Let's learn about Dao via these 175 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. What is the Best Entry Point into the World of Web3? Meet Richard Patey, Web3 Community Builder
Hi I’m Richard or patey.eth on Twitter. I have a newsletter and discord on how creative people can contribute to web 3 communities
2. Restaurant focussed DAO called FriesDAO is raising $9.69 Million to run a Fast Food Enterprise
FriesDAO is connecting real-world assets to DeFi and on-chain blockchain governance and raising $9.69 Million to change the industry.
3. A Getting Started Guide to Collector DAOs
Collector DAOs are buying NFTs for their collections. Learn how do they work under the hood. Get inspired and create your Collector DAO with XDAO
4. Risk DAO Conducts Technology Risk Assessment on Aurigami Finance
Aurigami conducted a risk analysis of the protocol's risk parameters in an effort to reduce technological risks and improve capital efficiency.
5. Nym Eco-system Fund Opens Funding Requests as World-Class Cryptographers Join Advisory Board
Nym, a decentralised privacy system, has appointed George Danesiz, Aggelos Kiayias, Ben Laurie and Bart Preneel as advisers.
6. Why 2022 Will Be the Year of the DAOs
DAO developers believe that they can eliminate human manipulation or error from how companies work. This way, decisions are geared towards profitability alone.
7. Moledao Web 3.0 Hackathon in the Metaverse: Over $100,000 Prize Pool!
Moledao Web 3.0 Hackathon in the Metaverse. Over $100,000 prize pool. In collaboration with Bybit, BitDAO, Web 3.0 Collective, and more!
8. Bybit Contributes $134 Million to BitDAO Treasury to Invest in Open Finance and Blockchain
ByBit contributes $134 million to BitDAO making it the largest DAO in the world.
9. Web3 is not About Blockchain or Decentralization
Web3 is not about blockchain or decentralization. It is about the democratization of the web
10. Turn an Internet Community into a DAO in 3 Steps
I guess the first question is, Why? Why should an internet community become a DAO?
11. What are Bonding Curve Offerings?
Bonding curves are built upon one of the most fundamental concepts in economics: price being a function of supply and demand.
12. Initiating the CyOp Protocol
It’s no secret that we’re in the middle of a major crypto boom. Not only has the market reached unprecedented highs over the past year...
13. Decentralization Will Force Institutions to Conform or Die: Brandon Burgason, CEO of Mobie Labs
Brandon Burgason is the CEO and Founder of Mobie Labs. He explains the barriers that are keeping blockchain from realizing its full potential.
14. DAOs are a Catalyst for Decentralization - Unhashed #15
Harmony.one’s founder, Stephen Tse, discusses the importance of interoperability for blockchain.
15. What Could a DAO Look Like?
The decentralized governance movement loooooves to talk about taxonomy, which isn’t surprising, but it is tiring. For most people, lengthy taxonomy doesn’t leave them with a picture of what a Decentralized Autonomous Organization is.
16. Play to Earn Vs Play to Burn
We created a web3 game and asked our players if it was OK to burn their character tokens if they died. They signed up.
17. Why DAO? : The Problem With Traditional Governance
Blockchain is a part of a trustless digital solution.
18. Blockchain Vulnerability Report—ΞthernautDAO Car Token CTF
Find out how HYDN won the recent EthernautDAO CTF Challenge by hacking the smart contracts after finding the blockchain's vulnerabilities and exploiting them.
19. Buidling DAO-As-A-Service For Energy Efficient Decentralized Governance
The shortcomings of conventional organizations and systems of collaboration lead to problems such as mismanagement of resources
20. Understanding DAO: A Basic Explanation
DAO - Decentralized Autonomous Organizations is the new form to organize communities and work. here's the basic explanation of DAOs
21. Blockchain is a Natural Fit for DAO-like Structures: Unhashed #18
Unhashed is a Q&A series where I speak with top execs of new and established blockchain projects to unravel the mystery of blockchain & crypto.
22. The Remote Work Revolution Made It Clear That The Emperor Has No Clothes
Remote Workers! You have been invited here today because you have been identified as a remote leader or worker in the culture war for the future of work Join Us
23. OlympusDAO Moves Liquidity Worth $50 Million to Balancer
OlympusDAO has committed to moving $50 million of liquidity to Balancer Protocol following the community governance proposal.
24. On MoonDAO's Unending Ambition to Decentralize The Space Industry
MoonDAO will stop at nothing to decentralize the space industry, or so it seems, and with a consortium of 1,000 crypto investors throwing 2,620 ETH behind it
25. How Will DAOs Impact the Future of Startups?
Do you believe DAOs will be the evolution of early-stage startups?
