Let's learn about Internet Of Things via these 148 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
'The Internet of Things is not a concept; it is a network, the true technology-enabled Network of all networks.' - Edewede Oriwoh
1. The Role of AI in the IoT Revolution
It is true that IoT or Internet of Things revolution is going on, and AI or Artificial Intelligence can play a vital role in it. Let’s know how the amalgamation of both technologies can change the scenario of the future in the current post.
2. How to Build An Alexa Home Automation System
How to make an IoT-based Smart Home with Arduino IoT Cloud & Alexa using NodeMCU ESP8266 to control 4 home appliances with voice commands.
3. Top 7 Security Techniques for Internet of Things
Security is a big concern when it comes to the Internet of Things. That's why it's vital that you take some time to plan ahead and make sure your devices.
4. Google Making Fuchsia OS Open For Contributions
Google is like the charm that Princess of Wales Diana used to carry with her every time she interacted with the public. The platform that Google offers lets its users expand the horizon ever imagined. Google uses open platforms to let the users collaborate with the project to develop something unique.
5. The Challenges of Running Computer Vision on the Edge
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the field of making computers able to act intelligently, to make decisions in real environments that will have favorable outcomes.
6. How I started my IoT Company
A biological marvel, the human itself known as homo sapiens. In the Latin language, it stands for a wise man. A wise man that survived about 200,000 years of evolution and extinction. There are many perspectives towards its survival and today I would like to share my perspective, slightly vague but different. There is a concept of what drives you that has become popular within the last decade. Certain presumptions about the driving force are based upon raw emotional aspects such as passion and rage. I find to myself that these aspects are reactions to our stubbornness to keep on going on but the negative aspect is that these reactions are short-lived and eventually man settles with peace. I would like to share a certain experience in a short period of my life that has produced results beyond my expectations. It is a small story of how I created my IoT Device converted into a product and made a company out of it.
7. IoT in Manufacturing: What you Need to Know
Discover IoT applications in manufacturing and the challenges you could expect if you set your mind on giving your manufacturing facilities an IoT upgrade.
8. This IoT Expert Built a Smart Home in 3 Months
I interviewed an IoT expert whose forte is synergy between IoT and real estate. He built a fully functional smart home in 3 months
9. Benefits of Using IoT and AI Together
The combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the operations of various industries and businesses. IoT coupled with AI is used to make intellectual machines that imitate smart actions and supports in decision making with minimal human intervention. Used together, these two potent technologies enable enterprises to attain true digital transformation.
10. Basic Use Cases of AI, ML, Deep Learning and Internet of Things
The world’s most influential companies and technologies are influenced by the efficiency of Artificial intelligence and similar technologies. Whether it is Facebook or Amazon, Google or Microsoft, all firms are harnessing AI techniques and algorithms to introduce high-level performance and streamlined operations.
11. Building Your Own ESP8266/ESP32 Over-The-Air Firmware Updater [A How-To Guide] Part II
This is a continuation of Part 1 of our initial simple OTA solution for the ESP8266 or ESP32. In this next part we’ll look into how we can build a more comprehensive OTA solution that does the following:
12. How I Built My Own Internet 5 Times Cheaper than My Expensive ISP
I will tell you how I suffered from expensive cable internet in the office and decided to make my own internet that is 5 times cheaper. As a result, my team and I have created summator.me. It's a device that combines the traffic from several 4G/LTE modems and provides a fast and reliable internet connection.
13. 10 Emerging Technologies to Look out for in 2021
Let's talk about the top 10 growing tech of 2021. All the technologies hold tremendous potential and offer promising career opportunities.
14. Using FPGA in the Near Future: Trends and Predictions
The FPGA market continues to boom. According to the global forecast, over the next few years, its CAGR will be at an average of 8.6%. But the most interesting are new appliances of the tech, which are sometimes more akin to science fiction than to real life.
15. IoIT, or Internet of Intelligent Things
The world is continuously moving towards intelligence, digitalization, and robotics. But what are the factors that are making these things possible?
16. No Safety Nets in the Real World
The Dark Side of the Smart Revolution
17. How to Build a Robust IoT Prototype In Less Than a Day (Part 2)
Welcome back to our second article about creating a robust, bidirectional IoT prototype in less than a day using Arduino, Heroku, and Node-RED. If you missed the first part, we covered setting up Node-RED, adding security, and deploying to Heroku. In this article we'll look at creating our embedded system on the Arduino boards, connecting them to our Node-RED instance, customizing Sketches, and creating a flow that allows our devices to talk to each other. Let's get started.
