Let's learn about Programming Languages via these 162 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
All the beautiful programming languages bundled into one section. From C++ to Swift, and everything in between.
1. How to Update Object Key Values Using Javascript
Javascript objects consist of key-value pairs and are one of the most common data structures in Javascript.
2. A Simple Introduction to Software Development
Software development is a very lengthy process. It includes a lot of research and design, which is necessary for the project's success
3. 5 Emerging Programming Languages With a Bright Future
When it comes to the project and its realization, you should take into consideration lots of aspects. And the choice of the technology stack is one of the crucial things that can define how successful and smooth your project will be. Depending on the idea and requirements of your application, site or product, you may find and select a proper programming language (PL).
4. The 4 Best Programming Languages to Learn in 2020
Technology has made our lives easier with several forms of implementation that are seen in different professional fields. As most individuals began to efficiently program computers, programming
languages with powerful tendencies and functionalities were born.
5. The Two Primary Reasons Why Python's Popularity Keeps Growing
Python, a programming language that has long been hailed as being both capable and easy to learn & understand the code, it is available to both Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X & other platform users who can now download an official Python package from the Python Software Foundation page. Python comes preinstalled on most Linux distributions like Ubuntu releases, but in Microsoft’s Windows operating systems we need to install & configure explicitly.
6. Choosing Your First Programming Language: A Beginners' Guide
Choosing the best programming language to learn first can be overwhelming. We are reviewing popular languages and giving resources to learn them for FREE.
7. Rethinking Programming: Making Sequence Diagrams Cool Again
8. 7 Reasons Why You Should Keep Learning C/C++
Many programmers are frustrated with and leaning away toward the C/C++ programming languages because of the following reasons:
9. Top 5 Machine Learning Programming Languages in 2021
Python, R, Lisp, Prolog, and Java are the best machine learning programming languages to learn in 2021.
10. “Python Is Slow” and Other Myths of a Dying Era
This article addresses misconceptions and the realities of Python compilers and libraries that enable the writing of ultra-fast programs.
11. Learn C#: A Huge List of C# Tutorials
C# is one of the most versatile programming language and brings in ease of programming offered by languages like Java, and has roots in the C family of languages including C and C++. C# is type-safe, object oriented and runs in the .Net Framework run-time, and C# code is compiled into IL (intermediate language) that conforms to CLI specifications.
12. How To Understand The Difference Between Statically - Dynamically - Strongly - Weakly Typed Language
First of all, what are all these words - Statically - Dynamically - Strongly - Weakly Typed Languages?
This is how you can classify programming languages:
13. How Similar Are Programming Languages?
Everyone is saying that programming languages are similar, but just how similar? Does it mean that if you know one programming language you know all the others?
14. Why I love Java
So , I recently completed a course on Coursera named “Kotlin for Java Developers” and therefore I feel I am the right person for one of the most hot trending question “Kotlin or Java”.
15. Deciding on a programming language to learn? Ask these 3 key questions
When asking yourself 'what programming language should I learn first?' First ask yourself: what are my motivations for wanting to learn to code?
16. The Programming Language For Machine Learning Projects
…and why Python is the de facto in ML
Python is the de facto programming language used is machine learning. This is owed to it’s simplicity and readability, which allows users to focus on the algorithms and results, rather than wasting time on structuring code efficiently and keeping it manageable.
17. Is Java The Best Programming language to Learn First?
I often receive questions like which is a first programming language to learn? Is Java a good programming language to start with?, how good Java is as a first programming language? which is the best programming language for beginners, or shall I start with Java or Python?.
18. 5 Development Trends You Need to Know in 2020
As a developer, it's important to keep your skills up-to-date. We’re called upon to not only be experts in our day-to-day technologies, but to also stay informed of up-and-coming technologies. This allows us to continue to make the best decisions for our products and teams. Knowing the newest tech and in-demand skills is not only satisfying, but it also keeps us employed.
19. 7 Top Programming Languages To Learn in 2021
The software development industry is flourishing, and the best part is it pays off well! There has been always the demand for good and qualified software developers and that is the reason why more and more people are learning codes as it is the most appealing career option. However, with the new skills, technologies, and programming languages coming up in the industry, developers are finding it difficult to understand the ways to start.