26. Distributed Governance Score Framework: DAO Index
The DAO Index assesses how a DAO is implementing a set of core organizing principles into their governance and ethical practices, thereby providing transparency
27. An Overview of No-Code Tools for Web3
“I need a no-code platform to build my own web3 product!” Is that you? If so, discover the right tool for the job from creators of a no-code web3 platform.
28. NAFO’s Decentralization is Its Greatest Strength in Information Warfare
A meme-driven community has risen to become a formidable force in the fight against Russia.
29. iZUMi Finance brings DAO based veNFT Governance with Quadratic Voting
iZUMi Finance, a protocol that enables programmable liquidity mining on Uniswap V3, has announced the introduction of its decentralized autonomous organization.
30. How Are DAOs Changing the Way We Live and Work?
The level of transparency that DAOs provide could lead to better relationships between organizations and their members, workers, and even the general public.
31. Syscoin is Launching DAOSYS to Revolutionize DAO Governance
DAOSYS will be a reference design that will use the Autonomous Service Engine to turn Syscoin into an innovation hotspot.
32. Web 3.0 is Changing Venture Capital and Accelerator Models
There must be a better way for startups to break through the ceiling.
33. Introducing DeFi Live: A Two-Day DeFi Conference Bringing in TotemFi, NEAR, Blockchain.com, and More
The industry's premier DeFi event, DeFi Live is on the 10th of November online nad on 11th of November in person, in London. It will have experts and more.
34. The Golden Age of Web3
This isn’t inevitable, and it’s not unique to fledgling artists—it affects 99% of all creators, including famous names with millions of fans.
35. What's a corporation? What's a DAO? What's the big deal? A Law Student's View
An easy to understand breakdown of what corporations, why they are being challenged, and what we are doing to change the way we do business.
36. The Domain War is Here! Get Ready Crypto Enthusiasts
The domain war is about to begin and it promises to be more intriguing than you think.
37. A Technological Overview: How Metalswap Adds Value to the Community
An overview of Metalswap's working processes and the manner in which it enriches the community.
38. Re-Housing 11 Million Americans Using DAO
Housing is taking a large chunk of the Average American’s monthly bill as soaring house prices continue to outgrow income.
39. DAO: Tool Kit for Starters
If you have ever wondered how a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation(DAO)is ran, grab a seat and read on!
40. Blockchain Technology and The Next Generation of Companies
41. TheOoL DAO: Web3 Darknet
The Oracle of Liberty DAO or TheOoL.net is a super secure, censorship resistant and distributed information ecosystem.
42. The News DAO?
Form a News DAO against the usual news agencies where we can find out the truth about things, without censorship from the 'owners'.
43. The Future of DAOs and Large Corporations: Risks and Rewards
It seems that big companies are not ready for DAO. Or is this their future after all? Let's try to look at it in more detail
44. dappKit:A Simpler Way to Start Your Web3 Project
Start your own web3 app with just 3 lines of code. NFT, ERC-20 tokens, DeFi platforms, DAOs and more.
45. How A Wyoming-Registered DAO Is Solving America’s Affordable Housing Crisis
Buying and converting residential properties into shared living spaces is altogether the starting point for K.Group DAO
46. Exploring UkraineDAO — The World’s First Wartime DAO
UkraineDAO is widely known as the internet collective that recently pulled in $8 million in crypto donations in support of Ukraine’s defense and war relief.
47. Project Management for DeFi Protocols: An Overview
How to set up a DAO over the protocol or DeFi project? In this article we describe a necessary steps to make your project secured and decentrlaized
48. The Noonification: Internet Archives Silent Killer (2/2/2023)
2/2/2023: Top 5 stories on the Hackernoon homepage!
49. The Alternative DAO Path: Disruptive Voting Methods Can Change Power Dynamics
The major issue arising from the current voting consensus at DAOs is the uneven distribution of voting power. But, there's a better way to optimize voting
50. Crypto News of The Week: MetaMask is Planning a DAO, Bitcoin Bounced Back to $41,000, and More
The latest cryptocurrency news, from Metamask to decentralized autonomous organizations. Who's doing what to whom in crypto ...
51. What is Metagovernance?
In a DAO, unlike a traditional corporation, projects and priorities are voted on by community members.
52. The Value Proposition of an Ethermore Character
Ethermore is a web3 RPG on Ethereum, we explore the value of being a player character.
