Let's learn about Css via these 329 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) - easier than you think.
1. Learn To Code in 30 Days: My Personal Journey
Learning how to code is something I’ve thought about doing for some time but always found an excuse for putting it off. Then the pandemic happened, flipping my schedule upside-down. If I was serious about wanting to learn, then this was the perfect opportunity. It was time for my next 30-day challenge.
2. 19 GitHub Repositories to Make you a 10x Developer
Invaluable pointers about repositories on GitHub that offer immense value to developers that are at the early stages of their journey.
3. How To Use VIM for Frontend Development: 2020 Edition
Why would you want to use an editor that is almost 30 years old?
Because it has come to stay, and isn’t it better to learn something that will stick around? Well, also because it is damn powerful.
4. Removing that ugly :focus ring (and keeping it too)
Photo by Jeremy Perkins on Unsplash
5. Making Your Links Look Pretty With CSS: Practicum Coding Bootcamp
A professional-looking site is all about the details: the colors, the graphics, the subtle elements, and the overall look and feel. In this project, I’ll show you how to make beautiful, elegant, and professional-looking links that can help your website stand out.
6. How To Create Box Element Using CSS Only
Every beginner should first start with the basics. In case of CSS, the basics are learning the box model. Before proceeding with learning any other CSS concepts, this is the one you should master first!
7. 21 Best Developer Portfolio Examples
21 Awesome DEV portfolios for your inspiration
8. Understanding Pseudo-Class Selectors
Front-end Developers don’t just need to understand how to write CSS, they also need to know how to write it effectively and efficiently. Sometimes we work on huge projects which need optimized CSS for speed meaning, you need efficient selectors to effectively style elements without their ids or classes. This, therefore, calls for a clear understanding of selectors available. Enough of talking let’s jump right to it 😉
9. Invisible Barriers That Prevent You From Learning Web Development and How to Break Through Them
The hidden cost of frustrating, demotivating web development MOOCs!
10. 11 things I learned reading the flexbox spec
I’ve always found flexbox pretty easy to work with — a breath of fresh air after years of floating and clearfixing.
11. Best Practice in CSS: Organisation and Naming Conventions
I've been writing code for over three years. I have always asked myself about the good practices and how I could make my code more readable, understandable, easy to maintain and to be handled by other developers.
12. My Journey to Become a Web Developer
13. Front-End Developers And Designers: Bridging The Void
I’ve come quite a long way as a web developer and happened to work in different teams and with different designers. Regardless of the number of people and type
14. Add Responsive Background Images To Your Web Pages [A How To Guide]
Background images are a wonderful way of styling your pages. Adding background images will help you catch your readers’ attention. But this all won’t be enough if you are doing it wrong.
15. Create Your Own Ad Blocker in 3 Minutes [Tutorial]
Beat ads the hacker way with this quick guide.
16. 10 Best UI/UX Project Ideas to Improve Your Frontend Skills 🎨🧙♂️
I have handpicked some awesome UI and UX projects that might give you some inspiration to create your own projects
17. How to Centre an Element in CSS with Tailwind
In this guide, we'll be covering how you can vertically and horizontally center an element or text with tailwind.
18. Can You Get A Developer Job With HTML And CSS Only?
When I was just learning web development and only knew HTML and CSS, I wasn’t applying for any job, because most of the people told me that you can’t get a developer job with just HTML and CSS. In this article, I’ll analyze that a little bit better and maybe try to prove it wrong.
19. 10 Reasons To Use TailwindCSS In Your Next Project
Tailwind as a framework is designed for optimum performance and fewer style clashes. Learn 10 reasons to choose Tailwind CSS for your next project.
20. 12 Animated JavaScript UI Design Components to Inspire Your Next Web Design Project 🎨✨
21. Create a Gradient Border With TailwindCSS and React
This blog post is a small tutorial in which I show you how you can create a gradient border blog card using Tailwind CSS.
22. How to Simplify Tailwind CSS Using ESLint, Tagged Template Literals, and More!
We did this for our customers and internal users (ease of use) as well as our product team (easier design process, decision-making, and coding).
23. Why Not Use Good Old CSS3??? And Forget Bootstrap!
When we start learning how to create a web page and are presented to CSS, it can be quite daunting (or exhilarating) to see the list of properties we can use. So many of them, so much we can do! So, when we're fumbling through the pages and are presented with "easy" ways to become web-developers, we grab them without a second thought.
24. Boost Your CSS with BEM Naming and SASS Nesting
We all have struggled with keeping our CSS classes ordered, maintainable, and more specific. SASS nesting and the BEM (Block - Element - Modifier) structure will help get us to get rid of this concern.
25. Introducing Tailwind CSS: Pros and Cons of Tailwind
As you might notice, Tailwind CSS has become popular among the developer community. I'm a big Tailwind fan and recently, I've built several React projects with Tailwind CSS. In this article, I'll describe why Tailwind CSS has brought so much value to the front-end development community.
26. Implement a Dynamic Breadcrumb in React/NextJS
27. Set up CSS stylelint on Visual Studio Code [Tutorial]
While you’re coding it’s of great importance to know what does each line of our code and which elements are being affected by it but it is also important to follow good practices, and over time this can benefit us.
28. How to De-Squeeze an Image Using CSS
All images have different sizes. But most of the time we want to place an image and define dimensions by ourselves. By default, the whole image squeezed according to the given width and height. For instance, if you want to place an image with a width of 400px and a height of 500px the image will look like this:
29. HTML, CSS and JavaScript Explained Simply
Learning web development includes understanding & dealing with terms like CSS, Javascript, & HTML. This article aims to bring you up to speed with this concept.
30. Virtual DOM, Reconciliation And Diffing Algorithm Explained Simply
Ever wondered what makes react so fast ? Here's a detailed explanation why react is fast and what is virtual DOM.
31. How To Auto-Correct Your Code: A Web Developer Guide
Learning to code can be tons of fun but it is often overwhelming. Web developers, especially new ones, are constantly learning new content. What makes it worse is that there are so many rules to learning how to write good code.
32. Model Development: Build a Predictive Machine Learning Site With React and Python (Part 1)
We will be building a machine learning model that will predict whether a candidate will or will not be hired based on his or her credentials.
33. A Minimalistic Web Portfolio for all developers 😎
A small minimal Portfolio for developers who are tiring of thinking about creating their new portfolio website. Due to the Pandemic outbreaks I've been spending a lot of time at home (as we all are), so I was thinking of creating a weekend fun project. While searching for ideas I came up with this. So that you can pull/fork this repo and use it to showcase their talents.
34. How to use Publish-Subscribe Pattern with JavaScript
The result of the next pen shows the case where I'll use the Publish/Subscribe pattern. Every time you click on the Event button a square is added and a message with the number of squares is displayed.
35. Top Lesser Known HTML 5 & CSS 3 Tips and Best Practices
There is a lot of information about different HTML/CSS features.
I want to tell you about equally useful, but less popular tips for you work!
36. Simplify CSS With a Few Easy Rules
Maintaining CSS may be a real problem when developing a project.
37. Full Stack Developer is 2019's Popular In Demand Tech Job
Full-stack development has been in the limelight in recent years. There has been a lot of talks surrounding the future scope of full-stack developers and how this position could change the business game for companies all across the globe. The rising demand for seamless technology has enabled developers to work on both back-end, front-end and many other related fields.
38. Make Your Own Text Editor in 15 Minutes: Practicum Coding Bootcamp
It’s not like there aren’t enough text editors. But consider this: with about 60 lines of code (that’s close to nothing), you can make your own secure and stable text editor. It will be pretty simple and won’t have many features, but it will be of your making, even if you barely know how to code.
39. How to Implement Glassmorphism via HTML and CSS
Check out this tutorial to learn how to create the glassmorphism effect using only HTML and CSS.
