Let's learn about Noonies via these 311 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
The most democratic awards presented in the Tech Industry, by HackerNoon.
1. Carlos Domingo : The Beautiful Humans Of Hacker Noon (Noonies Winner for Best AMA, 2019)
Here is a retrospective to highlight the beautiful humans of Hacker Noon.
2. 'Digital Intuition Deprives Manipulators of Competitive Advantage': Aleksey Zaitsevsky
About Zaitsevsky belongs to prototyping industry and has been nominated by the HackerNoon community for the award: HackerNoon's Regulation-Nation of 2021.
3. HackerNoon Launches #Noonies 2022 to Celebrate the Brightest Minds on the Internet
HackerNoon, the technology publishing platform, launched its fourth annual #Noonies 2022 in partnership with BingX and .TECH Domains.
4. Your Voting Power Ends Next Week
Voting for BOTH Noonies and Startups for 2021 will end next week.
5. [Writing Prompt] Noonies Nominee Interview Questions List
Welcome to HackerNoon’s Writing Prompts program. Answer one today!
6. Blockchain can Impact Human Behaviour in a Positive way #Noonies2021
Our platform is already managed and governed as a decentralized entity, and we are quickly expanding those capabilities to all communities on the platform.
7. "If You Have a Goal, You Can Reach it" Nominee Nominee Yan Tsishko
Yan Tsishko is a chief software engineer at Oxagile. He believes Javascript/TypeScript is the most exciting technology & that frontend is the future of tech.
8. "I Like Making/Breaking Code", Interview with Aditi Bhatnagar
“In these unprecedented times…” People build unprecedented products, and contribute to the internet in unprecedented ways.
9. Your Resident McAfee Engineer on Cybersecurity, AI, and Career Growth
Hey! I'm a Software Dev Engineer at McAfee Enterprise; nominated for four 2021 Noonies by writing about Authentication, Remote work, Covid, and Remote Teams.
10. "Small Successes Lead to the Biggest Significant Achievements."
Hey Hackers! I’m Sagar and I’m the Team Leader @ Linclogy SEO Services. Check my interview for HackerNoon Contributor of the Year!
11. Admitad ConvertSocial CEO Speaks Social Media, #Noonies'22 Nomination, and Running Her Organization
I’m Ksana Liapkova and I’m Head of Admitad ConvertSocial.
12. Internet Heroes Nominee Lisa Shares Why Climate-Focused Technology is Exciting
Lisa Gibbons nominated for a noonies hackernoon award as contributor to Climate Change.
13. Startups Legal Advice discussion with Josh Ephraim, AMA on September 3rd, 9 am PST
Josh Ephraim is startup attorney and associate at Gunderson Dettmer, where he specializes in the representation of emerging growth companies throughout the corporate lifecycle.
Ask Josh anything now on Twitter and tune in for LIVE discussion on September 3rd, 9 am PST.
14. Why A Fintech Dev Writes About His Work
Why a Backend Software Engineer chose to write about his work on HackerNoon and how he managed to land his job at a fintech business with millions of clients.
15. Teri, 2022 Noonies Nominee for Emerging Tech, Talks About His Tech Journey
An interview with Teri Eyenike, the 2022 Noonies Nominee Interview — Category: Emerging Tech sharing his expertise in the tech world
16. Noonie Nominee Akshay Rana is a Self-Taught Programmer
With the Noonies, we hope to highlight some of the best minds in tech, regardless of formal education levels or what company you work for.
17. How to Build and Launch Products in 24 Hours with Zoe Chew
Natasha Nel interviews 6x Noonie Nominee*, hackernoon.com Contributor, and Prolific Maker, Zoe Chew, to talk Product, Tech, Startups, and Marketing.
18. Bernard Moon, 3x Noonies Nominee, Co-Founder of SparkLabs group AMA
Bernard Moon is Venture Capitalist, Co-Founder of SparkLabs group and 3x Noonies nominee.
19. Noonies Interview with Stefano Pavone, the Retrogaming Reporter
Meet Noonies Nominee Stefano Pavone, the retrogaming reporter on HackerNoon.
20. Fırat Civaner Became Sad About People Who Lost Their Jobs, Health And Lives
Fırat Civaner from Turkey has been nominated for a 2020#Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories..
21. HackerNoon Contributor Nikita Vasilev on Programming, Python, and More
I’m Nikita Vasilev and I’m the Senior Big Data Engineer at Grid Dynamics. I’ve been nominated for the categories below.
22. Web Developer Ryan Wilson Considers Web 3 a "Threat to Individual Liberty and Autonomy"
How Web3 is mostly garbage
23. Take the Slow Boat in Life and Enjoy the Trip: Interview with Noonies Nominee Miguel
Gosh! Got nominated three times for the noontime awards.
24. Ori Keren Got Busy Doing Very Important Work On His New Personal Computer
“In these unprecedented times…” People build unprecedented products, and contribute to the internet in unprecedented ways. Go on, make a fellow human’s day and nominate the best YOUR best of 2020’s tech industry for a 2020 #Noonie, the tech industry’s most independent
and community-driven awards: NOONIES.TECH. One such impressive human is Ori Keren from Israel: 2020 Noonie nominee in Future Heroes and Technology categories.
25. Blue is Happiness: Interview with 2022 Noonies Nominee Anastasios
26. Hacker Noon Launches the Third Annual #Noonies
Nomination for the third-annual Hacker Noon Noonies is open to the public at noonies.tech. Voting starts November 15, 2022 ends on January 26, 2022.
27. Meet Noonies 2022 Winner Celine 'Oibiee' Aju of Online-Education
Celine 'Oibiee' Aju discusses winning a Noonie!
28. The Lightning Round With StevieSats: 2022 Noonies Nominee Interview - Internet Heroes
Stevie is a FinTech editor and co-founder of Womxn In Crypto, an educational community obsessed with Bitcoin and blockchain tech. She loves cryptography!
29. "Trust yourself" - Michael CJ Fox, 2020 Noonie Nominee
To help give recognition to the outstanding writers in the Hacker Noon community, we started the annual Noonie Awards. Michael CJ Fox from Germany has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in Technology category. Michael is a published non-fiction author who is also learning the craft of fiction writing.
30. "Focus on the what you need to get done today" - Merlin Carter, 2020 Noonie Nominee
Merlin Carter from Germany has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Technology category. Merlin is a content writer from New Zealand that's been living in Germany for the past 15 years. Let's learn more about him below!
31. "I Write Words And Code", Interview With Anthony Watson
The 2020 #Noonies are here,and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year.
32. "Declarative Programming Languages are the Future," Maximiliano Contieri
Maximiliano Contieri from Germany has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Software Development Awards Category for Hacker Noon Contributor of the Year - REFACTORING.
33. How to Solve Real Problems so that Great Products Build Themselves
Natasha from hackernoon.com asks Product Strategist Dani Laity to unpack the sustainable tech product strategies and monetization models powering Aurora Sustainability—2020 Noonie Nominee in for Best Use of Tech for Good in hackernoon.com’s annual internet awards! 🚀
34. Eko Simanjuntak, 2020 Noonie Nominee, Loves to Explore Cloud Native Technologies
Go on, make a fellow human’s day and nominate the best YOUR best of 2020’s tech industry for a 2020 #Noonie, the tech industry’s most independent and community-driven awards: NOONIES.TECH.
35. Why I Think Insurance Will be Big with Web 3: Interview With Noonies Nominee Markos
Check out my interview about the Noonie nomination
36. "Easy choices, tough life. Tough choices, easy life," Johannes Turunen
Johannes Turunen from Finland has been nominated in the 2020 Noonies for Hacker Noon Contributor of the Year - GAMING, and believes our current monetary system is likely to be replaced in the next 5-10 years. Read on for the full interview!
37. "Experience Imposes the Strongest Psychological Inertia" - Andrey Sergeenkov, Noonies Nominee
Andrey Sergeenkov from Russia has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Future Heroes, Technology, and Decentralization categories. Andrey has been nominated for four separate awards and is anxiously awaiting the day when DeFi becomes mainstream.
[38. CMS You Can't Live Without -
Hacker Noon Noonies Awards 2019](https://hackernoon.com/cms-you-cant-live-without-hacker-noon-noonies-awards-2019-016r34iv)
39. "There is no Failure, only Feedback" - 5x Noonies Winner Christian Kameir
Interview with Noonies Nominee Christian Kameir
40. Noonie Nominee Nick Oneill on Defining "Cool" for a 5 Year Old
Nicholas Oneill from the Netherlands has been nominated in Product Development for his double diamond discovery series on Hacker Noon.
41. "Ignore those who want to stop your progress," says Noonie Nominee Jeremy Morgan
Among the incredible writers in our diverse community, we discovered Jeremy Morgan from the United States. Jeremy has been nominated for five different Noonie awards, including IoT Writer of the Year. Learn more about Jeremy below and don't forget to vote for him at NOONIES.TECH.