20. Top 10 Programming Languages for Web Devs to Learn During Quarantine
If you're just sitting at home most nights, wondering what the hell you should be doing, rejoice! I've got a list of 10 of the hottest, coolest programming languages you can stuff in a single sack (or...blog post).
21. Why Python is The 1st Language
Python, Ruby, PHP, Perl - all these languages share similar age and features, yet one of them is way more popular than the others. In this article I explore why
22. Should you learn C in 2020/2021?
When working with embedded systems that depend on speed or have a minimal amount of memory, C is a perfect language of choice. This is a short paper about why you should learn C and the benefits of doing so.
23. Building Your Own Programming Language From Scratch
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to build your own Programming language!
24. 7 of the Top Best Languages for Web Application Development
Interested in choosing the best language for developing web applications? Our developers have shared the top seven choices in 2021. Discover what they are.
25. 13 Free/Low-Cost Sites to Supercharge Your Programming Self-Education
Although we still talk about programming as a standalone career, the dominance of technology in our lives makes it clear that coding is much more than a career path. In my opinion, computer science is more than a college major or a high-paid job; it’s a skill, essential for thriving in a modern-day economy.
26. Why and where should you still use C/C++ languages?
From complex databases to self-driving cars, the usage area of C and C++ languages is surprisingly wide. Even today, with a myriad of new & robust programming tools, the two coding languages from 70s cannot be replaced. So what are the common applications of C & C++ today and why we still use them? Let’s find out in this article.
27. Game Development in 2022: Top 6 Programming Languages
Do you want to become a game developer? Then, you need to learn a gaming programming language. So, check out this blog to know more about these languages.
28. A Look Ahead to Programming Languages in 2020
Python and JavaScript are the two hottest programming languages today. However, they cannot remain on top forever. Eventually, they must fall out of favour, as all languages do. This is likely to happen within the next decade or so.
29. Why Rust Is So Popular?
If you are looking for some kind of metal panel business idea, allow me to be clear: the Rust I am referring to is a programming language.
30. Python vs PHP vs JavaScript: Which is Best For Your Next Project?
Python vs PHP vs JavaScript: A Comparative Study in 2021 discussing the UI/UX design, features, complexity, their back ends, and their front ends.
31. Using Angular to Detect Network Connection Status - Online/Offline
How to detect if the network connection is Online/Offline with Angular - RXJS
32. Why Delphi and Python are All You Will Ever Need to Succeed
In the oeuvre of practical, stable and usefully general-purpose programming languages are two that have stood the test of time: Object Pascal and Python.
33. Object-Oriented Databases And Their Advantages
Object oriented database is a type of database system that deals with modeling and creation of data as objects. The main advantage of this database is the cons
34. The Implications of Javascript being a Single-threaded Language
Learn how Javascript async/await works and what it means by Javascript is a single-threaded language.
35. Why is the Swift Language Gaining Popularity? Is it Tailored Swift?
Swift combines decades of experience in building Apple platforms with the latest research in programming languages.
36. Setting Default Inject/Provide Values in Vue
Vue uses provide and inject to send data down multiple levels without having to use properties - did you know you can set default values for any injected data?
37. A Conversation with Roberto Ierusalimschy, Creator of Lua
Roberto Ierusalimschy, world-renowned creator of Lua, talks about creating the language and reflects on how it has affected the way he teaches his students.
38. Using JavaScript to Create and Generate UUIDs
Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) are used everywhere in software development for everything from identifying object elements to DOM elements on a web page
39. The Best Programming Languages for Working with AI
You will require coding skills if you want to work in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). How do you begin? and Which programming language to use?
40. Smalltalk Isn't Dead: Here's Why You Should Use It
Here are the reasons why Smalltalk isn't dead.
41. What's with All the Runtimes for JavaScript?
A general introduction to language runtimes, specifically on javascript runtime
42. The Magic of Iterators: Build Python range() in JavaScript
How to build the beloved Python range() in JavaScript by using Iterators.
43. How to Get Started with TypeScript
Sometimes it’s necessary to set up a development environment for writing TypeScript code. This article will show you how it’s done.
