Let's learn about Programming via these 279 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." - Rich Cook, The Wizardry Compiled.
1. How to Build a 2FA Application in Python
Sometimes the best way to learn how to code something is by looking at an example, so we’ve created a sample application on GitHub.
2. XOR - The magical bitwise operator
Understanding bit manipulation provide new approaches you never knew existed to solve a particular problem. Let us do what’s necessary to start developing this bit-wise approach.
3. What is a Full Stack Developer and How Do You Become One?
A full stack developer is an engineer who can handle all the work of databases, servers, systems engineering, and clients.
4. How to query JSONB, beginner sheet cheat
Let’s say we have to query a user table with a metadata JSONB column on a PostgreSQL 9.5+ database.
5. 3 Ways to Crack WinRAR Password Protected Files
This article will explain the 3 best methods to recover WinRAR password protected files.
6. Best Practices for Event-Driven Microservice Architecture
If you’re an enterprise architect, you’ve probably heard of and worked with a microservices architecture. And while you might have used REST as your service communications layer in the past, more and more projects are moving to an event-driven architecture. Let’s dive into the pros and cons of this popular architecture, some of the key design choices it entails, and common anti-patterns.
7. How I built a spreadsheet app with Python to make data science easier
Today I'm open sourcing "Grid studio", a web-based spreadsheet application with full integration of the Python programming language.
8. Learn C++ Multi-Threading in 5 Minutes
Summary: A crash course on the C++14 multi-threading constructs in a very non-verbose manner
9. 14 Patterns to Ace Any Coding Interview Question
The process of preparing for coding interviews is anxiety-inducing for many developers. There’s so much material to cover, and often much of it feels irrelevant to what devs are doing in their day jobs, which only adds to the stress.
10. 6 Reasons Why JavaScript Async/Await Blows Promises Away (Tutorial)
👉 This article has been updated and republished, read the latest version here
11. Best Programming Languages to Start Freelancing
Programming has been one of the most in-demand and highly-paid skills for the last two decades, and the demand is only increasing. In addition to this demand and popularity in the market, working as a developer also provides a lot of flexibility. You can work from wherever you want and contribute to projects all around the world. All of these reasons make software development highly compatible with the freelancing lifestyle.
12. Top 5 Free C++ Courses to Learn Programming
I am going to share with you some of the best courses to learn C++ online at your own time and place and free of cost.
13. Node.js vs PHP: Which is better for web development?
Web development seems to be a diverse & ever-changing field. New technologies and tools come up regularly, due to which app programmers and developers have to face the dilemma. They get confused between the long term and mature solutions & the new upcoming ones.
14. A crash course on testing with Node.js
JavaScript is a beautiful language. You must believe I’m crazy. Maybe you’re crazy for agreeing with me. But why would I say something like this? As a language, JavaScript gives you no support whatsoever. It bites your head off if you give it the slightest chance, and it has bizarre error messages if left unhandled. So you tell me, why is it beautiful?
15. Copying text to clipboard with JavaScript
In this article, I will be explaining in depth how the copyToClipboard snippet from 30 seconds of code works. You can find the source code for it and a ton of other useful methods in the project’s repository.
16. 3 Best Ways To Import JSON To Google Sheets [Ultimate Guide]
3 ways to pull JSON data into a Google Spreadsheet
17. RESTful API design with Node.js
It’s a remarkable beast of a tool, Node.js. If you’re a beginner, aspiring coder, or IT student, it may be hard to wrap your head around it, but when you eventually get used to it, it’s eyeopening. This tutorial will walk you through the basics of API design, teaching you how to set up the backbone of a REST API and how to structure your code in a logical manner.
18. How I converted my React app to VanillaJS (and whether or not it was a terrible idea)
This is a long and winding tale (with lots of code) of my attempts replicate JSX syntax, component structure, server-side rendering, and React’s update magic with VanillaJS.
19. AWS/Azure/Google Certifications are More Important than Linux Certs
Skip the Linux certs and go with AWS/Azure/Google certification instead. These days, pretty much every cloud provider has their own version of Linux.
20. Sending Secret Messages with the Courier API and Node.js
In this tutorial, we will be building a Node.js app that sends multi-channel notifications in morse code.
21. Git Branch Naming Convention: 7 Best Practices to Follow
Git branching naming conventions support the organic growth of a codebase in a systematic way. It helps in separating the work strategically.
22. Hack Reactor: Confessions of a $20K Bootcamp Graduate
Hack Reactor was created in late 2012 by DevBootcamp grads. I’ll review the curriculum of the bootcamp and the reality graduates are facing.
23. 5 Emerging Programming Languages With a Bright Future
When it comes to the project and its realization, you should take into consideration lots of aspects. And the choice of the technology stack is one of the crucial things that can define how successful and smooth your project will be. Depending on the idea and requirements of your application, site or product, you may find and select a proper programming language (PL).
24. 19 Little-Known Programming Myths
You might think a profession based on logic and learning would be immune to folklore, but the developer community remains rife with myth — myths so pervasive they begin to manifest into reality.
25. Today I Learned: Dealing with JSON DateTime when Unmarshal in Golang.
Beware the date-time standard!!
26. How Blazor Is Going to Change Web Development
A couple of weeks ago I wrote an article about building and deploying a Blazor app without touching a Windows machine and realized maybe I should take a step back and explain what Blazor is and why anyone would use it. It's still fairly new to most in the front end development world, but it's awesome and you should check it out.
27. Code a Java Game with (almost) Zero Coding Skills
Everyone, well, almost everyone, loves video games. So even if you are not going to be a professional game developer or just don’t know for sure, to learn a programming language through practice and creating your own video game project is an excellent idea. Furthermore, it could be a good motivation for your learning.
28. Concurrent Programming in Python is not what you think it is.
Originally published on melvinkoh.me
29. 10 Skills Every Java Programmer to Learn
For Java developers, last, a couple of years has brought plentiful changes and posed a tough challenge with keeping up-to-date with new Java version every 6 months, and many release of popular frameworks like Spring 5, Spring Security 5, and Spring Boot 2 etc.
30. A Complete Guide to XGBoost Model in Python using scikit-learn
Generating an immeasurable amount of data has become a need to develop more advanced and sophisticated machine learning techniques. Boosting machine learning is one such technique that can be used to solve complex data-driven real-world problems.
31. Rethinking Programming: Automated Observability
32. 21 Websites to Learn Programming for Free
Codecademy, udemy, and Coursera are some of the best websites to help you learn programming for free from the ground up.
33. Polyfills: everything you ever wanted to know, or maybe a bit less
The browser world we live in today is pretty great. You can use promises and fetch and arrow functions and const and let — all the hip new gear — and it will work in every major browser. No polyfills, no transpiling, it will Just Work.
34. 10+ Best Resources to learn DevOps in Depth [Online Courses]
DevOps is one of the most in-demand skills from employer and there are many job opportunities lying for full stack developers, distinguished engineers and DevOps professionals. If you are an experienced Java programmer or a full-stack web developer, and want to become a DevOps engineer then you have come to the right place.
35. Top 5 Online Courses to Learn Python in 2023— Best of Lot
How to become a Python Programmer in 2020?
36. A Step-by-Step Guide to Migrating a Project from ASP.NET MVC to ASP.NET Core
Step-by-step guide
37. Part 2: How to stop me harvesting credit card numbers and passwords from your site
I wrote a post recently describing how I distributed malicious code that gathers credit card numbers and passwords from thousands of sites in a way that’s quite difficult to detect.
