Let's learn about Analytics via these 188 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Ah, analytics. The lifeline of any business.
1. ‘Data Science Is Not a Math Skill but a Life Skill’: Noonies Nominee Kirk Borne
From astrophysics to data science, here's a story of a lifetime journey with modeling the Universe and other dynamic things that move through space and time.
2. Customer Data Platform (CDP) Vs Data Warehouse, CRM, and Data Management Platform
In this post, we highlight some key differences between a Customer Data Platform (CDP) and other tools generally used in a marketing tech stack. We also tackle the all-important question on many companies’ minds: “should I build or buy a CDP?.”
3. A Better Guide to Build Apache Superset From source
In this article, we’ll be deep-diving on how to build Apache Superset from the source. The official documentation is too complicated for a new contributor and thus my attempt to simplify it.
4. Everything you need to know about YCombinator S19 startups
It is not a secret to anyone that YCombinator is the most successful accelerator in the world. They have made well over 2,538 investments.
5. How to Create a Simple Dashboard with Google Forms and Google Data Studio
Google products are generally free for use, don’t need to go overboard if you handle simple data. No Cost, Just Productive Dashboard
6. 16 SQL Techniques Every Beginner Needs to Know
This blog post explains the most intricate data warehouse SQL techniques in detail.
7. Data Lakes Are Crucial to Business Analytics and Big Data Processing
Big data is a sort of Data addition that contains greater variety, arriving in increasing volumes and with more velocity which is also called three Vs. It could explain in several words by severals but actually what stands for it.
8. Mobile App Heatmaps: A Powerful Weapon (And How to Use Them)
Mobile App Heatmaps: What they are and why they matter. UXCam mobile app heatmaps are one of the most powerful tools for mobile apps.
9. Build Better Notification Experiences With Omnichannel Analytics
In this article, we talk about omnichannel analytics, why analytics are hard for notifications, and what we believe is needed to empower PMs.
10. 10 Financial Predictions for 2021 to Protect Your Wealth
Banks are so screwed. They are about to be attacked by central banks, fintech, and crypto companies.
11. Covid-19: Analysing The Spread Across Populations
A large portion of mild and asymptomatic cases may go unreported. The data will never be perfect, the true cases are likely much larger as the testing frequency and effectiveness vary in different regions.
12. A Quick Guide To Business Data Analytics
For many businesses the lack of data isn’t an issue. Actually, it’s the contrary, there’s usually too much data accessible to make an obvious decision. With that much data to sort, you need additional information from your data.
13. A Look into the History and Future of Web Analytics
Today, web analytics are an important part of how millions of businesses operate. Businesses of all sizes and stripes rely on services like Google Analytics to help them understand consumer wants and optimize web experiences for them. Data analytics is a rapidly growing field as well, expected to be worth $550 billion by 2028.
14. How to Migrate Your Android App From Google Analytics to Firebase
Adding Firebase to Project
15. You Are Not Worth Tracking, Sorry
I do not track you. I don't have to, and I don't care to.
16. How Big is BIG DATA Really?
If you have an answer, we’d love to hear from you.
17. Don't Be Scared Of Indeterminacy
Hello, people! I'm an IT analyst from Russia, and I want to make the world around me better. Last time I worked for the biggest Russian energy company as a business analyst, and during my work, I noticed that it is unnecessary to be good at making the final result even if you are a really good professional in your field.
18. Welcome To the New Reality: Engineering Metrics are Business Metrics
According to a McKinsey study of over 400 large enterprises across 12 industries, companies with high-performance engineering teams best their competition in all areas, including revenue growth, customer satisfaction, and brand perception. The evidence is so clear that the study itself is called, “How software excellence fuels business performance,” and it concludes that software development is integral to business success in all industries — retail, financial services, manufacturing, and of course, software companies, all require a strong engineering department to succeed.
Yet, many executives view their engineering departments as a “black box.” While other departments report on their success with metrics like revenue, customer retention rate, or cost of new customer acquisition, engineering metrics don’t often make it into the board deck. But engineering metrics are essential to understanding how your company is doing. They convey critical information about your company’s ability to deliver value to your customers, and your company’s potential for future success.
Plus, engineering is expensive — it’s important to know whether that’s money well-spent.
For a holistic picture of how your engineering department — and your business — is doing, you need to start tracking engineering metrics.
19. What Is the Relationship Between Instagram Link in Bio and Engagement?
How does a "link in bio" placement in Instagram captions influence engagement? Read this article to discover what the data says about Instagram link in bio.
20. Why AI is the Future of Restaurant Sales
Think about all of the things you could do with unlimited data and insights about your sales. Now, think about all of the things you could do with future data and insights about your sales?
21. Can we be honest about ethics?
The “manifesto for data practices” (datapractices.org), was produced by a Data for Good Exchange, sponsored by Data for Democracy and Bloomberg, promoted by former U.S. Chief Data Scientist DJ Patil. The document’s creators incurred no risk by creating and promoting it, so it should not be surprising that the product fails to live up to its own ethical standards. We won’t fix ethics by fixing those tools, the creators of those tools built systematic bias into their products before deploying them.
22. The Art of Data Storytelling: How to Make Your Data Impactful
Data is everywhere: whether you choose a new location for your business or decide on the color to use in an ad, data is an invisible advisor that helps make impactful decisions. With quite a number of resources to choose from, data is becoming more accessible, day by day. But as soon as it has been collected, one inevitable question arises: how do I turn this data into insights that can be acted upon?