18. 9 Steps To Create A Motion Control Project In TIA Portal With Sinamics S120
Automating industrial tasks with Siemens control drive.
19. Human Detection System Using RaspberryPi, Thermal Camera and Machine Learning
Triggering reliable events based on the presence of people has been the dream of many geeks and DIY automators for a while. Having your house to turn the lights on or off when you enter or exit your living room is an interesting application, for instance. Most of the solutions out there to solve these kinds of problems, even more high-end solutions like the Philips Hue sensors, detect motion, not actual people presence — which means that the lights will switch off once you lay on your couch like a sloth.
20. How to Configure a Raspberry Pi High Quality Camera
I picked up the new Raspberry Pi High Quality camera last week. It’s pretty impressive. In this article, I’ll show you some ways to interact with this camera and do some cool stuff with it.
21. The Convergence of AI + IOT is Imminent & Your Competitor is Already Preparing for It
With the emergence of ever-cheaper and robust hardware, 5G connectivity around the corner, and most importantly, a growing list of real world use cases, we can all agree that IOT projects are here to stay. But is that where it ends ?
22. All You Need To Know About UX Design In The Ambient Computing Era
Ambient/Ubiquitous computing is a concept that circumscribes many terms together. It can be considered as a magnificent amalgam of software, hardware products and user experience with a major component of human-machine interaction and learning, all of these things becoming the aim of using a computer or any internet-enabled device, without necessarily deliberately using it.
23. How to Make a Cost-effective Flexible Robotic Solution for Low-volume Production
How modular architecture and AI software helped us to create a cheap, efficient robotic solution for short production.
24. Everyday Use of Internet Of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things (IoT) is the inter-connectivity of computing devices that are embedded in everyday objects, enabling them to send and receive data. It is simply defined as an extension of internet connectivity introduced into physical devices and everyday objects. These physical devices range from ordinary household objects to sophisticated industrial tools.
25. How the IoT Landscape is Changing with Voice-Enabled Technology
The concept behind the Internet of Things (IoT) has been around for almost four decades. However, this technology didn’t make an impact until the last decade.
26. Important Considerations for Pushing AI to the Edge
AI at the edge means that we’re simply moving at least portions of the process out of centralized data centers closer to where the data originates and where decisions are made in the physical world.
27. The Complex Systems of Internet of Things Devices Explained
The rise of IoT in networking is sparking key innovations in the field, including complex systems of Internet of Things devices (SIoTD). This guide will cover the basics of this emerging concept and its applications.
28. IoT as a Multi-Faceted Game Changer in 2021 and Beyond
There is no second-guessing the predominance of the IT industry, despite the catastrophic effects of the pandemic felt across diverse verticals.
29. 5 IoT Blockchain Projects That You Should Look Out for in 2022
With so much buzz around web3 and the metaverse, it is creating a spotlight on the future of tech. Here are the top 5 IoT blockchain projects of 2022.
30. 3 Ways to Create Static IP for AWS IoT Core
Learn how to create static IP address for AWS IoT Core solutions. Explore three different workarounds in creating a static endpoint for added security.
31. Reinventing The Internet: Welcome to the Antinet - BOG#001
“Antinet“ - an Internet that goes against what we’ve known.
32. These Three Tech Trends Will Shape 2023
Technologies that shaped the last decade will soon be obsolete as new entrants join the scene.
33. What is Smart Metering? - Safe and Responsible Consumption
In this article, you can learn more about smart metering and its applications, among which are water and electricity conservation.
34. How Blockchain Technology Is Improving IoT: Interview with Kalima Blockchain
An exclusive interview by Léo Maurice from Kalima Blockchain on Internet of Things and blockchain. Adam Stieb exclusively for Hackernoon.
35. Why Should Businesses Collaborate With an IoT App Development Company?
Considering IoT a true digital transformation enabler, businesses collaborate with IoT app development services providers to gain competitive advantages.
