Let's learn about Developer via these 175 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
“Every great developer you know got there by solving problems they were unqualified to solve until they actually did it.” – Patrick McKenzie
1. I used my iPad as my Interim Dev Machine while my Mac was down and my Reaction was - "Wow"
2. API Testing Without Postman?
If you are testing the backend you need some tools, because you don't see what are you testing. Hoppscotch is a lightweight, web-based API development suite.
3. Stop Infinite Scrolling on Your Website - Now!
Do people love infinite scrolling on the websites they visit or are theyfine with clicking on ‘Read more’ or ‘View more?’ Infinite scrolling eliminatesthe need for pagination which is the process of separating digital content into different pages. Here’s my view on infinite scrolling and why it is a recipe for disaster.
4. The Best Developers Rarely get the job, "It’s like Tinder for jobs"
Learn how recruiters review your profile and get more job interviews (for a Software Developer role).
5. 3 Tips to Improve Your Mental Health as a Developer
It's been over a month now since I last wrote an article here for my blog. I've been struggling a lot with low mood, which has meant that I haven't had the motivation or the energy to produce new content. I have been getting help, which I've found really useful, so I thought I'd share some of the things I've learned in the hope that it might help other developers in a similar position.
6. 5 Bad Habits Of Software Developers
There is no hard and fast rule as to how a programmer should program. So, there is nothing wrong if you have your own style of programming.
7. Here's What You'd Typically See In A Full Stack Developer Job Description
If a career as a full-stack developer caught your eye, you’re not alone. It’s one of the most sought-after jobs in the world and many people interested in tech
8. Building 3 Apps at a 24h Hackathon
This weekend was the first Hack Mohawk Valley hackathon.
9. Why Interviewing As A Developer Is Complete Nonsense
Learn what a developer goes through on every job search
10. How to Deploy Apps to a Local K3d Cluster
In this post, we will discuss how to deploy and test an application on a local Kubernetes cluster.
11. How to Choose a Kubernetes Container Registry Solution
Organizations that want to scale their container initiatives require a private container registry that meets enterprise standards. Here is what to look for.
12. How To Become a Senior Developer: Thinking one Level Ahead
The skills needed to get a promotion are quite different from those you need to land a job. Promotions require a different approach to your skills, value, and relationships in your organization. How does one strike a careful balance between passion, ambition, and talent that is needed to get your next promotion?
13. What is a Full Stack Developer and How Do You Become One?
A full stack developer is an engineer who can handle all the work of databases, servers, systems engineering, and clients.
14. 5 Steps in Programming to Keep You From Getting Stuck
Getting stuck in a programming problem is a very common thing.
15. 3 Simple Reasons Why Coding Pixel Perfect Designs is So Painful
Pains of coding pixel perfect design. Solution to automatically convert Figma designs into Flutter widgets.
16. Single-Tenant Cloud vs Multi-Tenant: Understanding the difference between SaaS Architecture
We sometimes hear the word "tenancy" when it comes to cloud software applications, but if you had googled the tenancy concept, it would mean the ownership of land or area by another person for a given time. The question, then, is how does SaaS apply to a tenancy?
17. 5 GitHub Repositories That Will Change Your Life
Pratham Kumar goes over 5 GitHub Repositories that will make your life easier.
18. Grant Michael Leingang founded BLVCK DIVMOND in his father’s garage when he was 23
A brief overview of digital entrepreneurship with Grant Michael Leingang, President of BLVCK DIVMOND.
19. Don't Miss the GITEX Global DevSlam on Cybersecurity, Coding, Web3, and More
From 10-14 October 2022, GITEX GLOBAL, the world’s largest and most inclusive tech event will take place in Dubai and shall host 4,000+ companies
20. I Switched to Low-code, Here's Why
You need to make a choice between building something quickly to validate your ideas or building something robust from the start.
21. You Needn’t Be Perfect as Software Developers, Live Your Life
We know that the software community has a multidisciplinary structure. In such a situation, you should not feel inadequate.
22. I Got a Job as a Developer at 16, and You Can Too
This is my story about how I got a job as a web developer at 16 using reddit while having 0 experience
23. An Intro to Rust for JavaScript Developers
Learn Rust in 5 minutes with your existing JavaScript knowledge. Here, I list differences Rust has compared to JS that is crucial to understanding it.