53. Investment DAOs: What they are and How they Work
An investment DAO is the one that is involved in raising and investing capital into digital assets like cryptocurrencies, NFTs, virtual real estate, etc.
54. Wonderland.Money - Is Getting 80,000% APY Really Possible?
80,00% APY - can this be legit? Great opportunity to earn passive income or a scam? Check out this article to find out more about Wonderland DAO.
55. DAO Core Bases on Leo Smart Contracts
Description DAO Core bases on Leo smart contracts, theoretical problems, mathematical model
56. The Future of Organizations is Decentralized and DAO
Alpha Venture DAO aims to be a community of Web3 users, thought leaders, investors, and operators who build and innovate Web3 solutions.
57. What Does Ethereum 3.0 Look Like?
Ethereum 3.0 + Layer 2 Management DAO opens the window for the real-world economy to run on top of the blockchain. What are you still waiting for?
58. Building in Web3? Here is How to Fund It
If your business, or solution, must be built on a blockchain, you will face even bigger funding problems.
59. Build a DAO in Minutes with Zora's New Nouns Builder🧱
Nouns Builder is a new Zora tool that can help you form a DAO in minutes and then sustain it over time through Nouns DAO-like auctions.
60. TON and Orbs Collaborate for Global Hackathon with $300,000 Prize Pool
Orbs, a public, decentralized blockchain infrastructure company, has been named as the official sponsor for two key global hackathon events hosted by the TON.
61. Astar Network Partners with Toyota to Launch Global Web3 Hackathon
Hackathons play a crucial role in promoting innovation by bringing together a diverse group of people with different skills and perspectives.
62. Following the Robinhood Saga, the Demand for Decentralization Has Never Been Higher
Robinhood's recent debacle leads to rising demand for decentralized solutions.
63. The Evolution of dOrg: The Builder DAO
This is the story of dOrg’s evolution from a few passionate engineers to a heterarchical network of builders developing industry-leading Web3 software.
64. DAOs and the Future of the Enterprise
DAOs could become pivotal to digital transformation for the enterprise over the next 10 years.
65. Hackable DAOs Follow Hackable Protocols, and the Internet Has Noticed
The simple answer to question - “Who controls any DAO?” is a protocol. The problem is that protocols are developed by somebody. Protocols need to be updated.
66. If It’s So Awesome, Why Doesn’t Every Company Adopt the DAO Model?
When Ethereum first launched back in 2015, it marked a new era for the blockchain ecosystem. For the first time, anyone could mint their own tokens using the ERC-20 standard, creating a new means of crowdfunding and leading to the heady days of the 2017 ICO boom.
67. What Every Metaverse Economy Needs to Be Profitable
If you are going to argue the fact that Metaverses will be the cornerstone of the Web3 rise, you clearly haven’t been keeping up with what is going on in the industry. The biggest challenge for all the developers out there is figuring out how to create a Metaverse that will retain users and bring them profits, and that’s precisely what we will discuss today.
68. How the DAO Ecosystem Is Redefining Organizations on the Web
A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is a disruptive form of organization governed using smart contracts.
69. KCC Validator Election: 100% of the KCC Gas Fee Allocated to Active Validators
KuCoin Community Chain (KCC), has officially announced the KCC Validator Election on June 16, 2022.
70. NemsisDAO is Bringing Decentralized Reserve Currency System to Binance Smart Chain
NemsisDAO is bringing a decentralized reserve currency system to Binance Smart Chain. The DAO is supported by a treasury-rebase mechanism
71. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations or DAOs Are The Future of Management: An Overview
With the recent Vitalik Buterin's article on decentralized governance we go to further expand upon DAOs topic and the future of off-chain voting.
72. A Donald Trump Dao Is Here! Who Needs It?
I stumbled upon a rather bizarre discovery last night on JuiceBox, the Ethereum-based fundraising protocol. Yes, you guessed it, A Donald Trump DAO.
73. The Decentralized Internet and Redistribution of Power
The decentralization driven by Web 3.0 might not look like similar battlegrounds of the past, but make no mistake, this is about redistribution of power.
74. The DAO: The Future of Value-Driven Demand
With more transparent DAOs, tourists and travelers will have full control over their data and how it is monetized
75. Andros Wong's Wonder is Providing DAOs with Technical Infrastructure
Wonder has one key concept and it is that “the future is collaborative”
76. Is DAO the Key to Democratizing the Metaverse?
This article will dive into what the Decentralised Autonomous System (DAO) is and how it will impact gaming and the metaverse
77. Gary Gensler Comments Hint at Incoming Stablecoin Regulation
SEC chairman Gary Gensler was sworn in as a Securities and Exchange Commission member on February 3rd, 2021. Many considered him Bitcoin-friendly and great for crypto as a whole.