36. Building Robots for Smarter Cities: How the Manufacturing Process is Everything
Hardware is seeing a resurgence and exponential innovation similar to the software boom a decade ago. And as a robotic delivery company founded in 2017, we have been navigating the manufacturing world and hardware revolution, picking up product design and smart tips along the way.
37. Who Is Going to Benefit From 5G Network?
With the creation of the Internet, the whole world was turned upside down. It became possible to contact one person to one side of the world from the other side of the world. We can find everything, play online and work conveniently.
38. Where You Can Go In The Aftermath Of The LoRaWAN Hack
By JP Norair
39. Securing the IoT Edge (Part 1)
IoT adoption in enterprises is on the rise. Yet despite interest in the space accelerating, organizations of varying sizes and verticals have run into several roadblocks in implementation.
40. Smart Contracts In Blockchain: Everything You Wanted to Know
A smart contract represents the terms and conditions written in codes that automatically transfer funds from one party to another once the requirements are met.
41. IoT, Big Data and the Era of the Zettabyte
Have you heard about the Internet of Things and Big Data? They are two very trending technologies that have evolved independently for a long time.
42. A Path to a Successful IoT Startup
There are so many industries that are flourishing today, but we’d say the most promising area is anything connected with the IoT — the Internet of Things. Why? Because IoT is taking over more and more areas of our lives, starting from the simple act of connecting your phone to your TV set. For this reason, let’s take a look at:
43. Are we Able to put Internet of Behaviour (IoB) to Good Use?
Internet-connected technologies that gather, integrate, and analyze data about people's behavior in an area are referred to as IoB.
44. Things COVID-19 Taught Us About IoT Edge
As we watch various industries react to movement restrictions and new work-from-home environments, it has also caused us to reflect on the future of IoT and the role edge computing will play. We wanted to take this opportunity to share a few observations on how the current situation exemplifies the benefits of edge computing and having remote orchestration capabilities for critical systems through IoT solutions. While we hope that we’ll see a return to a more normal way of life soon, we believe that remotely-orchestrated IoT edge solutions will be an integral part of businesses’ digital strategies well into the future.
45. 10 Companies Building IoT Devices in 2022
Our life today is comfortable to a large extent due to smart devices. These things are the world of the Internet of things (IoT).
46. IoT Development and Edge Computing: Why Do We Need It?
Are you wondering how IoT development services and edge computing could be beneficial in your life or business? Learn more about how IoT services work in this guide.
47. Why we Gave Up on the Traditional Firmware Update Process
In this article, I share my experience with making a traditional firmware update and how it slowed down business and describe how to design the IoT platform.
48. Regulating Chaos: IoT Security Legislation
For many businesses, cybersecurity has become a board-level issue. Cyber threats continue to rank among global dangers, according to the World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2021.
49. The True Key to Web3 Adoption: Pies, Raspberry Ones
True Web3 adoption is in bringing the device-powered networks that run on Web2 backbones to blockchain - and Raspberry Pi is the ultimate hardware for the job.
50. Using IoT to Solve Housing Problems and Improve Safety
IoT can help manage air quality and emissions at industrial sites, improve control over electricity, water, and heat meters, and more.
51. Smart Cities: Cybersecurity in the Era of IoT
A smart city is representative of urbanization in the digital world. The infrastructure of smart cities is built on embedded Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The smart city promises new opportunities and growth in the urban world. These opportunities include better connectivity, productivity, agility, and innovation. However, it is a known fact that with opportunities come challenges.
52. How IoT Can Help You Grow Your Business
Internet of Things has become quite a buzzword these days. But what exactly is IoT, and how can it help you grow your business to new heights?
53. Blockchain and Regulation: A Definitive Guide To The Future
Many experts and public service officers are not absolutely happy or impressed with the blockchain technology appearance in the modern world. It has many opponents and skeptics, including financial regulators, who are not inclined to rush things faster as possible.
54. An Introduction to 5G Networks and IoT
What is IoT? IoT stands for “Internet of Things”, which describes a system of physical devices that are connected through the Internet. These devices can ...
55. How Augmented and Virtual Reality Is About to Become a Norm Because of 5G
Since 4G was launched in 2010 the network researchers started exploring the possibilities 5G might offer. Major network and mobile phone manufacturers such as Samsung and Huawei spent billions by mid-2010s on 5G technology and it's just about to come true. In most of the advanced countries such as US, UK, Japan, China, UAE and many other advanced countries have already started upgrading their networks to offer 5G speed in their major cities and it wouldn’t be more another 12 months when we will see most of the networks in the advanced countries offering 5G services.
