Let's learn about Development via these 324 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
“All things are difficult before they are easy.”
1. How to Build a Simple Python Reminder App
I assume you know nothing about programming and want to try and make something with the world’s programming sweetheart — Python.
2. Choosing Between Front-End, Back-End & Full Stack Developers
Hire a team of front-end and back-end developers or full-stack developers at Systango.
3. Preact vs. React: A Quick Comparison
Should you choose React or Preact for software developments? It depends. Learn the difference between the JS libraries here.
4. Basic HTML Tags Classification
An HTML tag is a special word or letter surrounded by angle brackets, < and >. HTML tags are the hidden keywords within a web page that define how your web browser must format and display the content. Most tags must have two parts, an opening and a closing part.
5. Did You Know That Every Expo App Includes Facebook's SDK?
How Expo Is Fooling Everyone
6. I Want To Become A Developer. Where Do I Start?
Starting out as a developer is hard. In this article, I share 5 beginner tips with you that will help make your life easier when you're first starting out.
7. How Writing Can Help Developers Succeed
Recently I was listening to Jason Fried in the chase Jaris podcast, for you who doesn’t know Json Fried he is the chief executive officer of Basecamp...
8. The Problem with The Waterfall Model of Personal Development
One of the ideas that I find to be flawed is the necessity of taking time to work on yourself before getting into relationships with others.
9. How the Telos Build System Emulates NASA's RFP Model
Telos is beginning to look like the most promising L1 option in blockchain, as it consistently outperforms competitors, including Solana, on every front.
10. Top 12 CSS Selectors You Should Know
Get started with understanding CSS selectors. In this story, we cover Universal Selectors, Type Selectors, Class Selectors, ID Selectors, and more.
11. Noonies Interview: Meet Juni Nguyen, a Self-taught Web Developer
2021 Noonies Nominee General Interview with Juni Nguyen.
12. 8 Web Development Notes You Might Find Useful
8 Web Development Notes You Might Find Useful
13. Test-driven Development: How to Write Unit Tests
Tests are a way to explicitly set expectations about code. You establish them to allow the machine to check whether your code meets the expectations.
14. Getting Familiar with a New Codebase
As a developer, let's assume you just got a new job and you are finding it hard to settle in and start working on your new team’s codebase. In this article, we discuss some of the tricks that can help you familiarize with a new codebase faster.
15. Why and where should you still use C/C++ languages?
From complex databases to self-driving cars, the usage area of C and C++ languages is surprisingly wide. Even today, with a myriad of new & robust programming tools, the two coding languages from 70s cannot be replaced. So what are the common applications of C & C++ today and why we still use them? Let’s find out in this article.
16. Best Practices to Write Unit Tests the Right Way (Part 2)
All you need to know about unit testing LINQ and mappings in .NET to make more reliable code faster as you develop software using systems like AutoMapper
17. API Testing Without Postman?
If you are testing the backend you need some tools, because you don't see what are you testing. Hoppscotch is a lightweight, web-based API development suite.
18. React: Everything You Need to Know in 5 Minutes
Can you learn React in five minutes? Well, it depends on what you mean by “learn React”. In this blog post you will “learn the basics of React” in five minutes!
19. Free Resources For Developers and Engineers to Upskill Themselves
We've rounded up some of the best free resources for seven of the most important skills to brush up on below. These include HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Git branch
20. How To Implement Simple State Container From Scratch
Let's imagine that we have a component, a simple counter. The counter has a state and two buttons to manipulate with this state. We also have a function to render the state.
21. I am Grootu: Creating my First Alexa Skill
As a child of the 80's I come from the age of the internet where it was similar to the wild west, only we didn't know it at the time... Men were men, women were women and girls on BBS boards were almost certainly guys in real life.
22. DevOps + Data: DevOps for Data Management
Fresh Approaches to Effective Data Management.
What if we applied the existing DevOps techniques and patterns to the management ?
23. Are Developer Jobs Safe From the Next Recession?
For those of us not buried in sheets of global economic data — i.e., most of us — media speculation of an oncoming recession may seem like a vague and undefined threat. It’s difficult to make heads or tails out of the stream of fast-breaking news about financial predictors, benchmarks and overall anxiety. With all of this muddled information, it’s even more difficult to think about what we’re supposed to do about it.
24. Significant Updates to Popular Kanban Software in 2019
How Jira, Hygger, Asana, and Others Surprised Their Users in 2019?
25. You don't do Continuous Integration!
Today I am going to talk about one misconception made by developers: Continuous Integration is about running automated integration pipelines…
26. Mono-repo Vs. Multi-repo Vs. Hybrid: What’s the Right Approach?
I still remember my first day at Outbrain. As part of the Bootcamp (training program), we were required to clone the code from a repository called the trunk (one monolithic repo that contained all our codebase). It took at least half a day to clone and build the whole source code. Over the next year or two in which my team worked with a monorepo, we just suffered — cloning the repo was time-consuming; the slow build/release time frustrated us; flaky tests and bad commits affected all the engineering; and let’s not even mention the IntelliJ indexing time, which easily afforded us time to run down for a chatty coffee break.
27. Why You Should Use Python for Web Development
Python is one of the most powerful and dominant languages in web development. check more here about why to use Python for Web Development.
28. 15 HTML element methods you’ve potentially never heard of
Note to self: write an intro that eases the reader into the article, rather than just jump right in.
29. What is Eventual Consistency and How Do You Deal with It?
Eventually consistency is a fancy name of doing something and only expecting the changed state after a while. But it won't work well with caching.
30. Development-Friendly Laravel Tools & Resources
You can improve your productivity in Laravel by using these developer-friendly tools and resources to cut down on time spent on tedious, avoidable tasks.
31. The Dev Wages Bubble: 'Not Going to Burst Any Time Soon'
An opinion piece concerning developers' wages. Why they remain high and why they are unlikely to drop anytime soon.
32. 10 GitHub Repositories to Follow
GitHub is a well-known platform to share all kinds of technologies. The following article contains the 10 most widely used GitHub repositories.
33. An Introduction to GitOps and DevOps for Developers
Businesses need manageable and automatable approaches to CI/CD and DevOps to succeed in building and maintaining cloud-native applications, and devs love GitOps
34. Basic Tips for Developing An Ecommerce Portal
Web portal development has provided a big market for the advancement of companies and growing business across the globe. With the online business trend and use of internet, the ecommerce websites have become a vital part for B2B and B2C businesses.
35. How Are zk-SNARKs Possible?
Perhaps the most powerful cryptographic technology to come out of the last decade is general-purpose succinct zero knowledge proofs, usually called zk-SNARKs.
36. What Are the Challenges of Learning New JavaScript Frameworks? | GrapeCity JavaScript
Learn about the top challenges developer face when they are learning new JavaScript frameworks. See more from GrapeCity today.
37. Impact of Quantum Computing on Software Development
The interest & resources in quantum computing are amplified a lot. It impacted work efficiency positively in the creation of new technologies in the tech world.
38. How To Use Events In Solidity
In this short tutorial, I would like to show you the basics of events in Solidity.
39. The Secret of Startup Success: Picking The Best Technology for Your App
When picking up the technology for the startup app, the technology stack plays a crucial role. It is a set of frameworks and tools that will be used in social d
40. Top 7 Courses to Become a Software Architect or Solution Architect
Every Programmer wants to grow in their career, but it’s not easy, and if you don’t pay attention to your job, you will likely stay in the same
position for many years. The growth in the initial few years is
generally fast. Still, once you reach the barrier of 5 years, you need
to decide which direction you want to move like — people management,
product management, or software architecture.
