Let's learn about Team Management via these 148 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
1. Stop Treating Your Team Like Children
Patrick Campbell goes over why you shouldn't treat your team like children.
2. Why Your Tech Project Can Fail and How to Avoid the Failure
Project Management Institute claims that one out of four organization’s projects failed outright. The numbers are far from being encouraging.
3. What Product Team Structure is Right for You?
Product team goals and structure transforms together with the entire business. Follow these transformations through every stage of the company’s growth.
4. Have you Considered Becoming a Product Manager?
Product management is a specialized role with an intelligent blend of business, tech and user experience. A product manager is mostly tasked with the duty of successfully managing the development of a product from start to launch, above other tasks.
5. What is the Best Advice for First-Time Managers?
Learning to lead and manage teams are essential skills for anyone looking to advance their career.
6. Learn How To Reset Team Productivity With These 5 Steps
Productivity is a volatile thing in the office. It comes and goes. Just like there are ups and downs in life, some days are more rewarding than others at the workplace too. There will be times when your team would get in a slump and you will have to jumpstart them back to life.
7. How To Manage Technical Debt With the Barbell Strategy
The barbell strategy is a valuable approach for companies looking to balance the need for innovation and stability in their software systems.
8. How to Be a Terrible Engineering Manager
One of the most common mistakes early managers make is to focus on being a "shit shield". Learn why this backfires, and what to do instead.
9. 7 Benefits of AI-Enabled Document Management Systems
Traditional cabinets — stuffed with contracts, vendor agreements,
onboarding paperwork, and other documents — are harming productivity even in 2020. According to Xerox, SMBs waste 46% of their time dealing with document management issues. In this article, I'll explain how you can maximize workplace efficiency by switching to an AI-enabled document management system.
10. Why Standard Operating Procedures are Essential
Standard Operating Procedures are boring and the furthest thing from exciting but setting them up for your team will improve their performance significantly.
11. What Makes a GREAT Scrum Master
It is good to have a scrum master involved in your agile process, but what makes a great scrum master? In this article we look to break down the fundamental pieces to becoming the best scrum master you are capable of being. First, we must define what a scrum master is.
12. My Top Three Priorities as a Software Development Manager
I wasn’t a big fan of managers in my decade long programming career. I took pride in my accomplishments as a developer, the individual contributor. After all, I was the one making things happen or part of the team that made things happen. We built features, fixed critical issues and in my view, only reason business existed was because developers worked hard.
13. How to Manage a Remote Team Without Going Postal
For most managers, it is possible to have weekly meetings to bang out issues and team-building exercises to create harmony, but as a remote manager, this is not possible, and the lack thereof can be über-frustrating at times.
14. Good Company Interview with Alexei Dulub, PixelPlex's Founder
Alexei Dulub, CEO & Founder of PixelPlex, discusses consulting & custom development, power of value-driven teams, blockchain's prospects, and unattainable goals
15. Managing an Engineering Team: A Guide for Startups
How to build a proactive and happy engineering team? What should you know to manage and lead the team of engineers more effectively? Here we’re going to share the startup guide with the helpful tips to make you a better manager and leader.
16. The Manager's Path by Camille Fournier [Book Review]
A book review of ''The Manager's Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change'' by Camille Fournier. Find out whether the book is right for you.
17. Your Value, Not Your Title
A tribe of Cannibals arrives at New York City.
18. 3 Ways to Become a Better Technical Writing Manager
In this story, we analyze what makes up the role of a technical writing manager, how to improve your skills, and how to be a brilliant leader.
19. Good Managers Vs. Great Managers
One of the most important aspects of building great product organisations is to design a system where builders thrive. A group of well-organized, ambitious yet humble, smart folks is an unstoppable force.
