Let's learn about Growth via these 191 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
There’s a variety here: From personal growth, to professional and business growth. But you know, as long as there are lessons in improvement 👌🏽
1. What the Pandemic Taught Me About Product/Market Fit
The question is not, “Does the company have product/market fit or not?”. The more appropriate question is, “What’s the strength of the company’s product/market fit?”
2. Career Success Story: Knowing Your Authentic Self
In this article, Eugene Kurylenko, Android Team Lead at Innovecs, tells his story from Middle developer to Team Lead, the challenges he faced on his career path
3. Engineer Onboarding: The Ugly Truth About Ramp-Up Time
Though people often think about the time it takes for a new engineer to start delivering value, they rarely ask themselves how long it takes for them to be fully ramped-up.
4. Startup 101: From Idea to Business Model
We all from time to time come across an idea for a Startup. A company that can be a million or billion or maybe trillion-dollar worth. A company that can be next Tesla or Amazon, but sadly, 99.99999% of us don’t take the next step. That idea remains just a fragment of our memory.
5. How I Hacked My Schedule for Self Improvement
If you have ever read a self improvement article, a success story about starting a business, or an article about top reasons to be an entrepreneur, this may pr
6. Delivery Manager In Your Early 20s: The Secrets To Rapid Career Growth
In this article, Karyna Prykhodko, a Junior Delivery Manager at Innovecs, shared secrets and useful advices to rapid career growth.
7. How GoPro Became a Victim of Bad Business Strategy
Do you remember the times when you couldn't imagine a day without your GoPro camera? Well, I certainly do. So, what went wrong and why?
8. “
9. How To Get Real Instagram Followers In 2020
In 2020 -- what are you doing to grow the number of followers on your Instagram profile?
10. What most don’t see in TBH, an app sold for ~$100M and launched only 9 weeks ago
Top 3 insights on TBH for product makers hustling to build an overnight success
11. 4 Business Lessons From the Failure of Wework - The 47 Billion Dollar ‘Tech’ Company
2019 was a rough year for the co-working space company WeWork. At the beginning of the year it was valued at a whopping 47 billion dollars, making it the fourth highest valued startup in the world and at the end it was valued at less than 8 billion dollars by its biggest investor.
12. How To Embrace the Growth Mindset for Career Success
People with a growth mindset are constantly learning, refining their successes, and improving on their failures. The process is more important than the outcome.
13. Running A Digital Marketing Agency: An Interview With Abdelkader Bachr
Recently, I had the pleasure to interview Abdelkader Bachr, also known as Abdoobachr. Abdelkader is the founder of various firms that assists businesses with a variety of marketing strategies to help them get more online exposure.
14. Why Big Data is Big Business: The Netflix Example
Take a look at the following chart:
15. A Simple Growth Marketing Plan For SaaS [Free Template]
Use this framework to successfully distribute your SaaS product online!
16. 8 Things That Helped Me Improve My Software Skills
8 painfully learnt ideas about software engineering that may challenge your assumptions and help you get better faster
17. 6 Ways You Can Build and Maintain Strong Relationships With Your Partner
Building and maintaining strong relationships can be a challenging endeavor.
18. 8 Growth Hacking Principles for (Near) Guaranteed Startup Success
A lot of entrepreneurs have great vision, but lack growth hacking skills. Here are 8 growth principles to help startups succeed in 2022.
19. Growth Loops; the Business Essential
Understanding growth loops
20. How to Hustle Your Way to 1.5 Million Newsletter Subscribers
This article takes you through the growth journey of The Hustle and the lessons that startups can learn from their growth over the years and how to apply them.
21. 4 Big Companies That Use UX Writing As A Growth Engine
I'd like to start off this blog post by differentiating between UX Writing and Copywriting as I feel like there's a lot of misunderstanding.
22. Why Developers Should Take Coding Challenges Regularly
First of all, let me start by saying that the ability to solve coding challenges is not a measure of how good a web developer you are, but it can show that you are a great developer and make you stand out from the crowd. Nobody needs coding challenges to create an outstanding web page using HTML, CSS (or it’s frameworks), and maybe even a little JavaScript.
23. Affiliate Marketing Tips for Beginners
Companion advertising is exceptionally successful for those who understand what you are performing. As soon as you have become successful and are making a really good salary from this, look at inquiring your plan for a higher quantity of loan.
24. Top 3 Online Mentoring Platforms For Startups
Stop passive learning and hack your growth with a mentor
25. 3 Basic Tricks to Smash👊 Your Goals
Do you feel unmotivated? Lethargic? Overwhelmed?
