Let's learn about Software Testing via these 310 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Software testing involves all the processes that ensure a software product or application does what it's supposed to do.
1. How React Testing Library Can Improve Your Mental Health [Part 1]
I know one person who likes writing tests, and it is not me! I like adding code-coverage to my code and you'll see why.
2. Recommended Websites to Practice Selenium and Test Automation
Here's a list of websites to practice test automation using Selenium.
3. Top Java Libraries for Automation Testing in 2022
Automating your Java testing will help you become more efficient and effective. These Java Libraries are likely to be heavily used for automation testing.
4. Test-Driven Development is Fundamentally Wrong
It sounds backwards because it really is
5. Why White Box Testing is an Essential Part of Software Testing
Organizations today are working smartly to find the right approach to software testing since it is one of the inevitable parts of any software development life.
6. What Makes DevOps Orchestration Worth the Investment
How can you step up your automation game and achieve the ideal success of digital transformation? The answer to your question lies in this article.
7. Equivalence Class Partitioning And Boundary Value Analysis in Black Box Testing
1. What is black box testing
8. Leveraging Google's Pinject to Write Loosely Coupled Python Code
Dependency Injection(DI) is a set of software design principles that enable engineers to develop loosely coupled code. This stack overflow post is the best ELI5 description of DI:
9. Build a CLI App with Oclif and Node.js Using Test-Driven Development
While writing a CLI tool can be a lot of fun, the initial setup and boilerplate—parsing arguments and flags, validation, subcommands—is generally the same.
10. How to Start Using Diffblue Cover: Community Edition For Unit Testing
Automating the writing of unit tests, the bugbear of every software developer
11. Liyas Thomas, 2020 Noonie Nominee, is the Creator of Postwoman.io
Liyas Thomas from India has been nominated for a 2020 Noonie Award in the Software Development and Technology categories. The Noonies are Hacker Noon’s way of getting to know — from a community perspective — what matters in tech today. So, we asked our Noonie Nominees to tell us. Here’s what Liyas had to share.
12. Future of Manual Testing: Is Manual Testing dying?
The recent decade has witnessed an enormous shift in the Software Engineering and Software testing practices from manual to automated in most of the areas. With the advent of AI, machine learning and the rise of different automation tools, some people think, manual testing will get completely wiped-off by automation. Let’s unveil some myths surrounding the future of manual testing and debunk them with facts.
13. Better Application Acceptance With LogRocket
Application Acceptance
14. A Beginners Guide to Learn Mock Fetching in jest
I am writing this post to show how to mock and test fetch with jest-fetch-mock. let's suppose that you are using Jest and you are comfortable with “async/await”.
15. Testing REST APIs easily in Python with pyhttptest
Nowadays every one of us is facing REST APIs by either developing or consuming such a service. Also, we’re in the trendy era of microservices, where we splitting our business logic into small separate services independent from each one. Mostly these services follow RESTful principles and using the JSON format for communication, which became the most widely used format, because of its simplicity.
16. Why Does it Often Take Nearly a Month to Ship a Few Lines of Code?
Ever wondered why it takes nearly a month to ship out a few lines of code change to the star and reliable customers of your company? When the changes made are formally aligned with the product, marketing and application managers, what stops it from being shipped immediately? Why do managers quote timelines for a maintenance release that seems so "unrealistic" to you? These were the thoughts that were going through my mind during my first few months of writing production-quality code.
17. Testing with Jest: An Introduction
Testing is very important in software development. Testing is a process, to evaluate the functionality of a software application with an intent to find whether the developed software met the specified requirements or not and to identify the defects to ensure that the product is defect-free in order to produce the quality product. I will be informing you on how to write basic tests using Jest.
18. Hexagonal Architecture: Introduction Part I
This article is for sharing my understanding about Ports & Adapters pattern (also known as Hexagonal Architecture), hoping it can be helpful to someone interested in this subject.
19. Test Impact Analysis - What It Is, How to Test It, and Everything Else You Need to Know
Test impact analysis can help speed up test cycles but not properly managed it can become unruly. Learn how to effectively utilize this method here.
20. 9 Soft Skills Every QA Professional Needs
The dream team certainly is a goal of every employer and HR. Whatever business you run, the success depends on the people you hire. That’s why it’s so critical to make the right decision regardless you seek for developers, QA/QC, designers, content writers, or Project Managers. What’s more, the employees’ technical and soft skills matter a lot.
21. Writing Better Tests With Cypress' Page Elements
Page Elements (PE) is a design pattern for test automation, which perfectly extends Page Object Model (POM) - learn what's that and how to add it in your code!
22. A 5-Step Guide to Develop a Growth Mindset as a Software Developer
I have outlined five simple steps to develop a growth mindset as a software developer.
23. What is Shift Left Testing and Should Your Dev Team Adopt it?
Benefits and key considerations of shift left testing in software development life cycle.
24. Meet Sergei Shaikin - Winner of Multiple Noonies Awards!
Sergei Shaikin talks about winning multiple Noonies awards.
25. "It's kind of morbid but I kinda love it", CEO Tai Shi Ling of UI-licious on QA
UI-licious was nominated as one of the best startups in Singapore in Startups of the Year hosted by HackerNoon. CEO Tai Shi Ling shared her founder story here.
26. Test Automation for Dummies: A Quick Guide for Newbies
To optimize your testing, it is crucial to have a better understanding of test automation. Get the basic knowledge of automation testing here.
27. Why it's Time to Stop Using Meaningless Test Values
Did you ever find a test where the mock data was a bunch of meaningless "test" strings and 123 integer values? Yeah, me too — and it sucks.
28. Using Jest to Mock Elasticsearch
Test your elastic queries like a pro using jest!
29. How to Implement QA Testing in a Confidential and Secure Manner
‘Privacy’ and ‘Confidentiality’ are often used interchangeably but they are not the same.
30. Python Django 3.0 Release: Will Help Developers Improve Applications in 2020
The programming language Python is famous for quite many reasons. It is loved by enterprises, developers, researchers all over the world. Be it enterprise development, machine learning or anything else, Python has more than a few applications in the present-day world. It has not just been able to impress users with its flexibility, ease of understanding, uncomplicated implementation and abundance of libraries, but also its frameworks that developers are falling in love with instantly.
31. Choosing Test Cases for Automation That Can Increase Your ROI
In this article, we will explore the key considerations when choosing test cases for Automation Testing.
32. Saying No - A Five-Point Framework
Learn how to identify the signals that it’s time to say no
33. Comparing Parallel Testing and Traditional Testing
It is no surprise that the integration of digital technology into all areas of business operations is creating a high demand for software.
34. A Quick Intro to Testing DApps (decentralized applications)
If you’re a test engineer and you’re keen to get involved in Web3, it can be hard to know where to start. Here's an introduction
35. Everything Technical Project Managers Need to Know About End-to-End Testing
End-to-end testing is a technique to test a software’s workflow from start to end to ensure it works as expected.
