Let's learn about Ruby On Rails via these 178 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
Tonight we're gonna party like it's 2009.
1. "Rewrite your Software," says Creator of Ruby on Rails
David Heinemeier Hansson is the creator of Ruby on Rails, co-founder & CTO of Basecamp, best-selling author, Le Mans class-winning race car driver, family man, frequent podcast guest, and inspirational conference speaker.
2. The Programming Languages Dominating 2022
The following is a list of the top 10 programming languages in 2022:
3. Differences Between Includes and Joins in Ruby on Rails
Many of us know about includes, joins but sometimes we confuse about their usage. As I was experimenting with code refactoring in one of my projects, there I have tried these things. So I thought I can share these findings with you guys.
4. How to Install Bootstrap 5 on Rails 6
Struggling with installing Bootstrap 5 on Rails 6 application? This article will help you.
5. A Beginner's guide to Ruby on Rails MVC (Model View Controller) Pattern
In this article, we’re going to learn a little more about the MVC, the system Architecture at the core of the Rails Framework for Software Development. Hopefully, by the end of it, you’ll know why working with a system architecture can make all the difference when developing an app.
6. Ruby On Rails Command Line: Rails Scaffolding Tutorial
Scaffolding in Ruby on Rails refers to the auto-generation of a set of a model, views and a controller usually used for a single database table.
7. How To Extract Key or Value From Hash in Ruby on Rails
When I was recently working in one of the client projects, I had to
communicate with external MariaDB server to store records from
React/Rails app, that means I would get ActiveRecord hash from our app
which I had to convert to pure SQL query and send it to an external
server for storing.
8. How We Revamped an Online Newspaper with Ruby on Rails, React, and NodeJS
The Village is an online city newspaper owned by the Redefine brand. It reports on important events of the day, culture, and entertainment in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Under the franchise, editorial offices also operate in other Russian cities, as well as in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine.
9. How to Integrate ‘devise’ and ‘omniauth-facebook’ Authentication To Your Rails App
10. Creating Image Uploader in Rails 6 Using Cloudinary and Carrierwave
while developing a rails Application you might want to allow your users to upload an image Cloudinary provides an easy and free way of achieving that.... sounds good? let's get started
11. How I Upgraded Rails to Version 5.1.5 And Lived To Tell The Tale
Our Rails’ version was 4.2 and we needed to upgrade to a later version mostly because Heroku stack requires it.
12. An Intro to Data Tables On Rails
Let me help fellow developers out by opening the gates to data tables with Ruby on Rails.
13. Live Updates in Ruby on Rails with ActionCable Feature
There are times when one as a Ruby on Rails developer wants to implement a real-time feature, like a chat application, and after digging a bit you find a framework's feature named ActionCable, sounds new and scary, right? Fear not, I'll try to explain it as simple as possible so that at the end of this article you'll feel comfortable with the subject.
14. How Fintech Business Founders Can Develop Crypto Trading Apps
MobiDev prepared an ultimate crypto trading app development guide to help fintech enthusiasts avoid common pitfalls and create a successful crypto product.
15. How to Set Up Ruby On Rails on Windows 10
Once upon a time, installing Ruby on Windows came with a myriad of problems (at least my search history can attest to that), but things have come a long way.
16. Using Devise In Your Ruby on Rails Application [A Step-by-Step Guide]
Authentication. You don’t always want your users to have faceless sessions that open your application without leaving any trace.
17. CarrierWave Upload Multiple Images
When you are building a web application, you definitely want to add an option for image uploading as well. In this tutorial, we will show you the necessary steps to enable upload multiple images/files using CarrierWave in Rails 4+ from scratch. A similar procedure can be applied for nested forms.
18. Choosing Between Ruby on Rails and Laravel for App Development [A How To Guide]
When you are looking for a software development partner for your app idea you obviously want to make sure, that your product will be developed in the best technology possible.
19. Ruby vs Python: Which is Better for Your Application Development?
Ruby and Python are some of the most commonly used programming languages for web application development. According to the Stack Overflow’s annual survey conducted among 90,000 developers worldwide, Ruby and Python were in the Top 15 most in-demand programming languages in 2019. It’s quite something considering that there are about 700 programming languages in the world!
20. Get Unused Routes of Large Rails App 🛠
After a few years of continuous development, your rails application becomes larger and it’s good practice to do some cleanup. One of the most obvious cleanups is cleaning up unused routes.
21. You Need to Know What is erb in Rails and How to Master it
One of the first things that made me uncomfortable about learning Rails was taking a look at the views. I found some weird files with some weird syntax. Their name was something like ‘name.html.erb’ and I was like what? Why does this file which seems to be an HTML file with kind of HTML syntax has a .erb extension after the .html extension?