23. The Importance of Sports Analytics
You’re probably familiar with the movie Moneyball (if not, watch it!). It’s the story of Billy Beane, the former MLB player and manager of the Oakland A’s, a struggling team with one of the smallest budgets in the league. Using statistical analysis methods, he ditched all traditional advice and based recruitment purely on data. The result? The A’s won 20 consecutive games, the first team in over a century to do so.
24. The 20 Slides That Raised $7 Million
Fundraising is a funny art.
25. 4 Steps to Build a Web Analytics Measurement Plan
If you have been using web analytics for a long time, then you know that it can hugely impact how you do digital marketing.
26. Answering The Famous Monty Hall Puzzle with the Monte Carlo Technique
Monte Carlo is a conceptually simple but powerful technique that is widely used. It makes use of randomness to answer questions.
27. How To Predict Election Results using Twitter
Elections play crucial role in all democracies and social media is an important aspect in this process. Presently, political parties increasingly rely on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook for political communication.The use of social media in political marketing campaigns has grown dramatically over the past few years. It is also expected to become even more critical to future political campaigns, as it creates two-way communication and engagement that stimulates and fosters candidates relationships with their supporters.
28. Automating Instagram API Using Python: Gain Active Followers
Hi Devs!
29. Pilosa: A Scalable High Performance Bitmap Database Index
Big data is a big problem, at least getting anything useful out of it. Every day there is about three quintillion (the next step up is sextillion or one zettabyte) bytes of data created and only about 20% of it is structured and available to easily process. Nearly all useful processing that is done relies on a philosophy that is little changed from the green bar reports we were generating during the night shift and handing out up till the turn of the century. The whole map/reduce process is overnight batch processing, you aren’t working on live data, you are working on a snapshot, which might be fine for some companies, but for others, they need to be able to make decisions on high-velocity inbound data in near/real time.
30. 👨🔬️ Top 10 Data Scientist Skills to Develop to Get Yourself Hired
List of Top 10 Data Scientist skills that guaranteed employment. As well as a selection of helpful resources to master these skills
31. The Operational Analytics Loop: From Raw Data to Models to Apps, and Back Again
Over the next decade or so, we’ll see an incredible transformation in how companies collect, process, transform and use data. Though it’s tired to trot out Marc Andreessen’s “software will eat the world” quote, I have always believed in the corollary: “Software practices will eat the business.” This is starting with data practices.
32. Why Do We Use Hexagons And Not Sqaures to Aggregate Location Data
If you are a two-degree marketplace like Uber, you cater to millions of users requesting a ride through your driver partners accepting and fulfilling those requests. For a three-degree marketplace like Swiggy, there is another static component added (like restaurants or stores), where delivery partners pick up the orders.
33. AI and Machine Learning for Manufacturing Industry: Use Cases
Artificial Intelligence(AI) has already proven to solve some of the complex problems across the wide array of industries like automobile, education, healthcare, e-commerce, agriculture etc. and yield greater productivity, smart solutions, improved security and care, business intelligence with the aid of predictive, prescriptive and descriptive analytics. So what can AI do for Manufacturing Industry?
34. How the Breakeven Level of Mining Allows to Determine the Pivot Point of BTC
In recent days, the price of Bitcoin has fallen sharply, which has led to a decrease in network hash rate by 20%. It suggests an outflow of miners due to the losses, which has happened more than once.
35. API Explained In Simple Terms
I'm pretty sure you would have heard the term API, and if you were wondering what it is, then this is the article for you.
36. How To Setup Event Tracking with Velo by Wix
Adding tracking code to your site allows you to monitor how users interact with your site. Collecting tracking data gives you insight into their online behavior and helps you to optimize your online marketing strategies.
37. COVID-19: "In God We Trust, All Others Must Bring [CLEAN] Data"
In these difficult days for all of us, I’ve heard all sorts of things. From the fake news sent through Whatsapp, like vitamin C can save your life, to holding your breath in the morning to check if you’ve been hit by COVID-19. The mantra that everyone keeps repeating is “stay at home!”, okay fine, but what exactly does “stay home” mean? The question seems ridiculous when you think of a relatively short period, 15 days? A month? But if we look critically at the situation, we surely realize that it won’t be 15 days, and it won’t be a month. It will be a long, long time. Why am I saying this? Because “stay at home” doesn’t protect us from the virus. Staying at home is to protect our health care facilities from collapse. And I’m not saying that this is wrong. I’m just saying that if we want to protect the health care system from collapse, well then we’ll stay home a long, long time. But in doing so we will irreparably damage the economic system by profoundly changing our social and political model. It is inevitable. Let’s face it and not have too many illusions.
38. Top Tableau Consulting Companies on the Market in 2020
Business intelligence has become an indispensable part of successful businesses, and the sooner executives recognize data as a crucial component of decision-making, the sooner they will be able to improve their operational processes.
39. How Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Will Go Hand in Hand?
The emergence of technology is playing an inevitable role in business. It’s drastically transforming the way people work together in an organization. Both these technologies are revolutionizing every aspect of our life. These technologies are creating a culture where the collaboration of IT leaders and businesses results in realizing values from all generated data.
40. Graphs in the 2020s: Databases, Platforms and The Evolution of Knowledge
Graphs, and knowledge graphs, are key concepts and technologies for the 2020s. What will they look like, and what will they enable going forward?
