Let's learn about Economics via these 229 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Oh, so you’re ready to dive deeper into how topics like tech, crypto, and DeFi affect the economics around us? We like your determination. Go for it.
1. Spray, Pray, and Go Away: Investing is an Art
It is the knowledge that I'm going to die that creates the focus that I bring to being alive. The urgency of accomplishment.
2. More Than Just The Future Of Gaming
Gaming has provided an opportunity for people to learn about logistics, economics and logistics by their very existence, making the future of gaming interesting
3. Meet The Platforms Leading People into the Passion Economy
?In the 20th-century economy, most of us had to find a way to fit into the workforce. Passion-driven careers,
4. WTF is Economic Foundation of Education?
5. Reboot: A New Operating System for Humanity
It's the end of the world as we know it, humanity is programmable and our operating system is getting a reboot. The question is when the system is back online what will be in its place?
6. The Ten Top Cities for Highest Cloud Engineering Salaries
A high salary can make you feel like you’re on cloud nine. For cloud engineers, jobs with these sky-high paychecks are in no short supply. In fact, the number of cloud engineer jobs on Indeed.com increased by over 55% between May 2017 and May 2019. And candidate interest is also skyrocketing: The number of people searching for cloud engineer jobs increased by over 52% in that same time period.
7. Contagion
8. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book IV, Chapter VIII
Though the encouragement of exportation, and the discouragement of importation.
9. Money Printing: The Ugly “Elephant in the Room” That Mainstream Media Ignores
According to official numbers, you lost money unless you got a 6.2% pay raise this year. In other words, thanks to inflation, you got a pay cut
10. Analyzing SVB's 2022 10-K to Understand Its Failure
Silicon Valley Bank has entered into FDIC receivership and has for all intents and purposes has failed. Here, I argue that SVB failed due to a failure to respon
11. Everything You Need to Know About This Year's World Economic Forum
Mario Nawfal goes over the World Economic Forum.
12. Following $100M+ in Crypto Donations, Ukraine President Zelenskyy Signs Virtual Assets Law
On Wednesday, March 16, President Of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed a law in Ukraine on virtual assets, after a large number of donations through crypto.
13. Prospects of European Economy: Defaults, Bankruptcies, and Debt Crisis
Don't let the market fool you, “headwinds” will only get stronger.
14. The Potential Impact of Dot-Com Bubble 2.0 on Tech Careers
A look at the Dot-Com Bubble from an employee's eyes and why history might repeat itself.
15. Regulation Might Make Crypto Less Cryptic
The insular nature of the crypto-industry can often discourage potential investors, but digital assets are at an adoptive inflection point. Regulation can help.
16. Who Really Owns Web3
The new buzzword “Web3” has recently jumped into the public’s mind.
17. Bitcoin is the Most Stable Store of Value in History
You know how the story goes: Bitcoin is wild, violent, unstable. It makes a whirlwind day on the VIX look like a slow waltz. You can’t trust it. Don’t put “real money” in it or the Boogie Man will get it.
18. Bitcoin, The Anti-Violent Digital Establishment
Learn why Bitcoin might carve out it's place within the digital monetary establishment, 100% peacefully and voluntarily.
19. Here's Why The Global Economy Is Entering A Downturn
Is the US Economy in a recession? Depends on whom you talk to. While there have been two-quarters of contraction in economic activity, the Biden Admin is loath
20. Power of Proposals: Understanding SORA's Decentralized Development Process
SORA is a decentralized central bank that includes a decentralized development process that uses RFP to implement new developments in the network
21. Bad Policies Result in 'No Money, No Food, No Fuel, No Meds': Emergency Crisis in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka currently is going through an economic crisis with high inflation, heaps of debt, a falling currency, and empty foreign reserves.
22. Why is Bitcoin so Volatile?
Here are three reasons why Bitcoin is so volatile.
23. Is There Really a Link Between Coronavirus and Bitcoin?
Bitcoin went up, and it was because of the Coronavirus, people said. Then bitcoin went down, and that was also because of the virus. The question is this; has the virus had any effect on bitcoin at all?
24. The Case for Alternate Systems of Money in Today's World
During World War I, there was a general shortage of metals to mint low-value coins for everyday commerce. Austrian and German institutions from banks to municipalities to utility companies started circulating their own form of money without authorization from the central government. These took the form of colorful paper notes for "emergency money" or notgeld that are a valued collectors item to this day.
25. Metaverse: a New Step for Digital Entertainment or an Economic Gamechanger?
The metaverse could reform industries and societies. This potential was recognized at a state level when Shanghai included metaverse in its 5-year plan.
26. Why is Inflation So High? [Infographic]
A look at why inflation is currently skyrocketing.
27. How Balance Sheet Reduction will Potentially Impact Crypto Markets
The essential thing to consider is the rate of change in the money supply, the first derivative of the money supply
28. A Look at the AI Economy
Are you ready for the AI economy? Over the next decade artificial intelligence could add upwards of $13 trillion to the global economy, and by 2030 the majority of companies could be using some form of artificial intelligence. There’s a downside to all this, however. Worldwide as many as 375 million workers could need to be retrained for new jobs as AI takes over the repetitive tasks and the heavy lifting. Overall, artificial intelligence is expected to have a positive impact on the global economy, even if there is a temporary period of human displacement that follows its implementation.
29. How a DeFi Future Will Look Like
Let's go through how Decentralized Finance came to be and explore what is next it in the future.
30. Should I Panic About Automation Now Or Later?
Go Back To School? I just left!
31. Digital Euro (CBDCs): Closer To Reality Than You Think
The ECB (European Central Bank) has published a report stating
the digital euro is getting closer to be launched. It gives an overview of a
possible roadmap for implementing the digital euro as well as the advantages and disadvantages of a digital currency in the euro zone.