24. Survey Says: Only 7% of Developers Want to Work for FAANG
47% of developers say the community’s biggest problem is bad project managers. But that's only the beginning.
25. Polkadot Shown as Most Active Blockchain For Developers After Ethereum
Polkadot is experiencing significant growth in terms of developer adoption. It continues to add full-time developers at a higher rate than any other blockchain
26. The Ethics of Machine Learning: Understanding the Role of Developers and Designers
We know that the whole world is fascinated by the tools that are using Machine learning and deep learning algorithms and they are fun to use.
27. Earn 50 ROSE tokens in the Oasis Second State Hackathon - A Step by Step Guide
Public blockchains enable us to build decentralized web applications (Dapps) that are censorship-resistant and have built-in economic incentives.
28. Your Dev Skills Deserve Recognition, so Hack the Email of Your Boss
Starting a career as a new software engineer is no easy feat.
29. A Productivity Hack that Changed my Life as a Developer and Solopreneur
Do you find it hard to find motivation to finish your long-term goals or be self-motivated? This simple productivity hack will make 10x more productive!
30. Developer Career Path: To Become a Team Lead or Stay a Developer?
by Oleg Sklyarov, Fullstack Developer at Skyeng company
31. Text Editor vs IDE: Which is Best for Beginner Programmers?
As a newbie coder, using a text editor is preferable because when we use a text editor, we learn many things. On the other hand, an IDE makes it easy to code.
32. How To Install Bash On Windows 10
Microsoft recently joined hands with Canonical (the parent company of Ubuntu) to bring the entire userland into Windows, minus the Linux Kernel. So as a result, you, as a developer, get access to the whole range of Ubuntu command-line tools and utilities with bash shell integrated with Windows. Let’s look at how we can install Bash on Windows 10 and take full advantage of the new feature.
33. Git Commands Cheat Sheet That Could Save you From a Headache
This Git command sheet is for non-beginners and is mainly dedicated to fixing Git mistakes.
34. 19 Apps and Websites All Student Developers Should Check Out
In this world of technology, there are various apps built to ease the life and work of student developers.
35. Guide to GitHub’s Student Developer Pack in 2020
In this article I'll be walking you through the complete process of availing and unboxing the Github's Student Developer Pack. This article is especially for developers who are currently in enrolled as a student in some University or College. And if you are Student, Github's Student Developer Pack is one of the best resources that you can avail as a Student. It will help get students start out as developers.
36. Supercharge your Software Development Productivity by Using these 5 Tools
5 Tools to Boost Your Productivity While Developing - but you probably haven’t heard of before.
37. My Dev Journey in 2022: A Year in Review
Developer life in 2022
38. 7 Tips on How a Junior IT Professional Can Find a Job Today
The competition between even the experienced candidates with vast experience is tough; for junior tech talents finding their first job is a real challenge.
39. Once Upon a Time in Software Development
Some years ago, when I finished my studies. I worked in a small company with some friends and teammates. You know, it’s the common developer road: you studied a lot to pass algorithms class, math, sciences, and your deontology course to have ethics principles. At the end, some company hired you with a lot of promises about: good job, good salary and good opportunities for your career in software. Basically, it was the dream job after 4, 5, or 10 years of studies.
40. Are Developers The Driving Force For Innovation In Tech?
Tech innovation has become the driving force of our economy, having an immense contribution to economic growth.
41. “Everyone Starts Out Dependent”: David Roberts on Building a Career in Tech
I believe: Anyone can become a great programmer. The best developers rarely get the job. To build a great team, hire decent human begins first, tech second
42. From Cook to Code: My Journey of Becoming a Software Engineer
After graduating high school with a degree in Food Technology, I dove headfirst into the world of restaurants and hospitality.
43. Using a Product-Led Growth Mindset to Improve User Experience
How changing the development mindset to a product-led-growth one can improve the user experience by focusing the thought process for the team's members.
44. #LockdownConf: How to Learn New Skills While Social Distancing
At the #LockdownConf event streamed two weeks ago, Emma Bostian, Dhawal Shah and Angie Jones talked extensively on how to learn new skills while practicing social distancing. The conference which started at 14:00 GMT (UTC), was co-hosted by Quincy Larson and Hashnode co-founder, Syed Fazle Rahman on the freeCodeCamp YouTube channel. It featured 4 panels, each with 3 developers discussing topics covering:
45. OWASP Top 14 Security Practices For Software Developers
★ The objective of this guide is to provide a comprehensive review of the security principles with limited scope in terms of information. The primary goal of the software developing team is to use the available information resource to provide and build secure applications for your business and software operations. It could be obtained through the industry-standard implementation of security controls.
