. You may have seen them:
34. Determine Whether an Array in JavaScript Is a Subset of Another Array
There are many cases where knowing when an array is a subset of another can be pretty useful.
35. Speeding up Promises in JavaScript
36. How to Build a Model Train Calculator the Right Way
Using Javascript to build a calculator for the cost of assembling model trains by combining API functions and a Wordpress site to streamline the process.
37. 10 Repositories that Will Transform the Way You Approach Technical Interviews
A complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer. This GitHub repo will take you from ground level to advanced concepts.
38. TypeScript vs JavaScript: Understanding the Differences
In this guide, I'll explain exactly what TypeScript is and why it's different from Javascript.
39. How to Determine Whether a JavaScript Object Is Empty
Defining a new object in Javascript is pretty easy - but what if you want to find out if it's empty?
40. Learn Fundamentals of JavaScript : Number Variable, Multiple Variables, Booleans, Strings
After exams and lots of procrastination, I finally resumed my #100DaysOfCode journey with JavaScript
41. Take These 12 Quick Challenges to Find Out if You Know Javascript
Do you know Javascript? The language we all love has some weird and sometimes unexpected behaviors.
42. How to Sort an Array by Date in Javascript
We've all been in a situation in Javascript where we have a set of data, all with different dates, which we want to sort by date quickly.
43. Send Emails From Node.JS Using Sendinblue in Just 5 Steps
In this article, you will learn how to send emails from Node.js using SendInBlue.
44. Why Reading JavaScript Is More Difficult When Default Exports Are Used
How using default exports hurts your codebase readability and refactoring.
45. Write Your Own D&D Encounter Tables in JavaScript for Dungeon Masters
Calling all Dungeon Masters! Here's a short beginner-friendly introduction to writing your own web and printer-friendly D&D encounter tables.
46. How to Remove Console Statements From Production Build in 3 Easy Ways
Console statements create performance or security issues if you mishandle them. This article explains three ways to remove them from your production build.
47. How to Declare Variables in Javascript: Let Vs. Var Vs. Const
A brief introduction on Let, Var, and Const keywords in Javascript.
48. Exploring Javascript Console Object
The specifics of how console object works vary from browser to browser, but there is a de facto set of features that are typically provided.
49. Javascript Array Concat Method
The concat method on arrays is used to take two arrays and concatenate them into one.
50. How to Delete an Item in an Array at a Specific Index
If we want to delete items from an array, we can use the splice method that all arrays have. Let's look at how it works.
51. 7 Optimization Recommendations for JavaScript Developers
In this article, I'll share 7 optimization tips that every JavaScript developer should know.
52. 3 Steps to Adding End-to-end Tests to Your Project
E2E enables extensive testing as soon as the changes are available. It has a chance of catching potential issues before merging changes to the main branch.
53. 3 Things You Will Love About Micro Frontends
3 cool things that will make you love micro frontend architecture - flexibility in managing codebase, a wide choice of frameworks, and independent deployments.
54. A Quick Look at NodeLists and How They Work
Did you know that Javascript does not class a selection of multiple elements as an array?
55. Building a Simple Tic-Tac-Toe Game with JavaScript
In this article, we will be building a simple version of Tic Tac Toe using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
56. The 7 Most Useful Array Methods in JavaScript
Article about useful Array methods in JavaScript.
57. Understanding isObject Method in JavaScript
Hence, in this article, we will see how to create an isObject function and use it to check if an object is actually an object. So, let's get started!
58. Why Order in React Hooks Matters
React Hooks are a new feature in React 16.8. They are a powerful way to write stateful components. All this power comes at a cost, however.
59. One Hour JavaScript Coding Exercises
Here are some most recommended JavaScript Mini Projects.
60. 7 YouTube Channels That Make Programming/Web Development Simple
7 YouTube Channels to get started coding.
61. How to Remove the Last Element of a JavaScript Array
One of the most frequent operations we perform on an array is removing the last element. There are a few different ways to do this - but one of the most common
62. Using JavaScript to Create and Generate UUIDs
Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) are used everywhere in software development for everything from identifying object elements to DOM elements on a web page
63. jQuery is Not Defined: How to Fix This Common Error
One of the most common JavaScript errors we see affecting our customers is jQuery is not defined. A pretty serious problem if your web app relies on jQuery .
64. Nucleoid: A Low-code Framework for Node.js
Nucleoid is low-code framework for Node.js, lets you build your APIs with the help of AI and built-in datastore in declarative runtime engine.
65. Utility Types in Typescript - Part 2: Pick, Omit, Record
Typescript utility types allows Javascript developers to carry out type transformations. Some examples of utility types are Pick, Omit and Record.
66. Javascript: No More callbacks, Use Promisify to Convert Callback to Promise
We need to convert callback to promise because the promise is more readable and easier to handle.
67. Evaluating Conditional Statements in JavaScript
Let's learn about the JavaScript conditional statements!
68. 6 Things You Should Not Do in JavaScript
In JavaScript, there are many ways to do the same things. But not all of them are equally good. And some of them you should not use at all.
69. A Closer Look at Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE) in JavaScript
Immediately invoked function expressions, or IIFE, are functions that are run as soon as you define the function.
70. Exploring Common Uses Cases of the JavaScript Spread Syntax (…)
Understanding Javascript spread operator
71. How to Add Notifications to your React Navigation bar
72. 5 Data Visualization Widgets for Modern JavaScirpt Libraries
Data Visualisation is an incredibly important part of conveying information in the world. Getting the best widget types for Data Visualisation is a part of that
73. Understanding Chrome V8 — Chapter 15: Debugging in V8 More Easily
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" are serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel functions and fundamentals.
74. Conditional Rendering in Vue
v-if and v-show are two ways to conditionally render content in Vue.
75. Top 10 Javascript File Managers to Use in 2022
A brief intro to 10 file managers for software developers
76. How to Set the Default Node.JS version with nvm
77. Javascript Cheatsheet: Spread Operators
This Javascript Cheatsheet for Spread Operators explains the use case scenarios and the basic concepts behind Spread Operators when coding in Javascript.