32. Sam Altman Should Put His Money Where His Mouth Is
In 2019, OpenAI transitioned from a nonprofit organization to a for-profit, albeit capped, business model. What an opportunity to beta test American Equity!
33. The Instability of Stablecoins
Three months ago we held a vigil for the death of the cryptocurrency bull market. Last month, my HodlBot portfolio went up by 50%. What a wild ride.
34. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book V, Chapter I - Part IV
Over and above the expenses necessary for enabling the sovereign to perform his several duties, a certain expense is requisite for the support of his dignity.
35. How To Protect Yourself From DIRTY, FILTHY, Fiat Money
With news that the Chinese are burning Yuan banknotes to fight the Coronavirus, there may be fears that fiat currency is too dangerous and dirty to handle. After all, money is only as clean as the uncleanest place it has been. Consider that one US study showed that most dollar bills are contaminated with cocaine, and the conclusion you may draw is that the majority of greenbacks have at some time been up someone’s nose. While it’s true that fiat money does harbour a considerable number of bacteria, germs and viruses of all varieties, there are some sensible precautions that can be taken to ensure you never fall foul of fiat.
36. My Dream for the Future: An Anarcho-Capitalist Society
When people think of anarchy, they think of the world on fire or complete and utter chaos. However, that is not the case. When I say anarcho-capitalism, I am not advocating for a traditional anarchist society but rather an anarcho-capitalist one. Two entirely different things. That being said, let me get into my "key points". As our intellectual capabilities increase as society so should our own sovereignty as nations. In a perfectly intellectual society, one wouldn't need a government to function. The current generation tends to blame capitalism for most of the world's problems, embracing socialism. I would say, capitalism is the answer and that many of the problems capitalism is blamed for is actually globalism disguised as capitalism.
37. How Airlines Generate Revenue [General Overview]
The Wright brothers flew the first plane in 1917. At the time, going on an airplane was not common. Being a passenger on a flight was expensive. The focus for airlines was luxury. As time has passed, their focus has shifted from luxury to revenue. With the shift, airlines have grown their revenue sources. Airlines not only make money from passengers. They work with businesses to generate revenue.
38. AI and the Fear of Irrational Humans
Low EQ, Not Robots, is Humanity’s Biggest Threat. Having high emotional intelligence (EQ) is having the ability to parse one’s own emotions as well as navigate the emotions of those around us to the mutual benefit of oneself and society. As a measure of developmental achievement compared to general intelligence (IQ) most individuals are barely aware of EQ and contemporary society does very little to cultivate it. For example, IQ provides you with accurate information for a heated debate on Facebook while EQ guides your exchange from a place of empathy and allows you to walk away from exchanges that may cause more emotional harm than good to either party.
39. How to Write a Book in 4 Days
About a year ago, I was talking to someone about how difficult it was to get myself to write. I had been working on a book for O’Reilly and Associates for about 9 months at that point and had talked to other authors who acknowledged the same problem. Many authors find that books take a long time to write with 2 years being the norm. The 14 months that I took for my book was relatively fast, according to my editors.
40. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book II - Introduction
But when the division of labour has once been thoroughly introduced, the produce of a man’s own labour can supply but a very small part of his occasional wants.
41. Crypto Was A Bubble, But So Was The Internet
From Forbes to Nobel Prize winning economists, the consensus is the same: Crypto was a speculative bubble. After all, crypto's crash was worse than the dot-com one.
42. How Podcast Players Generate Revenue [General Overview]
The podcast industry is growing. The more growth, the more money will go into the industry. Podcast players make money from consumers and businesses through several methods.
43. How Manufacturers Can Use Real-Time Data to Form Contingency Plans During Pandemics
The global outbreak of the latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) at the beginning of this year caught many businesses and governments off guard. The global pandemic which to date has claimed the lives of over 347,106 people globally had brought businesses to a complete halt.
44. What is Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)?
A Pocket Guide To Modern Monetary Theory and Why It Matters
45. Should Snapchat Copy Instagram's Timeline?
Snapchat success came in the era, where any successful social media company would be acquired by Facebook. It not only avoided the acquisition but thrived on its own terms, garnered a significant audience and has become a major participant in the cultural machine.
46. "Web3 will revolutionize how the world interacts with the Internet of Value"
We believe that regulating the blockchain space is the only way to push these ideas into the mainstream, but we also understand that it’s not that simple.
47. Why Everyone Missed the Most Mind-Blowing Feature of Cryptocurrency
There’s one incredible feature of cryptocurrencies that almost everyone seems to have missed, including Satoshi himself.
48. Bitcoin and the History of Thermodynamics
Learn what the history of the field of thermodynamics can teach us about the technological adoption battles we're facing today - especially in Bitcoin.
49. A Look at Ecozones & Their Potential Economic Benefits
An ecozone is also known as a special economic zone (SEZ) and these are geographic regions in a country that has more attractive economic policies for entities
50. Will Meme Coins Keep Going to the Moon?
While meme coin may generate spectacular short-term gains as people are willing to speculate on the possibility of making money in a short amount of time.
51. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: INTRODUCTION AND PLAN OF THE WORK.
The annual labour of every nation is the fund which originally supplies it with all the necessaries and conveniencies of life.
52. 3 Micro Steps You Can Take Towards a More Politically Woke 2020
It’s easy to feel powerless given our politics today.
53. What a Post COVID-19 World Looks Like
As our lives are suddenly and drastically changed by the rapid spread of this virus, and my local stores are ignorantly devoid of toilet paper and vodka from panic buying, I reflected on a few societal changes we might see taking place.