46. How CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) Works?
If you are a web developer, you must have seen the ‘CORS’ error appearing often on your screen when you try to call the API. But, Why does it happen?
47. Developer or Engineer? Does It Make a Difference?
From the desk of a brilliant weirdo #1:
48. The Various Kinds of Software Tests
In this post, I discuss automated and manual tests, and 2 common types of tests: functional and non-functional.
49. The Pros and Cons To Losing Yourself in a Problem
You find yourself fully committed to solving a problem, you think if I just do x then it's smooth sailings and it'll all be done. A couple hours pass and you've nailed x, but actually y and z seem pretty challenging, and now you have to fix x in order to make y and z as slick as possible.
50. Talking to a Developer [Part 1]
Approaching a developer in the wild might seem intimidating. We have a bad habit of mixing words and phrases into our vocabulary that make us sound like Geordi La Forge geeking out on how warp engines function.
51. 2021: Reviewing and Kaizen-ing My Programming and Writing Life
Writing this personal review on how my year went is kind of emotional. I have always procrastinated writing or avoided it the previous years
52. How to Setup the WiX Toolset
WiX Toolset creates Windows installation packages from XML source code. The toolkit offers both a command-line environment and the newer MSBuild technology.
53. How we succeeded on the App Store and acquired 4,000,000 users
Woow! It's 2020 and this story got too old to still be relevant. Regardless, I think we should keep it published.
54. 7 Tips To Help You Hire Good Software Developers
In order for your company to compete with every other business in your sector, you have to expand. Without that, you'll be left in the dust, as your competition will deliver products with more efficiency, automate the management of their pipelines, and create applications and services that allow them to scale at will.
55. How Communication Skills Help Software Engineers Succeed
In reality, software engineers are not necessarily the worst communicators. However, there are a number of reasons why this bias toward engineers exists.
56. Ali Ragimov Revolutionized a Popular Streaming Service With a Web-Based Media Player
Ali Ragimov created a customer media player based on Shaka Player for Okko, a Russian streaming platform.
57. Following These 6 Steps Will Help You Build A Super Lightweight Website
Not an Early Adopter
58. A Developer's Guide to Writing for the Internet
In this article, we’ll be sharing some of the best tips and tricks to make writing easy and effective for developers.
59. Top 4 Stock Market APIs Of 2021
Choosing the best stock market API can be difficult, here we breakdown the best 4 options in 2021
60. How Important is a College Degree if You Want a Job in Tech?
Recently, I’ve seen people discuss on Twitter about whether a college degree is required to get into a tech job and if having one gives you any competitive advantage over the self-taught ones. I believe I can add a cent or two to that discussion. I am going to tell my story and experience so it might encourage others.
61. Low Latency Streaming with HLS
62. CI/CD/CF — The "Missing-Link" in the DevOps Toolchain?
Everyone is familiar with CI and CD processes, but whatever happened to Continuous Feedback? Leveraging observability in dev creates a new type of dev process
63. [Announcement] NEM is Launching The Symbol Blockchain with A Native Token (1 XEM = 1 XYM)
The NEM blockchain has come a long way since its launch back in 2015. As one of the earliest and most prominent blockchain platforms, it has built a solid community globally, with XEM.
[64. Nikita Chashchinskii Is Unifying the Cryptocurrency Industry
With Drivechain](https://hackernoon.com/nikita-chashchinskii-is-unifying-the-cryptocurrency-industry-with-drivechain)
The project is being developed with Drivechain and is positioned to make the world of cryptocurrency more transparent, and more secure at the same time.
65. Insights from Helping Devs at the Google Fest in Singapore
Here's the theme for this week. This topic enlightens me as a perspective of someone who has never been to Developer related events, moreover even as facilitate a developer workshop (or study jam).
66. 5 Ways A Bad Dev Hire Will Cost Your Company More Than You Think
Locating and securing a knowledgeable and reputable software developer is no easy task. It can take weeks, months or even years to locate the perfect candidate, and there are very few companies who can afford to wait an extended amount of time to fill their roster.