36. How to Achieve Effective and Efficient Bug Triage
In this section, we're going to dig into several Bugsnag features that help to answer those questions and solve those problems.
37. DOM Testing Library: Is it Worth a Try?
The tools for testing web apps in NodeJS are endless. Does it make sense for a QA Engineer to learn DOM testing library?
38. Storing Tests On The Project Repository Vs. Storing Tests On A Separate Repository
While starting to work with end-to-end tests, one of the first questions is where to store them. Alongside source code or in the separate repository?
39. How Bugsnag Helped 99designs Standardize Debugging and Create Efficiencies
99designs’ engineering team now uses Bugsnag to troubleshoot errors in more than 25 projects, written in multiple coding languages.
40. Bugsnag's Diagnostics Tools Benefits Eventbrite
As Eventbrite neared the release of their rewritten platform in React.js, they knew observability on the frontend was a problem they needed to solve.
41. Understanding Rails Polymorphic Active Record Associations
Brief Introduction
42. How to Start a Career in Software Testing
Testing is indispensable. It's the lifeline of software. Quality is a thing that can uplift you from your competitors.
43. The Top Yikes of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet
Poor performance and lazy pokemon design in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet are among the top complaints from diehard fans of the franchise.
44. Report: Key Trends to Thrive in Software Testing in 2022
Here are some key findings from The State of Quality Report 2022 that highlight the critical testing trends and practices to test effectively in 2022.
45. A Closer Look at End-to-end Testing
Get a deeper understanding of End-to-End testing, the various types of E2E testing methods available, and the benefits of applying E2E testing to mobile apps.
46. A Step-By-Step Guide To Web User Interface Testing
JS frameworks can also utilize WebTestIt. Here is a step-by-step guide to web UI testing.
47. Experimenting With Citrus Integration Testing Framework
Creating a test project on Citrus Framework.
48. Making Debugging Easy With Console Wrangling
Here we talk about two of the functions available on the console object: console.table() and console.trace().
49. Write Great Unit Tests by Writing Unit Tests that Fail
Any test that has never failed has no value, and therefore, can be deleted. In order for any test to add value, it must have failed at least once.
50. 5 Cypress E2E Testing Mistakes to Avoid
Learn how to avoid 5 common mistakes when writing Cypress tests that will ease your end-to-end testing experience.
51. Writing Better Tests With Cypress' Page Object Model
Page Object Model (POM) is the most popular design pattern for test automation, and that's how you should implement it on your project!
52. 6 Popular Software Testing Trends Everyone Should Follow
53. Testing, Evolution, and Web Applications: It’s About Survival of the Fittest
When web applications evolve, tests break. Learn how automated tests continue to work well as the application evolves.
54. How to Pick a Test Management Solution: 5 Mistakes to Avoid
How to choose a test management tool and not regret it later? Simple: avoid these 5 mistakes while you review all of the test management solutions available.
55. Intro to TestOps: How to Streamline Software Testing Using Automation
This article discusses modern testing operations or TestOps, and provides definition of TestOps, reviews the difference between TestOps and DevOps.
56. Automation Testing: The Tools to Help You Embark On the Automated Journey
Katalon Recorder is free web extension built for Record and Playback in automation testing and averts the common pitfalls of other popular automation framework
57. How to Get Rid of Application Lag: Profiling, Regression Tests, and More
These types of testing ensure that the application does not experience any lags when processing user inputs and that it is capable of functioning properly.
58. Feel the Release
Technology performing at human speed is no longer an option.
59. Get Started With Sidekick Open Source Live Debugger in 5 Mins
Sidekick is a live application debugger that lets you troubleshoot your applications while they keep on running. Here is how you can start using it in 5 minutes
60. The Various Kinds of Software Tests
In this post, I discuss automated and manual tests, and 2 common types of tests: functional and non-functional.
61. In-Sprint Automation: How to Increase Software Testing Speed
Read on to learn about in-sprint automation and why it’s the key to moving at DevOps speed.
62. I Made The 'Best' Hacking PC Under a Ball-Busting Tight Budget
To me, hacking is a subset of testing and tweaking things by looking at them from a different point of view.
63. Top Penetration Testing Providers: What You Need to Know Before Opting for One
In this blog post, we will take a look at the best penetration testing companies and explain what you need to know before opting for one.
64. Thread Communication in Java using Lock and Condition; A Tutorial
65. Fail-Fast vs. Fail-Safe: What is the Most Reliable Software Strategy?
A broken kitchen appliance leads me down the path of intelligent failure, downside risk, exponential growth and cloud computing
66. dksnap Introduction: Docker Snapshots for Development and Test Data
67. An Intro to the Playwright Testing Framework
Playwright is a testing framework to handle e2e testing. With Playwright we can write e2e tests and run them in different browsers, like Chrome, Firefox and Web
68. Software Testing as a Job to Enter the Tech Space
Software testing is a tech job that doesn’t get as much attention as it deserves.
69. How to Build Your First Allure Report From Scratch
In this guide, we’ll take a journey through the main steps to creating your first Allure report and discover all the fancy features
70. How to Choose Test Cases for Automation
Although automation testing is becoming more popular, there remain certain difficulties for automation teams, including selecting which test cases to automate.
71. Counting The Cost of Software Bugs
According to a study from 2016, software failures cost the worldwide economy $1.7 trillion!
72. Automated QA Testing with Low-code Applications
Are you looking for ways to automate your QA testing process? If so, you may want to consider using a low-code application. Read our blog of automate QA Testing
73. Using Stability as a Barometer of Quality and Quantity
Users have high expectations for performance and demand consistent updates with new features and content.
74. How to Cover the Basics of Test Orchestration
In the agile development methodology, the velocity of testing holds the key to delivering the best quality software within the stipulated budget and time constr
75. Top Unit Testing Automation Frameworks for Selenium
With the introduction of Selenium, automation testing has become an easy task. All you need to do is find an appropriate unit testing framework for Selenium.
76. Challenges of Test Automation (Before vs Now)
This blog will walk you through some of the most common challenges faced by the testers and we can help you to overcome those.
77. What Happened to Software Development?
I don’t even recognize it anymore
78. Book Review: Why Programs Fail
First in a long series of book reviews focusing on production, debugging and developer relations
79. How I Started Load Testing on a High-Load Service (P.S. It's Easy as ABC)
About a year ago, I started working for VK on the citymobil. I initiated load testing for this project.
[80. AI in Software Testing:
Automation or Automagic?](https://hackernoon.com/ai-in-software-testing-automation-or-automagic)
Automatic code generation, software design, and requirement gathering are all benefitting from smart algorithms. But what about AI in testing services?
81. Using Unmasked Production Data For Testing Leaves Your At Risk For Data Breaches
If you don’t want to risk data breaches and the associated fines & image damage, don’t use unmasked production data for testing.
82. How to Stop Developers from Writing Low-Quality Code
Developers tend to go for getting things working, ending up with a working program, lacking the quality you would like to see. In this article I will explain how to get quality code as well.