38. 110% Complete JWT Authentication with Django & React - 2020
ReactJS is a fantastic frontend framework, and Django is a fantastic backend framework. However, as usual when dealing with anything of more than trivial complexity, it isn’t easy to get the two to place nicely together. It's not like taping a banana to a wall.
39. How to Run Node.js in a Browser [Tutorial]
"Browser based bundler" is a very interesting topic.
For example, can we compile the webpack code in the browser instead of the server's nodejs environment? The advantage of this is that we don't need the server's resources for compilation.
There are different solutions to this problem. For example, codesandbox, which defines a browser-based compilation strategy, can be used to package reacts, vue, etc. in the browser. It can also be easily understood that codeandbox does a browser version of webpack.
But the question is, can we execute webpack in the browser instead of doing a new one? Even implementing some webpack-based libraries?
There is a very early webpack issue discussing it . But this demo is too old to run the latest version of webpack.
I am wondering if we can do a browser environment to simulate running Node.js. Node.js and Chrome is both v8, and many of the Node.js lib code can be executed in Chrome. In addition, I found some cool libraries, such as BrowserFS, memfs, rollup-plugin-node-builtins, etc. These libraries can help us build this environment. But there is a key module, Node.js "module" is not available, we need to modify it from Node.js. Node.js supports cjs and esm, but to simplify the problem, I only develop the cjs module for the time being. Next, combine all the modules and try to run the simplest Node.js demo.
40. How to Fix 'zsh: command not found: python'
This can happen on any system but does occur slightly more commonly on macOS since they removed native python support in macOS 12.3.
41. How to Authenticate a User via Face Recognition in Your Web Application
Facial recognition-based authentication to verify a user in a web application is discussed in a beginner-friendly manner using FaceIO APIs.
42. Sharing Reusable Angular Components
When building Angular applications you compose the UI of your applications through shared reusable Angular components.
43. How to Make a Web App User Interface with Python
A bite-sized introduction to building web app user interfaces with nothing but Python.
44. You don't do Continuous Integration!
Today I am going to talk about one misconception made by developers: Continuous Integration is about running automated integration pipelines…
45. Everything a self-taught developer shouldn't do
Over a decade ago I completely changed the trajectory of my life from becoming a lawyer to becoming a programmer. I learned from a C++ book then made some pathetic iOS apps for about 4-5 months. I then moved to Silicon Valley to start my career. I'm sure you're reading this thinking 'what a genius!', but sadly the truth is far from that. I'm definitely proud of what I've accomplished but often think about the missteps I made along the way and continue to make to this day.
46. How I Solve Problems as a Developer
There is no programmer in the world who knows how to solve every coding problem. That person simply doesn’t exist, because the programming field is so big that to a normal person, it would take two lives to learn all of that, but we only have one life.
47. A Better Guide to Build Apache Superset From source
In this article, we’ll be deep-diving on how to build Apache Superset from the source. The official documentation is too complicated for a new contributor and thus my attempt to simplify it.
48. How to Create a Phone Number Tracking App in Python
Today I’m going to share with you how to build a simple desktop application to identify and track country information from phone numbers.
49. How to solve Unique path problem
Dynamic programming approach.
50. How To Write Benchmarks In Golang Like An Expert
Golang: benchmarking made easy
In this article we'll see how we can use golang's benchmark utility to easily write benchmark tests. Also, we'll see how to plot
51. Functional Programming is a Lie
Or a small rant against Elixir.
52. Creating Command-line Based Chat Room using Python
Simple Chat Room using Python
53. 3 Ways to Deal With Hibernate N+1 Problem
Hibernate N+1 issue occurs when you use FetchType.LAZY for your entity associations.
54. Merge Intervals in Java Algorithms (LeetCode)
Returning an array of the non-overlapping intervals that span every input interval.
55. Inheritance vs Composition: Using a Role-Playing Game in JavaScript as an Example
How to avoid inheritance problems using composition and functional programming
56. How the TypeScript Pick Type works
The Pick utility Type lets us take types based off existing ones, by selecting specific elements from them. Let's look at how it works and when to use it.
57. Docker Images: Name Vs. Tag Vs. Digest
A quick guide to using name, tag, and docker for docker image pull.
58. A Simple Introduction to Software Development
Software development is a very lengthy process. It includes a lot of research and design, which is necessary for the project's success
59. How to Solve Number of Islands From Blind 75 LeetCode Questions
We will learn how to solve "Number of Islands" from Blind 75 LeetCode Questions.
60. Our Code Is Harming The Planet, We Need Carbon Aware Design Patterns
Our Code Is Harming The Planet. Can Carbon Aware Design Patterns Help Us Fix It?
61. How to Hack Smart Contracts: Self Destruct and Solidity
The attacker can create a contract with a selfdestruct() function, send ether to it, call selfdestruct(target) and force ether to be sent to a target.
62. Developer Experience Supremacy: Here’s What Industry Experts Say About It
The focus on enhancing the developer experience is evolving rapidly post COVID, as businesses embark on the digitization journey. What really does this entail?
63. How to use componentWillMount with Functional Components in React
Functional components are far more efficient than class based components. Less code is needed to be written to achieve the same goal.
64. Top 9 Tips to Improve React Performance
These 9 tips will help you improve the performance of your React code so that you can make the most out of your software and maximize what you are capable of.
65. React Hooks: Performance Pitfalls And How To Easily Avoid Them
From version 16.8.0, React introduced us to a way to use state and other React features without writing a class — React Hooks.
66. How To Create Simple Gradient App Bar With Flutter
In this tutorial, you will learn how to make gradient app bar in flutter ? Before start anything, In every code we need a page for contain our whole source code. So let’s start…
67. How to Erase Expired Docs Automatically with MongoDB (TTL index)
Recently I needed to delete some documents that I saved in MongoDB after some time. I can think of a few examples of why we would want to delete data after some time:
68. How To Configure Redis + Redis Commander + Docker
I will get redis and redis commander up and running using docker.
69. Future of Social Interactions: What is ‘SocialFi’ in Web3?
Web 3.0 is introducing new technology fields that combine with decentralized finance (DeFi) elements to blur the lines between web2 and crypto.
70. Object-oriented Programming vs. Functional Programming: Which Is Better?
Let’s dive in to learn about object-oriented programming and functional programming. What is object-oriented programming/OOP? What's functional programming/FP?
71. How to Create a Leading Mobile App: Application Stability Index
The more 9s in an app’s stability score, the higher the app store ratings.
72. Kubernetes vs. OpenShift: A Thorough Comparison
Gartner predicts that by 2022, more than 75% of global organizations will be running containerized applications in production, which is a significant increase from fewer than 30% today
73. Landing A Job At Twitter As A Software Engineer [How I Did It]
This is the story of how I landed a job at Twitter as a full-time software engineer, what I went through, how I prepared and why I finally decided to join the company.
74. How to Build a 910-wpm Typing Bot with Just 12 Lines of Python
75. 8 Free Online Games to Help You Learn Coding
To learn coding is not just being familiar or comfortable with the syntax but to understand the logic and improve logical and analytical skills. Every programming language has advantages and disadvantages but the basics are the same to a certain extent. We all know that the best method to learn a programming language is writing codes in it. It is also known that the key developers not just write the code but enjoy doing it. If the basics are not sorted, advanced programming tends to be boring.
76. Integrating Logging Using NLog in ASP.NET Core 3.0 Web App
NLog: It is an open source logging framework that provides a great flexibility and configurable options to log the insights of your application. It allows to select multiple targets like database, cloud services, files, console, etc. at the same time so that user don’t have to maintain different configurations in code. This is the most widely used logging framework out there.