41. Beyond Coding: The 5 Must-Have Skills to Have If You Want to Become a Senior Programmer
Creating code is only a small part of what programmers do. To become a complete senior dev, you must master also these 5 other skills.
42. Autogenerate Your GraphQL Documentation With Magidoc
Learn how to autogenerate GraphQL documentation with Magidoc.
43. Top 6 Integrated Development Environments (IDE) for Python Programmers
An integrated development environment (IDE) allows you to run code written in different programming languages. It is important to have an IDE for running Python
44. VS Code Tutorial: How To Set Up A React.js Project With Next.js
Express.js framework provides inbuild APIs which are very useful to build fast and scalable applications efficiently with React.js.
45. What is an API, Simply Explained
Connectivity is something amazing. Right now, we are used to use our computers or phones to buy, post, watch, etc. We can do lots of things actually. We are connected to the world and to each other.
46. Repeating Nodes With YAML Aliases Like A Pro
Have you ever had to copy and paste duplicate content in a YAML file and wondered if it is possible to DRY that up?
47. Why you Should Choose AngularJS over React in 2022
It's a good idea to use angular development framework in 2022 since it doesn't require any unnecessary antiquated code and has a slew of amazing capabilities.
48. Am I a Monk or a Software Developer Student
I am a student of the Microverse course since August 2019. In my free time (Sadly, It’s a very very short time), I have been reading a wonderful Sloterdijk’s book called “You must change your life”.
49. 5 Git Tips You Should Try For Better Workflow
No matter how experienced you are, Git will always find a way to surprise you. It is loaded with neat tricks that have the power to make your daily coding routi
50. There are Not Enough Open-source Authors!
Why should YOU bother authoring open-source projects. What’s in it for me, what’s in it for you?
51. Feel the Release
Technology performing at human speed is no longer an option.
52. I Think pipenv Is Better Than venv
Yeah, you read that right. I actually think that pipenv is better than venv for there are multiple reasons and a whole lot of thought behind it.
53. Telegram and The Collaborative Community
Telegram strives to maintain an active and healthy community of volunteers. However, the big question is, why create these spaces for participation?
54. 32 Awesome JavaScript Snippets (one-liners) You Should Use in 2023
I'd like to share some useful JavaScript stuff I have saved
55. One-Click Trial on TYK API Gateway with Tin
What is the difference between using a traditional way to installation environment for Tyk and using Tin?
56. Top 5 Big Data Frameworks in 2021
These are the best Big Data Frameworks developers can learn in 2021. It includes Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Apache Flink, Apache Storm, and Apache Hive
57. Differences Between Includes and Joins in Ruby on Rails
Many of us know about includes, joins but sometimes we confuse about their usage. As I was experimenting with code refactoring in one of my projects, there I have tried these things. So I thought I can share these findings with you guys.
58. Creating a Branch Process in Oracle Apex
In Oracle Apex, we create a Branch Process to open another page after submitting the current page. Because a Branch process executes on the page submit.
59. Become an Effective Open Source Maintainer
Tips on how to be an effective Contributor to Open Source.
60. Fast Development With NodeJS: NestJS Boilerplate
NodeJS NestJS boilerplate for fast starting a new backend project based on REST API
61. 7+ Best Courses to Learn Web Development for Beginners
Hello all, if you are thinking to learn about Web Development or want to become a web developer then you have come to the right place. In this article, I am going to share some of the best online courses you can take to learn Web development in depth.
62. The Development of AI: Balancing Convenience and Ethics
AI isn’t completely free from controversy.
63. Angular 14: New Features and Updates
Angular 14's new features include standalone components, strictly typed forms, CLI Auto-Completion, accessibility to streamlined titles and the angular CDK.
64. 5 Best JavaScript Frameworks in 2017
JavaScript popularity continues its rising. In 2016 we’ve witnessed such great changes, as AngularJS entire upgrade and introduction of Angular 2, ultimate dominating of jQuery that is applied on 96.5% of all JS sites, evolution of ECMAScript, two updates of Node.js in April and October accordingly, React finest hours, and even more. What to expect from 2017? — Here’s what we know so far: Angular 4 is expected in March 2017, ES2017 edition is planned for mid-2017, Bootstrap v4 release should be anticipated this year as well.
65. 8 Best Java Online Courses for Beginners and Experienced Programmers
If you are a computer science graduate or a programmer who wants to learn Java and looking for some awesome resources like books, tutorials, and online courses then you have come to the right place.
66. Learn the Fundamentals of React JS: A Guide for Beginners
This guide explains the basic fundamentals of ReactJS such as how it works with JavaScript which many beginners may find helpful as they learn the language.
67. Can Low-code be Pro-code too?
Is low-code the reserve of citizen developers and hobbyists? The modern era of tools might encourage you to rethink that idea.
68. Redis and Node.JS: Learn the Basics
Redis is a powerful piece of technology that lets us store data in memory. Let's look at how to use it with Node.JS
69. 5 Bad Habits Of Software Developers
There is no hard and fast rule as to how a programmer should program. So, there is nothing wrong if you have your own style of programming.
70. Game Development in 2022: Top 6 Programming Languages
Do you want to become a game developer? Then, you need to learn a gaming programming language. So, check out this blog to know more about these languages.
71. Set Up Webpack To Work With Static Files
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to set up webpack to work with static files in a development environment and how to configure it for multiple use cases.
72. How to Use Low-code Tools to Fill Your Developer Talent Gap
The demand for enterprise applications is growing faster than IT capacity due to the need for digitalization everywhere. Low-code is here to help!
73. How to hire the best developers
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash
[74. How to Become a Great
Developer in 2022](https://hackernoon.com/how-to-become-a-great-developer-in-2022)
Google Cloud’s DevOps Research and Assessment team (DORA) have released the State of DevOps report 2021. It’s of no surprise that the most successful teams are
75. Why Continuous Integration Is Essential in Agile Development
The agile software development model means releasing software faster, but that doesn't mean you can skip out on quality.
76. 5 Career Hacks to Landing a Job in Software Development
Your LinkedIn profile can also serve as the first point of contact for your recruiters. But when you want to create one, bear in mind that a good LinkedIn...
77. How to Print labels with TSPL and JavaScript
Label printers can support programming languages like TSPL, ZPL, EPL, and so on. In this piece will take a look at building labels using TSPL commands
78. Israel's Innovation Ethics Played A Huge Role In The Middle East Peace Movement - An Overview
How innovation and development became the glue for Middle East peace.
79. 10 FREE Docker, Jenkins, and Maven Courses for Programmers and DevOps Engineers
Docker, Maven, and Jenkins are some of the most popular tools in the DevOps and Java world. Maven helps to organize your project and provide support to build and deploy Java projects while Jenkins can provide continuous integration and delivery by completely automating build and deploy projects.
80. What Is A Transaction Relayer And How Does It Work?
Article written by Vincent Le Gallic - CTO @Rockside
81. What devs need to know about Encoding / Encryption / Hashing / Salting / Stretching
This is a typical exchange about encryption with someone willing to learn.
82. Setting up email verification in FeathersJS
Over the past years of web development I have stumbled upon the FeathersJS project and have really loved it so far. It offers a lot of functionality out of the box like websockets and authentication which makes it a great alternative to real-time backends like Firebase at a fraction of the cost. There are very little node frameworks that do so much, so well with so little configuration and the only thing I see wrong with it is that it isn’t more widely used, so let me start off with why you should use FeathersJS as your API backend framework.
83. A Productivity Hack that Changed my Life as a Developer and Solopreneur
Do you find it hard to find motivation to finish your long-term goals or be self-motivated? This simple productivity hack will make 10x more productive!