83. A Quick Introduction to REST API
REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It is a software architectural style that defines a set of constraints or rules that you should adhere to when you are creating your APIs.
84. How to Test Terraform the Right Way
In this blog post, you'll learn about why you should be testing IaC and the best platforms to get started with.
85. Getting Started with Zalenium: Docker-based Selenuim Grid
The integration of Docker and Kubernetes makes Zalenium an appealing choice for setting up Selenium-based infrastructure.
86. Reliable and Secure API: How to Test with Hoppscotch
The only tutorial you need to understand Hoppscotch.
87. Integration Test With Database in Golang
Making a test suite in Go projects with a real live database/service
88. Does Your Web Application Need End-to-End and Unit Tests?
As are most questions worth asking, the answer is nuanced and could be boiled down to it depends.
89. What Should I Do After the Data Observability Tool Alerts Me
We need to start building the best practices across the ecosystem to maximize the value of data observability.
90. A Quick Guide to Software Testing Life Cycle
A complete guide on STLC, a series of specific steps taken during the testing process to meet all software quality objectives.
91. Use Dynamic Classes to Debug in Python
Oh! If all your code worked as it was supposed to.. Of-course you just made a tiny change and the whole system came crashing down! The existing system seems almost alive, and resists any code change by crashing! Quite often, developers declare a truce in the form of a 'code-freeze'! After a deep breath (perhaps several weeks..) the code-freeze is lifted, and the battle is renewed.
92. How to Make DevTestOps Orchestration for Agile Teams Work
The three key positions in a software development team are developer, tester, and operations. Required tasks among these positions are continuously reinvented.
93. How to Set Up Docker Compose For Prometheus + Grafana
Want to have Prometheus and Grafanna locally so that you could test the metrics sent by your service? check this guide using Docker Compose
94. Developing a Test Plan and Test Strategy for Your Business
Red Flags That Show Your Project Needs a Test Plan and a Test Strategy
95. What is Lead Time and Why Does it Have So Many Definitions?
In this post, I look at why there are so many definitions of lead time and how you can put them to use.
96. To Err is Human, to Test is Divine
We are humans, we forget, we make mistakes, we change things, ideas; This happens when we work solo, imagine when you are in a team!
97. Why Monolithic Architecture has a Bad Reputation
Pros and Cons of Monolithic Architecture in its traditional incarnation or as a Distributed Monolith.
98. Why Your Test Automation Approach May be Ineffective And How You Can Fix It
Test automation has for a long time been synonymous with programming. Why? Because the majority of available test automation frameworks and tools require some level of programming. These tools are developed with a programming mindset, similar to the way that operating systems before Windows 95 were developed - without a visual interface that helped users interact with it.
99. How to Release Great Software Using these 12 Types of Testing
Get to know the different types of software testing methods and know the use cases, advantages, objectives to identify the best way to go about testing.
100. Why Software Testing is So Important
It isn't about being diligent. It's because we've forgotten what we knew.
101. The Pros and Cons of Automated and Manual Testing
Why do we do software testing? To detect bugs and errors that negatively affect user experience. Pros and cons of automated and manual testing.
102. Software Testing Automation in 2022 and Beyond - A Guide
With new technology solutions and digital tools emerging all the time, the state of software testing is constantly changing.
103. Early & Static Testing: Life-Changing Benefits for Your Application
Early testing is one of the software testing principles that often gets neglected by QA engineers, as well as the static testing technique. What are you missing
104. Top Penetration Testing Companies and Tools
Penetration testing, or 'pen tests' as they are colloquially known, basically consist of a hack or cyber-attack on one's system.
105. How to Save Time by Testing Your Application
If you don’t write tests for your code, then I'll tell you why tests are worth every minute you invest in them.
106. 5 Steps for Switching From Manual to Automation Testing
Manual testers should weigh on the benefits of test automation over manual testing and start the transition now. To start, read our 5-step guide.
107. On Creating the Right Test Strategy for Your Project: A Guide from the COO
A test strategy is a set of high-level definitions that determine how software testing processes are going to be performed, driving our decisions on how to invest our testing efforts. Creating a well-thought test strategy is crucial to understanding the overall scope of your project, and what testing approaches, tools and skills are required in order to develop a successful product that provides a great user experience.
108. Best IDEs for .NET Development
The .NET Core platform makes it possible for businesses to develop applications for just about any platform—from Windows, macOS, Linux, and even mobile operating systems. This isn’t just a time saver, but a means to cut back on your budget. You will be able to develop across all platforms, and you won't have to hire developers for each ecosystem. Instead, you can hire one developer or a team of .NET developers to make it all happen.
109. 11 Tips for Effective Software Testing and Quality Assurance
110. This is Why a Legit Performance Review in Tech 'Does Not Exist'
Performance reviews help ensure competitive compensation packages for specialists and keep them motivated. But it always gives managers headaches. Here’s why.
111. Basics of Unit Testing in Software Development
Testing your code is an important part of the software development process. Learn why it's so important and the most common way of testing.
112. 5 Technology Trends Dictating Software Quality Standards in 2022
To increase overall performance, ensure software soundness, and meet a high development pace, organizations may rely on these technology trends
113. A Detailed Comparison of Monolithic and Microservices Architecture
o compare monolithic vs microservices pros and cons, we should have a look at the perks and pitfalls of each architecture first
114. Open-Source Testing Mechanism for Kubernetes Applications
Without a doubt, Kubernetes is one of the top players in the container orchestration platforms game.
115. The Basics of Penetration Testing
Here is the detailed blog on penetration testing. Check it to know what it is, its steps, methods, and the best tools for penetration testing.
116. Everyone Fails with Software They Don’t Build
Most organization don't build enough software and are therefore missing out on possible value.
117. How to Test Product-market Fit Using Software Prototypes
An entrepreneur at any level can make a software prototyping model to show or test how their idealized product would work in real life.
118. 5 Main Things That Will Help You Understand Why Technology Is Important In Business
Technology in business is a phenomenon that is taking over the world. Business is certainly not going anywhere anytime soon; technology is the only way to go. Business needs to have the right tools in place to compete in a competitive corporate environment.
119. A Guide to Local Debugging with Datadog Agent
The Datadog tool is used to visualize production logs. It can be installed on a MacOSX machine.
120. How to Test Financial Applications Effectively
There are several key types of test cases in QA you can’t avoid dealing with banking and financial applications. Here is the checklist for it
121. Developers Should Drive Their E2E Tests to Cypress
All software companies strive to produce quality products. The journey begins with a product that works. Software correctness is usually defined as the adherence of software to its specification. In most cases, formal verification is not possible. As such, we typically impose functional correctness with test coverage.
122. A Tip for Lazy Symfony Developers
Search for brainy quotes about laziness and you'll find a bunch of them saying something not too nice, but did you know that being a lazy programmer is actually a good thing?
