Let's learn about Health via these 207 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Navigating all round well-being - physical, mental and so forth - in step with life, work and living.
1. How Imposter Syndrome Affects Developers
Imposter syndrome is a feeling in software development. Not only does beginners or mid-level developers face this problem, but also the experienced coders.
2. Hacking Weight Loss Once And For All [Infographic]
A new approach to weight loss is necessary that can help people where they are in their weight loss for the long term.
3. Cycling's Tech-Driven Future: A Podcast with Lance Armstrong
A podcast conversation about the future of cycling through Technology, with Lance Armstrong and Terra API
4. Meal Planning Introduction
Meal planning is an essential ‘thing’ for healthy lifestyle. Please note that i didn’t create that content myself. I only put quotes or links from other sources that i googled.
5. The four things I do to manage my migraine as a software developer
Migraine affects 1 billion people worldwide. It's the 3rd most prevalent and the 6th most disabling illness in the world. It's worse than an ordinary headache. The attacks usually last between 4 and 72 hours. Whoever has, or had a migraine knows about the pain they had to endure and the sacrifices they had to make because of it. Managing a migraine is not easy. You're pretty much forced to change and adjust your lifestyle and habits. There is no pill that you can take to make it go away forever. In this article I'll cover the four things I do to manage my migraine.
6. How AI is Improving the Fitness Industry
AI solutions utilized in health & fitness have been transforming the industry. AI is now focusing on reshaping the specific habits of people.
7. How to Stay Healthy As a Programmer: Common Issues, and Tools to Help You Avoid Them
Programmers spend most of their time in front of the computer screen, mostly sitting. While their brain is actively working, their body does not. Even worse, IT emergencies happen quite often, and engineers usually have to monitor systems or code instant fixes far outside regular working hours. All these factors may cause any number of health issues, all of which every IT professional should be aware of.
8. The Application of Cloud Computing in the Health Care Industry
Although cloud computing isn’t something new to the healthcare industry, the industry is yet to fully utilize the potential of the cloud.
9. A California Engineer’s “Rational” Preparation for Coronavirus
What will I do if/when Coronavirus (COVID-19) becomes a pandemic ???
10. Hacking the Digestive System With Probiotics
A look at hacking the digestive system through the use of probiotics.
11. Healthcare Technology Trends Accelerated By COVID-19 in 2021
Thanks to these healthcare technology trends, our medical infrastructures are evolving to fight pandemic-level viruses in the most efficient manner possible.
12. Why Senior Citizens Should Learn to Code
Seniors - learn to code! As a mind-stimulating leisure activity, learning to code has many health and social benefits for older adults.
13. 3 Surprising Benefits of Biotin Gummies
There are so many gummy brands in the market. Everyone calling itself better than the other. Then, how do you decide which hair & skin gummies you can rely on?
14. The Importance of Sports Analytics
You’re probably familiar with the movie Moneyball (if not, watch it!). It’s the story of Billy Beane, the former MLB player and manager of the Oakland A’s, a struggling team with one of the smallest budgets in the league. Using statistical analysis methods, he ditched all traditional advice and based recruitment purely on data. The result? The A’s won 20 consecutive games, the first team in over a century to do so.
15. Is There Really a Link Between Coronavirus and Bitcoin?
Bitcoin went up, and it was because of the Coronavirus, people said. Then bitcoin went down, and that was also because of the virus. The question is this; has the virus had any effect on bitcoin at all?
16. Why It's Important for Patients to Have Access to Their Medical Records
Why It's Important for Patients to Have Access to Their Medical Records
17. The Effects of Energy Drinks on The Body: Cons of Caffeine Consumption
While caffeine is largely accepted in today's society, high dose caffeine products like energy drinks and caffeine pills can be detrimental.
18. What’s the Healthiest Way to Lose Weight
We would all like to lose body fat rapidly. However, not only is that nearly impossible (get real), but it’s also incredibly unhealthy. According to the people who lose weight gradually (one-to-two pounds per week) are more successful in keeping the weight off.
19. How I Hacked My Own Body to Beat “Inflamm-aging”
Just one simple step and I was better. Therefore, I invested in it and started to build up some habits from the book.
20. Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Health, Ageing, and Disease [Comic]
Intermittent Fasting (‘IF’) might have been the biggest diet trend of 2019.
21. How The Healthcare Industry Can Best Utilise Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
Healthcare has more than its fair share of monotonous, time-consuming tasks that prevent employees from focusing on more productive activities.
22. Understanding Continuous Glucose Monitoring: A Guide to CGM Devices
Understanding Continuous Glucose Monitoring: A Guide to CGM Devices, and how developers can build solutions on such data
23. 3 Ergonomic Keyboards for Developers, Ranked by a Developer
Ergonomic keyboards help programmers with longevity.
24. 7 Companies with Recipe APIs in 2022
An overview of 7 Companies with recipe APIs in 2022
25. Hacking Your Sleep for Better Quality
A look at how you can become more productive and healthy by focusing on the quality of your sleep habits and routine.
26. What does Longevity Mean in a Technology Era?
Nowadays, everything can be possible. However, we know that longevity is difficult to conquer. But is it really not a possibility in the era of technology?
27. RETHINKing the $8 Trillion Aging Care Industry
A look at how the $8 trillion aging industry is ripe for disruption.
28. Face Masks: The Key to Flattening the Curve for COVID-19 [Infographic]
Wearing a face mask has recently become a norm for people across the country as the CDC has resolved that all Americans should wear a face covering when in public to slow the spread. The WHO recommends wearing a face mask if either you are caring for a person that is suspected of having COVID-19 or you yourself are sneezing, coughing, or sick. The WHO also stresses that face masks are only effective if you use them properly, and are not a replacement for frequent handwashing or hand sanitizing. The CDC advises wearing a face mask in a public setting where social distancing is impractical or in areas where transmission can easily happen. The CDC stresses that face masks do not replace other social distancing measures and should be made at home or made of cloth, rather than surgical masks or N95 masks.
