Let's learn about Drones via these 28 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
[1. Drones: The Good, The Bad,
The Ugly](https://hackernoon.com/drones-the-good-the-bad-the-ugly-cba73y05)
With great power comes great responsibility.
2. IT Arena 2022 - Ukrainian Tech Braves the War
This was my third invitation to attend IT Arena in Lviv, Ukraine. But this was the first time, and indeed a first for me overall that it happened during a war.
3. How Drones Are Transforming Big Data Analytics
The world is transforming right before our eyes. We’ve heard about drones for a long time now, especially with big companies like Amazon using them for more efficient package delivery, a major trend in modern e-commerce. Instead of your local delivery man, a drone may drop a package right on your doorstep. The true power of drones goes well beyond that, though. They provide businesses with data that’s difficult to collect otherwise. In addition to taking aerial photos and videos, drones can collect information about everything from the health of crops to thermal leaks in buildings.
4. How Runaway Drones Close Airports (and Why We Should Put SIMs in Them)
Drones go missing despite the state-of-the-art technology and equipment that's put into them. Here I explore a solution that could prevent such incidents.
5. How Zipline Drones Can Save Lives in Rural Rwanda
Everything is easily accessible when your home is in a city.
6. World’s First Indoor Drone Combats COVID-19 And Delivers 99% Disinfection Rate
The Aertos drones are able to fly stably indoors without external reference like GPS
7. Drones Will Change The Insurance Industry
It is never too early to be thinking about the future. And if you are thinking about the future, think about drones.
8. 3 Books to Top the List on Digital Trends in 2021
3 Books to Top the List on Digital Trends in 2021.
9. Building a Raspberry Pi + ESP32 Drone: My First Steps Into Robotics
A journey from a web developer to a drone maker, with all of the problems and solutions that come with making a drone using a Raspberry Pi and ESP32.
10. Drone Combats COVID-19 with UV-C to Achieve 99% Disinfection Rate Indoors
We are entering a time of intense innovation and will likely see a lot of it in the months ahead. It should come as no surprise that we will see tech developments, especially in healthcare from all parts of the world. Just yesterday, a young boy created 3D printed "ear guards" to alleviate ear pain experienced by healthcare workers who must wear masks for long hours. The thinkers, the doers and the helpers will expedite advancements and guide us through this time.
11. Drones and Why They Have so Much More Potential
Hearing the word “drone” is likely to spark a picture of a weirdly-shaped, helicopter-alike small flying machine in almost everyone’s minds. Although this might be true, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle technology(UAV), widely acknowledged as drone technology is becoming more popular and diverse than ever before. Since its early development attempts by the French and American military services during World War II, it has undergone an unprecedented transformation to become what is so commonly used in the modern world.
12. How Drones Save Time and Money on Construction Sites
How to build more cost-efficiently with drones, what drones do better than humans and where can you save money by using a drone on a construction site?
13. Small Object Detection in Computer Vision: The Patch-Based Approach
How to carry out small object detection with Computer Vision - An example of finding lost people in a forest.
14. 'At The Forefront Of A Revolution': A Chat With Drone Maker Wingtra
In 2014, Wingtra was founded as a professional drone manufacturer for the mapping and surveying industries.
15. How Agricultural Holdings and Farmers Can Use Drones for Precision Agriculture
There are a bunch of things you can monitor on your farm with drones.
16. Everything You Need to Know About 5G
5G is the latest network connectivity experience that you can get. It comes along with a variety of benefits and possibilities. In fact, you can use 5G to achieve things that you couldn’t do with the help of 4G. Therefore, it is worthy to take a look at 5G and get a better overall understanding about all the possibilities that it can offer.
17. This Ladybug-Inspired Super Drone Buggy Self-Rights Itself After a Fall
This bug-inspired super drone that won't need your help to get back to flying after it falls in environments that cannot provide human assistance to right it
18. Facial Recognition On Drone
A facial recognition demonstration using Keras, Tensorflow, python and the drone Tello, from DJI.
19. Pleasure and Business Merge, Here Are 5 Industries Drone Tech Is Transforming
It used to be that when someone heard the term “drone” the first thing they thought of was militaries flying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) over hostile territory to record valuable information or potentially even deploy weapons. With the advent of recreational drones, the focus has shifted, with many associating drones with fun, outdoor activities.
20. Understanding the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Agriculture
According to recent projections by the UN:
21. The Rise of Drones in Different Industries
Description: Whether you follow technological developments or not, you cannot escape from hearing about drones. Drone technology is developing at the speed of light and they are becoming increasingly popular. Nowadays almost everyone wants to have a drone with a camera for personal or business reasons.
22. 5 Technology Trends For Construction In 2020
The construction space has always been behind in adopting technological advancements. Why? I'm not too sure either. These technologies I'm sharing may or may not seem new to you but recently, they are rapidly being adopted in construction.
23. 8 Amazing Camera Drones For Extraordinary Photos
24. Virtual Property Tours: A Tech Solution to Self-Isolation
Technology is already being leveraged and used in a myriad of different ways in the property industry. Adapted from fintech solutions, proptech platforms (such as those used by the likes of Zoopla, Rightmove, etc.) that have been developed over the last few years have revolutionized the industry, connecting tenants, investors and developers with the right properties for them in way that wasn’t previously possible.
25. Top Drone Video Editing Software
Without a doubt, assuming you have such expert gear for shooting as a drone, you have a ton of extraordinary shots in stock that simply should be made impeccable. They are diamonds in the rough waiting to be discovered after editing and completing a hypnotizing video.
26. The Black Swan: The Aircraft with No Pilots on Board
The Black Swan is a cargo-hauling aircraft with no pilots on board.
27. The Coming Age of Killer Machines
The most terrifying film of the year didn’t come from Hollywood.
28. Last-Mile Delivery: What Industry Leaders Look for in Startup Partners
Major players in the delivery industry - including incumbents such as UPS, FedEx, SF Express and DHL - have demonstrated a keen interest in establishing relationships vertically with accomplished startups specializing in autonomous and intelligent logistics and transportation. The convergence of several key trends serves as the impetus for the collaborations:
Thank you for checking out the 28 most read stories about Drones on HackerNoon.
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