20. How to Communicate a Big Pivot to Your Investors and Team
A bit of background on our startup, Dataline. Until June 2020, our product was giving you access to your ad-blocked customer data on your analytics and marketing tools. What happened? We closed our seed round in mid-May 2020. Two weeks later, we were starting to have concerns about our product and vision. We understood that we were a vitamin rather than a painkiller. We spent the month of June exploring some new potential visions. How could we announce this to our new investors who had put money on our previous vision? What would they think of us? Would our team lose motivation, and would we lose any key employees? Of course, all these questions were in our head, but we knew it was best for everyone for us to pivot, investors included. This article is about how we handled the pivot with all the stakeholders - investors and team.
21. Ted Lasso’s Leadership Lessons Made Me a Successful Leader
Ted Lasso's leadership style is rarely seen in media.
What traits can we learn from Ted to make us successful leaders?
22. How to Keep a Team During The Great Resignation
Few reasons why people leave their jobs and several ways to save your current team during the Great Resignation.
23. Founders, Do You Have a Plan for the End of the World?
Founders and CEOs have a lot of tasks and responsibilities. Coaching the team, becoming a mentor for newcomers, and preparing for the end of the world.
24. Pass On with Care: How to Hand Over Your Work Before You Quit or Go on Holiday
When go on vacation or quit, you should ideally organize your work in a way that those who stay at work do not get lost in chaos. Here is a checklist for you
25. 8 Tips for CEOs When Teams Grow from 10 to 50+ People
When your company scales from 10 to 50+ employees, you have to change your leadership approaches. Here are 8 valuable tips referring to team management.
26. A Dash of Data, a Spoonful of Intuition
It's important to make informed decisions that positively impact your organization. But how do you know when to rely on data and when to use intuition?
27. Badly Designed Authorization Is Technical Debt
Hard-coded authorization leads to technical debt. Decouple your authorization decisions to be a more effective business.
28. How To Recruit Great Scrum Masters
Finding a Scrum Master is simple and complex. There are plenty of people out there who call themselves “Scrum Masters”, but how do you know if the person you are hiring really is a great Scrum Master?
29. What Are The Responsibilities Of Software Development Manager?
The definition and content of activities of the software development manager can vary widely.
30. How Effective Tech Can Reduce Employee Downtime and Attrition
In our rapidly evolving work-from-anywhere world, employee downtime and productivity are rising concerns.
31. 'The Action We Try to Drive as a Business Is People Giving Each Other Compliments': Adam Berke
WorkPatterns is a toolkit for people managers that guides 1:1s, continuous feedback, recognition, and goal setting.
32. Why Launching a New Project with a Remote Team Is a Good Idea
Having a remote team in the project will lower expenses and make hiring easier. It will lead to many operational challenges too. Let's see how to address them.
33. Are Your CICD and DevOps Tools Really Helping Developers?
If you are responsible for your team’s CICD and DevOps tools, have you ever asked yourself if the tools you built are really making developers’ lives easier?
34. 7 Leadership Lessons for When the Storms Are Raging
As a Ukrainian company, "business as usual" has since lost its meaning. Here are some lessons we've learned under the immense pressure of a new normal.
35. Brainstorming Rules, "How Might We.." Method, Team Warm-Ups, & Brainstorming Sessions
To prepare for brainstorming, it is necessary to gather a team, acquaint all the participants with the rules of brainstorming, and also prepare questions.
36. Quickly Onboard Employees Using a 30-60-90 Day Plan
The hiring managers goal for onboarding new employees is to get them productive as soon as possible, using a 30-60-90 day plan.
37. Where To Apply The Micro Frontends Approach?
Brief thoughts about micro frontends, how they can be best used when building websites and when the best situations to implement them are as well as drawbacks.
38. 5 Ways Emotional Intelligence Improves Team Productivity
Is there a place for emotions in the tech world?
39. Product Designer's Playbook: 3 Ways to Create a Successful Design Team
My experience creating a successful design team at a early stage startup by Aysha Samrin
40. How to Measure Productivity as a Developer
How can development productivity be measured? And should it be measured at all? This story explores some key ideas behind this controversial topic.
41. How A Tech Sergeant Can Make An Impact In Your Business
Military minds understand their armies are really only as good as their sergeants. Sure an army needs officers, but often lower ranking officers are usually young and inexperienced. Though they outrank the sergeant, they lack the experience of real world execution. The sergeant, the non-commissioned officer, is also a leader of men. Their paths to this leadership position can be a much longer slog doing the same work as the mainline enlisted.