40. How to Build a Chrome Extension That Makes API calls
41. Create Incredible Shapes Using the CSS Clip-path Property
While trying to convert a Figma design to code recently, I had to make use of a CSS property called clip-path. In this article, I would try to explain what clip-path is and when it can be used.
42. How to Create HTML Pages Quickly
When you are creating a website there are several factors to take in count. One is that any website today has to be easy to read on mobile and desktop versions, it has to be friendly and also you should try to make it look good.
43. 3 Simple Reasons to Use a CSS Preprocessor
If you haven’t used a precompiler before, you are about to fall in love. When you first learn CSS, you learn it stands for Cascading Style Sheets, which is pretty accurate. Whatever property you change twice, it will be overridden by the latest line. Because of this, CSS involves a lot of repetition and specification. Either via classes, IDs or selectors you have to show the browser exactly what you want to style. But what if I told you this could be easier? You could write a very specific CSS file without repeating so much. When I learned about this, I thought I was dreaming. When I learned how to do it, I promised myself I would never go back to simple CSS if I could help it.
44. Level Up Your Front-End Game with These 8 Side-Project Ideas 🥇
Over the span of a year, I created 8 web app and game clones. I decided to share them, so the community can get some inspiration to build as well.
45. Unit Testing Sass: Functions 🧪
Did you know you could unit test your Sass/Scss? No? Me neither.
46. The Power of Preprocessors (Sass)
CSS preprocessors are really strong tools to make cleaner and maintainable code. Dealing with thousands of lines of CSS, make you waste a lot of time, redundant code and difficulties in structuring the code.
47. An Essential Guide to Adding TailwindCSS to your Hugo Site
In this tutorial, we will learn how to add TailwindCSS to a Hugo project. Get everything wired up in just a few minutes with Div Rhino.
48. How I Started to Learn Web Development
In this article I will talk you about on how I started my path as a full-stack software developer and specifically about the first section on the microverse school program in which includes two elements of the front end development, those are HTML and CSS and not only that, this will include the difference between HTML and html5, CSS with css3 and about a wonderful thing that I always ignore in my life that will save your life in some cases, the frameworks.
49. Google Analytics Heartbeat Data Visualization
An experiment in real-time data visualization
50. Five CSS Tricks With Codepen Examples
CSS which stands for Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used to describe how HTML elements are to be displayed. CSS is one of the core languages of the web because it is used to style the web. With CSS, you can add fonts, colors, size and spacing. It's basically used to layout the web.
51. A Step-by-Step Introduction to CSS Preprocessors with VS Code
It is fun to build cool and good looking pages when you know CSS like the back of your hand. But when you have a few hundred lines of code, this is exactly when things begin to get complicated and messy. This is where CSS preprocessors come to play, helping you to manage and improve the maintainability of your code.
52. This CSS Cut Out Effect is Guaranteed to Blow Your Mind 🤯
This effect is so cool and just fun to see. What it comes down to is having a background image show through the text.
53. The Best Chrome Extensions in 2022
I asked, “what are the best browser extensions for browsers?”
I received 50+ replies. Here are the best 10.
54. Creating a CSS Visual Cheatsheet
The other day one of our students asked about possibility of having a CSS cheatsheet to help to decide on the best suited approach when doing this or that layout.
55. An Anthology of Essential Frontend Resources to get you through 2019
Frontend development has taken the world by storm in the last decade with extreme progress in all web technologies (HTML, CSS, JS, etc.) sponsored and led by the biggest software companies in the world. It is arguably one of the highest paid, the most in-demand and satisfying job in the software industry for quite some time. This is the best time to learn it if you haven’t started already 😃!
56. How To Create And Use Skeleton Loader: An Overview [Part 1]
In this era of digitalization, teams are focusing more on giving best
experience to the users. So, user experience keeps on evolving, new
methodologies and components are being adopted by the teams. One among them is Skeleton Loader which you might have seen on many web sites and mobile apps.
57. Learning CSS Grid Layout: Basic Concepts with Example
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) Grid Layouts is the most important and powerful layout system available in CSS. It’s built inside a two-dimensional
system, meaning it can handle both columns and rows. You can build a
true grid layout by applying CSS rules both to the grid element and
the parent element.
58. Resources To Level Up Your Front-End Developer Skills
10 Best Sites and Apps for Front-end Developers.
59. Save time using SASS to create classes with variations
Last week, I had a problem.
60. CSS Frameworks Vs Custom CSS [An Overview]
Frameworks have definitely changed a lot about the web development process. Pure hard-coding of CSS always gets the job done, but there came the need for speed and uniformity. This need was the foundation for the birth of CSS frameworks. The need to develop web pages quickly, and ensure consistent designs and layout was key.
61. Bootstrap CSS is Still the Sh*t But We Can Make it Better
Tired of using bootstrap CSS but not being confident if the UI your building actually looks good?
Better Bootstrap is a series of design tips with code examples
62. How Project-Based Learning Helping Me To Learn Web Development
Learning a new skill can be challenging. But as humans, we always strive for better ways to be more effective and productive.
Coding means using a programming language to get the computer to behave as desired. To a tech geek, that sounds easy or doable, but to a code newbie like myself, I barely see how that can be possible.
63. Add Depth to Your Web Design Using CSS Shadow Generators
64. How To Clone Hackernoon HTML Page
Website cloning is a testament to every novice web developer. A pure function-less website clone is a great way to solidify a programmer's HTML and CSS skills. However, it could be horrified at the start. In this article, I'm going to share with you how to clone this webpage, yes, this article itself.
65. How to Setup Tailwind CSS Framework with React
Tailwindcss provides a modern spin on writing css. And unlike bootstrap, it allows us write css without predefined classes i.e we can create our own custom styles without external opinions on how things should look.
66. Lightweight CSS Animations with Figma & Figmotion
How web designers and developers can collaborate in Figma to create lightweight animations in CSS, HTML, and SVGs.
67. Create Zoom Transition Animations in React and Framer Motion: A How-To Guide
This article aims to explain, how we could create a zoom page transition animation effect for a gallery web application using React & Framer Motion.
68. Pixels vs REM vs EM: Breaking down CSS Sizes
Should you use px or rem or em? In this post we'll try to get the answer of this question and we'll see which unit to use when
69. How To Use CSS Shape-Outside, Clip-Path With The Float CSS Property
Great web design comes with great shapes that make the website have the looks it deserves. In the past, web applications were usually described as being made of boxes. Meaning, anything you see on the website is enclosed in a box. Now we can confidently say that websites are not only made of boxes but different varieties of shapes.
70. The Hacker Noon Leaderboard: Version One
At Hacker Noon, we measure success by the number and quality of words published on our platform. Previously, we were singularly focused on carving out a space for our contributing authors to publish long-form tech stories. We've hacked 2 commenting systems to enable readers to contribute words in response to those stories...but those words live stashed away in cardboard boxes in story basements.
71. PurgeCSS 2.0 Introduction: Remove Unused CSS From Your Project
When you are building a website, you might decide to use a CSS framework like TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, MaterializeCSS, Foundation, etc… But you will only use a small set of the framework, and a lot of unused CSS styles will be included.
72. How to Build a Hamburger Menu in ReactJS via Styled-Components
Build Hamburger Menu in ReactJS. Using this method you can create different types of Hamburger Menu. How to build Hamburger Menu?
73. How To Create Flame Animation Using JS and CSS
Simple CSS fire animation of using HTML CSS.
74. Building a New Tab Chrome Extension with Zero Dependencies
This story will walk you through the basic steps needed to get started building a new tab Chrome Extension powered by an API without any dependencies. Check out our Tech Stories Tab extension for reference.
75. Here’s All You Need to Know About the CSS Box Model
The CSS box model is a term thrown around in CSS with very little context but is probably the most fundamental thing you can know in CSS.