26. Why Starting Your Growth Strategy with Channels is Stupid
Unfortunately, most acquisition strategies start with channels and where to spend money — like ads, social media, and SEO. According to Myk Pono¹, author of the Marketing Playbook, the standard acquisition process often looks like this:
27. Bird Scooters: Unpacking the Tech Stack Powering this Innovation
I’m talking about the electronic, app-ordered scooters that we’re seeing scattered across the sidewalks of some of the United States more populated cities. More interestingly, let’s use it as an opportunity to parallel — in fairly understandable terms —what it means that technology is exponentially growing, and how that impacts us.
28. How We Scored $125 MRR and 497 Followers Pre-launch
Hey Hackernoon family! I havent contributed an article in a long time but I wanted to share how we grew our newsletter, Product Byte, to 497 subscribers and $150/mrr (6 paid members) before we even launched.
29. The Key to Growth is a Robust Product Development Strategy
The biggest winners in New Product Development are the companies that continue to create a steady stream of new products in new categories. Product development strategy is the way to create growth through generating streams of new offerings.
30. Startup Marketing: How to Get Your First Customers
It's the marketing, stupid!
31. My Path to Six Billion Notifications Sent
In January 2019 I launched Truepush, a free forever platform for Push Notifications, on ProductHunt. The very next morning after trending as the “Product of the day”, the skyrocketing growth was set to take place in the next coming months. A lot of growth strategies were implemented and continuous feature updates were done covering the journey of one whole year.
32. So you want to do marketing for a tech company… (Part 2)
Facebook campus during a hackathon 2013
33. How Startups Can Get Results with Two Underappreciated MRR Growth Levers
MRR (or close derivatives like MRR Growth Rates) is the primary metric most B2B SaaS companies, their CEOs, and their investor partners measure themselves by.
34. From Zero To $210K MRR in Five Months: Here's How
Building a SaaS startup
35. The Journey From A Failed Video Game To $26 Billion Dollars: The Slack Story
How Slack Went From An Unsuccessful Video Game To A $26 Billion Dollar Company
36. 4 Business Trends: 2020 Edition
Let's look at important trends happening in the business world, that have the potential to affect and reshape current industries.
37. 5 Engineering Mistakes That Can Kill Your Startup
Starting a business is already difficult enough, launching a startup can be even more challenging due to the fast environment, pressure from investors, etc. As a small business, you need to manage a set of complex operations and because of this, it's no wonder that a lot of startups fail.
38. The Best Digital Tools for Business Growth
Technology has been helping businesses grow, expand, and start for the last decade. These digital technologies can help your business do that too.
39. Building a Software Engineer Career Without Compromising Balance
In this article, Daria Nesvitailo, shares thoughts on balanced growth, professional development methods, and what it means to be an engineering leader.
40. The Winner Loser Continuum; and 3 More Lessons from Jordan B. Peterson
Jordan B. Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist and psychology professor at the University of Toronto who became a controversial figure in late-2016 for his critiques of political correctness. Peterson’s most recent book, 12 Rules for Life, has sold over 3 million copies worldwide. Most recently, Peterson has suffered from health issues that necessitated a year-long reprieve from the public eye.
41. UX For Startup Founders: How to Grow Faster With Less Marketing Spend
Are your sales coming too slowly? Maybe you’re spending some money on Marketing, just to realize that you are not getting a return on your investment… Ugh, that feeling of powerlessness is painful. Right?
42. Mortality, Grief, and Everything In Between
The unedited ramblings of an adolescent's mind as he tries to figure out what the fuck is going on.
43. Why Do I Want To Become A Manager
Every person at some point in their career may need to ask themselves “Do I really want to be a manager?” The question may seem straightforward, but the answer is not. It requires digging deeper and finding answers for ourselves without relying on what others believe is the right thing for us to do.
44. Top 10 Growth Hacks for Startups
For startups, growth is everything. These are a few growth hacks to get your startup off the ground -- and to position it for maximum success.
45. 3 Things Coding And Prose Writing Have In Common According To Cory House
Does your code read like a book?
46. 2023 Observability Predictions: Open Source is the Key to Explosive Growth
The observability industry is projected to grow about 8% in 2023, a continuation of a strong growth trend since the 90’s.
47. Deconstructing A Billion Dollar Newsletter Business: An Agora Case-Study
How this company generates over $1B every year with newsletters.
48. Case Study: 6 Growth Tactics that Turned Freshworks into SaaS Unicorn
Before getting into this growth story, I’d like to give a shoutout to Chris Von Wilpert from Sumo for inspiring me to write this case study.
49. How I Localized Cards Against Humanity, Gamed Instagram, Made $13,000, & Got Shut Down by University
In 2017 I launched a College and University themed version of the game Cards Against Humanity. College Cards, as I dubbed it, was my first ever ‘official business’, and as a 22 year old recent college grad, I was pretty excited when I sold $13,000 of the game to University of Wisconsin students just 45 days after launch.
50. How I Beat My Limited Beliefs, Quit My Job, and Became a Island-based Digital Nomad
How to become a digital nomad with no experience. Here is how I stopped working 9 to 5 and became a digital nomad.