[77. The Space Industry Needs Skilled Software Engineers, Network
Engineers, and Coders](https://hackernoon.com/the-space-industry-needs-skilled-software-engineers-network-engineers-and-coders)
The need for tech talent in the space industry is at an all-time high. If you'll like to get involved with the space industry, now it the time to do it.
78. Learn How to Learn, Before Learning How to Code
While this anecdote is from my own experience, I firmly believe that most of us been in this situation before. One day, you decide to learn something new. Perhaps you want to learn how to code, so you pick the hottest language of the moment. It's a language that "pays the most", works like magic, and everyone is looking for people that know it.
79. Python vs C++: What should a beginner choose?
If you’re new to programming, are a computer teacher, or just a parent planning to get his child started with programming – you must be wondering where to start. C++, C, Java, Python – there are just too many options out there! While all these languages are great in their own right and popular, the debate between C++ and python has been intense for sometime.
80. How to Find the Product of All Elements in an Array Except Self - Blind 75 LeetCode
How to Find the Product of All Elements in an Array Except Self? You must write an algorithm that runs in O(n) time and without using the division operation.
81. How To Create Box Element Using CSS Only
Every beginner should first start with the basics. In case of CSS, the basics are learning the box model. Before proceeding with learning any other CSS concepts, this is the one you should master first!
82. How Do Code Reviews Work at Microsoft?
Have you ever wondered how one of the largest software companies worldwide ensures high-quality code through code reviewing?
83. Clone Graph Blind75 LeetCode Problem
Clone Graph Blind75 LeetCode Problem
84. Fetch Data From a JSON File With a React & Redux App
This guide explains how to use React and Redux to fetch data from JSON files in an easy and lightweight method through a real example and well explained steps.
85. Practice with Functional Programming in Go
Take a look at a functional programming paradigm in Go
86. This is Your Brain on Factorio
So I’m on zero sleep. I decided last night at 3am that it wasn’t worth waiting in bed, hoping to fall asleep anymore, having to wake up at 8am anyway. Being incredibly tired, beyond tired, loopy even, I think, “what to do?” I don’t have much to do to pack before my flight tomorrow, and I’m useless for anything productive...maybe a little Factorio?
87. Setting Up a Tor Hidden Service [A How-To Guide]
I'm gonna out on a limb here and assume that you know the basics of how a web server works when you clicked on the title of this post. Basic knowledge of vim would be helpful too.
88. How to Build a Search Bar in React with React Hooks
Below is a small gif of what we will be building. A simple search box that allows us search through a contact list. We would be using functional components rather than class based components to achieve this.
89. How Many Hours Per Day Do Programmers Actually Work?
What do you think, how long do programmers actually work per day? Most people would say that the answer is 8-9 hours. Some say that they work 12 hours or more per day. While that is somewhere true, it’s not the amount that most programmers actually work, because you can’t consider browsing the web as working, right?
90. React-Hooks: What is The Difference Between useCallback And useMemo?
In this, we share the complete guide for React Hooks. Here you read about useCallback and useMemo with their syntax. If you are learning React then this for you
91. 5 Cool Python Project Ideas For Inspiration
In the past few years, the programming language that has got the highest fame across the globe is Python. The stardom Python has today in the IT industry is sky-high. And why not? Python has got everything that makes it the deserving candidate for the tag of- “Most Demanded Programming language on the Planet.” So, now it’s your time to do something innovative.
92. How To Disable Javascript In Tor
Do you need to know how to disable JavaScript in Tor? This would be easier you could imagine!
93. Full Stack Developer is 2019's Popular In Demand Tech Job
Full-stack development has been in the limelight in recent years. There has been a lot of talks surrounding the future scope of full-stack developers and how this position could change the business game for companies all across the globe. The rising demand for seamless technology has enabled developers to work on both back-end, front-end and many other related fields.
94. Making Your Links Look Pretty With CSS: Practicum Coding Bootcamp
A professional-looking site is all about the details: the colors, the graphics, the subtle elements, and the overall look and feel. In this project, I’ll show you how to make beautiful, elegant, and professional-looking links that can help your website stand out.
95. Preact vs. React: A Quick Comparison
Should you choose React or Preact for software developments? It depends. Learn the difference between the JS libraries here.
96. Scale Your Microservices with an Easy Message Queue on Redis
If you’re a microservices developer considering communication protocols, choosing an event-driven architecture might just help you rest a little easier at night. With the right design, event-driven architecture can help you to create apps that are decoupled and asynchronous, giving you the major benefits of your app being both performant and easily scalable.
97. How to fix the Python TypeError: ‘int’ Object is not Iterable
The Python TypeError: 'int'object is not interable is a common error that can be caused by using a loop without the range() method. It can be easily fixed.
98. Picking the low hanging passwords
According to a not-at-all recent report by Keeper, there’s a 50/50 chance that any user account can be accessed with one of the 25 most common passwords.
99. How to Use Bulma And VueJS Together
Bulma is a free, open-source CSS framework based on Flexbox and used by more than 200,000 developers. It's the easiest to learn (my opinion) due to its natural naming of classes and a simple grid system. It's not that popular like Bootstrap, but it got a specific fanbase.
100. Testing REST APIs easily in Python with pyhttptest
Nowadays every one of us is facing REST APIs by either developing or consuming such a service. Also, we’re in the trendy era of microservices, where we splitting our business logic into small separate services independent from each one. Mostly these services follow RESTful principles and using the JSON format for communication, which became the most widely used format, because of its simplicity.
101. How To Create A Template Engine Using JavaScript
A tutorial on creating a JS template engine with parsing and precompilation.
102. Create a BEP-20 token on BSC With Remix: A Step-By-Step Guide
How to create a BEP-20 token on BSC using Remix.
103. Why You Must Use Next.js to Get the Benefits of React
104. How To Understand The Difference Between Statically - Dynamically - Strongly - Weakly Typed Language
First of all, what are all these words - Statically - Dynamically - Strongly - Weakly Typed Languages?
This is how you can classify programming languages:
105. Semantic HTML Tags That Will Boost Your Markup Quality
It's been a long time since Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) showed up to become the basis of the web. Since that time, many things have changed, and some features of the HTML files went from desirable to negative. Thus, a cryptic markup or an obfuscated source code once considered useful things to avoid unauthorized copies, seems to be a nonsense in the fight for positioning in search engine results that we live in today.
106. Leveraging Multithreading To Read Large Files Faster In Go
The other day I was interviewing at one of the companies, and I was asked the following question, how can you count occurrences of a word in a 50gb file with 4gb of RAM. The trick is to not load the whole file into memory and keep processing each word as we keep on moving the pointer of the file. With this, we can easily process the whole file with a minimal amount of memory resources.
107. I Made a Python Bot That Can Solve Multiple-Choice Question From Any Given Image [incl. Code]
In this post I am going to show you how to build your own answer finding system with Python. Basically, this automation can find the answer of multiple-choice question from the picture.
108. How To Make Docker Images with Jenkins Pipelines
Jenkins Pipeline is a powerful tool when you are using Jenkins to automate your deployments. Flexible and customized actions split between stages are a good reason to try this feature.
109. Boost Your CSS with BEM Naming and SASS Nesting
We all have struggled with keeping our CSS classes ordered, maintainable, and more specific. SASS nesting and the BEM (Block - Element - Modifier) structure will help get us to get rid of this concern.
