Let's learn about Recruiting via these 150 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
There is immense value in picking the right staff or partners. HackerNoon's diligently curated stories on recruiting help navigate this potential mine field.
1. 6 Examples of Outsourcing Failure
Outsourcing is the practice of handing off a certain aspect of your business operations and/or individual tasks to a company or professional that operates outside of the organization on an independent basis. It's essentially the delegation of a task to someone else for an agreed-upon price.
2. 9 Soft Skills Every QA Professional Needs
The dream team certainly is a goal of every employer and HR. Whatever business you run, the success depends on the people you hire. That’s why it’s so critical to make the right decision regardless you seek for developers, QA/QC, designers, content writers, or Project Managers. What’s more, the employees’ technical and soft skills matter a lot.
3. The Remote Work Era: New Trends To Follow
Could the forced remote work of COVID19 bring about new growth and a more fair work-life balance?
4. Algorithms and Data Structures
Well, this is where you are separated by the ones who are good or excellent software developers. In this case, I will tell you that at the beginning or at least in my case and I know that most of the time and for most people who I know, you will feel like an incompetent or an idiot. Basically, how is it possible that I cannot understand this and then you get frustrated.
5. The Benefits of B2B Contracts for Workers in the IT Industry
Since Covid-19 and the rise of remote work, B2B contracts are rapidly growing in popularity and transforming the world of IT recruitment and remuneration.
6. What Is Project-Based Learning Method for Self-Taught Developers
When you are new to programming, people will always advise you on the best language to start with. Some will say Python, others JavaScript, C, C++, or the common mark-up language, HTML5. This is quite tiresome to some people especially for self-taught programmers, and first-year students in college.
7. How to Get a Job in Tech: Time to Bust Some Myths
I initially wanted to be a literary translator. A career choice far away from tech industry. However, a side gig during my studies brought me to freelance writing, one thing lead to another, and here I am.
8. Stop Fearing the Whiteboard: Conquer It!
It's time we stopped fearing, complaining, and arguing about whiteboard coding interviews.
9. How To Transition From Being A Programmer to Project Manager Position
You know that the digital project management field is growing, so companies require a fantastic project manager (PM). In case you are a programmer, then you know about the working of digital tools, tight-knit teams, competing deadlines and outside clients. Therefore you can become a proper PM and fulfill the requirements of the company. In the modern era, the majority of the people are looking for programming as their careers, so you must have to find a path to stand out. It is possible that you get tired of optimizing user experience (UX) by debugging codes, and now you want a different type of challenge.
10. 6 Work from Home Positions in AI Data Collection and Data Annotation
For digital nomads, college students, stay-at-home parents or anyone looking for remote work positions, this article introduces online/remote work positions that are available today in the fields of AI Data Collection and Data Annotation.
11. Bypass the Applicant Tracking System and Inept Recruiters
Recruiters don't read resumes (they never have, they're lazy fucktards)
12. It's Time to Retire the Whiteboard Interview
A completely inadequate way to evaluate coding abilities...
13. Tech Hiring Cultures Analyzed via Glassdoor Interview Data
During the process of working on my book on machine learning interviews, one question that I’ve been asked many times by candidates is the onsite-to-offer ratio, e.g. what percentage of people who interview at a company eventually get an offer. Another number that recruiters and hiring managers are keen to know is the yield rate on offers of different companies – e.g. what percentage of people who are extended an offer by a company accept that offer?
14. Getting Your First Job As A Junior Developer: The Psychological Perspective
Illuminating the psychology behind Junior Dev hiring
15. Designing a Pragmatic Coding Interview [Part 1]
In the following series of posts, I’ll be sharing the internals of designing a pragmatic coding interview that I got to know after interviewing folks for different tech positions for some time and here comes the first one.
16. Why Did Our Private Equity Fund Need a CTO?
We live in a connected world.
17. AI in Human Resources: 5 Trends in 2020 and Beyond
Many new and emerging technologies are adding value to human resources. This explains their high adoption rate. One of these technological marvels is artificial intelligence or AI.
18. How To Recruit Great Scrum Masters
Finding a Scrum Master is simple and complex. There are plenty of people out there who call themselves “Scrum Masters”, but how do you know if the person you are hiring really is a great Scrum Master?