22. How to Manage Multiple Databases in Rails 6
With the launch of Rails 6, one of the new features that were announced was of multiple database support.
23. Paginating Rails with Pagy
After completing the first built of our rails app application, I decided to take it out for a spin. Using Ruby commands that were initially tested on rails console, I built a seed file to populate the database. There were 2 reasons to seed the database. The first was to get an aesthetic feel of the app filled with data. The second was to see how would the app would scale visually with a huge amount of data.
24. GitHub's 32 Most Popular Ruby on Rails Repositories ( July 2019 )
This is the list of the most interesting and useful Ruby on Rails open source projects on GitHub collected on July 22. The key criterion I was following while completing my list, was the buzz around the project, its purpose, and prospects, and the date of the update to make sure that the project is still in work and in use.
25. Image Storage in Rails Apps Using Cloudinary and Active Storage
Ruby on Rails has an awesome gem to upload, store and display images: Active Storage. It's very easy to use and it comes with a local disk-based service, that should be enough to store everything you need if you just want to practice using Rails.
26. Create a Ruby on Rails (Rails-Postgresql-React) App using Docker Compose
How to create a Ruby on Rails application with Postgresql and React with Docker Compose
27. How to Make your Rails App Work with the Mac M1 Chip [SOLVED]
Get your rails app running from terminal using the following steps on MacBook M1 Chip.
28. How to Use Hotwire in Rails 7 to Build a Real Time Notification System
This is a quick update of an article on how to build a notifications system with Rails and Redis, now using Hotwire
29. Reducing Rails Memory Use on Amazon Linux with Jemalloc
A dive into jemalloc, the memory allocator which can massively reduce memory consumption of Ruby workloads
30. Building Rails Carousels Using Bootstrap
Bootstrap carousel with rails
31. Should I Learn Rails in 2020?
Rails (or ruby on rails) used to the most popular web development framework just a couple of years ago, but it's not so popular now. If you are struggling to make a decision, this post may end up saving a lot of your time. But it is recommended that do research of your own about the technology and what it does best, will it be a good fit for you?
32. rake db:drop 🐑
The terminal comands below will allow you to delete and re-create your Active Record database.
33. Ruby on Rails and the Complexity of Fake User Profiles, Made Simple
When I was working on my last Medium story (here) I was first using our production database to show off some functions of a web application.
34. The 7 Best Ruby Frameworks for Web Development in 2022
While Ruby on Rails development services are highly demanded, there are other Ruby frameworks as well. Here are the best 7 Ruby frameworks for web development.
35. Is Ruby on Rails Declining? Not If You Build It
Is ruby on rails still used? absolutely. There is a list of reasons from many startups and a direct review from developers. Take a look at this article hurry!
36. Extracting Information From Hash in Ruby on Rails
When I was recently working in one of the client project, I had to communicate with external mariadb server to store records from react/rails app, that means I would get activerecord hash from our app which I had to convert to pure sql query and send it to external server for storing.
If you have worked with sql queries previously then you must know that keys and values must be separated for insert operations like
37. All For One, And One For All: A Single Ruby on Rails Validator For All Controllers
38. Migrating A Rails App To Digital Ocean The Easy Way
Heroku is one of the top PaaS in the market thanks to many of its features that make focus on development instead of configuration and maintenance. This has bee
39. How To Populate Your Database with Fake Data: Ruby On Rails Tutorial
This is going to be a very straightforward article, no jokes included.
40. How to Integrate Selenium with Capybara
There are times when you want to know how your capybara tests are interacting with your pages, sometimes it’s not enough the log on your console to determine why they are not working as expected, that’s why you can make it display the steps on your browser in real-time. The steps to do this are really easy thanks to the Selenium Project, which is in charge of providing us the necessary infrastructure to interact with the interface of all major web browsers.
41. Crystal Programming Language is Slick Like Ruby and Fast Like C [An Overview]
In my never-ending quest to find harmony between speed of doing things (development speed) and speed of the thing (performance), I came across a project in its incubation phases which had me thinking: “This could be the one language for me.”
42. What LinkedIn Tells Us About Developer Population in the World
There are tons of articles about the number of developers in the world. But most of them either lack good methodology or simply borrow statistics from other resources.
43. How to Build Awesome Integration Tests with Capybara
Tips that would help you build integration tests using RSpec and Capybara.
44. How to Build an App that Supports Wildcard and Custom Domains with SSL on Heroku
Learn how you can set up an app that supports wildcard and custom domains with SSL on Heroku
45. How To Configure Rails Tests with RSpec, FactoryBot and Capybara
So, you're asked to test your application but have no idea how to begin. Or you read about TDD, RSpec, FactoryBot, Capybara, and maybe you didn't understand what they were meant for, or maybe when you tried to run them into your project nothing worked.