67. Avo CEO At DevRelCon Earth 2020: How To Improve Developer Productivity With These Cool Tools
Stef Olafsdottir, Avo’s CEO, speaks about developer productivity at DevRelCon Earth 2020.
68. How to Create a Stock Market Price Watcher Using Ruby
For my first ever wrote article, I've decided to write about web scraping and how I built a Stock Market Watcher using Ruby and Nokogiri Gem.
69. Why You Should Use Laravel PHP Framework for Web Development
Comprehensive guide to web development using laravel framework.
70. Installing a Developer Workstation from Scratch
How to automate the installation of a developer workstation, keeping it quick, maintainable and easy learn
71. "Never Invest Without A Plan" and Other Mistakes That Developers Should Avoid When Investing
When developers just start investing, it is quite easy to make investment mistakes at the beginning, like investing without a plan.
72. How to Get Started Streaming on Twitch
Twitch is a great place to learn in public. I'll cover tools, tips, and workflows to help you get started with streaming.
73. How I Wrote and Sent Newsletters that Got 50% Open Rates and Less Than 0.5% Unsubscribes
Lots of times, I have mentioned that I love blogging and writing.
74. A 5-Step Guide to Develop a Growth Mindset as a Software Developer
I have outlined five simple steps to develop a growth mindset as a software developer.
75. Log Slow Postgres Query Plans Automatically: An Introduction to auto-explain
Automatically log slow query plans with auto_explain and learn how to fix the problematic PostgreSQL queries that are slowing you down.
76. Developers Want to Code. Hence Serverless.
How serverless is fulfilling the original promise of cloud.
[77. Five Steps to Take After Making
a Mistake as a Developer](https://hackernoon.com/five-steps-to-take-after-making-a-mistake-as-a-developer)
How I recovered from dropping a Production Database and other stories.
78. Prepare for 2022 With These Developer Tools
The demand for innovation and collaboration improvements for remote teams (and dev teams in particular) is probably one of the strongest trends to bet on.
79. What is all the Fuss about Full Stack Developers?
A Full- stack developer is someone who possesses proficiency in each subcaste of the tech stack.
So, originally, let’s see from the seeker’s perspective.
80. 5 Successful Startups With Outsourced Development
Hiring talented software developers is a huge expense for business, even more so when the development has to be fast and for a startup. Many new companies in the US and Europe don't have the budget to pay for full-time developers, with this they must look outside of the local talent pool.
81. The Roadmap and Resources to Becoming a Full Stack Developer
In this blog, I am going to be sharing with you the Roadmap and the Resources that you require to become a Full Stack Developer.
82. How to Bridge the Developer Experience Gap with raise.dev
I founded Raise.dev to help every developer advance their career.
83. It's a Jungle in the Cloud: Why Serverless Is The Next Big Thing For Developers
Various aspects of serverless computing and why developers need to put their best foot forward in adopting serverless quickly.
84. Online Hackathon to Make the Web More Fun for the Billions Stuck at Home
If nothing else, we’ve learned by way of pandemic both the strength of our Internet and how many tools are left to build. As developers, we are in an exciting position to set the standards of our new normal and lay tracks toward the next frontier. This weekend, we are hosting our first Pioneer Hackathon, an attempt to provide community for those in isolation and a bit of prize-fueled, productive fun to fight global cabin fever.
85. Scrum Is Still Scrum: 2021 Edition
Discussions on the November 2020 release of the Scrum Guide
86. The Best Error Ever: Firebase Errors for Humans
I'm working on a system for positive behavioral recognition and metrics using Firebase and React. This is a hobby/side project that I work on usually on nights and weekends.
87. 3 Key Questions You Need To Answer Before You Push That Code
Before you commit that code and push it to the server deployment, ask yourself these three questions.
88. What is Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Models are a set of guidelines to help developers manage the process.
89. Meet the Writer: Sergey Prilutskiy is The Co-founder of Blockchain Company, MixBytes
Short interview with Sergey Prilutskiy, developer, researcher, security specialist, co-founder of MixBytes company, and Hackernoon author.
90. Why I Think VueJS Is Exciting with Noonies Nominee Rushikesh Mhetre
How I became the best at what I do
91. Top 6 IDEs for Developers to Compile C++ Programs in 2021
C++ (C with Classes) is a high-performance, general-purpose programming language. C++ is valued in the job. We have listed the Top 6 C++ IDEs of 2021.