42. An Intro to DisCO by the DisCO CAT: Color me Hopeful
DisCO is a cooperative, feminist economic, commons-oriented and P2P way of working and an alternative to DAOs.
[43. Personal Developer Blog of the Year -
Hacker Noon Noonies Awards 2019](https://hackernoon.com/personal-developer-blog-of-the-year-hacker-noon-noonies-awards-2019-hz2tu32ql)
44. "Complaining only helps if you're prepared to do something about it" -Dawood Khan Masood
Dawood Khan Masood from Pakistan has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Back to the Internet category. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Dawood had to share.
45. "We Only Have One Planet" - Samuel Gregory, 2020 Noonie for User Experience
At Hacker Noon, we try to recognize our best and brightest contributors through our annual Noonie awards. One such impressive writer is Samuel Gregory from the United Kingdom. Samuel is a 2020 Noonie nominee in the Back to the Internet category.
46. Noonies Interview: Daria Leshchenko on the Role of Tech in Customer Support
Daria Leshchenko from SupportYourApp shares her entrepreneurial journey and her vision of the future of customer support for startups.
47. Mick Morucci on Working at the Intersection of People and Tech
Mick Morucci from the US has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Back the Internet Award Category for an uncanny ability to occupy (and write about) the space between people and tech, powered by the unique perspective of a user researcher, anthropologist, economist, and creative.
48. Meet Noonies 2022 Winner: Omri Hurwitz Startup Blogger of The Year
Omri Hurwitz on being a Noonies winner!
49. In Love with Coding Puzzles: Interview with Noonies Nominee Abbey
As a writer in the tech industry, I believe in documenting my growth. Learn more about me and my journey so far.
50. #Noonies2022 Awards: The List of Winners in the Gaming Category
The archetypal gamer has evolved from a kid with a vitamin D deficiency to an individual of any age or gender who is a patron of a multibillion dollar industry.
51. 'I am Passionate About Implantable Brain-machine Interfaces': Noonies Nominee Altynbek
Altynbek is nominated for Noonies award HackerNoon Contributor of the Year - Swift.
52. Web3, Blockchain, and DAO: An Interview With 2022 Noonies Nominee Olayimika Oyebanji
A web3 tech writer who loves keeping it S & S.
53. Our Most Significant Enhancements are Non-Technical: Interview with Noonies Nominee German Tebiev
An Interview with 2022 HackerNoon Noonies nominee - German Tebiev.
54. Meet Noonies 2022 Winner - Dan Khomenko - Contributor of the Year in Digital Transformation
Dan Khomenko what it means to win a Noonie.
55. Noonie Nominee Lane Wagner Wants to Gamify Education
In these unprecedented times, people build unprecedented products, and contribute to the internet in unprecedented ways. One such impressive Hacker Noon contributor is Lane Wagner from the United States.
56. Are We Offloading Too Many Conscious Thoughts into Algorithms? with Noonies Nominee: rhortx
rhortx, Product Manager at Monogram Network was nominated for a 2021 Noonies award, Contributor of the year - Writing.
57. On Creativity, Starting Out on My Own, and My 2021 Noonies Nomination
Hua is a designer and entrepreneur based in New York City. She shares her journey in founding her startup below.
58. ‘It’s Important to Always Maintain Perspective and Empathy During Development’: Rao Vinnakota
Rao Vinnakot has been nominated as HackerNoon contributor of the year - branding.
59. Being Told I Could Not Write Inspired Me to Publish on HackerNoon - Noonies Nominee no-name-c3po
I want to thank the HackerNoon community and staff for their nomination in the Web 3 category.
60. "With $10m I would invest in advancing education using technology" - Noonies Nominee
I believe that the most exciting technology of the present is Javascript because it can be used for multiple platforms (Web, Mobile, Backend).
61. Retired Software Richard Eng Discusses Rust, Golang, Smalltalk, China and More!
Richard Eng 2020 Noonie Nominee for Blockchain from India has been nominated for a 2020#Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Richard had to share.
62. Black Mirror Tech IRL: Hacker Noon Writers on What’s Worrying in 2021
I asked 7 Top Hacker Noon Contributors to weigh in with their scariest tech predictions for 2021 — expect a 9-minute American Horror Story anthology on everything from AI and Privacy to the internet’s impact on the planet.
63. Anthony Shaw, 2020 Noonie Nominee for PYTHON
Anthony Shaw is a Python Fellow, ASF Member and hacker from Australia, who's been nominated in Hacker Noon's annual tech industry awards, in the Software Development category. Here's all you need to know before you vote for him, in 3 questions or less:
64. No Wins and Losses, Just Learning and Opportunities: Interview with Noonies Nominee Andy
Thank you for the nominations for Noonies 2022. Here are some of my thoughts about web3 and where we're heading in the coming years.
65. Yevheniia Korotia, 2020 Noonie Nominee for JavaScript, React, Web Development
“In these unprecedented times…” People build unprecedented products, and contribute to the internet in unprecedented ways.
66. Blockleaders' Jillian Godsil Talks About Her 2022 Noonies Nomination and Interests
Help me buy my equestrian stud!
67. Oleksandr Demian Have Changed His Work as Understood How Bad It Was During Pandemic
“In these unprecedented times…” People build unprecedented products, and contribute to the internet in unprecedented ways. Go on, make a fellow human’s day and nominate the best YOUR best of 2020’s tech industry for a 2020 #Noonie, the tech industry’s most independent
and community-driven awards: NOONIES.TECH. One such impressive human is Oleksandr Demian from Italy: 2020 Noonie nominee in Future Heroes and Technology categories.
68. The Main Challenge is to Start Writing: Interview with Noonies Nominee Maksym Mostovyi
A short story about the journey in front-end development
69. Mark Helfman, 2020 Noonie Nominee for Independent Tech Journalist
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices? Hacker Noon’s Annual Tech Industry Awards, the 2020 Noonies, are here to help with that. Nominate YOUR best people and products today at NOONIES.TECH. Speaking of the best people and products in technology, here’s a quick (and interesting!) intro to 2020 Noonie Nominee,Mark Helfman fromUnited State, who’s been nominated in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.
70. 2x Noonie Nominee David Deal is All About the Beats
“In these unprecedented times…” People write unprecedentedly good Hacker Noon posts. One such writer is David Deal from the United States - double Noonie Nominee in the Back the Internet and Future Heroes Award Categories. Scroll down for David's take on tech today.
71. "The Pandemic Enabled me to Take a Deep Self-reflection" - Joseph Chukwube, 2020 Noonie Nominee
Joseph Chukwube from Nigeria has been nominated for a 2020
Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Joseph had to share.
72. "Security is a UX Problem, Not a Tech Problem" — Amanda McGlothlin [Interview]
The 2020 #Noonies are here,and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year. Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 award titles, we discovered Amanda McGlothlin from the United States, who’s has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories. Without further ado, we present to you, our big techy world, from the perspective of Amanda .
73. "Follow Your Heart, And Use Your Brain" - Bruce Li, 2020 Noonie Nominee
Bruce Li from United States has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.
74. Using Stories to Defeat Human Indifference with Yonatan Kagansky
Yonatan Kagansky from Israel is a 2020 Noonie Nominee who understands the power of storytelling, and wants you to stop consuming the news.
75. "A Clear And Rational Mind Is The New Currency" - Brian Wallace, 2020 Noonie Nominee
The 2020 #Noonies are here, and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year.
76. Stateless Minds' CEO Says The World Needs True Decentralization More Than Ever
I’m Marin Kirkov and I’m the CEO of Stateless Minds LLC.
77. What are the Noonies?
The Noonies are the tech industry’s most democratic awards - presented by HackerNoon. Visit noonies.tech to nominate a worthy candidate before Nov 14, 2021.
78. Beam Up Your Scotties - #Noonies2022 is Just Around the Corner 💚
HackerNoon's #Noonies2022 is just around the corner (August 1st, 2022) and this is your chance to use its massive reach to promote your brand.
79. "Good And Evil Are Two Sides of The Same Coin" - Sergey Baloyan, 2020 Noonie Nominee
The 2020 #Noonies are here, and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year.
80. From the Bottom of Our Hearts, Congratulations to the #Noonies2021 Winners
The Noonies were created to celebrate the best of the best. Here are the winners of Noonies 2021!
81. Jarett Reginald Stewart Lifted Up By All These Hacker Noon Shenanigans
“In these unprecedented times…” People build unprecedented products, and contribute to the internet in unprecedented ways. Go on, make a fellow human’s day and nominate the best YOUR best of 2020’s tech industry for a 2020 #Noonie, the tech industry’s most independent
and community-driven awards: NOONIES.TECH.