110. The Array Methods Coming to JavaScript in 2022
Javascript is introducing a few new array methods which let us simultaneously copy an array, rather than changing the original. Let's look at how they work.
111. GraphQL vs REST: How To Choose One Over The Other
We will look at REST and GraphQL, consider their principles and weigh the pros and cons of both technologies.
112. Package Your React App with Spring Boot [A How-To Guide]
A little backstory on how this started. My team needed to save some on money on the infrastructure we were requesting and since most of the load for the application we wanted to build would be on the client-side rather than the service side. We decided to see if we could combine a Spring Application with a React app and serve up a single war file.
113. How to Manipulate Bits in C and C++
All data in computer is represented in binary i.e. in 0 or 1. Computers or machines do not understand our languages, they understand bits. Generally programmer do not care about operations at the bit level. But sometimes a programmer has to dive in a deeper level and work on bits.
114. Software Maintenance Types: Corrective, Adaptive, Perfective, and Preventive
Enhancing product functionality, reducing deterioration, and satisfying the needs of users - all of that is achieved through software maintenance.
115. Creating Extension Methods Using Typescript
I really like C#'s extension method feature. I was trying to experiment it on Typescript with decorators.
116. Java Algorithms: Copying List with Random Pointer (LeetCode)
A linked list of length n is given such that each node contains an additional random pointer, which could point to any node in the list, or null.
117. Procrastination From a Remote Programmer's Perspective
I've read many articles on procrastination and motivation, but I've always found in them a complete or partial misunderstanding of the problem. Or just inconsistency with my realities – after all, people are different. I'm going to describe what I know from my own experience and what helps me personally. Maybe it will help someone else.
118. Modern Style of Javascript with Arrow Functions
The complete explanation of Arrow functions in Javascript, and how it helps developers to write flexible and consistent code.
119. How to Retrieve Player Stats from the NHL's undocumented REST API
It's that time of year again. Summer is coming to an end, Autumn is around the corner, and the NHL season is about to begin.
120. How I Create Websites: The Process of Web Development
Many people, especially beginners, think that developing a website is purely about coding, but it’s not like that. There a lot of other things that you need to do if you wanna create at least a decent website. The part when you actually make a website with code or with WordPress or some other CMS is just a small part.
121. "Ballerina" Could Become the Programming Language of Integration
Ballerina is the latest programming language released 1.0 version on September 10th of this year. There are more than a thousand programming languages out there. Why do you need another programming language? Ballerina language intended to simplify the particular programming domain known as integration. You may be a developer who develops different kinds of web services and intends to interconnect those services. Then the Ballerina language could be your next programming companion.
122. Today I Learned: Pass By Reference on Interface Parameter in Golang
Pass Parameters by Reference in GolangA simple diary about a simple thing that I learned about Pass By Reference in Golangpass by reference on interface parameter in Golang
123. Create React Modal using reactjs-popup
Nowadays, Modals are one of the most used components in React Application, having an easy way to create React Modals will help you sheep Modals related features fast in your upcoming React Applications.
124. Integrating Logging Using NLog in ASP.NET Core 3.0 Web App
NLog: It is an open source logging framework that provides a great flexibility and configurable options to log the insights of your application. It allows to select multiple targets like database, cloud services, files, console, etc. at the same time so that user don’t have to maintain different configurations in code. This is the most widely used logging framework out there.
125. Today I Learned: Beware with pointer in Golang!!!
Today’s Bug When Doing Custom JSON Marshal in Golang
126. How to Use AES-256 Cipher: Python Cryptography Examples
Need to encrypt some text with a password or private key in Python? You certainly came to the right place. AES-256 is a solid symmetric cipher that is commonly used to encrypt data for oneself. In other words, the same person who is encrypting the data is typically decrypting it as well (think password manager).
127. [Launched] First Open Source Headless CMS Running on AWS Serverless To Cut Hosting Bill by 60%-80%
So why you need another Headless CMS? For a change, with this one, you won't worry about scaling, installing, configuring and managing infrastructure.
128. Recording Audio in React Native
In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to record and play audio to React Native apps. We are going to build a simple screen that supports features such as recording audio, playing audio files, pausing and resuming, as well as resetting audio streams. The final app will look like the image below.
129. Level Triggering and Reconciliation in Kubernetes
How Kubernetes manages your cluster with systems programming concepts
130. Introduction To Maths Behind Neural Networks
Today, with open source machine learning software libraries such as TensorFlow, Keras or PyTorch we can create neural network, even with a high structural complexity, with just a few lines of code. Having said that, the Math behind neural networks is still a mystery to some of us and having the Math knowledge behind neural networks and deep learning can help us understand what’s happening inside a neural network. It is also helpful in architecture selection, fine-tuning of Deep Learning models, hyperparameters tuning and optimization.
131. How to Find Open Source Projects for Beginners
I think, fundamentally, open source does tend to be more stable software. It's the right way to do things. - Linus Torvalds
132. A Comparison Of The Best Desktops vs Laptops For Coding
Every programmer who is buying a new computer will ask themselves, ‘Should I buy a desktop or a laptop for coding’? Also, what computer should I buy if I also want to do other things besides coding, like playing games?
133. What is Pair Programming?
You’re staring at your code and thinking, “There’s nothing wrong here.”
But there is: the app isn’t working.
134. Using SuperTokens in a VueJS App With Your Own UI
Learn how to build your own login UI with SuperTokens in your VueJS application.
135. 14 Things I Wish I Knew Before Becoming a Software Engineer
A Q&A for students with a Facebook software engineer
136. Make a Feedback Form with PHP [A How-To Guide]
It’s time for a web project that has real-life uses.Today I’ll show you how to make a feedback form using a website, a PHP engine, and some mailing magic. Why?
137. How to Clear the 301/302 Redirection Cache
I think many web developers and server administrators had been facing the 301 redirection cache. I had facing it very often until I learn the lesson…
I hope it helps you and you learn something from me, not from your mistakes 💥
138. How To Create Golang REST API: Project Layout Configuration [Part 1]
During past couple of years I have worked on few projects written in GO. I noticed that the biggest challenge developers are facing is lack of constraints or standards when it comes to project layout. I'd like to share some findings and patterns that have worked best for me and my team. For better understanding I'll go through steps of creating a simple REST API.
139. Creating a Great UX Outside of your App
Your app has a whole other interface that has more impact on your users, that provides a deeper user experience than your application interface.
140. ✨ Introducing react-cool-img: An easy way to optimize images
react-cool-img is a lightweight but powerful React.js image component, which helps you handle image UX (user experience) and performance as a professional guy 🤓. It empowers the standard img tag by many cool features without breaking your original development experience. Ideally, it can be an img tag replacement for your React.js project.
141. What you don’t know about web development
Fear not, this isn’t another mildly aggressive blog post telling you that you’re inferior; I’m not here to tell you what you don’t know about web development.
142. Let's Build a Linux Shell [Part I]
Since the early days of Unix, the shell has been part of the user's interface with the operating system. The first Unix shell (the Thompson shell) had very limited features, mainly I/O redirection and command pipelines. Later shells expanded on that early shell and added more and more capabilities, which gave us powerful features that include word expansion, history substitution, loops and conditional expressions, among many others.
143. Coding vs Scripting: What Are The Differences?
You’ve probably seen somewhere someone saying coding vs scripting. When I first saw that, I thought that those two are the same things, but the more I learned I found out that there are some main differences between those two. So, what are those differences?