92. Developers Created a Culture of Shame and a Toxic Workplace
Open up Twitter or any dev forum really, have a little scroll, and it will not take you long at all to find developers being unpleasant to each other.
93. Developer Pain Points Using React Native
As you already know, our team is a huge fan of React Native and we have published a lot of articles about this technology. But as everything else in the world, React Native is not perfect and has its disadvantages as well. We asked a few senior developers about the pain points using RN.
94. Toon Filters And Video Transformation in EbSynth [Part 2]
Using EbSynth and Insta Toon to create awesome cell shaded painted videos/GIF.
95. 'I love to teach, impart knowledge' : Meet Hacker Noon's Contributor Ignatius Sani
Meet Ignatius Sani, a web developer instructor at careerFoundry, a coding Bootcamp that train junior developers.
96. Top Skills You Need to Become a Metaverse Developer
To be a successful metaverse developer, you have to be conversant with all the prospective skills of the Metaverse accompanying the development fluency.
97. The Strong Game of Developer To Entrepreneur
The title of CEO/Founder seems cool but it's all about burning our hands and heads by Hustling. It's not like a general race where once you run quick and finish before anyone else and win the game. To be honest, entrepreneurship is like slowly moving with high efforts for success.
98. We’re Building the Lumos Metaverse to Elevate Builder Opportunities in Web3 🚀
Lumos Labs is building a metaverse for BUIDLers (devs) & ecosystem enablers to share opportunities & push the boundaries of Web3 innovation. Here's our journey.
99. Getting Started with Microsoft's PowerShell
Powershell forms an important part of automation in the azure and windows world. This article covers various considerations for powershell scripting.
100. 10 Things Every New Developer Should Know
Tips for New Developers starting a new career.
101. Here's Why I Quit a 6-Figure GitHub Salary To Become a Solopreneur
Last week I left GitHub.
102. Important Aspects of using GitLive
I’m Sunny, and I’m a junior developer at GitLive. Since we are making a tool by developers, for developers, I wanted to share how I use our own product on a day to day basis.
103. Why ENV Variables are no Good Anymore
In this article, we’ll discuss the threats that using .env files poses for secret management while application development and uncover the ways to combat them.
104. Unlock the Power of ACID Properties in Databases: A Comprehensive Guide for Developers
ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability and each of these have a specific purpose when it comes to databases.
105. Overcome Developer Burnout - Here Are 6 Ways How
We all know how it feels to be tired from work. You’ve had a few late nights, you’re feeling the pressure of a deadline, or you’re a little under the weather. You can’t wait for the weekend to arrive so you can unwind before doing it all over again.
106. My Challenge to Excel Users: I Dare you to Learn How to Code
What if, instead of starting that next Excel spreadsheet, you tried your hand at trying to write some code to do the exact same thing?
107. Building Notification Systems as a Developer: Routing and Preferences
In this article, you’ll learn how to set up routing for your notifications data and design user preferences so that you can make the most out of each message.
108. RT-Thread Studio IDE Upgrades into v2.0 to Support More Kinds of Projects!
WE ARE IN DECEMBER and 2021 is just around the corner. We are so thrilled to release RT-Thread Studio v2.0 before the end of Dec 2020. First things first, we want to thank RT-Thread community developers who contributed their time, energy, and talent to help RT-Thread Studio progress by giving us feedback, great suggestions, and 100% supports.
RT-Thread Studio Integrated Development Environment (IDE) was launched in 2019, with a powerful graphic configuration system and 270+ out-of-box software packages and a wide range of components resources. All of this offers a way for developers to simplify the complexity of software development. Now let’s head to New Features of RT-Thread Studio v2.0!
109. Using the XR Double Diamond Process to Compare the Designer vs Developer Path
How to pick the right path in the XR career. Whether it's augmented, virtual or mixed reality - you'll have to choose whether to become a designer or developer.
110. Three Growth Strategies for Individual Contributors
My first real job in programming started on July 5th, 2007, which means I have just over twelve years of experience as I write this. It’s a lot more than nothing, but probably not much more than something. Ten years seems to be about the right amount of time to get good at something, though some amount of natural talent or sheer drive can make it go faster. But growth is not as simple as waiting it out and talent does not supersede the need for experience.