41. When Good Traffic Goes Bad: How to Measure Traffic Quality
Beware, not all traffic is created equally. If you’re a website owner running advertising and SEO campaigns, the chances are that traffic is important to you. An effective campaign can lead to a healthy increase in visitors, but watch out - statistically speaking, the majority of browsers that navigate onto your pages will not only be uninterested in your product but won’t actually be human at all.
42. Leveraging AI for Insights-Driven Organizational Efficiency Gains
With modern-day work largely centered on digital platforms, automating the handling of big data has become more important than ever. This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes in— performing tasks more efficiently by imitating our abilities to learn and solve problems. As technology advances at breakneck speed, fueled by the IoT environment, it has paved the way for a synergistic relationship between Artificial Intelligence and Big Data.
43. Free Life Hacks to Spy On Your Competitor’s Ads
If you want to learn how to spy on your top direct competitors' ads – this guide is for you.
44. Graph Algorithms, Neural Networks, and Graph Databases
Year of the Graph Newsletter, September 2019
45. Data-Driven Approach for Software Engineering: How to Avoid Common Problems
In today’s digital world, data is constantly being generated, evaluated, and updated. It also plays an important role in the work of software engineers by providing accurate, actionable feedback that helps engineers understand where and how to make improvements to a product or process.
46. [Dev Update] Hacker Noon + Google Analytics = Happy Authors
Austin here, your friendly neighborhood software engineer from Hacker Noon, with some exciting news! We are pleased as punch to announce that contributing writers can now see pageviews and total time reading for all stories published with Hacker Noon since we began in 2016. How cool is that? Previously our stats page was only accessible for recent story performance.
47. Measurement And Attribution Really Matter in 2021: The Hottest CTV Ad Market Trend
How CTV/OTT measurement influences the results and helps in optimization.
48. Stay Smart: Financial Analytics is Critical For SMBs
While everyone dreams of owning a flourishing business, running it successfully is a daunting task. No matter the scale of the business, small or large, maintaining profitably takes a toll. As per the statistics published by the Bureau of Labour Statistics, about 20 percent of small businesses fail during the first year of commencement. More so, in about the fifth year, almost half of them lose the race.
49. Hacking Your Way Through Microservice Architecture
With an emerging pattern of organizations embracing the DevOps framework, adopting Microservice Architecture is steadily gaining the respect it deserves.
50. How Data Teams Can Benefit From Running Like a Product Team
Product teams have a lot of great practices that data teams would benefit from adopting. Namely: user-centricity and proactivity.
51. Rethinking the Importance of Crypto Trackers
Decentralization has become an inevitable process, not just in the crypto industry but far beyond it as well. This is easy to understand since users prefer full ownership of assets and freedom of action, instead of widespread interventions by third parties. It appears that the FBI understands the current trend and is ready to take preventive action.
52. Football Data Analysis Using Machine Learning Models Can Potentially Boost Throw-Ins!
“Can machine learning models help improve ball accuracy, precision and retention, leading to scoring after throw-ins?
53. Five Trending React Visualization Libraries
While working on Cube.js, we’re seeing a lot of different visualization libraries. Given that Cube.js provides an API layer for analytics on top of an SQL database and doesn’t play on the visualization field, any charting library can be used to build dashboards with it. That’s why we’re always on a search for a nice and developer-friendly visualization library.
54. Using User Data After Google's Third-party Cookies Ban
Google announced that it would ban the usage of third-party cookies; it has made a lot of publishers afraid that they won't be able to utilize user data.
55. How to Define Data Analytics Capabilities
Disclaimer: Many points made in this post have been derived from discussions with various parties, but do not represent any individuals or organisations.
56. 13 API Metrics That Every Platform Team Should be Tracking
A list of the most important API metrics every API product manager and engineer should know, especially when you are looking into API analytics and reporting.
57. What are the most essential tools for new tech entrepreneurs?
This Slogging thread by Yuvraj Malik, Akshay M. Bharadwaj, Will Fang, Jiani wei, Evan Leong and Ansley Miller occurred in product-school's official #06_product_tools channel, and has been edited for readability.
58. How to Consolidate Real-Time Analytics From Multiple Databases
Have you ever waited overnight for that report from yesterday’s sales? Or maybe you longed for the updated demand forecast that predicts inventory requirements from real-time point-of-sale and order management data. We are always waiting for our analytics. And worse yet, it usually takes weeks to request changes to our reports. To add insult to injury, you keep getting taxed for the increasing costs of the specialized analytics database.
59. 3 Real SQL Questions Asked During Technical Interviews
I love to engage with my readers and learn about what their concerns are when it comes to the technical interview. In this article, I’ll go through a question from a reader and 3real SQL questions that were asked during technical screenings from real companies.
60. Using MILP and Python for Optimal Business Analytics
Optimizing Business Decisions With MILP (Mixed Integer Linear Programming) and Python: the Ultimate Solution for Business Analytics
61. Easiest Way to Analyze Vesting Schedule
What Is Vesting Schedule?
62. Python Wheels vs Eggs (And How Data-Driven Decisions Must Become The Norm in Open-Source)
What the Python community's discussion about deprecating wheels can tech us about data-driven decision making in open-source
63. Every QR Code Is An Opportunity
Unlock the potential of every QR Code! Autonix trackable Link and QR Code Generator lets businesses collect and analyze visitor data for informed decisions.