56. Top 7 Trends of Digital Transformation in Higher Education
Higher Education is highly influenced by today's digital transformation and technological advances. The student learning experience can be boosted with the use
57. How IoT is Transforming Digital Marketing Industry in 2021
By investing in IoT, you will have access to valuable information about end-user behavior. This will help develop better digital marketing strategies.
58. 10 Stocks to Consider When Looking to Invest in Connected Cars Space
The rollout of 5G is making even more connections possible, and one of the revolutionary trends in the connected world is connected cars. Vehicles are getting smarter than ever before, and they’ll be using up a lot of data as more and more get connected to the Internet of Things.
59. Building Business Ecosystems Through an Open Edge (Part Three)
Getting to “Advanced Class”, Including Focusing on Compounding Value with the Right Partners
60. IoT Devices, Lighting Solutions And Their Adoption After Pandemic
Technology is a compelling resource when it comes to minimizing the chances of covid-19 transmission. While the usefulness in the medical realm is evident and would require a separate discussion, the main focus of our current discussion will be IoT-empowered lighting solutions. Most of the manufacturers dealing in lighting solutions are opting for smart accessibility to minimize human contact.
61. 28 Topics and Dev Boards Giveaways at the 2022 RT-Thread IoT OS Global Tech Conference
The virtual conference will feature 28 trending topics, starting from June 1 to June 3.
62. Smart Home Technologies that Will Raise the Value of your Home
Smart homes are rapidly becoming popular across different demographics, and all for good reasons. For starters, smart security systems can detect break-in attempts and alert the authorities even in your absence. Some smart detectors can detect smoke, moisture level, carbon monoxide among other factors that can harm the home. Smart devices save money and allow convenience and efficiency in a huge way. In addition, smart home devices are easy to install. You only need the right tools and instructions to get started.
63. IoT Use Trends Among SMBs: Survey-Based Insights
What is the current state of the IoT software development market, and what are the major IoT challenges businesses and entrepreneurs go through?
64. How are AI and ML incorporating in Mobile App Development?
Since many years, computer technology is developing with a high success rate. The human lives have initiated an era to develop powerful computer systems for implementing their mobile apps into all verticals of the globe be it medicine, education, business and much more with the use of appropriate devices.
65. Using APIs and vCards To Make Startup Swag Cool Again
Learn how we finally managed to find what we call swag market fit with our Startup Select cards and the process that we tried doing before that idea struck.
66. The Emerging Techs That Will Drive the Fourth Industrial Revolution
From bespoke conveyor systems that enabled Henry Ford to build the first automobiles to the steam power that powered trains for trade, the first two industrial revolutions sparked a new era of prosperity and economic progress for humankind. More recently, the third revolution ushered in a new era of globalization with instantaneous communication, trade, and commerce over the Internet.
67. Building your own ESP8266/ESP32 Over-The-Air Firmware Updater [A How-To Guide] Part I
This guide explains how to build a simple ESP8266 firmware updater in NodeJS. The ESP8266 will send a GET request to my application with some key information stored in its header. This will then be used to serve up the appropriate binary.
68. How To Build A Profitable IoT Product in 4 Simple Steps
Over the last decade, there has been a substantial amount of hype around the Internet of Things (IoT) and how it can be a strategic game changer for businesses. However, it is important to establish that simply investing in IoT is not a winning strategy. Building an IoT product that provides continuous, recurring value requires strategic planning and a focus on solving the right problems in your business.
69. How Are Smart Cities Made 'Smart': Top 6 Enabling Technologies
The ultimate goal of smart cities is to improve citizens’ quality of life, reduce the cost of living and attain a sustainable environment through technology.
70. How IoT is Transforming Transportation, Supply Chain, and Logistics
In today’s connected world IoT can speed up the rate of delivery actions of vehicles used for logistics and transportation purposes.
71. A Rudimentary Introduction to the Internet of Things
This is a breakdown of the Internet of Things for beginners. It includes definitions, use cases, and basic concerns.