76. How We Build a Reusable Front-end Development Project Using Webpack and Tailwind CSS
One of the areas that a web developer will spend the most time learning is a build system or process to streamline their directory own local development process. When I first started working with task runners I was using Grunt to automate tasks, such as compiling Sass, bundling JavaScript, and optimizing images. However, what amazed me was that all the same tasks that I ran locally to develop could be run before deploying to a production website using a Git repository.
77. Web Design: Creating Classy Links with Animated Transitions
Here’s how to use CSS to make your links even more beautiful.
78. Coach Gandalf Guides You on How to Become a Web Developer in 2022
I'll be discussing why you shouldn't trust new year's resolutions, how overrated motivation is, tools to help you succeed as a web developer in 2022.
79. 6 Tips to Write Better CSS For Beginners
My experience with CSS first started when I was trying to style my very first non-functional ugly-looking login page. Since then, I learned a lot about writing functional well-organized CSS code. All web-developers need to be good at HTML/CSS, but they don't have to be experts.
80. Tailwind CSS Explained, and How to Install Version 3.0
What is Tailwind CSS? What advantages does it have over standard CSS? I show you, with examples, how to use it and how to install the latest 3.0 version.
81. How to solve the Z-index issue Within 1 minute😲😲
In this blog, I am going to tell one secret tool in the dev console that you can use to debug your next Z-index bug.
82. How to add a contact form to a static website
This post was originally published on Codementor.
83. The Ultimate CSS Grid Cheat Sheet in 2021🎖️
Let's refresh Our CSS Grid Memory. This CSS Grid tutorial is a cheat sheet of everything you can do with Grid to get started in 2021!
84. How to use CSS pseudo-classes :before and :after
The CSS :before and :after properties are what also known as pseudo elements. They are used to add something before or after the content of an element. There are a lot of great uses for these pseudo elements, and we are here to explore some of them.
85. Creating Mouse Tracking Eyes using Javascript 👀
Today we'll be making this cute chicken follow your mouse! We will use JavaScript to make the eyes of this CSS chick follow where ever your mouse goes.
86. Learn HTML & CSS: The Best FREE Online Resources for Beginners
If you're curious about getting started with web development, one of the things you will first have to learn is HTML & CSS, this is the base of web development and the first two inseparable tools you'll have to master
87. Do You Really Understand the Viewport
If you are a web developer, you must have heard about viewport, and the below line may seem familiar to you.
88. How To Format Your CSS Code as a Professional
As a full-stack web developer, I'm building different websites by writing code every single day. Experiencing several situations including solving problems and fixing errors.
89. How I Made My Life Easier When Learning HTML & CSS
At the beginning of this year, I made a decision to change careers to become a Software Developer since then I was struggling to find the best way to learn HTML & CSS in an effective way so in July I started at Microverse — a global school for remote software developer — and I’m going to share some things that made my life easier in order to master HTML & CSS skills.
90. How I Learned HTML5 CSS3 in 446 Hours with 8 Projects
For some people, the title could look funny or interesting. But it is true because I made that trip, I spent 9 weeks working hard learning HTML and CSS.
91. How I Started My Journey in Web Development
In my first encounter with web technologies, a lot of things were complicated to me and almost to everyone I know till now. There are a lot of questions about how a page works, how it is built and what is the logic behind it. So let’s clear out some things here for those who want to be Web developers and don’t have a clue about programming.
92. Why You Should Care About Perfecting CSS Animations
My story with CSS animations begins when I was trying to figure out how to become a unicorn in the programming world, the mixing between designing a User Interface (UI) for working in the back-end later it was quite impressive and hard for me, a person with a fully theoretical/academic knowledge foundation, but, at one moment, my fairy godmother appeared in front of my eyes, pure CSS animations brought my page to life and started to give me the magic that I was needing for... Creativity.
93. Some HTML, CSS Little Secrets In One Article
There are many different guides and guidelines on the Internet.
I tried to go through all of them and put together a little cheat sheet.
94. I'm 15 and Here's How I Made a 😴 Bedtime Calculator with React JS
Ever wake up feeling groggy, even though you thought you had enough sleep? It turns out that by timing your wake up time based on REM cycles, you can wake up more refreshed and more productive.
95. 6 Best HTML Programming Books Ranked by Review Score
Topping off the 6 best HTML programming books based on Amazon reviews is HTML & CSS: Design and Build Websites.
96. Coding with Serenade: Hands-Free Voice-Activated Programming
Serenade is a voice-to-code software that's available to plug into several popular IDEs, like VS Code and IntelliJ.
97. Stashing in Git
Imagine that you are working on a part of a project and it starts getting messy. There has been an urgent bug that needs your immediate attention. It is time to save your changes and switch branches. The problem is, you don’t want to do a commit of a half-done work. The solution is
git stash
98. Optimize Your CSS Length with CSS Variables
Have you ever got to a point where you had to write a lot of CSS, and you got lost in your own code? If you are like me, sometimes you have to keep the hex codes of colours or text-size at a place that you can access and reuse. In this post, I will share knowledge on how to optimise your CSS using CSS Variables. CSS variables are values we define to be re-used throughout a CSS document. CSS variables also referred to as custom properties are set in one place and referenced at many places like you will set a variable and reference it in other programming languages.
99. CSS Recreation: The Frosted Glass Credit Card Design
Today I wanted to try and recreate a super cool dribbble shot from Dede Dwiyansyah I came across.
100. The Power Of HTML And CSS Evolution
The HTML evolution from HTML 2 to HTML 5 has seen an enormous shift of things which has empowered web developers in tremendous ways. Committed web engineers that have been in this space long enough will tell you that these changes have made web development much easier. A release of an HTML version means a better and easier way of doing things and for those that have not been writing HTML some time, catching up with the rest without taking a course is next to impossible. With HTML 2 that was launched in 1995 all the styling and how the page looked was a responsibility of HTML.
101. 9 Award-Winning Websites With Stunning Creativity
This is a compiled list of some of my favorite designs that push the boundaries of possibilities in web development.
102. CSS Underdog Rule: position: sticky;
PH: Hitarth Jadhav from Pexels
103. I Built a Game in Vanilla JS And I Didn't Know How to Code 3 Months Ago
Well, I just knew the basics and I knew as well that I wanted to learn to code, no matter what, as I explained here.
104. How to Write CSS Advanced Selectors Like a Pro
Having 3 years of experience as a freelance front-end developer, I thought there is nothing new I could learn about CSS. However, studying at Microverse gave me the chance to actually go deep into things that I took my knowledge on for granted like CSS selectors.
105. CSS Block Element Modifier
We all have names for everything – our cats, dogs and maybe even that cow we are about to kill. But how come we do not name our CSS codes? The sad thing is that so many programmers and developers tend not to name the CSS codebase they are using.
106. 6 JavaScript Courses To Land Your Next High Paying Job
107. How to Make Buttons Stand Out with CSS
The first thing you’ll notice when you add a button to your website is that you’ve taken a trip back in time to 1999. The default button style is very old-fashioned and I can’t think of a use case where you’d want to keep it as it is. The good news is that there are loads of CSS styles that can make your buttons pop.
108. What You Need to Know About Tailwind CSS
109. How To Use CSS Transform Property
Without the transition, transform property is able just to turn over the object it is applied to. So, in the most real-life situations (real-life?), these two options are applied together.
110. Data Scraping in Node.js 101
How to gather data without those pesky databases.
111. 6 Awesome Tips To Help You With CSS Selectors
Choosing the right CSS selectors can be a lot of trouble and there’s so much information out there that it can even be a little overwhelming at times. Words like “combinators” and “specificity” get thrown around a lot, you read how greater specificity increases efficiency but then how ID’s (the most specific) should be avoided like the plague, according to some. What’s a poor coder to do as he navigates the cascading landscape of style sheets? Hopefully by the end of this I will have been able to outline some good practices, and provide enough additional resources, to clear this issue up for good.
112. A Simple Introduction to CSS Animation
Moving objects attract more attention and add a flavor to the page, CSS animation is a feature in CSS that allows animating DOM element without using any javascript or flash plugins, in this article, we will introduce all the properties related to animations.