54. Why Is BTC Over $50k While Other Cryptocurrencies Struggle To Cross $1: A Deep Dive
the majority of digital coins on the market are issued by private blockchain corporations, there are several factors that count towards the value of crypto
55. Wealth: A New Era of Economics
Capitalism and Socialism are in a climatic feud. Why? Because they are dying. Don’t believe me? Let me challenge your assumptions and introduce you to the future. Let me tell you some stories.
56. Deconstructing the Difference Between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0
You may have heard the term web 3.0 and may have even heard it described, but you may not have seen real-life applications as of yet
57. What Post Scarcity Means: Why the post-scarcity economy is hard to reason about
Many act like post-scarcity is some pipe-dream. The stuff of utopian fairy-tales and science fiction. I beg to differ. Actually, I think in many respects, it is already here in the US. We just don’t see the abundance right beneath our noses because our current economic paradigm makes it incomprehensible.
58. Curve Ball
What would happen to the price of Bitcoin in the medium-term if oil ramped 2x to 3x overnight?
59. Crypto Processing in 2022: Trends and Risks to Look out for
The future of money is clearly digital, powered by decentralized blockchain technology.
60. Solving the Problem in America's Current Economy
In 1930, John Maynard Keynes wrote a short, seven-page essay titled Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren.
61. How Open Banking Can Revolutionize Dated Banking Systems in the US
Open banking is on everyone's minds now – and for a good reason. In Latin America, open banking is gluing society together to achieve greater social inclusion. In Africa, fintech companies are engineering a new hub for economic activity, and the latest EU regulations on open banking are provoking an inevitable face-off between challenger banks and traditional financial institutions.
62. .
63. How Much Stock do Robinhood Employees Receive?
Robinhood’s “one-time” adjustment grants new hires additional stock over the next 24 months to help employees “break even”
64. A Brief History of Money
Money was invented (or perfected) by scientists, not economists. Meet: Copernicus, Newton, Priestley and Stornetta.
65. Why Bitcoin Preserves Our Ability to Save
Learn the inherent properties of why Bitcoin is a savings technology, not another speculative investment.
66. Is Big Tech Too Big?
A couple of weeks ago Alphabet shares dropped 6%, Facebook tanked 7.5%, and Amazon shed 4.5% of its value. Why did this happen? An anti-trust probe was called into life regarding Alphabet’s Google Search business and investors fear a similar fate for its tech brethren, seemingly rightfully so: This news story unearths a public debate that has been discussed intensively since the 2016 US elections concerning Big Tech’s power and the need for anti-trust legislation. A debate, which appears to have the nearly unanimous agreement that these companies should be broken up. Logically, therefore, these firms should already be broken up, yet they are not. Why is this? Aside from the strawman “The government is corrupt/incompetent” reasoning, there actually exist multiple genuine arguments for keeping Big Tech intact, which we’ll be examining in the following.
67. The Future President of Argentina Might be a Crypto Supporter
There is an anarcho-capitalist lurking in the shadows of the Argentine presidency. He is responsible for occupying the first position in opinion polls.
68. "We Are Rich Because We Are Free." - How Society Creates Entrepreneurs
An economic perspective on how society allows a social contract to build entrepreneurs.
69. How To Work Smarter With Parkinson’s Law
Parkinson’s law says that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. Work complicates to fill available time, but if you wait until the last mi
70. 10 Things you Might not Know About Davos World Economic Forum
Freelance journalist Jillian Godsil popped her Davos cherry this year and learnt ten surprising things you might not know about Davos
71. The Economic Consequences of the Peace: Chapter I - Introductory
The Economic Consequences of the Peace, Chapter I: Introductory by John Maynard Keynes is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
72. 10 Ways Fake News is Killing The Economy : From Anti-Vaxxers To The Stock Market
Diverse sections of the economy are facing very real costs from bad actors propagating fake news online. In a study, undertaken by cybersecurity company CHEQ (where I work) and the Merrick School of Business at the University of Baltimore, the full economic losses from fake news were revealed. Here are 10 sectors facing urgent and damaging losses from the epidemic of fake news.
73. How does Fintech Decentralize Capital Markets?
In 1899 American economist and sociologist Thorstein Veblen wrote a book called “The Theory of the Leisure Class”. The key takeaway of this study was that for people on top of social hierarchy spending their time on elite consumption - delicious food, rare clothing etc. - instead of working was a way to highlight their belonging to the higher class.
74. The best ways to fight Tech’s monopolies
What Is The Best Way To Improve Competition In Modern Capitalism?
75. Teach Me Daddy
I rely on the writings of my macro forefathers and translate their ideas into what I hope is a more digestible and entertaining format.
76. My Comments on the U.S. Fed's CBDC Paper
Thoughts on the US Federal Reserve's CBDC paper and request for comments from the writer of the Digital Universal Drachma white paper.
77. Cryptocurrency Trading Bible Four: Secrets of the Bitmex Masters
“Do you Mex?”
78. How the Rapid Demise of Entry-Level Cars has Increased Average Prices
Why are manufacturers pushing entry-level cars out of production? Read and find out the reason why average car prices are rising.
79. Re: Sam Altman's American Equity
Alternative to Wage-Capitalism: 100% Commission on your earnings, but you bid at Vickrey auction to rent the capital.
80. Spain Entrepreneurial Nation Unexpectedly Shutdown by Spanish Government After 3 Years of Success
Spain's government has decided to shut down one of the country's main initiatives to promote entrepreneurship and startups.
81. Chinese Economy 2023: Back to Normal?
China's economic and industry outlook for 2023.
82. How to Stop the End of the World
Alright, so the problem is:
83. Which Sectors See Growth During Adverse Global Conditions?
Financial crises are like human fingerprints – they may look the same and yet under ultraviolet light, there are very dramatic differences. The reality is, every crisis differs in its nature and intensity and will require a different action plan.