72. How Blockchain Networks Plan To Interact With The Global Economy
Global GDP rose by 2.2% in 2019, the slowest since the financial crisis of 2008 - 2009. Despite the impact of Covid-19, the global economy is expected to expand by 2.4% in 2020.
73. Everything You Will Ever Need to Know About the IoT Ecosystem in One Blog Post
“Everything is related to everything else.”
74. Smart Manufacturing: Why Lamborghini, Adidas & Amazon are Adopting It
The manufacturing industry enjoys a rich history of technological evolution. It is also one of the top industries with the highest investment in technology and specifically IoT. As per a Marketsandmarkets report, the global IoT in manufacturing market size is expected to grow from USD 33.2 billion in 2020 to USD 53.8 billion in 2025, at a CAGR of 10.1% in the given period. Technological innovations have transformed various industries, sectors, and companies right from accelerating production, product development, software integrations, improving CX, and more.
75. How to Leverage IoT and Mobile App Development ?
Most of the businesses today are looking to leverage on Internet of Things and in due progress achieve Mobile App Development effortlessly. Internet of Things are a befitting technologies especially for the corporate world with emergence of various modern IT Systems. It is a good news for IoT based mobile app developers who have the ability to answer to the current demands in mobile app developments.
76. The Top Ten Hottest Trends in Automobile Technology
The transformative force of technology can be felt in all types of businesses, including the automobile industry. Technology has helped to transform the various aspects of the automotive sector include the buying process and the driving experience.
77. After-Hours IoT Hacker John Kinsella has Been Coding Since the 80s
2020 Noonie Nominee, John Kinsella is from the US and has some some simple yet profound advice for makers and writers who might be feeling stuck. Scroll down for a 10-question interview with a veteran computer security industry expert, right after the ad-break.
78. Industrial IoT and DevOps: How To Get Started
As the Industrial IoT segment is facing many challenges, DevOps for Industrial IoT is helping companies become more efficient. Here's how.
79. What is Web 3.0 and How It Can Transform the Internet
What is Web 3.0 and How Can It Transform the Internet?
80. Monetization Models, Use Cases, and Business Opportunities of IoT Solutions
New IoT applications appear daily. Learn how to ensure your IoT solutions bring revenue and leverage all the benefits of IoT products’ ever-growing demand.
81. 10 Ways IoT Can Help Environmental Sustainability
Care to live in a sustainable and environmentally safe future? These 10 IoT use cases can help
82. IoT Matters in 2021: IoT-Enabled Smart Office Automation to Work and Collect Data Human-Free
An engineering approach to building IoT software like smart office ecosystem and IoT security concerns for smart office applications.
83. How The 5th Wave Of Computing And IoT Are Changing Our Lives
According to the World Economic Forum, in 2020 the entire digital universe has reached 44 Zetabytes of Data.
84. The IoT At A Glance
The Internet of things (IoT) describes physical objects that connect and exchange data with other systems over the Internet.
85. Technologies That Are Transforming Logistics Industry
How Big is the Number Game?
86. How Local Governments are Future-Proofing their Urban Centres with Blockchain Technology
Nearly two thirds of the global population are city-dwellers. Urbanization, whilst generally associated with increased standards of living, better job opportunities, and access to critical services like healthcare, is intertwined with rapid industrialization, which puts tremendous pressure on environmental resources.
87. Asking For A Friend: Can Blockchain Stop the Borg?
Blockchain by nature is a testament to the sanctity of ownership rights: rightful possession, control of usage, and responsible stewardship.
88. Top 7 European IoT Platforms to Consider in 2021
The European market for IoT solutions is flourishing, with the Nordics catching up closely. In this article we will introduce the best IoT platforms.
89. What is the Internet of Bodies and How it Can Revolutionize Healthcare?
The Internet of Bodies describes connected devices that monitor the human body, collect physiological, biometric, or behavioral data, and exchange information.
90. Togayo: A Reconfigurable IoT Platform
An open-source IoT platform that uses microcontroller reconfiguration, capability-based peripherals, GraphQL, TimescaleDB, entity component system, and more.
91. How IoT is Shaping the World of Retail Business
Traditional retail’s evolution over the past decade has been driven by digital technology, such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Big data and the Internet of Things. The latter is forecasted to be deployed by 80% of the global retailers by 2021, as IoT continues to penetrate the retail market.