113. Cool CSS Variable Tricks To Try
In this article, we will consider several interesting hacks that allow you to use custom properties for what would seem impossible without preprocessors or JS.
114. CSS Architecture Style Guides For Frontend Developers
Understanding how to apply CSS in your project’s codebase can be invaluable when your project begins to scale. Find out why we need a strong CSS architecture.
115. You know a site has its shit together when…
- The highest z-index is 4
116. Should Web Developers Learn How To Use Photoshop?
When I returned to coding after a long break, I felt sorry that I had wasted a lot of time. I learned image manipulation software instead of coding. That’s when I started to wonder:
Is Photoshop still relevant for a web developer?
117. HTML & CSS: How to Gain Programming Confidence as a Beginner?
Hint to Understanding Proper Element Positioning
118. Why Choose Designer Multiselect Over Native Select?
Those layout designers who create signup or feedback forms will surely face the problem of displaying multiple items of a single selection, i.e. multiselect. Unfortunately, not all <select> tag elements can be styled out of the box as designers would like to. In this small tutorial, I would like to share my experience in solving this problem based on my knowledge of CSS and vanilla JS.
119. Creating Composite Node of a Graph using D3.js
Lately I have been using D3 for visualizing data for a React project and it got my attention for a while. I was especially interested as to the scope of this very powerful tool that has a great problem solving ability range related to any kind of data visualization.
120. How to Recreate the Iconic Mr Potato Head 🥔 with Vanilla Javascript
Who doesn't like Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head!
121. You Can Make Your Own Task Manager in 10 minutes: Practicum Coding Bootcamp
There are many task managing apps out there, but it’s always exciting to make an app of your own. In this walkthrough, I’ll show you how to write a simple task-managing app that will work in your browser. In later episodes, I’ll show you how to upgrade this task manager to include more features.
This is a very basic walkthrough, aimed at beginners. If you are experienced in HTML and JavaScript, don’t expect much from it. But hey, one step at a time is the best way to learn.
122. Three Design Principles Your CSS Needs
Coming from a design background, as I make my way into the tech world, I constantly hear friends, fellow students, and even successful web developers claim that they “just don’t have an eye for design”. Let’s try to do something about that.
123. How to Start to Use Flexbox and CSS Grid in Your Projects
During years I've been using Bootstrap, the most popular UI library for responsive web design, both for my job and also for my personal projects, but in the software development world new technologies appear every year, the old ones keep evolving. Besides, the web designer has been facing a problem, to make responsive web design to the request of users for more friendly user interfaces for different devices. For this reason, in recent years CSS bring two novelties, flexbox and CSS Grid. Just two weeks ago I had never used these alternatives.
124. The 24 Best CSS Free to Use Buttons (with CodePen Examples)
If you're looking for some awesome CSS buttons, you've come to the right place. I've curated 24 of my favorite free to use CSS buttons.
125. CSS Positions: The Struggle is OVER
I remember when I started learning CSS, I was always confused about the CSS position property. Not knowing when to use the top, bottom, left or right attribute. Or even when I use them I don’t get my desired output.
126. Everything You Need to Know About Bootstrap 5
Bootstrap is a powerful front-end library, that gives you the power of quick design and responsive mobile-first site layout. It lays on top of the 12 grid system and it has extensive pre-built components.
127. How To Build a Table With Sticky Headers in Pure CSS
While creating user interfaces, we often encounter the problem that there is more data in our tables than can be fitted in the visible viewport. To achieve an excellent user experience on components like Gannt charts, data tables and spreadsheets, we often use the sticky CSS property on the header elements. This is a simple task when doing it only on one edge of the table.
128. A Beginner's Guide to JavaScript's The Intersection Observer API
Have you ever wanted to detect the visibility of an element and create a sleek reveal content on scroll effect in your project or website? Find out how .
129. CSS Animations: Creating Bouncing Ball Animation From Scratch
Photo by Kevin Ku from Pexels
130. 6 Common HTML and CSS Interview Question and Answers
In this article, I will present some of the most frequent questions and answers made by interviewers. There will be questions about HTML & CSS. If you like reading, go ahead. If you don’t, you can still watch myself answering the same questions in this YouTube playlist I prepared.
131. Add Dark Mode to Your Web Page With One Line of CSS 🌓
Create dark mode with 1 line of CSS with filters, and some tips and tricks.
132. How To Create A "Night Mode" For Your Website
Are you interested in learning how to create a simple night mode for your website? In this article, I use jQuery and Bootstrap 5.
133. What Is Local Storage In JavaScript And How To Use It
Local Storage let us save the data which is stored in the browser even when a user refreshes or closes a page. Let's know more about what is Local Storage ...
134. An Introductory Guide to Tailwind and React: Setup and Design Patterns
You've probably heard of Tailwind by now, but if you haven't, it is essentially a utility-first CSS framework and is much less opinionated compared to other CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation.
135. 10 Frontend Projects to Take Your Coding Skills to the Next Level
Improve your front-end development skills and expand your portfolio with these 10 front-end projects. Take your coding game to the next level!
136. Tutorial: How To Use CSS Position Property
I am a student that recently commenced studying HTML and CSS. I was eager to learn how to apply the styles in the way I see foremost visually appealing as today’s standards.
137. Bootstrap vs Media Queries: How to Make a Page Responsive
Using Bootstrap to make a page responsive saves one so much time and memory space. Let's see how this is possible, I have created a dummy web page that has four grids as shown below:
138. How to Create a Stock Market Price Watcher Using Ruby
For my first ever wrote article, I've decided to write about web scraping and how I built a Stock Market Watcher using Ruby and Nokogiri Gem.
139. CSS Grid is a Grid Framework
On October 10, 1994, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) was proposed to style online documents. But then the Internet exploded with web apps and devices, and CSS fell behind. It was not designed to layout complex user interfaces on multiple screen sizes.
140. I Built a Game in Vanilla JS And I Don't Know How to Code 3 Months Ago
Well, I just knew the basics and I knew as well that I wanted to learn to code, no matter what, as I explained here.
141. How To Master CSS Positioning Fundamentals?
It is the received wisdom among software developers, as anyone who has so much as had a conversation with one can testify, that the best way to make progress in learning to programme is to “learn by doing”. I am not here to contest that.
142. Fixing CSS Stylelint Errors Generated By SASS [A How-To Guide]
So you’ve started using sass, it makes things easy, right? Well, true, but one day, I run into some errors that almost changed my mind about that.
143. Building A Parallax Scrolling Endless Walking Animation using HTML and CSS [A Step-by Step Guide]
I had to make a website for a conference (a fictional one), following certain guidelines and design. One of these guidelines included using a CSS background-image with some color overlay.
144. Facts Everyone Needs To Know About Front-End Development Practices
Front-end development takes much more than writing clean code. While writing concise and legible code is not mandatory, it will save many headaches in the future. The chances of writing code that will never be changed or never looked at again are slim to none, and time spent getting lost in old code is time wasted. Here are some key web development best practices for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
145. Getting Started with Web Audio API
The Web Audio API provides a powerful and versatile system for
controlling audio on the Web, allowing developers to choose audio sources, add effects to audio, create audio visualizations, apply
spatial effects (such as panning) and much more.
146. How to Build a Framework that is Actually Helpful
And also that you are capable of doing
147. Creating Responsive Layouts in CSS Grids as a Beginner [A How-To Guide]
Do you love the responsiveness of design? Do you want to know how to make layout responsive? You don't like to use bootstrap? I am going to show you how to make your website responsive without using bootstrap. We are going to create an online shop website layout.
148. How To Start Learning To Code
Have you decided that you wanted to start coding, but you have no idea where to begin? Well, neither did I, and there's no shame in it. After some months of studying, I've realized the hardest part of coding is just starting (that phrase came too naturally to me, so I think I might have heard it somewhere else).