64. Augmented Analytics & Data Storytelling: Covid Ups FP&A Demand
Businesses need agile tools to quickly identify and communicate actionable insights for more informed decision-making.
65. Technology Is Transforming The Auto Insurance Industry Faster Than We Know It
Car insurance is about as dull as things can get, right? WRONG. In the dawn of artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics, just about every industry is undergoing huge transformation - and the insurance industry is no different. For instance, auto-reminders are now in place so clients can have a peace of mind - one of the many ways technology affords us more convenience.
66. Top 6 Mobile Analytics Tools of 2020
Data has become an increasingly important factor when it comes to the health of any app or website. Having all of your important numbers such as the number of downloads, amount of money generated from downloads and even the most recent feedback is the key to continued success.
67. Metadata Synchronization: Design, Implementation and Optimization
This article describes the design and the implementation in Alluxio to keep metadata synchronized.
68. Why I Decided to Bring a New Cloud Data Warehouse to Market
So we’ve all heard that “data is the new oil” way too many times. It’s been said so often that I personally feel slightly nauseous every time someone says that (sorry).
69. Understanding the tech behind Snowflake’s IPO and what’s to come
By now you must have read quite a few articles about Snowflake’s absolutely mind-blowing and record-setting IPO. This article is not intended to speculate on whether the valuation makes sense or not, but rather help you understand the technological concepts that make Snowflake so unique, and why it has proven to be so disruptful for the data space in general and the data warehousing space in particular.
70. Ten Reasons You Should Remove Google Analytics From Your Site, and I'm Building a Competitor
I'm working on a leaner and more transparent alternative to Google Analytics without all the privacy baggage. It's called Plausible Analytics and you can see the live demo here.
71. What is Data Collection and What are The Most Important Events to Track
When your company is client-oriented, one of your priority tasks is understanding your clients’ problems and gathering insights on how people use your product and when exactly they benefit from it.
72. Listicles – a Simple but Effective Technique for Demand Validation
I believe listicles have a huge potential for testing demand hypotheses. Have you tried using listicles for your demand validation?
73. Copywriting: Modern Marketing's Glue
A cursory guide for digital copywriting.
74. A Beginners Guide to the Gradient Descent Algorithm
The gradient descent algorithm is an approach to find the minimum point or optimal solution for a given dataset. It follows the steepest descent approach. That is it moves in the negative gradient direction to find the local or global minima, starting out from a random point. We use gradient descent to reach the lowest point of the cost function.
75. 7 Gotchas(!) Data Engineers Need to Watch Out for in an ML Project
This article covers 7 data engineering gotchas in an ML project. The list is sorted in descending order based on the number of times I've encountered each one.
76. Fight COVID-19 with a Free, Fully-Managed Cloud Database
A few weeks ago MariaDB launched their new database-as-a-service (DBaaS), SkySQL, amid the Coronavirus Pandemic. While they also offered a $500 credit to get started, as of last week, they announced a program to offer their fully-managed analytics (columnar based storage) service for free to help fight COVID-19.
77. Cost Effective Data Warehousing: Delta View and Partitioned Raw Table
The worst nightmare of analytics managers is accidentally blowing up the data warehouse cost. How can we avoid receiving unexpectedly expensive bills?
78. Best Practices for Apache Ranger Based Authorization for Your Data Platform
Unify data silos on-premise and across cloud environments to provide data locality, accessibility, and elasticity
79. Plausible is Paving the Way for Ethical Analytics
One of the trickiest things for companies or really anyone running a website is figuring out the success of their site, how many visits they are getting, and how they got them, while at the same time respecting their visitor’s privacy.
80. Building a Mental Health Startup: Insights from a Founder
People have a wide range of different "tools" that can give them cheap and fast relief of anxiety or other psychological conditions.
81. ChatGPT 4.0 Finally Gets a Joke
Reasoning: ChatGPT4.0 got the joke, ChatGPT3.5 did not
Creativity: ChatGPT4.0 does a better job.
Analytics: ChatGPT4.0 is a better programer than ChatGPT3.5
82. How the Conversational AI Analytics will transform the business?
83. Meet Assisterr.xyz: Web3 Analytics Powered by ChatGPT
Assisterr is a web3 and crypto analytics tool that combines ChatGPT and dynamic dashboards with on-chain and off-chain data.
84. Sort & Narrow Upcoming NFT Drops with Data: How I Developed NFT Sorter
A story of how I created NFT Sorter, a tool that lists over 150+ projects sorted by Twitter followers, number of tweets, average likes, replies, and retweets.
85. How to Set Up a Dedicated Database Server for Analytics
Have that old laptop that's just in the back of your closet? Figure out how to give it a new life!
86. Hacking Your Analytics: Top Barriers in Harnessing the Power of Data
An infographic to take a look at how to use more of your organization's data with Google Analytics 360 to form solid data based business decisions proactively.
87. Small-scale Logs Processing and Analysis
Occasionally you need to process some HTTP server logs and extract analytical data from them.
88. A Guide to Self-Hosting Your Own Website Analytics With Umami
Self-host your own website analytics with Umami.
89. How To Avoid Manipulating Data Subconsciously: A P-Hacking Story
P value is the probability that the results we are seeing are real and not by random chance. P-Hacking is a term used to describe the scientific manipulation of data to get the desired P value. All of us do this with our experiments, consciously or not.
90. How To Choose The Right Business Intelligent Tool
In this blog, we look at strategies for selecting the right BI tool as well as some important things to keep in mind throughout the process.