44. Determine Whether an Array in JavaScript Is a Subset of Another Array
There are many cases where knowing when an array is a subset of another can be pretty useful.
45. Is Learning C++ Scary?
Don't let C++ scare you!
46. PHP vs. ASP.NET: Determining Which Stack to Use For Your Next Project
The ultimate goal of the web development project is to build feature-rich web applications or corporate websites but which is better?
47. The First Step to Mastering JavaScript (JS)
JavaScript often referred to as JS, is the most useful and popular object-oriented, interpreted programming language
48. Java / JavaScript: Differences Beyond the Name
Java and JavaScript...
Beyond the names that appear "similar," how else do these two programming languages differ from each other?
49. Evaluating Conditional Statements in JavaScript
Let's learn about the JavaScript conditional statements!
50. Why You Need to Learn Multiple Programming Languages
Why do computer science curriculums require you to learn more than one programming language? Here's the answer.
51. 7 Fun Tailwind CSS Button Designs to Improve Your Workflow
Buttons are the most basic element we love to neglect, but buttons don't have to be boring. Here are 7 spicy button designs using Tailwind CSS.
52. GoLang Programming Overview
An overview of golang programming language. Know the pros and cons of golang.
53. Why Reading JavaScript Is More Difficult When Default Exports Are Used
How using default exports hurts your codebase readability and refactoring.
54. Thread Communication in Java using Lock and Condition; A Tutorial
55. Is Ruby on Rails Declining? Not If You Build It
Is ruby on rails still used? absolutely. There is a list of reasons from many startups and a direct review from developers. Take a look at this article hurry!
56. Making Apache Superset into a macOS App
Superset puts most heavy work onto the database side, I was thinking is there may be some possibility to have a Superset.app
57. Javascript Array Concat Method
The concat method on arrays is used to take two arrays and concatenate them into one.
58. Understanding Programming Fundamentals: Variables, Operators, Control Structures
Fundamental building blocks that one must give emphasized first who is just getting started on learning how to code.
59. Asked for a Parka, Got an “Error 429: Too Many Requests”
Anti-bot techniques are getting life harder for web scrapers. In this post we'll see how Kasada protects a website and how a misconfiguration of it can be used
60. Why Python and Machine Learning are Soulmates
Python is regarded as the best language for programming Machine Learning.
61. Functional Programming in Python (with Examples)
Simply put, functional programming is a programming style that relies exclusively on functions.
62. Comparing Node.js and PHP in 2022: Between Modernity and Tradition
Want to know advantages, weak sides, and the types of projects that will better suit NODE.JS or PHP? Read our article!
63. What Will be the 3 Biggest Software Development Trends of 2022?
The number of software developers globally is due to almost double by 2030, yet InterSystems research has found that more than 8 out of 10 developers currently feel they work in a pressured environment. Creating a better experience for developers is key for inciting innovation, but the current data environment continues to evolve in ways that challenge the experience at every turn.
64. Beginning of a Programming Career
Many of us have various doubts like how to start a career in Programming?? I too had the same doubt .I had know one to guide for me. So, first I started to learn HTML and CSS which led the way for web development.
65. Implementing Multi-Threaded Shared Memory in Rust
Hide the messy details of dealing with Mutexes by encapsulating them inside a struct.
66. Getting Rid of Garbage in Java
Every application needs memory to run. However, computer memory is limited. Therefore, it is important to clear it of old unused data to make room for new ones.
67. How to Implement the Perceus Reference Counting Garbage Collection
Experience in implementing the Perceus reference counting algorithm in the Pen programming language
68. From Native to React Native
React Native brings down the time to fast prototyping app ideas from weeks to hours, by abstracting out the underlying device on which to deploy the app.
69. The Best Reasons to Adopt a Security-First Approach
Balancing data privacy and security with user experience is one of the most complex tasks for software developers.
70. Building Your Own Programming Language
In this article, I will explain how an interpreter works. If you want read the code before, just check the tiny-lang repository on Github.