78. A Quick Guide to CAB(Call, Apply, Bind) in JavaScript
Here is the easy and simple way to understand call, apply, bind in JavaScript. With these simple examples, you'll never confuse again with these methods
79. What Is The Best Widgets Library In 2022?
An easy-to-use and comprehensive JavaScript framework are of utmost importance if you are a web developer.
80. Use Metho to Safely Add Dynamic Superpowers to JS Objects
Metho allows you to safely 'monkey patch' any object with new capabilities and dynamic properties. Great for extending the functionality of native JS prototypes
81. What are Truthy and Falsy Values in JavaScript?
In JavaScript, things can be true, or false, but they can also be truthy or falsy.
82. Meet Clockwise Software
Meet Clockwise Software - a Ukrainian JavaScript development company with a head office in Dnipro.
83. Let’s Understand Chrome V8 — Chapter 5: Compilation Parser
In Chrome V8, the parser works with the scanner to create tokens to understand what functions it needs to carry out next, letting the browser work as intended.
84. Using Decorators in Typescript
Typescript is a superset of Javascript. Decorators in Typescript are functions that add special behaviors to a class or members of a class.
85. Utility types in Typescript - Part 1: Partial, Required, Readonly
Typescript utility types allows Javascript developers to carry out type transformations. Some examples of utility types are Partial, Required and Readonly.
86. Why JavaScript Should Be Your Technology For Startups in 2022
Startups choose JavaScript as main technology in 2022 thanks to impressive number of frameworks, its libraries and third-party APIs integrations.
87. The JavaScript Logical OR Operator: How Does it Work?
The logical OR operator in JavaScript is an operator which returns the left-hand side if it is truthy, but otherwise defaults and return the right-hand side.
88. Let’s Understand Chrome V8 — Chapter 10: Ignition Execution Unit
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" are serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel fundamentals such as ignition execution.
89. How to Create Dynamic CSS Using Vue Reactive Variables
If you use Vue, you might be used to having to apply different classes to tags based on the logic in your code.
90. Introducing the at() Method for JavaScript Arrays
This article is about latest ecma script or ES22 update of at() method of array. at() method of array is used for getting the value based on index
91. Javascript Pointers Do Exist!
I bet you didn’t know that Javascript has pointers. Well, it does! Let’s take a quick look at how they are implemented and how they work.
92. Monolith to Microservices: Build Your First Microservice App With Spring Boot
Microservices are a part of cloud computing which will become more important over time. This is how to create microservices using Spring Boot for the process.
93. Making HTTP Requests With Axios in TypeScript
We decided to rewrite our simple fetch service to a more powerful solution with the ability to cancel requests which were sent previously.
94. How to Use Default Parameters in TypeScript
When we talk about default parameters, we are talking about giving arguments values that should be used, if that argument is undefined.
95. How to Insert an Item Into an Array at a Specific Index in Javascript
We use the splice method to insert an item into an array at a specific index in javascript, which takes 3 arguments - and also lets us delete items too.
96. Build Your Own JavaScript Library to Detect Mobile Browsers
What are the most common methods for detecting mobile browsers with JavaScript? This article covers both independent snippets and popular libraries.
97. Everything You Need To Know About Angular Material Components
A good UI design also increases user interaction on your website and makes it easy for users to get things done.
98. How to Use a Hook in a Class Component
Did you know that you can use hooks in class components?
OK, I'm lying, kind of. You can't use a hook directly in a class component, but you can use a hook in
99. 6 Reasons why JavaScript is the GOAT of Programming Languages
Often considered as a tool to build applications in your web browser, JavaScript can also be used as a general-purpose scripting language. Discover why
100. 24 Best JavaScript Blogs and Websites
In this overview, we have compiled a list of popular sites, as well as JS blogs that are worth reading and keeping in your bookmarks.
101. 10 JavaScript Apps to Power your Business
102. Removing Items From a JavaScript Array
Let's look at how to remove a particular array item in Javascript.
103. Checking if a Value is a Number in Javascript with isNaN()
In Javascript, we have numerous ways to check if something is or is not a number.
104. Let’s Understand Chrome V8 — Chapter 8: V8 Interpreter Ignition
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" is serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel functions and fundamentals.
105. Using JavaScript Grid Tutorial to Solve Issues With App Development
The importance of web and mobile apps that can handle massive volumes of data has skyrocketed over the past few years. As a result, small and large enterprises want to make the most of their data for monitoring and better decision-making.
106. 7 Tips For Becoming A Better JavaScript Developer
Sometimes I find myself going through the same steps when I work on different projects. These are just some of the things I've found helpful over the years.
107. An Intelligent Tool That Attends Your Meetings For You
Ever been to meetings you didn't want to be a part of? Meetings you could do better without but, you had to go through thoroughly because you didn't know when your name can be announced and you knew you'd have to respond then. Yeah, we have all been there.
That's where "MSorryWhat!?" - my weekend project comes into play. It's a simple speech-recognition which comes with hot word detection which a user can set, upon complete configuration (which doesn't take more than 5 minutes), MSorryWhat listens to your meeting while you do whatever else it is that you want to do and it notifies you whenever your selected hot word is detected!
It is a simple javascript based application living here. It leverages the Webhooks and Notifications services of IFTTT (If this then that) app, to notify you when your name is announced, on the backend it leverages chrome's speech recognition engine.
I spent 10 minutes to create a demo for the tool which can be viewed here:
108. dappKit:A Simpler Way to Start Your Web3 Project
Start your own web3 app with just 3 lines of code. NFT, ERC-20 tokens, DeFi platforms, DAOs and more.
109. Reading Uploaded File Content in JavaScript
Web developers have many reasons to read uploaded file content in JavaScript.
110. Let’s Understand Chrome V8 — Chapter 16: What is Runtime? Why is it important?
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" are serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel functions and fundamentals like runtime.
111. 5 Simple Ways to Replace All String Occurrences in JavaScript
Have you ever been in a situation where you had a string of text and wanted to replace all of its occurrences with something else?
112. Creational Design Patterns In JavaScript: A Brief Tutorial
Object creation mechanisms increase the flexibility and reuse of existing code. Here in this post, we will see the Object Creation Pattern in JavaScript
113. Top 10 JavaScript UI Frameworks & Libraries for 2022
From a client-side programming perspective, the language JavaScript has grown into the language of web development.
