Let's learn about Teamwork via these 122 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
There's no I in team.
1. 5 Most Impactful Reasons Why Remote Teams Fall Apart
Why does remote work succeed in some teams yet fails in others? We will attempt to answer this question by examining why remote teams fail to begin with.
2. 7 Tips to Succeed in a Company as a Newbie
What can you do to stand out as a new employee in an organization.
3. Code Reviews: Tips On Getting More Feedback
Nobody leaving comments on your code reviews? Try out these 3 tips on getting eye balls on your pull requests
4. What Is Your Leadership Style
Leadership comes in many shapes and forms, sizes, titles or lack thereof, and has a profound impact on whoever and whatever follows. Google defines leadership as "the action of leading a group of people or an organization", and to lead as "organize and direct", "be the principal player of a group", or "set (a process) in motion" among many similar definitions.
5. DevOps Principles: Culture Vs. Tooling
One of the last questions asked in a DevOps interview is usually "so, what does DevOps mean to you?" I think this is a smart question, because DevOps is wildly misunderstood by the greater IT community. Some may answer that it's Continuous Integration and Releases, another may say it's having everything in Git, and the last might say that it's having tests available. All of these technical solutions do represent a key aspect of DevOps which is the tool chain, but it is the least important.
6. How To Get The Most Out The Pomodoro Technique To Be Highly Productive
Developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s, the Pomodoro technique calls for using a timer to break down work into 25-minute intervals separated by short 5-minute breaks. After four sessions of work, the Pomodoro technique prescribes a longer 30-minute break.
7. Talking to a Developer [Part 1]
Approaching a developer in the wild might seem intimidating. We have a bad habit of mixing words and phrases into our vocabulary that make us sound like Geordi La Forge geeking out on how warp engines function.
8. What Characteristics does a Team Need to Get to the "Super Bowl" Level?
To be the best of the best, Super Bowl championship teams need an elite level of consistency, trust, a culture of success, goals, measurement, and rewards.
9. What Makes You a Great Programmer on The Team?
Majority of software developers are aspired to be not only a competent professional but also a great one.
10. Healthy Conflict is Necessary in the Workplace
I have always been wowed by people’s irrational desire to avoid healthy conflicts at work. It seemed that their primary goal is not to achieve results but to treat each other politely. Everyone was super polite and courteous. We were not making pots and pans; we were celebrating the Day of Politeness.
11. Decentralizing the Office Space: Distributed Workplace is a New Norm
In recent years, remote working has become less of a concept and more of a reality. In lieu of traditional office space, full-time employees and freelancers alike are occupying home-offices, WeWork hot desks, and tables at their local life-source outlets (read: cafés selling coffee). Many progressive thinkers at the forefront of business forecasting, like Naval Ravikant, are professing that a digitally-facilitated, remote working environment is the next logical step for contemporary businesses looking to up their productivity output. However, is this just optimistic theorizing, or is there an actual basis for the distributed workplace to, well, work in the long-term?
12. Understanding the Tuckman Model of Team Development
Psychologist Bruce Tuckman described how teams move through stages known as forming, storming, norming, and performing, and adjourning.
13. 7 Most Valuable Soft Skills Of Exceptional Software Engineers
When we think about software engineering, we tend to think about the technical skill set of the professional first. And this makes sense because the skill set defines the quality of work that the software engineer can perform-and make no mistake, quality comes above everything in software development.
14. The Quintessential Work of Remote Developers
Building and supporting software does not require you to be in the office every day. Companies like GitLab, Digital Ocean, CircleCI, InVision, and Stripe have realized that remote work gives them a recruiting and productivity advantage over the competition.
15. Think of Your Startup as an Ecosystem
👆Photo by Markus Spiske
16. How to Hack Your Team: Top 5 Tools For Team Management Automation in 2021
Wondering how to increase your remote team's productivity? These tools will help.
17. How to Use Story Mapping to Define MVP Requirements and Align Teams
Over the course of my career, I have had the pleasure of building multiple products from scratch, and have collected some strategies that help the process of building a new product and lead to a highly productive and streamlined experience for all stakeholders involved. Story mapping is one of those.