51. Stop Being a People Pleaser: Must-Read Guide on How to Set Clear and Healthy Boundaries
Do you feel exhausted, even frustrated working hard, putting in extra hours, sometimes even on weekends and late nights trying to catch up on work, but not being able to make progress on your own goals?
52. Congratulations to the Digg Giveaway Winners
Congratulations to the winners of HackerNoon's Digg contest!
53. Building a Business OS: Interview with Firstbase.io's CEO Mark Milastsivy
Firstbase.io is a company building an operating system for startups.
54. Unity’s Create and Grow Solutions Show Promise as Recent M&As Start Paying Off
As demand in the tech ecosystem grows, Unity’s primary strategy is centered around meeting that rise in demand and creating more allies than competitors.
55. Connecting Product and Marketing to Fuel Growth
Start your product-led journey and fuel growth strategy by connecting product management and marketing teams.
56. Steering The Path to Business Growth: Innovate or Be Late
In this article, Vladyslav Kopanko, a VP Delivery Account Management at Innovecs, shared his thoughts on business transformation and growth, how it affects team
57. What Working at Amazon Taught Me About Growth and Engineering
58. Growth or Profit? What Is The Priority For a Successful Business?
Growth is very important for business and the profit and other financial components are just a result.
59. The Myth Of "A Good Problem To Have"
You’ve hear it all the time. Stuff like
60. How to Forecast MRR Growth: A Streamlined Approach
Probably 1001 ways to model out a forecast for MRR. We're going to suggest the very quick and dirty ways that seems to work best while pointing out the pitfalls
61. A Path to Engineering Leadership: Perks, Lessons, and Food for Thought
In this article, Anton Shashuk, Delivery Manager at Innovecs, shares his own experience and path to engineering leadership.
62. Track Your Company’s Profitability Potential with this Simple Formula
It is increasingly important for profitability to be at the heart of marketing strategies. But how is one supposed to even gauge profitability potential?
63. The Growth Marketing Writing Contest: Round 5 Results Announced!
Heyo Growth Marketers - The round 5 results of the Growth Marketing Writing Contest by mParticle and HackerNoon are now LIVE!
64. How to Project Growth in Product Management
Growth Marketing is a broad concept in the consumer product space in general.
65. Neuroplasticity: How to Sculpt Your Brain
Only a few decades ago, we believed that the brain was a nonrenewable organ with a finite amount of neurons. But then we discovered that the strength of connections between neurons can change, something that's called structural neuroplasticity.
66. 3 Common Mistakes Young Startup Founders Make
The 3 top mistakes and how to avoid them
67. Tesla's Snowball Effect
There is a threshold before which growth seems painfully slow, yet, as you pass through that threshold, things start to grow exponentially.
68. How to Unlock Product Market Fit and Rapid Growth for Startups
Discover the key finding the elusive “product market fit” and unlocking rapid growth with steps you can start today.
69. Six Basic Tips To Reduce Software Development Costs
Reducing operational costs is always a goal for every business, no matter the industry that they might work in. For many companies, the development and ongoing maintenance of essential software that keeps their business operational is one of the most significant expenses that they face.
70. Growth Trends in Tech and Retail Industries
This article is exploring AI, CDP, and personalization as emerging trends in Growth — helping companies to identify and implement new opportunities for growth
71. Giving My First Talk
I am one of you who had stage fear, self-doubt, and hesitation when it comes to public speaking? In this blog, I will be sharing the journey of My First Talk
72. How To Do Keyword Research and Why It’s Important For SEO
The first step to creating SEO content that ranks on search engines is to perform keyword research. This guide will cover how to do keyword research in 3 steps
73. Miki Agrawal and Tushy Record Impressive 2021 Market Growth
Miki Agrawal and TUSHY Celebrated an impressive growth spurt in 2021 through experiential marketing, new bidet tech, and a focus on innovation.
74. 77% of CIOs Named Digital Transformation as Their 2021 Priority
There’s a big difference between an organization installing new digital systems and those systems actually being used to drive business growth.
75. "It's What You're Thinking. It's Not What You Have," — Focus.ceo Founder on Courage & Resilience
What if that one thing we sometimes take for granted is exactly what we need to focus on even more?
76. How Startups Can Establish a Sustainable Growth Mindset
How to create companies that are positioned for success today, tomorrow, and into the future
77. Pivoting Is an Opportunity: Even for a Growing Business
Pivot is not just for the times when a business goes the wrong way but is necessary even if your business is doing well and showing sustainable growth.
78. Startups = Cults: Why You Should Drink the Kool Aid
And why you should join or start one.
79. 9 Beneficial Tools To Grow Your Social Media in 2020
If you’re looking for the best tools to grow your social media then look no further. In today’s article we’re going to delve into how you can find the tools that can help you grow your social media presence with the least amount of work possible (we like to be efficient).