46. Build an Effective MVP in 5 Steps — An Algorithm for Startups
Imagine you have a business idea and it seems very good and feasible. No rush to order full cycle development with tremendous investments and the same uncertainty. Test your business hypothesis with an MVP.
47. How to Upload an Image From React to the Rails API Using React-hook-form and Context API
After reading this article, you should be able to create a React UI that allows you to use react-hook-form to upload an image to an API endpoint.
48. Uploading Files Into Ruby On Rails ActiveStorage
49. Building a React App with Rails API
In this article, I will try to go through some important points of how to set up and build a Rails API with react as front-end.
50. Generate Fancy Link Previews With Rails 7
Having fancy link previews encourages people to click on the fancy links and visit your site. Here is how you can imitate it easily for your own site.
51. How a n00b Programer Climbed The Binary Tree in Ruby
When I faced a search problem in Ruby the first thing that came to my head was a binary tree (yes, I’m a weirdo). After some search about it, I decided to create an open-source tree of my own so anyone can just download and use it in the future.
52. The Noonification: The Three Types of Science (9/25/2022)
9/25/2022: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
53. How to Integrate Ruby With GPT-3
In this guide learn how to integrate OpenAI (GPT-3) with Ruby to add AI tools to your application.
54. How to Build a Responsive Rails App with Hotwire
Building single page application with Ruby on Rails? Check out Hotwire. It utilizes server side rendering to send HTML over the wire. by Aleksandr Ulanov
55. Understanding Rails Polymorphic Active Record Associations
Brief Introduction
56. Google Developer Expert Phil Nash is Nominated for Ruby on Rails "Thinker of the Year"
Among the 2,000+ deserving humans nominated across 5 categories for over 200 award titles in this year's Noonies, we discovered Phil Nash from the United states.
57. A Refactoring Guide for Ruby on Rails
“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live” — John F. Woods
58. Assure Superb Quality of Ruby On Rails App Through Code Auditing
This article is all about code auditing and how it helps in refining application code. It also explains the different types of code reviews and how they are use
59. How to Implement One Tap Google Sign-In With Ruby on Rails
In this blog post, we will discuss how to integrate Google Identity Services into any of your front-end applications.
60. How To Use Rails Console To Test Rails Models, Associations and Validations
Introduction and Definition
61. Test-Driven Development with RSpec in Rails
When we start developing an app we usually do it the old fashion way: we get an idea, we elaborate on it, we make a plan to develop an app then we start coding and in the end, we test if our app is working properly.
62. The Good and The Bad of Ruby Development
63. How to Write Your First Model Tests Using RSpec in Rails Applications
Latest August of this year I started to learn Rails. I was following the book Ruby on Rails Tutorial from Learn Enough To Be Dangerous website which uses Minitest to test their application. Truth is: I was not understanding a single line of code about those tests. So I decided to skip them and try to write it using RSpec because the syntax is way more similar to human language than others. But you may be wondering:
64. Getting Your Ruby on Rails Application Live On The Internet With Heroku [A How-To Guide]
As a back-end developer, the happy moment is to show your client that the work is now is live on the internet, everyone on the world can access the website. In this article, I will share my experience step by step to deploy your ruby on rails application on Heroku.
65. How To Create an AWS Account For Personal Use
If you're new to Ruby on Rails development sooner or later you'll have to create an Amazon AWS account. And if you already have any experience you know what I meant.
66. How To Connect Ruby on Rails API, PostgreSQL And Heroku
Creating a new Rails app is super easy by itself. And, creating a Rails app set up as an API is not much different.
67. You Can Do More With Rails Console by Configuring ~/.irbrc 🎉
It´s better to wait for a productive programmer to become available than it is to wait for the first available programmer to become productive. — Steve McConnell
68. How To Setup Environmental Variables In A Rails Application
Security is and will always be a very big deal, this is largely true in all spheres of life but more-so in software development. One costly mistake can leave you vulnerable to stolen API Keys and Secrets, we wouldn't want that now, would we?
69. How to Validate User Login Data in Ruby on Rails
When building applications we try to make sure the data our users are submitting is reliable and useful.
70. How To Create an AWS S3 Bucket
What's AWS S3?
71. Active Record Associations in Rails: Beginners Guide
As Ruby on Rails developers, we do not have to worry too much about the operations in the database due to the Object-Relational-Mapping or ORM. The ORM allows us to focus more on the logic of the business while it handles the operations with the database on our behalf.
72. How to Create A Friendship Relation on Rails
Engineering is about dividing problems into smaller partials. And then solving them with the best approach. As an engineer, I enjoy problem-solving.
73. My Journey Building a Scraper with Ruby
Last week I finished my Ruby curriculum at Microverse. So I was ready to build my Capstone Project. Which is a solo project at the end of each of the Microverse technical curriculum sections.