78. Why I'm Optimistic About the Future of the Blockchain with TRON Founder Justin Sun
Justin Sun recently published a thought piece on the Milken Insitute website, citing his excitement and optimism about the future of blockchain.
79. Introducing the Internet Computer Learning Experience
The content covered in this article is based on the DFINITY Canister SDK, which differs from the NNS system.
80. Making Sense of the Olympus DAO
Understand Olympus DAO and its Ohm content in 11 simple and easy steps.
81. Drafting The Utah DAO Act: An Interview With Robert Beecroft Lamb
Utah-based web3 finance attorney Robert Beecroft Lamb is Utah Governor’s appointee to the Utah Digital Assets Legislative Task Force
82. Update on Instagram's Year of Autonomy
In response to "Update on Meta’s Year of Efficiency" written by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on March 14, 2023, instagram should form a DAO.
83. This DAO Voted to Refund an Investor: Here's What Happened
Tim Connors discusses the fact that a DAO is going to refund an investor.
84. Adding DAO Governance to Existing Token Contracts
What if you already have a token and you want to create a DAO using that token? Natacha shows us how to enable DAO governance for your existing token!
85. DAO Philosophy and Business: My Experience With the Joystream DAO
In taoism the balance is summarised in Yin and Yang principles. But what about the DAO, a well-balanced organization which is like a self-evolving organism?
86. Maker $MKR Wiki: Coin History, Techstack, and Crypto News
Maker is short for Maker DAO. Maker is a decentralized autonomous organization smart contract platform.
87. What are Fractionalized NFTs
Fractional NFTs or F-NFTs, in simple terms, are NFTs that have been divided into a number of fractions and sold in pieces using tokens.
88. NFTs Will Upend Nearly Every Industry and Category of Commerce: Unhashed #25
Unhashed is a QnA series where I speak with top execs of new and established blockchain projects to unravel the mystery of blockchain & crypto.
89. An Introduction to The Bounty Economy
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are creating their own micro-economies, issuing bounties to members to complete tasks to achieve their mission.
90. Binance Smart Chain Funds Decentral Games Via its $100 million Accelerator Program
Decentral Games to usher in new innovations to expand the rapidly-evolving blockchain metaverse, Play-to-Earn Gaming vertical and NFT markets on Binance SC
91. We Are Merely Players Inside the Gilded Cage of the Metaverse
The full realization of the metaverse is still a decade away. What will it look like and how will it impact our lives in the physical world?
92. Decentralized Organizations or DAOs: The Founding Principles
The minimum requirements to create a DAO are very simple you just need tools for it. Describing two types of proposals in a DAO. Look towards the DAO
93. Proposal making in DAOs: the limitations of “Anyone Proposes Anything”
If democracy were equivalent to voting, we wouldn’t need separate words to describe them. Unfortunately, when it comes to DAOs, too often, the focus is on the voting mechanisms, with an assumption that “anyone can propose anything” is both fair and sufficient. Some DAOs are very successful with this methodology, but it doesn’t scale well, nor does it account for the variety in the types of decisions that an organization makes.
94. 3 Takeaways from The 3rd Ethereum Community Conference
Bunch of limes are on their way back from Paris where EthCC had just taken place – one of the biggest Ethereum conferences in Europe. Neither the bad weather nor the global virus panic stopped the brightest minds in the Ethereum space to get together once again, sharing knowledge brainstorming and having a good time pushing the technology further.
95. The Need of Education for the Decentralized Internet with Renjit Philip
Hacker Noon's Decentralized Internet interview with Renjit Philip.
96. Social Mining Platforms - Are They the new Community Standard?
Social mining is becoming more and more popular among new platforms that want to reward their community properly, based on their value added to their ecosystem.
97. The #NoFork Movement, OR The Real Reason Why We Need DAOs
Everyone knows that forking is risky, expensive, and potential destructive. But none of those problems are the real reason I'm obsessed with #nofork problems.
98. How DAOs Can Change the Investment Landscape for Crypto Users
A look at how DAOs can change the investment landscape for cryptocurrency users
99. How Censorship-Resistant Digital Goods, DAOs and DEFI apps are driving a new "Digitalization Era"
Enterprises and Startups are crazy about the idea to use the Blockchain to track products, building trust and develop new services. In fact, Blockchain Technology is designed to work as a Triple-Entry Accounting to solve Cross-Boarder Trust with math.