92. WTF is Network Slicing?
The recent progress in communications and sensors have paved the path for the ever-growing development of Internet of Things (IoT) services, where a tremendous number of devices demand access to the transport network, using commonly deployed fixed or wireless access technologies or even mobile Radio Access Network (RAN).
93. An Introduction to Patient Engagement Solutions
The healthcare sector has been slow in adopting technology. However, times are changing, and an increasing number of patients want to benefit from digitalization. According to a recent survey by Accenture, 60% of respondents prefer to use technology for patient-provider communication. Consequently, digital healthcare solutions are gaining popularity.Particularly, this change is reflected in the growth of the patient engagement market. The global patient engagement solutions market size was valued at $15.1 billion in 2020, and it is estimated to expand at a CAGR of 21.4% by 2028. The US patient engagement technology market, meanwhile, is expected to reach $9.4 billion by 2023.
94. The Importance of IoT Security
Let's look at why security is very important for IoT devices
95. Deciphering the impact of IoT on Smart Lighting
Technology is a compelling resource when it comes to minimizing the chances of covid-19 transmission. While the usefulness in the medical realm is evident and would require a separate discussion, the main focus of our current discussion will be IoT-empowered lighting solutions. Most of the manufacturers dealing in lighting solutions are opting for smart accessibility to minimize human contact.
96. 5 Tips to Promote CyberSecurity Awareness in Your Organization
Two things that matter most in any business are quality and security,especially when it comes to the digital world. In the hi-techenvironment, everything is fascinating - from innovating to introducingnew technologies and tools.
97. A Battle for Earth: 5 Ways IoT Can Help Save Our Planet
Smart ways to save our planet: IoT solutions to eliminate food waste, smart waste management, vertical farming, energy-efficient city lighting, and more.
98. Kubernetes Could Be The One To Make the Internet of Things (IoT) Reach Its Potential
The arrival of 5G wireless technology is often touted for the orders-of-magnitude boost in bandwidth it will bring to smartphone users and how it will make their lives wonderful, but the more immediate—and foreseeable—the impact will be on the Internet of Things (IoT).
99. Pushing AI to the Edge: Use Cases and What is Next [Part 2]
In Part One of this two-part Q&A series we highlighted some key considerations for edge AI deployments. In this installment, our questions turn to emerging use cases and key trends for the future.
100. 5 Effective Ways to Handle IoT Security Challenges
Over the years, the number of devices connected to the Internet has increased exponentially. From a little over 15 billion devices in 2015, over 26.6 billion devices were connected in 2019.
101. Eco-Big Data Applications in the City: Cleaning Up with IoT and ML
Digitalization is possible not only in enterprises. Digital transformation is catching up even with cities to make them more convenient for residents and less harmful to the planet. How to quickly monitor garbage cans, the state of forest parks, cycling and air purity with the help of big data, machine learning and the Internet of things?
102. The Internet of Things will Transform these 7 Industries
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of physical objects, including vehicles, medical devices and home appliances, that use sensors and APIs to connect to one another and exchange data over the internet.
103. A Guide to Making a BLE-Enabled Smart Bulb with STM32
The aim of this project is to control different home appliances using a web browser or smartphone.
104. The Internet of Things (IoT) and the HVAC Industry
The term “Internet of things (IoT)” is often used in tech-savvy conversations, and its prevalence in society is increasing exponentially. It is here to stay by making our lives ever more productive. The days of standalone appliances are long gone, and interconnected ‘smart’ devices are the way forward. Even though IoT is already making its presence felt in the fields of consumer electronics, household appliances, power utility distribution, and financial services, there are still some obstacles to cross and mountains to climb before we truly live in an interconnected world.
105. IoT Product Development Guide for Startups
This IoT product development guide will help you keep your IoT project on the right track, save budget, and keep your customers happy.
106. Building Inclusive Tech: Interview with HackerNoon Contributor of the Year IOT 2021
107. Identifying and Resolving Security Issues in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
One of the most significant areas of IoT development has been in the industrial sector, which is known as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).
108. 10 Strategic Technology Trends Businesses Should Plan for in 2021
Information technology is an ever-evolving field where organizations are exploring specific technology trends, and CxOs are striving to adopt the changing scenarios to compose a better future for the business. Gartner's research president Brian Burke has grouped organizational strategic technology trends into three different categories- people centricity, location independence, and resilient delivery. He also suggests organizational plasticity is the key to strategic tech trends.