114. "If You Have a Goal, You Can Reach it" Nominee Nominee Yan Tsishko
Yan Tsishko is a chief software engineer at Oxagile. He believes Javascript/TypeScript is the most exciting technology & that frontend is the future of tech.
115. The State of Copy-Pasting in JavaScript
You may think "Surely there's a library for that!", and yet, there isn't.
116. We Created JavaScript Data Grids So You Don't Have To Reinvent the Wheel
Avoid these pitfalls when deciding whether to build a JavaScript data table (Grid) on your own. Learn from engineers who’ve built multiple grids.
117. How to Power Up Your Logging in JavaScript
Power up your logging and build good developer habits. As your codebase grows you'll need to debug it more easily and one tool is logging.
118. Understanding Chrome V8 - Chapter 22: Compiler Workflow Bytecode, Constant Pool
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" are serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel functions and fundamentals.
119. 10 Useful JavaScript Functions to Learn
Read about the 10 must-know JavaScript array functions.
120. Future Javascript: Types May Finally be Coming to Javascript
The type annotations specification specifies how Javascript will, in the future, implement types. Let's look at how types in Javascript will work.
121. Next.js vs React: Who Wins the Battle?
There are two popular options for creating web applications with React: Next.js and React Router. Both have their pros and cons, but which one.
122. Javascript Sets: An Essential Guide
A Set in Javascript is a unique list of values, similar to the set data type in Python.
123. Understanding Nullish Coalescing (or ??) in Javascript
The nullish coalescing operator is useful in situations where something can be returned as either null or undefined, and helps us tighten up our code.
124. 5 Complex TypeScript Problems Solved Using One Simple Example
I will try to tell with a simple example of how TS can be applied, and how to solve seemingly complex problems step by step.
125. Dynamic Programming: Using Memoization to Improve Your Javascript Functions
In this article, we will learn about what memoization is, what value memoization provides to Javascript developers, and how to use it to improve JS functions.
126. 5 Exciting New JavaScript Features You Can Use Today
5 Must-Know Features in JavaScript ES2022: Enhance Your Code and Boost Your Productivity
127. Understanding Chrome V8 - Chapter 24: How does V8 Describe Your JavaScript Function
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" are serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel functions and fundamentals.
128. How to Remove Duplicate Elements in Javascript Arrays
Javascript arrays can contain duplicates - which is fine most of the time, but can sometimes cause some issues.
129. JavaScript Challenges: Prime Numbers & Sophie Germain Primes
Let's create a function that will return true if string is a prime number and return false if a number is not a prime.
130. Implement Form Validation in React Without Any Libraries
You don’t need a fancy library when you have HTML5 and Constraint API to implement Form Validation and Submission in React.
131. Let's Talk About Vanilla JavaScript: What Is Vanilla JS, and Why Should I Spend Any Time On It?
Know a little JavaScript, but can't do much with it yet? This tutorial, "Vanilla JS in the DOM", will help you understand the background of Vanilla Javascript.
132. Let’s Understand Chrome V8 — Chapter 9: Builtin
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" are serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel functions and fundamentals.
133. Everything About the Javascript Logical AND Operator
In this complete guide, let's look at how && works, and go through some examples to explain when it returns values, and what values it will return.
134. 5 Best JavaScript Templates for Business
Templates can significantly speed up the development process. Here are the 5 Best Javascript Templates - check them out!
135. How to Create a Custom Source for File Upload With Angular
In this article, we will learn how to Create a Custom Source for File Upload With Angular.
136. How to Schedule and Run Recurring Cron Jobs in Node.JS
Scheduling and Running Recurring Cron Jobs in Node.JS
137. Next.JS vs. React: What Should You Use?
React is a tool for building a front end. Next.js serves the same purpose. However, both instruments offer a slightly different set of features.
138. Why Are UI Components Important For Web-Based Development
Organizations are looking for web applications that provide users with many unique functionalities. For example, the User Interface is the essential part of a web application for anything they provide.
139. JavaScript Ordinals: Adding st, nd, rd and th Suffixes to a Number
In Javascript, it's usually considered best practice to work with absolute numbers, as number is a defined type. However, when expressing these numbers in user
140. Power Up Your Logging in Node.js
Power up your logging and build good developer habits. As your codebase grows you'll need to debug it more easily and one tool is logging.
141. Understanding Javascript's Array Slice Method
The slice method on arrays returns a shallow copy of a part of an array. It takes two numbers, a start, and an end. Every array has a slice method.
142. How to Build Your Own Discord Bot with Discord.js (v13) 🤖
Learn how to use the updated discord.js library and make your own Discord bot.
143. Understanding Chrome V8 - Chaper 21: Token, AST
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" are serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel functions and fundamentals.
144. How to Write a Simple NPM Package
Imagine that you don't need any compiler or bundler to prepare your NPM package written in ES2020 standard. Yes, you can.
145. Using KeyExtractor in React Native's FlatList
In React Native, the FlatList component works well to render a long list of data.
146. Why Do You Need A JavaScript Test Framework?
The JavaScript testing framework enables you to boost your development workflow significantly. In addition, it increases your team’s speed and efficiency.
147. Implementing Infinite Scroll with Vanilla JS: It's Easy as A.B.C & D
This article will focus on how to use JavaScript to make use of some properties to achieve infinite scroll.
148. How to Transport Your Components Anywhere With React Portals
To solve this problem, we can teleport the modal out of its own component and into another part of our template using createPortal.
149. Comparing Node.js and PHP in 2022: Between Modernity and Tradition
Want to know advantages, weak sides, and the types of projects that will better suit NODE.JS or PHP? Read our article!
150. How Optional Chaining Can Save You From Unexpected Errors in Javascript
Optional chaining is a feature in Javascript which lets us access the child properties of an object, even if the parent object doesn't exist.
151. How to Install and Use React Image Upload
152. Making Debugging Easy With Console Wrangling
Here we talk about two of the functions available on the console object: console.table() and console.trace().
153. 3 Basic Principles You MUST Know Before Using Redux
154. A Review of Arrays in Javascript
Arrays in Javascript are a simple, one-dimensional way to store simple sets of data. Arrays are non-unique, which means they can store duplicates (unlike sets).