111. DITL of a Software Engineer: On Working With Serverless Like
Want to know what actually goes on under the platform and behind the screens at Dashbird? We recently sat down for a Q&A with our CTO, Marek Tihkan, on leading and managing an engineering team. Today, we speak to Alex, one of the engineers on the Development team. In this Q&A Alex gives you his insights and some visibility into what his days are like, and shares his perspective as a developer on working with serverless and the learning curves of this new way of computing.
112. What Will be the 3 Biggest Software Development Trends of 2022?
The number of software developers globally is due to almost double by 2030, yet InterSystems research has found that more than 8 out of 10 developers currently feel they work in a pressured environment. Creating a better experience for developers is key for inciting innovation, but the current data environment continues to evolve in ways that challenge the experience at every turn.
113. 31 Lessons Learned From 10,000 Hours of Programming
Well, I'm certainly not a world-class expert, but I have put my 10,000 hours of deliberate practice into programming.
114. Tips To Supercharge Your Productivity As A Developer
I gave a talk about this topic a couple of months ago at forloop Summit Lagos, Nigeria. I decided to write a blog post out of it so here it goes.
115. How to Become a DevOps Engineer in 2022 (with Resources)
Want to become a DevOps Engineer? Here is a roadmap and resources to become a DevOps engineer.
116. Ageism in Tech: How It Feels To Be The Oldest in the Room
The phone interview started with the founder explaining the format, followed by the standard “tell me about yourself.” Before the interview, I had done research to know he wasn’t yet 30. It seemed to be his first startup and publicly available information about this venture was minimal. I was excited that I got the phone interview because I knew my previous marketing experience was a perfect fit. I kept my story short by including only relevant startup marketing projects.
117. 👀 From 0 to 81 Signups in a Day with Product Hunt
As a developer I've always had a problem : Find new concepts to learn. 👨💻
118. How To Improve Developer Effectiveness With Feedback Loops
At it's heart, software engineering is a series of feedback loops.
119. "Code for 15 mins a day" and Other Tips To Become A Better Developer
I've read dozen of articles on how to become a better developer in the past year. So, to share what I've learned, here are 7 ways to become a better developer.
120. 10x10: Ten Life Lessons from a Developer After Ten Years in the Industry
After 10 years I realised, there are a bunch of things I wish I would have known before I started programming. Or at least I wish I would have learned sooner.
121. How To Build and Sell APIs
Building and selling APIs is a great way to create a new source of passive income.
122. What is DevSecOps? - 7 Best Practices for Effective Automation in 2021
DevSecOps is the theory of incorporating security activities within the process of DevOps.
123. How To Start Investing - Developer Edition
Having money in the bank that is just giving you zero profit and killing your capital instead of making more money is not going to help you achieve your financial goals.
124. Understanding (And Making Your Life Easier) With Bootstrap
So a few days ago, I had to make a project with Bootstrap, I had never worked with it in the past and neither with Grid. It was really difficult for me, and when I decided to find information, I got a hard time looking for something that I can actually understand and use. So in that day, I told myself: if I get to understand this, I will write about it so if someone its a beginner like I was, they don’t have a hard time as I did. So here is: my first article about the basic information to get to understand Bootstrap and don’t die, (or in my case panic) trying.
125. 10 Reasons To Use TailwindCSS In Your Next Project
Tailwind as a framework is designed for optimum performance and fewer style clashes. Learn 10 reasons to choose Tailwind CSS for your next project.
126. Improving Open-source Software Security for Java Developers
How can security be stepped up for the open-source Java ecosystem?
Enforcing automated scans before components are published is one of the ways.
127. How I Made a Ten Line Ruby Script to Get My 1st Jab
Use a Ruby script to get the jab in India
128. Make Your Way Out Of Developer’s Block 👨💻
129. My Experience With Reworking the Codebase of Low Cost Developers
In over 10 years, I’ve interacted with many digital product creators, around 100 or even more. I have worked with many of them on their products too.
130. What Developers Should Expect From Working in a Startup
We continue sharing our team's ideas and opinions. This time we talked with Alexey Simatov, our senior developer. He has come a long way and gained profound career experience in both startup and corporate.
131. I almost quit my job until I learned from these mistakes.
Have you ever been frustrated and felt like quitting? Well, wanting to quit one's job is normal, but little did I know. These are my biggest mistakes & lessons.
132. What is Variable Naming, You Ask? Here's How it Could Save Your Life
Variable naming saves lives: here's a real life example.
133. Meet Lottie — The Open-Source File That Is Changing Animation As We Know It
Meet Lottie — the most revolutionary motion design solution of all time. Animation is a proven effective way to grab customers’ attention.