80. Explaining Technological Bottlenecks With The Tether Theory
In the 20th century, scientists and thinkers predicted that technology would change our lives fundamentally. Despite our technological achievements, these changes have not materialized.
81. A Guide to Career Promotions and the Peter Principle
Do we really consider promotion as an important decision of our life that requires careful evaluation aligned with our passions, interest levels and abilities? Is it even offered as a choice?
82. Getting from Zero to One: Must-Read Books for Building New Product Ventures
I’ve put together a list of books that contain the ideas that I’ve found most useful for a new product venture at this stage.
83. Searching for the Unknown: The Chamber of Wisdom - Part III
The search for knowledge has put our protagonist in many different situations and brought forth many new discoveries that were previously unknown to him.
84. So you want to do marketing for a tech company… (Part 1)
I often find myself engaged in conversations where I’m asked how to get into marketing. It is both an easy and hard question to answer because marketing means different things to different people, and it differs by company. And so in this first post I want to highlight some of the differences by company types: Consumer, Enterprise, SMB to help you think through potential options. This is relevant because it defines how and who you market to. In a subsequent post, I’ll go over different roles and some questions to help steer you towards a right role for you.
85. How Businesses Can Benefit From Cryptocurrency Adoption
Businesses and entrepreneurs are gradually expressing more interest in cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, which are now trending topics. Being a CEO of global financial ecosystem Kyrrex CEO, let me outline why companies need crypto and explain the advantages of
implementing it.
86. State Of The Noonion Q1 2020: Progress In Spite Of COVID-19
As pandemic is starting to rage, the Hacker Noon team is grateful for their remote-first experience so far and has been making tremendous product initiatives.
87. Starlink’s Rapid Growth Points to a Tantalizing 2022 IPO
It appeared that Starlink’s subscriber growth was slowing down, paving the way for potential problems when the company’s eventual IPO landed.
88. Four Insightful Growth Strategy Graphs
Top picks of growth hacking visuals curated by Growth Academy — The growth strategy course by leaders from Silicon Valley
89. So you want to do marketing for a tech company… (part 3)
Okta’s 7 year path to IPO (source: Equityzen)
90. How You Can Organically Increase Instagram Engagement Rate: 2020 Edition
After Instagram discarded chronological order feed in 2016, brands and creators now constantly need to fight Instagram algorithm to get discovered by other users.
91. 6 Recruitment Hacks for Early-Stage Startups
Structuring a great team is one of the most challenging tasks you will need to get around. You may have an idea when it comes to the future of your company, but chasing it alone is not sufficient. Without qualified by your side, your dreams will never materialize.
92. How to Go From 0 to 1000 Users in 30 Days
In this article, you will learn how to go From zero to thousand users in 30 Days!
93. Five Powerful Growth Hacking Lessons Learned in Silicon Valley
What your business can learn from Silicon Valley’s approach to grow customers
94. 3 Lessons I’ve Learned Leading My Startup to Global Markets
Getting your startup to succeed in markets across the globe is worthwhile but requires brings extra challenges thanks to each country having a distinct culture.
95. Is Experiencing a Burnout Good or Bad?
A fast-paced world and burnouts go hand in hand.
96. 5 Steps To Inspire Your Team to Success
For many leaders, recent progress can be difficult. It's not that we're not interested in performing at a high level and delivering the best results to our clients. Many of us ask ourselves:
97. 7 Practical Ways to Promote Creativity in Startups
Creativity goes hand-in-hand with innovation, and it’s hardly possible to imagine a startup without a spark of creative thought. But what if there are processes that are stifling your team’s full creative potential, making it harder to work, develop, and stay ahead of the competition? What are the key elements that inspire creativity within a team, and how can team leaders help? This practical guide summarizes the most effective methods, as well as mistakes to watch out for.
98. Productivity Hacks: How to Keep Your Employees Motivated
Employee wellbeing is a challenge in this world as i89% of employees have worked while feeling unwell.
99. How to * Get More Views * With Digg
Get more views, fast! Join us on Digg at https://digg.com/hacker-noon and https://digg.com/blockchain.
100. eCommerce Marketing Strategies You Should Try In 2023
In this article, we’ve outlined some of the best strategies you can use in 2022 to get your store noticed and grow online sales.
101. A Brief SEO Checklist for 1-Person Teams
Don't have hours to do SEO? Try to at least do everything on this checklist.
102. What is Expressive Capital and Why is it Important?
The most vital currency in today’s age is expression. I found the term “expressive capital” when reading Hugh MacLeods’ book, “Evil Plans”. It represents an attribute that some companies make use of on their products. Basically, the more personality and expressiveness the product has, which resonates with you — the consumer — the more valuable that asset is. Therefore expressive capital is a relevant metric.
103. Follow the Leverage
Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.