42. Leading the Pack: The Exciting Role of an Engineering Manager and How to Excel in It
An engineering manager is a technical leader responsible for managing and developing a team of engineers, ensuring quality output, and driving projects.
43. To Trust or Not To Trust? That is the Question
Never Trusting Anybody, and the Impact it Had on Me
44. 8 Practical Ways to Become a Better Manager
In this article, you’ll find 8 proven ways to become a better manager.
45. The Bus Factor Score: How Many Team Members Can get Hit By a Bus Before the Team Fails?
What happens if your development team is hit by a bus? A short explanation of the Bus Factor and how to hold its score at safe levels and why you should.
46. How to Give and Receive Feedback
Giving and receiving feedback is crucial to grow as a person, but it's not easy for everybody to take it. Here's an insight on the truth about feedback.
47. Leaders Don’t Just Solve Problems; They Make Them Too
One of the key things that makes leaders effective is the ability to orient themselves. Leaders make their own problems. This post shares how to do that.
48. To Remote Work or Not to Remote Work: That is the Question
COVID-19 made sure that even the staunchest opposition to remote working saw flames this year. It was a question of: Either you offer your team a chance to work from home or say goodbye to your small and medium enterprise.
49. 5 Tips Every Recruiter Should Know Before Hiring Software Developers
Software development can be a complex area that can sometimes confuse even the best of us. While many equate it to writing code, software development includes much more activity and responsibility. There are numerous roles and methodologies that can impact almost every aspect of the business, from customer experience to revenue flow.
50. I've Been Playing Bass Since I Was 15 And That Made Me A Better Team Lead
I’ve been playing bass since I was 15. I play other instruments as well, but I have always been primarily a bass player.
51. How Software Development Teams Can be More Productive with Platform Ops
Managing the scale needs of API teams is a difficult task. Here is how Platform Ops can help.
52. How to Approach Project Estimation in a Healthy Way
Learn how to do project estimation that removes deadlines and avoids stress from a successful software engineering leader.
53. 8 Steps to Build Your Technical Staff's People Skills to Avoid Cyberattacks
As an industry, we need to work together more effectively, communicate clearly, and solve problems with less conflict. In short, we need stronger people skills.
54. The Joys and Sorrows of Corporate Meetings
When was the last time you felt like bolting out of the conference room either bored to death or incredible frustrated and feeling like your time was carelessly and disrespectfully wasted? We bet it was as close as yesterday. What, is happening now? Well, get out now!
55. Don’t Tell Your Remote Employees when to Work
“Core hours” defeat the purpose of working — but what about ensuring that work is done?
56. Best Practices for Accurate Time Tracking in 2020
At first glance, tracking employee time seems pretty straightforward. Your employees simply denote the hours they were at work on a timesheet, or punch a time clock and turn their time cards in at the end of the week or month. What could go wrong?
57. The Critical Link Between Software and Hardware Teams in Product Development
Software and hardware teams rely on each other. If they can learn from each other then benefits will be felt throughout an entire organization.
58. How to Hack Your Team: Top 5 Tools For Team Management Automation in 2021
Wondering how to increase your remote team's productivity? These tools will help.
59. Engineering Teams Need Inspiration to Thrive and Succeed
We don’t deserve the team we can’t inspire. Camaraderie, purpose, and appreciation need to become our priority.
60. How To Make Your Company Flourish By Implementing BPA Solutions
We live in a century of information. Information is everywhere. Look at your company’s everyday processes: HR involves information about current and potential employees; procurement managers search and analyze the data on goods and services to acquire the best of them; the marketing department processes information on current trends and the company’s products to develop the best offers that will work for your customers.
61. 3 Reasons Why Teams Fail
Misalignment of Vision
62. Productive Leadership into the Third Decade of the 21st Century
The word control is very important for a leader who wants to generate a concrete result. Control plays a critical role in being productive.