123. How App Statistics Helped Resolve a Bug in My Mobile App
“Users cannot open the app.“ This was the message causing chaos all over. So I did a quick installation of the app again, and to my surprise, the app was workin
124. Risk Management in QA Teams: A Detailed Overview
From preventing negative outcome to streamlining the entire development cycle, risk management play significant role. Read the blog to learn more.
125. Building a Divider App: How Many Cases Can Share One Operation?
Thinking about all the things that could go wrong in code execution and preparing for them is a big part of a programmer's job.
126. Three Amigos Teach Us a Lot About Writing Better Agile User Stories
Do you use the “Three Amigos” Agile strategy?
127. How do I Encourage my Manager to Support Automated Tests?
128. Security & Agile Development - How to Bridge the Gap in 2022
129. You’ll Never Fix It Later - How to Pull Your Team Out of the Quicksand
The more quick and dirty code you write, the more stuck you'll get with it blocking you from releasing any piece without a big bang. Pull yourself out.
130. Software Testing of Electron Based Application
So I’m sitting around and waiting for a challenge, dreaming of having a project where I won’t see all these boring aspects like Webdriver, BrowserStack, Web pages, etc. And then…
131. Continuous Testing vs. Traditional Testing
We hear the term ‘continuous testing’ a lot in the software testing industry. It’s one of those buzzwords that just keeps coming up, time and time again.
132. How to Generate Test Code with Playwright
Today you will learn how to generate the code for your tests.
133. WOPR is Coming to Uruguay!
This year Abstracta is hosting WOPR (Workshop on Performance and Reliability) in Uruguay! It’s going to be December 6-8, 2022, in Montevideo.
134. How Error Tracking Saves Time and Accelerates Development
Let's examine why error tracking matters and how Bugsnag can help you save time and accelerate development.
135. What Is the Difference Between Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment?
Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment are two complementary practices that help teams get their software into the hands of users faster.
136. 9 Tips To Make Regression Testing More Effective
With the surging rise in the number of mobile app users in the entire world, it’s a high time that brands should focus on delivering seamless functioning of mobile apps. Hence mobile app testing is one of the ways to achieve this goal. This shows the importance of including regression testing in your mobile application development lifecycle.
137. How To Make End-to-End Testing Your Friend
It's about time to get automated end-to-end testing on your side and improve your development process.
138. Software Development is Not About Unit Tests
Photo by ShareGrid on Unsplash
139. Best Practices for Implementing Test Data into Your CI/CD Pipeline
Test data as a part of software development is the poor relation that has been ignored for far too long. Butt’s one of the biggest bottlenecks.
140. Why Do You Need A JavaScript Test Framework?
The JavaScript testing framework enables you to boost your development workflow significantly. In addition, it increases your team’s speed and efficiency.
141. How to Write Your First Unit Test With Jasmine
Let’s take a more practical look at a simple case for testing.
142. Engagement Communication
Communication is key in any project - yet, it’s especially critical during a penetration test. Because pentests are a point in time event with a time constraint, it becomes even more important to communicate any findings, blockers, changes to the environment, and/or any other variables that may turn into a hurdle for testers. Additionally, since pentesting can affect applications, environments and the access to them negatively, the importance of communication is amplified. Thus, the timing of communication is crucial to the success of the test.
143. Software Testing Trends to Watch 2021
Covering test automation, security systems, testing of mobile applications, big data testing, IoT, AI, ML, Blockchain and more.
144. Effective Static Code Analysis Techniques for Improving Code Quality
Increase the value of your static code analysis with the help of test impact analysis and predictive test selection.
145. Top Software Testing Trends To Follow In 2020
Software development is growing exponentially, and it will not be any different in 2020. The most critical part of it all is not even production, but the testing to verify the functionality of the software.
146. A Journalist’s Journey to the World of Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity, Cyber security, Journalism, Career, Career Switch, Software Testing, SQA, Testing, Software Quality Assurance
147. A Needle in a Haystack: How Wi-Fi RTT Takes Indoor Positioning to the Next Level
Hello! We are developers from the Navigine company. We decided to test the Wi-Fi RTT technology and share the results with you.
148. Zombie Testing: One Behavior at a Time
Selecting great test cases is very hard. Unless you summon the undead.
149. What the future holds: 5 core QA trends to rule 2022
Businesses continue to move forward on the digital acceleration path provoked by the pandemic, which means the demand for software testing will increase. What t
150. The Difference Between Unit Testing and Integration Testing
Read the article to know the definition, key characteristics & benefits of two of the most common types of tests - unit and integration testing.
151. How to Set up a Framework: A Developer’s Guide
New developers often don’t know how to set up a framework for smart contract development to make the process as efficient and secure as possible.
152. 6 Effective Pen Testing Techniques to Mitigate the App Security Risks
Here are 6 effective techniques of app testing for the app developers. Learn how these techniques can help mitigate the security risk of app testing.
153. CICD Pipeline Guide: How to Include Load Testing in Your Workflow
In software engineering, CI/CD or CICD generally refers to the combined practices of continuous integration and either continuous delivery deployment.
154. Scriptless Automated Testing is not the Same as Record and Playback Testing
In its initial days, Software Testing was completely manual. The repetitive nature of testing mundane tasks and the time required to test led to the wide adoption of automated testing.
155. Angular & Spring Boot - Using Serenity BDD for Integration Testing
Learn how to write fluent integration tests for modern web applications!
156. Challenges Encountered By Test Data Management In The Healthcare Sector
Here is a list of challenges faced by the testers while working and designing the apps for the healthcare industry.
157. Test-driven Development: How to Write Unit Tests
Tests are a way to explicitly set expectations about code. You establish them to allow the machine to check whether your code meets the expectations.
158. An Essential Guide to Fixtures in Playwright
Today I want to speak about Fixtures, a vital friend if you're going to work with Playwright and you want to share data between your tests.
159. Unit Testing Is NOT The Same As Integration Testing
Let's look at the differences between unit tests and integration tests and when you might prefer one or the other.
160. How to Run Selenium Tests on Firefox using Firefox Driver
Selenium uses Firefox Driver to link the test cases with the Firefox browser. In this guide, we discuss how Selenium Firefox driver aka GeckoDriver works with the help of an example.
161. Buddy Vs Jenkins: Technical and Tactical Differences
Buddy and Jenkins find themselves on completely opposite ends of the CI/CD spectrum. So which one should you go for? It certainly is a question of context. There are some clear technical differences but how they relate to actual value is circumstantial and should be taken on a case by case basis. As such, this comparison will be broken down into two sections.
162. 11 Best Automation Testing Tools to Try in 2021
I’ve collected the ace of aces among the most trending software testing automation tools and dumped them in a juicy ultimate guide.
163. 11 Reasons Why Software Testing Has a Better Future Than Development
164. The Significance of Using a Standardized QA Procedure
By standardization, we do not expect you to do expensive changes in your complete quality assurance procedure.
165. Automated Testing Guide, types, applications, & techniques.
The software industry has been seeing a substantial increase in demand for upgrading existing software & introducing new software in the market.