100. Marlene Ronstedt on Creating a Successful DAO
Marlene Ronstedt is the co-founder of the Data Union DAO.
101. It's No Longer "The Future of Work", DAOs Are Already Here
The future is now, it's 2020 and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are experiencing a Cambrian explosion.
Typically in an enterprise, you have top-down hierarchies as the mechanism of control. Let's look at a quick example of how a DAO works differently in action.
Imagine you’re building a startup, except at this startup, there is a clear sense of organization without humans organizing other humans. It all runs organically, and it's generative in nature, meaning it evolves, innovates and experiences high growth from within.
Leaderless leadership!
How is such a way of working together achieved?
Through active participation from interested parties who share common values, missions and objectives. People-driven autonomous organizations happen mostly through voting on decisions that are proposed by other community members.
You can propose, vote and discuss decisions as a team without having to have a singular authority to report to. Resulting in new ideas being seeded and proposed from within the organization to solve mission-critical challenges that the DAO is facing.
It's really a synthesis of innovation and ambition, it's great!
With that said there are certainly some balanced benefits and drawbacks about this model that we should explore.
For the moment DAOs function in a fairly binary nature, you vote on proposals that you or others have submitted, typically these votes take place on blockchains by signing a transaction with your crypto wallet. That means the current state of DAOs is experiencing the highest growth in the blockchain industry. So whilst DAOs are now, they might be somewhat gravitating around the future of money.
However crypto-centric it is right now, it is definitely laying out an exceptional framework that any organization type could be built upon. We are seeing many other non-crypto DAOs emerge too, using platforms like Aragon to create a DAO in minutes on the blockchain. This is achieved by creating a Governance Token on the Ethereum blockchain. When users hold these Governance Tokens they can vote on proposals put forward to the community.
These communities can even have treasuries where the DAO can organize their finances. For example, members that hold these Governance Tokens can suggest making a payment, creating a vote inside the community so it can be approved or denied collectively.
There are many lessons to learn about how to coordinate large groups of self-interested people.
I recently wrote an article, "Failure shows us the way", where I outlined my thesis on how I think we can even coordinate groups who don't explicitly share the same values, they instead just share the same mission. It's going to be very interesting to see what unfolds with the DAOs that are experimenting right now.
Why are DAOs exploding right now?
Basically there is an entire unstoppable movement happening because of projects offering up a Governance Token as a bonus to those who are using some Decentralized Finance (DeFi) applications.
I've heard many stories from folks achieving incredible results in less than 5 days. For example, "With YFI I earned like $3.5k on $24k", one community member shared with me.
That example is a 14.58% increase in capital in just five days, no wonder it's getting attention.
Wait, how are people making money from these Governance Tokens?
In the DeFi world, there is a new meme known as Yield Farming 👨🌾 its technical name is Liquidity Mining.
This is where a user deposits crypto stablecoins like USDC, DAI & USDT to earn a reasonably safe and secure return, which lately seems to be roughly 8% APY. As well as this, these DeFi applications which have newly formed their own DAOs to oversee their protocols, are rewarding users with Governance Tokens when they have funds deposited into their various DeFi products.
This has added rocket fuel to the DeFi community, with an explosive $3 Billion USD flowing into projects in just the last couple of weeks. This doesn't stop here either, there are many more DAO innovations that will be made known during this wave of Governance Tokens. One example is Referral Yield Farming, where you can earn Governance Tokens for referring people to DeFi platforms without having to deposit any funds of your own.
102. Decentralized Autonomous Organization - Core Concepts
Core concepts of a DAO. Will it be the next crypto trend? xDAO project.
103. Modpol is a Self-Governance Toolkit for Communities in Online Worlds
What if our online communities had the tools to practice a fuller range of self-organized possibilities?
104. DeFi’s Rise to Shame: Its Problems and How to Fix Them
With the emergence of Bitcoin, a lot of financial experts predicted big changes due to the utilization of cryptocurrencies.
105. Olive Garden Gets NFOG Delisted And Triggers Streisand Effect: Marketing and PR #Fail
What can we learn from a recently censored, unofficial community of Olive Garden enthusiasts and digital restauranteurs?
106. DAOs - Blockchains Final Frontier
Prosperity not created by capitalism but through cooperation.
107. Alien Worlds Co-Founder Sarojini McKenna on DAOs Disguised as Vegetables
Why DAOs are like vegetables.
108. 5 Crypto Resolutions for 2022: Decentralizing My Life
Make an NFT. Explore the metaverse. Join decentralized and women-run crypto orgs and platforms. These are some of my resolutions for 2022.