63. Becoming a Manager of Engineers: How to Focus on Visibility and Predictability
Becoming a manager is usually one of the biggest challenges of an engineer’s career. We are usually used to algorithms and state machines, which are predictable and have specific outputs depending on the input.
64. Building Efficient Engineering Cultures with UX Design Principles
How to apply UX design principles to develop supportive and efficient engineering cultures
65. Detailed PMO Time Management Guide: Practical Productivity Hacks
This is a short guide from the Head of Project Management at Techstack, detailing practical steps for managing your time effectively.
66. Importance of Safety In Workplace
Every single day, people head to work with the desires that they will have the option to finish their day by day undertakings liberated from accidents or some other wellbeing dangers. Positively, we as a whole have the right to work in protected and clean conditions. And keeping in mind that most organizations take measures to guarantee the wellbeing of their representatives, accidents will undoubtedly occur. In any case, there are approaches to guarantee that such accidents are limited and unfit to show genuine sick impacts.
67. Demystifying Tech Debt: An Overview of the 4 Types with Actionable Fixes
Learn how to manage technical debt in your codebase with this guide on the 4 types of tech debt, with examples. We'll look at how to fix each type of tech debt.
68. Level Up Your Team: Proven Methods for Developing Software Engineers and Driving Results
High-performing teams proactively develop their engineers to address the team's skill gaps, using methods such as tutorials, mentorship and stretch assignments
69. Should You Hire More Software Engineers or Better Manage the Ones You Have?
That technology is here to stay is an obvious duh. If and how well-prepared companies are to deal with the constant need to increase investments in technology, that’s not as simple. Another obvious axiom is that software engineers and developers are highly valuable resources. Weather having more or putting the ones you have to better use is the best approach, that is less obvious.
70. Learning Management: My Adventure as an Acting Delivery Manager
Taking on a management role in engineering may be daunting at first. Here are some tips for getting through the initial period, based on my experience.
71. How to Lose Employee Trust in 8 Easy Steps
Speak at length about the importance of a healthy work-life, but then send emails late in the night
72. Adequate Internal Communication goes a long way in Satisfying Tech Talent
Internal comms in tech can no longer be disregarded, regardless of whether you manage a small organization or employ non-desk workers worldwide.
73. Seven Expert Tips For Managers To Support Their Remote Teams
“The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.” – Theodore Roosevelt
74. 9 Questions Every Great Boss Should Answer
As a manager, without a system in place to measure yourself and actively monitor how you’re doing, you can't identify all the areas that you need to improve on.
75. How to Prevent Churn: 8 Crucial Tips for First-Time Managers
Useful tips on how to properly manage a team, for first time managers as well as, managers working with a new company or organization.
76. How to Improve Video Conferences at Your Nonprofit
Getting used to video conferences can take a while. However, here are some ways to improve video conferences at your nonprofit.
77. Offshore Outsourcing Challenges Part 1: How to Hire an Effective Team
Offshore outsourcing, in the broad, is continuing to grow – according to GSA, 70% of companies surveyed suggested that they would outsource more in 2020, with half of those suggesting a big increase in outsourcing.
78. What I've Learned in My First Year as a Software Engineering Team Lead
Practical leadership tips for a tech lead of a software engineering team.
79. 5 Remote Working Best Practices and Tips in the Era of Coronavirus Pandemics
Due to COVID-19, companies have found themselves in the middle of the world’s largest work-from-home experiment. Many hail remote work as a blessing, allowing employees to continue working while practicing social distancing during this uncertain time.
80. Sharing Is Caring: How to Combat Cybersecurity
It’s hard for CEOs to manage the growing threat of cybersecurity across their businesses, especially considering more pressing company concerns. That’s why some forward-thinking business leaders are establishing frameworks for shared cybersecurity responsibility. In the article, Tamas Kadar, Founder and Chief Executive Officer at SEON talks about the operational benefits of adopting this approach.
81. How to Make Your 1–1s More Effectives
When working in an agile development team, having effective communication is essential. In times of remote working, where teams are distributed, it’s important to ensure that all people on the team are aligned with the goals, sharing knowledge and risks when necessary.