18. Fun at Work Matters: Building a Company Culture
Having non-productive fun with colleagues at work is a great way of relaxing during work and getting to know the team.
19. What You Should Know Before Using the RACI Matrix: Benefits and Lessons Learned From Mistakes
RACI is a framework that helps to clarify who does what in a project.
20. 5 Rules for Effective Team Management in Post-covid Times
The following 5 rules of effective team management help develop our business not only in post-COVID times but in times of war in Ukraine as well.
21. Renato Preti, Innvo Digital CEO, On How Fulfilled Teams Drive Business Growth
Our main success metric is the satisfaction of our team. If our team is doing well and happy, the customers will be too and the company will continue to grow.
22. Secrets of Effective Collaboration With a Remote Team
Alexey Kataev, Head of Development at Skyeng, talks about running an efficient remote development team.
23. Daily Standup Meeting Is Wasting Your Time
Here is how I saved my team 2200 hours annually not to do it.
24. How to Develop Interpersonal Skills for Collaborative Work
New in office? Learn about the necessary skills required for effective teamwork, collaboration and develop interpersonal skills and excel in the workplace.
25. Why Does 'Startup Vision' Matter So Much?
There are hundreds of things that could possibly go wrong when you start your own thing. It surely is in the startup stage right now, but there is a clear difference between it growing big and dying out after a year. That difference is - The Vision.
26. Online Hackathon to Make the Web More Fun for the Billions Stuck at Home
If nothing else, we’ve learned by way of pandemic both the strength of our Internet and how many tools are left to build. As developers, we are in an exciting position to set the standards of our new normal and lay tracks toward the next frontier. This weekend, we are hosting our first Pioneer Hackathon, an attempt to provide community for those in isolation and a bit of prize-fueled, productive fun to fight global cabin fever.
27. How Bad Managers Work: 9 Signs of a Terrible Manager
If you have worked long enough, chances are you have encountered a bad manager yourself. What was it about them that irked you the most - were they unforgiving, critical, demanding, abusive, aggressive, neglectful, grumpy, lousy or plain inept? Was it their attention seeking behaviour, attitude to blame and insult others, inability to trust or lack of integrity that caused you the most mental agony.
28. Restcaperoom is an Interactive Exercise for Programmer Interviews
When you are looking to hire skilled programmers, how do you know if the person you are interviewing indeed has the capabilities he or she is talking about? Well, just let them show you!
29. Pass On with Care: How to Hand Over Your Work Before You Quit or Go on Holiday
When go on vacation or quit, you should ideally organize your work in a way that those who stay at work do not get lost in chaos. Here is a checklist for you
30. Why Team Building Matters - Winning Over Sceptics
Team building is not popular. One survey found 31% of workers dislike team-building activities. Perhaps many have been scarred by the forced fun of clumsy corporate team building events. But there’s real value there to be unlocked. How well a team communicates can be more important than how skilled its members are.
31. 7 Questions To Help You Find Out If Your Team Feels Psychologically Safe
Does your team have psychological safety? This may be a much more important question than you think. It may seem unintuitive but safety is a critical ingredient to unlocking your team's potential. Google certainly believes so, and Amy Edmondson at Harvard Business School agrees.
32. What is the Best Advice for First-Time Managers?
Learning to lead and manage teams are essential skills for anyone looking to advance their career.
33. New To Working From Home due to COVID-19? Here's How To Prepare
COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has resulted in many people to work from home. How do I remain productive at home?
34. Who Are You Writing That Code For Anyway?
Special thanks to a number of people who reviewed this article and gave useful feedback and suggestions to me: Anya Roltsch, Frank Schubert, Olga Hollister, Ravi Varshney, Ashansu Pant, Marcus Blankenship, Sandra Jones, Taylor Davenport.
35. How to Lose Employee Trust in 8 Easy Steps
Speak at length about the importance of a healthy work-life, but then send emails late in the night
36. Approach to design of information systems
One of the leading Free TON development teams - RSquad shares its experience in information systems design and teamwork
37. Keeping Our Ducks Aligned With Slack
A lot of remote teams start using Slack as a watering hole for getting everyone together to discuss what's going on and what'll happen next. Having all of these discussions happening in the #general channel is way too noisy. So teams start creating a bunch of random channels devoted to a specific purpose. Here are some of the channels we have at Hacker Noon.