84. Road To Front- End Developer in 2023
To become a good frontend developer, you must be aware of the importance of frontend development and its role in creating websites and web applications.
85. How To Use Named Scopes In Rails
Named Scopes are a subset of a collection. I will illustrate this with an example. If you have Users and you wish to find all users who have their account confirmed. This means you will have some sort of column in your database that represents this. Let's assume that the column is user_confirmed.
86. Basic Software Development Methodologies
Hoping to structurize your product development work process? Choosing the correct development methodology for a project depends to a great extent on your group size, objectives, and different variables. Here is a diagram of the most generally used and perceived programming development techniques to assist you with choosing which is directly for your group.
87. A Simple Mistake That Costs Engineers Time and Money
This expensive trap is easily avoided by approaching problems from the right mindset.
88. Pros and Cons of Development On Polygon
Polygon is a second-level blockchain that runs on the Ethereum ecosystem. Figure out what are its advantages and what are the pros and cons of developing on it
89. How Compilers Differ From Interpreters
90. A Guide on Finding 🔎 an Open Source Project to Contribute to
Finding the right project is a common obstacle that everyone faces; you’ll either find projects that are very large or projects that are dead.
91. 10 Prioritization Techniques for Agile Product Development
Do you want to prioritize your tasks? Explore the blog and get the list of 10 most popular prioritization techniques and methods of agile product development.
92. Everything You Need to Know About Progressive Web Apps
Will your company benefit from PWA development? Read who, when, and how should use it or should NOT. Find the PWA features support comparison in major platforms
93. 22+ Dev Tools, Websites, and Plugins that Help You Become a Better Developer
In this article, I will share my main 22 most loved web tools that make your life as an engineer simpler.
94. How To Remember Design Patterns
Here's a list of some of the book's design patterns, their definition, and what made me remember them. Each one of those principles solves a particular problem.
95. Top 21 Chrome Extensions for Designers and Developers in 2023
Explore a list of 21 functional Chrome extensions.
96. Enterprise IoT Could Open Up Worrisome Attack Vectors
The days of “dumb” analog devices are at an end. These days, everything has to be “smart” and a part of the Internet-of-Things (IoT).
97. RT-Thread Studio IDE Upgrades into v2.0 to Support More Kinds of Projects!
WE ARE IN DECEMBER and 2021 is just around the corner. We are so thrilled to release RT-Thread Studio v2.0 before the end of Dec 2020. First things first, we want to thank RT-Thread community developers who contributed their time, energy, and talent to help RT-Thread Studio progress by giving us feedback, great suggestions, and 100% supports.
RT-Thread Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) was launched in 2019, with a powerful graphic configuration system and 270+ out-of-box software packages and a wide range of components resources. All of this offers a way for developers to simplify the complexity of software development. Now let’s head to New Features of RT-Thread Studio v2.0!
98. Poland vs. Ukraine vs. Russia: Popular Eastern European Outsourcing Destinations Compared
Outsourcing destinations like Eastern Europe have plenty of talented developers. Countries like Poland, Ukraine and Russia are notable for having many devs.
99. Eating Your Own Dogfood Is Just Not Enough
Dogfooding—the disgusting and less than accurate way of suggesting a team use its own product before releasing it to others—is a common way for startups to test their product. If you don't like your own product, who else is going to? It makes a ton of sense, but it's not enough.
100. Checkers on React - Part 5 - Simple movement
Adding simple movement to Checkers made in React, part of a series on learning how to implement the systems ended to create a simple boardgame on React.
101. How AI and Machine Learning is Impacting the Real Estate by Roy Dekel
Artificial intelligence has become the breakout technology in the past ten years, utilizing huge amounts of computing power to learn and identify patterns in data without the guidance of humans. These algorithms can be used on nearly any problem or question, provided there is enough input data for the algorithm to process to generate realistic results. This broad generalizability means that industries that have traditionally relied on purely human-driven research and development can now harness massive amounts of data to become more efficient – and potentially more profitable.
102. The Pros and Cons of Low Code Development
The demand for software greatly surpasses the number of coders and ‘no-code development solutions’ are helping organizations overcome the talent gap.
103. The Cost of Building a Mobile App in 2020
The question of how much does it cost to build a quality app has become common. This article has highlighted an in-depth overview of the cost to develop an app in the market. It will also state the factors that influence
effective app management and development.
104. 4 Technologies that Can Positively Impact the CBD Industry
The birth of CBD” and the great transformation that we are witnessing in the cannabidiol industry are due to the 2018 Farm Bill that was signed into law.
105. Become a Better Developer by Learning Functional Programming in JavaScript
Functional programming is a programming paradigm. This post tells you the basics and benefits of it and how to use it in JavaScript.
106. "Unless you’ve been developing software in a cave"
In this article, we’ll look at some microservices best practices and suggest a few proven ways to help with your microservices architecture.
107. New Generation OSINT Framework
This is an introductory article regarding on of the newest OSINT platform ThreatCops and its various interesting features and perks for identity protection.
108. The Role of Front-End Development in Website Design
A bad front-end development will affect your business, as well as your customer base. The first impression of a website is key.
109. What is the Difference Between Front-End, Back-End, and Full-Stack Development?
The world of web development is rapidly changing, so staying on top of all the latest tools is an ongoing task. In order to stay current with the latest trends
110. 3 Web Design Factors to Ponder Before Starting an E-commerce Venture
Developing a website for an e-commerce venture is a process that needs to be done with deft care. Starting a website is easy, but to maintain it is the real deal. That's why you need to start the process with all the precautions and preparation as anything can go wrong. Web design and development is very difficult and can look impossible to perfect, especially for the newcomers.
111. Building Your Own Toolbox with Extension Methods in C#
Extension methods are one of the coolest features of C#. It allows our custom methods to be used on the objects without needing to extend or change the underlying class.
112. How To Populate Your Database with Fake Data: Ruby On Rails Tutorial
This is going to be a very straightforward article, no jokes included.
113. Languages, Frameworks and Tools to Become a Robust Web3 Dev
Web3, blockchain, NFTs?! It’s all getting a bit year 3000 out there… We’ve pulled this apart to better understand what the future of work looks like for develop
114. My Guide to the 8 Best Dev Tools in 2021
As developers we are always worried that we might be missing a trick to do things faster and better. It’s developer FOMO and probably made you click on the link to this article. Here is the list of development tools I will be using in 2021. Perhaps there is a trick here that you want to try in 2021.
115. How to Generate TypeScript Type Definitions and Code from GraphQL
Using GraphQL together with TypeScript can have huge advantages, as you can use your GraphQL schema to create TypeScript type definitions on the fly!
116. How to Deploy a Ruby on Rails App on Heroku
The most satisfying thing beyond building something is to make it available to the world. Heroku is great for beginners because it’s a free and “simple” push-to-deploy system.
117. Indoor Positioning and Predicting the Most Suitable Boutiques in Shopping Malls for Customers
Indoor navigation and machine learning combination both for helping users to find the most suitable stores and for helping stores to advertise their products.
118. Top 7 Announcements from Data and AI Summit 2021
7 Highlights from the Data and AI Summit (former Apache Spark Summit) for the Busy IT Professional
119. If You Want to Learn Better, Put Down the Tutorial, and Start Practicing
Going from tutorial to tutorial to achieve this imaginary 100% knowledge of a topic is very detrimental.
120. From N-Tier to Clean Architecture with .NET
The evolution of n-tier architecture as clean architecture with reference to domain models domain and application services and other relevant parts of the topic
121. 5 Best Django and Python Web Development Courses for Beginners to become a Python Web Developer
If you are looking for the best online courses to learn Django, Flask, and Python web development, then you have come to the right place.