82. "It's Okay To Be Selfish For Your Career" — Iman Tumorang, 7x Dev Noonie Nominee
The 2020 #Noonies are here,and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year. Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 award titles, we discovered Iman Tumorang from Indonesia, who’s has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Software Development and Technology categories. Without further ado, we present to you, our big techy world, from the perspective of Iman .
83. On Memes, Bots, Humor, Tech Writing, and Life - Noonies Nominee Tomás Sirio
Noonies Interview with Tomas Sirio, nominee for the HackerNoon Contributor of the Year - BOTS Award.
84. The Myriad Benefits of Contributing to Open Source Projects with Piyush Badkul
Piyush Badkul's work involves designing, deploying, scaling, and optimizing the core IMS network for the Indian Government's Telecom Technology Centre.
85. SupportYourApp CEO Daria on Startups, Tech Businesses, and #Noonies 2022 Nomination
SupportYourApp CEO Daria on Startups, Tech Businesses, and #Noonies 2022 Nomination.
86. "We are repeating history faster and at a greater scale" - Stacey Schneider, 2020 Noonie Nominee
Stacey Schneider from the United States has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Stacey had to share.
87. Vasily Sumanov, 2020 Noonie Nominee, is a Crypto Enthusiast and Material Sciences Academic
Vasily Sumanov from Russia has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Vasily had to share.
88. Brad Michelson on Writing About Fintech and Infancy Industries
Brad Michelson is an NYC-based marketer, regular top contributor to Hacker Noon, and 2020 Noonie Nominee. Scroll down to find out why Brad's into writing about fintech, and what his personal strategy is when it comes to failure.
89. Hacking Synthetic Biology with Noonies Nominee Kahlil Corazo
2021 Noonies Nominee General Interview with Kahlil Corazo. Read for more on synthetic biology and genomics.
90. Adrian H. Raudaschl is Ready to Live Somewhere Other Than Earth
Adrian H. Raudaschl from the United Kingdom is a 5x Noonie Nominee who, right now, is most excited about the prospect of "Living on worlds other than Earth." We feel that vibe. Read more of Adrian's insights in the 10-question interview below.
91. ‘I’m Concerned About People Who Blame Technology for Their Problems’: Davit Ayvazyan
I believe that the most exciting technology of the present is generative design because it takes the design process to the next level.
92. On Food Waste and Relevance of Privacy: Noonies Nominee Paran Sonthalia
Noonies 2021 nominee, Paran Sonthalia, is still a Berkley student. But that didn't stop him on the mission of reducing food waste. Hear more from him here.
93. How to Claim Your Free Dottech Domain: For Noonies Winners with Love
Dottech Domains have been old friends of HackerNoon. They’ve not just sponsored noonies.tech, but are also giving away free domains to all winners and runnerups
94. Most Over-Hyped Technology - Hacker Noon Awards 2019
95. Developer Buzz Tool of the Year - Hacker Noon Noonies Awards 2019
96. Web Assembly, Automation and Cooking With Noonies Nominee Stanley Lim
Stanley Lim is nominated for 2 awards (Angular and Webdev) for the 2021 Noonies. He is a software engineer at Snap and author of Cirrus CSS.
97. Why I Think VueJS Is Exciting with Noonies Nominee Rushikesh Mhetre
How I became the best at what I do
98. Brian Wallace AMA on Infographics, Startups and LinkedIn Optimization
Brian Wallace is the Founder and President of NowSourcing , an industry leading infographic design agency based in Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH which works with companies that range from startups to Fortune 500s. Brian has been named a Google Small Business Advisor for 2016-present and joined the SXSW Advisory Board in 2019.
[99. Best Dev Podcast -
Hacker Noon Noonies Awards 2019](https://hackernoon.com/best-dev-podcast-hacker-noon-noonies-awards-2019-2p3p3z0q)
100. "Stop Crying, Be a Strong Man", Interview with Dana Kachan
The 2020 #Noonies are here, and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year.
101. Axie Infinity And The Future Of Blockchain Games
An interview for the Noonies, by a nominated crypto gaming writer about blockchain gaming and the future of the games industry for the next decade and beyond.
102. "The Role of Technology is To Eliminate Itself", Interview with Aahan Bhatt
The 2020 #Noonies are here,and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year.
103. How the Noonies is Like the Dundies [or at least I told my team that]
Managing people, meh. Building teams, now that's fun. It is really interesting to think about how individuals can make others better.
104. Debunking Coca-Cola's Most Popular Business Motivation Myth
Here's one of the most heavily "exploited," and therefore, the most popular business motivational story that's not entirely true.
105. Noonies Nominee Alex Cloudstar on His Love for JavaScript
Alex Cloudstar has been nominated for a 2021 Noonies award for his work on React and Typescript.
106. Noonie Nominee Peculiar Ediomo-Abasi Talks About Life as a Product Manager Amidst COVID-19
The Noonie awards have a way of finding both the best tech writers and the best people in their fields. Our next Noonie nominee is a veteran in product development and product management. Peculiar Ediomo-Abasi from Nigeria has been nominated two Noonie awards this year. Learn more about her below!
107. Alex Wheldon — VC Writer Nom — is Practicing Bravery, Learning Serbian
Alexander Wheldon from the United States has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Technology category. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Alexander had to share.
108. "Programming Must Be Practiced, Often"—Aaron Newbold, '20 Noonie Nominee: Programming & Future
PUBLIC NOONIE NOMS CLOSE IN 6 DAYS..! Don't miss your shot to recognize YOUR best people and products in tech today with a highly respectable Hacker Noon Awards Nomination at NOONIES.TECH. Speaking of the best people and products in technology, here’s a quick intro to 2020 Noonie Nominee, Aaron Rory Newbold from Bahamas, who’s been nominated in the both the Future Heroes and Technology #Noonies categories.
109. Behzad Sharifi is HackerNoon's Contributor of the Year in Remote Teams & Business Strategy
Hey Hackers! I’m Behzad Sharifi and I’m Recognized as Contributor of the Year in Remote Teams & Business Strategy Categories.
110. "Investors Expect a Company to Own Its IP," Josh Ephraim, Attorney (AMA)
Josh Ephraim is startup attorney and associate at Gunderson Dettmer, where he specializes in the representation of emerging growth companies throughout the corporate lifecycle. In Ask Me Anything session with Hacker Noon community, Josh shared his expertise on startups scene, startups legal issues and more!
111. "I would rather feel machine judging me, than people judging me" - Jeremy Morgan during AMA
Jeremy Morgan is 5x Noonies nominee and an author for Pluralsight focused on Software Development and Integration.
112. Google Developer Expert Phil Nash is Nominated for Ruby on Rails "Thinker of the Year"
Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 award titles in this year's Noonies, we discovered Phil Nash from the United states.
113. Nominee Paul Bailey is Building the Future of Automated Space Systems
Paul Bailey from the United States has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Software Development category. He is a System Architect at CognitiveSpace, a company performing R&D in the field of aerospace engineering.
114. Emotion AI Discussion with Rana Gujral via Hacker Noon AMA
Rana Gujral is the CEO of Behavioral Signals, speaker, investor and dedicated voice for conversational AI and emotion AI and Noonies nominee.
115. "Focus On The Problem, Not On The Solution", Interview with Alexey Grigorev
Alexey Grigorev from Germany has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.
116. "The Monetary System Is Completely Screwed Up", Interview with Vesa Kivinen
The 2020 #Noonies are here, and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year.
117. "Tech Can Remove Suffering and Build a Better Society" — Six-Time Noonie Nominee Ishan Pandey
Public Nominations for the 2020 Noonies are only open for another week! In this interviewIshan Pandey, 6-time Noonie Nominee from India, has been nominated in the Future Heroes and Technology categories. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Ishan had to share.
118. "Have Faith, Be Open, Trust Yourself", Interview with Chris Castiglione
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices?
119. "Virgin Galactic is the next Tesla" - Cal Evans, Noonie Nominee for Learning To Code
Learning how to code is one of the most difficult and rewarding tasks you can do. While this journey may be a tough and long one, our 2020 Noonie Nominee Cal Evans from United States can help you out.
120. "As a founder, I am looking for risk-takers" #Noonies2021
I am scared that more and more people are captivated by networked systems (and their tricks) that push them to move faster but not to become better thinkers.
121. Cybersecurity Expert Ax Sharma on Going Full On Into Breaking Things
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices? Hacker Noon’s Annual Tech Industry Awards, the 2020 Noonies, are here to help with that. Nominate YOUR best people and products today at NOONIES.TECH. Speaking of the best people and products in technology, here’s a quick intro to 2020 Noonie Nominee, Ax Sharma, from the UK, who’s been nominated in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.