155. A Handy Guide to Parsing URLs in JavaScript
In this article, we’ll be diving deep into the topic of URL parsing in JavaScript and understanding how to access certain data from a URL string.
156. Advanced JavaScript Tutorial: How to Reload a Page with Location.reload(true)
Have you ever felt like you needed to start over and press the refresh button?
157. Understanding Chrome V8 — Chapter 1:Checkout, Build, Run V8
Welcome to the first chapter of Let’s Understand Chrome V8.
158. Understanding Chrome V8 — Chapter 4: Scanner, Token generation
Welcome to other chapters of Let’s Understand Chrome V8
159. The ABCs of JavaScript: apply, bind, and call
The ABCs of Javascript are: A - apply(), B - bind(), and C - call(). Using them, we can set what 'this' should refer to.
160. How to Install NVM to Manage Node Versions Easily
nvm is used to manage the versions of Node.js installed on your computer, so it's a really useful tool.
161. Let’s Understand Chrome V8 — Chapter 7: Stack Frame
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" are serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel functions and fundamentals.
162. The Developer's Guide to Updating npm Packages
A simple guide for updating for npm packages.
163. Testing for Image Format Support Using Simple JavaScript
Here are two simple Async/Await JavaScript scripts that will detect and indicate browser support for the AVIF and WEBP image formats.
164. Understanding JavaScript Event Loop
JavaScript Event Loop is a fundamental concept. In this tutorial, we will know JavaScript Event Loop on a high level.
165. A Simple Introduction to Arrays In JavaScript
Arrays are one of the most used Data Structures in JavaScript and pretty much any language.
166. 7 Frameworks to Create Ideal UI/UX Prototypes in Javascript
Here is a list of 7 frameworks that can be used in creating prototypes.
167. What are Generics in Java and How do they work? Explained with Examples
Generics were introduced in version J2SE 5.0 of Java in 2004. It is a pure compile-time concept.
168. Get the Last Element of a Javascript Array Using These Easy Steps
So you have a Javascript array, and you want to get the last element. Follow these steps.
169. The 9 Mistakes JavaScript Developers Make the Most
In this article, we'll take a look at some of the most common JavaScript mistakes and how to avoid them.
170. Insert JavaScript into HTML Using the Script Tag
The script tag is the primary method to insert JavaScript into the HTML page. We will look at all the ways to use the script tag and the importance of each.
171. 7 Best JavaScript File Uploads APIs in 2023
File uploads are a necessary thing for many web applications. They allow users to share their files, photos, and videos on your site with others.
172. Understanding innerHTML in Javascript
In Javascript, we have lots of different ways to manipulate DOM elements. Here, we take a look at one of the simplest ways to do so.
173. Node.js Vs AngularJS: Which is Best for your Web App?
Now when you understand well the difference between both the platforms, you must agree with the fact that both the platforms are great as well in their respect.
174. How Records Can Help You Implement Complex Data in Typescript
TypeScript Records are a great way to ensure consistency when trying to implement more complex types of data.
175. What's New in REACT 18: A Quick Overview
This article considers the new features that have just be included to React 18, its applications, and other essential things that are worth knowing.
176. Understanding Chrome V8 — Chapter 14: What is Dynamically Typed JS
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" are serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel functions and fundamentals.
177. The Right Way to Utilize Webpack for Bundling a HTML Page With CSS and JS
The new HTML Bundler plugin makes Webpack setup incredibly simple, as all the configuration happens in one place.
178. How to Write Your First Unit Test With Jasmine
Let’s take a more practical look at a simple case for testing.
179. Setting Up .gitignore For Your JavaScript Project
Gitignore lets you give instructions to Git that makes it ignore name patters that you designate, making it possible for you to control the files tracked by it.
180. How to Use Rest Parameters in JavaScript
This short article will cover Rest parameters and how to use them in JavaScript programming.
181. Using Union Types to Improve Your TypeScript Code
What are union types and how you can use them to your advantage!
182. Using Provide and Inject in Vue
With properties in Vue, we can pass data from a parent element or vue template to a child element. It's easy in Vue to give properties to a child element.
183. How I Created My First Google Sheets Add-On and Why You Should Try It Too
In this article, I'll share my story of how I created my first Google Sheets add-on.
184. Modern Style of Javascript with Arrow Functions
The complete explanation of Arrow functions in Javascript, and how it helps developers to write flexible and consistent code.
185. The Fastest Ways to Teach Yourself JavaScript
JavaScript, the language known for “running the internet,” is entrenched in the programming world. Here are a few of the best ways to learn JavaScript.
186. DOM Readiness in Javascript
If your Javascript appears before your HTML, then trying to do things like attach events to your HTML is not possible.
187. Understanding Chrome V8 - Chapter 20: How Compilers and Parsers Work
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" are serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel functions and fundamentals.
188. Everything You Need to Know About Promise.all() in JavaScript
The Promise.all method in Javascript is a function that accepts many promises and then does something only after they have all been settled.
189. A Simple Web Component for Building a Slideshow
Building a web component that renders one picture at a time.
190. A Quick Introduction to Jamstack
This approach is not a framework but is actually an architectural guideline using many of the tools and skills developers were already familiar with.
191. Everything You Need to Know About Javascript Arrays
Here is a list of pretty much any action you would want to perform on an array, and how to do it in Javascript.
192. Python vs JavaScript: Main Differences, Performance Comparison, and Areas of Application
The complexity of modern web apps lies far beyond creating eye-catching user interfaces with countless elements. To enable lag-free experience and effortless scalability, it’s important to pay due attention to the architecture design, which can be pretty challenging. Under the hood of a full-featured online app, different frameworks and libraries can peacefully coexist with different programming languages used to build software. Since the equation may contain so many variables, it’s essential to master your knowledge of each potential system component to know when and why to use them.
193. How Javascript Was Created and Why The History Behind It Is Important
Having a humble beginning of starting as a language that was intended to handle browser validations to a full-blown programming language that powers a lot of desktop applications as well, JavaScript has traveled a long journey.