134. The 6 Best Platforms To Create Chatbots Without Additional Programming
Today I want to share a small review of simple platforms for creating bots without any knowledge of programming languages
135. Holochain Community Hackathons
Holochain Hackathons promote a sense of building, community and collaboration and perhaps most importantly — they’re fun! Whether you want to learn more about Holochain or you’re an experienced Holochain developer ready to launch your next great idea, we would love to see you at our next Hackathon. The possibilities for what hApps can be created are truly endless and we’re so excited to see what you will build next. Join us for an agent-centric, self-organized experience and hands-on learning about Holochain!
136. Why You Should Customize Your Bash Terminal And How To Do It
The Linux bash shell is quite the wonder. With it, you can interact with the operating system in very powerful and flexible ways. To do that, you make use of one of many terminal emulators, such as GNOME Terminal, Guake, Terminator, or xterm.
137. A Git Workflow Guide for Code Newbies
What is Git and how do you use it? Learn about Git in this intro to programming article.
138. 5 Developer Tools Worth the Money to Boost Your Productivity
Tools that help you develop faster or more efficiently can easily pay for themselves in terms of time saved, because, as they also say, time is money.
139. Learning UX/UI: Developers and Designers
A few weeks ago I stumbled upon Uxcel, an app that teaches you UX/UI. It looked really clean, so I decided to give it a go.
140. Manage Your Investment Portfolio Like a Pro: A How-To Guide
You don't have to be a financial expert to manage your investments yourself.
141. Build Something Great in 2022 with these 40+ NoCode/LowCode Tools
142. 6 Tips To Help You Hire The Top Talent As Software Developers For Your Company
You might be tired from hearing that “every company is now a software company.” Yet, that doesn’t make the claim less true. If you’re hearing it too much, that’s maybe because there’s a lot of truth to it.
143. Gas Pump Skimmer Fraudsters Want Your Credit Card Number - NEM Catapult To The Rescue!
Authors: Bassem Youssef & Bader Youssef
144. How to Create a Stock Market Price Watcher Using Ruby
For my first ever wrote article, I've decided to write about web scraping and how I built a Stock Market Watcher using Ruby and Nokogiri Gem.
145. How to Build a Slack Clone with React, Firebase, and CometChat
In this tutorial, we will be combining the full power of React, Firebase, and CometChat to build a slack clone that will leave you mind-blown.
146. What No One Tells Developers About Leveraging Their Network For Rewards
Some referral programs allow developers to recommend platforms or services to their counterparts, it is a simple process and the rewards can be very enticing.
147. Meet Code Daddy and Full Stack Developer, Clint Veasey
My latest HackerNoon Top Story was about my most pressing concern in life and the giant that towers over my internal psychological geography: my firstborn Son.
148. The Role of Front-End Development in Website Design
A bad front-end development will affect your business, as well as your customer base. The first impression of a website is key.
149. Top 3 Databases Every New Developer Should Know
Most new developers wonder which database is suitable for their project since they don't want to get off on the wrong foot. So, first and foremost, let's define a database. A database is a type of storage facility that electronically stores and organizes data so that it may be utilized and accessed later.
150. A Closer Look at the Most Used Tools for Software Testing
Using automation testing tools is an excellent way to go about verification of your product.
151. 7 Basic Rules to Make Developer`s Life Better
As people, we have a superpower; it is the power of perception. As the famous saying goes, life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we respond to it.
152. How Developers Should Invest Their Time
In today’s, in the past and probably in the future world — the time is more valuable than money, and the right time waits for no one. Hence, we have to make the most out of it to succeed in life.
153. Creator-User-Buyer Is a Mouthful. It’s also the Biggest Trend in Enterprise Software.
If you want to see the future of software, watch what product teams are buying or building.
154. 6 Things You Need to Make Your Dev Job Fun Again
It's easy to sit down and try to get straight to work, but it's important to have the right tools, extensions, and themes to make you the most productive.
155. Rethinking Programming: The Network in the Language
With the emergence of microservices architecture, applications are developed by using a large number of smaller programs. These programs are built individually and deployed into a platform where they can scale independently. These programs communicate with each other over the network through simple Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). With the disaggregated and network distributed nature of these applications, developers have to deal with the Fallacies of Distributed Computing as part of their application logic.