84. Bitcoin's Halving and Pricing Through the Prism of Stock to Flow Method
A look at pricing methods of Bitcoin in the context of the Stock to Flow Method and the upcoming halving.
85. The Economic Consequences of the Peace - Table of Links
The Economic Consequences of the Peace, by John Maynard Keynes is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series. The table of Links for this book can be found here.
86. 7 Events That May Shape the Global Economy in 2023
The following black swan events, if they occur, may have far-reaching effects on the state of the global economy in 2023.
87. On Building the Upstart DeFi Aggregator iearn.finance with Andre Cronje [Interview]
Disclaimer: This article does not offer financial advice, do your own research when using one of the presented products. Use these projects and services at your own risk.
88. Radically Democratic Business and Finance
Inequality and environmental degradation are inherent features of the status quo. The private sector, especially finance, is badly in need of democratization.
89. WTF is Supply Elasticity and How It Could Help Make Cryptocurrencies Mainstream
Supply elasticity is a property of money that allows the supply to expand and contract on an as-needed basis in order to meet demand. Well established monies like gold, as well as modern age cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ethereum, do not have this property.
90. Why Are All Eyes On China's Digital Yuan?
China has continuously been in global news, be it corona crisis, diplomatic relations, army conflicts or trade & commerce. Since the last couple of weeks, everyone is talking about China’s digital currency.
91. What is tokenomics and how it can make or break your ICO
Imagine you are the ruler of a small country. All residents of your country use the barter system to trade goods and services. Now you find barter to be a cumbersome process because of the following reasons:
92. The Economics of Social Money: Digital Communities in the Next Decade
Money is a social tool to achieve cooperation among a group of people. Through history, the form of money has evolved from collectibles to coinage to currency issued by fiat. Money often reflects the values or politics of the communities that issue and use them.
93. The NULLcoin™ White Paper [Public Release]
A Novel Solution for Increasing Token Demand While Eliminating Volatility
94. Sex Doesn't Sell, GitHub Does
Where do you go to sell a t-shirt? Shopify. Where do you go to sell a pdf? Gumroad. Where do you go to sell code? GitHub?
95. OYO Rooms is Going to Be India's WeWork: A Case Study
Another Softbank Portfolio Company That Has Toxic Culture and No Clear Path to Profitability
96. The Crypto Reformer: Meet Hacker Noon's Contributor Chitose Nakamoto
Chitose Nakamoto speaks about the Digital Universal Drachma, writing, philosophy, and society.
97. Mining Fiat is Unsustainable
In an earlier article, I outlined the opportunities that blockchains offer investors from a wide angle. This prompted a number of requests for more in-depth analysis of the disruptive qualities of this technology. The following is a first principle examination of the market opportunities blockchain-based solutions offer within the realm of government-controlled currencies, commonly referred to as "fiat money". Quite literally addressing all the money in the world.
98. Surviving Crypto Winter — Part Three: — Why Privacy Coins Will Rule the Next Bull Run
Welcome to part three of the Surviving Crypto Winter series (check out part one and two), where I profile companies and projects that have a shot at surviving the winds of crypto winter and thriving when dreams of spring comes again. This time I profile the an entire category of projects: privacy coins.
99. Why Everyone Missed the Most Important Invention in the Last 500 Years
You’ve never heard of Yuji Ijiri. But back in 1989 he created something incredible.
100. 5 Upwork Alternative Websites for Freelancers
This article introduces 5 Upwork alternative websites for freelancers looking for work in niche fields or people looking for entry-level micro work. With struggling economies in many countries, more and more people are turning to online freelancing as an additional source of income. Upwork is one of the most popular websites for freelancers. However, if you aren’t really getting many leads from that site, there are tons of upwork alternative sites you can try.
101. The Economics of Social Money: Digital Communities in the Next Decade
Money is a social tool to achieve cooperation among a group of people. Through history, the form of money has evolved from collectibles to coinage to currency issued by fiat. Money often reflects the values or politics of the communities that issue and use them.
102. The US Dollar has Failed as a Reserve Currency
Where to from here?
103. For the War
There is a multifaceted economic war quietly being waged between the major flags of the world.
104. The Empire Strikes Back with a Coordinated War on Crypto
SAN BENEDETTO DEL TRONTO, ITALY. MAY 16, 2015. Portrait of Darth Vader costume replica with grab hand and his sword. Care of ShutterStock for editorial use.
105. Is Tokenization The Engine To The Economy of The Future?
106. An Algorithmic Decentralized Central Bank: Eliminating Irrational Token Allocation with SORA
For this article, we focus in particular on the macroeconomy, tokenomics, macrotokenomics, governance, and decentralized applications
107. Why Would Anything Ever Go Right?
Projects can fail because of multipolar traps (a value sacrifice game) and surrogation traps, where means substitute for the desired ends.
108. The Five Keys to Crypto Evolution
So the doomsayers were right all along. Crypto was nothing but a bubble and it finally burst.
109. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book III - Chapter III
The inhabitants of cities and towns were, after the fall of the Roman empire, not more favoured than those of the country.
110. Subprime 2.0 – Is 2008 is back?
CIA Supervisor:
111. Doughnut Economics in Amsterdam Prove 'Economy or Life' to be a False Dichotomy
Wherever you are in this world, the chances are that you are living in some form of lockdown. A few countries have been able to relax the restrictions a bit earlier than others, mostly because they acted quickly, while others that are still experiencing high numbers of infections and deaths are easing their restrictions. Why are they taking this risk? Because ‘they’, and we’re mostly talking about the USA and the United Kingdom in this respect, appear to be more concerned about the economy than peoples’ lives.