149. Implement Themes/Dark Mode in Your Front-End in 5 Minutes
No matter if you write your own CSS or use frameworks such as Semantic or Bootstrap, implementing dark mode is often the most procrastinated feature
150. JavaScript DOM Manipulation in Details
To have a solid understanding of the structure of an HTML page. Let’s add a basic code.
151. Top 5 Free HTML and CSS Online Training Courses for Beginners
HTML and CSS are two pillars of web development, they are used to create web pages you see every day. HTML provides the structure to your web page and CSS provides them the style to look better. If you want to become a front-end web developer or web designer then a good knowledge of HTML and CSS is a must.
152. Teach Yourself How to Work With Bootstrap 4 in Ten Minutes or Less
“Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end web development. It contains CSS- and (optionally) JavaScript-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components.” — Wikipedia
153. The Evolution of The Web as We Know It
Website layouts change all the time, and there are more ways than ever to style a layout, with many frameworks available to help simplify the code, whilst keeping sites looking fancy.
154. The Coding Barrier: A Simple Guide to Clearing The First Hurdle
Are you new to coding? Have you been struggling to come to grips with your first programming language? If so, allow me to illuminate an early step on your path to becoming a software developer.
155. 28 Creative 404 Pages for Your Inspiration
Landing on a default, un-styled ‘page not found’ with no further info and links can be really annoying. A creative and clever error page goes a long way in turning your visitor’s frown into a smile. 😉
156. A Beginner's Guide to The CSS Grid System
A lot of newbies to web development, don’t get it from the first time working with CSS grid. And that is the reason why I decided to write this article, besides that, I also want to give a brief intro to CSS grid and try to explain to people who are new to CSS, how to work with this amazing feature in the simplest way possible.
157. Tracking the Evolution of UX Through Google's Homepage, Over the Years
Google is well know for its minimal design of its homepage, but has it always been this way?
158. Your Ultimate Guide On HTML Tags 🔥
HTML Cheatsheet For All Developers by Garvit Motwani
159. Create Your Own Full Page Slider Implementation with JQuery [Tutorial]
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a simple mouse wheel scroller. The following solution is very basic. It can be greatly improved, but it just an example of how fast it can be implemented or a good starting point to create your own slider.
160. Why IDs Can be Problematic in CSS
161. How to Make Better Use of SASS Extensions for Custom CSS Variables
Do you often write CSS rules for pages and have to copy parts of the rules from file to file? You probably haven’t heard of the SASS extension that exists to help you solve this problem.
162. How I Created a Landing page in Less than 100 lines of Code
Recently I bought a personal domain and decided to build a quick landing page to not leave it empty while I work on my portfolio. I thought some of you might find it useful, so I decided to make a tutorial on it.
163. How it Feels to Work in CSS and Styling in 2020
I am using the same format - a dialogue between two developers, one is giving different options to a less-experienced dev. While Jose's article is targeted more on JS tools and the environment setup, I decided to take another route and expand a different topic, that has been both actively discussed and confusing lately - CSS and styling.
164. Top 11 Popular CSS Interview Questions
CSS, Cascading Style Sheets, is a style sheet language that is simple and easy to learn. It is basically about how to represent HTML elements on the screen. It is mainly used for adding styles to web pages. It is one of the favorites of developers and designers for adding styles to web pages. So, today we will be talking about the 11 most asked questions on CSS.
165. How To Make a CSS Game Without Using JavaScript [Step-by-Step Guide]
CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, might not be the first language you think of when making games for the web. Heck! It isn’t even a Turing complete
programming language by itself. As it’s name states, it’s “just” a
styling language, no loops, if-else statements or any of those fancy
things here.
166. 7 Websites That are Useful for Web Developers
As web developers, daily we try to solve some problems and to solve those problems we may need to have some handy tools/websites where we can look up to.
167. CSS Layers Tutorial: Understanding CSS Encapsulation
In this tutorial, let's take a look at how CSS layers work. CSS layers allow us to finally do real CSS encapsulation, allowing us to import specific CSS easily.
168. How Elements Positioned and Behave on the Web Page
It is interesting to everyone who started his journey in web development positioning element through in single display with tons of properties. It comes a time that all elements start behaving itself not in a way we want.
169. 4 ways CSS :has() can make your HTML forms even better
Learn how the CSS :has() pseudo-class can improve HTML forms through validation hints, conditional content, fancier designs, and more.
170. HTML5 and CSS3 Features That Will Help You As a Developer
Do you think HMTL and CSS are easy to learn and they don’t need so much time to hone?. As a Jr. developer, it is so easy to think that HTML and CSS are not a big deal or something that you must worry too much about because they are not programming languages at all.
171. 5 CSS Tips and Tricks to Try in Your Next Project
Looking for inspiration on how to add a twist to your project design? Take a look at those 5 CSS techniques and have fun experimenting with some bold ideas!
172. 4 Options to Add a Custom Theme for Frontend Applications
Take a closer look at various options for how we can allow users to choose from various themes, as well as customize them for their needs.
173. Answers to 5 CSS Questions that May Confuse You
What is the computed value of the display property for the .child element in the following example?
174. A Beginner's Guide to CSS Grid Layout
A Beginner's Guide to CSS Grid Layout
175. HTML + CSS Practice Project: Website Slicing
Here we will leave JS challenges for later, and we will focus on integrating the visual part of the frontend in a simple project.
176. How to Get Started Using the EyeDropper API with JavaScript
With the new EyeDropper API in Chromium, websites can let visitors pick colors from anywhere on their screen
177. The Clone Wars of HTML/CSS
Honestly, it is quite common to see people push hard and push through just to move on. But at what cost? I mean one thing is to be too hung up on reading everything that MDN has to offer (the countless and countless pages of documentation) yet another thing is to mindlessly type things until they semi work.
178. CSS Tricks for Creating Dynamic Web Elements
In this article, we'll explore a few CSS tricks for creating dynamic web elements that add visual interest and enhance the user experience.
179. Using HTML And CSS To Create An Image Slider
In this section, we learn how to create an image slider using HTML and CSS that would be great on the front page of your website as a visual element.
180. 12 Best Basic HTML Snippets to Use Instead of Complex Libraries
This article is a heads up that you can do a lot with just vanilla HTML and a bit of CSS if you want it to look pretty. Here's how...
181. Flexbox vs CSS Grid is Not A Thing
That’s right. There is NO flexbox vs CSS Grid. It’s just flexbox and CSS grid.
182. Top 10 CSS Performance Tips
Hi everyone! There are a lot of tips and tricks about CSS styling. But not in this article. Today I want to talk about how to use CSS more efficiently and make
183. Easy & Clear: Variable Fonts Guide
A basic introduction to Variable Fonts.
184. Why You Should Use CSS Variables [Beginners Guide]
185. You should shadow your dream job to launch your dream career
A blog post all about how I went on a job shadow with a web developer and software developer. I learned about APIS, javascript, and object oriented programming.
186. SwifWeb Libraries: Materialize CSS
A detailed example that uses MaterializeCSS front end framework with SwifWeb to create various web elements and design features.
187. How to Build a Responsive Page Using Bootstrap
One of my every project challenge was to build a responsive page with media querys and a few knowledge about how it works, but after it, Bootstrap came to me...
188. Using the CSS Parent Selectors, :has()
CSS stands for cascading stylesheets, which basically means things later on in the page take precedence over things earlier (with some major caveats).
189. Just Use Rem: Choosing between Pixels and Rems in CSS
When choosing between pixels and rems in CSS, you should almost always use rems. It's a simple rule to follow. This article explains why.
190. Making your own personal website from scratch
An introduction to HTML and CSS - the foundation and styling for any website
191. How to Make an Animated Card Using CSS Animation
Easy-to-understand HTML and CSS tutorials with lots of examples, learn How to create Animated Card in HTML and CSS with CSS Animations.