109. Do DAOs Have the Ability to Change the World?
Let's explore the amazing world of DAOs to discover how ordinary people are changing the world.
110. A New Internet's Foundation or A Damp Squib: How can “Security's Game Changer” Be So Insecure?
Merely couple of years ago many people considered blockchain a geek thing, a fad or a
bubble. Their opponents claimed it was a hack-proof technology that would solve all
trust and security issues modern world had been struggling with.
111. Building DeFi protocols on Polkadot: An Interview with Bette Chen, Co-Founder at Acala Network
Acala network is building decentralized protocol on the Polkadot network. This interview discusses the DAO architecture, parachains, and DeFi.
112. Decentralized Autonomous Organization - The Future of Management for Agriculture Sector
Businesses, to stand out from each other, are coming out with different blockchain approaches targeting different sectors. Blockchain initially hit the financial market when it was introduced, followed by data management, software development and more.
113. SperaxUSD: A Crypto-Collateralized Stablecoin Challenging Tether
With the DeFi revolution ramping up, the cryptocurrency community has witnessed the rise of stablecoins. Tether has been investigated and fined by the CFTC...
114. Everyone Should Have A Decentralized Company On The Blockchain
Metis, a decentralized framework to support the creation and management of decentralized companies, has announced that Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder of CasperLabs Medha Parlikar is joining the team as an advisor. The partnership comes ahead of the launch of the Casper network mainnet scheduled for the first quarter of 2021.
115. Interview with Bob Summerwill, Executive Director of ETC Cooperative
During dAppcon, a recent conference in Berlin, I had a chance to talk to Bob Summerwill from the Ethereum Classic Cooperative (ECC).
116. Is It Legal to Do Business as a DAO?
This article explores the possibilities of operating DAO as a legal entity, examines the types of legal DAOs, DAO limitations and its advantages.
117. Brief Answers to the Big Questions on MetisDAO
In 1987, W. Brian Arthur was invited to participate in a high-profile and very appealing seminar with nine other phenomena economists and ten physicists at a chapel in Santa Fe, where the cross-domain collaborations among these economists and physicists initiated the glory of Santa Fe Institute and Complex Economy.
118. NFT Adoption in Modern Companies: An Interview With Evinco Winery DAO Co-Founder, Joy Pathak
A conversation with Joy Pathak, Evinco Winery DAO co-founder, about NFTs and how they are set to change the food and beverages industry.
119. How MoonDAO Raised $8.3 million on JuiceBox
Initially, the deployment of $Mooney was aimed at raising $450,000 for a space ticket but it ended up pulling in $8.3 million by early February.
120. Future of VC in the Web3.0 era: A Race To Investing In DAOs
Decentralized fundraising and the ability to raise money “independently” from VCs and funds has always been a deeply rooted ideal in the crypto sphere.
121. DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) for Beginners
A comprehensive article about DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) and how they work using blockchain technology.
122. Ukraine DAO is Raising Funds to Help People Suffering from the War started by Russia
A UkraineDAO has been established to gather funds for Ukrainian soldiers who are fighting the Russian army.
123. DAOs and The Next Bull Run
A discussion with the XDAO founder about DAOs that can build a new level of trust, transparency and good governance in the crypto industry.
124. A Technical Exploration of Optimistic Rollups in the context of Collaboration
Optimistic Rollups (ORU) is a type of layer two constructs that aims to provide low gas and high TPS simultaneously.
125. When Cross-Domain Collaboration Meets Optimistic Rollup
In my last article 'Finance is not the future of blockchain,
cross-domain collaboration is', I elaborated that cross-domain collaboration is the fundamental layer to backbone value creation.The future of blockchain depends on how to build up the governance and business implementation framework for cross-domain collaboration, other than putting all the fortunes into the uncontrollable decentralized financial applications. And DAC, which is a cluster for cross-domain collaborations, is the key to the whole framework.
126. Finance != Future of Blockchain But Cross-Domain Collaboration is
Once upon a time, the emerging of the blockchain seemed to initiate a parallel new era, a utopia of the Value Internet. However, now the tide has receded, Bitcoin and Ethereum, as the flagships of the blockchain, are still struggling to get out of the dark tunnel, and the difficulty of landing various blockchain applications still has not been resolved.
127. Dear Crypto, NFTs, DAOs & Web3 Fans : I Have Some Questions
I’m confused about Web3’s building blocks. Crypto, NFTs, the Metaverse, DAOs, Blockchain… I’ve thought about them, created them, sold them, bought them and written about them. I still don’t really get it. I bet you don’t either.