122. ‘Data Science Is Not a Math Skill but a Life Skill’: Noonies Nominee Kirk Borne
From astrophysics to data science, here's a story of a lifetime journey with modeling the Universe and other dynamic things that move through space and time.
123. After-Hours IoT Hacker John Kinsella has Been Coding Since the 80s
2020 Noonie Nominee, John Kinsella is from the US and has some some simple yet profound advice for makers and writers who might be feeling stuck. Scroll down for a 10-question interview with a veteran computer security industry expert, right after the ad-break.
124. "Don't Give Advice Unless Asked to Do So" - Alberto Cuesta Cañada, 2020 Noonie Nominee
In these unprecedented times, people build unprecedented products, and contribute to the internet in unprecedented ways. Go on, make a fellow human’s day and nominate someone in the tech industry’s most independent and community-driven awards: NOONIES.TECH.
125. Invest in Yourself. It’ll Pay Dividends For You and Those Around You
I don’t know if this is the best advice I’ve ever given someone, but for most people I’d say: INVEST IN YOU
126. "The best advice I ever gave was the gift of a book on how to learn programming" #Noonies2021
We built Reintech to remove barriers between Ukrainian software developers and Western companies experiencing a lack of local engineering talent.
127. "Despite this Connected World, we Keep Isolating Ourselves" - Yassine Rachid, 2020 Noonie Nominee
Hacker Noon's annual Noonie awards, hosted on NOONIES.TECH, seeks to find the best minds in the Tech industry today. One such impressive mind is Yassine Rachid from Canada.
128. MassCrypto Founder Alyze Sam Believes in a Correctly Operating DAO
Alyze Sam has to solve complicated blockchain issues as she's a disabled hospice nurse that was in a life-altering auto accident- what an unlikely tech hero-
[129. Top Dev Teacher -
Hacker Noon Noonies Awards 2019](https://hackernoon.com/top-dev-teacher-hacker-noon-noonies-awards-2019-och73wjz)
130. "Start Investing Early" - Yan Cui, AWS Serverless Hero
Yan Cui from Netherlands has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.
131. 10 Questions for Aswin Ganesh, Noonie Nominee for Functional Programming
The 2020 #Noonies are here! And they are both much greener and much bigger than last year. Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 award titles, we discovered Aswin Ganesh from India, who’s has been nominated for Hacker Noon's Contributor of the Year in our Functional Programming category. Without further ado, we present to you, our big techy world in 10 questions, from the perspective of Aswin.
132. Maritime Service and Full Stack JS: Interview with 2022 Noonies Nominee, Serhii Rubets
This short story is about me, and how I become a software engineer. Why I'm sharing my knowledge and why I create educational content.
133. Most Exciting Startup—Hacker Noon Award Nominees—#Noonies 2019
134. "A large group of human kind is being left behind" – Jorge Ortega, Noonie Nominee for HTML
Jorge Ortega from Berlin has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the software development category. Jorge is a software engineer working in the healthcare sector in Berlin, Germany.
135. "I Like To Teach Others How To Code" - Jure Reljanovic
Jure Reljanovic from Croatia has been nominated for a 2020#Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories..
136. Eduardo Mignot Loves Writing About Product, Agile and Design Thinking
Eduardo Mignot from Spain has been nominated for a 2020#Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.
137. Noonie Nominee Simona Cotin is a Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft
Simona Cotin from the United Kingdom is a 2020 Noonie nominee in the Software Development category. Simona is a developer who has a passion for teaching others. Scroll on through for their take on what’s trending in tech today.
138. Meet Noonies 2022 Winner Ruslan Rakhmedov of HackerNoon Contributor of the Year- CODING
Ruslan Rakhmedov talks about winning a Noonie!
139. How To Solve Problems Like A Software Developer
Problem solving — technologists do it differently.™ I asked 5 top Hacker Noon Contributors to share their secret problem-solving frameworks, so that we can all learn to think like devs, during a time when troubleshooting skills couldn't be more coveted.
140. The Past Cannot be Changed: Interview with Noonies Nominee MAstilleroF
Escapes from "bureaucratic thinking", a (very) harmful way of thinking.
141. "The politicians are hurting us" - Samuel Noriega, 2020 Noonie Nominee
Samuel Noriega from Mexico has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Future Heroes category. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us.
142. AI Writer of the Year: Hacker Noon Awards| #Noonies Nominees
143. 9 Questions for Four-Time Noonie Nominee and SDE-1 Shravan Kumar B
144. Carlo Occhiena, 2020 Noonie Nominee, is Interested in No-Code Solutions
Carlo Occhiena from Italy has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Carlo had to share.
145. What is a Color Picker Tool and How Does it Work?
A color picker tool is a software application or online tool that allows users to select colors from a digital display or image.
146. "At least until the metaverse has fully arrived, we still have only one body" #Noonies2021
‘If you are not failing you are not trying hard enough.’
147. "Never Try To Fix A Problem That Has Not Yet Materialized" - Adam Zachary Wasserman, IT Strategist
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices?
148. Syk Houdeib's First Line of Code Was Written at Age 39
Living proof that it's never too late to switch careers, 2020 Noonie Nominee Syk Houdeib (Spain) shares, in this 10-question interview, inspiration for supporting the career development of those from less-represented backgrounds, the most useful advice ever imparted, and what's most worrying in tech right now.
149. "Follow Your Heart," Danylo Fedirko, 2020 Noonie Nominee for PM
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices? Hacker Noon’s Annual Tech Industry Awards, the 2020 Noonies, are here to help with that. Vote up YOUR best people and products today at NOONIES.TECH. Speaking of the best people and products in technology, here’s a quick intro to 2020 Noonie Nominee, Danylo Fedirko from Ukraine, who’s been nominated in the Technology category.
150. Hacking Hacker Noon: How Does Hacker Noon Make Money
We will never put up paywall, charge reader, or run a popup to get published on HackerNoon. However, we do make money through sponsorship and partnerships!
151. Social Network of the Year—Hacker Noon Awards—#Noonies Nominees
152. MIT's Rizwan Virk Wants You to Follow Your Own Path
Entrepreneur, investor, bestselling author and Founder of Play Labs at MIT Rizwan Virk (US) is not only a household name around Hacker Noon's parts for his awesome thinking around the future of technology, startups, and the simulation hypothesis, and for his related contributions to a wide range of top tech tag categories on Hacker Noon, which have earned Rizwan not one but four 2020 Noonies award nominations.
153. WTF are The #Noonies?
What are the Noonies?
154. Tian Zhao Is Passionate About Design-Thinking, Exponential-Thinking Worlds
“In these unprecedented times…” People build unprecedented products, and contribute to the internet in unprecedented ways. Go on, make a fellow human’s day and nominate the best YOUR best of 2020’s tech industry for a 2020 #Noonie, the tech industry’s most independent
and community-driven awards: NOONIES.TECH. One such impressive human is Tian Zhao from Canada: 2020 Noonie nominee in Future Heroes and Technology categories.
155. "I aggressively applied to hundreds of different startups" #2021Noonies Nominee
Lomit Patel has been nominated in the 2021 Noonies Awards: The most #democra-tech awards system! The first step to choosing the right career is self-awareness.
156. "Don't Listen To Other People", Interview with Leia Ruseva
Leia Ruseva from India has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.
157. "RSS is Still the Best Way to Consume Content Online" - Michael Li
4x Noonie Nominee Michael Li is a Product Manager, Machine Learning Practitioner, UI/UX Designer/Preacher, Full-Stack Developer, and blogger over at wayofnumbers.com. Scroll down to find out why he believes writing is like birthing a baby, and why he should know!
158. Koushik Pal: 'Knowledge Should Be Free'
An interview of a great cybersecurity leader.
159. Moneyball Inspired Me to Become a Data Scientist: Noonies Nominee Otávio Silveira
Read about the career journey of Noonies Nominee Otávio Silveira.
160. Varun Sharma on Software Engineering, Climate Change, and Taking Inspiration From Movies
Varun Sharma has been nominated for a 2021 Noonies Award for Architecture.
161. Key Facts About Noonies 2022
HackerNoon's Noonies 2022 have launched! There are prizes to be won across the five awards meant to recognize the effort of our community and the internet!
162. Digital Marketing and Web Design with Noonies Nominee, Elizabeth
An interview with Elizabeth, Chief Editor at Evrone.com, a web design and development company.
163. Manthan Koolwal, 2020 Noonie Nominee, is Developing AI-Enabled APIs
The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us.
164. Breaking the Stigma of Mental Health with Amy Pravin Shah, Noonies Nominee 2021
Amy Pravin Shah has been nominated for Noonies 2021: HackerNoon Contributor of the Year - Mental Health. Here is her story.
165. "People are Looking for Freedom in the Online World"
“Life is too short so always keep it in mind. If you think of doing something good, do it immediately.”