112. The Bitcoin Halvening is More Than Just About Money [Deep Dive]
A philosophical overview
113. The Age Of “Whatever It Takes” Economic Policies
And what it means for all of us
114. Libra, a Cyberpunk Nightmare in the Midst of Crypto Spring
With crypto winter finally over, I’ve turned my heart to the green shoots of spring. But my thoughts are not warm in this first article in the Dreams of Crypto Spring series. I break down the most talked about digital currency in history, Facebook’s Libra, and the dark shadow it casts over the future.
115. Perverse Incentives: A Story About Rats, Nails, and Atrocities
Errors and atrocities happen when hunting for incentives, and humans manipulate the rules, ravaging natural, moral, or cultural ecosystems.
116. Why AI Will Bring an Explosion of New Jobs
AI terrifies a lot of people.
117. What Will Bitcoin Look Like in Twenty Years?
Prediction is a tricky business.
118. The Financial System Laid Bare [My Two Cents]
A Pocket Economics Guide To Where Money Comes From
119. The Digital Universal Drachma: A Paradigm for a Global Private-Public Cryptocurrency
A bold re-envisioning of the fundamentals behind blockchain technology and economic theory, in this paper Chitose Nakamoto suggests a middle ground in crypto.
120. Cryptocurrencies Promote Secure Decentralization or Support Cyber Piracy: the Truth
The odd symbiosis between hacking syndicates and cryptocurrency, and how they're powering each other's rise.
121. The Economics of Social Money: Digital Communities in the Next Decade
Money is a social tool to achieve cooperation among a group of people. Through history, the form of money has evolved from collectibles to coinage to currency issued by fiat. Money often reflects the values or politics of the communities that issue and use them.
122. Why Liquid Staking Benefits the Crypto Ecosystem
Proof of Stake (PoS) blockchains are waiting for you to stake your crypto. Yet staking’s low participation — only 24% of the total market cap of staking platforms are locked in staking — means that crypto enthusiasts have yet to realize its benefits.
123. How is Finance and Investment Changing? — An Interview with the CEO of Antares
Due to several factors, the financial and investment landscape is currently undergoing a significant shift. Chief among them is the economic crisis resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic that subsequently forced nations to lock down their economies.
124. How Digital Securities Could Empower The Little Guy
A security is a traditional financial instrument, such as equity, debt, or real assets. It represents ownership in (or the rights to ownership in) the aforementioned categories. Securities are also typically exclusive, rather than inclusive, because the process of buying and trading something like equity or debt is slow and expensive.
125. "Free Market will Adopt the Best Form of Money, and Bitcoin Checks all the Boxes" - Carl Runefelt
In a bid to help crypto enthusiasts with more insight and information, I reached out to Carl Runefelt, a crypto influencer, for his opinion and expert insights.
126. Helicopter Money, Inflation, and the Bitcoin Standard
Bitcoin was created in the midst of the 2008 financial crisis, and the economic impacts of the coronavirus pandemic are setting the stage for Bitcoin’s greatest test yet.
127. Why We Should Pay for Payroll Taxes via a Transaction Tax on Stocks and Tariffs on Imports
Payroll taxes are in the news. President Donald Trump said he wanted to defer the collection of employee portion of the Social Security portion of the payroll tax in order to provide pandemic-related economic relief to workers. The Congress didn’t agree, so he issued an executive order to do just that on August 13. Much is unclear about how his order is supposed to work, and there are questions about whether it is legal.
128. Not All The Companies Are The Same
In the context of the coronavirus crisis, many companies began experiencing cash flow shortfalls. In order to avoid the liquidity problem, which eventually may turn into a solvency issue, businesses were forced to cut their operational costs.
129. What are dApps and How Do They Enable a True Free Market?
The world economy is facing a gigantic hurdle that threatens our future: too much money and power is being controlled by too few people.
130. Do Some Tech Companies Have Too Much Influence? - Lessons From the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
Russia is increasingly isolated politically and economically, and countries are not the only parties choosing to flex their economic might.
131. Hacking Against Inflation Through Real Estate [Infographic]
A look at how to hedge against inflation by investing in real estate.
132. The Economic Ideology of Crypto and DDLTs (Decentralized Distributed Ledger Technology)
In the Beginning...
133. Does Economic Uncertainty Create More Demand for Gold and Bitcoin?
The world is moving into a new era filled with political, economic and social instability. With reports showing how most countries including the US are running fiscal deficits, capital markets are becoming increasingly volatile as economic uncertainty increases.
134. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book IV, Chapter IV.
Merchants and manufacturers are not contented with the monopoly of the home market, but desire likewise the most extensive foreign sale for their goods.
135. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book I, Chapter IV
When the division of labour has been once thoroughly established, it is but a very small part of a man’s wants which the produce of his own labour can supply.
136. Blunt Economics: The Death of Growth - Part I
During the 2007 crisis, I was 15 years old, obviously too young, to understand what's happening. My father was upset. He tried to explain to me that it's the crisis that has come, and we will have to cut expenses and save.
137. Fighting Wealth Inequality with Blockchain and Tokenization [Deep Dive]
While Bloomberg has celebrated the best decade in history for financial returns, it is not a coincidence that wealth inequality has reached proportions not seen since the roaring´20s. And while this does not seem to concern the financial elites — who celebrated another fat end of the year — this is in reality a major concern for all the others, the 99,..%ers.
138. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book V, Chapter I - Part II
Men who have no property, can injure one another only in their persons or reputations.
139. SBF is Just the Most Recent Kraken Lurking in the Crypto Industry
It’s not that we don’t have a need for kings; we have a need to not have one at all!