156. 5 Investing Mistakes You Make As A Developer
When developers just start investing, it is quite easy to make investment mistakes at the beginning.
157. OWASP Top Ten Security Vulnerabilities To Look After
About OWASP:The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a non-profit entity and an open internet community particularly dedicated to advocate organizations with cost-effective approaches in secure code development, secure code review, test, and maintain develop applications. The OWASP apply people, process, and technology pattern on existing and raising issues with the secure application development with OWASP provided libraries, security tools, and industry-standard materials. To ensures the project’s long-term success associated people in your organization with OWASP is a volunteer, including the OWASP board, chapter leaders, project leaders, and project members.
158. 3 Life Savers During Covid Lockdown
A little different post than my side-project or coding-related stories. Don't worry it's not about the Chinese virus Covid19, at least not directly.
159. Node.js Inject: How to Conduct and Why to Use
Today, I would like to show you how to execute custom JS code in another Node.js process and to get a proper result. These are relatively simple code examples, which demonstrate basic ideas of native code calls with the help of Frida framework.
160. 8 Tips To Reinvent Your Project Meetings And Win
In a typical project meeting most attendees do not contribute but attend just to hear the conversation. A large amount of developer time is wasted. This drains resources from the project and can create a scheduling nightmare.
161. Stadia and the Coming New Gaming World Order
Ever since personal computers started to make their way into homes in the 1980s, they've revolutionized almost every aspect of modern life. We now use them to write, shop, communicate with friends and family and do countless other daily tasks. Since the beginning, however, there's one thing that we've used computers to do more than anything else: play games.
162. Big Data Analysis on Blockchain with CEO of Covalent, Ganesh Swami
I sat down with Ganesh Swami, co-founder and CEO at Covalent, a Blockchain Big Data analytics firm, to discuss the Ethereum ecosystem.
163. Solid Benefits of Authentication Without Passwords: Passwordless Identity Platforms Simply Explained
First take a look at the current state of password-based authentication, and then we’ll dig into various technologies that can enable passwordless.
164. How to Get the GCD Of Two Numbers in C
The greatest common divisor (GCD) is the largest positive integer that is also a common divisor of a given set of positive integers. It is also known as the highest common factor (HCF) or the greatest common factor (GCF).
165. Best Tips For An Effective Remote Working
The pandemic changed the world of work dramatically
In this article, I will show you how you can make the most of remote working and how to do it like a pro!
166. Using An Existing Blogging Platform vs Building A Blog From Scratch
The article aims to answer the question whether developers should use an existing blogging platform or build a blog from scratch
167. Project Management Mastery: 3 Tips for The Well Rounded Developer
As a developer, you need to do more than ship code: you must deliver consistently, on time, and keep people updated. Check out these 3 project management tips.
168. Top 5 Tech Resources To Read Quality Technical Content
This article shows the top 5 resources you can use to stay up-to-date by reading quality technical content.
169. Benefits of Financial Independence For Software Engineers
If you read this post, chances that you are a software developer who is seeking financial advice for smart money-saving or investment or early retirement.
170. How to Build an App like Airbnb? — Deciding on Features, Timeline & Cost
Looking to build an application like Airbnb for Android & iOS platform? Get insights into how to make an app like Airbnb & how much it will cost with WebClues.
171. 11 Great Tips From A Guy Who Leveled Up From Intern To Dev
This is an article that expresses a few major learnings I would like to take away and mistakes I wouldn’t want to commit again from my journey
172. Finding Developers for Your Startup
Talented and dedicated employees are important for any business. And, it’s not an exception to a startup. Here are 8 effective ways to find developers.
173. Finding the Right Technical Partner for Your Startup
A first-person account of how Founder and Entrepreneur Adil Kurt-Eli found the right technical partner for his startup.
174. Brainpower And Brainberries: 7 Food Ideas to Hack your Brain
Are you a programmer who wants to know what are the best food that would best fit your lifestyle? Developers and programmers can have very demanding jobs. They stay up for long hours and require a lot of brainpower in order to get their work done and meet their deadlines.
175. Reviewing The 2020 Tech Lead Developer Survey by Couchbase (Podcast Transcript)
Amy Tom talks to Matt Groves, the Senior Product Marketing Manager at Couchbase, and Brant Burnett, the Systems Architect at CenterEdge Software.
Thank you for checking out the 175 most read stories about Developer on HackerNoon.
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