166. Error Handling Test for Web Applications Without Coding
Writing code that works when everything works as expected can be termed as Happy Path coding. It is a very good start. An experienced developer actually thinks all possible use cases and corner cases and make sure his code informs the users of the application even when an unexpected error happens. This level of coding is brilliant and the most wanted way to operate in Software Engineering.
167. Monetizing Digital Solutions with Progressive Quality Assurance
This blog will discuss the significance of quality assurance as a pivotal aspect of revenue generation and effective monetization of digital resources.
168. Applying the Test Pyramid to iOS Applications
Unit tests, which appear in the bottom layer, are cost-effective, take the least amount of time to run, and should therefore make up the majority of tests.
169. TSQA 2022: Test Automation Code and Strategy
How one company outlined how to streamline test automation code and some strategic uses for it at the Triangle Software Quality Association 2022 conference
170. Using Machine Learning to Make Test Executions More Efficient
Predictive Test Selection is a technique that applies ML to make test executions more efficient.
171. Computer Vision Is Fun To Play With
I work as a Software Engineer at Endtest.
172. Continuous Testing in DevOps: Only 55% Of Top-Level Firms Have Implemented It
Continuous testing - where you execute automated test cases as a part of the delivery life cycle to obtain real-time feedback.
173. How Crowdsourced Testing Can Help To Your Business
The world’s top brands such as Facebook and Microsoft, constantly launch, update, and wow their customers. Have you ever wondered how this is happening? Despite the fact that these huge corporations have their own internal Quality Assurance teams, crowdsourced testing is something that leveraged relatively new.
174. How to Start with Autotests
This article is about the approach one could take to ensure the autotests initiative is not rejected.
175. The Software Development Life Cycle Is as Important as the Circle of Life
The circle of life has different meanings across several civilizations, and Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is not that different either.
176. The world needs an alternative to Selenium - so we built one
[Disclaimer - the thoughts in this post are mine alone and the "we" in the title refers to an open-source project where I happen to be the lead developer.]
177. Behavior-Driven Development From Scratch [101]
Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) is a really powerful tool that helps us build robust, value-based software. You can sometimes hear detractors say that it brings a lot of complexity and leads to long tests difficult to maintain. Let's take stock of what BDD really is, by determining anti-patterns and best practices.
178. A Closer Look at the Most Used Tools for Software Testing
Using automation testing tools is an excellent way to go about verification of your product.
179. Node.js Performance Testing Tools For Getting Proven Results
Not sure what tools to use for Node.js performance testing of your application? We have crafted a quick guide with tools to help you out!
180. Don't Choose Between Creating Automated Tests or Implementing New Features: Try This Tool Instead
How to create integration tests for an API server with 90% Code Coverage in 1 hour without writing any code.
181. What Are the Best Free Open Source Testing Tools, Frameworks, and Libraries
Free open-source frameworks, libraries, and tools are the go-to solutions for automation testing.
182. The Different Types Of Software Testing
Software testing is necessary for any developed application to verify its stable and sound functioning. It is performed by validating outputs against expected outputs using dummy inputs. These inputs are derived from real-life scenarios to make sure everything seems real. In this article we discuss in-depth what different types of testing are performed before the application is actually deployed.
183. Top Software Testing Companies in 2020: 30 QA Providers to Keep an Eye On
According to Pew Research Center, 83% of US adults were using smartphones in 2019, and 74% of them were also desktop or laptop owners. Moreover, surprising four and a half billion people around the globe, which is 59% of the total world population, were internet users.
184. A Benchmark of Low Code Platforms for Test Automation
The faster we get feedback, the better. That also applies to end-to-end automated tests. Considering the trend toward low code solutions for test automation at the UI level, we wanted to run some experiments comparing the execution time of some of the most popular options. Low code solutions are great because they have a less steep learning curve, but they are less useful in evaluating new code changes if the feedback is delayed due to slow running tests.
185. How to Use Test Coverage for Business Profitability
Test coverage is a metric that determines the scope of different types of tests.
[186. 5 Useful Tips to Become a
Successful Software Developer](https://hackernoon.com/5-useful-tips-to-become-a-successful-software-developer)
Want to know some foolproof tips to become a software developer? In this guide, we have covered everything for you to know.
187. Top Security Penetration Testing Companies
Cybercrime is one of the world’s fastest-growing threats, with malicious actors constantly elaborating their methods of undetectable intrusion. According to Verizon’s Business 2020 Data Breach Investigations report, there has been a 100% increase in web app breaches, and stolen credentials were used in more than 80% of these cases. These statistics are worrying for many businesses that actively move their processes to the cloud and deal heavily with customers’ personal data.
188. How to Create and Implement Your Own Test Automation Strategy
Every new software, method, or tool comes with certain growing pains and takes some time to get used to, although it’s almost always worth the adoption effort.
189. How To Improve Developer Effectiveness With Feedback Loops
At it's heart, software engineering is a series of feedback loops.
190. The Discovery Phase of a Project: A Practical Guide
We often get the itch of wanting to turn it into a functional app right away. But diving into development without the so-called discovery phase might be fatal.
191. Top 10 Automation Testing Companies Based in the US
Check out the list of top 10 automation testing companies in U.S. and see how they are making an impact on the business growth of software industries.
192. 4 Ways to Keep Your Ecommerce Store Ready at All Times
Online retailers are growing constantly and need to get ready for a massive influx of traffic. As customer expectations and market standards are higher than ever before, it’s critical to ensure quality and high-performance at all times.
193. How to Choose the Optimal Test Reporting Tool for Your Product
Many businesses are burdened by an excessive amount of testing data. In that circumstance, it becomes impossible to distinguish between what is valuable, and what is noise.
194. Testing Has a Type: Smoke, Sanity, Regression, Re-Test
As a testing engineer, you've probably heard of such types of testing as smoke, sanity, re-test and regression testing.
195. Software Testing Companies To Look Out For in 2023
List of software testing companies. Choose the best software testing company you can trust to outsource your project for 2023
196. 15 of the Best Continuous Delivery Tools
Continuous Delivery is one of the best practices for software development, but what are the best tools for it today? Here are my picks.
197. How Good Are We At Writing Tests?
This is some thoughts about TDD and how things don't always work out perfectly even with the best-written tests when developing new software on a deadline.
198. Why Every Software Development Project Needs a QA
If you have a team of programmers, but there is still no QA specialist, read the article to learn about why building a successful startup needs a QA specialist.
199. Trends Or Quality: What Should Come First In Mobile E-Commerce
The mobile e-commerce market is becoming more and more competitive, and companies rush to impress users with engaging trendy features. But there's one hitch.
200. How Agile Teams Shorten SDLC Using DevTestOps
Moreover, the duty of code quality can slowly be forgotten in the developers’ minds as they know their work would be tested either way.
201. Does your company need a chatbot (and what are your options)?
The most obvious benefit to be had from a chatbot is to make it easier for clients and customers to find information on your site.