19. How To Break The “Senior Engineer” Career Ceiling
I have met many engineers whose career progression seemingly stops at “senior engineer”. It happens for many reasons:
20. What is the Best Way to Structure Interview Questions For Those Impacted by War?
When interviewing a candidate whose life/relatives/home were/are put in jeopardy by war, be aware that the interview may elicit an emotional response.
21. Tips for Engineering Graduates
Mechanical Engineering Graduates, here are some tips to kick-start your career. Because we know how difficult and challenging it is in this domain, with so many unanswered questions, especially for beginners.
22. An Open Letter to My Invisible Employer
I have lived 6 years in this corporate life. I have spent my valuable energy, time and patience on you.
23. Be the Pythonist: Top Tips to Land a Python Developer Job from Recruiters
In this article NIX United team within two specialties: web and data engineering discuss what will help you pass the interview for a Python developer position
24. 6 Questions Devs Should Ask Interviewers To Discern Culture
If you want to learn about growing a digital product without targeted advertising, subscribe to my newsletter Engineering Growth
25. How to Prepare To My Software Engineering Interview
Over the past few years, I’ve taken part in hundreds of interviews. I’ve been both interviewer and interviewee over the phone, on video chat, and in person more times than I can remember and I’ve refined my tactics along the way. No matter the method or the role I have in the interview, I always try to expose the following traits which I consider most valuable in a great technical peer. These are my own opinion, and I’d appreciate to hear yours in the comments!
26. Should You Care About Your Cover Letter?
Few years ago, when I was leading one of the top Belgian Applicant Tracking System, I had the opportunity to work closely with many HR professionals. Throughout my career I also hired a lot of people myself both for my companies and for others. As I keep seeing this topic arising on LinkedIn I went back to my blogging archives to republish an article on cover letters. I can’t wait to get your feedback.
27. If You Think Good Recruiting Is Expensive, You Should See the Cost of Bad Recruiting
Recruiting and hiring are important, yet easy to do wrong. Let Reintech help you!
[28. Learn the Truth about Software Developers and
Dare to Change your Recruitment Strategy](https://hackernoon.com/learn-the-truth-about-software-developers-and-dare-to-change-your-recruitment-strategy)
You can hire the best of the best if you try to understand the current preferences of software developers and update their strategy. Let`s learn how!
29. Working with Job Recruiters: Everything You Might Want to Know
This is everything you might want to know about job recruiters from a 20-plus-year veteran of the recruiting industry.
30. How to hire the best developers
Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash
31. Remote Hiring And Recruiting: Best Tools to Use
Hiring remote employees can benefit your business by bringing in a diverse range of skills that are scarce in your location. In turn, working remotely benefits employees by offering the option to pursue the career they want, without the need to relocate.
32. How AI Can Effectively Solve Inherent Human Bias
With the growing complexity of reality, cognitive biases multiply over time. Let’s discover those effectively solved using the state-of-the-art technology
33. Bad Codebases Shoo Developers Away
In this software engineering survey, we learn about the state of technical debt and technical hiring.
34. The Irresistible Automation of Talent Acquisition
The automation of part of the recruitment process finally seems to be a reality thanks to the significant progress made in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning .
35. How the Tech Industry Discourages Multi-Passionates
I wrote a post a few weeks ago about how I sometimes regret specializing in a front end development framework. Mainly because I inadvertently pigeonholed myself into work with outdated technology. What I realized I might have been accidentally implying in that post is that the tech industry therefore prefers multi-passionate people. I wanted to correct this implication because it is extremely incorrect, in fact I would argue that it is the opposite. There are not a lot of creative jobs in the tech industry, at least not if you are a developer. This is what makes it especially difficult for multi-passionate folks.
36. Interviewing Android Developers: View From the Other Side
Because we all want to work with the best people for the job!
37. How I Train Myself For Google Internship Interview
I recently got an intern offer from Google for Summer 2020. I have been practicing LeetCode problems for more than two years. Other than the LC problems, I have used the educative courses to help me prepare the coding interviews.
38. Inside HackerNoon: What Do Our Interns Do?
Contrary to expectation, interns @ HackerNoon don't have to make coffee for their "superiors" and pretend to like their jobs.