1–1 meetings are a great way to connect and bring people closer. To make these meetings more effective, consider doing them frequently and adapting it and its recurrence according to the participants’ perception.
82. What Does the Future Hold for Nonprofit Workspaces?
How will nonprofit workspaces be like in the future?
83. Can Tech Combat Remote Work Burnout?
With the advent of remote and hybrid work, one thing many employees and companies are trying to overcome is employee burnout. Is technology the solution?
84. How To Set Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) For Your Startup
Setting OKRs can help your team stay aligned and focused on common goals, especially as the organization grows. But formal goal setting can be surprisingly challenging to pull off, and many organizations struggle to get started.
85. Customer Support 101: Encouraging The Voice of The Company
Customer Support is the team that keeps in touch with our clients. They deal with the requests and issues that connect our customers to the business — they are the bridge. Offering excellent customer support is as important as having a robust product. To lead this effort, Preply has recently hired a new Head of Support, Jean-Pascal Gribaudi. He used to manage a support team in Booking.com.
86. How to be Effective as a New Manager?
When you get promoted to a new manager, there are lots of questions in your mind.
87. Headcount Planning? Here are 4 Tips for Choosing Job Levels
Here are tips for choosing job levels when headcount planning.
88. The Most Effective Method to Avoid Workplace Injuries
Over the span of a normal workday, a significant number of us perform activities in an assortment of fields that might put our wellbeing and welfare in danger. While our occupations may appear to be innocuous, the truth of the matter is that workplace injuries can and do happen anyplace. Hands on injuries bring about torment and enduring, just as overwhelming money related misfortunes for many individuals. Realizing the first means to take after a workplace injury is something each worker ought to
know about. Shockingly, most specialists are ignorant not just of the dangers natural in their activity, yet additionally of their privileges to remuneration for any business related injuries they endure.
89. 3 Book Recommendations For Tech Leads (And Those Aspiring To Be)
Books are the best resource for sharing knowledge in a not-assisted way. They go deep into a topic, or more briefly over a bunch of them. Although, as a Software Engineer, I learned a lot from blog posts, tweets, and conference talks, it was books that prepared me for the Tech Lead role.
90. Ultimate Guide To Effective Team Collaboration
If you struggle with team collaboration, then this article will show you how to use 8 powerful team collaboration strategies to put your team on the same page.
91. How to Effectively Deliver Feedback to Your Team Members
Make feedback normal. Not a performance review. Delivering relevant feedback in the right manner is a top skill. Once mastered, it benefits the entire team.
92. Improve Employee Engagement and Mental Well-being In 2021
In this article, you'll find some amazing techniques to improve employee engagement and mental wellness.
93. Team Retreats are Becoming Essential for Remote Tech Companies
Why team retreats are becoming essential when working remotely:
TeamOut founder Thomas Mazimann
94. Understanding Startups Growth for Better Management
Once you begin your startup business, then comes the toughest part! To sustain and grow to a leading organization by managing the same with some brilliant ideas. Many of the leading management gurus have written a lot about how to achieve the same.
95. Why You Should Use Lead Time Instead of Cycle Time
Our concepts of Lead Time and Cycle Time came from the field of Operations Management and Production Engineering. As such, I think it’s beneficial to all of us to maintain coherent with them and use the same semantics in Software Engineering Management as well.
96. Slack vs. Discord: Which One Is Better for Business?
Today, we are going to compare Slack and Discord - perhaps, most popular team communication platforms and figure out what is the difference between them and which one can better solve your daily business tasks. We will also share from our experience, which tool we find better suited to specific Upsilon’s needs.
97. How to Tackle Developer Burnout
An average scrum squad that has 5 developers, at least 4 of them will be suffering from burnout. Burnout affects 83% of developers.
98. Tested Strategies for New Managers: The Do’s and the Don’ts
After a year in people management roles, I discovered that people are the toughest part of it all. You can find perfect tools to automate your routine tasks or build fantastic processes causing you no trouble. You can get all other issues resolved, but the human factor will still be your biggest risk.