91. Who even reads HackerNoon?
You, obviously. And millions of people from around the world. What audience are you advertising to? Who are you writing for? Learn more about our readers here.
92. Data Will Never Be Clean But You Can Make it Useful
Understanding how to clean data is essential to ensure your data tells an accurate story
93. Let Data Shed Some Light in the Midst of COVID-19
The burden the COVID-19 novel coronavirus has placed on the world is enormous. There’s a great thirst for information and clarity. So, we at Logz.io have decided to offer a Community COVID-19 Dashboard Project, so that everyone can better understand how the outbreak impacts the world and their region. We see that as a community effort. We invite the global community of engineers and data scientists to add data to this public dashboard that will cover not just the direct impact of the coronavirus on public health, but other aspects of society as well. We want to help everyone better understand the impact of COVID-19 anywhere around the world.
94. Dear Marketer: Every Average Lies, You Must Go Deeper
“It’s a basic truth of the human condition that everybody lies. The only variable is about what…”
“Truth begins in lies…"
95. Boost Your Customer Experience with Predictive Analytics
In a world where product differentiators are minimal, customer experience is becoming the decisive factor. In a report by PwC, 73% of respondents listed customer experience as important, yet companies are still not leveraging this opportunity enough. Organizations should also consider that 42% of the same respondents said that they are ready to pay more if that guarantees a better experience.
96. Overcoming Challenges Running the Disaggregated Analytics Stack in K8s
Alluxio brings back data locality for the disaggregated analytics stack in K8s.
97. Spotify Audio Features Time Series in Additive Spotify Analyzer
There are many articles on analyzing Spotify data and many applications as well. Some are a one-time analysis on individual's music library and some are an app for a specific purpose. This app is different in that it does not do one thing. It is meant to grow and provide a place to add more analysis. This article is about how the audio features time series was created.
98. [Everyday Tech Solutions] Turning Feedback Data into Actionable Advice
If you're working on something that users actually use, then you're most likely also acquiring data en masse. When it comes to free text feedback, this data might get lost or stay in the hands of some analysts. How to take a few easy steps, to turn that data into actionable steps instead.
99. Little Known Truths About AI In Online Lending And Why They Matter
Technology is now one of the essential elements for the growth and development of many businesses. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an example of such tech becoming popular with businesses, like online lending.
100. 5 Steps To Build Your Dynamic Pricing Engine
With the emergence of online platforms, B2B businesses have had to reconsider their pricing strategies. But, these same technologies help the organizations create dynamic B2B pricing models that bring substantial profits if implemented correctly. For example, an integrated sales and B2B pricing software can help sales reps negotiate with customers and reduce the processing period.
101. How COVID-19 Has Impacted Media Consumption by Generation
Due to the frenzy of pandemic-included quarantines, it’s no surprise that media consumption has seen a massive increase. People’s time that would have otherwise been spent perusing malls or going to live events, is now being spent on the sofa.
102. How Piwik built a Google Analytics alternative out of an open-source project
We discuss Piwik, an open source analytics software and why marketing teams are choosing privacy-oriented alternatives to Google Analytics.
103. Introducing Handoff: Serverless Data Pipeline Orchestration Framework
handoff is a serverless data pipeline orchestration framework simplifies the process of deploying ETL/ELT tasks to AWS Fargate.
104. The API to Bootstrap Your Flink Jobs Has Arrived
Apache Flink is one of the most versatile data streaming open-source solution that exists. It supports all the primary functions of a typical batch processing system such as SQL, Connectors to Hive, Group By, etc. while providing fault-tolerance and exactly-once semantics. Hence, you can create a multitude of push-based applications using it.
105. Why Burnout Syndrome Is More Common Among Software Developers
Indicators for burnout risk of software developers can be measured at an early stage with analytical software-based methods and allow for timely countermeasures
106. Key Aspects of Machine Learning Operations, Explained
If you have ever worked or currently working in the IT field, then you definitely faced the common term «machine learning.
107. Make The Most Out of Your Portfolio With A Q DeFi Rating
Yield farming and crypto investments are profitable, as long as you understand the risks and assess them accurately. Risks are hidden everywhere: smart contracts, impermanent loss, rug pulls, liquidation, token volatility, people's greed. Why settle for less when some projects promise more than 10,000% APY? In an environment like this, going for 150% returns feels like you're losing money. But is it the right thing to do?
108. A Deep Dive Analysis of Cyberspace Economies
Blockchain economies exist in cyberspace and regular economies exist in geographical space. Cyberspace is inherently different from geographical space. That said, we believe it is not a stretch to assert that a blockchain fits the definition of an economy.
109. How AI Empower Sustainable Growth of the Organisations
The propagation of artificial intelligence (AI) is making a significant impact on society, changing the way how we work, live, and communicate. AI today is allowing the world to diagnose diseases and develop clinical pathways. It is also being used to match individuals’ skill sets with job openings and create smart traffic that leads to the reduction of pollution. There are many examples of applying AI technologies in the sustainable growth of the planet and organisations.
110. Automated Data Catalogs will Help Manage Data in 2022
Data is increasingly playing a dominant role in business. Know how automating your data catalog can help with efficient data management in 2022.