29. Will the World Be Able To Limp Back to Normalcy After The Coronavirus Scare?
This is not a drill. This is not the time to give up. This is not a time for excuses. This is a time for pulling out all the stops. Sounds dramatic, right?
30. Living in Lockdown: What's the Appropriate Response to the Coronavirus?
It is difficult to think, talk, or write about anything else these days. I am now living in a near lockdown society. Schools, restaurants, and more and more shops are closed. People are advised to stay off the streets and keep their distance.
31. How Advances in Tech and CBD Are Growing the Health Sector
CBD is a new acronym listed on the packaging of many products you might’ve seen recently. There are CBD facial masks, gummy bears, sparkling water, tea, oils and even hair gel, but why does this ingredient justify a spinoff for products that already work as intended? More than a mere ingredient, CBD—or Cannabidiol—is advertised with such gusto because it appears to have great potential, and for so long has been peculiarly unattainable.
32. How to Help Those Who Are NEET
Most of us know volunteering is good for our health. You’re giving something back, meeting people you might not otherwise meet, and possibly transforming lives.
33. AI designed a drug treatment -- from start to validation in mice -- in less than a month
How long would you last in school if you consistently received 12 percent out of 100s on your exams?
34. COVID-19 Alert: Your Freedom is Being Threatened With Digital ID & Immunity Cards
Soon you may need a digital ID to prove immunity to COVID-19, from vaccination or previous infection. And if you don't have your ID, you may not be allowed anywhere in public. This includes the supermarket, your workplace, pharmacies, restaurants, public parks and more.
35. An Evidence-Based Guide to Nootropics and Cognitive Enhancement [Comic]
After years of listening to people preach misinformed rubbish about nootropics and cognitive enhancement, I decided to do the responsible thing and write a comic to preach myself.
36. Is This a Breakthrough Cure For COVID-19 Coronavirus?
Sonic resonance is a manifestation of energy that shatters targeted microscopic organisms, and potentially infected Coronavirus cells - without harming surrounding cells.
37. An Introduction to Pain Management: How To Deal With Pain
Pain can be difficult to deal with, but there are different management options for pain depending on person, gender and clinical conditions. Read about pain.
38. New Tech Breakthrough in Cancer Research Targets Only Cancer Cells
A new technological cancer research breakthrough presented at ASCO 2022 promises precision targeting of cancer cells and eliminating of terrible side effects.
39. My $0 Biohacking Journey to Completing Ultra-Marathons
This article details my $0 biohacking journey to ultra-marathons, health, fitness, and more
40. My Experiences with Overcoming Depression
Overcoming depression is a long and challenging process. Here’s what else I have learned.
41. The Surprising Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Software Engineers
Discover the numerous benefits of intermittent fasting for software engineers, including weight loss, improved cognitive function, and better health.
42. Using Robotics & Automation in IHC Labs
The booming immunohistochemistry (IHC) sector of healthcare requires more technicians than the market has to offer. That's where automation comes in.
43. 8 Habits of Highly Productive People
The habits of highly productive people make them accomplish a lot. It's not magic, and you can improve your mentality by following these 8 habits.
44. Mobile Technology Adoption in The Healthcare Industry
The healthcare industry garnered a very sad reputation for being slow at technology adoption, with a recent study revealing that 89 percent still use fax machines and 39 percent still depend on pagers or landlines to communicate.
45. In Defense of Light Mode: Research Says Its Better For Eye Health
An unusual perspective on the light mode vs. dark mode debate: research points to light mode as being more advantageous for both eye health and legibility.
46. Hacking the Future of Healthcare: Telehealth and Telemedicine
A look at how telemedicine and telehealth are the future of healthcare.
47. Fighting Coronavirus: Singapore Tests a Disinfection Robot That Capable of Cleaning Large Areas
Scientists in Singapore have invented a disinfecting robot that imitates human gestures to help cleaning staff overwhelmed since the start of the coronavirus crisis. The "XDBOT" is a rectangular box-shaped robot mounted on wheels and armed with an articulated arm which can be operated remotely. He can reach places that are difficult to clean with great dexterity, such as the space under beds or tables.
48. Sleep, Learning and Memory
What impact can sleep deprivation have on our ability to learn? What measures can we take to ensure a good night's sleep and facilitate knowledge acquisition?
49. Adverse Effects of Smartphone Addiction
Today, as the world progresses, the inevitable dominance of technology has taken over almost every aspect of our lives. Unfortunately, relationships are replaced by virtual ones, leisure time is spent while scrolling, and you no longer need drugs to escape from reality. Instead of shutting your eyes and empowering smartphones to rule our lives, it would be wiser to embrace this revolution, let it infuse in your daily routine, and exploit its power to enhance your life.
50. How Can Contact-Tracing Apps Could Help Limit The Spread Of COVID-19
At the time of writing this article, the total number of COVID-19 cases stands at the 858,892 mark, with more than 40,000 deaths recorded worldwide.
51. Brainpower And Brainberries: 7 Food Ideas to Hack your Brain
Are you a programmer who wants to know what are the best food that would best fit your lifestyle? Developers and programmers can have very demanding jobs. They stay up for long hours and require a lot of brainpower in order to get their work done and meet their deadlines.