144. Introduction to Object-Oriented Design Patterns
After hitting a certain level of experience & spending quite enough time in the industry, I have realised the importance of designing/architecting system & software. So I have started looking into system/software design & got to know nothing can better start than a Design Pattern. And the first thing I have done is googling "What is Design Pattern?" Hence got the idea of this article.
145. Solving Balanced Parentheses Problem Using Regular Expressions
146. You Might Not Need that Recursive Function in JavaScript
Edit: I have been getting quite a bit of feedback interpreting this article to mean that recursive functions are bad and iterative methods are always better. This couldn’t be further from what I believe — This article simply aims to discuss iteration as an alternative tool!
147. How does a CPU work
CPU, also known as the microprocessor is the heart and/or brain of a computer. Lets Deep dive into the core of the computer to help us write computer programs efficiently.
148. How to Use Fuzzy Query Matches in Elasticsearch
Typo is something that often happens and can reduce user’s experience, fortunately, Elasticsearch can handle it easily with Fuzzy Query.
149. Learn Java with These Android Apps
There’s a common misconception in software development that you have to spend hours at the office, chained to a PC and coding books to learn a new programming language. The good news is, with the impressive development of mobile coding education, you can learn on your feet and combine professional development with running personal errands.
150. Nginx + Docker: How to Get Html Page Up With Local Domain Name
I will setup a very simple html page with docker and nginx.
151. Is Java The Best Programming language to Learn First?
I often receive questions like which is a first programming language to learn? Is Java a good programming language to start with?, how good Java is as a first programming language? which is the best programming language for beginners, or shall I start with Java or Python?.
152. How to Learn Python Without Any Programming Background
You are not a programmer. You have zero coding experience. You probably consider yourself “not a math person”. So let’s find out how you can learn Python, even if you’ve never had any exposure to a programming language.
153. Why Are We Teaching Pandas Instead of SQL?
How I learned to stop using pandas and love SQL.
154. Top Python Resources for Beginners
New to Python? Or are you already a seasoned developer looking to boost and advance your Python knowledge? We have compiled a bull-pack of recommended resources for anyone looking to learn Python Programming. We have tailored these resources to be suitable for Python developers of all levels but the resources listed will be most-applicable to those still early on the learning curve or already familiar with the basics but not really advanced.
155. If your goal is to be a software engineer, you've set the bar too low
When I started coding, it was partially because I thought it’d be cool to make a computer do my bidding.
156. Top 20 Linked List Coding Problems from Programming Job Interviews
Image credit— Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding QuestionsHello all, I have been sharing a lot of coding interview questions for Programmers who are actively looking for Job, particularly for beginners and computer engineers who have just graduated and has no real job experience.
157. Understanding SOLID Principles in JavaScript
The invention of SOLID principles began in the late 80s. Robert C. Martin started to develop these principles while arguing the principle of software design on USENET (an early kind of Facebook). After addition and subtraction, Robert C. Martin formulated the principles in the early 2000s. It was until 2004 that the principles were arranged and called SOLID principles. It is an acronym that stands for five specific design principles.
158. How I Relocated to the US and Found a Job at Roku
This post and the creation of the telegram channel were motivated by the lack of detailed information about interviews for Front-End engineers in the USA.
159. Automatically Register All Models In Django Admin — Django Tips
How To Automatically Register All Models In Django Admin?
160. Vim: How to Start Using The Text Editor for Developers
Typing faster is just not scalable enough. Source: Pixabay
161. Vim: How to use Multiple Clipboards to do Copy and Paste on Steroids
Productivity is always one pomodoro away. Source: Pixabay
162. Building a Twitter Bot to Automate Posting Cryptocurrency News with Python [A Step-by-Step Guide]
Be kind.
163. Creating Highly-Performant Animations using Web Animations API and React hooks
Using Web Animations API (a.k.a WAAPI) in the React hook way. Let's create highly-performant, flexible and manipulable web animations in the modern world. Hope you guys 👍🏻 it!
164. How to Make a Silky Smooth Scroll in React
Have you ever been working on a project and wanted to scroll smoothly through your app?
165. CromaApp: My First React Native App After 7 Years of Backend Development
Well, I had done some javascript development(node.js) in the past but javascript has changed a lot after ES-6. TIll now my main focus has been backend development in java and ruby(RoR mainly). I am going to share my experience on writing my first react native app.
166. The Real C++ Killers (Not You, Rust)
Technologies that can replace C++ in the near of far future are not compilers. They are Spiral, Numba, and ForwardCom.
167. 5 Web Dev Tools To Improve Your Productivity
Time is always a scarce resource for developers. From aggressive deadlines, to multiple projects, to unexpected requirements, our time is constantly in demand. That's why we're always on the lookout for tools and processes that help us boost productivity. In this article, we'll look at five web development tools that might just give you that extra boost in productivity you need.
168. Developing an E-Commerce Application Using Java and Spring
We are going to build an e-commerce application using Java, Spring backend, build web UI in Vue.js, and mobile UI using android. Stay tuned!
169. Shortest and Longest Path Algorithms: Job Interview Cheatsheet
A quick overview and comparison of shortest and longest path algorithms in graphs.
170. Making a Custom Select Component in Vue.js [A How-To Guide]
Customizing the design of a select tag is notoriously difficult. Sometimes it's impossible without building your own from scratch using a combination of styled divs with custom JavaScript. In this article, you will learn how to build a Vue.js component that can be styled using completely custom CSS.
171. Introducing NodePort Service in Kubernetes
172. 9 Functional Programming Concepts Everyone Should Know
This article will introduce functional programming concepts that every programmer should know. Let's begin by defining what functional programming is (FP from now on). FP is a programming paradigm where software is written by applying and composing functions. A paradigm is a "Philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind." In other words, FP is a way for us to think of problems as a matter of interconnecting functions.
173. Please Don't Use OFFSET and LIMIT For Your Pagination
Gone are the days when we wouldn’t need to worry about database performance optimization.
174. How to Export HTML Tables into PDF Documents Using JavaScript
Web apps that contain tables, charts, and graphs often include an option to export the data as a PDF. Have you ever wondered, as a user, what's going on under the hood when you click that button?
175. Top Lesser Known HTML 5 & CSS 3 Tips and Best Practices
There is a lot of information about different HTML/CSS features.
I want to tell you about equally useful, but less popular tips for you work!
176. My Journey to Become a Web Developer
177. How To Build Chatbot Project Using Python
Chatbots are extremely helpful for business organizations and also the customers. The majority of people prefer to talk directly from a chatbox instead of calling service centers. Facebook released data that proved the value of bots. More than 2 billion messages are sent between people and companies monthly. The HubSpot research tells that 71% of the people want to get customer support from messaging apps. It is a quick way to get their problems solved so chatbots have a bright future in organizations.
178. A Look Ahead to Programming Languages in 2020
Python and JavaScript are the two hottest programming languages today. However, they cannot remain on top forever. Eventually, they must fall out of favour, as all languages do. This is likely to happen within the next decade or so.
179. 4 Notion + Zapier Integrations You Can Implement Today
Notion, the hottest productivity app of the moment, has been promising an API for quite a while. As of today, the official API is nowhere in sight.
180. Learn To Code in 30 Days: My Personal Journey
Learning how to code is something I’ve thought about doing for some time but always found an excuse for putting it off. Then the pandemic happened, flipping my schedule upside-down. If I was serious about wanting to learn, then this was the perfect opportunity. It was time for my next 30-day challenge.