202. Why AI Won't Replace Your Testing Job Just Yet
Read this post to know the reasons why AI won't replace your testing job.
203. Major Aspects of Software Cost Estimation
It is well-known that software engineering is at the lead of the services that use outsourcing and outside contractors.
204. "The pandemic has literally changed my perspective towards life" – Karan Jagota, 2020 Noonie Nominee
Hacker Noon's annual Noonie awards help shine a spotlight on some of the greatest minds in tech. Head over to our awards page and nominate YOUR best people and products today at NOONIES.TECH.
205. Explore the Top 5 Test Management Solutions for Banking
Banks are under greater scrutiny than most businesses when it comes to the quality of their software. Quality Assurance in Banking is a tricky matter.
206. An Example of True Test Driven Development in Vue
In true TDD, tests must fail, tests must pass, and the code must be refactored.
207. Unit Testing Made Easier With Pure Functions
By getting used to unit tests, they can start to familiarize themselves with the codebase and make significant progress while facing no risk or stress.
208. Automation Testing Versus Manual Testing Guidelines
Software development goes through six main stages, otherwise known as the software development lifecycle. They are planning, design, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance. After development, the next phase involving quality assurance and testing is crucial to the success of the software. Proper QA testing identifies redundancies, inconsistencies, bugs, and defects in a newly developed product. Without this process, there’s no way to find out the ability of the product to survive in the real world and to work as intended for many years.
209. An Introductory Guide to Screenshot, UI, API, and Performance Testing
Building a product, we face the moment that we need more types of tests. Screenshot, UI, API, or Performance? There are many of them and every one is designed for other purposes.
210. Debugging on Mobile is Too Hard
Debugging mobile software can be a challenging task, but it is an essential part of the development process.
211. Model Tests are Essential for Building Domain Knowledge
Testing protects against regressions. But the most important product of testing is domain knowledge and powerful capabilities.
212. How to Use A/B Testing for Product Design Improvement
This guide defines that approach, and how you can use A/B testing for product design improvement.
213. Top 6 Factors to Consider When Designing Automated Test Architecture
The beginning of automated tests in a project is easy and difficult at the same time. You can start smoothly, using base architecture, simple tests and more.
214. ISTQB Certification: How to Prepare and Why Take It
Basics of ISTQB certification, the structure of the exam, some tips on preparation and life after certification.
215. Testing Complex Software for Airlines
Software for airlines is one of the most complex IT products. It is a kind of ecosystem consisting of a huge number of rules, integrations, and services.
216. The best tools to use in project documentation for software testing
There is no software development without the testers. Software testing teams are an absolute necessity in any software development company.
217. 3 Keys to a Successful Continuous Testing Implementation
In this post, I'll be sharing some key considerations and tips from our guide in order to successfully implement continuous testing.
218. Top 5 Test Automation Tools to Improve Your Workflow
In this article, we invite you to discover our choice of the 5 automation tools that you should imperatively have tried or implemented within your organization.
219. How to Write Tests with the Playwright Testing Framework
In this post, you will learn how to write tests with Playwright, using assertions, locators and more.
220. 7 Steps to Effectively Implement Test Automation for Video Games
Test automation ensures overall software efficiency and accelerates its development process. But how do we successfully implement it for video game testing?
221. How to Test the Performance of Your User Authentication Flow
Performance Testing of User Authentication Flow with Ddosify Open Source Load Engine
222. Benefits and Challenges of Cognitive Test Automation
Cognitive test automation is implemented across various industries. Let's learn about its benefits and challenges in software testing.
223. How to Efficiently Generate Test Data With SQL
There are a large number of utilities for generating test data. Here are some examples of using SQL queries to generate test data.
224. Using the Software Testing Maturity Model to Refine Your Testing Strategy
Want to improve your software quality engineering processes but don't know where to start? This software testing maturity model and assessment may help!
225. How to Improve eStore Performance with QA
A pandemic has become a tipping point for eCommerce. How to cope with the skyrocketed number of shoppers and succeed amid long-term changes? Welcome to find the
226. Functional Testing Service: How to Ensure a Smooth User Flow
Making use of a functional testing service can help software development projects by ensuring that it will have a smooth user flow when properly deployed.
227. API Testing Tutorial: A Complete Guide to Beginners
New to API testing? This tutorial will show you everything you need to start, from understanding what an API is to using popular tools to make testing easier.
228. How To Run Cloud Tests From the Command Line
This CLI has been designed to perform any command that you would do on the Rungutan platform directly in your terminal!
229. Manual Testing Vs. Automated Testing: Which One Is The Best Fit For You?
In the life of every project, there comes a moment when an application gets too complex, and manual testing resources are just not enough to produce a quality a
230. Load Test Your Mobile Application API using Rungutan
Load Testing a Mobile Platform
231. Testing in C#: Property-Based Testing With Input Generators
232. Common Mistakes in Bug Reports and How to Fix Them
Common mistakes in bug reports.
233. The Benefits of Automation Testing and How it Works
Benefits of Automation Testing, Strategies and Best Practices. Get unique insights on how to implement automation testing fast!
234. How to Speed Test a CDN: An Introduction
At the end of the day, the CDN is really just a caching layer.
235. Best Practices to Write Unit Tests the Right Way (Part 2)
All you need to know about unit testing LINQ and mappings in .NET to make more reliable code faster as you develop software using systems like AutoMapper
236. How To Test A Controller in Ruby On Rails
In this section, I am going to write test code. Here we"ll discuss a little bit philosophy of testing but more writing tests.
237. 7 tools to use that test your online browser
A compilation of tools that enable testing of a browser on the cloud or online and make cross-browser testing easier.
238. Solve Several Problems At The Same Time With Kibana Tool
Are you a software tester? This is where you find out more about using different reading logs in Kibana in order to better track and understand the errors.
239. Manual Testing is Not Dead
Love it or hate it, manual testing is still the most widely used form of QA.
240. Understanding Unit Testing in Python
Testing is a method of checking individual units of source code to confirm it works optimally before shipping code to production.
241. In Depth with Federico Toledo: “More and Better Testers Will be Needed”
What does the future of software testing looks like? Why is the role of a tester crucial in our current society? Will artificial intelligence ever replace the human eye? We talked in-depth about all of this and much more with Federico Toledo, Ph.D. in computer science and COO of Abstracta.
242. Retain More Customers With these A/B Testing Tools
Here we have listed Best A/B testing tools to help you improve your digital marketing strategy, find solutions, and engage with your ideal customers.
243. Learning from Experience: A Tester's Perspective
Testers are engineers. They can perform academic researches. They can apply programming to create the tools which benefit the team.
244. How Quality Assurance Testing Can Redefine Your VR Application
VR is expected to grow by 2022. This article discusses the basics of VR and all aspects surrounding quality software testing services for VR technology.
245. Vue Amsterdam 2022 - Part VI: It’s a (Testing) Trap!
Common testing pitfalls and how to solve them.