74. An Introduction to Backtracking in Ruby
in this blog post, we are going to take a look at what is backtracking and how to implement it using ruby
75. GitHub's 18 Most Popular Ruby on Rails Repositories ( November 2019 )
76. Keeping Code Clean with Rails Service Objects
You can keep your Rails app cleaner and easier to maintain using Service Objects. Service objects help to decouple business logic from your controllers
77. How I Made a Ten Line Ruby Script to Get My 1st Jab
Use a Ruby script to get the jab in India
78. Building a Simple Session Based Authentication using Ruby on Rails
Building your first authentication system may look intimidating at first. But to be honest, it's really easy. After reading this article, you will know how easy it is to create a session based authentication in rails.
79. A Template for Starting New Projects on Ruby on Rails
In this story, I want to show you how to bring your Ruby on Rails development to the next level.
80. Understanding your Rails Application Structure [Beginners Guide]
So you are learning Rails. You are following a tutorial and have to type: rails new my_app and voilà! You have your first Rails app ready to start working on it.
81. Build a To-Do App with React In Rails 6 (Tutorial)
Hello everyone. Today, we will be building a todo app to showcase how to use React with Rails 6. This tutorial will be as in-depth as possible and will focus on performing CRUD operations. Our Todo app will support seeing a list of your todo, creating a today, making a todo as done, and deleting a todo. We will be leveraging react to build a reactive app and use material UI for the design.
82. Authentication and Authorization with bcrypt In Rails
83. How To Show User Friends Posts Using Ruby on Rails
In this post, I’ll explain a trick that will give your web application the ability to show friends’ posts.
[84. Integrating a Voting System into Your
Blog App](https://hackernoon.com/integrating-a-voting-system-into-your-blog-app-rz1d3u2z)
This article is about adding a voting system to your blog app, where users can vote or not vote an article. We all want to allow users to show their interest and react to an article through voting and also get the article with the highest vote. So let’s get started.
85. How parallel Github Actions jobs can run your RSpec tests faster in Ruby on Rails application
Run efficiently parallel RSpec tests on GitHub Actions for Ruby on Rails application to save CI build time
86. Get To Know Prime: The Ruby Class For Sustaining Prime Numbers
A prime number is a number that can only be divided by itself and one (1). Ruby makes it convenient to access prime numbers within any range with the Prime class. This class represents a set of all prime numbers. Ruby also offers several methods for accessing the values herein. To use the prime class, ‘require’ it in your document as follows:
87. Active Record Validations In Rails: How They Work
ver open up a Rails console to debug a problem and come away wondering how the data got so funky? Despite our best efforts the database will accept plenty of garbage data if you let it. There are tons of methods to bypass the Rails callbacks and validations while still updating your database. If you are like me you have probably used these methods in the Rails console to fix some of that funky data you found after some other code created it in the first place.
88. A Dive into Active Record Connection Pools and Horizontal Sharding in a Gem
Rails is a great framework that enables us to avoid grungy but essential topics like database connection pooling with all the inherent complexities of multi-threading and error handling.
89. How to Create Your First Ruby on Rails Application in No Time
If you are a beginner, you should know that Ruby on Rails is a framework that helps you build web applications.
90. How to Develop a Signup system with React, Redux, and Rails
I have always been fascinated with one’s ability to create or recreate. Software development for gives me a way to translate my imaginations into useful tangible things. The feeling I get after going through challenges to figure out how to put my ideas together, is incomparable. Full-stack development is the combination of both front-end technologies and back-end technologies to create a fully functional application. In this tutorial, we are going to combine front-end technology called React and Redux with a back-end technology called Rails to create a simple sign-up system.
91. How to Customize Devise Authentication with Active Storage
It is really difficult to imagine an application without a very secure authentication module, they vary from one to other, but almost always having common components, like a form to introduce a user name or email, their password, maybe some social media authentication, even biometric inputs.
92. 8 Startups That Became Tech Giants via Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails is an established, battle-tested technology that served as an excellent framework for software developers. But what’s the secret behind the success of Rails? One good reason is that ever since it appeared on the tech scene, it’s been part of projects launched by companies that have become some of the fastest-growing and largest startups we’ve ever seen.
93. Open-sourcing Ferrum: a fearless Ruby Chrome driver
If you want to run integration tests on your website, you have three options: Poltergeist, Selenium and now, a new secret weapon — Ferrum.
94. "Beyonce Is OK" - Shannon Crabill, 2020 Noonie Nominee
You know that feeling when you work really hard on something for really long and it feels like nobody really notices?
95. A Recipe For A Checkerboard Styled Page
Last week, as part of an assignment for a Ruby on Rails application, I was given the challenge to create a checkerboard styled page. The design is from Nelson Sakwa and the requirements were as follow:
96. What You Need to Know About Ruby on Rails to Start Developing Your First Application
Ruby on Rails is a framework based on Ruby programming language, it is mainly used for web development. what do you need to know about it?