39. Why Engineers Won't Do Your Coding Test
The idea behind a coding test is very simple: to filter out candidates who do not have the technical chops for the role, early on in the process before the hiring manager and candidate both waste their time with an in-person interview.
40. Why the Hell are CTOs Wasting their Time Trying to be Recruiters?
CTOs have a broad range of important responsibilities within tech companies; recruiting should not be one!
41. 7 Proven Ways to Assess Coding Skills While Hiring
The main challenge that recruiter's come across while hiring developers is to find qualified candidates. According to a study, it was estimated that 75% of all hiring-related decisions result in a mis-hire. Hence assessing a candidate's coding skills is an essential step in a technical recruiting process.
Well, the first thing that rushes to your mind when you think of recruitment is "RESUME". Can we just rely on those? The answer to that question is an absolute NO.
42. How To Start Your Tech Career in 2021
In this post, I'll share some specific action points that can help you transition to a tech career in 2021.
43. Software Engineer interview at Facebook : Tips and Tricks
Hello there, my name is Nikolay, I am a web developer.
44. Startup Interview with Terence Hielscher, Founder & Managing Director at MoBerries
MoBerries was nominated as one of the best startups in Berlin in Startups of the Year hosted by HackerNoon.
45. Google Will Slow Hiring For The Rest of 2020
Google parent Alphabet Inc is easing back recruiting for the rest of the year, the most exceptional activity by the web search mammoth since the Covid-19 pandemic started battering its promoting business half a month prior.
46. Top 5 Entrepreneurship Communities
Plug into entrepreneurship communities around the bay area
47. 160+ Data Science Interview Questions
A typical interview process for a data science position includes multiple rounds. Often, one of such rounds covers theoretical concepts, where the goal is to determine if the candidate knows the fundamentals of machine learning.
48. How to Tackle Recruiter Bias Using AI [Infographic]
A look at how to use artificial intelligence to solve for recruiting bias in the workplace.
49. The Thing Most Developers Get Wrong On Interviews
As an interviewee your main priority is to help the interviewer visualize what kind of employee you'll be at their company, and how your previous experience and achievements makes you a great for the position.
50. Top 7 Techniques For The Ideal Secure Code Review
Considering today's cyber threat landscape, it is undeniable to say that the internet-facing applications are at major risk due to rapid increase in vulnerability exploits and ways to penetrate applications leveraging the hidden weaknesses in them.
51. You're NOT Unhire-able. You're Just A Victim Of An Obsolete Hiring Practice
You’re qualified, keen, personable, and have no hygiene issues (that you’re aware of). Your C.V. is a gleaming gem that would almost certainly grab the attention of Elon Musk (if only he’d see it), and to top it off, your mum assures you that not only are you going to land a huge role, but also any company would be lucky to have you.
52. Is ChatGPT Ruining Job Interview Take Home Assignments?
The use of ChatGPT in job interviews can allow candidates to fake their skills, potentially leading to companies hiring incompetent developers.
53. Reducing the Software Development Industry's Reliance on Recruiters
How did recruiters get such a strong hold on the software development industry, and what can we do to reduce our dependence upon them?
54. Few Hacks For Your Next Tech Resume
Here's every mistake (or advice) I can think of when building your resume based on my humble experience reviewing more than 500 resumes as Head of Engineering at a tech company.
55. How to Screen New Volunteers Online
The screening process for finding volunteers can be hard, for both the nonprofit and the volunteer. That's why it's important to make it as clear as possible.
56. Tips to Develop a Lucrative Career in Virtual Reality Industry
We are witnessing a situation in which most businesses are looking to find ways to survive amidst the corona pandemic. However, the current scenario has opened up new opportunities for tech companies that are operating in the Virtual Reality (VR) field. For instance, tourism and property businesses are looking to leverage the potential of the VR technology to sustain their growth during the ongoing challenging times.
57. The State of Tech Job Market: Are Companies Still Hiring?
To understand COVID 19’s impact in the tech sector, we took a look at overall IT job postings and overall industry hiring data and trends over the last three months.
58. Expert Developers Share Their 10 Tips For Newbies On Starting Successful Career
All the hesitations are over and the decision is made: you’re going to become a programmer! Hurray!