128. The DAO Transparency Index: Measuring an Organization's Transparency & Trust
Measuring a Decentralized Organization's Transparency: A Proposed Framework to Develop a Flexible Standard
129. DAOs Could One Day Be The Primary Mechanism for Corporate Governance
DAOs are gaining popularity in the crypto industry. Now, a growing chorus of observers is wondering when they'll jump into the realm of corporate governance.
130. "Rollups Incentivize Operators to Verify and Execute Transactions Correctly." - Kevin Liu
This interview talks about blockchain interoperability and scaling blockchain solutions with layer two solutions.
131. DAOfication as a Nascent Crypto Trend
The latest trend in the cryptocurrency market is DAO. And the share of organizations that are turning to DAOs is also rising.
132. Distributed Tech, Commons, Coops and Feminist Economics: the DisCO Lowdown
Distributed Cooperative Organizations or DisCOs explained in a nutshell and what they mean in the context of the Covid-19 crisis.
133. Blockchain Democracy: A How-To Guide For Smart Contract Developers
When you vote for something, how do you know that anything will actually get done? How do you know that promises will be kept?
134. Everything You Need to Know About DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations)
Learn everything about DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations), and how they could disrupt your industry.
135. 10 DAOs You Need to Know About Right Now
Top 10 DAO projects that create Web3 and new crypto industries! The most interesting DAO right now!
136. Exploring the Future of Employer/Employee Relationships in Web3
The increasing desire for reduced reliance on corporate identities that require very staunch employer-employee relationships is something that Web3 can enable.
137. A Look at GTON: A DAO, Ethereum Scaling Platform & Stablecoin Protocol
Let's look at GTON Capital and how the platform works.
138. Roundup #12: The Voice Beta, DAO All the Things, and re:Invent
139. Human-Powered Truth Machines and Why They Are Inevitable Oracle Technology
How UMA’s Optimistic Oracle connects any type of real-world, subjective data to smart contracts, and the various use cases it is powering.
140. What is a DAO?
DAO stands for a Decentralized Autonomous Organization. The definition is right there in the name; it’s an internet-native organization where the management is decentralized, and the decisions are autonomous thanks to its programmed logic.
141. Last Night A Distributed Cooperative Organization Saved My Life: A brief introduction to DisCOs
By Stacco Troncoso and Ann Marie Utratel
142. I Built An Ethereum-based Fully Decentralized Voting System
This solution provides a level of security that is enough to automate critical decision making in any DAO such as automatic protocol modification or even autom
143. A proposal for a worldwide regulation of Cryptocurrencies, DAOs, and Taxation
144. What is a DAO?
145. Understanding IBCO: Can Another Crypto-Funding Mechanism Yield Accountable Results?
TLDR: IBCO is the new primitive for crypto projects funding, solving for the main issues of ICOs such as lack of accountability, lack of liquidity and flawed price discovery mechanics for the token itself.
146. Mindstream AI CEO Paul Dowling Talks About DAOs, NFTs and the Future of Web3.0
NFTs are a type of digital assets that exist on the blockchain. They can be bought, sold, or traded with others.
147. Should a Native Token be the Only Holding or is There a Case for Diversification?
As a DAO, the concept of holding your native token in the treasury makes sense.
148. True Meaning Of DAOs — Understanding A New, Emerging Phenomenon
DAOs set out to replace organizations as we know them today with an approach of openness and decentralization. But what are DAOs really?
149. Distributed Governance and Anonymity: A Bad Idea
One of the big debates in the Genesis DAO started by DAOstack was the question of anonymity. Should people be able to make proposals and ask for budgets without providing a real identity?
150. All Blockchain Governance Protocols (2020 Edition) - Reviewed
Although human kicked off a quite challenging start of the year 2020, for most governance protocols of DAOs, they have made pretty great progress and gained a lot of attractions alongside DeFi.
151. How to Account for the Future of Work: Automation, Blockchain, and the Knowledge Economy
What's the problem with unfulfilled technological ideas and ideals? A critical perspective on the blockchain and DAOs that offers a better "Future of Work".
152. DeFi 2.0: Could it be Rehab for Liquidity Addicts in DeFi 1.0?
In #DeFi 1.0 users are chasing the next high (yield). DeFi 2.0 provides: Increased capital efficiency, Protocol controlled liquidity, Advanced treasury mgmt
153. Cryptocurrencies Should Serve The Real People, Not The Privileged Few
MEME TAO is a DeFi-based hedge fund that empowers proven crypto investors to manage a set of pre-targeted crypto funds.