97. The Definitive Command Cheat Sheet for Rails Beginners
When I was a newbie in Rails, the first couple of weeks I survived reading all the articles and understanding only like 30% of what I was doing. It was a lot of information, and one of the things that annoyed me the most was that when, after a lot of effort, I finally realized what I have to do, I have to look through all the readings and find the correct command that I need to write on my terminal (after all this time, now I can type them almost with closed eyes but at first it was incredibly tough).
98. I Built A Light And Easy to Use PGP Encryption Tool: Here's How
I once needed to generate a PGP key pair and I thought that I could maybe create my own tool in order to do so.
99. When is Ruby on Rails the Right Choice?
Often side projects or even your main project need to be done quickly and delivered to people and learn from what they've got to say and well-informed decisions instead of endlessly building what you think is the perfect solution.
100. Effective Ways To Get More Out Of Vessel Framework
Vessel is a fast, open source, high-level, web crawling and scraping framework for Ruby, built on top of Ferrum — a minimal-dependency pure-Ruby driver for running headless Google Chrome instances.
101. Disabling Logging of (sensitive) Arguments in Active Job in Ruby [A How-To Guide]
If you are using Active Job for managing background jobs in Rails, you might have noticed that it logs the job arguments when the job is enqueued or run. Let's see an example of this.
102. Why Do Startups Love Ruby on Rails?
Why do so many startups choose Ruby on Rails over other technologies?
103. Spam Filtering System - Bayes Classifier
A simple 17th century theory for the evaluation of knowledge, criticized for most of the 20th century.
104. Learning Ruby on Rails: An Overview
Before I start jumping in deep water, I would like to give some background regarding my experience. I have always love to teach myself new stuff and ways of doing things, and that is how I got into programming in general. At the beginning it was more like a hobby, I had a management position in a company and to be honest I have never really liked the way they keep track of their data.
105. Mistakes I've made treating file paths as strings
Some things you do as a developer can work for you for years, then turn around and bite you when you were least expecting. These are the things that you wish another developer had told you early in your career so you never had to make the mistakes. This post is about one of those things and if you’re reading this, consider it me telling you.
106. How To Learn Ruby on Rails
How to get around in your first Rails projects
107. Learning RegEx Basics in Ruby
Find patterns in strings is a common problem for developers. One of the main scenarios where you could need this is on form validations, has the email the right structure? has the user first name any invalid character?. That's where regular expressions appear.
108. How to Deploy a Ruby on Rails App on Heroku
The most satisfying thing beyond building something is to make it available to the world. Heroku is great for beginners because it’s a free and “simple” push-to-deploy system.
109. Introducing Figaro Module: Rails Configuration Gem
110. How To Create Auth by Connecting Devise into Your ROR Project
As a student of Microverse, I’ve reached the point where Rails’ framework was introduced to me. It appeared to me with the best omens on its hands. Ruby on Rails is a starting point for many start-ups because all of them got blinded by its beauty and simplicity. I have to admit that I felt intimidated for a while. Surely I can't say we are the best friends now but things started to make sense. Ruby on Rails is designed under the MVC principles - Model View Controllers.
111. Should Deploying Production Infrastructure be Hard?
Below I'll explain why I built terra_boi to deploy Clientelify, why I think it was downloaded 1,000 times in the first 10 days (despite not promoting it anywhere), and why deploying an application to production shouldn't suck.
112. RSpec, Capybara, CircleCI And Chrome Headless Webdriver Configuration
How to configure Capybara with Chrome headless webdriver using CircleCI and Ruby on Rails project. Selenium webdriver.
113. Speed Up Your Development Time With Queries in Ruby on Rails
Whether you have made simple queries with SQL language to get records in some relational database or you have experience as a complex database administrator, when starting it might seem extremely difficult to learn the syntax to select only what you require, or which table to join with which to make the necessary consultation.
114. My First Tech Talk: How I Prepared and How I Got Through It
Overall, it was a fantastic experience, & I am glad I went live instead of pre-recording.
115. How to Seed Your Rails Database with Faker
I built a Customer Support System a few days ago and started to think of a way to seed my rails database with random data for testing without having to manually type in the data. This may not be the best way to do it, but it works and allows you to test your application.
116. Hide the Navigation Bar in Rails
Recently I was working on a project in RoR and I realized I wanted to show the navigation bar and footer on some pages and nothing on others. For example, Imagine a signup page with a navbar !!! Yuck, not only does it not look pretty but also, I have never seen any design where the login/logout pages have a navigation bar. Very few designs like that do exist, and in my opinion, are not the best.