194. 5 Tips for a Novice React Developer
There's a lot to learn when you're a new React Developer. These 5 Intro Tips will help you avoid simple mistakes many new developers make when starting out.
195. How to Navigate Between Views in Vue with Vue Router
After creating an application in Vue, you'll often want it to consist of multiple views or pages.
196. Display Desktop Notifications Using JavaScript
Learn how to use the Notification Web API to display desktop notifications in JavaScript.
197. Exploring Bitwise Operations in JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide
Learn how to use & | ^ ~ << >> >>> operators in JS with clear examples. Demystify bitwise operations for a more powerful and efficient code.
198. Using Next.js 13’s Bleeding-Edge Features for Data Fetching
The app directory, Streaming, Suspense, and hybrid Server and Client Components were demystified — with a little help from GraphQL + WunderGraph.
199. How To Take Screenshots In The Browser Using JavaScript
Taking screenshots in-browser (or 'client-side') is all about tradeoffs - there's no perfect solution for every situation. Let's take a look at three different ways you can take screenshots, and then how you can use them by sending them to a server or letting the user download the image.
200. Getting started with React Native for Windows & macOS
News flash! React Native is not only for mobile development. It can also be used to create desktop apps for Windows and macOS. Learn how to get started with it.
201. JavaScript Maps: Everything You Need to Know
You might be using Javascript plain old objects right now when a map may be a better solution to your problem.
202. Why It's Your Destiny To Become A Full-Stack JavaScript Developer
I've never met a true, passionate web developer who isn't a multi-dimensional specialist interested in a wide variety of topics related to their job.
203. How to Use GraphQL with the Remix Framework
Learn how to integrate GraphQL into your Remix project! Follow this step-by-step tutorial and learn about how GraphQL and Remix can be best friends!
204. The Array Every Method in JavaScript
Sometimes, with arrays, we want to test every element for a certain condition.
205. How To Future-Proof Your React File Uploader
Web developers who want to build an application using ReactJS must consider the react file upload to ensure that users can upload any file they need.
206. Checkers on React - Part 2 - Creating the Gameboard
In this tutorial, we will start with creating the game board.
207. Keeping Your Units Testable in JavaScript
Unit tests are a challenging topic, with many interconnected aspects that make it difficult for beginners.
208. Using Redis Streams with NestJS: Part 3 - Consumer groups
This is part 3 of a 3-part series, where we will explore how to use Redis streams with NestJS.
209. The Weird Parts of JavaScript
This article highlights some of the weird parts of JavaScript by contrasting the language with others such as HTML, CSS and Python.
210. Three Main Components of JavaScript
JavaScript is certainly one of those programming languages which you can get started within a few hours due to its simple syntax, but would probably take you years to master it.
211. 5 Best JavaScript Chat Libraries
Chats and messengers increase users' interest in the site. With online chats customers may get immediate information about the products they are looking for.
212. Understanding Optional Chaining in JavaScript
Optional chaining is a modern language feature that allows you to safely navigate through and access deeply nested object properties.
213. Divide and Conquer: Binary Search in JavaScript
In the beginning, you will most likely try to use a brute force method to solve search problems; this is because it is the easiest and most rudimentary way to find a target. However brute force has a time cost; The Big O notation of brute force is usually and unacceptably equal to or greater than bigO(n²).
214. Understanding Chrome V8 - Chapter 17: How Chrome Implements the JavaScript Object
"Let's Understand Chrome V8" are serial technology articles that explain the V8 code, it covers many V8 kernel functions and fundamentals.
215. Sencha Announces Release of Ext JS 7.4 at Annual SenchaCon Virtual Conference
Sencha Announces Release of Ext JS 7.4 at Annual SenchaCon Virtual Conference
216. Redoor: New Alternative to Redux
I bring to your attention the state management library for React. The library is still under development, but you can already try it.
217. JavaScript Strict Mode vs. Bad Programming Practices
JavaScript Strict mode is used to turn mistakes into errors for easier debugging and to help you write better code.
218. Angular vs AngularJS: What is the Difference
The fact that Angular is based on TypeScript and AngularJS is based on JavaScript is one of the most significant differences between the two frameworks.
219. SEO Analysis: How to Improve JavaScript Module for "Related Stories" & HackerNoon's Internal Linking
Launched in 2016 covering tech, entrepreneurship and productivity. Hackernoon has gone through an amazing transformation over the years.
220. Java vs JavaScript: Everything You Need to Know
Java vs JavaScript raises many questions. Are they the same? Is JavaScript an extended part of Java? Are they entirely different? Can I mix the code? Which one should I learn first? Which one is suitable for a startup web app?
221. Authenticate Your Users Using Facial Recognition With FaceIO, Next.JS and Tailwind CSS
FaceIO is a facial authentication framework that can easily be integrated into any website or web app using a simple JavaScript snippet.
222. A Very Early Introduction to Building your Own Web App With Code
Here is a brief guide to getting started with coding and building your website online.
223. 10 JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers to Help you Land Your Next Role
10 JavaScript questions for experienced developers that can help you crack your next interview.
224. Difference between let, var and const in Javascript
With javascript, variable declarations have always been one of its tricky parts. Unlike most of the C-based languages, javascript variables are always not created at the spot where you declare them. Where a variable is created usually depends on how you declare it.
225. Send Google Forms Responses in an Email Automatically Using Google Apps Script
Learn how to automatically send google form responses with Gmail with google apps scripts.
226. TypeScript Interfaces and Types: A Comparison
Let's take a look at how Typescript Interfaces and types differ.
227. Hemingway's Lessons on Building Reusable React Components
What can we learn about coding and creating reusable components with react from one of the greatest novelists ever?
228. How to Efficiently Manage JavaScript Monorepos With Lerna
Manage JavaScript 'monorepos' with Lerna, Build a React Icon Library & Publish to NPM
229. Long Polling — Comparative and Sample Coded Expression
Of course, there is never a single truth during software development. We always come up with multiple options and try to determine which one suits us the best according to the requirements we have.
230. The 4 Main Principles of React That Made It So Popular
React is popular for a reason. It offers not only a solid paradigm of programming but also makes code much more maintainable.