52. Importance of Safety In Workplace
Every single day, people head to work with the desires that they will have the option to finish their day by day undertakings liberated from accidents or some other wellbeing dangers. Positively, we as a whole have the right to work in protected and clean conditions. And keeping in mind that most organizations take measures to guarantee the wellbeing of their representatives, accidents will undoubtedly occur. In any case, there are approaches to guarantee that such accidents are limited and unfit to show genuine sick impacts.
53. What Data am I Giving Away When I Purchase My DNA Information?
So, you’re thinking about using a commercial DNA testing kit! You’re not alone. Tens of millions of people have already spit into a little vial and mailed it away to a company promising to tell them where their ancestors are from, to show them cousins they didn’t know they had, and to explain once and for all why they hate the taste of cilantro.
54. Waiting for Government to Solve Our Problems…
55. Why visualizations in Health don’t work
Visualizations in the most favorite health apps don’t have enough comparing and exploring possibilities.
56. Oxidative Priority: Understanding the Science Behind Fat Loss
This time I want to introduce one rule. The one that is underneath most diets. It is the Oxidative Priority, and how this is related to fat loss.
57. It's Time We Started Talking About Schizophrenia
With June estimates at 7000+ authors, 69 other Hackernoon contributors might also be a victim of schizophrenia, along with me. This article serves to demonstrate why these people are facing tougher-than-average odds to live to a ripe old age, and how society isn’t doing them justice in helping or finding a permanent solution.
58. What Happens When You Get Sick Right Now?
We are living in a weird time. Day by day we see more & more people coughing and getting sick, our neighbors, coworkers on Zoom calls, politicians, etc… But here’s when it becomes really, really scary — when you become one of “those” and have no clue what to do. Your reptile brain activates, you enter a state of panic, and engage complete freakout mode. That’s what happened to me this Monday, and I’m not sure I’m past this stage.
59. How the Metaverse Could Affect Mental Health
The impact of tech on mental health is a field of study that is still in its infancy.
60. Biohacking Your Health Through Online Supplements [Infographic]
Hacking your health through the online supplement business -
one of the most important staples of Amazon’s online business is in the realm of supplements.
61. Food Tech Stories: Amazing Dahmakan [Part 2]
In Southeast Asia cloud kitchens are undermining the eating out model, working directly from singular cooking settings, and delivering directly to clients' doorsteps. This phenomenon is also known as delivery-only kitchens, ghost kitchens, and dark kitchens.
62. A Morning Walk Can Improve Your Productivity and Boost Cognitive Function
Starting your day with a morning walk has a large positive impact on your productivity.
63. The Impact, Symptoms and Management of Stress
Are you frequently feeling stressed out? If so, this article discusses some of the physiological symptoms associated with stress and offers tips for reducing
64. 3 Fitness Apps That Get Me Going
3 apps to enhance your fitness routine, from a fitness lover
65. The Benefits of Taking a CPR Course Online
Obtaining your cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification online is now a very real and viable option for all people. Regardless of the reason why you’re obtaining your certification, you can either take it online, in-person, or a combination of the two, often called a “blended” course option.
66. Top Four Takeaways from HLTH ‘19 Conference
I had the privilege this week to attend the second annual HLTH Conference in Las Vegas. In between fangirling over two of my Healthcare Heros who were in attendance (shout out to Dr. John Halamka & Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel!), I learned a ton and was challenged to question whether the proliferation of healthcare startups is net positive.
67. 6 Ways to Mentally Prepare Yourself to Start a Business
We've all experienced time management problems at work. Here are 6 tips to use when you are mentally preparing yourself for entrepreneurship.
68. Facts About the COVID-19 Vaccine Everyone Should Know [Infographic]
A look at the facts and dispelling the myths surrounding the rollout of the COVID vaccine.
69. Marketing and Mental Health: Why Are We Addicted To Social Media?
The ability to escape reality reduces our willingness to engage with real life or to face its problems. Social media just may be killing off our will to fight.
70. Empowered Contact Tracing Applications for Tackling Covid-19 Proliferation
It goes without saying that China has had the first laugh when it comes to stemming the usurped growth of the covid-19 pandemic.
71. Why Are E-bikes Gaining Popularity?
Curious about e-bikes, electric bikes, or power bikes after hearing about them? Well, find out here why e-bikes are gaining popularity.
72. How to Keep Your Immune System Strong During COVID-19
With the outbreak of COVID-19, staying healthy and keeping your immune system in tip-top shape has become more important than ever. The immune system is the body’s natural response to disease and infection and consists of a number of cells and organs that work together to fight a variety of intruders, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and more. COVID-19 is especially dangerous, as compared to a previously existing virus such as the flu, because it is new. Because it is new, no one has been previously exposed, meaning they aren’t already immune to it and are still at risk, regardless of overall health. When exposed to antigens, which is a foreign object that causes a response from the immune system, there is normally a barrier between the antigen and your body. These antigens can be found nearly everywhere, ranging from public spaces, to inside your home, in the great outdoors, and more. In the case where an antigen does enter the body, the immune system sends white blood cells to destroy the antigen before it can get worse and reproduce.
73. Technology That is Paving the Way for Heart Health
Chicago-based MedTech expert, Tim Murawski discusses advancements in medical technology in regard to heart health.
74. Our Hospitals Are Overrun: How We Made a COVID-19 Bot to Help Out
COVID-19 Prescreening SMS Bot
75. Intermittent Fasting and Keto: All You Need To Know
You may have heard about the intermittent fasting and keto combination, but is it the right eating plan for you?
76. Fun at Work Matters: Building a Company Culture
Having non-productive fun with colleagues at work is a great way of relaxing during work and getting to know the team.