117. "Rust Isn’t Afraid to be Imperfect as Long as we Ship something Useful" - Steve Klabnik
Steve Klabnik is a member of the Rust core team, an active open-source contributor, and author of The Rust Programming Language, Rails 4 in Action, and Designing Hypermedia APIs books. In 2012 and 2016, we invited Steve to speak at the RailsClub (now RubyRussia) conference. Since then, Steve has been working on Rust a lot, did a lot of interesting things and we realized that we should definitely interview him once again!
118. Authenticating Your API Using "Knock Gem" in Rails
Due to the inability to generate a well-defined way to authenticate rails API, I have sourced out this information in order to help me and you have a way of authenticating our rails API token. This tutorial would be based on the latest version (6.0) of Ruby on Rails.
119. How To Avoid N + 1 problem in Rails
Almost any app that we build has a lot of interactive options with a lot of data, to this we can also have conditions to which data should we show to what type of user, making us request data from different tables based on a unique identifier, if the queries are not handled in a proper manner this can slow down the loading, and that is because of the "N + 1" problem.
120. Unobtrusive JavaScript in Ruby On Rails [Beginners Guide]
Recently I learned Ruby On Rails, an amazing framework, you can easily build complex web applications with it. In this article, I want to talk about Unobtrusive JavaScript in Ruby On Rails, a tool that can help you build a more responsive web application in a simple way. With it, you can manage all your JavaScript in the server and you don’t need to pollute your HTML files, there is no need for adding events listeners and ajax requests.
121. Cloudinary Upload API Introduction: Hassle Free Alternative to AWS S3
So you've developed an impressive rails APP that showcases a gallery of images. Its time to unveil it on the worldwide web via Heroku. Image uploads in a local development environment are currently defaulted to local psql. In production environment (Heroku), a cloud storage service stores images.
By popular choice, AWS S3 cloud service would be suitable to host your images. They offer a free plan, but to sign up it requires a credit/debit card. In my experience setting AWS up for image-handling was challenge. If one does not exercise extreme caution; API key and secret will get exposed on Github.
122. Active storage with Azure [A How-To Guide]
Before I start rambling about my adventures with Rails, I want to do something I'd appreciate more people doing, and hey, be the change you want in the world, so the actual step by step is gonna be under the title THE ACTUAL TUTORIAL (in this same article, don't go D:), you can skip there if you're in a rush, but I think there's some value in the process of finding the answer, other than the answer itself, and I don't know, this is my way to communicate things. We all good? Ok, here we go.
123. Testing Signed and Encrypted Cookies in Rails Application
Recently I’ve been refactoring the tests for a gem I maintain and I needed to test that it sets the right cookies at the right time. But the cookies in use in the gem are signed cookies and that caused a slight hiccup for me. I’d never tested the value in a signed cookie before and it wasn’t immediately obvious what to do.
124. How to Build an MVC App On Rails
MVC In Ruby On Rails.
125. The First-Person Sequel and Roda Insights from the Lead Dev: an Exclusive Interview with Jeremy Evan
Jeremy Evans is the lead developer of the Sequel database library, the Roda web toolkit, the Rodauth authentication framework, and many other Ruby libraries. He
126. Interview with Yukihiro Matsumoto: Ruby is Designed for Humans, not Machines
127. An Introduction to Ruby Conditionals
Our daily life contains a set of conditionals whose job is to define us as individuals, these conditionals are introduced to us from the very first day:
128. Building a Recommendation Engine using Ruby on Rails
Just to give you some context, we were working on the new Diabecarp App a few days ago. I can't talk much about the new features, but I am going to extrapolate 2 interesting solutions during the process, give you why, explain a bit and, as always, put together a demo with Rails ♥️.
129. Changing Database Column in Rails 5
While working on a Rails application, we all have had to change the database column in some way. You can change the column name and the column type, as well as changing the column with the type conversion.
130. Top Skills and Capacities of a Ruby-on-Rails Developer
RoR is quite a unique thing in itself. Imagine a nugget that is hard to find, but when you get it, the payoff is worth the effort. And if Ruby is a gem, then RoR is a cutting tool to make it a perfect framework for all sorts of web applications thanks to vast time-efficiency and code reuse factors.
131. Pending Cops in Rubocop to Make Upgrade Easier [Project Update]
Whenever a new version of Rubocop comes out, there are always some new cops. If our code is not compatible with new cops, then the rubocop build fails. With every new release, we have to spend time to make our code compatible with the new cops. Well not any more!
132. Introduction to Ruby Conditionals
Our daily life contains a set of conditionals whose job is to define us as individuals, these conditionals are introduced to us from the very first day:
133. Ruby on Rails Facebook Implementation: SpyBook
Social Media Website Live Demo: SpyBook
134. Functional Programming In Ruby: How To Create Pure Functions
In functional programming, pure functions are at the core of this paradigm. When we speak of pure functions we mean that these functions satisfy two main conditions; the first is that they will not cause any side effects and the second is that depending on their arguments they will return the same result. When you create pure functions you should try to make them take care of one thing and only one, so your functions will be very easy to test and scale. Consider the following function:
135. Making Friends with RuboCop: Ruby Static Code Analyzer
At Memory.ai, we started using RuboCop heavily. This is a story of how we integrated RuboCop into our existing app.