122. Are Developers The Driving Force For Innovation In Tech?
Tech innovation has become the driving force of our economy, having an immense contribution to economic growth.
123. How To Adopt TDD In Your Team
This is the first in a series of blog posts in which we outline the benefits of TDD for your organization and what are the projects to consider while adopting this agile process. Link of Part Two.
124. Why “Just Outsource It” Is A Bad Idea
Like many of you, I saw the Queen biopic Bohemian Rhapsody, and I was struck by a comment that Freddie Mercury makes to the other band members when they meet in the managers office after their break where Freddie had put out his solo album Mr. Bad Guy. The meeting was about healing rifts between the band members and discuss performing at Live Aid. Freddie comments to the other band members about the making of Mr. Bad Guy and how he had all these musicians that did exactly what he told them to, and that was exactly the problem, they did what he told them to and no one questioned or pushed back. Arguably, this was one of the factors that made the music from Queen so good. What does this have to do with outsourcing you might ask? Well, read on…
125. How the Domain Name System Works
The Domain Name System.
126. How Important is a College Degree if You Want a Job in Tech?
Recently, I’ve seen people discuss on Twitter about whether a college degree is required to get into a tech job and if having one gives you any competitive advantage over the self-taught ones. I believe I can add a cent or two to that discussion. I am going to tell my story and experience so it might encourage others.
127. Custom Hook in React for calling API — useApi
What is a React custom hook and how to build one to fetch data
128. Using Qt: 10 Famous and Successful Cases
Qt is a toolset that helps developers easily make user interfaces, with a long list of popular apps that such as Adobe and Google Earth that have used it.
129. Taking the Harder Path
Is almost never the right answer when developing systems, at least the sort that I build. The easy path is almost always best and that feeling of “something being easy” is often a sure sign of being on the right track.
130. How to Make a Captcha in Python
Captcha is becoming complex and impractical with time. So, I dedicated myself to make my own captcha system that's more practical.
131. Video Game Development is not a Game [Mythbusting]
Video Games have slithered into the modern culture without anyone really noticing, to be honest. Once they were considered as revolutionary pieces of software, and nowadays they have become such a common sight that people still believe they’re as easy to develop as Pac Man was at the time.
132. Great Developer Blogs to Follow in 2023 That Are Informative, Entertaining, or Both
Remember, there are many other great blogs out there, so don't be afraid to explore and find what works best for you.
133. What is an SQL Injection Attack? How To Prevent SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
The best way to prevent SQL injection vulnerabilities is to use a framework that allows you to construct and parameterize queries safely. An ORM works well.
134. Encoding Base128 Varints, Explained
A process of converting data from one format to another is called encoding. In this process the data and format both can be variable, means for any kind of data to any kind of format, if we do any conversion, the process will be called encoding. Based on the nature of data there are quite a few terms that are popular like media encoding, character encoding. Media Encoding refers to converting audio, video files to different formats e.g. mp3, avi, wav, etc.
135. 31 Lessons Learned From 10,000 Hours of Programming
Well, I'm certainly not a world-class expert, but I have put my 10,000 hours of deliberate practice into programming.
136. How to Calculate the ROI of Your Design System
Design systems are a crucial success factor for digital businesses. Calculate the ROI of any design system with this ready-to-use formula.
137. JSWorld Conference 2022: Part IV
JSWorld Conference is the number one JavaScript Conference in the world, and I share a summary of all the talks with you. Part IV
138. The Outstanding Developer Book: Distractions Around Us And Developer Productivity
Think about a normal day of work. You arrive at the office, take a coffee, start coding, do some code review, have lunch, some meetings, code again, and that’s it. But is it really?
139. 17 Ways to Motivate Your Dev Team
You know, that the software development process is not simple, sometimes frustrating, and exhausted with strict deadlines and requirements.
140. Get Involved in These Communities to Learn and Explore the Low-Code / No-Code Stack
I am pretty sure you all are familiar with full-stack, MERN stack, and many similar tech stacks related to development.
141. How to Restart the TypeScript NodeJS Application Fast
I have been working for the different kinds of Node JS application from the last 4 years. For every project I tried to improve the performance and code quality. From that, I found a very interesting way to restart the typescript application so fast.
142. How to Get Noticed in the Javascript World?
Getting started with the MDN documentation
143. Hacking the Set Up of Your Scrum Team to Start Delivering Within 48 hours
The complete guide to hacking the setup of your scrum team and start delivering business value in 48 hours.
144. Using Docker Compose for Development without Going Crazy
Using Docker Compose in development with creature comforts for developers.
145. A Simple CDN Speed Test Script in Python
Here is a simple python script I use to speed test CDNs. It’s open-sourced under an MIT license.
146. Building Websites and Webpages With Centred Around PageSpeed
147. How to Leverage Salesforce Using a Client Written in Svelte
In the 2nd part of his series, John Vester introduces a Svelte client application to read and update Salesforce data … without actually using Salesforce.
148. GitHub Sponsors Program Delivers on Promises, Allies With Stripe
Just got a heart-warming email from GitHub about their Sponsors program!
149. Vagrant with Oracle Database: For When You Need More Than a Container Image!
I’ve written about my love for Vagrant a few times already here, today I will show the steps to getting an Oracle Database with Vagrant.
150. Why You Should Never Write Bad Code as a Software Engineer
A romp through the misadventures that can be caused by quickly built proof of concepts and hacks in all aspects of programming.
151. Top 10 Flutter Benefits For Application Development
What is Flutter?
152. React Native is The Perfect Choice for Your Next Mobile App: Here's Why
In this article, we will talk about why React Native is one of the best technologies currently in the market for app development.
153. Creating a P2P, Messaging App on Web3 Using Substrate & Ionic - Introducing Uke - BOG#002
Creating a peer to peer messaging app and protocol.
154. Useful Tips for Adding an App to the Google Play Store
In this article, we will walk you through the process of adding apps to Google Play.
155. Top 8 Useful And Desirable Valentine's Day Gifts For Developers
We have found out some desirible gifts for developers
156. Implementing i18n in Next.js: A Guide to Non-Route-Based Localization
Next.js: A Guide to Non-Route-Based Localization
157. Why Flutter has Gutters 💪
I've had the opportunity to learn and experience what Flutter is capable of. I've read a lot of articles about it, as well as my hands dirty and I've built a few little Flutter apps. In this post, I would like to send you a taste into what Flutter is with a list of questions and answers, assuming that you have at least some of these questions on your mind, so I can address them.
158. Securing your SDLC for Open Source Applications
Creating a secure SDLC isn’t difficult. It might require some adjustment by teams that are not used to it, but it’s a worthy investment.
159. My List of Crypto-Programming Youtube Tutorials
A collection of my youtube videos on creating bots for trading, creating smart contracts, building dApps, and integrating with Facebook, Amazon, and eBay APIs
160. 10 Use Cases for Using Laravel to Build Web App Development Projects
It’s no secret that PHP is sometimes considered a “low-barrier-to-entry” programming language. Laravel is a phenomenal framework and it scores better than most.
161. The Leader's Anatomy: Essential Talents And Skills Of An Engineering Mastermind
Andrii Poddubnyi, an Engineering Director at Innovecs, shared his trajectory and important lessons and outlined the role of people in his career path.
162. Here's Why Businesses Choose Managed Support Services
Managed support services have been the cause of debates for many years. Delegating your work to another company used to seem risky and often inefficient.