77. Here's What I Learned From Eating One Meal A Day
During the pandemic, it may be a good time to take back control of your lunchtime. OMAD gives you back the freedom TO EAT or NOT TO EAT.
78. How to Solve the Kidney Failure Crisis
A look at the growing problem of kidney failure and how a better system of implementation could change the health outcomes of our most vulnerable populations.
79. The Entrepreneurs' Guide to Better Sleep and Productivity
Sleep is vital for the human body to function. So why does the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that more than one-third of professionals aren’
80. Mental Health Awareness Month: How to Maintain Good Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Stress, anxiety, and fear are normal responses to actual or perceived threats, especially when confronted with uncertain situations. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, people are experiencing heightened levels of stress and anxiety.
81. The 7 Scopes of Wellness and 21 Apps to Help You Attain Them
These times are hard and achieving good health may seem difficult, but it is possible to achieve your wellness goals. Find out more about wellness here.
82. Importance of a Gratitude Journal
Gratitude works its magic by serving as an antidote to negative emotions. It’s like white blood cells for the soul, protecting us from cynicism, entitlement, anger, and resignation. — Arianna Huffington, Thrive.
83. All About Anxiety: Is Anxiety A Disability?
Living with anxiety can be difficult and in some regions anxiety is classified as a disability. However, employers can help employees with anxiety work better.
84. Exercise and the Hacker
Self care through physical exercise can help hackers with stress and energy.
85. How To Prepare Yourself For a Marathon [Part One]
This Slack discussion by Arthur, David, Richard, Anna Bleker, Natasha and Linh occurred in hackernoon's official #slogging-beta channel, and has been edited for readability.
86. Top 5 Telemedicine Apps for Doctors and Patients in 2021
Telehealth is a hot topic during the pandemic. Learn why those apps are game changers and what telemedicine apps are currently on the market.
87. 3 Ingredients I Think You Should Give Up Forever
Life expectancy is going backward in both the U.S. and the U.K. This isn’t a blip like World War I plus the Spanish flu combo. This is a downward trend since 2015. When’s it going to stop? What’s happening to our quality of life?
88. COVID-19 “Build Your Own Opinion” Toolkit
“Science is the father of knowledge, but opinion breeds ignorance.” — Hippocrates
89. 10 Easy Ways to Make Time for Wellness
Many people find it difficult to fit everything they need to do in a 24-hour day. Between work, social events, travel and family time, finding time to work out and eat right is tough. It’s much easier to find excuses for skipping the gym and picking up fast food instead.
90. [Interview] ‘Keto’ Is Going Digital With This New App; It’s Time For You To As Well
We all know a family member, friend, or co-worker who has at one point, talked about their transition to a structured form of dieting. If you are one of those individuals who have tried or are currently on a dietary program, how are you accurately keeping track of exactly what you are consuming (or not consuming)?
91. 3 Basic Tricks to Smash👊 Your Goals
Do you feel unmotivated? Lethargic? Overwhelmed?
92. Veterinary Telemedicine: Offering Animal Healthcare Online
Learn what is veterinary telemedicine and other teleservices, how they can be implemented in daily practice, and how to start providing teleservices.
93. Hacking Infection Control in Nursing Homes
COVID-19 revealed large lapses in our healthcare system’s infection control. The global pandemic killed nearly 136,000 nursing home residents and more than 2,000 workers. Infection control isn’t a new problem though; nursing home residents make up less than 1% of the U.S. population, yet they accounted for 20% of COVID-19-related deaths in the United States. On top of this, low-income seniors were hospitalized for COVID-19 at more than four times the rate of other Medicare beneficiaries.
94. Food Tech Stories: Amazing Dahmakan [Part 1]
Dahmakan is a food-tech startup in Southeast Asia that carries a composed way to deal with food delivery. The organization offers chef-made meals at a cost lesser than other eateries.
95. Food Tech Stories: How Sugarmate Helps People With Diabetes
Today, most people with diabetes opt to deal with their condition with the help of a continuous glucose monitor or CGMs. Since finger prick testing is not really convenient, CGMs are a great option. And they give a surge of information nonstop as well. However, most data is useless unless the right tools are used to analyze it.
96. Mental Health Basics: Diagnosis, Treatment, Tech Tools
Last year I found I had ADD.
97. Why You Should Try Nasal Breathing While Running
Breathing is a reflex action. While running with our mouth shut is not common, you can try it out and see the difference yourself.
98. How One Company Is Using Analytics and Tech to Reduce JUUL Usage
What started as a less harmful alternative to smoking has become one of the biggest health crises in the United States; vaping. Despite the decades of anti-smoking campaigns pushed by public health groups, vaping became increasingly popular. According to a Gallup survey, nearly 8 percent of Americans vaped, and almost one in five 18 to 29-year-olds reported vaping regularly.
99. AI Is The Future Of The Healthcare Industry
AI has the potential to revolutionise healthcare, from improving diagnosis and treatment to boosting hospital workflows. So, what does the future look like?
100. Tech-Based Solutions in Pharma's Fight Against Counterfeit Drugs
The development of blockchain-based projects in healthcare and pharmaceuticals is bound to make unprecedented leaps across the sector.
101. Eye Strain Headaches: What To Do When Your Eyes and Your Head Hurt
Do you suffer from headaches with pain behind and around your eyes? That's called an eyestrain headache; you can find out how to prevent them in this article.
102. What Professional Gamers Can Teach Us About Tech Health
When asked to name a paragon of technology-life balance, most people wouldn’t reflexively answer, professional gamer.
103. Digitizing Canadian Healthcare
As COVID-19 has swept across the country, it’s also left behind a trail of shuttered businesses and mounting job losses. To say that this pandemic has adversely impacted our economy would be putting it mildly. However, the one silver lining amongst all of this is that our healthcare system is now, once again, under the spotlight.
104. Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning for Medical Diagnosis
On the road to better healthcare
105. World’s First Indoor Drone Combats COVID-19 And Delivers 99% Disinfection Rate
The Aertos drones are able to fly stably indoors without external reference like GPS
106. What I've Learned from our Golden Retriever
What humanities “best friend” has to teach us.
107. Practicing Oxygen Hunger To Benefit Mental and Physical Health
I am less breathless during exercise, I am less tired at the end of the day, and my response to fear and stress has improved — All thanks to Oxygen Hunger.
108. Thriving Scams amid Covid-19 Pandemic
Pretending to be the IRS for selling fake vaccines, scammers have kicked in scammers and hackers are playing with people's emotions to cash in the opportunity since the coronavirus pandemic began.
109. The One-Minute Exercise Approach Changed My Life
It may be nothing comparing with the radical discovery in science, but the switch in thinking can save us money and time we spend on our health.
110. Life Hack: Do More by Sleeping More
In a recent interview, I got asked what would be the one book everyone should read as soon as possible in their lives. Being an artificial intelligence researcher and entrepreneur, the answer seemed obvious: Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker, Ph.D.
111. A Guide to Open Enrollment and the Health Insurance Marketplace
Navigating the American Health Insurance system is a little tricky. Many countries have what is called a single payer healthcare system covered by taxpayer dollars. Those taxes cover the costs of essential healthcare for all residents and are paid out by the government.
112. Should We Gene-Edit Our Fruits and Vegetables?
In this slogging thread, our community discussed the benefits of gene editing, and how it is different from GMOs.
113. How to Biohack Properly
Being deficient in any one mineral or nutrient can cause a plethora of physical and mental ailments. This article will teach you how to biohack your life.
114. Dear Elon Musk, Can You Help Me Lose Weight?
My open letter to Elon Musk, one of the greatest problem solvers of our time, asking about recommendations on how I could lose my extra few pounds.
115. A Look at the Nursing Homes of the Future [Infographic]
An infographic on the future of tech and empathy that will fuel the senior care and nursing home space.
116. Exploring the Future of Sleep Technology: A Podcast With Eight Sleep's CEO Matteo
In a recent podcast, Matteo Franceschetti, CEO of Eight Sleep, discussed the challenges and opportunities in the sleep technology industry. He emphasized the im
117. Colorectal Cancer: What You Need to Know
Colorectal cancer — not exactly the most hilarious topic. But sometimes, a little humor can make a serious issue more approachable. So, let’s talk about colorec
118. Here's Why 70% of Americans Are Overweight or Obese
Sollozzo goes over why 70% of Americans are overweight.
119. How Sensing Muscle Oxygenation Can Help Athletes Improve - A Podcast With the CEO of Moxy
During the discussion, the CEO of Moxy, Roger, discussed how athletes could use their muscle oxygen sensors to improve their performance. The sensor can be worn
120. The Noonification: What Is the Future of AI Rights? (1/30/2023)
1/30/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
121. Insights From the Co-Founder of Genopets: Building a Blockchain-Powered Gaming Platform
Join us as we sit down with Jay, the Co-Founder of Genopets, as he shares his journey in building a blockchain-powered gaming platform and the insights he gaine
122. Methods of Preventing Repetitive Severe Injuries in the Workplace Environment
In a period when deaths and serious injuries arise almost regularly in the workplace, employees will contend with at least three very distinct audiences. A fatality or traumatic injury at the workplace triggers the desire to connect with mourning people, including family members of the victim, eye witnesses of the tragedy, or co-workers who experience a sense of loss.
123. 5 Techniques to Combat Morning Anxiety
The way you wake up will influence your performance, how you communicate, and how effective you will be in setting boundaries and achieving your targets.
124. How Remote Work Saved My Mental Health
Remote work means finding a balance between your job, passions, and yourself. People can still be productive without working from nine to six.
125. Introducing Immunify.life.
In recent years, team members from the Immunify.life team have conducted critical research opportunities in improved healthcare.
126. Telemedicine Is Here to Stay: Now and After COVID-19
Although Telemedicine is nothing new, the uncertain times that COVID-19 has brought about have put it right in the spotlight. And I’m not just saying that. The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has released a $200M COVID-19 Telemedicine Program to help healthcare providers adopt technology solutions that make their services more accessible to patients. We are stepping into a new era for healthcare and technology. Let’s take a closer look.
127. The World Population Crosses 8 Billion People
A look at the growth trends of the world's 8 billion people and beyond.
128. Does the FCC Protect Phone Companies From Valid Health Criticisms?
ProPublica researches whether the FCC is protecting cellphone companies.
129. How Telemedicine Serves Nursing Home Needs [Infographic]
Telehealth has made the quality of care better for nursing home residents. Learn more about how the digital health transformation is changing the game.
130. How Diets and Dying Related to Demographics
When we seek to understand consequences of our actions and the hidden complexity that underlies them we can make better decisions. One set of decisions that everyone participates in throughout life is choice of diet. The impact of what we consume on a daily basis is often only felt many years later — and can be an accident of birth.
131. Harnessing the Power of Shutdown Rituals
Do you have a clean break from work at the end of the day? Or does your work life tend to bleed into your personal life, creating a sense of never-ending stress
132. Hacking Success With a Full Night's Sleep [Infographic]
Why you actually need more sleep than you likely currently get can make a difference between success and failure
133. You Need to Know What's Going on In North Birmingham
With the doors damaged, the toxic chemicals they were supposed to contain within the ovens leaked out at an accelerated rate.