71. How to Embed Content in HTML
Embedding refers to integrating external content on your webpage like images, videos, etc. Learn the history of embedding and how to embed content on a website
72. Lifting the Veil on Programming Fundamentals: Languages, Syntax, Statements
Different types of programming languages based on their levels and type security alongside syntax, generally reserved keywords, statements, etc.
73. An Intro to Rust for JavaScript Developers
Learn Rust in 5 minutes with your existing JavaScript knowledge. Here, I list differences Rust has compared to JS that is crucial to understanding it.
74. An Intro to NIM: The Python-Like Programming Language Used By Malicious Ransomware Developers
Learn about Nim, benefit it offers as programming language and why it's a tool worth having.
75. Top 6 Programming Languages to Learn in 2022
This blog will outline the top 6 trending programming languages to learn in 2022 and equip you with some tips to choose the best one.
76. 7 Q&As About Memory Leaks
77. String Definition: What It Means In The World Of Computer Programming
If you are a budding programmer or if you are appearing for an interview, it is essential for you to brush up on your programming basics at regular intervals.
78. How to Choose the Best Programming Language to Learn First
When I was first learning to code, I wanted to choose the right programming language. But as a beginner, I didn’t know how to evaluate which was the right one. So I turned to the internet. The internet had lots of opinions. After reading through articles with titles like “Why Python is the only language for beginners” and “If you want a job, learn JavaScript”, I had serious analysis paralysis. I just chose a popular one with a cool name: JavaScript.
79. Executing a T-test in Python
In today’s data-driven world, data is generated and consumed on a daily basis. All this data holds countless hidden ideas and information that can be exhausting
80. Iterating on Your Divider App: Improving Edge Cases
In the previous article, we took a look at all the edge cases one can find in a simple operation: dividing two numbers. Now, let’s improve on all those aspects.
81. Celebrating 50 Years of Smalltalk
In 1972, Alan Kay, Dan Ingalls, and Adele Goldberg at Xerox PARC created a revolutionary new programming language called Smalltalk.
82. The Future of Software Engineering: Is Low-Code / No-Code the Answer?
Low-code is transforming how software developers build and deploy web applications. How will this impact the future of software engineering?
83. Using Provide and Inject in Vue
With properties in Vue, we can pass data from a parent element or vue template to a child element. It's easy in Vue to give properties to a child element.
84. Astar Network Launches Cross-Virtual Machine (XVM) on Public Testnet Shibuya
Astar Network, a smart contract platform for multichain, has launched its Cross-Virtual Machine on the public testnet Shibuya.
85. Structural Analysis of a Beam with Python
A simple python program to compute the shear and bending stresses in a beam element
86. 4 Questions to Ask When Learning New Technology
it's easy to think we understand a certain technology when in reality it's not the case. So what questions can we ask to make sure we do?
87. Choosing the Best Beginner Programming Language
Without a doubt you've had to ask yourself, "What is the best beginner programming language?" if you're new to programming. This article will help you decide!
88. How to Implement the Decorator Pattern in Microservices
The Decorator pattern is a great fit for modifying the behaviour of a microservice. Native language support can help with applying it quickly and modularly.
89. New JavaScript Features in 2022
JavaScript is changing fast with a lot of new and exciting features to help us - developers write code better and better. Let's check these latest features.
90. How I Cloned a Simple VSCode Using Tauri and ReactJS
How I built a simple code editor like VScode using Tauri and Reactjs
91. What's The Best Programming Language For Machine Learning Projects
…and why it is Python.
92. Critical Tips to Learn Programming Faster
Looking to understand the critical factors to learn programming faster are listed here.
93. Creating a Custom Hook for Fetching Asynchronus Data: useAsync Hook with Cache
We can create a custom hook that will be used to handle all asynchronous data fetching and updating the state updating.
94. Variables in Java: What They Are and How They Are Used
Instance variables or instance fields: these are variables declared inside a class without a static keyword, but outside a method, constructor, or code block.
95. The Fallacy of Strongly Typed Languages
This is a story of how I moved from hate to love for NodeJS language while being a Java developer, filled with insights I encountered during this process.
96. Understanding Multiprocessing and Multithreading in Python
In this article, we will be discussing for the differences between Multithreading and Multiprocessing and how to decide what to use in Python.