38. Lessons From GitLab—A $1 Billion Business With 700 Remote Employees
A lot has changed since I shared my last article related on COVID-19 (the most recent strain of coronavirus), and how AI and Blockchain professionals and industry experts are tackling the crisis.
39. Explore Why You Should Keep a Growth Mindset in Interviews
In situations where we change or update the tech stack, the team will be required to learn new languages, frameworks, databases, etc.
40. What is DevOps and How Does it Influence the Digital Transformation of Companies?
When we talk about DevOps we mean the set of process automation practices in the software and IT departments. DevOps is a movement, or work philosophy, also defined as a culture of shared responsibility or systematic thinking, whose ultimate objective is none other than to work based on collaboration between members of the software development and IT / operations teams to achieve better and more agile results.
41. Are We Measuring Product Success Correctly? - Advice for PMs
Measuring success is an integral part of any company, without which we cannot operate a product in any way or form. Without measuring success, the whole product vision would simply be based on some deluded platform of presumptions and intuitions which may or may not be correct. However, the question is what constitutes as ‘success’ and what should be measured in calculating how close or far we are to this success?
42. Pro-Tip: Deliver Feedback as a Cop and Not as a Messenger
Annie leads the business operations platform engineering group within Square’s platform & infrastructure organization. Prior to Square, she worked at a number of startups across a spectrum of industries from consumer products to enterprise solutions, as well as a wide variety of teams from sales to engineering. Having worked with many different managers, she’s formed her own leadership philosophies.
43. Product Teams: Stop Estimating, Start Budgeting
Why do we so often ask teams to estimate in detail how much effort is required to build a product, and to that upfront? There’s evidence that this lead us to output-oriented thinking, premature optimization, bloat and generally a commitment to suboptimal solutions that are designed with too many assumptions and a lack of clarity on the problem space.
44. A Guide to Managing Your Agile Engineering Team
Tips to succeed at software Engineering Team Management
45. How To Keep the Spirit of Teamwork During the #Coronavirus Outbreak
The shock-wave caused by a coronavirus has already rolled around the globe several times. Today's businesses feel the growing anxiety and concerns about how it will impact all the processes.
46. How to Become the Greatest Leader of All Time: Tom Brady Style
One of the essential qualities to Tom Brady’s game is his leadership skills to get the maximum talent and productivity out of his teams to become the GOAT.
47. A Manual For Leading Scrum Teams To Maturity
If teams are not disciplined about the process, or not technically mature enough to actually deliver the work committed to a sprint, scrum processes are bound to fail.
48. 8 ways to communicate your ideas to your development team
57% of projects fail due to poor communication. To make a project successful, every team member should communicate with each other to be on the same page.
49. Same Product = Same Team: Myth or Fact?
The Scrum Guide is quite clear on one important thing: for one product there is only one Product Owner and only one Product Backlog:
50. How AI and Blockchain Startups Are Contributing to The Fight Against #Coronavirus
The new decade began with an unprecedented number of natural disasters, including Puerto Rico Earthquakes, Yemen Humanitarian Crisis, Australian Bushfires, Floods in Indonesia, the outbreak of coronavirus, and others.
51. What Are The Responsibilities Of Software Development Manager?
The definition and content of activities of the software development manager can vary widely.
52. What it's Like to Work with a Really Terrible Developer
If you’ve never had this experience you have my envy. You’re on a development team and one of the developers does sloppy work and there is nothing you can do about it.
53. 5 Tips To Help Your Employee Manage Their Work Effectively
"Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients and your business." – Richard Branson
54. Explaining Important Skills For Hero Developers Using Lego Bricks
Programming is like building Lego bricks. Any developer can pick a brand new Lego set and build it following the instructions. This is very easy. Think of it as coding school assignments or entry level tutorials.
55. How To Set and Track KPI Targets
A Key Performance Indicator, also known as KPI, is a value that can be estimated or measured, which shows the effectiveness of your business in meeting and exceeding its key objectives.