134. Is Experiencing a Burnout Good or Bad?
A fast-paced world and burnouts go hand in hand.
135. Are Pigs the Future of Organ Transplants?
In this slogging thread, the HackerNoon community channel discusses the possibility of receiving organ transplants from pigs.
136. 8 Transformational Benefits To Telemedicine Because Of Realtime Communication
The telemedicine industry is expected to create a more than $5.4 Bn market opportunity by 2025. While the growth has been slow in the past years, the demands for medical advice and the restrictions on movement during the outbreak of COVID-19 have renewed the need for, and interest in, applications that enable healthcare at home.
137. The Downside of The Work From Home Movement
2021 has brought a lot of change into the lives of people from all walks of life. Most of us have been bound to our homes until it’s deemed safe to return to our usual way of life. One of the areas that have been affected by this change is how and where we work.
138. Hacking COVID-19 Risk Through Genetic Testing
A look at how the field of genetics can identify a better prioritization of the COVID vaccine.
139. Starting an Online Fitness Business
As per the survey, the global fitness industry was valued near $100 billion in 2019 as more and more people were becoming more cautious about their health. Since physical activities are closely linked with well-being, in recent years strategies are being planned for improving the sedentary lifestyle. Fitness centers help in providing personalized training in which the trainers will invest their time in accomplishing fitness goals.
140. Startup Interview with Patrick Samy, Span.health CEO
Span.health was nominated as one of the best startups in San Francisco in Startups of the year hosted by HackerNoon. Here's an interview with their CEO.
141. How to Practice Social Distancing Without Feeling Isolated
Feelings of isolation and loneliness have spiked in the past few months with most people now stuck at home with the outbreak of COVID-19. However, even before the pandemic, Americans still felt this isolation and loneliness - more than half of American adults said that they felt alone, at least some of the time. All generations, from Gen Z and Millennials to Gen X and Baby Boomers still feel lonely. Working at home may be a culprit for loneliness - remote workers are more likely to feel lonely as compared to traditional workers. K-12 teachers are the least likely to feel lonely - but with millions of students being sent home and online school taking over, this may be changing.
142. How Buy Now, Pay Later Can Help You Hack Your Budget
For most people, the budget offered by BNPL is easy to stick to and offers a less stressful way to give their furry friends the treatment they deserve.
143. Things to Keep in Mind When Creating a Health Mobile App
Health has always been the primary concern of humanity. This article will tell you how to create a mobile health app and make it available to everyone.
144. Healthy Eating Under Coronavirus Quarantine
Eating out has become a big part of our lives and with everyone now at home, a lot needs to change to make up for it. Before this lockdown, Americans would eat out on average nearly 6 times per week. Eating at home is still popular - Americans spend around $4,400 annually on food for their fridge; around 7% of their total annual spending. In these past few weeks, however, going to grocery stores has been discouraged and most restaurants have been closed. This has caused many to stock up on a variety of items. Shoppers are stocking up on goods like canned foods, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and bottled water. Sales for some of these items such as oat milk and medical masks are up by hundreds of percent and other products like frozen and fresh fruit, dried beans, bath and shower wipes, and water all have higher sales that are higher by a noticeable amount.
145. Nanotech Is Revolutionizing Medical Care [Infographic]
Nanotechnology is the frontier of modern medicine, but it has already been in use almost two decades. PillCams were first approved by the FDA in 2001, and by 2008 they had already been used in more than 2 million procedures. By 2024 nanotechnology will be a $125 billion global industry. So what’s next in the world of medical nanotechnology?
146. How to Take Part in the HealthTech Revolution
As the saying goes, it’s impossible to put a price on your health.
147. How You Can Help Stop Domestic Violence
A look at how to spot the signs of domestic partner abuse and how to find resources online to help your situation.
148. Protecting the Most Vulnerable Populations During COVID-19
Thousands of COVID-19 deaths have been linked to nursing home residents or their caregivers - but COVID-19 isn’t stopping there. Though hundreds of thousands have been infected, efforts taken by governments such as social distancing have been proven to work. Looking at and comparing cities of similar sizes who enacted social distancing guidelines at different times can give us some insight on how well social distancing works.
149. The Top 6 Healthcare Software Development Companies With the Best Ratings
Discover some of the top healthcare software development companies to work with and understand the crucial factors to consider when choosing the right one.
150. New Book Release For Self-Assessing Your Digital Habits
Raising awareness around digital health as the world moves back to life beyond the screen
151. Food Tech Stories: Why Meal Kit Delivery Business Has Great Potential
How many of us have the time to come up with a freshly prepared meal each day? Only a handful of people. How many of us dream of having mom’s home-cooked meals each day? All of us. Sadly, but instead of taking the time to make the dinner or lunch by ourselves, we opt out to order a take-away. There’s nothing bad in food deliveries or takeaways, but these meals are far from being those comfort food classics that can warm you up on a winter's night and take your worries away.
152. Why You Should Be Using Ergonomic Tech in Your Office
Modern technology allows businesses to improve their workplace safety with a concept known as ergonomic technology.
153. First Come, First Served: 7 Businesses That Hired Robots Before 2020
We are already used to robots in an industrial environment. Repeatability, speed, precision,
flexibility, no contact with humans, and safety. That’s what robots are all about. No wonder that businesses all around the world are trying now to adopt robots in their services asap.
154. Hospitals Remove Facebook Tracker but Questions Still Remain
Meanwhile, developments in another legal case suggest Meta may have a hard time providing the Senate committee with a complete account of the health data.
155. The Global Market Indicates the Need for Telemedicine App Development
Telemedicine is rising with a market increase of 16.8% from 2017 to 2023. Here you will find essential data and info for your Telemedicine app development.