111. Native Analytics On Elasticsearch With Knowi
Table of Contents
112. How to Design API Analytics Data Collection for High Volume APIs
API Analytics are key for any platform company that wants to gain insights into their API and platform usage. These insights can be leveraged by product owners, growth teams, developer relations, and more to make more strategic decisions based on the raw health of your platform business rather than just gut feelings. However, many API platforms have a very high volume of API calls per day. This volume creates a set of unique challenges when designing an analytics system that scales without crippling their platform or having sticker shock when looking at their cloud vendor’s bill. This post goes into some of the inner workings of how we designs Moesif’s API analytics platform to handle companies with billions of API calls a day.
113. Why You Should Stop Your Reading Challenge
Image: Goodreads.com
114. The Beginner's Guide to The Google HEART Framework
In this post, we will dig into the Google HEART framework: a simple way to ensure you take into consideration every aspect of the user journey.
115. Data Analytics is a Journey
It is 2020 and the data analytics has gained so much attention even outside of the tech community. "Data is gold", they say - no one wants to be left behind. However, getting the right strategy is neither a straightforward nor static process.
116. How To Define HTTP Middleware and Best Practices
In order to capture API calls from arbitrary environments, we had to create middleware for many of the common web API frameworks. Here's what we learnt.
117. Kimball & Inmon vs. the Retail Store
Years back I had read a blog about database scalability where it simplifies definition of scalability with activities in a kitchen. I was quite surprised how successful the comparison was. Come to think about it, technology is and should be inspired by what’s happening around us. This thinking pushed me into thinking and linking technology with my everyday life.
118. Set Up Data-Driven Alerts in Google Analytics [A How To Guide]
3 years ago, disaster struck.
119. How to Integrate Analytics into Your Marketing Strategy
So you have started a new business? Congratulations! Launching a brand can be as competitive as struggling to find a satisfactory corporate job. And promoting it can also be quite challenging. You may think that it is enough to drive it alone with passion and enthusiasm, but even with these two attributes, you know what has exactly been missing.
120. Using LTV Modeling for Quick Evaluation of Customer Acquisition Channels
True story from retail finance about LTV modeling with ML algorithms for evaluation customer acquisition channels.
121. Intro to AI Analytics and Top 5 Use Cases for Businesses
Analytics works by extracting meaningful patterns in data and interpreting and communicating them.
122. How to Gather Actionable Customer Data With Social Media
Before you can start finding things out about your audience, you have to figure out what you want from your social media marketing strategy.
123. 4 Ways You Are Probably Doing Product Analytics Wrong
An article that I read recently stated that 41% of businesses struggle to turn data into decisions. This got me thinking about my own experience with product analytics.
124. 10 FinTech Trends in 2021 [Part II]
You can read the first part of this article here. For those who for some reason don’t like to follow the links, let me remind you briefly: in the first part, we made a retrospective of fintech trends in 2020 and delved into the first 5 trends in 2021.
125. How to Find Market Fit for Data Products
By the time I entered the bar on that rainy spring afternoon, Justin had already started on his cocktail. It had been a few months since I saw him last; after his product design firm ended their work with my previous healthcare technology employer, he had taken on some new projects and
it was tough to find time to connect. I had recently left that employer myself to take on a new job that ticked all the boxes- pay raise, prestigious company, work from home, great boss. Plenty of changes to catch up on.
126. 6 Tips for Working With Analysts and Data Engineers
What work does a data engineer actually do? Let me tell you one thing: it’s not what you think they should be doing, especially not the part where they are running around collecting data for you or building yet another one of those dashboards that will only be used for a few weeks.
127. How We Achieved One Million Users In KickRef Without Investing In Marketing
Written by founder and CEO of Kick Ecosystem and KickEX exchange Anti Danilevski
128. How To Launch A New Developer Platform That's Self-Service Software
Enterprise software companies sell very differently today than just a decade ago. Previously, most software was shrink-wrapped, required a lot of effort to distribute and implement, and was sold to an executive who would have to deploy it throughout their department or organization. The buying process involved a long sales cycle and often included pilots, cost-benefit analyses, procurement, and legal reviews.
129. Architecting a Thousand-Node Data Orchestration Platform to Accelerate Game AI Training at Tencent
Tencent has implemented a 1000-node Alluxio cluster and designed a scalable, robust, and performant architecture to accelerate the game AI training.
130. I Already Know Where the Problems Are in My Code
How cognitive biases make us overlook problems in our code and how we vigorously defend our opinions against data-based insights. And what can help against it.
131. Getting to Know Google Analytics 4: Four Smart Features You Don’t Know About
Let’s take a deeper look into Google Analytics 4 and explore some of its key features that you might not yet know about.
132. How The Coronavirus Outbreak Is Affecting Our Mobile Society
Credit: Shonagh Rae
133. How to Track Form Completions with Google Tag Manager
Setting up a website is relatively easy in 2020. Gone are the days when you had to code the whole thing on notepad and then connect to your host with some additional FTP software.
134. Building High-Performance Data Lake Using Apache Hudi and Alluxio
In this blog, you will see how we slashed data ingestion time by half using Hudi and Alluxio.
135. Car-Free Spaces Bring Me Joy with Noonies Nominee Konstantin Sokolov
In addition, I have been interested in the functioning of our brain for a year now and have read a lot about it. That's how I came across the cognitive biases.
136. Optimize Power BI Reporting and Designing
As a data analysis tool, Power BI comes loaded with plenty of report generation and design features. However, do not rely on the default settings of the tool.
137. Website Analytics Are Invaluable for Those Who Know How to Use It Well
Website analytics give you genuine reports and examinations of how your webpage guests act once on your site.