59. How to Write the Perfect CV for a Software Development Role
How to create perfect resume? Tips on CV structure, volume, summary, tech skills, and show template of a resume for you.
60. Hiring 101: What to Do When Your Candidate Has a Criminal Record
Background verification is one of the most critical aspects of the hiring process. It gives a clear view of an applicant’s present and past.
61. Why Startups Are Better To Work For
Last fall as I started my last year at UCLA, I aggressively applied and interviewed for programming jobs. The decision agonized me for weeks and I devoured career guides and advice. And in the end, I chose a small 50 person startup over exciting companies like Facebook, Stripe, and Cruise. I basically chose less money for more work mostly because it was a startup.
62. Web Designer vs Web Developer: What's the difference?
So many businesses make the same mistakes when they set out to develop or redevelop their websites. Overcome with the compelling need to do it all as quickly as possible and as cheaply as possible, many companies take shortcuts which, sadly for them, ultimately costs them more in the long-run. Compromising on web design is one of those shortcuts that far too many individuals and businesses take, even though great web design ultimately leads to better performing websites and improved user experiences, as well as improved conversion rates. Well-designed websites create confidence that your business is trustworthy as well.
63. Principles of Product Management [NEW BOOK]
In 2019, I decided to write a book to help new and aspiring product managers land a PM job and launch their careers. My Book, Principles of Product Management, is Now Available!
64. Eight Recruiting Trends for 2022
Telling you what IT employers should pay attention to in order to fill IT vacancies in one to two months.
65. 8 Ways to Avoid Cover Letter Mistakes
You have found a few advertisements for potential jobs and have created a great resume. The next step is creating a cover letter that will capture the attention of the hiring manager. While cover letters are not difficult to write, there are some common mistakes that people make while writing them. Here are eight ways to avoid cover letter mistakes.
66. Tips For Conducting Successful Remote Interviews
How do you conduct effective remote interviews? Looking for remote interview tips?
67. Five Job Interview Questions for hiring a UX Designer
By Adam Fard, founder of adamfard.com a UX Design Agency
68. How To Hire a Node.js Developer
If you are someone who works on server side javascript language, then you would be aware of what node.js is and how can it help you build effective projects. Built to aid developers with developing high-end applications, node.js has inbuilt libraries having the capacity to control thousands of connections in a single machine simultaneously. Now, what exactly do high end rather scalable applications mean is the ability to handle load increase. For instance, if the total users to application leverage, the same should not terminate.
69. Three Reasons Startups Should Not Hire Marketing Experts
tl;dr: Hire a hardworking, versatile person instead.
70. Performance And Productivity Management Software Industry Research [Part 1]
Hi there! My name is Vitalii Berdichevskyi, I’m a Product Manager. I want to share with you HR Management industry research I conducted in March 2019.
71. How to Clean Up the Mess in Your Employee Training Program
There’s nothing new or unfamiliar about employee training, but you might think there is from the way that some enterprises approach it. Employee training programs are all too often neglected and treated as insignificant, but they actually punch above their weight.
72. 7 Recruiting Lessons That You Can Learn from Santa!
Christmas is just around the corner. And Santa Claus is coming to town with a special gift for you: his best recruitment tips!
73. The Most Popular HR Software in India
74. 3 Real SQL Questions Asked During Technical Interviews
I love to engage with my readers and learn about what their concerns are when it comes to the technical interview. In this article, I’ll go through a question from a reader and 3real SQL questions that were asked during technical screenings from real companies.
75. 6 Recruitment Hacks for Early-Stage Startups
Structuring a great team is one of the most challenging tasks you will need to get around. You may have an idea when it comes to the future of your company, but chasing it alone is not sufficient. Without qualified by your side, your dreams will never materialize.
76. What Is Blind Hiring And How To Use It To Make Your Hiring Process Unbiased
Blind hiring is a process that aims to reduce hiring bias and improve company diversity, which leads to increased productivity and employee engagement. To help
77. 40 Words to Include Into Your Developer Resume
Writing a resume that really stands out doesn’t need to be a daunting task.