192. Basic Web Design Principles to make Your Websites Pop
Five pillars of web design
193. 8 Web Development Notes You Might Find Useful
8 Web Development Notes You Might Find Useful
194. REM and EM in CSS Explained
em and rem both are known as relative units in CSS. You've probably been using em and rem units now for a while already but might not know what they actually do
195. How to Choose a UI Library for Your Frontend Project
Choosing a UI library for your frontend project can be a challenging task. I will try to help you make this hard decision.
196. Chrome Browser Extension to Remover Hacker Noon Header
Hackernoon is my favorite source of knowledge about technology. I love reading Hackernoon story since Medium. However, the Hackernoon new site makes me harder to stay reading more stories before going to bed. It got a big bright green and yellow header on top of the story. At first, I think maybe I can scroll the page down, and it will disappear. I was wrong, it was fixed over the page and it takes a portion of the readable screen.
197. 7 New CSS Features That Will Smoothen Your Web Development
You all must be familiar with the importance of CSS. How is it an invertible part of web development? When a person decides to step ahead in web development, HT
198. CSS Named Colors: Everything Explained
This page provides resources for working with CSS Name Colors. It contains Named Color groups, palettes, favorites, and even fun facts.
199. Understanding How CSS3 Aspect-Ratio Property Works
This content drop presents the new aspect-ratio property on CSS.
200. Why I Unit Test My Sass: Mixins 🧪
Besides testing functions, did you know you can test mixins as well?
201. Top 20 CSS3 And HTML Techniques You Must Know
Today I am sharing with you this advanced CSS & HTML tutorial where we are going to go through some of the best techniques to achieve the effect that you see on
202. How to Add a Dark Theme to a Web App Without Begging a Designer for Help
Find out how to add a dark theme to your web app by yourself. Improve accessibility of your application in a blink of an eye.
203. CSS Flex Box: A Flexible Way To Layout
Every element of HTML is a rectangular box. Every Box has a defined height and width. This way you can increase or decrease its size. CSS is used to style HTML elements so that they look nice and decorated. CSS treats every element in the view of its box model. So every element has padding, margin, and border too.
204. Take Your Tailwind Skills to the Next Level by Using these Resources
Must have Tailwind CSS resources to maximize your productivity. VS Code extensions, plugins, component libraries that you must bookmark to code more efficiently
205. How I Approached My Organization's Rebranding As a Software Engineer
An engineer's journey to solving tech debt while rebranding a mobile application from Agora to Kojo.
206. What Adding display: flex Does
display: flex will change the way that your text will appear when rendered based on how you set its behavior and how large the box it is placed in is.
207. How to Optimize Your Time When Coding Frontend
I recently took some serious time to improve my skills in front-end HTML and CSS.
208. Web Development Needs Help: How We Can Improve HTML and CSS
Web development now is tainted by the old and inadequate structures of HTML and CSS and it needs help.
209. Progressive Enhancement: Basics, Benefits and Web Design Tips
The advancement in technology has given rise to a variety of browsing platforms. It is imperative to ensure proper support to the website for fitting in the browsers. Due to this, progressive enhancement is getting higher popularity among web designers and developers to provide a wide range of browsers accessibility.
210. An Introduction to CSS Variables
One of the biggest issues with writing large amounts of CSS is keeping things consistent. In this article, I will teach you some of the basics of CSS.
211. Introduction to CSS line-height Property
The CSS property line-height defines the amount of space used for lines, most commonly in the text.
212. 8 CSS Properties to Know if You are a Beginner
8 CSS Properties to know if you are a beginner.
213. Nesting in Less and Sass
A code should be organized. That’s the fact and I think is a very good one for the opening of the text about nesting.
214. Flexbox Guide For Beginners
Flexboxes gives web developers control over the location of elements, and their alignment inside the container. This allows you to align the elements vertically and horizontally; change the order of their appearance; set the direction in which all the elements are laid out, and much more.
215. CSS Color Functions in 2023 - Everything You Need to Know to Get Started
You might have used CSS to change the color of an element on a web page, but have you ever heard of CSS color functions? If not, tighten your seat belts...
[216. End CSS Conflicts With
Block-Element-Modifier (BEM)](https://hackernoon.com/end-css-conflicts-with-block-element-modifier)
BEM is a better way to write your CSS code to avoid CSS conflicts
217. What is CSS [Beginners Guide]
CSS is one of those things we see get thrown around but not really explained. If it does, we only get to scratch the technical surface. Over the years, CSS has grown from something that makes the web prettier into a tool that can be infused with user experience psychology and conversion inducing patterns. To add to it all, the differences in browsers and screen size requirements push CSS’ potential to be complex through requirements just a little bit further.
218. Using CSS to Create a GIF Animation
Using CSS animation to generate the content required for an animated GIF
219. A Complete Guide to How the CSS Not Selector Works
In CSS, it's often necessary to signpost that we want to select an element, but not in specific circumstances - like if it has a certain class.
220. CSS Combinators : Mastering the Use of Multiple CSS Selectors
A Complete guide on CSS combinators 2022. You can find everything you need to know about CSS Combinators in this blog.
221. How to Show Live Status Updates in Emails
I got a speeding ticket... However I learned a great new lesson about live data in email campaigns. Learn how to show the payment status or even a countdown.
222. How Does the CSS Box Model Work?
Let's think a little bit more about how box models work.
223. Best Way to Make Your Design Communicate
Visual hierarchy is one of the most important principles behind effective web design. I say this because the goal of a web page is to communicate, and that is essentially the same goal of good visual design.
224. CSS Layout Basics: HTML5 & CSS3 Elements Positioning
HTML5 & CSS3 : Positioning of Elements
225. The Right Way to Utilize Webpack for Bundling a HTML Page With CSS and JS
The new HTML Bundler plugin makes Webpack setup incredibly simple, as all the configuration happens in one place.
226. How the autocomplete search in the Mozilla Documentation Works
Last month, Gregor Weber and I added an autocomplete search to MDN Web Docs, that allows you to quickly jump straight to the document you want.
227. The Noonification: Why Java Is Still Popular (9/27/2022)
9/27/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
228. A Simple Guide for CSS Animations
Animations are very useful tools to make pages more appealing. I would like to start with what are animations, give some supplementary information, and give some animation syntax examples.
229. Adding Light and Dark Modes, with a Toggle Switch, to Your Website
I've recently rebranded and redesigned the look and feel of my website. As a part of that redesign, I've implemented both a light and a dark theme. Here's how.
230. The Benefits of a CSS Preprocessor Over A Conventional CSS
We can't overemphasize the importance of CSS (cascading style sheet) when it comes to adding styles, design, layout, and everything you need to create a stunning website. But when it comes to complex projects anybody that has been coding for a while can agree with me that CSS code can be very long, messy, and sometimes hard to understand.
231. 4 Simple Steps to Become a JavaScript Developer FREE
Learning JavaScript can get you into many fields of Programming; Frontend, Backend, Mobile, Web Development.
232. Choosing Between SASS vs CSS Modules vs CSS-In-JS
How we chose our styling: SASS vs CSS Modules vs CSS-In-JS
233. Top 12 CSS Selectors You Should Know
Get started with understanding CSS selectors. In this story, we cover Universal Selectors, Type Selectors, Class Selectors, ID Selectors, and more.
234. Using the Canvas API to Create Graphics and Animations in JavaScript
The Canvas API is a powerful feature of HTML5 that allows developers to draw graphics and animations on a web page using JavaScript.
235. 4 Tailwind CSS Options For Premium Templates & Components
Tired of your website looking like every other Tailwind website? Here are 4 templates that will make you stand out without learning design.
236. A First Look into Conditional When and Else Statements in CSS
237. Brief intro to Flexbox
As a web creator; either designer or developer, it’s a good weapon in your skill set for a number of reasons. Let’s see why:
238. Top Three Reasons Why You Shouldn't Skip Learning CSS
239. Vertically Centering Text and HTML Elements With CSS
Learn how to vertically center text and HTML elements with CSS.