156. Key players in the US healthcare landscape
The following are the key players who play a crucial role in developing the overall US healthcare ecosystem.
157. Breaking Down The HIPAA Regulations and It's Role In Telehealth
In this story, you will learn about HIPAA, what it is, how it came about, and its role in telehealthcare.
158. Noonies Nominee Mike Shine on Career Pivot, Technical Writing, and the Influence of Big Tech
Mike Shine, a technical writer based in Seattle, WA, was nominated for a Noonies award for his writing contributions in 2021. Please vote for Mike!
159. Hacking Clean Water for Your Health
A look at how and why you can improve your quality of life.
160. How the Leafcard Cannatech Platform Helps Patients and Provides Educational Materials
Leafcard Connects Patients with Licensed Doctors For Medical Marijuana Card Certifications With Telemedicine.
161. Big Data's Influence on Decision Making in the Healthcare Industry
Big data is transforming decision-making in healthcare and this article explores how it can be used to improve patient care, as well as its challenges.
162. Diabetes Awareness Month: Together, We Can Bring Awareness
Have you been diagnosed with diabetes? Do you have a family member or friend who has been diagnosed with this chronic condition? There are millions of people around the world who have encountered, in one way or another, all that comes with having diabetes.
163. The Most Effective Method to Avoid Workplace Injuries
Over the span of a normal workday, a significant number of us perform activities in an assortment of fields that might put our wellbeing and welfare in danger. While our occupations may appear to be innocuous, the truth of the matter is that workplace injuries can and do happen anyplace. Hands on injuries bring about torment and enduring, just as overwhelming money related misfortunes for many individuals. Realizing the first means to take after a workplace injury is something each worker ought to
know about. Shockingly, most specialists are ignorant not just of the dangers natural in their activity, yet additionally of their privileges to remuneration for any business related injuries they endure.
164. The Technological Process of Enhancing a Healthy Lifestyle
Every individual does their best to live a healthy life in their little way. Whether it be eating right, or maintaining proper hygiene.
165. The Science of Cognitive Performance: Focus Can Fix Your Life
A look at how focus can improve your life.
166. Why Social Media Makes it Hard to Rest
Only when there is something worth sharing do we think we are worth resting.
167. A Look at the Healthcare Jobs of the Future
A look at the healthcare prediction trends of the future and how it's been accelerated by COVID-19.
168. 3 Pitfalls to Avoid When Developing Health Apps
There are thousands of health-related apps that aren't helping people reach their intended health goals. At their worst, some of the apps actually doharm.
169. 6 Tips To Relieve Eye Strain You Stare At A Screen All Day
Does your eyes get dry or watery while staring at a screen? Or do you experience headaches when looking at a screen? Do you feel itchiness on your eyes?
170. 3 Positive Aspects of Anger
Anger remodels my world the same way the erupting lava from a volcano landscapes its surroundings.
171. 5 Best Fitness Games for Your New Years Resolution
If you want help sticking to your New Year's fitness resolution, these games might just be perfect to give you some support.
172. The Benefits of Renewable Energy: Why Clean Energy Is Good for Our Health, Environment, and Economy
Renewable energy is becoming more and more popular, and for good reason. Not only does renewable energy have a minimal environmental impact, it also provides a number of benefits to our health, environment, and economy. In this page, we will explore the many benefits of renewable energy technologies like wind turbines and solar panels. So read on to learn why clean energy is good for all of us!
173. A Look at the Booming Supplement Industry
A look at the booming business of supplements and biohacking.
174. 5 things every employee wants in a workplace wellness program
It’s a well-known fact that businesses today are worried about their employees' wellbeing. Solid, upbeat employees commonly create more significant levels of profitability than unfortunate workers, and therefore, more business achievement. That is the reason it's nothing unexpected that business wellbeing programs have gotten staggeringly
famous during the most recent couple of years. Numerous employees are receiving the rewards too.
175. The Ultimate Hamburger Grilling Guide
What if I ask you what you want to have right now? If I were you, I would surely say hamburger. Nothing is better than a juicy, cheesy, perfectly grilled hamburger. However, not everyone can make a perfectly grilled hamburger. You need to nail every step and cook the meat at the right temperature to make a perfect hamburger. This article is the ultimate hamburger grilling guide with step by step process to make the perfect hamburger.
176. Mental Health in the Coronavirus Era
With the U.S. taking the title of most reported COVID-19 cases in any one nation, staying at home is being pushed more than ever. But staying at home all day every day can have some negative side effects on the mind and body. Social isolation can lead to a multitude of health concerns including heightened risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Even just short periods of time alone can increase anxiety and depression after only a few days mainly due to the fact that most people rely on one or two close relationships to help them stay level-headed and secure. This is most common in high income earners, those with a graduate degree, married couples, and people over the age of 65.
177. Telemedicine: Benefits, Challenges, and Managing Expectations
The global pandemic has shed new light on the necessity to use teleservices: from remote office work, which can be easily moved online, to finding innovative technological solutions for more demanding services, like medicine.
178. Access to Coronovirus Testing Will Depend On Your Location
Five scenarios that show the differences in states’ testing algorithms
179. Food Tech Stories: How Food Can Fix Your Depression
Based on this story: Why nutritional psychiatry is the future of mental health treatment
180. 6 Smart Digital Health & Fitness Solutions
With every holiday season comes a glut of, well, gluttony as we strive to make merry amid calorie-laden food and drink for weeks on end. Then there’s the predictable diet and fitness-focused New Year resolutions that, however genuinely and well-intended at the onset, can be easy to make—but even easier to break. With this understanding, throngs of tech and online companies are finding innovative ways to keep people engaged and motivated throughout the holiday season and beyond as they endeavor to get fit and healthy...and stay that way.