138. Candlestick Analysis & Top Patterns
As we have already figured out, in all financial markets the price of any asset is shown in the form of graphs that are constantly changing during the trading session. Candlestick analysis of the currency market remains popular to this day, proving its effectiveness and relevance.
139. Commoditized Data Integration And How To Achieve It
Most engineers in their professional life will have to deal with data integrations. In the past few years, a few companies such as Fivetran and StitchData have emerged for batch-based integrations, and Segment for event-based ones. But none of these companies have solved the problem of data integrations, which becomes more and more complex with the growing number of B2B tools that companies use.
140. 6 Ways to Increase Revenue in 2020 with Market Intelligence Data
Data analytics tools are increasingly being used in businesses, but many people still make critical decisions based on assumptions and guesses. The most common reason for this is the lack of a single, integrated source of information that gives executives accurate and consistent data whenever needed.
141. What ARR Actually Stands For
ARR originally stood for Annual Recurring Revenue, which had a rather definition of only looking at recurring contracts with a service length of a year or more.
142. The Diffusion of Responsibility Phenomenon Analyzed: Unravel the Truth
Data-based analysis shows that Collective Code Ownership can do harm and affected code areas can probably become hotspots of maintenance.
143. Using KSQL Stream Processing & Real-Time Databases to Analyze Kafka Streaming Data [A How-To Guide]
144. Using Reproduction Number Ro to Study the Impact of Social Distancing on Hospital Beds Required
This article is to study how social distancing impacts the spread of the corona virus and thus impacting the number of hospital beds needed. This study is based on varying the basic reproduction number Ro and simulating its impact on the spread of the virus using a simple Epidemic model called SIR.
145. How to Create an Authentic Data Science Project for your Portfolio
Follow me along on how I explored Germany’s largest travel forum Vielfliegertref. As an inspiring data scientist, building interesting portfolio projects is key to showcase your skills. When I learned coding and data science as a business student through online courses, I disliked that datasets were made up of fake data or were solved before like Boston House Prices or the Titanic dataset on Kaggle.
146. How To Get Real-Time Analytics By Consolidating Databases
Benchmark a Hybrid Transactional and Analytical RDBMS (Photo: Sawitre)
147. Podcast Analytics: How to Accurately Measure Content Performance
The podcast industry is booming. Each week the number of Americans who listen to podcasts tops the number of those who have Netflix accounts.
148. Geospatial Analysis of Movement Patterns for Mobility & Delivery
How do my users move in this city? Where do they go? What does the “flow” of this city look like? How does that change throughout the day?
149. How Big Data Can Bring Transformative Improvements to Medical Care
In the healthcare landscape, providers and lawmakers alike are faced with the challenge of making the best possible decisions for patients and the industry as a whole. From choosing the best treatments to using resources in a responsible manner, medical leaders are making decisions on a daily basis that can significantly impact health outcomes and costs.
150. If You’re Trying to Talk to Everybody, You’re Not Reaching Anybody
2019 Tech Trends for Marketers: How finely tuned is your targeting?
151. 6 Powerful Tools to Help You Monitor Your Website Performance
In a world that’s set to continue its transition online, optimizing your company’s website has never been more vital.
152. Leveraging Data Analytics to Improve Patient Adherence
Role of of pharma analytics to enumerate the factors accountable for falling medication adherence and the increasing role of data analytics and machine learnin
153. Explore the Psychological Principles of UX Design
UX analytics is crucial for developing your product. It provides necessary business information about how exactly your customers use the released application.
154. 5 Things You May Not Know About Google Page Speed Tools
Good news is you know Google Page Speed tools exist and, probably, wonder how to use them to improve your website. Though there is much information out there about the performance tools and website performance analytics, it may seem a bit confusing. We gathered the most important facts to help you understand the topic and use it to your advantage. Whether you are a marketer or a developer, keep on reading as we may have one or two new things here you didn't know.
155. Knowledge Graphs Exemplify the Emphasis on Knowledge and Connections
Towards a Knowledge Graph economy. The Year of the Graph Newsletter, Summer 2020
156. 4 Common B2B SaaS Marketing Analytics Mistakes and How To Avoid Them
Whenever we talk to prospects about what’s broken in their marketing efforts, 8 out of 10 tell us analytics and attribution. How to fix 4 common pitfalls.
157. Online Dating From A Data Analysis Perspective: A Deep Dive
Love in the time of COVID is a… challenge, to say the least.
158. We Kinda Bypassed Firebase's Paywall: Here's How
Some time ago, a few friends and I decided to build an app. We duck-taped our code together, launched our first version, then attracted a few users with a small marketing budget.
159. ColorDetection Module: Python Color Detection Algorithms
Images. That's it. Images. As a point of practicality, take a fashion designer (as a forum member vividly described to me at one point). You are given an image or have an image at your disposal that simply tickles your curiosity and want to incorporate it in one of your new lines. Let's swerve a little into the genetics section. Given a petri dish image for instance, with pigmented bacteria or similar organisms, and you would like to find the abundance of that organism or organisms in this specific image. Get the gist?
160. An A-Z Guide to Decision Trees
In the beginning, learning Machine Learning (ML) can be intimidating. Terms like “Gradient Descent”, “Latent Dirichlet Allocation” or “Convolutional Layer” can scare lots of people. But there are friendly ways of getting into the discipline, and I think starting with Decision Trees is a wise decision.