97. Powerful Tips To Help You Learn Programming Language
Here I have shared some of the tips, that my mentor gave me, on how to start learning programming which you can follow to become better programmer within a year
98. How to Merge Two Sorted Arrays in C
In this blog, we will be discussing the algorithms and their implementations for merging two sorted arrays using C.
99. A Comprehensive Guide for Handling Errors in Rust
This article address how errors are handled with the Rust programming language.
100. The History of JSON and the People That Created It
Douglas Crockford and Chip Morngingstar created the data exchange format that is now known as JSON.
101. Rails and Laravel Explained With Basic MVC Structure
Ok, first of all, this isn’t an article about which framework is better since they have different base languages.
102. Get the Last Element of a Javascript Array Using These Easy Steps
So you have a Javascript array, and you want to get the last element. Follow these steps.
103. How To Learn Programming as a Beginner
If you have clicked on this article you probably want to learn programming, but don’t know where to start, as it may seem like a daunting or intimidating task.
104. Variable Shadowing: "Let" Keyword Is Immutable But Not Constant Variable
Let's take a look at some of the common pitfalls with the keywords let and mut. Then, we will learn how immutable != constant by using variable shadowing.
105. How to Go About Building a WebAssembly Language for Fun and Profit
This guide provides a simple overview designed to help get your feet wet in building languages and exploring the inner workings of WebAssembly
106. How Do You Find the Longest Common Subsequence of Two Strings in Java?
Strings are nothing but a combination of characters, and working on strings is a common part of a programmer’s life.
107. How to Build a WebAssembly Language for Fun and Profit
The final phase of our compiler is code generation. This phase takes the AST and converts it to a set of executable instructions. In our case, WebAssembly.
108. What You Didn't Know About React Version 16.8
Are you curious to decode unknown facts about React version 16.8? Yes! Read the complete article.
109. You Need to Make Better Code Reviews™
Code reviews and the pull request are the basic building blocks in many software engineers’ life (The Workflow). They prevent bugs, mistakes, and help distribute the knowledge around a code base in small units of changes. They are, also — and specially code reviews — more an art than a science, and so everyone makes mistakes here. Things as random as the relationship that different contributors have between them, influence whether something is approved, overlooked, ignored or requests changes.
110. DOM Readiness in Javascript
If your Javascript appears before your HTML, then trying to do things like attach events to your HTML is not possible.
111. Things to Learn as a Novice Programmer to Find a Good Job Quickly
In this article, I will share my thoughts on choosing your first programming language, what it means to “learn to program,” and what you should learn first.
112. How Generics Differ in Java and C#
Java and C# Generics look very similar but they work differently. The difference is because of how the support for Generics is implemented in these languages.
113. Working With Iterators and Generators in Javascript ES6
Here are the use cases for iterators and generators that are closer to the real-world scenario than a simple "Hello World" type code.
114. An Introduction to Object Pascal and Java: A Winning Crew Boat Team
A comprehensive introduction to modern Object Pascal and Java.
115. How to Give Your React Navbar Search Functionality
This article shows you how to configure the search input. How to show / hide it, change the caption, add an icon, handle callback and how to style it;
116. We Should Get Rid of "Hello, World!" Forever💩
Every tutorial I've read for the last 30 years starts with the infamous 'Hello World' example. This could be one of the reasons we write crappy software.
117. How to Implement Heap in Data Structure
Heap data structure is a balanced binary tree data structure where the child node is placed in comparison to the root node and then arranged accordingly.
118. Who Wins The Battle Between .Net Core and .Net Frameworks in 2022?
Entrepreneurs and startups are always confused about choosing between .Net Core vs .Net Framework due to their high functionalities and popularity.
119. Top 10 Programming Languages for Beginners
Learning to code is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, coding is a valuable skill that can help you pursue a career in a variety of fields.
120. .NET Framework Programming: Architecture, Usage and Advantages
.NET is a software framework that is designed and created by Microsoft. The principal variant of .Net framework was 1.0 which came in the year 2002. In simple words, it is a virtual machine for arranging and executing programs written in various languages like C#, VB.Net and so forth.
121. A Guide to Improving Your Python Performance Speed
This guide aims to summarize popular methods for boosting the execution speed of your Python code.