104. 10 Unforgivable Sins of Growth Marketing
Growth marketing is a data-driven approach to marketing that focuses on acquiring, retaining, and growing a customer base.
105. How Your Churn Can Aid Business Growth
How tracking your churn rate can provide valuable insights into your business. Learn how to calculate churn rate to drive exponential growth.
106. Understanding SEO Keyword Research from Steve Harvey’s Family Feud
Keyword research is a vital part of every optimization strategy. Steve Harvey's Family Feud helps us understand why its important.
107. 10x Growth in 7 Months: How we Invest by Developing Software
On the rise of pandemics, we invested in our client by our work. In January 2021 the company has completed the next funding round.
108. I Built An SEO Content Software And Made $5k in a month: A Case-Study
109. Startup Key Metrics You Should Sleep and Wake Up With
If we open up google analytics of Facebook ads manager - we will be immersed in a sea of data points and sometimes when we take a dip, we get lost and coming back to look at the bigger sky becomes difficult.
In my personal experience being deep into too many metrics made me myopic to the overall business health.
To avoid getting lost in the sea we need to hold on to a few key metrics that keep the big picture clear.
Customer Acquisition Cost or CAC as we call on a daily basis, this is no doubt the most important metric and the majority of the effort goes into improving and decreasing it day by day. (Total Amount Spent/ Total New Customers Acquired)
AOV - Average Order Value, if it is less than the CAC there is a big problem. Always make sure that AOV is way below CAC unless it is a high repeat category with a high lifetime value per customer.
110. How to Track the Progress of Your Affiliate Marketing Campaign
Leveraging the affiliate marketing channel is a powerful function of the sales funnel. When managed correctly, it can deliver exceptional and immediate returns, while growing brand equity over time.
111. Frugal Scaling for Startups: How We Kept Our Costs Under $5k/month
Recently, AdPushup engineers had a proud moment when their in-house system auto-scaled 10x with 1.2B+ ad feedback requests and 425M unique impressions per day.
112. 3 Digital Tasks SBOs Can Tackle While Working From Home During Shutdown
Small businesses are the heartbeat of this country. That’s not a cute belief or patriotic campaign statement – it’s a fact. There are an estimated 30.2 million small businesses in the United States. They comprise 99.9 percent of all businesses in the entire country. Unfortunately, millions of these businesses are considered “non-essential” amid the Coronavirus outbreak. This means they’re forced to close their doors and shut down business operations – at least in their traditional format. As a result, 7.5 million businesses are at risk of shutting down permanently.
113. 4 Ways to Grow Your Business Without Hiring
Growing a company is tough, and it can become even more difficult if entrepreneurs don’t ask the right questions.
114. How To Incentivize Free Marketing For Your SaaS Product
Your SaaS product is likely more important than ever before, given that many businesses are pivoting to the world of digital retail and find themselves in desperate need of excellent software to facilitate this sudden change. Despite the fact that SaaS products are in hot demand, however, many of their creators are unfamiliar with the best marketing tactics that are needed to cut through the marketplace’s noise and reach out directly to prospective clients. Furthermore, many SaaS gurus understand that free marketing for their product would be fantastic, but have no idea how to generate such advertising without having to pay for it.
115. 5 Ways To Drive More Traffic And Sales To Your Clothing & Apparel Store
Looking for advice on how to drive more traffic and sales to your apparel and accessories store? Read the article to improve your traffic acquisition strategies
116. Transitioning From a Client Service Company to a Product Company: The Reintech Story
This article provides a comprehensive behind-the-scenes look at the steps taken to make a company successful.
117. How to Drive Startup Growth Using Cold Outreach
In a cruel world of startups you either grow or you die. And this often means trying every trick in the book, including less popular methods like cold outreach.
118. Upskill Your Managers With Mini-M Support Groups
A Mini-M is a group of managers that meet weekly or biweekly. The meeting is a combination support group and working session.
119. What are the Reasons Behind Your Sluggish Business Growth
Every entrepreneur wants to see his business making profits and growth. But, the sober truth is--not all businesses flourish. Running a successful business is not at all an easy affair. In addition to the investment of time and money, business owners have to be ambitious, careful and able to take calculated risks for running a successful business.
120. How to Get Over 1000 Beta Testers for Your SaaS App in 1 Week
A couple of weeks ago, we released our new SaaS app MagicFlow (2K+ MRR) to the public after a 1.5 months beta period.
121. Three Growth Strategies for Individual Contributors
My first real job in programming started on July 5th, 2007, which means I have just over twelve years of experience as I write this. It’s a lot more than nothing, but probably not much more than something. Ten years seems to be about the right amount of time to get good at something, though some amount of natural talent or sheer drive can make it go faster. But growth is not as simple as waiting it out and talent does not supersede the need for experience.