78. 5 Ways A Bad Dev Hire Will Cost Your Company More Than You Think
Locating and securing a knowledgeable and reputable software developer is no easy task. It can take weeks, months or even years to locate the perfect candidate, and there are very few companies who can afford to wait an extended amount of time to fill their roster.
79. Applications of Predictive Analytics in your Recruitment Journey
Elanor is an HR executive at Unicorn marketer. She’s been involved in the recruitment process for six years now. Every year they do a campus drive at the most prestigious college in Chicago. They’re always on the look for a promising candidate for a challenging role as a Digital Marketer. Elanor has been maintaining a spreadsheet of rejected candidates for the same post and logging the reasons for rejection as well.
80. How to Increase Your Chances of Landing Interviews at Google
Every developer, designer or marketer thinks of getting a job at well-known and huge organizations like Google, Facebook, LinkedIn or Netflix, but it’s very hard to reach these companies for the interview even if you have all the skills. Today I’m sharing ways to land interviews at these organizations.
81. Human Resources Management Software Business Research [Part 2]
Hi there! My name is Vitalii Berdichevskyi, I’m a Product Manager. In a previous essay of the series I shared with you Performance Management Software industry research. In this essay I will share with you HR Management Software business research.
82. How To Find A Great Developer on Upwork
My name is Eduard and I’m the CTO at Polecat. Sometimes I help my friends to find developers on Upwork. Below, I describe how I recently searched for a React developer on Upwork.
83. Internapp Introduction: Africa's first Time-Bound Staffing Application
As the novel Covid19 rages on deconstructing business systems and structures in its wake, companies and organizations have taken to their shelters administering pay cuts and orchestrating massive retrenchment in order to meet up demands of current reality.
84. Experience vs. Expense? Hiring Strategy 101 — For New Entrepreneurs
Most of you would agree that building a successful business is contingent on hiring the right people. Product, price, and market matter, but without the right team in place, even companies with incredible potential can stall out. However, most startup founders focus heavily on “what” they’re building, without a similar amount of attention being paid to “who” they plan to build it with.
85. Robot HR: How HR is Contributing to Unemployment
I was recently putting all my old articles in one place online, and I ran across this piece http://www.thekompany.com/3rd-party-watch-14-1993-august/ I’d written in the summer of 1993 that had some comments about the job market and the professionalism of HR departments in general. Sadly in the intervening 21 years, the situation has only gotten worse, not better.
86. Fast-Track Your Career Development with Data Science Help
If you’re in the market for a new job in tech, you’ve undoubtedly seen the huge need for data scientists. Data science is one of the hottest fields right now with hundreds of new roles added every day. Even better, these roles are often highly paid, with the average median salary for a US-based data scientist topping $113,000 (Glassdoor). Data scientists also report a high degree of satisfaction with their jobs, which makes this career path a great choice for data-minded women in tech.
87. The Eternal Quest for an Interview Process That Doesn't Suck [An Analysis]
If, by any chance, a comprehensive analysis of interview processes already exists somewhere on the internet, then this is the next best thing. Just kidding. Essentially, this is a collection of notes I wrote to myself that describe the interview processes I have encountered so far, the good and the bad. The idea was that if I ever need to develop an interview strategy again, a cursory glance through this document will refresh my memory.
88. Three Best Practices for Tackling AI Bias in Recruitment
The use of AI-powered recruitment software is an exciting trend, but then what steps have been placed to curb the emergence of bias? This article shares some.
89. 5 Tips to Land the Right Software Engineering Job
During my software engineering career, I've been both - the interviewer and the job-seeker. Many of the actions I took to get a new job weren’t impactful. But here are the things that helped me most in getting the right software engineering job.
90. Selected by Virtual Headhunters
AI has become indispensable for great matches in recruiting for jobs
91. Could Taking Many AWS Certifications Work Against You?
I have got 7000 odd Linkedin connections and whenever I open my feed I see people posting a screenshot of certificates.
92. 35 In-depth Scrum Master Interview Questions and Answers [2020]
From the desk of a brilliant weirdo #1:
93. AngelList blogs about work and people
94. From Developer To PM: The Untold Truth About Growing Your Career
Developers with a strong understanding of company strategy rise faster, despite the misconception that engineers should only focus on technical details.