163. The Decorator Pattern In a Content Management System
A decorator pattern is a powerful tool that can be used to modify and extend functionality in PHP and MySQL-based content management systems.
164. UNCTEC 2021, My Journey As A Programmer And My Biggest Success So Far
UNCTEC is the UN Model of Tec de Monterrey Cuernavaca and had its first vitual edition in March 2021.
165. How Stack Overflow Inspires Coders
A place to exchange questions and answers about intricate programming queries.
166. The Highest Paying Jobs in America
The job market in America is constantly evolving and reaching greater heights. People are enrolling themselves in many online and offline courses to master a skill or two. All this is done to achieve the highest paying skill so that they can end up landing a job of their choice. There are many in-demand skills that you can acquire that will make you eligible for a lot of jobs. This article has been curated to discuss some of these highest paying skills.
167. How to Design Your Custom Web Application
Millions of businesses use the web/internet as a communication channel. It lets them exchange information with their target audience and allow make fast and secure transactions over the web. However, effective communication can be established when the business is able to store all the necessary data for the means of processing this information for presenting high-quality output to the user.
168. 9 Best Java Online Courses to Learn Programming for Beginners
In this article, I am going to share some of the best Java courses beginners can join to learn Java.
169. The Three Elements of an Effective Game Development Team
The process of composing a development team can look a lot like starting a fighting game where you choose characters to fight your battles. Here are many tips
170. Explore 5 Feature Flag Best Practices
As dev teams continue to improve agility, the tools, and approaches for building and delivering software continue to improve as well.
171. Automating Pull Request Merges with Mergify
Mergify is a tool that helps prioritize, queuing, and automatically merge your pull requests.
172. The Blockchain Application Development Lifecycle
173. Code Trashing Symptom
There are a set of skills and qualities which make the ideal software
developer we are all searching to be or searching for to employ. However, right now I am going to emphasize the importance of a quality that is mostly found in senior developers.
174. What is Threat Modeling and Why Should you Care?
Threat modeling is typically conducted from the design phase and onward in the development process.
175. Fluent Parallel Tasks in C#
Performance is often one of the key focus points when building enterprise software. Many of the systems that we build rely heavily on communications with other systems. When these external communications become slow, then our software becomes slow. Unfortunately, we often have no control over the response time of the services that we depend on. However, we can optimize the way that we communicate with those services in order to ensure maximum performance.
176. How to Pass the Oracle Certified Java Developer Certification OCP 11 Exam
My favorite books, courses, and practice tests you need to prepare well for Oracle Certified Java SE 11 Developer Certification Exam with code 1Z0-819 in 2021.
177. How to Become a Web3 Developer
This article will cover how to jump into Web3 development right without getting lost in the overabundance of the information.
178. What Is Redis and How Can It Make Your Website 30-40% Faster?
Redis is a type of database that can be used to significantly improve your website's loading speed thanks to its design and its versatile selection of modules.
179. How Being A Mentor Can Be A Double Edged Sword
Photo by James Pond on Unsplash
180. 21 API Monitoring Tools That Will Make You a Developer Superhero in 2023!
A new wave of API tools to answer the global API security threat.
181. An Overview of Next.js Router
These tips and tricks for you on the Next.js router help you make your DX better and code cleaner
182. Personal Mastery: What Will You Learn Next?
As a developer, I often asked myself: what should I learn next? How can I grow further? I always feel that if I'm not growing, I will not keep up with our domain, which is continuously changing and evolving.
183. 5 Best Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer Certification Exam Courses in 2022
In this article, I will share the best online courses to help you pass the Google Cloud Professional Data Engineer certification exam.
184. Native Android or iOS vs React Native: Which One to Choose?
Confused whether to go for a Android/ iOS or React Native platform for your new mobile application’s development? This guide will help you out in deciding.
185. How You Can Build an API Client Library in JavaScript
Every time I find myself connecting to a third-party API that doesn't have a client library I have to create a lot of boilerplate around it:
186. "Code for 15 mins a day" and Other Tips To Become A Better Developer
I've read dozen of articles on how to become a better developer in the past year. So, to share what I've learned, here are 7 ways to become a better developer.
187. APIOps: Combining DevOps and GitOps to Improve API Development
DevOps is where the rubber meets the road. In this article, understand APIOps and how the adoption of an API gateway impacts DevOps.
188. Why Managers Should Understand How Developers Work
As managers, we easily get frustrated with developers. Maybe they can't build a certain feature; or a bug fix you deemed critical to your business is too far down the backlog for comfort.
189. Let's Explore ARK Core v3: Extensibility [Part 4]
This is Part 4 of 6 in the Let’s Explore ARK Core series which documents the development of the next major release of ARK Core, alongside some tips & tricks on how to get started with contributing and building your next idea today.
190. A Procedural Landscape Experiment
Quick and dirty(?) procedural generation in 99 LoC of Rust
191. How to Build a Design System
Semantics, syntax, accessibility, tone, and context that provide a base for a shared design language — benefits, drawbacks, and examples.
192. 4 Software Engineering Principles You Should Know
Engineering principles that lead to better, robust and maintainable codebases.
193. Itinerary Planning APIs and Why We Need Them
Anybody who has ever used an API won’t question the benefits you get when using it and will probably notice the load of work it takes upon itself. The variety of APIs will fit any developer’s needs, so if you want your app to quote Marvel movies, there’s an API for that. But that’s a separate topic for discussion, because today we’re going to have a look at itinerary planners.
194. Is Automation in Web Development Replacing Human Creativity?
As a creative person who values the human touch in my work, I've started to question whether automation in web development is really the best way forward.
195. Developing a Mobile Application: Steps to Follow to Ensure Success of It
Image Credit: Freepik.com
196. Why Flutter is the Silver Bullet to Reduce App Development Cost
Do you have a brilliant app idea, but you're wondering how to reduce app development costs? Don't worry, Flutter can help you develop an app within your budget.
197. On 10x Developers and Arrogant Jerks
10x Developers exist, but that’s not the point. Let me explain …
198. Get More Results Out of Your .NET IBM i Applications
There is a reason over 10,000 organizations worldwide use IBM i for their IT infrastructure and don’t plan to change platforms soon.
199. Why You Should Always Build a MVP First
Let’s take a look at a classic example of a situation that I have observed numerous times. An enthusiastic maker has an idea for a great product and starts building right away without checking for competitors, creating a landing page first or getting some feedback from potential users. The maker sits down in front of his computer and starts building his product blindly.
200. A Brief History in Authentication
Photo Credits: Edward Tin
201. Why Designers Should Understand How Developers Work
As designers it’s easy to get annoyed with developers. Perhaps they can’t get the alignment of a button right; or that feature you deemed critical to your UX is just too far down the backlog for your comfort.
202. How To Set up Webpack for Web Development
webpack is a flexible bundler that provide you with tons of options and configuration so you can personalize your JavaScript projects, but with great power comes a great mess... err, I mean, great responsibility when configuring.
203. Explore the Psychological Principles of UX Design
UX analytics is crucial for developing your product. It provides necessary business information about how exactly your customers use the released application.
204. 5 Tactics to Increase Your Odds of a Great Software Match
Picking the right software to augment your business is an important decision that needs to be made to ensure that it can match up to your business objectives.
205. How To Improve Developer Effectiveness With Feedback Loops
At it's heart, software engineering is a series of feedback loops.
206. It’s never been easier to build digital products.
The rise of support communities for makers.
207. Your Guide to Crypto Exchange Development
Crypto exchange development is not easy, but it can be done. As a developer, you will need to write a lot of code and develop many different modules that work together. This article will help you understand what is involved in developing a crypto exchange from scratch and how to do it.