122. The Significance of Marketing Schemes
Image credits: Getty
123. Technology Has Led to the Boom of DTC E-Commerce; Here’s How to Take Advantage
The very nature of the internet has drastically changed the way startups try to reach their customers, with many e-commerce brands deciding to bypass traditional resellers entirely so they can have greater control over their customer experience.
124. The Fintech Industry Seeks for a Higher Growth Rate
According to Investopedia:
125. The Leader's Anatomy: Essential Talents And Skills Of An Engineering Mastermind
Andrii Poddubnyi, an Engineering Director at Innovecs, shared his trajectory and important lessons and outlined the role of people in his career path.
126. How To Market Online Your Business On Easter And Tackle The Challenges You Face In The Process
One of the most awaited events of the year, Easter, is right around the corner. Seasonal events don’t just bring families together, they also provide businesses an amazing opportunity to increase their sales and promote their business. Yes! Its time for the shopping season to begin. If you are a small business, wanting to boost its sales, Easter is the right time for you to hold your Easter sale.
127. How To Test a New Line of Business Quickly
Changing to a new line of business is a risky and uncertain process. This article outlines a procedure that explains how to do it in a relatively safe manner.
128. How To Deal With A Micromanager The Right Way
Organisations spend a huge amount of time and resources to hire smart, talented and self-motivated individuals who show a strong passion and commitment towards their own growth and success of the organisation.
129. Solar Home Systems: The Changing Paradigms of Electric Power
From electric cars to recyclable plastics; there have been several moral responses to the earth's clarion call to caution, many have become a mainstream tech. The development of alternative energy is also bridging the gap between being a moral responsibility and being a much-needed technology that is clean and cost-effective. One of these much-needed technologies is the solar home system.
130. FAQs For a Software Engineering Hiring Manager - Part 5 of 5: On Managers, Growth & Progression
With over 10 years of experience as a hiring manager for software engineers, I've compiled a list of the many recurring questions I've received from job seekers
131. 7 Proactive Steps to Lead High Performers to Excellence
High performers in any organisation aren’t easy to manage. With their uncanny ability to produce outstanding work and an appetite to solve tough problems, they demand even greater attention and engagement from their managers.
132. Staying Focussed And Removing Distractions - A How-To Guide
In a world that’s designed for interruptions, we are all vulnerable to distractions.
133. Leading With Vulnerability Will Make You A Better Leader
We feel vulnerable. But instead of embracing vulnerability, accepting our fears, and leading with curiosity, we put on a shield of protection.
134. How Machine Learning Generates Income for Businesses
Machine learning in business: applying ML to solve business problems. How can machine learning optimize operational procedures and general income?
135. Personal Growth Hack: How to Get the Most Out of Your Project Shortcomings
As project execution becomes more transactional, with expected outcomes, we might run the risk of not documenting the lessons learned.
136. The Ultimate Growth Hacking Playbook
The term growth hacking reflects the processes and experiments carried out in a company to boost its customer base and revenue.
137. Forget Growth Hackers: What The World Needs Now are Experience Hackers
Two simple questions are going to determine everything about how the reopening of world's economies will look and feel like over the next few months.
138. In a world full of experts, be a newbie
There’s no such thing as an expert. The experts are just newbies who never stopped learning. So instead of feeling sorry for yourself, embrace your inner newbie
139. Behavioral Economics: Growth Hackers' Secret Weapon
Behavioral Economics is key to driving business growth and influencing customer behavior. Mastering the science is crucial for success.
140. It's Important to Plan for the Future, But Don’t Prescribe It
Plan For the Future – But Don’t Prescribe It
141. State of the Noonion Q4: Ad By Tag, Tech Company News Pages, and More
From launching ad by tag niche marketing, to hiring more editors, and tech company news pages rollout, this is what Hacker Noon has been up to during Q4 2020.
142. Using Segment to Send Effortless Product Notifications
We are excited to announce that Courier now integrates easily with Segment, the leading customer data platform.
143. Reflections On The Topics of Progress, Technological Growth, and Economics
Musings on Progress , Technological Growth & Economics from the lens of a startup builder & amateur economist #SF Bay Area & India
144. Personal Mastery: What Will You Learn Next?
As a developer, I often asked myself: what should I learn next? How can I grow further? I always feel that if I'm not growing, I will not keep up with our domain, which is continuously changing and evolving.
145. Increase Your Onboarding Conversion by Over 20% with These Techniques
Everything you need to know to drastically improve your SaaS onboarding completion rates.
146. How to Negotiate Everything in Life
I got a text from my Nanny on a Thursday. "Can I call you?"
147. Tracking Metrics as a Bootstrapper
I’m a ChartMogul customer, and I’m a bootstrapper. I’m the founder of Feature Upvote, a bootstrapped and profitable SaaS.
148. How to Raise the Net Promoter Score of Your SaaS Product by Bringing Your Teams Together
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is an indicator that your customers are happy with your product. Check out real world tips on how to increase NPS of a SaaS product.