166. 'If We Don’t Systematically Re/Up-Skill, We're Condemned to Become Irrelevant': Roxana Murariu
It is remarkable how Alvin Toffler predicted in the 1970s this trend of reinventing ourselves periodically through learning, unlearning, and relearning: Roxana.
167. "Nothing Is Impossible", Interview with Lina Survila
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices?
168. UX and Product Design Notes with Noonies Nominee, Jordan Bowman
An interview with Jordan Bowman, Product Designer and Co-Creator of UX Tools; and 6x 2021 Noonies Nominee for Design Thinking, Product Design, UI; UX and more.
169. "'The Way We've Always Done Things' = Complacency," says Dan Voyce
"Don't pay much attention to 'This is the way we have always done things' - it comes from a place of complacency and poor performance," is our favourite quote from this 2020 Noonies interview with Daniel Voyce (Australia), who’s been nominated for contributions to Hacker Noon's Big Data thought log. In this interview, Dan not only illuminates a big data professional perspective from down-under, but also concerns around the normalization of idiocy as well as some serious excitement around GPU Datascience. Read on!
170. Full Stack and True Black: Interview with 2022 Noonies Nominee Alexey Shepelev
An interview with 2022 HackerNoon noonies nominee Alexey Shepelev
171. Noonie Nominee Jimmy Song is Excited About The Prospect of Bitcoin Changing Civilization
Jimmy Song from the United States has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Decentralization and Back to the Internet categories. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Joseph had to share.
172. Noonies: A GIF-Full Guide for Noo-bies
Hello and welcome to Noonies 2022 StarTech: Tech Awards for the Brightest Stars. Join HackerNoon as we award bold and knowledgeable techies like yourself.
173. "I Believe That People Need To Always Be Motivated", Interview with Murilo Roque Paiva da Silva
The 2020 #Noonies are here,and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year.
174. Abdullah Al Tarek Is Excited About the Upcoming Generics Feature in Golang
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices?
175. 'I Build Software to Solve Problems': Noonies Nominee Amr Hesham
Amr Hesham has been nominated as HackerNoon contributor of the year, Kotlin.
176. Noonies Interview: Khamisi Hamisi on Decentralization of Social Media
Khamisi Hamisi is the Founder of Khamisi Digital and nominee of 3 HackerNoon Noonies awards.
177. On the Love of Problem Solving & Programming: Noonies Nominee Sukhpinder Singh
Noonies interview with Sukhpinder Singh, Senior Engineer at SourceFuse.
178. AMA with Lina Survila, Women in Tech awards nominee
Lina Survila is Founder and Editor in Chief of an online magazine "Abstract Stylist" and Noonies nominee in Women in Tech award.
179. Software Development and Assembly Language Compilers From An Amazon Dev
Recently I have been nominated for Noonies 2022 award for CONTRIBUTOR OF THE YEAR- JAVASCRIPT. Here is my interview on my thoughts on programming.
180. Invest With Purpose: Interview with Arian Adeli, CEO at Rivo Trading
Uppermost on my mind is launching an investment platform that I believe will revolutionize how people invest their capital.
181. "Take Nothing for Granted. Risk is Subjective," Economist Mario Alves
In the last couples years, Mario Ribeiro Alves created Portugal's Blockchain Center, founded TAIKAI, AND got nominated for a 2020 Noonie for considered contributions to the INNOVATION category here at Hacker Noon.
182. The Future Of Tech With An Excel Expert
How someone went from a financial analyst far too familiar with Excel to the solutions architect at a tech company specialising in productivity apps.
183. Deep Learning, Protein Folding Algorithms, Computer Vision, Math, and AI Research #Noonies2021
Emil Bogomolov has been nominated as the Hackernoon Contributor of the Year - Computer Vision.
184. How To Choose One Thing and Master It with Julie Smith, The Techie Teacher
Interview with 2021 Noonies Nominee, blogger, and Instructional Technology Consultant Julie Smith, aka The Techie Teacher, on edtech and loving your work.
185. "Will the Stock Market Reset After the Election?" asks Frederik Bussler
Frederik Bussler, on a mission to democratize data science, has contributed an impressive 27 days, 7 hours, and 41 minutes of reading time to Hacker Noon, with stories on everything from AI and no code to strategic thinking and financial mythbusting. Scroll down to learn more about this prolific contributor.
186. On Investing In People Over Ideas or Apps with AI YouTuber Louis Bouchard
An interview with Louis, an AI YouTuber known as What’s AI, and a research scientist at designstripe.
187. 2020 Noonie Nominee Alyze Sam has Cheated Death Three times
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices? Hacker Noon’s Annual Tech Industry Awards, the 2020 Noonies, are here to help with that.
188. Ask Balach Hussain About Product Roadmaps or Ideological Polarisation
Balach Hussain is a founder and Product Manager from Germany, who’s been nominated in the Future Heroes Noonies Award Category. In this brief but wide-ranging interview, one of Hacker Noon's all-time top Contributors shares current personal perspectives on everything from AI and robotics to mindfulness and social equity.
189. "I Love Startups And Building Completely New Things From Scratch", Interview with Chris Horn
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices?
190. Noonie Nom Luciano Strika on GPT-3, Wealth Taxes, and Learning Japanese
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices? Hacker Noon’s Annual Tech Industry Awards, the 2020 Noonies, are here to help with that. Nominate YOUR best people and products today at NOONIES.TECH. Speaking of the best people and products in technology, here’s a quick intro to 2020 Noonie Nominee, Luciano Strika, from Argentina, who’s been nominated in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.
191. Meet Tobias, the Creator of DALL·E's Game
Tobias W. Kaiser, the creator of DALL·E's Game, speaks to HackerNoon about Web3, technology, and DAO.
192. "Everyone Will [Soon] Build Software With No Code" - Alex Omeyer
Alex Omeyer from the United States has been nominated for TWO 2020 Noonies in the Future Heroes and Development award categories. Without further ado, we present to you, this big techy world, from the perspective of Alex - right after this ad break:
193. Adrien Book's Neighbors Sound Like a Pain in the A*s; Dreams < Riches?
9x Noonie Nominee Adrien Book (France) helps big companies with strategic stuff, and is currently learning Russian, while optimizing a fairly complicated sleep cycle. Read on!
194. Aremu Adebisi on Tech Writing, the Future of Finance, and 2022 Noonies Nomination
2022 Noonies Nominee Interview with Aremu Adams Adebisi on Tech Writing & the Future of Finance
195. Kindness is a Gift that Should Always be Paid Forward - Interview With Samiran Mondal
196. Tran Hung is HackerNoon's Altcoin Champion of 2021
Tran Hung is the CEO of Uquid, He has been named Hackernoon's Altcoin Champion of 2021.
197. JohnnyTheCoder Cares About the Environment; Getting People Hired
John Selawsky (US) is a coding tutor and 4x Hacker Noon Awards Nominee who’s been on a journey. Read on to enjoy Johnny's quick takes on real-life goals, rewards, learning, and more.
198. How To Review A Game
Bryan Applegate, a nominee for several Noonies awards explains how he reviewed Darksiders III for HackerNoon and his thoughts on THQ Nordic's game in general.
199. Noonies Nominee Mike Shine on Career Pivot, Technical Writing, and the Influence of Big Tech
Mike Shine, a technical writer based in Seattle, WA, was nominated for a Noonies award for his writing contributions in 2021. Please vote for Mike!
200. "The Key to Achieving Anything In Life Is Consistency" - Vibhor Thakral, Computer Science Nominee
Vibhor Thakral from India has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.
201. Meet Mark Helfman: #Noonie2021 Nominee, Crypto Writer, Owner of "Crypto is Easy" Newsletter
From a career in politics to book publishing and crypto writing, Noonie nominee Mark Helfman shares his insights on crypto, finance, business, & more.
202. Lilan Anjana Fernando is Excited About New And Upcoming Programming Languages
Lilan Anjana Fernando from United States has been nominated for a 2020#Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.
203. Matt Hartley, 2020 Noonie Nominee, is Learning About React Hooks
The 2020 Noonies are here and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year. Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 award titles, we discovered Matt Hartley from the United Kingdom, who’s has been nominated for a Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories. Without further ado, we present to you, our big techy world, from the perspective of Matt.
204. Noonies Interview: Luke Calton On Product Management and Writing
Luke Calton is Noonies Nominee and a Product Manager at a start-up.
205. About The Noonies Weighted Voting
This year, for The Noonies we are weighting votes to further elevate the voice of our contributing writers and prevent spam.
206. "Don't outsource your self-esteem" - Maximiliano Contieri, 2020 Noonie Nominee for Refactoring
The 2020 Noonies are here and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year. Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 award titles, we discovered Maximiliano Contieri from Argentina, who’s has been nominated for in the Software Development category. Without further ado, we present to you, our big techy world, from the perspective of Maximiliano .