99. One Company’s Best Practices for Building and Managing an Effective Remote Development Team
We hope that this article will become your guide to best practices that will help you build, grow, and manage a team that is fully remote and spread around the world.
100. How to Manage and Motivate GEN Z
By knowing what motivates Gen Z employees, managers can better manage and retain this amazing young generation of talent.
101. Managing Projects on Microsoft 365? Here's How to Supercharge Your Team's Dynamics
Are you managing your projects and teams using Microsoft 365? Read on to find out how you can boost your team dynamics and achieve improved productivity!
102. When Is Your Team Big Enough To Necessitate Hiring a Manager?
Seasoned veteran or a novice, an entrepreneur needs to know survival is possible only through smooth coordination amongst various departments. Key-corner stone to smooth coordination amongst department is possible via services of skillful manager. The written piece here aims to outweigh and outline the need for star managers to smoothly operate both simple and complex tasks.
103. How to Administer A Team of Developers In Crisis Like COVID-19
Being a manager at any post comes with a lot of responsibilities and accountability which cannot be shared, you are solely responsible for you and your team.
104. Those That Work Together Win Together
Steve White | Working Together To Win Together
105. 4 Tips For Keeping Remote Dev Teams Motivated
Every month, dozens of software development companies come up with hundreds of ways for distributed teams to cooperate efficiently, as if they were working side by side in an open-plan office—online collaboration tools, audio and video conferencing solutions, project management systems, time tracking applications, etc.
106. 5 Benefits of Project Planning and Management
Here are some of the reasons you should create a plan and layout your project before you get started.
107. Why Data Science is a Team Sport?
Today, I am going to cover why I consider data science as a team sport?
108. Without a Stick and a Carrot: Three Life Hacks for Managing a Team
It's becoming increasingly important to keep your team motivated without using a "carrot and stick" approach.
109. Leadership Lessons by Disney Chairman Robert Iger
Robert Iger, now Executive Chairman of The Walt Disney Company is the former CEO of Disney. During his 15 years as CEO of Disney and as President of ABC Television prior to that, he led the company to amazing new heights. Under his leadership, Disney’s market capitalization increased from $48 billion to $257 billion. He oversaw the acquisition of Pixar in 2006, Marvel entertainment in 2009 and many more after that. He is the perfect exemplar of a leader who has proved himself over an extended period of time.
110. What to Do When Your Employees are Fighting in the Workplace
I have always enjoyed healthy disagreements about my own ideas and opinions at home and at work. They give me a peek into so many unique perspectives and help me see how different the world is around us. I do not agree with everything people say, but I am definitely open to hearing them around.
111. Important Skills For Project Managers
Project management is a complex field in software development. Sometimes you, as a project manager, feel like they are responsible for everything. Since your performance directly affects the success rate of the entire project. Project managers not only manage tasks but, most importantly, thoroughly guide the team toward the project goals. Being a great project manager requires interdisciplinary approaches and the ability to master both hard and soft skills. Let’s have a closer look at three essential competencies for the project manager to be successful.
112. Encourage your employees to submit a timesheet for increased productivity
Filling in and submit timesheets are tedious. Today there are timeless software and tools that capture all employee activities.
113. How To Reduce Software Development Costs
Mobile and web applications are worth investment as their use can help you achieve various goals, for instance, improve customer service, increase the conversion rate, provide security of sensitive data, automate manual, routine, and repetitive activities.
114. How Adopting PaaS Will Shake Up Your Team
If your project is considering PaaS, then you may be worried about how this change might impact your team—and rightfully so. Switching to PaaS often results in major shifts in roles and responsibilities.
115. The Phases of Project Management
The moment you become a part of the corporate world, the term you get most familiar with is 'Project'. We can say that projects are the elementary part of the corporate world.
116. Indispensable Advice That Will Make Any PM A Guru In Staying Focused
How to tell between important and unimportant and don’t get lost in data smog.