181. The Importance of Using Technology in the CBD Industry
For thousands of years, CBD has been a powerful plant that has been used for the wellness of human health.
182. 10 Tips to Stay Healthy While Working Remotely
Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is also important for staying fit. When you're working from home, you can take breaks when you need to
183. Why Exploring the Outdoors Helps Put Our Mind in Balance
A look at how exploring the outdoors could be the vacation you need in order to better focus and balance your life.
184. Predictive Analytics and Patient Personalisation
Let’s explore how technology can help global healthcare providers to recover from such a significant historical event.
185. Pooled Adaptive PCR Testing
This article proposes adaptive pool testing which involves testing a combined sample from multiple people as a methodology to increase testing capacity for Sars-COv2 using PCR. Pool test involve that if a pool is detected positive, each sample from the pool will be tested separately. Also, this article proposes an optimization algorithm for the pool size-determine the optimum number of samples that can be combined into a single test in order to obtain the best results with minimum number of tests.
186. Food Tech Stories: Will You Marry Me, Cooking Robot?
Based on this story: S'pore's First Robotics Restaurant Serves Robot-Cooked Wok Dishes
187. Technology-Driven Shipping Containers Poised to Solve COVID-19 Hospital Housing Shortage
188. How Basma Is Helping To Fight COVID-19 in Bahrain
Hello to all Hackernoon-ers 👋
189. A Guide to HIPAA Compliance in 2021 & Its Benefits
Following HIPAA laws provides a higher level of safety for your corporation and its leaders.
190. Fraudulent Ads Exploit COVID-19 Fears on Disney's ESPN.Com
Scam advertisements across major media outlets originate from DoubleClick and Xandr/AppNexus
191. The Social Impact of Mixing Business and Medicine
COVID-19 has been hitting the healthcare system pretty hard these last few weeks. In U.S. hospitals they are now facing critical shortages of equipment. As of the end of March, nearly 1 in 4 hospitals have fewer than 100 N95 masks on hand and 1 in 5 reports immediate need for more ventilators. Already back in February, the FDA reported shortages in drugs related to coronavirus.
192. How Social Media Can Help You Eat Healthily
Just about everyone who has tried to make radically healthier changes to their daily food consumption have realized that this is easier to accomplish with some kind of support system aside from your own will to succeed. It is a great help for people to cheer you on, support you, give you advice, or even criticize you on your way to better eating and overall health.
193. Facebook Ads Market Potentially Dangerous “Abortion Reversal” Procedure
The Markup has found that Facebook is serving up ads and posts for the so-called “abortion pill reversal” procedure...
194. Startup Interview with Muhammad Bilal, BreatheIO - CEO/Founder
My startup is called BreatheIO which is a Smart Air Purifier, that utilizes the power of Artificial Intelligence to reduce and control the Air Pollution
195. How Much Screen Time Should Teenager Get On Their Phones?
When screen time became such a major part of our daily lives, it was only a matter of time before people began to question the pros and cons of how much technol
196. AI In Healthcare: 7 Benefits That Can Advance Medical Facility Operations
Science is progressing in this digitally advanced world. This includes computer science, medical facilities and many other fields.
197. How AI Search Can Change Healthcare
Though data management presents a challenge to most industries, technological advancements have been able to mitigate some of these challenges. Healthcare is also one of the industries that constantly adopts new ways to solve challenges. Trial and error in the clinical sphere proved that data accuracy, accessibility, storage, and retention must be approached with the utmost care. As part of healthcare ever-evolving data management challenges, technology has helped make information an easier aspect of the medical staff’s responsibilities.
198. Food Tech Stories: The Secret Of The Sustainable Food System
The EAT-Lancet report is the primary full logical report of what comprises a sound eating regimen from a sustainable food system, and which activities can support and accelerate food framework change.
199. Hacking the Sleep Dilemma
A look at how to get yourself to peak performance by sleeping better. Chances are, you aren't changing your sheets enough and selecting those of inferior qualit
200. Adrian H. Raudaschl is Ready to Live Somewhere Other Than Earth
Adrian H. Raudaschl from the United Kingdom is a 5x Noonie Nominee who, right now, is most excited about the prospect of "Living on worlds other than Earth." We feel that vibe. Read more of Adrian's insights in the 10-question interview below.
201. HealthTech: Revolutionizing Healthcare through Technology
Explore how HealthTech is revolutionizing the way we diagnose, treat, and prevent illnesses. From telemedicine to AI, learn how technology is improving patient.
202. The Vaccine Confidence Hack to Reaching Herd Immunity
A look at how to increase vaccine confidence to help achieve herd immunity
203. How Genetic Technologies Transform Medicine
The major recent breakthroughs in diagnostics and treatment.
204. Hacking Nursing Homes of the Future [Infographic]
Cleanliness lies at the heart of nursing homes going forward.
205. Future of Healthcare: The Transformation Process of Healthcare
For some Americans, the option to hold a specialist or other medical expert responsible for any mistake that cause injury is a basic right to justice. At the point when some try to restrain that right, there is normally turmoil and receptive powers which try to reestablish those rights indeed.
206. Can Robots Manage Health Benefits?
In an attempt to manage soaring health care costs, some government officials and health care companies are turning to algorithms to determine how to allocate limited benefits, who to provide care to first, or whether a person should receive care at all.
207. What 2021 Scientific Discovery Excited You the Most?
In this slogging thread, our community shared their favorite scientific discoveries of the year.
Thank you for checking out the 207 most read stories about Health on HackerNoon.
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