56. Successful Managers Are Shit Umbrellas: Leadership 101
From the desk of a brilliant weirdo #1: If you’re having a hard time getting your team on the same page, I want to let you know that you’re not alone.
57. Coda vs Notion: Which Should You Use?
Here's an unbiased comparison between Coda and Notion to help you make the best decision.
58. How Slack's Huddles Gave Us The Boost We Needed To Launch
Remote working makes it hard to have the spontaneity that offices can bring. Slack Huddles managed to bring that to one team's successful bid for ProductHunt
59. Teamwork and Collaboration: The Beauty of Being Replaceable
Through teamwork and collaboration, you can make yourself replaceable. This ensures the project stays stable and has benefits for you and for the team.
60. Be The Person Who Lifts Your Team Up, Please
I always ask myself this question — What is a good developer?
61. Detailed PMO Time Management Guide: Practical Productivity Hacks
This is a short guide from the Head of Project Management at Techstack, detailing practical steps for managing your time effectively.
62. 6 Practices Of How To Use Linters For Reducing Technical Debt
Technical debt is a common term in software engineering management. It has been the target of debates for many years. The name comes from a financial analogy because some people defend that developers buy time by shipping faster (and with lower-than-expected quality).
63. Customer Support 101: Encouraging The Voice of The Company
Customer Support is the team that keeps in touch with our clients. They deal with the requests and issues that connect our customers to the business — they are the bridge. Offering excellent customer support is as important as having a robust product. To lead this effort, Preply has recently hired a new Head of Support, Jean-Pascal Gribaudi. He used to manage a support team in Booking.com.
64. 12 Effective Communication Tips Every Software Engineer Should Imbibe
How to improve your communication skills as a software engineer and increase your effectivity
65. These Errors in One-on-One Meetings are Hurting Your Team
One-on-one meetings go wrong not because of lack of effort. They go wrong when you don’t pay attention to the little things that are needed to get them right.
66. 5 Ways Engineering Managers Can Motivate Individual Contributors
Want to inspire and motivate your individual contributors? Try setting clear goals and expectations, providing ongoing feedback and support, encouraging career
67. Leading the Pack: The Exciting Role of an Engineering Manager and How to Excel in It
An engineering manager is a technical leader responsible for managing and developing a team of engineers, ensuring quality output, and driving projects.
68. Can Your Team Be as Powerful as the Justice League?
Surround yourself with people much smarter than you, keep them happy, take care of them, let them know that you see them as important, amazing people, and they
69. How To Establish Better Governance
Recently, one of our Site Reliability Engineers (SRE) noticed a workload running in our cluster which he hasn’t seen before. The workload was consuming some resources and the SRE wanted to apply some updates to the cluster but was not sure who owns the workload, and doesn’t know if his updates would have an impact on it or not.
70. Brainstorming Rules, "How Might We.." Method, Team Warm-Ups, & Brainstorming Sessions
To prepare for brainstorming, it is necessary to gather a team, acquaint all the participants with the rules of brainstorming, and also prepare questions.
71. End The "Not Another Meeting" Discussions: There's A Better Way To Hold Efficient Meetings
It turns out there is a way to hold better meetings. If you want them to be more efficient and productive, there are a few simple things your meetings need to b
72. When an Employee's Pet Passes, Give Them Time and Space to Grieve
People who know my co-founder (and wife) Rena and me or who follow our cats and dogs on Instagram know we have a Gaffigan-esque number of four-legged family members.
73. Every Team is Made Up of These 4 Personality Types
The PDIG framework covers the way people work together.
74. HackerNoon and the Time We Took the 16 Personalities Test
A simple test can help you learn so much about your team...and yourself.
75. 5 Steps To Inspire Your Team to Success
For many leaders, recent progress can be difficult. It's not that we're not interested in performing at a high level and delivering the best results to our clients. Many of us ask ourselves:
76. Kindness Is A Hidden Engineering Superpower
Kindness is a hidden superpower for software engineers. It helps your peers feel safe so they can take risks that enable efficiency and honesty.
77. Engineering Teams Need Inspiration to Thrive and Succeed
We don’t deserve the team we can’t inspire. Camaraderie, purpose, and appreciation need to become our priority.
78. "They're The Ones Signing The Check..."