117. How to Initiate a Software Requirements Specification
How many times have you felt that it would have been better to contemplate the project requirements? How many times did you feel like including that “one” particular feature/function could have saved it from failure? Hold on to the thought right there! Do you think a System Requirements Specification could have played a pivotal role in success?
118. How Leveraging the Change Curve Supports Organizational Change
Implementing change in any organization is a task of herculean proportions. But in this guide we explain how to manage change through the Kubler Ross method.
119. 3 Non-Monetary Ways To Incentivise Your Developer Team
In a world where the fight for talent is fierce incentivising your developers in non-monetary ways is key to retain your best employees and encourage them on.
120. 10 Field Service Management Trends: 2021 Edition
As you attempt to derive growth strategies for your field service business, it is important to focus on the right things.
121. Pros and Cons of Different Software Development Pricing Models
Fixed price or Time and Material? What is the best pricing model for software development services? Or maybe there is a third option to consider? Let’s dive into the pros and cons of popular pricing models for software development.
122. How to Build a Dream Team: Tips for CTO
Even though a group of individuals is called a team, they are not. People do not know exactly which direction they are going and may pursue different goals.
123. The Ultimate Guide to a Successful Strategy Session
Companies can run for many years without strategy sessions, and be fine. Yet if they start doing that – they will inevitably see greater success and growth and just overall business improvement. Albina Zhdanova, the COO of Tools for Brokers, shares their insights into organizing a productive strategy session.
124. Project Reporting Made Easy With Trello’s New Dashboard View
Project reporting has never been easier. Trello is a website that will host your company’s day-to-day tasks. It’s a platform that provides project management.
125. 5 Ways to Optimise Team Performance Without Going Full Agile
My last job in Brazil before moving to the UK was at ThoughtWorks. While I didn’t agree with everything that they did there (OMG… Java, please no! ^_^’’’) there is one thing about ThoughtWorks that is incontestable: they are very good with processes.
126. Mistakes To Avoid As a Software Engineer
Before the 2000s, software development was mostly done in a Waterfall approach. This meant that a software project would be shipped after going through a few long stages such as analysis, development and QA, just to name a few. This led to slow software development cycles and, consequently, improper decisions were made in the early stages of the lifecycle, leading to poor or unfit software.
127. How Saying the Word NO Can Change Your Business Forever
When many keen entrepreneurs start out on the path to growing their business, they are often guilty of making one huge mistake more than any other. Unfortunately, because this error is so ingrained in our very being, it’s not something that we recognize straight away, which means it happens over and over again.
128. 8 People You Need on Your Link Building Team
Defining link building is easy. It’s getting other websites to link back to your site. It sounds easy, right?
129. How You Can Measure and Evaluate Performance of Software Engineers
Engineers need feedback so they can improve skills and deepen knowledge. According to the editor of the Inc. Magazine, Jeff Hayden, traditional metrics can be misleading, as they do not always offer a clear result. Evaluating the work of staff used to be difficult, before Git Analytics tools, such as Waydev came up with a data-driven approach to engineering leadership to help you bring out the best in your engineers.
130. Biometrics And The Future Of Tracking
Almost any organization experiences one of the main problems with the personnel policy - personnel discipline. It is particularly relevant for large companies. Here are several unpleasant consequences that this problem leads to. First of all, these are quite tangible hidden costs due to insufficient production of goods and services, foregone turnover, loss of important customers, and other losses from the irrational use of working time by employees. Let's say an employee takes 15-20 extra minutes every day to be late, protract a lunch break, have smoke breaks, go home early, and other things. Shouldn't be too hard to calculate that eventually it all takes an entire working day from one working month. In reality, people spend much more working time on personal needs: up to 35%.
131. Be The Person Who Lifts Your Team Up, Please
I always ask myself this question — What is a good developer?
132. How Project Managers Can Build the Most Productive Remote Teams
Just five years ago, remote work was considered to be the way of the future, but only the distant future. Most specialized web publications predicted a rise in the popularity of telecommuting, but only in ten years’ time. However, this future arrived much earlier.
133. 17 Ways to Motivate Your Dev Team
You know, that the software development process is not simple, sometimes frustrating, and exhausted with strict deadlines and requirements.