122. JS Arrow Functions for Newbies
Introduction to new ES6 javascript feature - Arrow Functions.
123. Why Python is Best Programming Language for Data Science & Machine Learning?
If you want to become a Data Scientist and are curious about which programming language should you learn then you have come to the right place.
124. An Intro to Container-Presenter Design Patterns in React
125. Developing Ballerina project with Ballerina CLI tool
Ballerina is the latest programming language release of the 1.0 version in September of this year. Ballerina is a general purpose programming language particularly intended for the implementation of distributed network applications. Ballerina has built-in modules to build a distributed web application with only a few lines of code. Ballerina provides a CLI tool for the maintenance of the Ballerina project. This article is a brief introduction to the Ballerina CLI tool and how it was used.
126. Introducing Neuron Lang: A New Language For Frontend Development
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are combined in this elegant language.
127. How to Sort Through Trends in Software Development
Never stop learning! Accumulating knowledge is the natural state of a good developer.
128. Why I Continue To Choose Delphi
I started with Delphi in 1997. It had all the productivity of Visual Basic, with the power of Visual C++. I knew I had the only language I would ever need.
129. How to Write Your First PHP Code
PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor and is a widely-used, open source server-side scripting language.
130. JavaScript Explained By a Non-Developer
Ever wonder how people on the outside of a specific industry such as software development understand and describe the common terms within that field? d.
131. Is the Low Code Hype to be Believed?
“Low code development” is increasingly being used in the marketing of a wide range of software products. The term refers to the use of a graphical user interface to build something that a developer would usually have to custom code. “Low code development” is somewhat deceiving. One might think it is going to solve all our development problems, but in reality, each low code platform has a very specific set of capabilities.
132. 10 Most Sought-After Programming Languages You Should Learn In 2021
If you are working on any technology and want to know which programming language is best for you then you can follow this article.
133. A Git Workflow Guide for Code Newbies
What is Git and how do you use it? Learn about Git in this intro to programming article.
134. Typescript 3.9: What got changed?
Hey! guys, in this post I will be discussing the changes brought in by typescript 3.9. I will give some code examples and brief descriptions.
135. The .NET Framework Is The Most Suitable Language For Businesses And Here's Why
By far, Microsoft .NET is one of the best platforms for building secure, robust, and scalable desktop or web applications. Used by most Fortune 500 companies, Microsoft .NET is very popular for large-scale applications.
136. Python vs. JavaScript: A Comparative Review
Python and JavaScript are two of the most used programming languages. Even though both are object-oriented programming languages, they have different scopes.
137. Learning YAML - YAML Ain't Markup Language
YAML(YAML Ain’t Markup Language)is a data serialization language. Common uses cases are configuration files, log files, internet messaging, data sharing.
138. Everybody Loves Rust: How Rust is Being Used in Production
Who uses Rust, and what are the benefits of choosing this programming language for your stack? Find out the answer in stories from 9 successful companies.
139. Getting Started with the Neuron Language
A step-by-step guide to developing with Neuron.
140. Start To Learn Programming Here
If you have clicked on this article you probably want to learn programming, but don’t know where to start, as it may seem like a daunting or intimidating task.
141. Developing, Packaging and Distributing a Python Library
How to use new packaging standards with virtual environment tools — adapted from the official documentations of python.org and Pipenv
142. Qt for Embedded Development: The Many Pros and the Few Cons
In this article, we look at solutions for embedded systems running on Linux/Unix, Windows, and Android.
143. How to Avoid React Anti-Patterns by Weaning Off Bad Programming Habits
Let's consider some examples of React anti-patterns which avoidance will help you ensure the top-notch quality of your front-end development.
144. Learning Fundamentals of C# and .Net Framework
We are always talking about the mainstream programming languages to an extent where Python, Java, SQL, etc, are all that we see mostly. There are many other dynamic frameworks and languages like our topic of choice today; C sharp or C#, which are playing an integral part in global software development communities. Let's take an in-depth look at the fundamentals of C# as well as the .Net framework to better understand the exclusivity, features, and their advantages.