240. Building a Simple Tic-Tac-Toe Game with JavaScript
In this article, we will be building a simple version of Tic Tac Toe using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
241. How to Make a Responsive Mega Menu in HTML CSS
In this tutorial, we will learn how to create a mega-menu in HTML/CSS, also called a "dropdown menu".
242. SwifWeb and How to Center the Div!
Autolayout is a powerful tool that extends basic CSS functionality, allowing you to create complex and dynamic layouts for your SwifWeb website.
243. How to Design the Hashnode Logo With HTML and CSS
In this article, we will learn how to recreate the Hashnode Logo using plain HTML/CSS. No JavaScript is involved.
244. Getting The Perfect Layout in CSS: Grid + Flexbox
The main goal of this article is to give a solid, working foundation for creating the frame for any layout using CSS. We will see how the grid and the flexbox work hand in hand to make your life easier when it comes to designing web pages.
245. 16 Places to Find Illustrations for Your Projects 📚🎨
16 sites that offer free illustrations
246. Dicas para ter um “bom” Front End
Apresentarei aqui algumas abordagens que ajudam( ou podem ajudar) no desempenho e qualidade de seu Front End. Estas ideias foram fundamentadas em minha experiência profissional e no curso de Arquitetura de Software. Serei mais sucinto possível. Qualquer dúvida entrem contato comigo.
247. Inverting The Colors on Your PC for Accessibility
Learn how to handle the inverted color schemes that are available on Windows computers. You may want to invert the colors for readability and accessibility.
248. Why I Switched To Tailwind For Writing CSS
TailwindCSS is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework. Here are my reasons why I decided to switch from normal CSS to Tailwind CSS for my work.
249. 5 Simple Tips to Keep Your CSS Stylesheets Nice and Clean
“For every minute spent organizing an hour is earned”- Benjamin Franklin
250. How To Start Coding Right Now
What if someones asks you to build a website today, would you think that is possible?
251. Organizing Data In Table: A Quick Guide
The table is the HTML way to layout the data. We can use tables to structure data in columns and rows.
252. Why I Prefer Bootstrap Grid Over CSS Grid
How best can one make the Sling Bag title and its details, wrap below the image of the handbag, while on a small screen?
253. Real Feedback On My Portfolio That May Help You Improve Yours
Some months ago I posted an article about how I built my first personal portfolio. The feedback was pretty awesome and I got some great ideas.
254. How to Create Proper Layout, or What is So Bad About CSS Frameworks?
The advantages of a marvelous layout, semantic markup, and separation of content from design have been already described hundreds of times. Still, there are developers who do not follow the concept of working with HTML and CSS, so they write such terrible things in the code such as:
255. How to Build Email Lookup Extension for Chrome
HazelBase is a powerful identity network that collects data from the internet and provides users with a wealth of information.
256. The Secret Trick For Mobile Viewports
How to make handling the viewport on mobile less awful, correctly fill the viewport, and get correct specific viewport sizes.
257. Exploring Javascript, CSS, and Paint Worklets: Why Put Javascript in Your CSS?
Putting CSS in Javascript is pretty much the norm these days - but how do we do the opposite?
258. CSS Grumbles: We Have All Been There
Developers and designers alike, have all felt the frustrations of styling with CSS at one time or another.
259. Position Layout property in CSS
A tutorial on CSS position property, concepts on absolute position, relative position, fixed position, etc. Article on how and when to use position properties.
260. How to put a div in the center using Flexbox
How to put a div in the center using Flexbox? My name is Nima Owji and I want to show you how to put a div in the center using Flexbox.
261. Optimizing Images in a Few Steps
Simple article about image optimization in browsers in a few steps.
262. Don't Go Crazy Because Of CSS Styles Conflicts
By Luciano Sarno,
263. "Code over a tile"// React - from sass files to Styled-Components. [PART II]
In Part I we saw how to move from sass to a Styled Component for a simple component. So this tutorial assume that you have already installed the styled component made your first try with it. Now we are going to increase the complexity of our controls in the chat app moving to styled components the messages in the chat window.
264. How to Set a div to Its Content's Width in CSS
In HTML we use block elements to take up the full width of the page. These differ in properties from inline elements, which are typically found within text flow
265. The Noonification: Top 10 CSS Performance Tips (11/14/2022)
11/14/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
266. How to Design a Grid-based Framework Using the CSS Float Property
Basic grid-based framework
267. How I Build a Skate Game On Christmas Hackathon
Skateboard game made with CSS
268. 10 CSS Tips To Make Your Site Faster
Let's see some useful CSS tips to put in place that will improve the speed of your website and improve the user experience while maintaining your design.
269. Need Inspiration? Here are 5 Spectacular Online 3D Globe Projects to Do Just That
The 3D model of the Earth is perfect for designing creative web projects cause it's easy to display data on it. Thanks to many data API's it's easy to access data like population, countries, cities, geo-coordinates, health data, education, etc. Here I have compiled my favorite 3D Globe projects.
270. How to Light the Fire and Become a Web Developer
I realized I wanted to leave the air force but had no serious civilian qualifications.
271. An Introduction to CSS for Aspiring Web Designers
CSS stands for “Cascading Style Sheets.” It is a formatting language that allows us to visually improve our HTML tags (size, color, font, etc.). As the name suggests, it does it by cascading.
272. 21 Valuable HTML & CSS Code Snippets for Web Developers
21 Useful HTML & CSS tips for every project
273. How to Clear Floats using clear-float property
A little while ago we wrote about the float property. So, now is a good time to explain the clear property.
274. A Quick Introduction to the Resize Observer API
The Resize Observer API provides a performant mechanism by which code can monitor an element for changes to its size, with notifications being delivered to the observer each time the size changes.
275. How to Become a Software Developer — An Early Introduction
276. Creating a Video Background on Your Website with HTML and CSS
Learn how to create an engaging video background for your website using HTML and CSS.
277. Is Sass CSS with Superpowers?
If you start using Sass, you never want to write CSS by hand again.
278. Recreate Windows 98 With CSS
I decided to try and recreate Windows 98 using nothing else apart from CSS and HTML.
279. Intro Guide to CSS: Explore Your Box
When I started in web development, the box model was one of the first concepts that really helped me understand what was going on.
280. My Acquaintance with Flexboxes and CSS Grid
Until recently, I was only browsing the site as a user. Yes, of course, I noticed that the appearance of the pages of sites that I view on the Internet changes over time.
281. A Complete Introduction to TailwindCSS
This blog discusses CSS prerequisites and use cases for Tailwind CSS. It is helpful for anyone who's getting started with Tailwind CSS.
282. How To Improve Your HTML/CSS Programming Style
When I started learning HTML5 and CSS I had a lot of challenges while managing the structure of the web page and position of the elements.
283. HTML and CSS Tips From a Newbie
About a month ago I started Microverse’s Technical Curriculum and two days ago I finished its first module, HTML and CSS.
284. How To Make Your Page Look Alive with CSS Transitions
Going Through HTML & CSS courses, I learned A LOT, but surprisingly, I never come across the Transition property up until recently, and I've been loving it ever since.
285. JSWorld Conference 2022: Part I
JSWorld Conference is the number one JavaScript Conference in the world, and I share a summary of all the talks with you. Part I
286. CSS Basics For Noobs
Cascading style sheets ordinarily known as CSS is a language that illustrates how the elements of the HTML are to be presented on any media. CSS was proposed by Hakon Wium Lie on October 10, 1994. Several other style sheet languages were proposed at about the same time for the web. But the first one to be introduced was CSS1 and it was introduced in 1996.
287. Everything You Need to Know About Bootstrap 5
Bootstrap is a powerful front-end library, that gives you the power of quick design and responsive mobile-first site layout. It lays on top of the 12 grid system and it has extensive pre-built components.