140. The Viral Crisis Paradox and Other Covid-19 Economic Observations
As I write these words we’ve just passed one million known infected with COVID-19 and the economies of the “advanced” world are certainly going into a recession (two quarters of negative growth). In a globalised world physically connected by just over 100,000 flights per day, contagious disease populates the world in a matter of weeks. With a global mortality rate of around 10%, despite modern medicine, this is yet another global “plague”. But we as a globally connected society have new tools (such as lung ventilators) and new tricks (social distancing).
141. How Should We Re-Evaluate Our Models of the World?
On the internet, "public goods" take center stage.
142. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book II - Chapter IV
The stock which is lent at interest is always considered as a capital by the lender.
143. An In-Depth Look at Coronavirus, Bitcoin, & the 2008 Housing Bubble
What do a McMansion buying spree, a pandemic, and a cryptocurrency have in common? It may be surprising but these three things have a lot of stuff in common
144. What Can Software Engineers Learn from Public Policy Professionals?
Public Policy is quite an obscure profession. It hides in plain sight. Most people don’t realize that there’s a piece of sophisticated machinery that constantly shapes the world they live in — a system under but also beyond politics. So let’s define it first. Public policy is any state-initiated and state-executed intervention to get a certain outcome. This outcome could be a lot of things — increase in literacy, reduced corruption, increase in exports, people using products made within the country, and so on. All of them, in theory, have the long term good of the citizens as an ever-present overarch.
145. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book II - Chapter V
No equal capital puts into motion a greater quantity of productive labour than that of the farmer.
146. Bitcoin As The Ultimate Insurance: Why $11,000 is Just The Beginning
Two decades ago, Nobel Prize-wining economist Milton Friedman said:
147. Here's Why MicroStrategy Put 85% of its Cash Reserves in Bitcoin
What if we told you that one company now owns 0.182% of all Bitcoin that will ever exist. And it's not even a Bitcoin or cryptocurrency-related company.
148. What if the Single Most Important Idea in Economics No Longer Works?
Smith is, after all, one of history’s most misused economists, straw-manned by the left and worshipped by the right for saying things he didn’t say.
149. Australian Share Market Today all Ordinaries
Some of you must have a range of indices being published on the bulletin and newspapers to help investors in making decisions. While some still cannot wrap their heads around the strange list of numbers that are being read on TV. Whatever the category of people you belong, it is important to understand what it is, how it works and how vital it is for your investment and management decisions. Thus, Ezzat Daniel Nesseim is here to walk you through what the Australian share market All ordinaries is all about. Read on!
150. FIFA World Cup 2022, Beer, and the Metaverse, Through the Lens of 'Market Discounts Everything'
What is more important than football in a World Cup? Beer. According to a study, for many fans, alcohol is part of the social occasion of attending or watching.
151. Why We Should Opt Out of the Attention Economy
The Value of Attention - why your attention is so valuable and why you're selling it too cheaply
152. Some Stray Thoughts On The Long Term Winner in Crypto-Assets
Today we are going to discuss how the long term survivability of a prospective crypto asset is the single best indicator of its investment quality. We will also consider capital’s role in this model and why this is the best approach to investing in a crypto asset.
153. How Fed's Rate Hike affects Crypto Market Sentiment
154. Inflation is Taking a Toll on The Dollar [Infographic]
A look at the impacts of inflation as well as how gold is often a hedge against inflationary measures.
155. The Count of Monte Cristo, Illustrated: Chapter 3 - The Catalans
The Count of Monte Cristo, Volume One, Chapter 3: The Catalans by Alexandre Dumas, père is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
156. How Digital Democracy Empowers Today's Creators Economy
As technology advances and becomes more accessible to the masses, it must be used to get voices heard while improving governance.
157. How the Financial Crisis, Trump, Covid19 and GameStop Created Web3
The world is bursting with talks of new, exciting technologies. Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, NFTs, DAOs, DeFi, Metaverse… where do they come from?
158. Global Economic Impact of AI: Facts and Figures
Summarization of Research Insights from Emerj, Harvard Business Review, MIT Sloan, and Mckinsey
159. Taming the Beast: Ambitions Vs. Successful Projects
To realize real merits and demerits, an ambitious person needs to evaluate objectively the results of work, comparing it with similar results of other people in similar business situations or a similar project environment.
160. What are the Vicious - and Breakable - Cycles of the Attention Economy?
This Slack discussion by Mario Vasilescu, Linh and me occurred in hackernoon's official #slogging-beta channel.
161. Cryptocurrencies as Money: Evolution of Stablecoins and What's Next
Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies that are backed by other assets to achieve a stable value, which creates untold opportunity for the way humans interact with money as they have the benefits of cryptocurrency (borderless, secure, low cost) while protecting the users from volatile price action. They often represent real money (GBP, USD etc) and for this reason are more easily understood by a global audience.
162. Bitcoin in the Age of Deflationary Policies
Foreword: You may not be aware — particularly if you live in the United States— but the global economy is now entering uncharted territory as negative interest rates become reality in Europe and elsewhere. Suddenly the financial media (sponsored in no small measure by global banks) are working overtime to ‘educate’ the masses as to why the practice of paying your bank to hold your cash makes perfect sense. (They conveniently forget to mention that they will immediately lend your money to other customers, but good luck getting negative rates as a borrower!)
163. Post-Pandemic SaaS Business Trends That Are Here To Stay
Technology business owners are benefitting from an increase in consumer confidence. Here are the latest SaaS trends that are shaping the business world in 2021.
164. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book I, Chapter V
Every man is rich or poor according to the degree in which he can afford to enjoy the necessaries, conveniencies, and amusements of human life.
165. Bitcoin As Tokenized Oil. The rise of the PetroBitcoin?
(An analysis of bitcoin strategies for oil rich and sanctioned countries)
166. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book I, Chapter VI
The profits of stock, it may perhaps be thought, are only a different name for the wages of a particular sort of THE COMPONENT PART OF THE PRICE OF COMMODITIES.