181. 7 Top Programming Languages To Learn in 2021
The software development industry is flourishing, and the best part is it pays off well! There has been always the demand for good and qualified software developers and that is the reason why more and more people are learning codes as it is the most appealing career option. However, with the new skills, technologies, and programming languages coming up in the industry, developers are finding it difficult to understand the ways to start.
182. React vs. JavaScript: Why React Web Apps Are Better than Plain Websites
With single-page apps taking over the world, this is the perfect time to know how React won the battle of React vs JavaScript and why you should care.
183. Today I Learned: Making a Simple Interactive Shell Application in Golang
How I make a simple interactive shell in Golang
184. Backend-in-the-frontend: a pattern for cleaner code
This article is for all those times when the data you’re getting isn’t the data you’re wanting.
185. Creating Clean Architecture Using Golang
Hi guys, I’m a Front-End developer. Before there was a time 2 years working CMS Magento, I like CMS Magento because system clean, and architecture database EAV (Entity — Attribute — Value) but I don’t understand why present I’m dev front-end (I don’t know) in the 2-year current. And present I chance comeback working position Back-End that I like.
186. Create your React.js Address Autocomplete Component in 10 minutes ⏰
Hi guys, I want to introduce use-places-autocomplete. It's a React.js hook for Google Maps Places Autocomplete. With it you can build your own places autocomplete UI like the following demo easily! Hope you guys 👍🏻 it.
187. Future of Python Language: Bright or Dull?
In contemporary times, 126,424 websites are made using the python programming language. Many top-notch companies have developed successful apps by using it. This is why it is considered the language of today and the future.
188. How To Use New Material Date/DateRange Picker for Android
Hello everyone, Google recently released MaterialDatePicker: a useful new component that complies with the material design guidelines(https://material.io/components/pickers/#usage). This new component has a very interesting feature that allows you to select a date range instead of the old flow of selecting two dates: one "from" and one "to, i.e the component can be used as a DatePicker and a DateRangePicker. I was very excited about this and i wanted to use this in an update to a project i work on: to improve the user experience, sadly i could not find any examples or tutorials on using this lovely new component. So, I decided to make one, in this article I will be outlining the steps I took to make use of the MaterialDatePicker. This would be a really short article since, the MaterialDatePicker is really very easy to use.
189. Mono-repo Vs. Multi-repo Vs. Hybrid: What’s the Right Approach?
I still remember my first day at Outbrain. As part of the Bootcamp (training program), we were required to clone the code from a repository called the trunk (one monolithic repo that contained all our codebase). It took at least half a day to clone and build the whole source code. Over the next year or two in which my team worked with a monorepo, we just suffered — cloning the repo was time-consuming; the slow build/release time frustrated us; flaky tests and bad commits affected all the engineering; and let’s not even mention the IntelliJ indexing time, which easily afforded us time to run down for a chatty coffee break.
190. How To Master Elasticsearch Query DSL
Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash
191. Handling Loading Actions: The Proper Way in Redux
TLDR; Don’t put UI logic into reducers instead put it into a separate reducer.
192. Calling Shell Commands from Python: OS.system vs Subprocess
If you are a Python programmer, it is quite likely that you have experience in shell scripting. It is not uncommon to face a task that seems trivial to solve with a shell command. Therefore, it is useful to be familiar with how to call these commands efficiently from your Python code and know their limitations.
193. Go: The Complete Guide to Profiling Your Code
Go is a programming language often used for applications in which performance matters. Optimizing your code based on assumptions is not a best practice of course. You need to have insights about your code performance and bottlenecks to be able to optimize it efficiently.
194. How to hire the best developers
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash
195. Fetching Data And Displaying It On Widget In Flutter
Fetching data from internet is one of the most common operations that every developers should master. In Flutter, this operation is pretty straightforward. In this post we will learn how to handle data from fetching to displaying it on our mobile apps.
196. 12 Visual Studio Code Shortcuts For Faster Coding
There are some great tools and extensions that might help your coding experience enjoyable in the VS Code. That is great and all but there might be a chance you are missing out on some great shortcuts that VS code offers. That is why this article is here to help you with some of the most useful shortcuts for faster coding.
197. A Beginners Guide to Learn Mock Fetching in jest
I am writing this post to show how to mock and test fetch with jest-fetch-mock. let's suppose that you are using Jest and you are comfortable with “async/await”.
198. Correct and Efficient Way to Use Vuex: Part I
With this article, we begin a series of publications about Vue.js technology and try to make out the application development and all its components from different practical sides. In this part, we will tell you what the Vuex library is and analyze in detail such components as a store, state, getters, mutations, and actions.
199. 10 Reasons Why You Should Learn How To Develop Video Games
If you ask any software developer, there’s a decent chance that they have tried their hand at game development. It seems like a natural fit since it uses many of the same skills. What’s more, programmers come into it with the knowledge that most aspiring game makers lack: how to write good code and create effective software.
200. 12 Top Websites for Programmers, Developers, and Product People
- StackExchange
201. A Step by Step Guide to Creating a Multi-step Form
Recently I wanted to add a multi-step form to my site. Since my site runs on Hexo, a static page generator, I had some doubts about how to execute this task. I already had a static form on my site, and I didn’t want to spend too much time on the development of features like steps, show/hide logic or validation.
202. How To Create Truly Responsive Images With Flexbox
If you're trying to learn CSS Flexbox, I bet you've spent some time watching a few tutorials on YouTube. Maybe you've seen the Wes Bos series, that’s a great one. Maybe you're bi-lingual and found some helpful content in your native tongue. Most technical content on the internet is in English, as we know. Yet, sometimes I find some amazing content in my native Portuguese. (Like this remarkably simple to understand tutorial on Flexbox). Finally, how can you not have resorted to the Interneting Is Hard tutorials?
203. 40 Python Projects Ideas For Students
Hello guys , in this blog post I have organized 40 Python projects that you might be interested trying out ranging from webscraping to to natural language processing.
204. Top C/C++ Machine Learning Libraries For Data Science
Importance of C++ in Data Science and Big Data
205. C++ Template: A Quick Review of C++11/14/17/20 Version
I know, it’s been a while since the last time I published something newbies-friendly on my blog. The main reason is that most of my readers are either experienced devs or from C background having modest C++ encounter. But while programming in C++ you need a completely different mindset as both C & C++ belongs to different programming paradigm. And I always strive to show them a better way of doing things in C++. Anyway, I found the topic which is lengthy, reasonably complex(at least it was for me), newbies-friendly as well as energizing for experienced folks(if Modern C++ jargons, rules & features added) i.e. C++ Template.
206. Image Processing Algorithms: Adjusting Contrast And Image Brightness
Let's take a look at the common approaches for implementing image contrast adjustments. We'll go over histogram stretching and histogram equalization.
207. A different way to manage state in React
Imagine a React app that shows a list of tasks.
208. No-stress CUDA programming using Go and C
Programming CUDA using Go is a bit more complex than in other languages. Although there are some excellent packages, such as mumax, the documentation is poor, lacks examples and it’s difficult to use.
209. Learn Advanced TypeScript
Despite the popularity of currying and the rise of functional programming (and of TypeScript), it is still a hassle today to make use of curry and have proper type checks. Even famous libraries like Ramda do not provide generic types for their curry implementations (but we will).
210. The React Developer RoadMap
An illustrated guide to becoming a Read JS Developer with links to relevant courses
211. Design Patterns: Builder Pattern in Modern C++
In software engineering, Creational Design Patterns deal with object creation mechanisms, trying to create objects in a manner suitable to the situation. The basic or ordinary form of object creation could result in design problems or added complexity to the design. Builder Design Pattern in C++ solves this specific problem by separating the construction of a complex object from its representation.