207. "Beyonce Is OK" - Shannon Crabill, 2020 Noonie Nominee
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices?
208. 2020 Noonie Nominee Tyler Burdsall Thinks Seafood is Overrated
Tyler Burdsall from the United States, has been nominated in the Software Development category for an award as Hacker Noon's "Contributor of the Year" in Python! He is a software developer at AWS Elemental, who loves video games, likes playing music, but doesn't like seafood? Let's find out why below!
209. Fortuitapps Founder on Applying Imagination to Solving Problems And Noonies 2022 Nomination
Hey HackerNoon Readers! I’m Nicolas and I’m the founder of Fortuitapps.
210. Web3 Hustle isn't for the Faint Hearted - Tips from a Noonie Nominee
It's easier than ever for Web2 people to pivot into Web3, but it might not be what you expected. Here's a list of tips so you won't get any nasty surprises!
211. "Change Your Inner Intent And Your Life Will Turn Around", Interview with Pierre-Antoine Mill
Pierre-Antoine Mill from France has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Software Development category.
212. #Noonies2022 Awards: The List of Winners in the Web3 Category
Web3 in a nutshell is the advocacy of your digital rights.
213. Adadot Founder Alex on Building a Analytics Tool and being Nominated For #Noonies 2022
I’m Alex and I’m the Founder at Adadot.
214. Online Privacy/Security Advocate Muhammad Hamza Shahid on Growth
The 2020 #Noonies are here, and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year! Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 award titles, we discovered Muhammad Hamza Shahid from United States, who has been nominated as one of our Contributors of the Year in PRIVACY, based on the reading time generated by his Hacker Noon top story: Why Governments Use Mass Surveillance—And What To Do About It.
215. Lawyer Turned Full-Stack Ruairidh Wynne-McHardy Talks AI in 2020
When he's not working for a Google-backed startup in the AI space, Ruairidh Wynne-McHardy from the UK writes coding tutorials and courses - the former of which earned a nomination for a 2020 Noonie. After the ad break: we present to you, our big techy world, from the perspective of Ruairidh.
216. #Noonies2022 Awards: The List of Winners in the Programming Category
Tech is both the future and the road that will get us there.
217. Winning "Contributor of the Year 2022 - React.js" is an Honor
Winning the title is a testament to the hard work and dedication I have put into learning and improving my skills as a React developer.
218. Vishal Chovatiya Writes Code When It Is Helpful To Others in The Future
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices?
219. "Never Stop To Explore Beyond The Core Area of Your Interest", Interview with Ishan Manandhar
“In these unprecedented times…” People build unprecedented products, and contribute to the internet in unprecedented ways. Go on, make a fellow human’s day and nominate the best YOUR best of 2020’s tech industry for a 2020 #Noonie, the tech industry’s most independent
and community-driven awards: NOONIES.TECH.
220. "Helping Design Products in The Security And Compliance Space", Interview with Kishore V
Kishore V from India has been nominated for a 2020#Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories..
221. Working in a Startup Is More Rewarding Than a Career in Big-Tech: Karim Fanous
Noonies interview with Karim Fanous, and I’m the VP of Engineering at strongDM.
222. Contributing Writer of the Year - Hacker Noon Noonies Awards 2019
223. "Work from home will not be the norm," says Nataraj Sindam, Noonies Nominee and Microsoft Engineer
Nominate YOUR best people and products today at NOONIES.TECH. Speaking of the best people in technology, here’s an intro to 2020 Noonie Nominee, Nataraj Sindam from the United States, who’s been nominated in the Technology category. Nataraj is a Microsoft engineer, avid reader, and podcast creator. You can catch him on his podcast talking about all the latest news in tech, media companies, and much more.
224. "We will mostly live in virtual worlds in the future." - Timmu Tõke, 2020 Noonie Nominee
Timmu Tõke from the United States has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us.
225. 2021 Noonies Nominee Interview with Sarrah Pitaliya
Who is she and what's behind her passion for technical writing?
226. New Hybrid Models for Multiplayer Games and More with Noonies Nom, DoubleX
A general interview of DoubleX, one of those being nominated for HackerNoon Contributor of the Year - architecture, which is one of the Noonies award.
227. "Follow Your Passion" - Amanshu Kataria, 2020 Noonie Nominee for JAVASCRIPT an REACT
At Hacker Noon, we want to commend software developers for their great work and give them the recognition they deserve. Nominate YOUR best people and products today at NOONIES.TECH.
228. Understanding Management in Software Technology With Noonies Nominee Oleg
Oleg is nominated for HackerNoon Contributor of the Year - Management, in the technology category.
229. Sergio Mattei: The Beautiful Humans Of Hacker Noon (Noonies Winner for Under 20ish Award, 2019)
In Hacker Noon’s inaugural awards last year, we wanted to recognize the brightest and best, in tech, and the award category ‘2-or-3 under 20ish’, is for the ones who are super young, yet entrepreneurial and motivated. This is our sweet little Q&A with an awesome human named Sergio Mattei, who is the winner of the award.
230. Noonie Nominee Luiz Rosa Can't Live Without PyCharm and Git
Luiz Guilherme Fonseca Rosa from Brazil has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie as Hacker Noon Contributor of the Year - ALGORITHMS. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Luiz had to share.
231. Noonies Nominee Sergey Golubev on the Future of Metaverse
Sergey Golubev is the project manager at Crynet Marketing Solution. He has been nominated for a 2021 Noonies award for Best Crypto-Journalist in 2021.
232. "My manager gave me detailed instructions on what to do, but I kept asking why" #Noonies2021
Don't wait for an invitation to do product strategy, because you won't get it.
233. CodeBucks, #Noonies2021 Nominee: I would not invest in cryptocurrency
Self taught developer CodeBucks is most excited about Jam Stack anc Web3.0
234. "Stop Planning, Start Living" Oleg Kondrakhanov, Top Writer, Smart Contracts
Have you cast your vote for the best of 2020's tech industry yet? Visit NOONIES.TECH today if not — there's little under a month left before voting closes! At the same time: read this interview with software developer and top Hacker Noon Contributor in SMART CONTRACTS, Oleg Kondrakhanov, from Russia.
235. Ax Sharma's Top 5 AMA Answers: from Black Mirror to Governmental Attacks
Ax Sharma is Senior Security Researcher at Sonatype and engineer, who is passionate about perpetual learning. He is an expert in vulnerability research, software development, and web app security.
236. "Always Sleep on Emails Before Sending Them", Interview with Mina Down
“In these unprecedented times…” People build unprecedented products, and contribute to the internet in unprecedented ways.
237. Ten #Noonies2022 Awards Worth Voting On
#Noonies2022 is live! We are excited to recognize and celebrate the people who make the internet happen.
238. Teamwork, Humor and Fintech: Interview with 2022 Noonies Nominee Valerie Ejegi
An interview with 2022 HackerNoon Noonies nominee, Valerie Ejegi.
239. "Hang On To What You Believe", Interview with Laurie Dunn
“In these unprecedented times…” People build unprecedented products, and contribute to the internet in unprecedented ways.
240. What It Feels Like to Close Two Marketing Campaigns on the Same Day
Look, I may be a little biased, but I think HackerNoon has one of the best selections of humans working for them in the whole world (literally, we're remote).
241. Artificial Intelligence talks with Daniel Jeffries, AMA on August 25th, 10 am EST
Daniel Jeffries is Chief Technology Evangelist at Pachyderm, author, engineer, futurist and pro blogger.
242. "I want people to be able to access content without too many restrictions" #Noonies2021
As someone in the tech industry, I believe that the most exciting open-source technology of the present is Kubernetes because of its general-purpose nature.
243. Noonies 2020 Voting Opens: $10K+ & 3K+ Yrs Domain Registration Up for Grabs
In case you've not yet had the pleasure: The 2020 Noonies - presented by hackernoon.com - are not only the only Industry Awards you don't have to be an influencer to win, but also the most community-driven tech awards on the internet.
244. "Never Be Afraid to Say: I Don't Know" — Vindhya C (2019 Noonies Winner: PM of the Year)
Vindhya C won 2019's coveted Noonie Award for Product Manager of the Year. Nominations for the 2020 Award for Product Manager of the Year are OPEN UNTIL 12 AUGUST AT NOON! Nominate someone you admire for a Hacker Noon Tech Award and make a PM's day today!
245. "The pandemic has literally changed my perspective towards life" – Karan Jagota, 2020 Noonie Nominee
Hacker Noon's annual Noonie awards help shine a spotlight on some of the greatest minds in tech. Head over to our awards page and nominate YOUR best people and products today at NOONIES.TECH.