Signing the check
The good and the bad
79. How a Program Manager Can Estimate Items Too Early To Be Estimated
How to estimate work efforts that are not well-defined yet, but the business needs them.
80. Save Yourself the Headaches and Document Agreements the Right Way
Agreements are an essential part of software development. They lower development costs and make developers' lives easier. But there is a problem..
81. Virtual Corporate Events and Meetings as a New Trend in the HR Industry
A virtual human-centered environment personalized for the company’s culture and values is the future of remote team building.
82. Virtual Corporate Events and Meetings as a New Trend in the HR Industry
A virtual human-centered environment personalized for the company’s culture and values is the future of remote team building.
83. Three Amigos Teach Us a Lot About Writing Better Agile User Stories
Do you use the “Three Amigos” Agile strategy?
84. Learn How To Use Git Submodules on Practice
In this post we learn about concept of Submodules in git by actually troubleshooting a case of embedding multiple git repositories
85. The Four Cornerstones of Mindful Leadership
Mindfulness: Paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, without judgement.
86. Roles Of Support Are The New Normal
Are you being the best leader you can be? Is your leader effective? here are some useful tips on how to do better.
87. What to Do When Your Employees are Fighting in the Workplace
I have always enjoyed healthy disagreements about my own ideas and opinions at home and at work. They give me a peek into so many unique perspectives and help me see how different the world is around us. I do not agree with everything people say, but I am definitely open to hearing them around.
88. Hacking the Set Up of Your Scrum Team to Start Delivering Within 48 hours
The complete guide to hacking the setup of your scrum team and start delivering business value in 48 hours.
89. Why It is Important to Monitor Code Quality
Code is a book and what the reader gets out of this book will depend on how the code is written.
90. Remote Meetings Basics
Everyone does remote meetings nowadays! The culture has changed from having a room with people, drinking coffee, typing at their laptops and guiding discussions through the multitude of subject matters that they have to cover and resolve to… them doing the same thing BUT through their screens.
91. Importance of Safety In Workplace
Every single day, people head to work with the desires that they will have the option to finish their day by day undertakings liberated from accidents or some other wellbeing dangers. Positively, we as a whole have the right to work in protected and clean conditions. And keeping in mind that most organizations take measures to guarantee the wellbeing of their representatives, accidents will undoubtedly occur. In any case, there are approaches to guarantee that such accidents are limited and unfit to show genuine sick impacts.
92. Encourage your employees to submit a timesheet for increased productivity
Filling in and submit timesheets are tedious. Today there are timeless software and tools that capture all employee activities.
93. Startup Interview with Stefan Opsal, RendezView Co-founder
RendezView was nominated as one of the best startups in Honolulu in Startups of the Year hosted by HackerNoon.
94. How Collaborative Learning Can Help You Achieve Better Results
Collaborative learning is an approach based on the teamwork of the employees' group to achieve a joint purpose. Such an approach allows one to learn from the experience of others, helps to generate more ideas, as well as establishes a solid rapport within a company.
95. Ask These 5 Questions From Your Managers Every Month to 10X The Impact
The gap between how you view your behaviors and actions and how others perceive you is always huge.
96. Corporations Goes with Remote Devs: Skype, Slack, GitHub, MySQL cases
Full-fledged remote work has become a global trend. The trend of a remote team (virtual team) has become popular with top world companies such as Skype, Slack, Github, MySQL, Opera, Groove, and others. In the world, there are quite a lot of large companies operating completely remotely. Businesses that implement remote work policies see increased efficiency, productivity, and fulfillment from their employees. So why do companies choose remote or distributed teams for software development?
97. Ultimate Guide To Effective Team Collaboration
If you struggle with team collaboration, then this article will show you how to use 8 powerful team collaboration strategies to put your team on the same page.
98. Dissecting the Hive Mentality on the Internet
It feels like movie night almost, but more chaotic.
99. Secrets of High-Performing Teams: Part II
A robust DevOps team facilitates faster development of new products.
100. Scrum Vs. Waterfall: What is the Difference?
The software development market is gigantic and has a lot to offer us
101. Important Work Life Lessons on How to Effectively Manage an Existing Engineering Team
Use this advice to lead an existing engineering team to success, regardless of different coding languages or systems.