167. NFTs Are Playthings of the Rich, not Democratizing Art
NFTs only make sense if you see them as playthings for the wealthy.
168. How Brazil’s Newly Elected Government Will Affect Its Bustling Startup Ecosystem
With a new political wind blowing through Brazil, we need to ask: What impact might Lula's election have on the buzzing startup ecosystem?
169. Can We Predict the Future of Cryptocurrency?
What's the future of cryptocurrency? With all eyes focused on the global economic climate and a tumultuous recent history for crypto, it's anything but clear.
170. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book IV, Chapter VII - Part I
All the other enterprizes of the Spaniards in the New World, subsequent to those of Columbus, seem to have been prompted by the same motive.
171. "We Haven’t Scratched the Surface of Crypto Opportunity," Ilia Maksimenka
Although the traditional banking system remains the foundation for the present global economy, experts believe that there is bound to be a systemic overhaul of this model to cope with the current demand for optimized financial processes.
172. "The Present Financial System Will be Replaced by DeFi" - Umar Farooq
With DeFi trend steadily gaining momentum across the world, 2020 has been deservedly proclaimed as the year of “DeFi Renaissance”. Indeed, no other technological innovation shook up the world to the same extent as decentralized financial technology did earlier this year. Even in the face of such a major ground-shaking event as Covid-19, not only DeFi stood up to its position, but also magnified in value to an extent hardly envisaged half a year ago. The TVL index accurately reflects it – compared to the start of this year with $80 million, the total value has now augmented to the transcendental value of $11 billion.
173. The Economic Consequences of the Peace: Chapter VI - Europe after the Treaty
The Economic Consequences of the Peace Chapter VI: Europe after the Treaty by John Maynard Keynes is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
174. Is the Reputation Economy a Dystopia? [Discussion]
China is transitioning itself to a Social Credit currency. Facebook is evolving from a social network into a bank. Credit card companies leak how "risky" you are to hackers. The world is changing, and fast. And so should the conversation.
175. Banks, Money Creation, and What the Crypto Community Refuses to Learn from Them
TL;DR: Contrary to the prevailing “fractional reserve” narrative of money creation in the crypto community, Central Banks today admit to money creation in the economy by individual banks as being more nefarious than previously propagated in mainstream economic and financial disquisition. Money is in fact empirically created ex nihilo, where loans create deposits (and bank lending is not reserve constrained). Owing to its superior monetary attributes as a store-of-value (SoV), the implication of this empirical finding further justifies Bitcoin’s role as the best alternative for the average citizen, in the 21st century, to hedge against the frequent financial and economic crises we experience worldwide triggered by our debt/credit-based economic system.
176. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book I, Chapter II
This division of labour, from which so many advantages are derived, is not originally the effect of any human wisdom.
177. The Count of Monte Cristo, Illustrated: Chapter 4 - Conspiracy
The Count of Monte Cristo, Volume One, Chapter 4: Conspiracy by Alexandre Dumas, père is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
178. The 18 Trillion Dollar Question of Blockchain Adoption by Governments
I Interview Gerard Dache of the Government Blockchain Association, who promote blockchain technologies to solve public sector challenges around the world.
179. How to Account for the Future of Work: Automation, Blockchain, and the Knowledge Economy
What's the problem with unfulfilled technological ideas and ideals? A critical perspective on the blockchain and DAOs that offers a better "Future of Work".
180. "The Establishment looks [at] cryptocurrency as a threat"
I recently joined the American Blockchain PAC as its senior counselor.
181. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book III - Chapter IV
It is a mistake to imagine that those territorial jurisdictions took their origin from the feudal law.
182. The Precariat: A New Social Phenomenon
The precariat is a class of socially unsettled people who do not have full guaranteed employment.
183. Money: A Basketcase [A Deep Dive]
The failures of the USD as a global reserve currency mean
that we must reimagine money.
184. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book II - Chapter III
There is one sort of labour which adds to the value of the subject upon which it is bestowed; there is another which has no such effect.
185. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book IV, Chapter I
Others admit, that if a nation could be separated from all the world, it would be of no consequence how much or how little money circulated in it.
186. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book IV, Chapter II
The general industry of the society can never exceed what the capital of the society can employ.
187. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book IV, Chapter IX
If the rod be bent too much one way, says the proverb, in order to make it straight, you must bend it as much the other.
188. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book IV, Chapter VII - Part II
The progress of many of the ancient Greek colonies towards wealth and greatness seems accordingly to have been very rapid.
189. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book I, Chapter I.
The greatest improvements in the productive powers of labour, and the greater part of the skill, dexterity, and judgment.
190. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book II - Chapter I
When the stock which a man possesses is no more than sufficient to maintain him for a few days or a few weeks, he seldom thinks of deriving any revenue from it.
191. Futarchy Fixes Democracy, or Does it?
Futarchy: a possible improvement on democracy? This article examines the futarchic blockchain governance model and its potential impact on political systems.
192. Additive Technologies in Manufacturing Processes
The world economy has taken a course towards the advanced development and implementation of additive technologies of dimensional shaping.
193. 8 Unsolved Carbon Markets' Problems That Engineers Need To Get Behind And Solve
I think about this conversation I had with Paul a lot. It kicked off what has now been over three years of imaginative, grueling, wonderful, painful, mind-blowing, and confounding work-- all of which took place alongside the minds of amazing co-founders, teammates, and advisors.
194. Bitcoin As Legal Tender is Just The First Step For El Salvador To Foster Economic Development
What steps should El Salvador take to further bitcoinization and foster its economic development. Saylor and Tudor Jones: start lobbying for Bitcoin
195. Adrien Book's Neighbors Sound Like a Pain in the A*s; Dreams < Riches?
9x Noonie Nominee Adrien Book (France) helps big companies with strategic stuff, and is currently learning Russian, while optimizing a fairly complicated sleep cycle. Read on!