95. 10 Essential Javascript Questions
JavaScript is a client-side programming language. It is used in over 90% of the websites in the world. It is one of the most used programming languages in the world. So, today we will be talking about the 10 most
asked questions about JavaScript.
96. The Process Behind Building Our Own Applicant Tracking System
An applicant tracking system, usually referred to simply as ATS, is a software application that simplifies handing of candidate data through automation and enables companies to streamline their recruitment processes from sourcing and communication to testing and selecting candidates.
97. Digital Video Is the New Key to Startup Recruiting - Here's Why and How to Use It
In today's hiring environment, startups face an uphill climb to attract and recruit talented staff. First, they have to overcome massive global skills shortages in a variety of fields. Then, they must offer compensation packages attractive enough to compete with larger, more established companies. Then, they must be able to demonstrate the fact that their company's culture is a good fit for the candidate, as 56% of workers now consider that to be a make-or-break factor in their decision.
98. How to Onboard Software Engineers Remotely in 2022 to Help You Go to the Moon
A practical guide on the remote hiring process in 2022. Hire the right software engineers.
99. Hiring Process And Onboarding Virtually During COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic has brought the world to a virtual standstill and has millions of us at home. COVID-19 also presents an unprecedented challenge for recruiters — interviewing new candidates, hiring and onboarding them. Keeping these challenges at bay, many companies have turned to virtual hiring as an alternative to traditional hiring.
100. How Software Developers Can Overcome Common Career Hurdles
It’s January, and most of you have probably enjoyed a break from work
over the festive season. Less time coding and more time gaming or film
watching. All that time with colleagues is replaced with family, friends
and pets rather than coworkers. But it’s Monday, and the working week
is back with a vengeance. Did you return to your job this week with
feeling is enthusiasm or dread?
101. Legal Business Documents: Non-Disclosure Agreement and Demand Letter
In business, there are many instances where you want to share confidential information with another party. But the key to doing so safely is to make sure that the other party is bound to respect the sensitive information you provide and will not use it to their own detriment.
102. Looking Within to Battle Intrinsic Bias in AI
Intrinsic bias. We’re all guilty of it; it’s part of what makes us human. But we should always strive to be better and fairer, and to eliminate these biases when they arise. This is especially true in today's workplace, where the widespread adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technology risks hardcoding these biases into the future of work.
103. Hiring Independent Contractors For Your Bootstrapped Startup
(Source: NordWood Themes, Unsplash)
104. Why is There Not Enough Software Engineers?
“The tech industry is thriving. It’s expanding almost three times faster than the rest of the UK economy and it’s nearly worth £184bn.”
105. Should You Hire More Software Engineers or Better Manage the Ones You Have?
That technology is here to stay is an obvious duh. If and how well-prepared companies are to deal with the constant need to increase investments in technology, that’s not as simple. Another obvious axiom is that software engineers and developers are highly valuable resources. Weather having more or putting the ones you have to better use is the best approach, that is less obvious.
106. How to Craft Your LinkedIn Recruitment Strategy
Recruitment today is not the same as it was a few years ago. The traditional recruiting tools are taking a back seat now in this candidate-driven market.
107. Headcount Planning? Here are 4 Tips for Choosing Job Levels
Here are tips for choosing job levels when headcount planning.
108. How to Hold on to Critical Knowledge When Employees Leave
If you do a good job as a leader, the people you mentor will eventually outgrow their original roles. Some will rise within their departments; others will go on to lead new teams. Many will go on to work for other businesses.
109. Incident Management: Onboarding Tips and Tricks
“Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Henry Ford.
110. How to Build a Recruiting Brand
Hiring great talent is getting harder by the day. Big-brand tech companies are expanding, legacy enterprises are going digital, and the startup world is growing fast. For early-stage tech companies, it’s an uphill battle to outmaneuver the competition that’s now coming from every corner and land the right candidates.
111. A Letter to Tech Recruiters
As a software engineer with more than 15 years of experience, a LinkedIn and Stackoverflow profile, I got my fair share of interaction with recruiters. Some were spot-on with the relaxed to the point attitude that gets an engineer’s attention.