149. State of the Noonion: Hacker Noon is Profitable!
For the first time since removing Medium.com’s software in July 2019, we make more money than we burn. Plus: current and upcoming product and community updates.
150. Four Years From ‘Zero to IPO’ : A Chat About Pivots And Productivity
I remote chat this afternoon with Joost Boer, a Dutch entrepreneur, company builder and product strategist who has extensive international experience gained through living in 5 different countries in Asia-Pacific over the past decade. He describes himself as having a beginner's mindset, happiest when creating something, a voracious reader. He is currently based in the Netherlands.
151. How To Use OKRs For Your High-Growth Startup
Airbyte, the open-source data integration platform, shares how they performed on their OKRs for Q1 2021, and what their new OKRs for Q2 2021 are.
152. On Team Empowerment: Can You Release Control?
How can we transform from the command and control style to leveraging the power of self-direction that energises and engages people?
153. Welcome to The Zero Friction Future
Hello, It’s time to learn something new again. This time, I would like to start a new series as zero friction future and talk about the details and categories in which we see high consumer friction and the areas of improvement.
154. How to Scale Globally as a Niche Startup: DNA of Wachanga's Success
When you think about profitable business opportunities, mobile apps for parenting are probably not the first thing that comes to mind. But the Wachanga team manages to prosper, attract investments, and keep global leaders on their toes. How?
155. Product-Led Strategy That Guarantees Business Growth in the Any Industry
Talking about product-led, it is important to know that the customers, in this case, are placed in high priority.
156. Going public: A Growth Story!
Now that summer is officially coming to an end, thought it was worth doing a post-mortem on the barrage of S1s that happened over the past month. Looks like the entire analyst community came out swinging this month, and I don't think I have ever read this many founder/ company/ strategy/ technology histories and deep dives. A few takeaways, just reflecting on the froth!
157. What to Focus on to Design and Build Your Organisation With the Ability to Scale
The most successful companies take the greatest care of their people. Here are few things your should take into consideration to enable your growth.
158. Blunt Economics: The Death of Growth - Part I
During the 2007 crisis, I was 15 years old, obviously too young, to understand what's happening. My father was upset. He tried to explain to me that it's the crisis that has come, and we will have to cut expenses and save.
159. The Hacker's Guide to Growth Marketing
Sean Ellis (Dropbox’s first marketer) first coined the term “growth Hacker” to mean “creative, collaborative idea generation and problem-solving".
160. Implementing Business Technology Improves Startup Operations
Considering all the ways technology is currently improving your business can help you think more broadly about how further implementation can affect operations.
161. State Of The Noonion Q2 2020: Building The Noonies 2.0, Mozilla Grant, And More
In the 2nd quarter of 2020, right as the pandemic started raging, the Hacker Noon team pushed the boundaries and grew its revenue, product, and editorial stats.
162. How and Why My First Five Startups Failed
Before Loki.ai became a financially sustainable venture, I failed with 5 other startups over 5 years. Here is what I learnt.
163. Junior Interviews Will Never Change
The author compares the interview process in 2012 and 2020s. You will know how it happens from companies side. What you have to get an offer.
164. Growing From $0 to $10 in Revenue in 24 Months
I know what you’re thinking. “That title has to be a typo. No one could grow that fast!”. I’m here to tell you that if you work hard and pursue your dreams you too can make $10 in 2 years.
165. State of the Noonion 2020 Q3: The Good, the Bad, and the Opportunities Ahead
From wins like exceeding sales OKRs and new strategic investments to tackling a spam attack, this is what the Hacker Noon team has been up to in the Q3 2020.
166. The Birth of The Startup Through PayPal of The Early Days
A startup company is a high-tech business that tries to build a scalable business model in tech-driven industries. A startup company usually follows a lean meth
167. Hacking Your Motivation
I didn't grow up being excited for my mornings. All I remember is that I dreaded waking up. Then I found coffee, my best friend for years. It managed to wake me up and get me going.
168. This Is How Self-Integrity Can Change Your Life
Self-Integrity Can Change Your Life
169. The Ultimate Intro to Growth Marketing
Are you frustrated by lackluster growth marketing campaigns? Discover the essential processes and strategies that will set your campaigns up for success.
170. 7 Most Important Tips for New Sellers
This quick round-up of sales tips will help you become a top-notch seller from your first days at the office.
171. How Developers Should Invest Their Time
In today’s, in the past and probably in the future world — the time is more valuable than money, and the right time waits for no one. Hence, we have to make the most out of it to succeed in life.
172. How To Find Work-Life Balance
Work-life balance is always a struggle at every stage of our life. How to make work-life balance work? By understanding that it isn't a state, but a journey.