246. "This Pandemic Hasn't Changed the Way I Operate" - Zoe Chew, Product Dev Nom
Zoe Chew from Malaysia has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories. As a self-taught programmer and product developer, Zoe Chew has a lot of advice about how to get into the tech industry.
247. Matthew Turner Is Pretty Excited With The Idea of Decentralized Utopia P2P Ecosystem
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices? Hacker Noon’s Annual Tech Industry Awards, the 2020 Noonies, are here to help with that. Nominate YOUR best people and products today at NOONIES.TECH.
248. "I'm Learning How To Rebrand Myself, The Hard Way", Interview with Kira Leigh Maintanis
Kira Leigh Maintanis from the United States has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.
249. FourWeekMBA Founder Gennaro Cuofano On Heuristic Decision Making
Gennaro Cuofano (Italy) writes about digital business models, platforms, blockchain business models, and new ways of doing business, all the while managing the growth of a high-tech startup and a small sales team. In this interview: Decentralization, Scaling, and Building Your Own Platform.
250. Noonies Nominee Vivek Tank on the Need of Creativity for Effective SEO
2021 Noonies Nominee General Interview with Vivek Tank.
251. David Mercer – ML Writer Nom – is a Tech Entrepreneur and Author
The 2020 Noonies are here and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year. Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 awards, we discovered David Mercer from South Africa, who’s has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Future Heroes and Technology categories.
252. #Noonies2021 Awards: Winners in the Decentralization Category
For 2021, Hacker Noon went all out for its annual Noonies Awards, making it the biggest Noonies to date.
253. Ryan Dawson on Open Source Tools and MLOps — A Noonie Nom Interview
Ryan Dawson is a 3x Noonie Nominee and is a top Hacker Noon contributor in the Software Development story category. In this interview, Ryan shares what he's learned about the open source value chain, MLOps, and problem solving with tech vs. people, or ideas.
254. "Worry Later. Try First," says Product Designer Agnieszka Zimolag
“In these unprecedented times…” The Humans of Hacker Noon design unprecedented products, and contribute to the internet in unprecedented ways. One such human is Agnieszka Zimolag from the US - interviewed here following a 2020 Noonie Nomination for contributions to the subject of Product Design.
255. Liyas Thomas, 2020 Noonie Nominee, is the Creator of Postwoman.io
Liyas Thomas from India has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie Award in the Software Development and Technology categories. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Liyas had to share.
256. Aleksandar Svetski Is A Stateless Freedom Maximalist; Will Not Bend
The Bitcoin Halvening is More Than Just About Money [Deep Dive] is the story that got Aleksandar Svetski (Australia), nominated for a 2020 Noonie in Hacker Noon's Politics content category (yes, we're also somewhat surprised that's a thing). Read on to learn more about this enigmatic contributor to Hacker Noon, who is "resisting the chip, the pod, the bugs, the soy and fiat."
257. "I Strive To Make Better Tools For Data Science" - Rick Lamers, Data Science Nom
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices?
258. Allan Grain: Cryptocurrency and How It's Changing the Economic Sphere
Allan Grain (UK), is a cyber analyst, researcher and writer with a passion for cryptocurrency. A 2020 Noonie nominee in the Future Heroes and Technology categories, scroll on for their take on what’s trending in tech today.
259. "Have a dream and have patience achieving your dream." - Alex Circei, Noonie Nominee for AGILE
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices? Hacker Noon’s Annual Tech Industry Awards, the 2020 Noonies, are here to help with that.
260. #Noonies2022 Awards: The List of Winners in the Emerging Tech Category
In prehistoric times, fire and wheel were emerging tech.
261. Real Talk with Kenyan Dev and 2020 Noonie Nominee, Oloo Moses Otieno
Kenyan web developer Oloo Moses Otieno has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie because he's a top contributor in our SAAS category. We're pretty proud to have Noonie nominees from all over the world, and in this interview, Oloo shares his perspective and experience of the pandemic, and what he would do with a hypothetical $10M investment right now.
262. "Hacker Noon Authors are Like Gods," and Other Fun Reactions to Noonies Noms Opening
On July 13 2020, Hacker Noon opened public nominations for the second annual Noonies awards, dedicated to recognizing the best people and products in the tech industry.
263. "Joy Comes from the Process of Creating, Not the End Result" — App Builder, Logan Koshenka
Logan Koshenka from the US has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Future Heroes category for his beautifully built side project, a Health and Wellness app called Accufit. PSA: Nominations for this award are still open..! Get the Health and Wellness App you can't live without nominated for a Noonie today ➡️ make a Founder's day.
264. An Update from the Editorial Team at Hacker Noon
A longer version of this post was originally published as an email to Hacker Noon's 12k+ writers. To get onto that list, create an account and submit your first tech story today!
265. 2 or 3 Under 20ish Awards—Hacker Noon's #Noonies Nominees for 2019
Hacker Noon—where hackers start their afternoons, has partnered with Stream to present the first inaugural Noonies 2019: The Tech Industry's Greenest Awards. You can help Hacker Noon declare the best and worst of this year's tech scene by voting every day from today until August 16th!
266. #Noonies2021 Awards: The List of Winners in the Software Development Category
HackerNoon went all out for its annual Noonies Awards in 2021 making it the most exciting Noonies to date!
267. On Not Doing Free Work for 'The Experience' + More with Melinda B. Lewis
Melinda B. Lewis has been nominated for two Hacker Noon awards this year, and we're really excited to have her onboard. In this interview: saying no to working for free, millennial experiences of student loans, and digital detoxes.
268. The Bait & Switch Award - Hacker Noon Noonies Awards 2019
269. Product Manager of the Year: Hacker Noon Awards 2019 | #Noonies
270. 'The Word "Hacking" isn't Used Accurately Today' - Tom Rutka, '19 #Noonies Hacker Of The Year
Hey there Hackers: it’s now August, the month of Hacker Noon’s 2020 Noonies Awards season! Visit noonies.tech before public nominations close at Noon MT on 12 August 2020 to nominate your Product Manager of the Year; best-in-class Blockchain contributors, analysts, influencers; Software Development innovators, and more.
271. Best Open Source Project and Writer Nominee Peter Thomas on Karate
"The world needs an alternative to Selenium - so we built one" - that's the story that got Peter Thomas from India nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Development award category. Peter's second Noonie Nomination is for a 3-year old OSS project, "karate". In this interview, Peter talks about what it's like to have hard work pay off, and feel like you're at the top of your coding game.
272. Vasily Sumanov, 2020 Noonie Nominee, is a Crypto Enthusiast and Material Sciences Academic
Vasily Sumanov from Russia has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Future Heroes category. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us.
[273. Best Open Startup -
Hacker Noon Noonies Awards 2019](https://hackernoon.com/best-open-startup-hacker-noon-noonies-awards-2019-ot3w3wb8)
274. "I'm worried about the divide between good and bad developers" - Karan Shah, Noonie Nominee
The Noonies help us find the best Hacker Noon contributors, creating content that helps make developer's lives easier. One of our impressive nominees is Karan Shah from India.
275. Noonie Nominee Iliya Valchanov is Training the World's Data Scientists
At Hacker Noon, we created the annual Noonies Awards to help recognize the best pest people in the Tech Industry today. Nominate YOUR best people and products today at NOONIES.TECH.
276. The Future of Web3 With Vitalii Vinogradov, Noonies 2022 Nominee
Hey HackerNoon Readers! I’m Vitalii Vinogradov and I’m a Product Manager at Revolut and a Founder of liveapp.
277. Limarc Ambalina, journalist, copywriter, editor and Noonies Nominee
Limarc Ambalina from Japan, journalist and experienced Media and communication professional by day, VR Gamer and Anime Binger by night has been nominated in the Future Heroes and Technology categories. Read on to find out what he'd invest $10 million dollars in and if given the option to live forever, would he take it?
278. We Need to Hear Both the Good and Bad Sides of Tech - Interview with Charlie G
An Interwith with Charlie G, the winner of “2021 HackerNoon Contributor of the Year - ALGORITHMS”.
279. Just Your Average HackerNoon Product Meeting Notes [Feb 2022]
This Slogging thread by andemosa, richard-kubina, David and Kien occurred in HackerNoon's official #meeting-recap channel, and has been edited for readability.
280. PODCAST: The 2020 Noonies are Here and Even Greener than Last Year
Tune in (iTunes, Stitcher, wherever you get your podcasts) for a nine-minute briefing on this year’s biggest, greenest and most independent tech industry awards: Hacker Noon’s prestigious #Noonies!
281. "I Want To Make The World a Better Place" - Songtham Tungkitkancharoen, 2020 Noonie Nominee
“In these unprecedented times…” People build unprecedented products, and contribute to the internet in unprecedented ways.
282. "Coffee is overrated" - William Kwan, 2020 Youtuber Noonie Nominee
William Kwan from Canada has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Technology category. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what William had to share.