112. How To Recruit, Train, and Retain Skilled UX Designers
A “ready” UX designer is a rare encounter in the wild. Designers usually do know how to make things pretty – but when it comes to the product logic and interactions design, few feel at ease. The inevitable solution is to hire people with a relevant background and upgrade them to real UXers: host lectures, give homework, provide practice opportunities.
113. 5 Simple Job Interview Tips
Disclaimer: this reflects my personal opinions, not those of my employer.
114. Hiring Manager Perspective on Technology Interviews
Many candidates have never been in the interviewer chair I'm hoping to share a different perspective with candidates so they can prepare accordingly and it can act as a guide to hiring managers.
115. How To Find A Job As A Software Developer In Japan
Originally published on the Japan Dev Blog
116. Public Relations Basics for Your Employer Branding
The degree of employer’s brand relevance is reflected in the latest statistics: according to Employer Branding Insights Report 2019, 90% of candidates consider HR brand of an employer when applying, 95% of respondents say company’s reputation matters a lot for them. As per Talentnow, 50% of candidates would never work for a company with bad reputation even if they are offered more in terms of salary. The dominant majority of HR specialists agree that recruitment increasingly acquires features of marketing: the ability to sell a company as an outstanding employer has a direct impact on talent acquisition.
People is the most valuable asset of any business. Our clients are pursuing the goal of building an HR- / employer’s brand. We are witnessing the steady growth of market demand. Companies are willing to invest in people and their employer’s brand. In view of this, I offer to discuss the topic from PR perspective.
117. Tips For Conducting A Remote Presentation
Like many others, my workplace has been conducting business remotely most of the year.
118. 5 Pro Tips to Build a Startup Culture in the Nordics
Entrepreneurs from the Nordic regions are considered as the most innovative and creative businessmen as compared to many other major regions in Europe. They are very resourceful on how to create a startup company with new business ideas that can rock the startup world. The ability of Nordic entrepreneurs to secure funding with the right startup teams is par excellence, especially in Sweden and Denmark countries. The success rate of the innovative startups in the Nordic countries is very high as compared to many other regions in the world.
119. How To Run Great Skip-Level Meetings For Interns
Setting up a skip level meeting for interns can be a great way to add value to the intern, their mentor, and the mentor’s manager.
120. When Is Your Team Big Enough To Necessitate Hiring a Manager?
Seasoned veteran or a novice, an entrepreneur needs to know survival is possible only through smooth coordination amongst various departments. Key-corner stone to smooth coordination amongst department is possible via services of skillful manager. The written piece here aims to outweigh and outline the need for star managers to smoothly operate both simple and complex tasks.
121. How To Hire The Right Employee: 7 Steps To Take
The article brings to you 7 phases of the recruitment process that range from analyzing an organization’s needs to finally hiring the candidate.
122. Landing a Job at Tesla Using Facebook Ads
Step by step guide how to stand out of the crowd landing a job with Facebook ads
123. Is There Actually a Problem with Hiring Fintech IT Talents?
It’s not news that Fintech is booming. On the one hand, millions of Fintech start-ups appear every year to offer innovative services, channels, and approaches. On the other hand, existing financial institutions and companies are improving the technology side of their business and expanding market reach.
124. How to Hire Your First Autistic Employees
Disclosure: I'm the owner of Spectroomz, which is currently in YC's startup school trying to solve the autism employment gap.
125. What Tech Employers Should Know About IT Skills and Trends in 2020
126. Getting A Job In Top Tech Companies During Pandemic Has Never Been Easier
I secured 8 offers with Google, Robinhood, Airbnb, Uber, Tiktok, Microsoft, Scale, and Cloudflare. Then negotiated my way to multiple $300K offers.
127. "Blockchain has the Ability to Raise Billions out of Poverty" Rahkeem Morris, Syrg Co-Founder & CEO.
Syrg is empowering both employers and employees using automation tools. Their CEO shares the fascinating origin story and explains their covid pivot.
128. COVID-19 Layoffs and Terminations In California
The coronavirus pandemic is creating unprecedented challenges, both for public health and the economy — and those challenges are causing many businesses to lay off their employees and shutter their doors, at least for the time being.