136. Dubugging Cypress Seeds: 3 Ways to Speed Up Your Seed Data
If seeding the database for your end-to-end tests is taking too long—or not finishing at all—here are three ways to speed things up.
137. Rails Migrations Are Not Scary [Beginners Guide]
I am a full-stack developer student currently doing the Microverse program, and I've been developing things for months until now. This article is for helping newcomers to Rails to understand Rails migrations by showing some examples and explaining them the best I can.
138. Circle CI: How To Run Ruby and JavaScript Tests in Parallel
Configure the CI server to run parallel tests in the shortest CI build time. Ruby and JavaScript examples of parallel testing.
139. Testing on Ruby on Rails [A How-To Guide]
The testing stage is a very important step in the software development life-cycle of any application. It helps software developers detect and fix bugs much earlier in the development process.
140. 6 Best Ruby Programming Books Ranked by Reviews
Learn to Program, Practical Object-Oriented Design, and Ruby for Beginners are the best Ruby books on the market according to review score.
141. How to Configure Rubocop in Code Base
Rubocop is a code-style linter for Ruby based on the official Ruby style guide.
142. How to Setup Action Mailbox with Postfix [Part 2]
This is the second part of a 2 series tutorial to setup action mailbox with postfix. In this part, we will configure postfix in production server to forward incoming emails to our rails app so action mailbox can process it.
143. Creating a Forum CMS with React.js and Ruby on Rails
In this project, we will be using React.js, Ruby on Rails, React-Quill, and Cloudinary to build a forum whose content is manageable by the site's users.
144. Understanding LinkedList Data Structure in Ruby
If you are familiar with data structures you may have heard about a LinkedList.
145. Active Record Associations in Rails
An association is a connection between two Active Record models. It makes much easier to perform various operations on the records in your code. We will divide associations into four categories:
146. Professional Debugging in Rails
Debugging is as important as writing code, it can cause your program to crash or behave unexpectedly. Most of the time, debugging can be very stressful, especially when one doesn’t use the right tools to debug.
147. How I Built a Simple Game via Ruby on Rails and Javascript
A few months ago, I had the idea to build a simple game that functions something like this.
148. Implementing CRUD Using Ruby On Rails CLI
Learning to be a Full-Stack web developer in Microverse – a remote software development school domiciled in California had so much taught me a lot like patience, resilience, tenacity and the curiosity to get things done the right way and at the right time. Ruby on rails web application is an application that is somewhat complicated for someone who is getting started in learning how this powerful web application works. But when you get to understand how it works and how to navigate round in building your application with it, you will be glad you did.
149. Ruby Services Vs. Objects: The Battle for Decomposition and Reuse
Frustrated with unorganized business logic in your Ruby-on-Rails app? Forget what you know about object-oriented design and start using services.
150. 6 Tips for Taking Ownership of a Legacy Rails Project
Becoming the owner of a legacy Rails app can mean inheriting a project bogged down with tech debt, bugs, and sketchy documentation. Here's how to survive it.
151. How to Combine two Programming Languages: A Ruby and Golang Tutorial
During past projects, I experienced difficulties when developing with a Ruby encryption pack.
152. How to Setup Action Mailbox with Postfix [Part 1]
This is the first part of a 2 series tutorial to setup action mailbox with postfix. In this part, we will implement action mailbox with postfix and test in development.
153. Meeting the Query Interface in Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails has many in built methods, it's in its nature; at some point it can create some sort of stigma due to its, well known, slowness performance, but several of those methods already can help you to write a clean and faster code.
154. Bootstrap Vs. Bulma in Ruby on Rails Application
Bootstrap 4
155. How to Connect With External MySQL Servers (Part 2: Insert & Update Operations)
This is the second part of the series where we perform insert and update operations to interact with the MySQL server in Rails using MySQL2 gem.
156. Ruby on Rails is Not Dead! Here's How to Upgrade Ruby Legacy Applications
Have you wondered how to modernize your Ruby on Rails? Read the owner’s guide for upgrading legacy software and learn why Ruby is still a good choice in 2021.
157. Setting Up Ruby on Rails On Github Using CircleCI [A How-To Guide]
This is the ultimate guide for your next Ruby on Rails project setup on Github with CircleCI for continuous integration in 2020.