246. Simon Prior Talks About Software Testing On The Quality Sense Podcast
In this Quality Sense episode, our host Federico has the pleasure of interviewing Simon Prior, who has worked across the cyber security, Retail, gaming, etc.
247. How to Run API Tests With Newman And Send Results to Telegram
How about running your Postman collections of API requests and automatically getting a meaningful report right in Telegram? Let's do it in one small script! 🔥
248. How We Handle Software QA at Blue Label Labs
Many businesses have a process they undergo before the products are shipped off to stores across the country or globe – it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise, but software QA is much the same. When you build a piece of software, whether a mobile app or otherwise, the first goal is to get design elements in place then from there, you ensure that the app functions as intended, meaning it both “looks right” and “behaves correctly” much like when building a physical product.
249. Why SaaS Companies Require Security Testing?
SaaS companies offer a lot of flexibility when it comes to providing essential software solutions to their customers. They have an added advantage of being easily accessible and that too on all kinds of devices. As a result, the modern age businesses are rapidly switching to these solutions provided by SaaS vendors.
250. Application Testing In Go: Do It Right And Don't Create a Mess
Problem - How many times have we faced this problem of worrying about cleaning up after running test cases. When some of our test cases run, they might add data to our database or add files to our directory which we don’t want to worry about every time.
251. Podcast Interview with Lead Cloud Architect, Sumit Agarwal, on DevOps and Testing
In today’s Quality Sense episode, Federico has a conversation about DevOps and testing with Sumit Agarwal, the Lead Cloud Architect for a global tech company.
252. Quality Sense Podcast: Andrey Momot – The “Holy Trinity” of Software Quality
In this episode, get to know Andrey Momot, a QA Lead at WalkMe, the company that pioneered the Digital Adoption Platform to simplify user experiences.
253. The Basics You Need To Know About Automated Testing In SoapUI
A story about my test automation experience with SoapUI.
254. Crypto-related Testing in Fintech: Losses Vs. Faster Delivery
Crypto-related testing in fintech app: How to find the balance between losses due to mistake and fast delivery
255. How & Why We Built a Git Workflow to Accelerate API Testing
With the release of ReadyAPI v3.3.0, our all-in-one collaborative API quality platform, the team here at SmartBear completed the first round of work on a rethought Git workflow – all available directly within the tool.
256. Getting started with API Testing
API testing focuses on testing the business logic or the functionality of the application. Using API testing you are also validating the data responses, as well as ensuring whether your APIs are performant and secure.
257. What Tools You Must Use to Measure Your Product Performance
Performance testing is a very crucial part of quality control for many applications. If an application is supposed to support multiple connections and/or numerous calls to a server, then it’s very important to be sure that it can handle the load. What’s good about an app that processes user’s requests at a snail pace?
258. Why is Selenium the Best Tool for Automation?
The adoption of agile processes in the software development process reduces overall software development time, time-to-delivery (TTD), time-to-market (TTM), and also development expenses. The demand for automation testing solutions has risen rapidly in order to ensure efficiency and quality in the testing process. Selenium is one of the most extensively used web application testing technologies among the many automation testing solutions available. There are many online training centers across India like Selenium Training In Chennai which aids the aspirants in upskilling the knowledge to work with selenium. In this article, we are going to cover the topics which incorporate the topics of understanding the Selenium tool, supporting browsers and platforms for selenium, and the significance of employing selenium rather than other automated testing tools. Now let us try to comprehend the tool Selenium.
259. The Essential Guide to Outsourcing Software Testing
Determining if outsourcing is best for your needs and how to find the right provider in a sea of options.
260. Effective Testing in Complex Software Development Projects
Manual Or Automatic Testing?
261. 6 Popular Challenges In Automation Testing using Selenium
Selenium is a very popular software testing tool. However, Selenium automation testing often comes with several challenges which are solved in this QA blog
262. Don't Get Bitten by Hidden Bugs: Test Driven Development (TDD) and AAA Testing via xUnit
Test Driven Development (TDD) is a software development cycle that focusses on describing the behaviour of your code first using tests
263. Controlling the Quality of Your Software Product
The purpose of executing quality assurance tests - to avoid the delivery of poor quality products. We will share with you our ideas for quality measurments.
264. Quality Sense Podcast with Tristan Lombard: The Power of Community Building
In this episode of Quality Sense, Federico has a conversation with Tristan Lombard, where they talked about the role of community building in software testing.
265. How to Become a Pro Debugger
Debugging is not something that is taught to anyone at any point in their careers, which leads to the belief that it is very difficult.
266. An Introduction to Database Testing With an Example of MariaDB
Here's an example of Database testing with the MariaDB Server, one of the most popular open-source relational databases.
267. Taking A Glance At Software Testing, In Particular E2E Web Apps Testing
In this blog post, we will try to explain software testing from a very simple perspective and look in particular into end to end testing for web applications. We will also explore a very popular tool used in end to end testing for web applications.
268. Why You Need to Stop Writing Unit Tests
The way you test has a huge impact on your codebase maintainability. There is a simple way to improve it
269. Quality Sense Special Guest Ashley Hunsberger On Agile Transformation
This week’s Quality Sense guest has been at her company now for 16 years, but in that time she has had the chance to assume several different roles that allowed her to explore her interests, lead others, and help the company grow. Ashley Hunsberger started as a manual tester and today, she’s the Director of DevOps Engineering, creating their Developer and Agile Advocacy program. She focuses on the ways they can advance the work their teams are doing, as well as the way in which they do it.
270. Quality Sense Podcast: Erika Chestnut on Calendly's Test Automation Strategy
In this episode of Quality Sense, Federico has a conversation with Erika Chestnut, Head of QA at Calendly.
271. Create Realistic and Secure Test Data with our Synthetic Data Platform
Learn how to fully automate your test data creation efforts. Let our AI model privacy-protect your production data and figure out its business rules.
272. What We've Learnt From 3000 Bug Reports
When do people report bugs? You probably never asked yourself that question, which was one of the reasons we wanted to answer it. The second reason was that we had the right type of data available, since our tool helps teams report and fix bugs. Long story short, we decided to learn more about the way software development teams approach the bug reporting process. For that exercise we've taken a random sample of 3000 bug recordings uploaded to our database in the last 2 months. Here's what we found.
273. Software Testing 101: Regression Tests, Unit Tests, Integration Tests, Oh My!
How do you prove that the software is working? How do you know you are not introducing harmful side effects? This is Software Testing 101!
274. Road to Simplicity: Tests Are Not Tests [Part Two]
This is the second story of Road to Simplicity. And it’s about the role of tests in software writing.
275. Tester Stories: How I Encountered and Fixed Flaky Tests
Understand flaky tests with some real-world examples.
276. 'I Open-Sourced My Thinking Process': Meet HackerNoon Writer & Test Automation Engineer Miki Szeles
An interview with Miki Szeles who is an agile creative technicalish writer and software developer.