109. Machine Learning, 5G and Data Science Will be Critical to the Future of the Internet of Things
By 2020, the total number of Internet-connected devices will be between 25-50 billion.
110. How Does Triple-A Approach to IoT Security Work [An Overview]
With billions of connected devices already deployed worldwide and companies resorting to IoT development services more frequently, IoT security issues remain a matter of concern.
111. What Do You Know About IoMT - Internet of Medical Things: A Slogging Thread
This Slack discussion by Sadia Mehmood, BitcoinPetar, Rianke Krugel, anthony watson and Utsav Jaiswal occurred in slogging's official #introductions channel, and has been edited for readability.
112. Impact of IoT from Recruiting to the Final Product
(Source: Image by methodshop from Pixabay)
113. Components and Design Tips for an IoT Solution Architecture
Businesses are continuing to jump on the Internet of Things bandwagon and turn to IoT consulting firms.
114. The Tactile Internet: A New Internet of Things
The progress is constantly speeding up and the future is at our door — it is something that everyone keeps repeating even not thinking much of this future. But if you start thinking, you find evidence to this in every tool, in every method and technique present in all spheres of life.
115. Essential Cybersecurity Measures for Healthcare IoT
A zero-day exploit can endanger a person’s life if the devices are not secured with the potential cyber threats in mind. Here are tips to secure healthcare tech
116. How We Added Surge Pricing Capabilities to our IoT eScooter with AWS Lambda and SORACOM Funk
This article also comes in video form!
117. Adding IoT To My Home Office Desk (Part 2)
In part one I discussed the first version/Bluetooth version of my desk upgrade.
118. More Than a Buzzword: Retailers are Going “Phygital” with Their Marketing Strategies
What is Phygital? Discover its meaning and explore why brands going “phygital” in order to deliver the excellent customer experience before your competitors do
119. Reinventing Consumer Relationships In IoB
While technological dependency increases for people in personal and professional aspects, IoT has now started to enhance the way humans perceive themselves.
120. Why Choose Python for Your Next IoT Development Project
In recent decades, programmers have been preoccupied with mastering new information, creating algorithms and unique solutions. According to the Stack Overflow Survey, Python is the fastest-growing programming language, which is actively used by software development companies in creating both simple and complex applications.
121. What Will be the Next Home Gadget to Drive Every Adult Insane?
The HN team discusses the next big thing in smart home gadgets and what new technology they'd like to see available for purchase.
122. A Guide to Enhancing Security at the IoT Edge (Part 2)
The computing landscape has long observed a swing between centralized and distributed architectures, from the mainframe to client-server to the cloud. The next generation of computing is now upon us, representing both a return to the familiar distributed model and a breakthrough in rethinking how we handle data.
123. On RT-Thread Studio IDE
The integrated development environment (IDE) software plays an important role in embedded development, it can reduce repetitive work, minimize the difficulty of project development, improve work efficiency both in speed and quality, and accelerate the overall product development process.
124. IoT Trends in 2021: Driving Innovation in Businesses
Here are the latest IoT trends and key predictions of how the Internet of Things will drive digital transformation of business in 2021.
125. NexOS, Internet of Things (IoT), And Beyond: Part II
The Nexus Operating System - A Bastion for the Internet of Things (IoT) & Beyond.
126. IoT in Healthcare: Benefits And Examples
Clinics and medical centers have significantly evolved thanks to the implementation of IoT solutions. In this article, we’ll discuss which healthcare problems IoT can solve, how the clinics and hospitals can benefit from using IoT, and why IoT development in healthcare is worth investing in.
127. Are Digital Doppelgangers the Future of Digital Identities?
In this slogging thread, our tech community discussed the possibility of having a digital doppelganger and how it can impact our lives.
128. IoT Communication Protocols: Use Cases, Advantages, and Limitations
This article features a rundown of popular IoT communication protocols — and expert tips for choosing the right tech stack for your project.
129. Staring into the Black Mirror with The Most Connected Man on Earth
All throughout his day, Chris is connected to numerous sensors that collect the data that make up his life.