212. Machine Learning Model with FLASK REST API
In this tutorial we will see how you can make your first REST API for Machine Learning Model using FLASK. We will start by creating machine learning model. Then we will see step-by-step procedure to create API using Flask and test it using Postman.
213. Applying Angular Runtime Configurations in Dockerized Environments
With the shift to Cloud-first and the rise of managed infrastructure and orchestrations such as EWS, Azure AKS or GCP clusters the application landscape needs to prepare and adjust itself to match newly rising requirements. This is for such nothing new nor unknown, but acknowledging this fact is one and probably the first important step.
214. 40 Best Websites to Learn Programming Online Right Now
If you’re new to coding, you’ll be pleased to hear that there are a ton of great resources on the web to help brand new programmers learn programming from scratch. In fact, some of the best programmers in the industry are autodidacts with no formal degree in computer science.
215. What I Learnt During 6 Months of Learning to Code
Anyone who’s wanted to learn coding knows that it’s anything but straight-forward. You’ll face hardships and unexpected roadblocks along the way. You’ve faced them, I’ve faced them.
216. How To Auto-Correct Your Code: A Web Developer Guide
Learning to code can be tons of fun but it is often overwhelming. Web developers, especially new ones, are constantly learning new content. What makes it worse is that there are so many rules to learning how to write good code.
217. Hashing Passwords In Python: Bcrypt Tutorial with Examples
Building a from-scratch server or using a lightweight framework is empowering. With that power comes responsibility, specifically the responsibility to securely store user’s passwords.
218. 5 to 23 Patterns to Ace Any Coding Interview
How to prep for coding interviews by using patterns to figure out how to guess the most likely questions to be asked in many programming job interviews.
219. How to Listen for Webhooks Using Python
Webhooks run a large portion of the "magic" that happens between applications. They are sometimes called reverse APIs, callbacks, and even notifications. Many services, such as SendGrid, Stripe, Slack, and GitHub use events to send webhooks as part of their API. This allows your application to listen for events and perform actions when they happen.
220. Make Your Own Text Editor in 15 Minutes: Practicum Coding Bootcamp
It’s not like there aren’t enough text editors. But consider this: with about 60 lines of code (that’s close to nothing), you can make your own secure and stable text editor. It will be pretty simple and won’t have many features, but it will be of your making, even if you barely know how to code.
221. Some insights on Maps in Golang
Article is about maps internal structure, hashes and performance. How data is actually stored inside.
222. How To Improve Your Backend By Adding Retries to Your API Calls
Whether you're making API calls from Node.js or in the browser, connection failures are going to happen eventually. Some request errors are valid. Maybe the endpoint was wrong or the client sent the wrong data. Other times you can be sure that the error is the result of a problem with the connection to the server or one of the many hops in-between. While API and web service monitoring can inform you about the problem, a more active solution can take care of it for you.
223. PostgreSQL Transaction Isolation Levels with Go Examples
Illustration composed from MariaLetta/free-gophers-pack, original gopher by Renee French.
224. React Project Structure: Best Practices
A more standard way of structuring React applications which scales across frameworks and projects.
225. The 5 Best Kubernetes Alternatives
Kubernetes is not the only player in the market, there are different Kubernetes competitors and Kubernetes alternatives.
226. 40+ Thought-Provoking Software Engineering Quotes
Sometimes a short thought can bring amazing ideas. There are some great quotes I’ve been collecting. I use them as inspiration or motto for some articles.
227. How to Schedule Jobs With Quartz in Spring Boot
In this article, we will look at how to schedule tasks using the Quartz framework in Spring Boot. We will consider JobStore, and thread pools.
228. My Prometheus is Overwhelmed! Help!
Your prometheus monitoring setup is grinding to a halt? You've thrown too much data at it? Don't worry, there's ways to fix this.
229. 10 Best Free Online Courses for Blockchain Developers
Hello guys, if you are thinking about how to become a Blockchain Developer in 2020 and looking for some online courses to startwith then you have come to the right palce.
230. 8 Best Java Online Courses for Beginners and Experienced Programmers
If you are a computer science graduate or a programmer who wants to learn Java and looking for some awesome resources like books, tutorials, and online courses then you have come to the right place.
231. How To Setup a Python Virtual Environment on Windows 10
Creating a Python Virtual environment will allow you to work on an isolated copy of Python for specific projects without interfering or impacting the working of other ongoing projects.
232. A user encounters a JavaScript error. You’ll never guess what happens next!!
One of the hardest things a developer must do is release their bug-riddled code out into the world, knowing they may never hear from those little critters ever again.
233. Server-Side Rendering in Angular
The technology that allows us to run our Angular applications on the server is described in the Angular docs as Angular Universal.
234. 16 JavaScript Protips [2020 Edition]
When I began learning JavaScript, I made a list of every time-saving trick that I found in other people’s code, on code challenge websites, and anywhere other than the tutorials I was using.
235. Setting Up Manjaro Linux From Scratch!!
STEP 1 : Download an Image File 😉
236. The Top 5 Programming languages Every Software Developer Should Learn
I have read somewhere that a programmer should learn a new programming language every year ( I think it's code complete, not sure, though), but if you cannot do so, I suggest to at least learn following five programming language to do well in your career.
237. Intermediate Python Refresher: Tutorial, Project Ideas, and Tips
This article is to teach Python beginners and developers some key concepts used in Python that aren't taught from the get-go.
238. Understanding Express.js: Creating Your Own Node HTTP Request Router
(Do-It-Yourself: Node HTTP Router)
239. Top 25 C# Programming Tips
Hi everyone! There is a lot of information about different C# features. About various life hacks and best practices in this language.
I want to tell you about equally useful, but less popular tips for working with this language.
240. 10 FREE Docker, Jenkins, and Maven Courses for Programmers and DevOps Engineers
Docker, Maven, and Jenkins are some of the most popular tools in the DevOps and Java world. Maven helps to organize your project and provide support to build and deploy Java projects while Jenkins can provide continuous integration and delivery by completely automating build and deploy projects.
241. Python vs PHP vs JavaScript: Which is Best For Your Next Project?
Python vs PHP vs JavaScript: A Comparative Study in 2021 discussing the UI/UX design, features, complexity, their back ends, and their front ends.
242. A Guide to Web Scraping With JavaScript and Node.js
With the massive increase in the volume of data on the Internet, this technique is becoming increasingly beneficial in retrieving information from websites and applying them for various use cases. Typically, web data extraction involves making a request to the given web page, accessing its HTML code, and parsing that code to harvest some information. Since JavaScript is excellent at manipulating the DOM (Document Object Model) inside a web browser, creating data extraction scripts in Node.js can be extremely versatile. Hence, this tutorial focuses on javascript web scraping.
243. Building A Blockchain in Rust & Substrate: [A Step-by-Step Guide for Developers]
A beginner-friendly tutorial on how to build hardcore blockchain infrastructure in Substrate, an open source framework.
244. How To Do Calculus with Python: Derivatives Cheat Sheet [Part 1]
This article is really a precursor to cool things you can do with calculus such as the persuit curve which is used in air-to-air missiles, and rocket launch equations.
245. Design Patterns: Exploring Factory Method in Modern C++
In software engineering, Creational Design Patterns deal with object creation mechanisms, i.e. try to create objects in a manner suitable to the situation. In addition to this basic or ordinary form of object creation could result in design problems or added complexity to the design.