173. The Quick and Dirty Entrepreneur's Manual To Business Model Innovation
In the last years, I've been dissecting business models of any type, and companies of any size. At the same time, I've been talking, interviewing, and discussing business model and business model innovation with dozens of entrepreneurs and practitioners.
174. The Breakdown-Buildup Method for Skyrocketing Growth!
The only 🔥 tool 🔥 you need to break the bank 🏦 !
Focuses on first principles to analyze and improve upon current processes, leading to exponential growth.
175. Lessons on Thinking: Learn from James Clear, Scott Young, Shane Parrish and More
The idea of understanding and practicing how to best live our lives has ignited the greatest minds for centuries.
176. Inside the Mind of a Successful Startup Founder
As a startup coach, I meet a lot of inspiring entrepreneurs. It’s really one of the perks of the job. However, some stand out more than others, especially when they are the minds behind big startup success stories. I get really curious and want to know exactly what was going on in their minds and the actions they took, which made them one of the top 10 % of startups who survived.
177. Scaling Your Startup with Effective Marketing: Advice from a Startup Specialist
A limited marketing budget isn't a hindrance for startups and marketers. Discover ways to advance and expand without spending a dime on marketing.
178. 5 Incredibly Simple Yet Useful Tips To Push Your Motivation Flywheel
How can I make motivation part of my life to do things that will help me achieve my goals in the long run? For me, motivation was a state of mind. Some days I was all excited and motivated to get to my toughest goals and important tasks that I had avoided in the past. Then there were other times I felt lost, unsure of how to make even tiny progress on things I got to do.
179. 4 Common Types of Critics, and How To Handle Their "Feedback"
Doling out advice, hurling negative comments, passing mean remarks - we have all done it. Given an opportunity, it’s easy to assume the role of an expert and tell others how wrong they are, why their product isn’t good enough, why their idea will never work, how they should behave, what they should do. Why seek permission when we feel right in our criticism?
180. Here's What I Learned About SaaS During My 5 Years At Buildium, After it Sold For $580M
I’m pretty jaded when it comes to the financial numbers that get thrown around in start-up land—I don’t care what TechCrunch says, I don’t care what your market cap is—I think it’s clear that the world of technology start-ups is pretty screwed up when it comes to financial valuations. Only in this world is whether or not your company is profitable so often seen as being of secondary importance. I digress.
181. State Of The Noonion Q4 2019: On Dark Mode, Integration With Unsplash and GUN
From getting our Alexa ranking to 3.5k since, to important integrations and a 73% increase in revenue, this is what Hacker Noon's been up to in the Q4 of 2019.
182. 6 Guardrails Against GroupThink for Smarter Startup Decision Making
When you are part of a group, do you speak up and voice your opinion or avoid criticism and choose a path of less conflicts. When popularity takes priority over individual responsibility, people develop a tendency to conform to ideas and beliefs that lead to conservative thinking, ignore potential signs of failure, and make decisions with incomplete and biased information leading to groupthink.
183. Here's How I Increased Web Traffic by 300% in 30 Days
Here is a 3-step framework to deliver consistent results with limited domain knowledge. I had no marketing knowledge prior to this project but I grew traffic.
184. How We Find A Way to Grow our MRR by 800% in 6 Months
At the end of 2018, my co-founder Steve and I sat down and reflected on the year. We had grown 100% across many key metrics during the previous year and usage of doopoll had increased 300% in a matter of weeks.
185. The Four Key Drivers to Accelerate Our SaaS Business
Every business will look for ways to take a rapid path to success quickly. Not everyone in the world needs your product, and that’s alright. So trying to run behind everyone to pitch your product is simply a waste of time.
186. How the Zest Tribe Grew from 0 to 100k [Part1]
Recently, at the invitation of Mick Griffin, I traveled to Poland to attend the 2019 Pipeline Summit and present a keynote sharing the Zest success story and how we earned our first 100k users.
187. "Marie Kondo" your Startup
Ask yourself if it sparks revenue
188. How We Achieved $1M ARR in Six Months
On 25 January 2017, we launched Setapp. In six months, we had already achieved $1 million ARR (Annual Recurring Revenue), reaching over $4 million now, November, 2019.
189. Marketing Amidst Coronavirus Pandemic: Strategies That Experts Suggest
Many days have gone by, since the outbreak of Coronavirus. This coronavirus pandemic was an unpredictable crisis worldwide. Due to this, social distancing and work from home has become the normal routine of a human being. This pandemic has affected the market and the financial status of leading companies very much.
190. Hidden Benefits of Digital Marketing Attribution Modeling: Improve Your 2020 Numbers
What if your best customers come through a channel you overlook?
191. Hacker Noon 2.0: Origin Story And Raising Funds
What makes Hacker Noon truly stand out is the fact that we are independently-owned & community-driven. Our community drives our editorial, not just our traffic.
Thank you for checking out the 191 most read stories about Growth on HackerNoon.
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