208. How to Scale Like a Boss with Heroku Dynos
Now that you are running on Heroku, John Vester helps explore options for scaling your applications or services to meet end-user demands.
209. What is the Best Way to Measure Developer Productivity in 2022?
DORA Metrics are a great start, however Nicole Forsgren from Github recognises the need for Collaboration and Wellbeing to become part of developer performance.
210. How to Become a 10x Dev: An Essential Guide
The ultimate guide to becoming a 10x Dev - or what kind of devs I'm hiring (and promoting) as a VP of Engineering?
211. Kotlin Vs Java : What's The Best Choice for Mobile App Development?
Have a great idea for your mobile app development? Then it's the right time to bring into action by searching for the right technology for your app development. And when it comes to mobile and web app development, then most of the businesses look forward to choosing the most affordable and effective option for their project development.
212. PCB Testing Methods Overview
Why PCB testing is so important? What are PCB tests and who should carry them out? Which tests are more suitable for prototypes and which ones for mass production?
213. Sorting an Array in JavaScript: A Beginner's Guide
In short, the Javascript sort() method is an incredibly useful way to organize an array, whether you’re sorting numbers, strings, or objects.
214. 5 Reasons Why the Blockchain is NOT A Good Fit for Your Business
Alexandr Kurbatov, EnCata Soft CBDO, tells why businesses should abandon the introduction of popular technology and cases when it still needed.
215. How to tell if your code actually sucks...
There is no better moment for me than starting a brand new project.
216. An Open-Source Book About the Open Source World
Open source today is a word that often include a lot of things, such as open knowledge (Wikimedia projects), open hardware (Arduino, Raspberry Pi), open formats (ODT/ODS/ODP) and so on.
[217. Progressive Web Apps vs Native:
Which to Choose and When?](https://hackernoon.com/progressive-web-apps-vs-native-which-to-choose-and-when-q036k31u8)
Cost-efficiency vs security, speed vs comfort, universality vs self-sufficiency
218. I Asked 200 Dev Teams How Well They Work Together - Here's What I Learned
I asked 200 cross-functional development teams how well their developers and non-developers communicate and collaborate while developing products together.
219. A Helpful Guide to Enterprise Mobile App Development
Here's a step-by-step guide for enterprise mobile app development. It is a good read for enterprise executives who don't know where to start.
220. The Introduction To Blockchain App Development (Part 1/2)
In this post we will get familiar with the architectural approaches that make blockchain application development almost like a walk in the park. We will address five simple, yet efficient software development approaches for blockchain applications. Each of them being supported with code samples and tutorials.
221. How to Quickly and Efficiently Create Tests for MySQL
How to quickly and efficiently create tests for MySQL without installing any additional utilities.
222. How I Started to Learn Web Development
In this article I will talk you about on how I started my path as a full-stack software developer and specifically about the first section on the microverse school program in which includes two elements of the front end development, those are HTML and CSS and not only that, this will include the difference between HTML and html5, CSS with css3 and about a wonderful thing that I always ignore in my life that will save your life in some cases, the frameworks.
223. Developing & Distributing iOS apps: Apple Certificates and Provisioning Profiles
What are Apple certificates and provisioning profiles and why do we need them? The certificate is a digital identification you use to sign your iOS apps.
224. How To Improve Software Product Development With Machine Learning
A guide on how to Improve your Product Development Cycle using clever applications of ML and AI.
225. Let’s Explore ARK Core v3: Infrastructure [Part 1]
This is Part 1 of 6 in the Let’s Explore ARK Core series which documents the development of the next major release of ARK Core, alongside some tips & tricks on how to get started with contributing and building your next idea today.
226. Writing Clean Code: Practical Tricks for PHP
Writing clean code isn’t hard, but sometimes getting a piece of code to work right can get in the way of making it maintainable.
227. How to Use InertiaJS to Build a Single Page Application Without an API
InertiaJS is a routing library written in Javascript that lets you build single-page applications without using an API in the process, saving lots of time.
228. Delivering Static Web Content on Heroku [A How-To Guide]
My primary goal is to find a solution that allows my limited time to be focused on providing business solutions instead of getting up to speed with DevOps processes.
229. Bot Stable and Other Launch Notes
After weeks of fine-tuning strategy, configurable variables, some significant losses and some hopeful (albeit unfounded) results that ended up being improper logic & sheer luck, it looks as though we've achieved critical velocity...
230. 6 Best Websites to Learn Blockchain Online
Here is a list of the best websites and online learning platforms to learn Blockchain.
231. How to Create a Responsive Table with HTMX and Django
A guide on how to create a responsive table inside your web applications using both Django and htmx to create such a system to process your website's data.
232. Why GitOps is so exciting?
Initially, we have seen DevOps, DevSecOps and many other ops but nowadays a new terminology “GitOps” is getting famous. Its fame has reached to this level that it was a trending topic at KubeCon.
233. Producers Guarantees for Event-driven Development
Instead of consumers' delivery guarantees in message queues, in this article, we're going to talk about producers' guarantees in distributed systems.
234. The Hidden Potential of AI for Developers: Increasing Productivity & Shortening Time-To-Market
This story talks about how AI can benefit developers by increasing productivity and as a building block to implement otherwise complex applications quicker.
235. How I learned Flutter and How you Can Too...
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash
236. Pickling and Unpickling in Python
In this blog, you will learn about the Pickling and Unpickling process, although it is quite simple it is very important and useful.
237. Bare Metal Ruby
This manual explains how to install the most recent stable version of Ruby on Linux, without using rbenv or alternative version managers. The goal was to find a fast and reliable approach for provisioning expendable virtual machines for Rails development environment.
238. Secrets of Effective Collaboration With a Remote Team
Alexey Kataev, Head of Development at Skyeng, talks about running an efficient remote development team.
239. Another Reason to Use Docker
Recently I was working on a project which includes Terraform and AWS stuff. While working on that I was using my local machine for terraform code testing and luckily everything was going fine. But when we actually want to test it for the production environment we got some issues there. Then, as usual, we started to dig into the issue and finally, we got the issue which was quite a silly one 😜. The production server Terraform version and my local development server Terraform version was not the same.
240. Developing, Deploying and Testing Flask Applications on Kubernetes - Part I
In this step by a step blog post, that illustrates how to integrate Python Flask applications with Docker and run them in a Kubernetes cluster, we will cover the following topics:
241. Popular Codeless Open Source Testing Tools
Programming languages have been a core part of software development. However, popular codeless open source testing tools are making it possible to go without.
242. A Closer Look at the State of Software Development Companies in 2021 and Beyond
At the end of 2021, Techreviewer has compiled data from several software development companies about the market state, results of 2021, and their plans for 202w
243. As a Blockchain Developer, you Need to Keep Learning to Stay Ahead of the Game
You probably heard it a thousand times before and you’ll hear it a hundred times more – you need to keep learning if you want to stay relevant! This is true for any field, especially in the world of programming languages.
244. React Internals: Basic Concepts and Notes
An introductory lesson to React internals based on React Fiber.
245. Develop Chatbots for Learning Reinforcement
Chatbots are a powerful way to teach and learn, and this course shows you how to build them from scratch.
246. What is DevOps and How Does it Influence the Digital Transformation of Companies?
When we talk about DevOps we mean the set of process automation practices in the software and IT departments. DevOps is a movement, or work philosophy, also defined as a culture of shared responsibility or systematic thinking, whose ultimate objective is none other than to work based on collaboration between members of the software development and IT / operations teams to achieve better and more agile results.