145. Your Highly Practical, Resource-Filled Guide to Overcoming Coding Anxiety
Does programming sound like a stressful job for you? People believe it shouldn’t be since it seems all coders do is sit in front of the screen, typing. There are no life-or-death situations, no enormous responsibility compared to medicine, banking, or accounting. Technically speaking, software development should be one of the calmer jobs out there.
146. Modern C and C++: Important Facts To Know
C was developed and promoted by Dennis Ritchie in the years between 1969 and 1973 at AT&T Bell Labs. C++ came into existence around 1979 by Bjarne Stroustrup. C++ was created as an enrichment to the C programming language, and initially, it was named "C with Classes."
147. Ruby vs Python: Which is Better for Your Application Development?
Ruby and Python are some of the most commonly used programming languages for web application development. According to the Stack Overflow’s annual survey conducted among 90,000 developers worldwide, Ruby and Python were in the Top 15 most in-demand programming languages in 2019. It’s quite something considering that there are about 700 programming languages in the world!
148. Building Your Own Programming Language From Scratch: Part VII - Classes
In this part of creating your own programming language we will implement classes and at the end will write the real Stack implementation
149. Difference Between Python and Java: Key Features
Python or Java, which is better? This question has triggered lots of heated discussions around the global dev community.
150. Building Dev Tools and Designing C#: An interview with Facebook's Eric Lippert
About: Eric Lippert
151. An Introductory Guide to Variables and Data Types in Go
Hello there! So today we would be learning about Go variables and the different data types associated with Go.
152. Beginner Developer Guide: What Language Should You Learn First
Should you start off with Java, C++, C, Python, Javascript, SQL, Swift, Objective-C or what!??
153. Why Learning to Code Using an Active Practicing Methodology is Better
Are you willing to start a career in programming? Or, probably, you’re a dedicated hobbyist who wants to try coding just for fun? Then this article is for you!
154. How To Select Programming Language Depending on the Task
There are several thousand programming languages in the world. Even though many of them are incredibly unpopular, very specific, or have been created a long time ago, they still exist, and new languages continue to appear. It seems that there is no reason to believe that the number of languages will ever begin to decrease and that ultimately one universal programming language will emerge. The vast number of programming languages can frighten, but this very diversity allows us to move to a new level of multilingual project implementation. The article presents the idea of multilingual projects, which will enable developers not only to navigate in a variety of languages but also to see the benefits of their joint use.
155. Introduction to Scripting Languages
You may be surprised to know that there are around 700 programming languages invented throughout the days of computers. Corresponding to 6500 human speaking languages. Even though that's not near that number but learning another language is no easy feat.
156. 3 Best Programming Languages for Java Developers
If you are a Java programmer and are thinking of learning some more programming languages to expand your knowledge and skills, but not sure which programming languages to choose, then you have come to the right place.
157. Introduction to Google Go - Beginner Guide.
This article is a beginner guide introduction to Golang and for those with experience with other languages but wish to learn the Go programming language.
158. An Interview With "Dr. Java" James Gosling, The Creator Of Java
Read this interview with Java Creator James Gosling on the coding languages that engineers use every day!
159. Things You Need To Learn Before You Start Writing Code
I'm sure you all have read a quote like this, "First solve the problem, then write the code". At first I took it lightly. I liked to follow a different approach, "Solving the problem with code". After coding for a long time, I realized the importance of solving the problem first before jumping into writing code. In this article, I will try explain why you should slow down and how to actually save your time. Also, this will make you a better programmer.
160. 4 Great Python Libraries You Wish You Came Across Earlier
I introduce 4 Python libraries that you've probably missed and make a fun mini project with them.
161. Composable Resource Management in Scala
We’re all using resources on a daily basis. You turn on the water tap, wash your hands for at least 20–30 seconds, and turn it off. You switch the light on if it’s dark, and off when you no longer need it.
162. It’s Time to Start Learning Coding: Top 20+ Best Websites To Learn Programming in 2020
I’m sure many of us are wondering how to stay a relevant professional in the post-pandemic world. One of the ways, obviously, is learning to program. Now that the industry is at the 21% growth rate (higher than that of any other field), it’s clear that the demand for good developers is not going anywhere.
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