158. The $5 Billion DevOps Stranglehold
Ten years ago NewRelic, DataDog, Splunk, Dynatrace and SolarWinds built tools we loved to use. They were easy to implement and solved problems quickly and efficiently. Each company was known primarily for a single, well-conceived product. NewRelic’s APM. Splunk’s log file analyzer. DataDog’s server monitor. SolarWinds’ network performance monitor. These companies were beloved by users during the 2000s.
159. Heroku Guide: How to Go Live with your Rails App
YAML: literally meaning “Yaml ain’t markup language” can mess you up in the beginning. Rails generates this file for you and you have to change it for Heroku. YAML spacing has to be exact and it’s important to know a tab is not the same as four spaces.
160. Do Not Add Database Index If It Already Exists in Rails
Rails 6 added an option if_not_exists to the create_table method which will not create the table if it already exists. This option is handy when we have added a table directly in production but now want to add it through a migration so that it is available in other environments as well.
161. How To Add Action Mailbox To A Rails 6 Application
Sending mail from a Rails application has been covered by hundreds or thousands of articles, however, there is not a ton of articles about receiving, parsing and using the new ActionMailbox.
162. Take a Ride on the Ruby Rails Express — Understanding The MVC Architecture
A quick story explaining the Ruby on Rails MVC architecture. You find yourself at the Ruby on Rails train station exploring the MVC architecture.
163. How to Build a Notification System with Sidekiq, Redis and Devise in Rails 6
In this post, we are going to talk a lot about asynchronous functions, something very fashionable nowadays, but not so much just a few years ago.
164. Debugging Has_Many, Through Relationships in Ruby on Rails
Working with model associations can be difficult.
165. How To Use Gritter Notifications in Rails 6
Hello everyone, how has it been working with the challenges of COVID-19? Today, I will be sharing how I got gritter to work with Rails 6. According to the github Readme;
166. Top 10 Most Common Ruby on Rails Errors and Their Causes
Before any exposition could be made concerning rails errors and their causes, it is of great importance to know what ruby on rails is all about.
167. Github Actions auto split of slow RSpec test file in parallel jobs for Ruby on Rails project
How to run slow RSpec test files on Github Actions with parallel jobs by doing an auto split of the spec file by test examples
168. Is Ruby Installed On A Mac? How To Check On macOS Catalina and Big Sur
Ruby comes installed on macOS Catalina and Big Sur. Learn how to check for the system Ruby on your Mac.
169. Why do we need a through table explained with Rails?
In a many to many relationship, it's just a table between the entities, but what is the purpose of this table to be between them?
170. Rails Security: Eliminating CSRF and XSS Vulnerabilities
“…3,813 breaches were reported through June 30, 2019,
exposing over 4.1 billion records. Compared to the midyear of 2018, the number of reported breaches was up 54% and the number of exposed records was up 52%”. - Source, RiskBasedSecurity
171. Design a SaaS application on Rails 6.1 with Horizontal Sharding
Designing a multi-tenant application on Rails with horizontal sharding
172. Why Ruby Shall Still Be Relevant in 2021
Ruby and the Rails framework are both under active development and regular updates are released for both all year round
173. “I Gave Up on Getting Developers to Act Against Their Instincts.” Yukihiro Matsumoto, Ruby Creator
Evrone spoke with Mr. Matsumoto about the new features in the latest major Ruby release. Mr. Matsumoto also shared details about his approach to improving Ruby
174. How To Upload and Display Images Trough IBM Cloud with Rails 6
This is a tutorial about how we can implement IBM Cloud Storage in our Ruby on Rails 6 projects. We can upload images and manage these assets with Rails. In this tutorial we are going to build a simple app. We can upload a kitty photo and vote for that photo (this tutorial only includes the part of creating a new Rails app, configuring it to save our photo on the cloud, and showing it on an image tag; the design and the part for the photo will be included in the app but is not shown in this tutorial).
175. Creating End-to-End Encryption in Rails with Stimulus and OpenPGP.js
Why You Should Care About Encryption
176. The Dark Side of Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails framework (RoR) is the dream of every developer. It does pretty much everything for you without much effort, and once you learn it and deeply understand it, you can build an entire website in a couple of hours (Of course, styling it is a different story). The hard part of rails is to understand the magic behind it.
177. Ruby on Rails Hidden Secrets: How To Get The Most Out Of Active Record Associations
Hello folks! In this article, we are going to unravel the mystery behind the Rails Active Record class. To be honest, I struggled a lot with Rails models as a beginner. I spent a lot of time reading the docs, read a couple of medium articles, watched some youtube videos but all in vain. I have chosen to draft a nice article that constitutes of baby steps that is suitable for aspiring Rails Engineers.
178. Golang: Declarative Validation Made Similar to Ruby on Rails
Using declarative validation in Golang, in a similar way to Active Record validations.
Thank you for checking out the 178 most read stories about Ruby On Rails on HackerNoon.
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