246. How to Build a QR Code Generator in React
The idea behind creating a quick response (QR) code generator is to translate data from images to text. A QR code is simply the representation of image data as text, and it has a lot of useful applications from restaurant menus and concert tickets, to online calendar invites, payments, and the list goes on.
247. Go: Handling JSON in MySQL
248. Build a Custom-Trained Object Detection Model With 5 Lines of Code
These days, machine learning and computer vision are all the craze. We’ve all seen the news about self-driving cars and facial recognition and probably imagined how cool it’d be to build our own computer vision models. However, it’s not always easy to break into the field, especially without a strong math background. Libraries like PyTorch and TensorFlow can be tedious to learn if all you want to do is experiment with something small.
249. Profiling Java Applications with Async Profiler
Disclaimer: This story is not sponsored by Async Profiler.
250. How To Apply Machine Learning And Deep Learning Methods to Audio Analysis
To view the code, training visualizations, and more information about the python example at the end of this post, visit the Comet project page.
251. 100+ Free Pluralsight Courses to learn Python, Java, and Spring Boot
Hello guys, I have awesome news to share with you. Pluralsight has announced that all their 7000+ expert-led courses are free for one-month, April 2020, to support people staying at home due to COVID-19.
252. Writing an easing function; a slightly interesting story
I should say at the outset that there’s no real point to this blog post. I had a thing to do, I did the thing, and was moderately pleased with the result. I enjoy reading of such tales from other developers, so I thought I’d share my story.
253. Create an API to interact with Ethereum Blockchain using Golang PART 1
Hi folks! In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to create a simple REST API to interact with the Ethereum blockchain using Golang.
254. How To Create a CD pipeline with Kubernetes, Ansible, and Jenkins
What does CI/CD try to solve?
255. Rusty Chains: A Basic Blockchain Implementation Written in Pure Rust
A hands-on tutorial on blockchain basics, taxonomy and Rust.
256. Top 10 Programming Languages To Learn in 2022
The craze for learning programming languages is very high. These days people have one question in their mind and that is which programming language should one prefer in 20201 and why?
257. Using Session Cookies Vs. JWT for Authentication
HTTP is a stateless protocol and is used to transmit data. It enables the communication between the client side and the server side. It was originally established to build a connection between web browsers and web servers.
258. How We Implemented the Face-with-Mask Detection Web App for Chrome
How we implemented face and mask detection in the browser using JavaScript, Web Workers, TensorFlow.js, OpenCV.js.
259. Genetic Algorithms Explained : A Python Implementation
Genetic Algorithms , also referred to as simply “GA”, are algorithms inspired in Charles Darwin’s Natural Selection theory that aims to find optimal solutions for problems we don’t know much about. For example: How to find a given function maximum or minimum, when you cannot derivate it? It is based on three concepts: selection, reproduction, and mutation. We generate a random set of individuals, select the best ones, cross them over and finally, slightly mutate the result - over and over again until we find an acceptable solution. You can check some comparisons on other search methods on Goldberg's book.
260. Top 25 Flutter Mobile App Templates in 2020
Flutter has been booming worldwide from the past few years. While there are many popular mobile app development technologies out there, Flutter has managed to leave its mark in the mobile application development world. In this article, we’ve curated the best Flutter app templates available on the market as of July 2020.
261. The Best Whiteboard Interview Advice I Ever Received
Whiteboard-style interviews are ubiquitous in the tech industry. For those who not had the pleasure, whiteboard interviewing is the practice of asking candidates to solve technical questions on a whiteboard, piece of paper, or computer during the interview. This kind of environment can feel like a pressure cooker and cause even the most competent engineer to fall apart.
262. Async/Await in Golang: An Introductory Guide
Golang is a concurrent programming language. It has powerful features like Goroutines and Channels that can handle asynchronous tasks very well. Also, goroutines are not OS threads, and that's why you can spin up as many goroutines as you want without much overhead, it's stack size starts at 2KB only. So why async/await? Async/Await is a nice language feature that provides a simpler interface to asynchronous programming.
263. Java Algorithms: Coding a Binary Tree Right Side View (LeetCode)
In this article, you will learn how to code a Binary Tree Right side view in LeetCode.
264. How To Merge Two Sorted Lists
We can use LinkedList to merge both sorted lists, though there are considerations to doing it single or double-linked that may complicate the operation.
265. Nginx + PHP + Docker: How To Get PHP Page Up With Local Domain Name
I will setup a very simple php page with docker and nginx.
266. How to Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) - Blind 75 LeetCode Questions
A trie (pronounced as “try”) or prefix tree is a tree data structure used to efficiently store and retrieve keys in a dataset of strings.
267. How to Deploy a React Application With Firebase Hosting
In this blog, I am going to discuss how we can deploy react applications within a few minutes by using Firebase.
268. 12 cool things you can do with GitHub
I can’t for the life of me think of an intro, so…
269. MariaDB + Phpmyadmin + Docker: Running Local Database
I will get MariaDB and Phpmyadmin running in a docker container. I will reuse folder setup and all files from previous recipe - 02.
270. How To Use New Material Date Picker for Android
Hello everyone, Google recently released MaterialDatePicker: a useful new component that complies with the material design guidelines(https://material.io/components/pickers/#usage). This new component has a very interesting feature that allows you to select a date range instead of the old flow of selecting two dates: one "from" and one "to, i.e the component can be used as a DatePicker and a DateRangePicker. I was very excited about this and i wanted to use this in an update to a project i work on: to improve the user experience, sadly i could not find any examples or tutorials on using this lovely new component. So, I decided to make one, in this article I will be outlining the steps I took to make use of the MaterialDatePicker. This would be a really short article since, the MaterialDatePicker is really very easy to use.
271. How to Build a Simple Python Reminder App
I assume you know nothing about programming and want to try and make something with the world’s programming sweetheart — Python.
272. A common misconception about async/await in JavaScript
(© https://www.twilio.com/blog/2015/10/asyncawait-the-hero-javascript-deserved.html)
273. Get PHP Composer to Run On Docker Container [A How To Guide]
I have a php docker container, that runs my app, and I need to start using Composer to install a php package. What is the best way to approach it?
274. Writing and Compiling C++ on Linux [A How-To Guide]
If you’ve adopted Linux, chances are you might have done so for development purposes. After all, it has everything you need to program in most languages, and do so for (almost) free.
275. What is Python Good for? Why Beginner Should Learn Python?
Data science and machine learning are the two main things Python is perfect for. Code simplicity, higher salary, and automation are just some of the best reasons to Learn Python, if you're on the fence about it.
276. Node.js VS JavaScript: Differences & Similarities
Do you know that along with CSS and HTML, JavaScript is one of the 3 main things of the World Wide Web? It facilitates interactivity to the web app pages, therefore, it is extremely crucial for web applications. A majority of web applications use this tool and all the major web browsers have a dedicated JavaScript engine to execute this.
277. 15 HTML element methods you’ve potentially never heard of
Note to self: write an intro that eases the reader into the article, rather than just jump right in.
278. Quick and Easy CRUD with NestJS, @nestjsx/crud and TestMace
These days REST API has become a web applications development standard, allowing to divide web development into two separate parts. There are several mainstream frameworks like Angular, React, Vue, that are used for UI. Backend developers are free to choose from large variety of languages and frameworks. Today I’d like to discuss NestJS framework. We’re going to create a simple CRUD application using Nest and the @nestjsx/crud package.
279. How to Build a Web Scraper With Python [Step-by-Step Guide]
On my self-taught programming journey, my interests lie within machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), and the language I’ve chosen to master is Python.
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