247. 5 Fantastic Developer Tools for Asynchronous Communication 🎯
As dev teams are looking for new ways to stay productive and communicate effectively, asynchronous communication gains popularity. Asynchronous communication doesn’t require planning, reduces context switching, and allows recording, rewatching, and rereading the information — which is great for long-term projects.
248. Boosting Website Performance with Server-Side Rendering
Enhance website speed and performance with server-side rendering. Learn implementation tips in this guide for improved user experience and SEO.
249. You Can Become a Better Developer by Mastering the Super Power of Deep Work Habit
Have you ever dreamed to wake up one morning and realize you felt different, more powerful. As if you had this super power inside of you that it waiting to be used. You'd meet someone very old and wise. He would tell you that you've actually had this super power for a very long time. But you need to go through a very difficult training phase to master it.
250. E-Commerce Development Trends for 2020
As we have entered the digital age, where everything from purchases to sales can be done using mobile devices, there’s one solid conclusion we all can draw: e-commerce development is here to stay.
251. Link up With the Best Blockchain Development Companies in 2021
Although blockchain is a relatively young industry, many companies have emerged that offer Blockchain Development Solutions.
252. Learning Rust in Lockdown
The COVID19 lockdown has been a pretty challenging time for everyone. Staying sane without the social interactions we normally have can be difficult. I took the time to learn a new programming language. This served several purposes.
253. How To Learn Ruby on Rails
How to get around in your first Rails projects
254. Flask vs Django: Which Should You Learn?
Looking for a Flask vs Django comparison? This article compares the two popular Python frameworks for web, apps, APIs, and backend development.
255. Why is Software Development So Hard?
Complicated code bases. Bare-bones specifications. Tight deadlines. If these sound familiar, you’re not alone. Software development is a difficult field to work in, despite being one of the fastest growing in the United States. Developers burn out quickly and often. In fact, one survey shows burnout rates of nearly 60% among tech workers.
256. Golang: A Beginner' Guide To Getting Started
In this guide, you will learn everything you need to know to get started using Go to build real-world applications.
257. Styled Components: The Essentials to Get Started
Photo by Hello I’m Nik 🇬🇧 on Unsplash
258. What are the 10 Best Java Books For New Coders?
In this article, I am going to share some of the best Java books ever written.
259. Developing An App with NodeJS: Best Practices to Follow
Here are the 14 Node.js best practices that should be implemented while developing an app.
260. Step-by-Step Guide To Web Development In 2022
With every year, more technology is developed, meaning that there are new ways to code websites. This is how to start web development in 2022 in a simple way.
261. How to Copy Files From One Directory to Another Using the Java 7 NIO 2 API
In this article, I'll show you the pre-Java code for copying files from one directory to another as well post-Java 7 code which makes this task a lot easier.
262. Web Standards 101
Let me tell you a story. Once I was building yet another date picker component for our design system. It consists of text input and pop-up with a calendar that shows by clicking on it. Then pop-up can be closed on click outside or if the date was selected.
263. Building Notification Systems as a Developer: Routing and Preferences
In this article, you’ll learn how to set up routing for your notifications data and design user preferences so that you can make the most out of each message.
264. The Joys and Sorrows of Corporate Meetings
When was the last time you felt like bolting out of the conference room either bored to death or incredible frustrated and feeling like your time was carelessly and disrespectfully wasted? We bet it was as close as yesterday. What, is happening now? Well, get out now!
265. Working Together: How Designers and Developers Can Collaborate While Building Products
The success of your website or app strongly depends on the cooperation between the designers and the developers. It’s not about the professional skills of either group. You get a competent designer to make you a beautiful layout which you then pass on to an equally professional and experienced developer. Suddenly it turns out it can’t be realized without major changes!
266. Understanding Event Driven Architecture
Event-driven architecture is a software architecture paradigm promoting the production, detection, consumption of, and reaction to events.
267. How To Create a Foolproof Shell Script
I am a lazy DevOps Engineer. So whenever I came across the same task more than 2 times I automate that. Although now we have many automation tools, still the first thing that hit into our mind for automation is bash or shell script.
268. The Difference Between CI and CD in DevOps
The software development life-cycle has a lot of moving parts. A huge problem many large companies have is maintaining a consistent deployment process. Written steps sometimes get skipped; manual deploys are error prone, and home-grown deploy scripts are usually only understood by the person that wrote them. Companies like Netflix, Etsy, and Amazon need to make sure that deployment cycles are smooth and errors are caught as early in the process as possible.
269. Axios: What to Do When Something Goes Wrong
You've seen a couple of ways to deal with error responses when making HTTP calls with Axios.
270. 39 Web Developer Tools You'll Want To Take With You Into 2021
In this article, we will review 39 of the best software development and programming tools, ranging from web development and interactive development to rapid application development.
271. Will it Rain Today? Forecast Weather using Python
In this blog post, we will learn how to forecast weather details. We will see the implementation in Python with hardly a few lines of code.
272. Automate JavaScript deployment of npm packages with Github actions
What does Factorio and CI/CD pipelines have in common?
273. Mergers, Acquisitions and New Markets…
“There was no such thing as a fair fight. All vulnerabilities must be exploited.” — Cary Caffrey
274. The 7 Principles of Lean Software Development
The seven principles of lean software development can be used to maximize value for users and minimize waste in mobile app development.
275. How We Built 10 Products In 12 Months
Brenden Mulligan, after selling his startup "LaunchKit" to Google, went all-in on his love for building products. He built ten products in 12 months.Just imagine, you have just successfully sold your startup that you worked on for years to a company like Google. What would you do next?
276. How Your HTML5 Code Can Impress Google's Robots
You and HTML5 can get the attention of Google’s robots. To do it you can write the coding strategically following some rules of the HTML’s semantic. It is easy and there are a lot of advantages to making it.
277. 25 Useful Websites Developers Don't Use Enough
There are many websites to make the work of developers easier, even if they are as basic as helping you share your code. Here are 25 useful websites for devs.
278. How To Choose The Best Blogging Platform For Your Developer Blog
Learn how to choose the best blogging platform for your developer blog. See what are the most important things to look for when choosing a blogging platform.
279. Pocket-Sized Learning: 3 Mobile Apps to Master Coding
With so many options available, there is no shortage of mobile apps to help you master coding. Check out these three apps.
280. Introducing My New App Journey with Heroku
In the final part of his series, the author provides a retrospective of using Heroku for the very first time, detailing the new design and lessons learned.
281. Testing in C#: Property-Based Testing With Input Generators
282. Did You Get That Thing I Sent To You? – The Rise of Event-Driven Architecture
283. CI/CD/CF — The "Missing-Link" in the DevOps Toolchain?
Everyone is familiar with CI and CD processes, but whatever happened to Continuous Feedback? Leveraging observability in dev creates a new type of dev process
284. Why Your Dev Team Needs a Technical Artist
Technical artists - who art they? Check out our article of this new concept and role in the IT industry.
285. Benchmarking Xcode Availability Across Hosted CICD Services
Xcode versions are the drumbeat iOS teams all around the world march to. Rapid access to Xcode versions ensures that apps are submitted, and updated on time
286. Linux OS is Best for Medical Devices
What are the pros and cons of using Linux for your medical device? We wrote an expert article for you, answering all those questions, take a look at it here.
287. Flutter vs. React Native - What to Choose in 2021?
With many startups choosing Flutter for MVP development recently, React Native is facing tough competition from Flutter.
288. How to Become a Web3 Developer
A simple, unbiased, and comprehensive guide to becoming a web3 developer.
289. What is 'this’ in JavaScript?
‘this’ is always been a pain in the a** for many JavaScript developers, but it’s time to say ‘I got this’.