277. How Shift-Right Testing Can Build Product Resiliency
Shift-right testing improves product resiliency by uncovering issues that surface under heavy user traffic and are difficult to simulate in test environments.
278. What To Expect From Test Case Management Software in 2021
Over the years, the IT sector has displayed an exceptionally high rate of transition, rapidly reinventing everything again and again. The software testing industry is not resistant to the rapid state of expansion.
279. How to Use JUnit Annotations In Selenium
JUnit is a Java-based, open-source framework to help you execute unit testing. JUnit is used primarily to test each and every unit or component of your application like classes and methods. It helps to write and run repeatable automated tests, to ensure your code runs as intended. The framework offers support to Selenium test automation for web-apps or websites.
280. Software Testing in 2021: Which Way is the Industry Headed?
Last year, due to the pandemic, businesses across all industries were forced to adapt and find new ways to operate remotely, exerting unprecedented pressure on web and mobile apps to stay reliable and perform flawlessly. The need for highest quality apps put software testing into the spotlight.
281. Top 16 Podcasts Every Software Tester Should Check Out in 2020
Podcasting has been around since 2004, but now in 2020, it’s safe to say that we’ve entered the golden age for podcasting. According to Podcast Insights, there are over one million active podcast shows with over 30 million episodes. As with the growth of vlogging and youtube, podcasting has exploded because it’s one of the easiest ways for anyone to cultivate or reach out to an audience, no big-time contracts or middleman required!
282. Here are the best 11 Website Accessibility Testing Tools for 2022
Website Accessibility Tools help make sure that your website is well-equipped for users to access by testing common problems that many other sites experience.
283. How To Outsource Software Testing For CTOs
Determining if outsourcing is best for your needs and how to find the right provider in a sea of options
284. Cheapskate's Journey to On-Demand Load Tests with Locust
Published with permission by Rahul Rai
285. The 6 Stages of the Software Development Process
The software development lifecycle methodologies (SDLC) or the Systems Development Life Cycle method aids in planning the design process of the software
286. Continuous Integration: An Essential Guide
Continuous integration (CI) is a process by which we verify our project upon every change that occurs in the codebase.
287. Unit Testing Vs. Integration Testing In Android
Android development has witnessed massive growth in all these years, and any developer who’s worth his salt will thoroughly test his products before launching them into the market. While having a conversation about testing in Android, we often hear two forms of tests doing the rounds — Unit Test and Integration Test.
288. How to Effectively Apply TDD in Enterprise Application Development
Methodology to enable fast development of robust enterprise applications applying Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Hexagonal Architecture.
289. Web Testing in 2022: The Force Is Strong With Test Automation
What's test automation in general, and how does it play a role in web testing in particular? Let's explore.
290. Software Intelligence: How to Take Quality Control in 6 Practical Steps
Lead Photo by Max Duzij on Unsplash
291. Boost Mobile Performance To Better UX
What’s one of the biggest predictors of mobile app success? Performance. Here’s how to whip yours into shape so mobile app performance problems don’t cost you downloads, revenue, and brand perception.
292. A Look at End-to-end Testing in Nightwatch v2.0
A first look at end-to-end testing with Nightwatch v2.
293. Why Your Project's 1st Commit Should Have a Working App & CI/CD Pipeline
Automating The Automation Behind DevOps
294. Top Cross-Browser Testing Tools to Test from Different Geo-Locations
Check out the list of top Cross-Browser testing tools to test from different geo-locations.
295. Top Reasons For Tech Startups Failure And What To Do To Avoid It
The millennials are too tired of 9 to 5 jobs and a monotonous lifestyle for a decade now. They have a good skill set and corporate experience, which pushes, them to open startups with the knowledge gained from their work environment. But does everyone see success in venturing startups, and what are the difficulties they face to be consistent in their entrepreneurial dreams? Let us see the top 10 reasons for tech startups fail and how we can recover and be ready with measures to overcome the failures:
296. Financial Damage Caused by Software Bugs
The damage caused by software bugs is undermined. Here's a look at the issue of technical debt caused by bugs, with example cases.
297. 12 Common Software Testing Misconceptions Debunked
Software testing is as important as software development. There are many misconceptions surrounding software testing. Let's clear them all.
298. How I Integrated the Cucumber Framework into a Test Project for BDD Implementation
This article will show you how to create a test project from scratch and start developing it in accordance with BDD.
299. The Fail-fast Principle in Software Testing
In software development, a fail-fast system is a tool that will notify when a failure is likely to occur.
300. Load Testing Using Vegeta: Rapid Step by Step Guide
Load testing is an important part of releasing a reliable API or application. Vegeta load testing will give you the confidence that the application will work well under a defined load. In this post, we will discuss how to use Vegeta for your load testing needs with some GET request examples. As it is just a go binary it is much easier to set up and use than you think, let's get started.
301. How to Write Clean, Well Maintained Code Using a Static Analyzer and PMD
A static analyzer can reduce the possibility of bugs, such as when you accidentally overwrite a variable with another value.
302. Adversarial Machine Learning and Its Role in Fooling AI
shortly after the launch of Face ID, researchers from Vietnam breached it by a 3D face mask. Such attacks against ML-based AI systems come under adversarial machine learning.
303. 10 Ways to Mitigate Cybersecurity Risks and Prevent Data Theft
Use the provided recommendations to make it as difficult as possible for cybercriminals to get into your system.
304. Build a CLI App with Oclif and Node.js Using Test-Driven Development: Part 2
TDD for building a CLI application using the oclif framework.
305. Types of Crypto Wallets and How to Choose Best Crypto wallet
For software quality-assurance testers and engineers, acquiring new skills has never been more important. However, according to the O * NET Career Portal, the number of QA jobs is expected to grow modestly over the next decade - if "faster than average" —7%, so this growth will not match the skyrocketing demand for information-security practitioners and software. Developers.
306. Understanding Browser and Device Fragmentation [A Deep Dive]
“Testing for Fragmentation” is a blog series. It takes a look at the market data on devices, platforms, browsers, etc. in use today, how this diversity comes into play during software development and testing—and what 2 million+ developers on BrowserStack do to account for it.
307. 6 Lessons I Learned with Software Testing
For the last few of months I started digging into the software testing world. I really wanted to learn more about how to create more effective tests, refactor code with more confidence and feel safe about adding new features. However, I felt it is little difficult to dive right in this area, that in my point of view, is underestimated.
308. AVR Microcontroller Testing Procedures
In this article, my colleague Anton Kozlov tell us how to cover the main methods of simulation and firmware testing for AVR microcontrollers. Let's start!
309. What Are the Best Practices for Triaging Software Bugs
If your app, or your game, or your web service isn't working perfectly for every interaction, then it's time to think about bug triaging.
310. Ash Coleman, Head of DEI at Credit Karma, talks about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Work
Federico Toledo, wraps up season three of Quality Sense with an illuminating interview with a leader in the DEI space.
Thank you for checking out the 310 most read stories about Software Testing on HackerNoon.
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