154. Web3 and Much Muckraking: Here's Why Social Money Platforms Are Prototype of Media 3.0
?We see the history of the media industry about to be driven
155. The Future of Governance is DAO
Can we even effectively regulate a global network of computers upon which these contracts are executed? My gut reaction is this will be very difficult.
156. What's wrong with the Token Economy and How to Fix It
Well, if you remember, two years ago, blockchain was so hot a trending, a disruptive technology that seemed to be able to solve all the problems the world has.
157. The State of the DAO: Rise, Fall, and Rise
The last few weeks have seen some major failures in the area of DAO and distributed governance. They’ve also marked a revival of energy for DAO technology, with new initiatives that seem to pick up where the failures left a gap.
158. Could a DAO Save Chelsea FC? How DAOs Can Help Decentralize Ownership
FootballDAOs are inevitable. This article will explore how FootballDAOs may operate, and what benefits they bring for fans. It introduces the ChelseaDAO idea.
159. My Sheaf of Notes on the Russia-Ukraine War
Ukraine is fast regaining all the territories it recently lost to Russia following the launch of a counteroffensive in the Kharkiv region.
160. Distributed Governance and Anonymity: A Bad Idea
One of the big debates in the Genesis DAO started by DAOstack was the question of anonymity. Should people be able to make proposals and ask for budgets without providing a real identity?
161. Take your time, do it right: Commons Governance
A guide to how DisCO governance specifically articulates the principles and values outlined in the prior chapter.
162. How to Build a DAO - the Story of One Solution
How one DAO solution is one step ahead of most competitors because it automates the execution process for many smart contracts in decentralised governance.
163. Exploring Pros and Cons of DAOs vs. Traditional Vertical Structures
In this article we compare the main pros and cons of the classical control system and DAO. Who will win?
164. The Challenges for DAO Adoption: Hype Cycle, Orientation, Free for Alls, and Unclear Incentives
Are Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) ready to go mainstream? We'll unpack key challenges and solutions and survey the state of DAO tooling.
165. Rebuilding the Tower of Babel: A Theory of New National Development Based on DAO
But when we stop focusing on dysfunctional, centralized government and talk directly to DAO members, we are already transforming ourselves and society.
166. You Don't Need a DAO
It’s time to make a DAO! Anyone can make their own DAO with Aragon or DAOstack, or just by forking Molloch. Even better, you can use an augmented bonding curve to fund your DAO, thanks to the amazing work by the Commons Stack folks, and there you have it! A fully-functioning DAO with just a few days of work!
167. Life After Coronavirus: The Emergence of Fundamentally New Business Models
Time to set sail for your new ideas
168. Dapps Need To Go Beyond Client/Server Models If They Want Higher Adoption Rates
About a year ago I was excited to hear about the growing number of Decentralized Applications (Dapps) appearing on the EOS mainnet. I started to investigate these Dapps and came away disappointed. Most of the, so-called Dapps were traditional client/server web applications that simply utilized a blockchain component, called a smart contract that existed on the blockchain.
169. What is Ethermore? (Explained by the Community)
Ethermore is a TTRPG blockchain game and an emerging fantasy world built by the community on the Ethereum blockchain.
170. DAOs Will Likely Cover All Aspects of Our Lives - Waldemar Schlemmer
The advent of blockchain technology has provided the requisite framework for creating revolutionary projects and platforms designed to strengthen trust and improve business engagements. Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are one of the many innovations deployed on the blockchain. A DAO is a community-governed entity where community members are responsible for every decision on managing and running the entity. With DAO, there is no hierarchy where only a few people decide what to do.
171. What Can Make DisCOs Grow
What needs to happen for DisCOs to grow and flourish across the economy?
172. Build Your Distributed Cooperative Organization with the DisCO CAT
DisCO’s Community Algorithmic Trust, or CAT, a series of modular software platforms designed to enable people to learn about and build viable DisCOs.
173. Everything You Need to Know About DeFi, DAOs, and Investing in On-Chain Crypto Indexes
Ben, it looks like you're stuck in Web 1.0, Mike and I are in Web 3. You're in Web 1. Your camera is very Web oney. Is it really? It is. Sorry.
174. DisCO in 7 Principles and 11 Values
A new framing of the 7 DisCO (Distributed Cooperative Organization) principles with practical examples and an introduction our pilot projects, the DisCO LABS
175. Care Work First, Code Later: DisCO Philosophy 101
The personal stuff: How and why the recognition of care work is so crucial for change-makers and DisCos.
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