102. Only Data-Minded Marketers and Market-Minded Developers Can Achieve Data Driven Marketing
Using data as a part of your marketing plan can have a tremendous impact on your overall results, which is why data-driven marketing has become the standard for many agencies.
103. Tech Enablement in Management Consulting: Best Practices and Common Mistakes
Historically, management consulting companies have relied primarily on human capital to solve complex business challenges of their clients.
104. How A Tech Sergeant Can Make An Impact In Your Business
Military minds understand their armies are really only as good as their sergeants. Sure an army needs officers, but often lower ranking officers are usually young and inexperienced. Though they outrank the sergeant, they lack the experience of real world execution. The sergeant, the non-commissioned officer, is also a leader of men. Their paths to this leadership position can be a much longer slog doing the same work as the mainline enlisted.
105. How to Create a Remote Work Policy For Your Accounting Team During the COVID-19 Crisis
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the world to a standstill. With over 5 million global cases and counting, the medical professionals from all over the world have joined hands to find a vaccine. However, until that happens, the only precaution that can be taken is to stay at home.
106. Get Beyond Small Talk To Forming Meaningful Connections At Work
Striking up a conversation at work can be intimidating. We avoid eye contact, turn our heads away and pretend to be busy on our phones all in an attempt to save ourselves from the awkward moment of meeting someone and not sure what to say.
107. How to Create and Maintain Team Culture in the Remote Era
Remote work has become the norm. Developing a remote team culture is vital for organizations. This article tells us how to build and foster remote team culture.
108. One Simple Hack For Making Remote Work Great: Trust
Remote work is on everyone’s minds right now. If you are fortunate enough to still have a job right now chances are you are doing it remotely. And you’ve probably learned that you can do your job pretty well from home - just as well as you did in the office if not better. And why is that? It’s certainly not because of the added stress of a pandemic. Could it be because your management team actually trusts you to get it done?
109. Skyeng’s In-house Services: Doing More With Less
How We Accomplish More While Working Less
110. Keep Sharing Context: How to Enable Better and Faster Product Decisions
“So, what do you think?” — says the Product Manager after a product strategy presentation to his team
111. Successfully Change Collaborative Meetings With These Five Proven Methods of Facilitation
The five methods of facilitation I use to create collaborative meetings from over a decade of experience as a software engineering leader.
112. What Is Product Management And How It Can Help You Drive Growth
While product management enjoys unquestioned support in the world’s most successful tech companies, other organisations that could substantially benefit from product management are still yet to adopt and embrace the discipline. So, I want to go through why you need product management in your tech or digital organisation.
113. How to Cultivate a Collaborative Culture in a Team Using Well-defined Language
Navigating the culture of a team is more art than science. Let's explore how a team can communicate and collaborate effectively.
114. How to Help Team Members Adopt Research Insights Better
Have you ever delivered research insights to your team but never heard back?
115. To Trust or Not To Trust? That is the Question
Never Trusting Anybody, and the Impact it Had on Me
116. Team Productivity Doesn’t Have to Suffer When You Go Remote
So what to do when your remote team struggles with getting things done?
117. 7 Soft Skills You Need for 2023 and How to Develop Them
This post will share seven soft skills programmers can develop to position them for greater success in the new year.
118. Those That Work Together Win Together
Steve White | Working Together To Win Together
119. How to Build a Dream Team: Tips for CTO
Even though a group of individuals is called a team, they are not. People do not know exactly which direction they are going and may pursue different goals.
120. Team Building Activities In The Workplace Help To Establish Trust
Let’s take a look at some benefits of team building activities and games at the workplace.
121. How to Build a Startup? CTO, Freelancers, Agency?
You have a brilliant idea, but you have no idea how to build a startup. And you can’t code. You have 4 options:
122. Tested Strategies for New Managers: The Do’s and the Don’ts
After a year in people management roles, I discovered that people are the toughest part of it all. You can find perfect tools to automate your routine tasks or build fantastic processes causing you no trouble. You can get all other issues resolved, but the human factor will still be your biggest risk.
Thank you for checking out the 122 most read stories about Teamwork on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.