290. 10 Companies Building IoT Devices in 2022
Our life today is comfortable to a large extent due to smart devices. These things are the world of the Internet of things (IoT).
291. API Development in the Time of COVID-19
Let’s face it.
292. The Top Five Frameworks For Developing Android Apps
Understanding Android development frameworks will help you pick the right one for your mobile app, letting you make better decisions on how to develop.
293. Under The Hoodie - Ada Nduka Oyom, DevRel Ecosystem Community Manager with Google
Benjamindada.com goes Under The Hoodie to learn the story of Ada Nduka Oyom who is the DevRel Ecosystem Community Manager with Google.
294. Testimonial Driven Development
Build your products based on the testimonials you want to get from your customers
295. An Introduction to Embedded Human Machine Interface Development
HMI solutions find their application in various fields: medicine, industry, automotives, and everyday life. All of them serve to display the operational data of the equipment in an informative way in almost real-time. With the help of the Qt framework, developers can quickly and easily create HMIs that meet the highest requirements. That is why many well-known companies choose Qt for their projects.
296. After scanning over a million apps — 3 things Mobile App Devs need to know about App Security
Hackers might not attack you. Bots will.
297. Let's Automate Version Number Updates - NOT!
Say you need to update (bump) your software. It’s currently at version 1.2, all the required changes have been merged, and it’s time to publish version 1.3. That’s really easy, right? Change the version in one file, commit, tag, and push. Done!
298. How to Onboard New Users With Coinbase Wallet
Learn how to make onboarding new users to your web3 dapps easier by using Coinbase Wallet, then see how it's done with the included project and code samples.
299. Micro Optimization: Don't Get Lost In The Rabbit Hole
I had to settle a performance discussion within my team. Because of a simple PR, I started a 2 weeks journey in the dark twists and turns of javascript. To save you a lot of pain and frustrating questions, I sum up my research in this really long post. I tried my best to show you the train of thoughts but if you don’t care about the details, you can jump to the end for the TL;DR section.
300. 7 Visual Studio Code Extensions That Help Frontend Developers Increase Productivity
As a developer, you’re always looking for cutting-edge tools, tricks, and extensions to improve your productivity and efficiency.
301. Founder’s Guide: How to Outsource Software Development in 2020
If you are running a startup or a tech business, outsourcing the execution of your product is a critical business decision. You can’t fail and there are many factors to consider to ensure you choose the right agency to outsource software development. This is part of the inherent risk whenever outsourcing anything that is not a commodity.
302. No, No-Code Will NOT Kill Code, Ever. Period.
In this article, I'm going to share my experience in creating healthy online businesses using no-code tools. If you consider using no-code as a part of your company tech stack, this article is for you.
303. How I Created a Digital Guitar and Turned It Into a Business
This is a story about building a digital musical instrument from scratch that has gone too far.
304. The Benefits of C++ for a Software App Development
Being able to make software applications relies on the ability to understand which language to use for which task. C++ is useful in making complex software.
305. An Anthology of Best Online Courses to Learn Java for Beginners
If you are a computer science graduate or a programmer who wants to learn Java and looking for some awesome resources like books, tutorials, and online courses then you have come to the right place.
306. Let’s Explore ARK Core v3: Infrastructure [Part 1]
This is Part 1 of 6 in the Let’s Explore ARK Core series which documents the development of the next major release of ARK Core, alongside some tips & tricks on how to get started with contributing and building your next idea today.
307. Shall I Use ADD or COPY in the Dockerfile - What's the Difference?
Every developer and every team faces confusion about COPY and ADD in the Dockerfile at some point. When I get this question, first I usually give the technical background, which is this:
308. Ultimate Resources List for Remote Workers
Working remotely has been a trending topic for the last couple of years. But now, more than ever, working remotely has become almost a standard in the tech industry. Have you ever wondered why? If you think about it, working remotely saves money for both, the employer and the employee.
309. Custom RFID and NFC Device Development: Theory and Practice
RFID and NFC technologies are incredibly commonplace in the modern world but what goes into making them? This is the theory and practice behind the technology.
310. Enterprise Cloud Security Guide: Secure Application Development
This article focuses on DevSecOps and explores how to secure applications during DevOps and the security of the platform itself.
311. Choosing The Optimal Development Methodology
Is Scrum as universal as it seems to be?
312. How Developers, Creators and Consumers Could Benefit from An Open Web
I have lived in Silicon Valley for over a decade, and was always curious about its history. The way I see it: Silicon Valley is similar to Florence during the Renaissance era, and that’s where the bulk of new ideas come from. Due to rapid innovation that Silicon Valley created since 1960s, everyone in the world now has “library of Alexandria” available instantly. We have billions of super-computers sitting in our pockets, and everyone no doubt benefits from it.
313. The Apprentice's Guide to Spring Boot
Spring Boot is an easy to use web framework built on top of the framework Spring. Let's bootstrap an API using Spring Boot.
314. Why is Employee Training and Development Crucial in 2022?
Every new year brings a shift in technology along with uncertainty about the future tech world. Keeping up with the changes calls for learning and development.
[315. Is Your Product Ready for Certification: Highlights of Electronics
Certification in the US and EU](https://hackernoon.com/is-your-product-ready-for-certification-highlights-of-electronics-certification-in-the-us-and-eu)
A company must prove that its products comply with the local government regulations by going through a certification procedure.
316. Be Careful: Agile and DevOps Practices Can Break Your Business
Few industry trends have been as disruptive as the Agile software development revolution. But the same wave of innovation that’s allowed dev teams to get more value into the hands of users faster has left the majority of non-technical teams across the business reeling.
317. The Implications of Serverless CMS (Podcast Transcript)
Amy Tom talks to Pavel Desjnuk, Co-founder and CTO of Webiny, and Richard Kubina, Full-Stack Developer Extrodinaire at Hacker Noon, about serverless CMS.
318. Wicked Cool Experience: Nostalgic and Fun Wicked Coolkit
Feel like learning something new? Want to experience Web 1.0 again? You definitely want to test-drive the Wicked Coolkit.
319. Fundamentals of Full-Text Operators and Basic Search
In this tutorial, we will explore full-text search operators available in Manticore Search.
320. Simon Prior Talks About Software Testing On The Quality Sense Podcast
In this Quality Sense episode, our host Federico has the pleasure of interviewing Simon Prior, who has worked across the cyber security, Retail, gaming, etc.
321. Differences Between RFID and NFC Systems, their Applications, and Alternatives
RFID and NFC are similar communication methods that devices can use to interact with each other. However, there are differences in the systems and usage.
322. What Makes Electronics Prototyping so Important for Successful Product Development
Electronic product design and development begins with prototyping. Certain prototypes can be very similar to your final product, but they are always experimental in nature because electronics prototyping involves testing new concepts, ideas, and solutions. Although there’s a mishap risk, skipping this phase of electronic product development may lead to undesired expenditures. Businesses that don’t specialize in electronic hardware design often hire electronic prototype companies, such as Integra Sources. In this article, we will talk about the importance of prototyping and common prototyping phases.
323. Machine Learning in Static Code Analysis
Machine learning has firmly entrenched in a variety of human fields, from speech recognition to medical diagnosing. The popularity of this approach is so great that people try to use it wherever they can. Some attempts to replace classical approaches with neural networks turn up unsuccessful. This time we'll consider machine learning in terms of creating effective static code analyzers for finding bugs and potential vulnerabilities.
324. How to Build a Job Application Tracking System with Notion API, Node.js, and FastifyJS
Track your job applications with the new Notion API. Besides that, you also use Node.js and FastifyJS to create a REST API.
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