231. Understanding the Magic of 'this' in JavaScript
It's something used all the time in Javascript, but often what it refers to is a mystery. Let's look at how this works in Javascript in different contexts.
232. Setting Default Inject/Provide Values in Vue
Vue uses provide and inject to send data down multiple levels without having to use properties - did you know you can set default values for any injected data?
233. How Memoization Can Help You Boost Your Javascript Code
Memoization is a technique that saves the results of executing functions to avoid recalculations. In this article, we will use this to find Fibonacci numbers.
234. Learning ReactJS From Scratch
React is a product of Facebook. It is a very flexible and efficient JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces. React forms the view layer of the web application which is technically the frontend. This makes it easier to make web applications with essential features such as reusable components, state management, DOM rendering and many more which are explained later. React is mainly used in making single-page web applications. In this article we’ll see the fundamentals of react library and why is it so popular.
235. Angular JS or React - What's Best for Client-side JS Framework
AngularJS and React are two of the most popular choices for developing client-side applications. Both offer a variety of benefits and differences .
236. A/B Experiments with Statsig Layers
A/B Experiments with Statsig Layers
237. Understanding Function Overloading in TypeScript
Function overloads, generics and union types — excellent tools for full-fledged work with types in TypeScript.
238. VS Code Extensions to Power Up Your JavaScript Development
Important VS Code Extensions for JavaScript Developers.
239. A Kanban Board Component for Project Management
Project management is a crucial domain in the sphere of IT.
240. How to Build a Scalable URL Shortener With Cloudflare Workers and KV Under 10 Minutes
In this article, we will use Cloudflare Workers and KV to create a scalable URL shortener service that you can use to shorten your application links.
241. How to Use Data Grid to Render Great Info in Your Web Apps
Using a data grid is important if your web application renders a lot of data, such as tracking stats or reports.
242. A Post-Mortem in 5 Acts: How Microsoft Privatized Open Source And Killed JavaScript in the Process
After Microsoft’s blitzkrieg take-over, the Open-Source JavaScript community as we know it is coming to an end. It’s a ‘secret’ war with high-tech propaganda.
243. 5 Reasons to Convert from React to Next.js
React itself is a great solution already. But why are there many guides on "How to convert React to Next.js"? Let's find out why and when Next.js is better.
244. Defend your Node.js Apps With Jscrambler
This tutorial will explain how to integrate Jscrambler seamlessly into the build process of a typical Node.js app in just a few minutes.
245. How I Redesigned my Entire B2B SaaS App in 30 days
Instagram is currently one of the most popular platforms and has seen an explosion of business accounts, ad money spent and even purchases made directly in the app in the last year. Businesses of all sizes are flocking to the platform to get in on a piece of the action. The popularity of Instagram is what makes it a great marketing tool but it is what also makes it difficult to stand out and reach potential customers. Hashtags are a social media concept that is heavily used on Instagram to help classify posts and allow users to get their content in front of more people than just their followers.
246. Why Do Programmers Choose to Learn Java as a Programming Language?
What is the best programming language to learn for a developer? Can’t name the best, but yes, Java is surely one of the Best! You can dive in for the reasons.
247. How to Use else if in JavaScript with Examples
Syntax of if else, else-if, nested if, and logical operators like AND OR and NOT in Javascript. Switch statement can be used as an alternate to If statement.
248. I Created a Bot to Solve Wordle so I Never Have to Ever Again
I hear everyone loves Wordle, that's cool. However, I suck at this. I'm better at code than English - so I wrote code to solve it for me, everyday.
249. Top 7 JavaScript Pivot Widgets in 2022
Pivot Charts are useful tools that can be relied on to visualise huge amounts of data. These 7 JavaScript Pivot Widgets are some of the best ways to use them.
250. How to Fetch Data in Javascript like a Pro
Fumbling with APIs? Learn how to use the fetch API to get your data in Javascript like a pro.
251. Introducing a New, Lightweight WYSIWYG HTML Editor That Fits Any Technology Framework
252. How to Add an Announcement Banner to your React Navbar
253. Scraping Amazon using Puppeteer and Browserless
An easy tutorial showcasing the power of puppeteer and browserless. Scrape Amazon.com to gather prices of specific items automatically!
254. How to Compile Angular Component To HTML String With All The Bindings
Compile Angular Component To HTML String With All The Bindings
255. How To Yield Generators (Javascript)
Generators are a kind of special function that can stop its execution midway and start again from the same point where it stopped after some time.
256. Why You Should be Learning about the Remix Framework
Are you looking to build an app with minimal effort? With Remix, you can do just that! Learn how this relatively new web framework compares.
257. Understanding Chrome V8 — Chapter 2: Hello World
Welcome to other chapters of Let’s Understand Chrome V8
258. The Fallacy of Strongly Typed Languages
This is a story of how I moved from hate to love for NodeJS language while being a Java developer, filled with insights I encountered during this process.
259. Recreate a Simple Pokemon Game With 70 Lines of Javascript
Creating the "Who's that Pokemon" segment from the anime as a web game can be easily done with just 70 lines of javascript and with the help of an API
260. What Are Template Literals In Javascript And Why You Should Use Them
261. How to Find Location Using IP Address in NodeJS
Ever wondered why Google shows you content based on your location, or ads you see on websites are customized to your location? All this happens because of geolocation which makes it possible to identify the country, state and sometimes even the city based on your IP address of your device.
262. What is ECMAScript and How is it Different From JavaScript?
Many times developers use JavaScript and ECMAScript synonymously for each other. Though they are very closely linked to each other, it does not mean they are the same thing.
263. How to Add a Blog to Your Wix Website and Edit JavaScript via Velo
Making things like a journal or blog with Velo is easy as all hell! All you have to do is go to the Velo code editor.
264. An Intro to Middleware in NextJS 12
NextJS 12 was announced yesterday at the NextJS Conf and they announced a new feature called middleware which allows one to modify the response to a request.
265. Getting Out Of ReferenceError Because of Scope in Javascript
Everything happens within spaces and Environments. Basic knowledge of javascript is highly recommended, before proceeding with this content.
266. Understanding the Javascript Array Reduce Method
The JS reduce method is a recursive way to perform a computation based on every element in the array while considering the previous elements of the array.