196. "Working From Home is a Learning Experience For Everyone" - Kenny Su
Gradually and already palpably, Covid-19 is setting the global economy to the new order. Apart from delving financial institutions into a slump not visible since the Second World War, and it caused a dramatic digital surge which is set to transform organizational practices once and for all. That’s what McKinsey report points at: same organizational principles that applied before can no longer be sustained, and the flatter, more agile and empowered structure has to be brought into force. All of that lays down the ground for new rules and opens a completely new paradigm in which organizations have to withstand.
197. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book V, Chapter II - Part I
Small republics have sometimes derived a considerable revenue from the profit of mercantile projects.
198. What Comes After Adam Smith and Keynes? [A Deep Dive]
In the morning, we rub our eyes and stretch ourselves, ready for a new day. After washing,we open the refrigerator, take out the sandwiches and milk we bought last night, put them in the microwave to heat up, and perhaps go to the living room to open the meditation videos stored in the tablet and relax with the rhythm of music.
199. Corona: Seven Ways to Smash the Curve Now
Everyone knows they need to act now to stop the coronavirus.
200. State of The Creator Economy: SignalFire’s Market Map and Analysis
By Yuanling Yuan, edited by Josh Constine
201. Decrypt the NFT Market: Connection Drives Economic Demand - A Meta-Analysis and Reflection
The hunger for connection is one of the psychically chthonic forces that can drive demand for NFTs.
202. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book III - Chapter II
This original engrossing of uncultivated lands, though a great, might have been but a transitory evil.
203. Dollar: A Dominant and a Surprising Currency
204. Ignoring the Billionaires
Billionaires matter in America. Ignore them at your own risk.
205. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations - Table of Links
An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, by Adam Smith is part of HackerNoon’s Books series. Raed this book online for free on HackerNoon
206. The 449-Page Antitrust Report on Big Tech Monopolies: Key Takeways
On October 6th 2020, the House lawmakers released a 449-page report investigating how Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google managed to turn from “scrappy” start-ups into “the kinds of monopolies we saw last in the era of oil barons and railroad tycoons”. This comparison is not misleading since data is referred to as the new oil.
207. The Economic Consequences of the Peace: Chapter III - The Conference
The Economic Consequences of the Peace Chapter III: The Conference by John Maynard Keynes is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
208. The Economic Consequences of the Peace: Chapter II - Europe before the War
The Economic Consequences of the Peace, Chapter II: Europe before the War by John Maynard Keynes is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
209. What Can Make DisCOs Grow
What needs to happen for DisCOs to grow and flourish across the economy?
210. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book I, Chapter III
As it is the power of exchanging that gives occasion to the division of labour so the extent of this division must always be limited by the extent of that power
211. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book IV, Chapter VI
It is but a very small part of this importation which, it can be supposed, is employed as an annual addition, either to the plate or to the coin of the kingdom.
212. A U.S. CBDC: A Mandate for Digital Property
CBDC is a digital liability of a central bank that is widely available to the general public, and analogous to a digital form of paper money.
213. The Count of Monte Cristo, Illustrated: Chapter 6 - The Deputy Procureur du Roi
The Count of Monte Cristo, Volume One, Chapter 6: The Deputy Procureur du Roi by Alexandre Dumas, père is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
214. The Economic Consequences of the Peace: Chapter VII - Remedies
The Economic Consequences of the Peace Chapter VII: Remedies by John Maynard Keynes is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
215. The Count of Monte Cristo, Illustrated: Chapter 7 - The Examination
The Count of Monte Cristo, Volume One, Chapter 7: The Examination by Alexandre Dumas, père is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
216. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book I, Chapter IX
It is not easy, it has already been observed, to ascertain what are the average wages of labour, even in a particular place, and at a particular time.
217. The Count of Monte Cristo, Illustrated: Chapter 5 - The Marriage Feast
The Count of Monte Cristo,Volume One, Chapter 5: The Marriage Feast by Alexandre Dumas, père is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
218. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book I, Chapter VIII
The produce of labour constitutes the natural recompence or wages of labour.
219. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book IV, Chapter III
Of the Unreasonableness of those Restraints, even upon the Principles of the Commercial System.
220. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book V, Chapter III
A part of their wool and raw hides, they had generally an opportunity of selling for money.
221. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book I, Chapter X
Every man’s interest would prompt him to seek the advantageous, and to shun the disadvantageous employment.
222. The Economic Consequences of the Peace: Chapter IV- The Treaty
The Economic Consequences of the Peace Chapter IV: The Treatyby John Maynard Keynes is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
223. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book II - Chapter II
Money, therefore, is the only part of the circulating capital of a society, of which the maintenance can occasion any diminution in their neat revenue.
224. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book IV, Chapter V
Bounties upon exportation are, in Great Britain, frequently petitioned for, and sometimes granted, to the produce of particular branches of domestic industry.
225. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book IV, Chapter VII - Part III
Such are the advantages which the colonies of America have derived from the policy of Europe.
226. The Economic Consequences of the Peace: Chapter V - Reparation
The Economic Consequences of the Peace Chapter V - Reparation by John Maynard Keynes is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.
227. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book V, Chapter I - Part III
The third and last duty of the sovereign or commonwealth, is that of erecting and maintaining those public institutions and those public works.
228. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book V, Chapter II - Part II
Civil government supposes a certain subordination.
229. An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations: Book I, Chapter XI
The rent of land, it may be thought, is frequently no more than a reasonable profit or interest for the stock laid out by the landlord upon its improvement.
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