288. Styling HTML Using CSS: A Beginner's Guide
Cascading Stylesheets — or CSS — is the first technology you should start learning after HTML. While HTML is used to define the structure and semantics of your content, CSS is used to style it and lay it out. For example, you can use CSS to alter the font, color, size, and spacing of your content, split it into multiple columns, or add animations and other decorative features.
289. How To Create CSS Neon Animation
Guys! Thank you all 🥳, I've hit a 100 subscribers to my Newsletter and I'm over the moon!
290. Why you should use a CSS framework!
291. How CSS Position Sticky Really Works: Tips For Beginners
PH: Danny Meneses from Pexels.
292. Utility First CSS Leads to Rapid Prototyping
I am the co-founder of Flexiple and Remote Tools. In this post, I describe why I chose to use a utility-first CSS framework to build my website’s UI in a fast, robust and low-maintenance way.
293. How to Create a Stock Market Price Watcher Using Ruby
For my first ever wrote article, I've decided to write about web scraping and how I built a Stock Market Watcher using Ruby and Nokogiri Gem.
294. 7 Useful Tips for HTML & CSS Rookies
When learning a new skill, at first you might get intimidated. That intimidation can grow to become frustration which can then lead to a lack of motivation. You must stay motivated when learning something new, especially in demanding areas like web development.
295. Reasons Why CSS Grids Are Ideal for Enhancing Responsiveness
When asked about their favorite layout system, front-end devs often discards "CSS grids" and consider it as non-effective since it achieves the same goals of other systems with many more code lines. Especially if responsiveness is required. I've been using css grids for a long time (it's my favorite) and I learned about a case where it's better to opt for css grids rather than other layout systems.
296. Avoid Headaches by Understanding CSS Specificity
Among all the concepts you have to understand in CSS, Specificity is a tricky one; and, it may be the reason why that font-size is not being applied to the element you're trying to target.
297. How To Type HTML & CSS Effectively
I wouldn’t like to carry out the same long and boring known task after somebody told me that there is a better and shorter way of doing the same.
298. A Primer on Semantic Tags and How To Use Them Properly
HTML and CSS are like a web development Savior, the only opportunity available for website development
299. How to Flex Your Flexbox Muscle
Let’s be honest, writing CSS is a pain in the neck. You know it, I know it, the whole world knows it. Well, except for people who don’t know what CSS is.
300. How to Design A Personalised Grid-Based Framework [A Step by Step Guide]
You may be new to CSS Grid or be someone that wants to take on a new challenge. It is still hard to get hold of premium resources online that give you the practical sense of how to leverage Grid’s best features for your awesome front-end projects.
301. The Storybook Landing Page: A CSS/JavaScript Animated Splash Screen Landing Page
A CSS/JavaScript Animated Splash Screen Landing Page
302. Let’s Make a Pie By Using CSS Gradients
Nowadays, web pages use CSS and CSS provides a lot of chances to make different things. Gradients and a pie done by using gradients are some example of them.
303. A Simple Guide To Vanilla JavaScript: How To Set CSS Styles [Part 2]
Learn to use JavaScript to style your project with CSS! A tutorial for beginners.
304. How to add a Dark Mode Toggle in React
Learn how to make a cool looking dark mode toggle in React!
305. Why You Should Use Semantic Elements Even If They Add No Visual Effect To Your Web Page.
Wouldn’t it be easier if for our HTML tags, we had to focus on only <div>’s and <span>’s rather than considering the various HTML5 tags like <article> and <section>? Well, allow me to share an experience that
will surely tweak that thought.
306. Useful Tools To Make Working on HTML and CSS Easier
Programmers and Developers are lazy people, they always want to make their jobs easy. They do not want manual and repetitive tasks. They want to automate tasks.
307. Build Your Own Toast With HTML, CSS and JS
Toasts are extremely useful for any web application and in this post, we are going to see how to make a simple toast using HTML, CSS, and JS.
308. Layout Patterns: How to Unite Layout Artists and Designers
This article will help improve the interaction between designers and layout artists to minimize errors and increase productivity. Do not take the article as the only correct approach.
309. Sass Introduction
310. 5 Essential Bootstrap CSS Components and How to Improve Their Design
Bootstrap CSS has some flaws that can easily be fixed with a little design know how and out of the box Bootstrap classes
311. Building Your First Website In Under 30 Days
Have you ever thought to start building your first website? Are you trying to acquire a new skills which shows your creativity? or are you feeling curious, how tech developers and entrepreneurs are building modern web apps and changing the world ?
312. Flexboxes, Align and Justify Props, Explained
As a beginner, you’ll often find it difficult to understand the differences between “justify-content”, “align-items”, and “align-self”, here’s a quick break down on how to understand these properties and never get confused. This article assumes you have basic knowledge of CSS classes, selectors, and flex.
313. How To Build a Realtime Photoshop 🎨
This weekend we are going to make something amazing, we are going to re-create Photoshop!
314. The Issues with JAMStack: You Might Want To Get a Backend
Great applications deserve great marketing sites, which is why we’re always on the lookout for new developments and trends in content management systems (CMSs).
315. What I Wish I Knew Before Building with Bootstrap
I don’t know if it’s just me and the way I was raised, but I had the wacky idea that Bootstrap was supposed to make things easier for building websites. It turns out it doesn’t. At least not if you’re new to it.
316. A Step-By-Step Guide to Making a CSS Only Minecraft Chicken
There is a surprising lack of articles on how to make Minecraft chickens in CSS though.
317. Building A Page Scroll in JavaScript
To understand scroll in Javascript, we cover an example to understand scroll position, animate on scroll, and navigation, etc.
318. An Anthology of Flexbox Tools and Tutorials (Frontend Development)
We have a lot of great tutorials and courses, related to flexboxes.
319. Flexbox VS Grid: This is Why You Should Be Using Both
There was a time that positioning elements with CSS could be a real hassle, depending on what was needed to do.
320. Pixels, pixels and more pixels !!
Pixels !!! All of us have been using this term for quite a long time now and i bet no matter how awesome you think you are in terms of working with pixels, this post will leave you enriched .(Okay went a little overboard there, but you get the gist).
321. How to Get Started With CSS Flexbox
This little introduction to CSS Flexbox should help you to get a first impression and give you some examples to play around with. From here you will be able to integrate this powerful framework into your own projects.
322. How to Boost Efficiency in Designing HTML Pages
When you start your journey in Front-end Development, as you are
introduced to HTML and CSS preferably in a project-based learning
system, everything about it is very interesting.
323. Implementing Dashboards Using Google Charts.
Implementing charts without coding.
324. CSS Grid Layout: How It Works
What is the "Grid" in CSS? How can I use "Grid" in CSS? Read this article by Nima Owji to learn how to use grid layout in CSS!
325. I Built A Photo Gallery with CSS Animation: Here’s what I learned
The vanilla CSS(without any external JavaScript and CSS libraries) allows animation of HTML elements using CSS properties. This is very powerful and quite simple to learn and use.
326. Solid Tips On How Get Better At Responsive Web Design
Better Responsive Web Design, A Structured Approach
327. Create a Podcast Player with React and AG Grid
Detailed instructions on how to write a podcast player, reading RSS episode feeds and rendered in a sortable and filterable data grid.
328. Grid vs. Flexbox: An Introduction to the Useless Battle
Through time has been common to compare things that can do similar functions, for the sake of electing a champion, something that is better, be it reason "y" or reason "x", and specially to be on the "right" side.
If you think that you haven't done something like that maybe these topics will remind you of something, "XBOX or PlayStation?", "Android or iOS?", "Java or .Net?" and the list can go on, sometimes making a fuss about which one is better is pointless.
329. HTML Forms And Elements And How to Use Them
Whenever dealing with user input, it is advisable to provide a structure so the process can be completed quickly and reliably, also limiting the amount of ‘free form’ input, which can be dangerous to allow in a public site. In HTML5, such a structure is achieved with the use of the form and input tags.
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