267. A Step by Step Guide to JavaScript Localization
JavaScript Localization Guide
268. CheatSheet: 20 JavaScript Array Methods
Arrays are objects that enable storing a collection of items and data under a single variable name and have the capability to perform a certain operation.
269. What’s the Difference Between C++ vs Java
C++ vs. Java programming languages are designed for everyone, no matter if you are new to programming or you already have extensive programming experience.
270. Mutability And Immutability In JavaScript Explained In Detail
The concept of mutability and immutability in JavaScript is essential to understand to avoid errors. Whether a data type is mutable or not is strictly tied to w
271. Changing Async/Await to Promises.all to Speed Up API Calls in Node.JS
Converting Async/await to Promises.all in Nodejs helps us reduces processing time from 50+ secs to less than 5 secs
272. Building Your Own BMI Calculator: A Step-by-Step Guide
This is a simple BMI Calculator made with pure HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
273. How To Add A Data Grid To A React Application
As a developer, when building a data-driven application, a data table with columns and rows can be what you need to display data to users of your application.
274. The Most Progressive Web Apps of 2022
Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) can be called an intermediate between mobile apps and traditional websites. But, why exactly do we need them? As technology advances, it brings new devices. In turn, this upgrades the requirements of your average user. The success of your business depends upon the ability to provide these requirements.
275. How to Build a Voice App in 30 Minutes
You have mastered building web apps. Maybe even building mobile apps. But what about these smart speakers that are now sitting in people's living rooms? What about our new found ability to talk to apps on our phones?
276. 20 JavaScript Libraries Every Programmer Should Know
A JavaScript library is a library of pre-written JavaScript that allows for easier development of JavaScript-based applications
277. 5 Best Practices to Follow for Node.js Development
Node.js has become popular among developers. The rising popularity has dramatically changed the face of web development.
278. How to Handle Injection Attacks With JavaScript - Fighting Unauthorized Access
There are certain cyberattacks, like attackers trying to inject data from the front-end, that you can guard against with some regular JavaScript best practices.
279. How to Super Charge Your Web Design Skills This Year
This story discusses 22 actionable tips that will help you all to improve your web design skills in 2022.
280. The Advantages of Using REST API with Amplication for Your NodeJS Apps
In this article, we will discuss how to develop a REST API in NodeJS, as well as some of it's advantages when done with Amplication.
281. Remix Framework Review
Edge SSR, nested routes, and no client-side state differentiate Remix from Next.js, Gatsby but not best suited for realtime apps and sharing data across routes.
282. Introducing the Map Method in Javascript ES6
The map method is a part of ES6 that is especially useful for React developers. What is it and how does it work? Let's take a look.
283. Who Would Win Between Flutter and React Native
This Flutter Vs. React Native comparison is going to be fun so stick with me till the end and you will have an answer to which one's worthy of your app idea.
284. The Web Development Courses to Help you Kickstart a Career in Web Development
If you want to learn web development and become a web developer, or looking for web development resources like books, online courses, and tutorials, but are not
285. There Are No Excuses Left for NOT Migrating to JAMStack
This article will help you learn about JAMStack development techniques and benefits and will help you get to move forward on your migration path.
286. Using Redis Streams with NestJS: Part 2 - Reading from Stream
This is part 2 of a 3-part series, where we will explore how to use Redis streams with NestJS.
287. Building A Node.js Based CLI For Real-Time COVID-19 Vaccination Tracking
Learn how to create Node.js based CLI’s
Get real time info about vaccination slots for your area in current time of COVID19 and customize it.
288. Top Startups and Enterprises Using ReactJS
React is a framework released by Facebook for creating Single Page Applications (SPA). What is a Single Page Application? Most web applications are traditionally server-side applications. The server holds the business logic, stores data, and renders the website to the client. When a client clicks on a link, it sends a request to the server, and the server will handle this request and send back a response with HTML code which the browser will render and be viewed by the user.
289. Let’s Know the Key Aspects of Building Single Page Applications using Angular
As an IT Software Consultant, I keep looking for new Angular development frameworks and AngularJS development tools, recently I have been looking for the best Angular development framework to develop single page applications (SPAs) for businesses. And, I got this:
290. The Best React Frameworks to Help you Get to Production Faster
291. Validate Form Inputs with HTML, CSS and JavaScript
Form validation is a way of making your form input secure by not letting any malicious code in your website.
292. Mocha+Chai: Writing a reusable Test Suite for an expressjs/mongoose API
Here is a workable, reusable way to test an expressjs/mongoose application.
293. Top 15 Ideas for React Apps that Web Devs Can Build in 2022
Choose one of these React project ideas and build your next React application in 2022!
294. How to Manage Multithreaded Node JS Applications for Better Performance
In this post I'm going to show you how to potentially triple your Node application's performance by managing multiple threads.
295. SAINE is Mathematically One of the Best WORDLE Starting Words - Here's Why
How SAINE is arguably the best wordle starting word. Proven by math and statistics. Beating out common advice such as CRANE, and ADEPT
296. The Ultimate JavaScript Beginner's Guide To Static Code Analysis
The answers to every what, why, when, and how about Static Code Analysis in JavaScript. Information about in-depth scanning, guard rails, and more.
297. Implementing Password Validation in React With HTML5
Let's implement the Password component in React, supporting 5 validation rules.
298. Top 10 Javascript File Managers
File management is a helpful tool in any business application. Here is an overview of the most functional, elegant, and popular JavaScript File Managers ready to be built into the client-server solution. Even if you do not have a direct need to work with files, you can borrow the classic file explorer interface for other tasks. For instance, there are some cases of the classic interface becoming the basis for a new web application in this article.
299. The Best React Native UI Component Kits To Use In 2021
React Native was created by Facebook to accelerate and reduce the cost of developing mobile applications. It is clear that React Native is currently the best solution for creating cross-platform mobile applications.
300. Writing a Production Ready Express Server [A Step by Step Guide]
In this article I will be explaining how to write a simple express server that is of Production Grade.
301. Crucial React Design Patterns Every Dev Should Know
Checkout the various React Design Patterns to use in building React components that are extensible and reusable for your next React project.