130. Smart Hospitals: A Market Overview and Prevailing Trends
The pandemic has uncovered and amplified the struggles the healthcare sector is facing. From huge doctor workloads to unsatisfied patients to unorganized facilities where employees waste hours searching for critical equipment. Another influential factor is the emergence of “informed patients” who refuse to receive care passively. They ask for more information and demand a say in their treatment choices. Many medical facilities have already turned to healthcare technology companies for a smart hospital makeover, which will help them cope with the pandemic and build their services around the patient. This article provides the market overview of smart hospital technology and highlights some aspects that you can consider before digging into implementation.
131. AI Meets IoT: What is the Artificial Intelligence of Things
What originally started as machine-to-machine communication limited almost exclusively to the telecom industry, the Internet of Things is now everywhere.
132. The Use Cases of Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired and the New Tech in Development
At least 2.2 billion people globally have a near or distance visual impairment, the World Health Organization states in its recent report. The adverse influence visual impairments have on people's lives is manifold.
133. The Best Practices for Web3 Security Risk Mitigation
This article highlights the risks and vulnerabilities within the Web3 ecosystem and the best practices for Web3 security risk mitigation. Read on.
134. New Business Models That IoT Opens Up For Your Company
The Internet of Things opens up opportunities for amazing ideas. ✅ This article will help you choose the IoT business model for market success.
135. How The Smart Office is Revolutionizing the Workplace
Smart offices are revolutionizing the workplace by introducing new technologies and tools that enable employees to be more productive and efficient.
136. Hands-On Project: Oh-My-Bill
The first exercise for my mentees was to draw on a piece of paper the interface that they see for this application.
137. How IoT Can Help Solve the Most Critical Global Waste Problems
Even though recycling and other waste management methods
such as waste-to-energy systems and commercial composting have been rising in popularity since the 1960s, still most of the waste ends up in a landfill. Most countries often do not deal with waste management as effectively as needed. According to statista.com, in 2017, the United States alone produced approximately 267.8 million tons of solid waste. Of that, some 139 million tons went to landfills, and only 67 million tons were recycled. However, in the future, cities are expected to achieve zero waste, reduce municipalities’ operational costs, and improve services to citizens, thanks to more efficient and smarter waste collection systems.
138. Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Business Strategy
Companies of all sizes and industries increasingly prioritize technological development in their business strategies.
139. Vecna and Ants Have a Lot in Common With the Internet of Things
Vecna and ants have a lot in common with the Internet of Things. Find out how as well as how organizations can drive digital transformation with IoT.
140. Embedded Systems & The Internet of Things (IoT)
Embedded systems play an important role in the Internet of Things ecosystem due to their specific purposes and the internet-connected networks they create.
141. Building Business Ecosystems Through an Open Edge (Part One)
In the rapidly-evolving technology landscape, competitive advantage is based on the ability to innovate rapidly and continuously improve an offering through software- and, increasingly, hardware-defined experiences, not to mention better services.
142. Building Business Ecosystems Through an Open Edge (Part Two)
Why an Open, Trusted Edge is Key to Realizing the True Potential of Digital Transformation
143. Creating Our Own Custom Messaging Solution for IoT Devices
The Internet of Things relies on the interoperation of network nodes. Integra created a custom technology that improved client-server interaction.
144. The Cost of Implementing IoT Solutions
In this article, you’ll find a detailed overview of the key factors affecting IoT price, as well as estimates of custom IoT systems from the ITRex portfolio.
145. The Complete Guide to IoT Update Management
Updating your Internet of Things (IoT) Devices can get very challenging, especially with networks of dozens of devices. Managing those updates is difficult.
146. Voice-Controlled Smart Gadgets: Let Them Find Your Devices
Have you lost your stuff again and trying to think where you placed it again? But thank God you have tile tracker placed on it. But still having trouble finding it? Well, it's not hard. Just ask Alexa to do it. Your detective in the house will help you solve the mystery of finding your item. In this article, we will discuss the spectacle of using Alexa to find your missing item with the help of ole tracker.
147. Interview with CEO of BreatheIO, Startup of the Year in Lahore Nominee
BreatheIO is nominated in HackerNoon's Startups of the Year Awards for Best Startup in Lahore.
148. 5 Reasons to Incorporate IoT in Fitness and Professional Sports
The sports sector leverages IoT development services to give athletes innovative ways to analyze and enhance their performance.
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