283. Adrien Book : The Beautiful Humans Of Hacker Noon (Noonies Winner for Best AI Writer, 2019)
The Backstory about the Internet’s most community-focused awards:
284. Technology Trends for 2021: A Forecast from Hacker Noon’s Top Writers
I asked 10 of Hacker Noon’s Top Contributors to weigh in with their strategic tech predictions for 2021 — you can expect a 14-minute briefing on everything from recession startups and (self) edtech, to AI applied to end Covid-19 and the commoditization of Machine Learning.
285. Interview with Mehmet Sarica, 2020 Noonie Nominee
Mehmet Sarica from United States has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in software development category.
286. "If Google Lets me Down, I Write About It," Ben Church — Google Writer of the Year Nom
Ben Church is an engineer from Canada has been nominated as Hacker Noon's Contributor of the Year in our Google story category. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Ben had to share.
287. "It's not necessary to be No. 1 in everything" - Nibu P Rajoo, 2020 Noonie Nominee
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices? Hacker Noon’s Annual Tech Industry Awards, the 2020 Noonies, are here to help with that.
288. Patrick Lee Scott on Fasting, Writing, Epiphany Bridges, and 10x-ing Impact
An interview with prolific Hacker Noon contributor—and all-round impressive human—Patrick Lee Scott, Winner of 2019’s Noonie for Contributing Writer of the Year.
289. "Develop the Habit of Upgrading Yourself," Advises Muhammad Bilal
Muhammad Bilal (Pakistan) is a 5x 2020 Noonie Nominee for contributions to the Entrepreneurship, Founders, IoT, Life, and Life Lessons tag categories on Hacker Noon. In this interview, Muhammad shares personal perspectives regarding self-awareness, problem solving, and stagnation.
290. Vladimiros Peilivanidis has Been Living Solely on ETH Since 2017
Vladimiros Peilivanidis, currently in Greece, has been nominated for 2020 Noonies for contributions in the Decentralization and Future Heroes Award Categories. Read on to learn more about his thoughts on LSD, technological progress, and working for our mother, the machine.
291. Striving Not to Be A Success But to Be of Value with Joshua Marriage
Joshua Marriage from Australia is a dissident technology enthusiast interested in bitcoin fungibility, the Big Brothers of Blockchain, and the need for surveillance-free satoshis, who's been nominated in the Noonies Decentralization Award Category. Read on for Joshua's Noonies interview, right below the ad break.
292. Daniel Jeffries is Betting On Smarter Machines and Stupider Humans
Daniel Jeffries is currently living in Germany (confined unwillingly by COVID-19 to one country, for now), and he's got what we'll call a few interesting observations about the future of humanity — which he shares with us in this interview.
293. "The Quality of Your Life Depends on the Quality of the Questions You Ask Yourself"— Sara Tortoli
The 2020 #Noonies are here,and they are both much greener and much bigger than last year. Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 award titles, we discovered Sara Tortoli from Germany, who’s has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie in the Technology category. Without further ado, we present to you, our big techy world, from the perspective of Sara Tortoli.
294. #Noonies2022 Awards: The List of Winners in the Internet Heroes Category
The Internet is a mirror of the collective human psyche, and it’s nothing if not downright chaotic.
295. Another AI-Hosted Podcast: The Future of Tech Belongs To Its Builders
What are the best product development principles and processes for building a better internet? Those who design, decide. I may have trained an AI to host this podcast — but the tech industry insights inside are all 100% human. Scroll down and tune in for a far-reaching conversation with "me" — Natasha's AI alter-ego — and seven of hackernoon.com's top contributors.
296. Jørgen Svennevik Notland is Very Excited About Yerba Mate
“In these impressively unprecedented times…” Impressive people build unprecedented products. One such impressive human of Hacker Noon is Jørgen Svennevik Notland from Norway, who's been nominated in the Noonies Decentralization Award Category. Read on for Jørgen's Noonies interview, right below the ad break.
297. Ukraine-based CEO Vasiliy Ivanov on Solving Problems, Productivity, And Taking Charge
Vasiliy Ivanov is the CEO of KeepSolid, an international tech company with most of our team based in Odesa, Ukraine.
298. Fabio Manganiello on Home-Made Computer Vision, IoT, Automation, AI
Fabio Manganiello writes about solutions he's discovered while building a platform, library of plugins and an API to connect/manage any device and service through any backend, allowing users to easily set up any kind of automation. Fabio is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and has been nominated for a 2020 #Noonie for exceptional contributions to the IoT tag category on Hacker Noon.
299. Cape Town-Based Ben Mmari Is A New Hacker Noon Contributor to Watch
Benjamin Mmari is based in Cape Town, South Africa, and has been nominated for as one of Hacker Noon's NEW Hacker Noon Contributors To Watch in this year's Noonies awards. In this candid interview, Benjamin Mmari shares his impressive portfolio of dev projects, approach to writing and blogging about the things he builds, and the personal concerns currently keeping him up at night.
300. Ideas, Manage, Build, Write: Vaibhav Saini on Optimal Learning Process
Prolific Hacker Noon contributor Vaibhav Saini from India has been nominated for three 2020 #Noonies in the Decentralization and Back to the Internet Award categories.
301. Marketing Influencers Are Overrated Says 3x Noonie Nom Viktor Bogdanov
Viktor Bogdanov is a Ukraine-based Tech Storyteller, a designation we at Hacker Noon can happily confirm, because the beautiful humans of Hacker Noon have collectively read @viceasytiger’s 18 hn stories for 5 days, 3 hours, and 9 minutes — so far. In this Noonies interview, Viktor tells us where he'd invest $10M, how Covid-19 has impacted his life, and which 2 opinion he has that most people don't agree with.
302. Daniel Jeffries, author, engineer, futurist, pro blogger and Noonies nominee
Daniel Jeffries is Chief Technology Evangelist at Pachyderm, author, engineer, futurist and pro blogger.
303. "Being Kind is a Superpower," says Indie Writer, Hacker, Bethan Vincent
Bethan Vincent from the UK generally introduces herself as a marketer, but - as time goes by - feels like that’s really only part of the story. Alongside supporting companies with their marketing efforts, Bethan also runs her own podcast about resilience - The Brave, dip her toes into creating my own products and platforms, and has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie in the Technology Award Category.
304. Amazon Engineer Jackson Kelley is Working on Data Privacy in Alexa
Ex block.one consultant (and formerly ML infrastructure engineer in retail at Amazon) Jackson Kelley has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie for contributions to the sticky subject of politics here on Hacker Noon. Scroll on for a a summary of what Jackson's been doing and thinking lately, including a new YouTube series, and which of his controversial opinions most people would definitely disagree with.
305. Public Nominations Are Now Open for The 2nd Annual #Noonies: The Tech Industry's Awards
Edwards, CO - Hacker Noon, the technology publishing platform, opened public nominations for the Noonies 2020 in partnership with Amplify Exchange, the best place to buy and sell crypto worldwide with zero trading fees. Anyone can now nominate anyone for a Noonie by visiting https://Noonies.Tech.
306. Robert L. Read Builds Robots; Wants You to Learn Functional Programming
Robert L. Read from the United States has been nominated for FOUR 2020 #Noonies in multiple award categories, including Software Development .
307. 2020 Noonies Awards: Official Winners of The Internet Now Declared
As in all elections of great importance, tallying the official results of Hacker Noon's annual awards took us somewhat longer than expected.
308. 2nd Annual Hacker Noon Awards Launch Today: Public Call for Nominations
On this hallowed day, one year ago, Hacker Noon 2.0 became a thing on the interwebs. Around the same time, we launched Hacker Noon's annual tech awards, The Noonies—the industry's greenest awards. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ This year, the #Noonies promises to be bigger, better, more diverse, and looooonger than last year. The best part? Anybody can nominate ANYBODY right now for a 2020 #Noonie at noonies.tech!
309. Hacker Noon Awards: 2019 Noonies Winners Announced
You voted. You tweeted. You hacked the platform and cheated.
310. Hacker Noon Awards: #Noonies 2019—Full Nominees List
The world’s most independent tech publication, Hacker Noon—where hackers start their afternoons, just partnered with Stream.io to present the inaugural Noonies 2019: The Tech Industry's Greenest Awards.
311. All 221 Tech Award Titles Up for Grabs in Hacker Noon's Annual Noonies
🏆 The benefits of being nominated in Hacker Noon's annual tech awards this year include not only mad Net-Cred, BUT ALSO: opportunities to do an AMA in community.hackernoon.com and/or get onto The Hacker Noon Podcast, as well as generally improving your personal Google-Ability by getting FREE CONTENT created (and distributed) about you, and the things you write, built and care about!
Thank you for checking out the 311 most read stories about Noonies on HackerNoon.
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