302. Top 7 Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Templates
There is a huge number of admin dashboard templates on the internet and a significant number of free ones to download. They usually include such kind of things like graph/chart libraries, dashboard page, alert boxesbuttons, navigation schemes, icons, tables and so on. We will try to find some best suitable UI (user interface) toolkit for your project.
303. Here's How I Built a Video, Audio, and Screen Recorder Web App with JavaScript
Here are some simple steps to build your Audio, Video and Screen Recorder with JavaScript and HTML with MediaRecorder, getUserMedia, getDisplayMedia
304. We Built A Search Engine With MeiliSearch and JavaScript: Here's How You Can Too
Struggle to find the chemistry Nobel prize winner for 1979? Try out MeiliSearch's super-fast-search JavaScript tutorial to find Nobel prize winners in a matter of milliseconds. 🌬️
305. Coding for Gamers: The Long Dark
Before I became a programmer I loved to play games. I played games for many years before I even knew the most basic concepts about coding. However these days I see that people are trying to introduce their kids to programming and looking for ways to make programming concepts more approachable. I think that using existing games people love is a great way to do just that. That is why I wanted to start this new coding for gamers blog series. In this tutorial I will show you how to do that by walking you through the process of extracting a feature from a video game called The Long Dark and recreating it on your own.
306. The Top 7 Tricks and Tips to Give Your Java Learning a SpeedHack
In the world of powerful open Internet resources like books, tutorials, libraries, Youtube videos, blogs, and programming courses, everybody is talking about online learning. Now you have everything to study fast and effectively, at your own pace.
307. How to Improve Website and Rendering Speed with JavaScript Code Optimization
Poorly written code will surely slow down your website loading speed. To enhance the website's performance, let's consider JavaScript code optimization tactics.
308. What is 'this’ in JavaScript?
‘this’ is always been a pain in the a** for many JavaScript developers, but it’s time to say ‘I got this’.
309. Create a Morphing 3D Sphere in Javascript with Three.js
In this guide, I create a morphing sphere with a cool, wireframe background.
310. Creating a Screen Sharing Application With JavaScript
Have you ever wondered how hard or easy it would be to create your own screen-sharing application? Learn how today using HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
311. How To Enhance JavaScript File Upload Experience In Your Web App
Many web applications collect information from the selected files and transmit it to the page. While a basic upload form can do the trick, an API service is needed to expand on modern features.
312. How to Recreate the Iconic Mr Potato Head 🥔 with Vanilla Javascript
Who doesn't like Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head!
313. How to Debug JavaScript Right Inside Your Chrome Browser
Chrome dev tools are a must have tools for modern day developers. Take your first step learning chrome dev tools by learning source debugger.
314. Webix Datatable. From a simple table to a complex solution
The DataTable widget is a simple and at the same time powerful solution of the Webix UI library.
315. 10 Resources That’ll Make You Better At Dashboard Creation
More and more organizations rely on business dashboards for various reasons – including gaining critical insights into their data, monitoring and tracking key performance indicators, studying past performance, and predicting future trends.
316. Protecting Your React.js Source Code with Jscrambler
In this step-by-step guide, you'll learn how to protect your React.js application with Jscrambler to prevent code theft and reverse engineering.
317. How to Send and Schedule E-mails via a Node.js app
As an application developer, how often we sense the need of a service that would send e-mails to specified or subscribed email ids? Even if there is no real need, we still fantasize about it while developing a pet-project or an app for fun, don't we 😁?
318. Decoding the Three Dots (…) Or Spread Operator in Javascript
The spread operator, spread syntax or 3 dots (...), is a type of syntax in Javascript that is used by both function calls and arrays/objects.
319. How to Print images with TSPL and JavaScript
How to Print images with TSPL and JavaScript
320. Building Blocks of DOM Manipulation - Vanilla JS Tutorial (Part One)
Learn the basics of DOM manipulation with Vanilla JS including set up, document.createElement(, .textContent, and more.
321. How to Create and Publish Your First NPM Package
A Comprehensive Guide To Creating and Publishing Your First NPM Package
322. You Can Become a Job Ready Web Developer From Scratch in Less Than a Year
Developers are some of the best-paid people on the planet thanks to their skillset. It's something that you can learn a in less than a year with the right tools
323. Using the Spread Operator in JavaScript
This article will cover the spread operator and how you can use them in your day to day JavaScript programming. This article assumes you have some familiarity with coding in the JavaScript ecosystem.
324. JS SEO: How to Optimize JavaScript For High Rank in Search Results
There's a good chance that your website is made in JavaScript. If you want to know how to improve its SEO ranking using JS, this guide covers the basics.
325. What is JavaScript? - A Beginner's Guide
An overview of the JavaScript programming language, its uses, basic concepts, and brief history, all tailored for beginners.
326. 19+ Javascript Plugins and Data Table Libraries to Make Your Life Easier
This time we want to introduce libraries for working with tables or grids, since tables are an important part of any great application.
327. How I Adopted the Model, View, Controller (MVC) Architectural Pattern in JavaScript
...for Better Code Separation
328. Java Vs. JavaScript: Know the Difference
Why do these two languages have such similar names? How do they differ from each other? This article will provide the answers.
329. Handling Node.JS as an Asynchronous Application with Error Handling
In this article, you will learn how to implement the following coding practices to differentiate between Synchronous and Asynchronous Calls.
330. Everything You Need to Know About Text String Manipulation
For those new to coding or even experienced coders, this guide details how to manipulate text strings, just like the pros.
331. 20+ React Tools to Help You Become a More Productive Programmer
The goal of this post is to provide you with tools you need to be more productive when developing React applications.
332. How to Achieve Schema and Validation in NoSQL Using Ottoman and Couchbase
Ottoman is an Object Data Modeler (ODM) for Couchbase's Node.js SDK providing JSON schema and validation for a NoSQL database.
333. 10+ Ridiculously Cool Admin Themes And Templates
In today’s article, we will have a quick look at 10 admin templates and themes that are simple to use and good to look at.
334. 19 JavaScript Data Chart Libraries
Javascript charting library is important when you need to present data in the most informative way. Check our top of the best JS chart libraries here!
Thank you for checking out the 334 most read stories about Javascript Development on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.