134. The Fail Fast Mindset: How to Help Your Team Fail and Be Resilient at Work
No strategy can help an organization thrive if the people in the organization aren’t resilient to change and chaos. Setbacks and challenging situations - a missed deadline, a lost deal, a failed project, a bad strategy - are everyday affairs at work, and only those who learn to get past them can grow professionally and personally.
135. Types of Crypto Wallets and How to Choose Best Crypto wallet
For software quality-assurance testers and engineers, acquiring new skills has never been more important. However, according to the O * NET Career Portal, the number of QA jobs is expected to grow modestly over the next decade - if "faster than average" —7%, so this growth will not match the skyrocketing demand for information-security practitioners and software. Developers.
136. 8 Lessons Learned Managing Remote QA Teams in Times of Lockdown
Managing remote teams during the pandemic is never easy. Learn how to maximize the efficiency of your global engineering teams.
137. How I Manage My Team So The Business Can Thrive
Managing Guidance From The Diary of an Amateur (not anymore) CEO Who Runs a Six Million Revenue BusinessWhy invent the wheel when someone has already invented a bicycle? Whether in business or any other category, learning from others’ experiences increases your chances of success along with saving you time, resources, and money.
138. Managing Remote Engineering Teams: How, Why, When
Disconnect and poor communication are key challenges of managing a remote or hybrid development team. As a hybrid team, we share tips on effective management.
139. What Characteristics does a Team Need to Get to the "Super Bowl" Level?
To be the best of the best, Super Bowl championship teams need an elite level of consistency, trust, a culture of success, goals, measurement, and rewards.
140. Team Management Mistakes Every CTO Has Made At Least Once (And How To Avoid Them)
What can you learn from team management mistakes every CTO has made? We take a look at the common pitfalls CTO’s fall into when managing the IT team.
141. You Need to Make Better Code Reviews™
Code reviews and the pull request are the basic building blocks in many software engineers’ life (The Workflow). They prevent bugs, mistakes, and help distribute the knowledge around a code base in small units of changes. They are, also — and specially code reviews — more an art than a science, and so everyone makes mistakes here. Things as random as the relationship that different contributors have between them, influence whether something is approved, overlooked, ignored or requests changes.
142. The No Bullshit Guide to Product Management
Why it is sometimes confusing to read about product management and why I wrote this guide: I actually wrote this guide in reaction to reading some other product management guides. I noticed that a lot of the guides I read were from pms at larger companies and didn’t actually have what I thought were the core pathways, skills, and experiences regarding product management. The guides did have a lot of tangential anecdotes, a lot of the typical hr-approved talking points of larger companies, and a lot of “check out this cool thing we did.” I tried to write this guide like something you’d hear after getting that Google pm drunk at a bar after the conference instead of hearing his talking points during the conference.
143. The Salesforce Conversations [Part 3]
Agile, Flow, and a Filter
144. Why Do I Want To Become A Manager
Every person at some point in their career may need to ask themselves “Do I really want to be a manager?” The question may seem straightforward, but the answer is not. It requires digging deeper and finding answers for ourselves without relying on what others believe is the right thing for us to do.
145. 17 Skills Improve Managerial Communication in The Workplace
In this article, you’ll discover why communication is a critical skill for a manager and seventeen skills to improve communication at work
146. Successful Managers Are Shit Umbrellas: Leadership 101
From the desk of a brilliant weirdo #1: If you’re having a hard time getting your team on the same page, I want to let you know that you’re not alone.
147. Stop Confusing Agile Development with Product Development
People keep confusing agile with product development but they are different concepts. It’s important to make this distinction because it actually matters. It isn’t just semantics, the confusion is causing us all problems. Understanding this difference may fundamentally change the approach most organisations take to building digital products.
148. Reviewing The 2020 Tech Lead Developer Survey by Couchbase (Podcast Transcript)
Amy Tom talks to Matt Groves, the Senior Product Marketing Manager at Couchbase, and Brant Burnett, the Systems Architect at CenterEdge Software.
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