129. Like a Bawse! What to Ask When Hiring Executives
Startups are all about the capabilities of a team. A company is not the creation of one individual, but rather the outcome collective contributions of a small army. Hence, hands down the most important thing you do as a startup founder is hiring the leaders who are responsible for building their respected functional teams.
130. Talent Sourcing Strategy: How To Find Great Employees
Need a talent sourcing strategy? You’ve come to the right place. Here’s what you need to know about sourcing in recruitment to hire remote developers easily!
131. Society 5.0 - Ecosystem Tech Uni
5.0 puts people at the center
132. The Power of AI in Recruiting: How The Business World is Changing for Good
AI drastically improved the world around us in many different ways. However, there are still many notable concerns with regard to overall impact on employment.
133. How to Conduct Job Interviews Without Creating Enemies
So your business is growing, and you’re conducting interviews, big congrats. Here are some tips to improve the job interview process over the standard “so tell me about yourself” line of questions. Following these tips should help you hire the best candidate and avoid resentment from all the candidates who don’t get an offer letter.
134. 5 Tips To Help Your Employee Manage Their Work Effectively
"Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients and your business." – Richard Branson
135. 5 Career Hacks to Landing a Job in Software Development
Your LinkedIn profile can also serve as the first point of contact for your recruiters. But when you want to create one, bear in mind that a good LinkedIn...
136. 5 Strategies for Pre-Boarding Candidates Working Remotely
The global pandemic has exposed vulnerabilities in companies' ability to operate under conditions that require specific circumstances—specifically, the need for a plan to allow employees to operate and work remotely.
137. What You Need To Consider When Hiring A Security Analyst
Recent statistics released by Risk Based Security prove that data breaches have reached significant highs in 2019: 38,000 breaches, a figure that marks an increase of over 50 per cent in cybersecurity hacks through the last four years.
138. Natural Language Processing Applications in HR Software
A company’s HR department holds a unique role that is entirely centered around the employees’ experience. Not only do these functions span over the length of the employee’s tenure, it even covers their involvement from the moment candidates are considered for the job.
139. 5 Tips Every Recruiter Should Know Before Hiring Software Developers
Software development can be a complex area that can sometimes confuse even the best of us. While many equate it to writing code, software development includes much more activity and responsibility. There are numerous roles and methodologies that can impact almost every aspect of the business, from customer experience to revenue flow.
140. How to Negotiate Compensation During COVID (and at other times)
This article provides tips on how to negotiate compensation, mistakes to avoid, and best guidelines to follow.
141. The Unbundled Work Era: The Time Is Now
The internet and rise of micro-entrepreneurship
142. 10 Ways To Effectively Sell Yourself During A Job Interview
Get the job you want as markets are soaring to all new heights. The multitude of MNCs is overwhelming therefore there is the demand for employees and they are using best possible human resources in order to ensure their sustainability and growth in the competitive environment. Every employer requires the most desirable skills in an employee.
143. Optimizing Your Talent Acquisition In 2021 (Part 1)
You can double your team’s efficiency in a month if the only thing they concentrate their efforts on is sourcing and hiring.
144. How to Build a Startup? CTO, Freelancers, Agency?
You have a brilliant idea, but you have no idea how to build a startup. And you can’t code. You have 4 options:
145. What are the most common mistakes in IT recruitment?
This article reviews common mistakes in the recruitment of IT Professionals. HR shouldn't need to struggle to find perfect candidates.
146. Stop Using Skype and Google Docs for Remote Interviews
147. What Is The Great Re-Evaluation?
The Great Re-Evaluation
148. Diversity in Tech: 3 Actionable Steps for More-Inclusive Tech Teams
Diversity in tech is needed for so many reasons:
149. Answering The Most Common Questions About Swift
Swift is a general-purpose programming language developed by Apple Inc. It is a powerful language developed for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, Linux, and z/OS. Swift is one of the popular languages and has a huge scope if you want to develop apps for Apple products. So, today we will be checking out the 11 most asked Swift programming questions.
150. The Heat Index Of Questions About PHP
PHP (Hypertext Pre-processor) is a popular server-side scripting language mainly used for developing websites and web applications. It can be used to build either static or dynamic websites. It is very simple and easy to learn. So, today we will be checking out the 11 most frequently asked questions about PHP.
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