161. Blockchain Grants in the EU - How To Get Some in 2020
First I want to draw your attention to the fact that Horizon 2020 does not only turn around the blockchain. This is not true! The main motto “Science closer to society’’!
162. A DIY Guide to Building an Analytics Dashboard with Node, Express, and Cube.js
In the following tutorial, I’ll show you how to create a basic analytics dashboard with Node, Express, and Cube.js. As a database, we’re going to use MongoDB with MongoDB BI Connector. If you’re not familiar with it, I highly recommend you go through the Building a MongoDB Dashboard tutorial. It covers the basics of setting up Mongo and its BI Connector.
163. Visualization of Hypothesis on Meteorological data
In this blog, we are gonna perform the analysis on the Meteorological data, and prove the hypothesis based on visualization.
164. Is Your Target Audience Working for You?
How well do you know your target audience? It was Lewis Carroll who famously said, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” While this is a romantic saying, it’s not a realist marketing strategy in this day and age.
165. Can Big Data Solutions Be More Accessible And Affordable?
Below you can find the article of my colleague and Big Data expert Boris Trofimov.
166. Graph Learning News Review: Hot-Topic Facts of Spring 2021 to Take into Account
What does graph have to do with machine learning, and data science? A lot, actually, and it goes both ways.
167. The Qnum Analytics Team On Turning A Side Gig Into A Full Time Business
The team behind Qnum Analytics, tool leveraging AI to help businesses fix leaky inventory buckets, shares their origin story and what makes their team special.
168. Why Professions Are Adding Analytics to Their Skillsets
There are many different forms of data analytics, and these have different applications in business.
169. 5 DBT Repositories You Need to Star on GitHub
The 5 hottest dbt Repositories you should star on Github 2022 - Those are mine!
170. What Really Drives the Value of Qatar 2022 Token?
Obviously, this is the hottest time for football token projects to bloom and the value of their fan token cryptos will rise in the run-up to the event. However,
171. Must-Have Personalization Tools for Every Business Enterprise
Business enterprises that want a competitive advantage must have certain tools to enhance their survival chances.
172. How to Create a Data Analytics Strategy to Grow Your Business
Are you building a Software-as-a-Service platform? Wondering what data is essential for your business? Time for a Data Analytics Strategy.
173. How to Leverage Predictive Analytics in Your eCommerce Businesses
Predictive analytics is able to predict which customers are most likely to churn or which products are most likely to be returned. Here are 6 other use cases.
174. How to Generate Sales from Inactive Customers and Boost E-commerce
What does marketing automation mean? Are activities planned triggered on user-generated events. Simple and clear.
175. The Intuition Behind the “LIME” Concept in AI & ML
A preambular article describing the fundamental principles & intuition behind the “LIME” concept in Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning.
176. Setting Up Notification Systems to Observe and Analyze Your Application
By building observability and analytics into your notification system, you can identify and quickly resolve issues by monitoring how your product is performing.
177. 9 Must-Have Tools to Boost Conversions for 2022
Boosting conversions is an important part of growing your business and having the right tools to boost conversions is crucial to meeting your objectives.
178. What I Learned From My Best Blog Articles in 2022
My 2022-year-in-review for blogging. It covers my top posts from this year, top all-time posts by traffic, and the insights I’ve gleaned from the data.
179. How to Track Email Effectiveness in Mixpanel Analytics w/Latenode.com
Learn how to seamlessly incorporate Mixpanel analytics into your email communication by integrating it with Mailgun using Latenode.com automation platform.
180. Are There Any Price Manipulation Patterns In Qatar 2022 Token?
Today, let’s dig deep into another significant indicator to learn more about the trading volume of QATAR 2022 TOKEN.
181. Capturing Trends in HealthCare at 1mg (E-pharmacy Unicorn)
Recommendation in Healthcare with simple analytics to show most trending products on the platform.
182. Public Health Improvements as a Result of Data Usage and Analysis in Healthcare
Big data has made a slow transition from being a vague boogie man to being a force of profound and meaningful change. Though it’s far from reaching its full potential, data is already having an enormous impact onhealthcare outcomes across the world — both at the public and individual levels.
183. What Working on an Analytics Product Can Teach Us About Data
The ubiquity of analytics hides potential complexity underneath, especially when you start to consider products where the analytics are more front and centre.
184. How to Find and Leverage Your Most Popular Pages
Learn easy ways to find and leverage your most popular pages to maximize the organic traffic to your website and boost sales for your business.
185. How Pandemic Testing Protocols Vary Across The USA
To determine how testing protocols for COVID-19 vary across the United States, we sent requests under public records laws to all 50 states, New York City, and Washington, D.C. The requests were sent to health departments the week of March 16 and were identical. The database below contains responses we have received, as well as publicly available guidance from some jurisdictions.
186. How to Design an Effective Dashboard: The Essential Guide
Effective dashboard design helps DevOps, SRE and developers easily understand the system and quickly troubleshoot incidents. Here's how to do it right.
187. Subscription Analytics: Build Versus Buy
Everything you need to consider before you’re ready to make the Build vs Buy decision for your subscription analytics platform.
188. The five-stage maturity model for achieving Industry 4.0 transformation in manufacturing
Use this five-stage maturity framework to validate, benchmark, and map your company’s progress toward digital maturity and leadership.
Thank you for checking out the 188 most read stories about Analytics on HackerNoon.
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